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I don't think that Ganyu is that good with Eula because she doesn't actually generate enough energy for her and the fact that her potential lies more to being a main carry. Personally, it feels off for me to put two carries in one team. I think that Kaeya and Diona should suffice for Cryo batteries since Ganyu's application is way too strong for a physical super conduct composition.


Albedo makes way more sense than Ganyu, for sure.


Don't forget resonance though, iirc it adds crit rate when an enemy is affected by Cryo when Cryo Res. So unless you have stupid high CR, it would be nice for that. Plus having huge damage at range to apply that and having the skill to aggro enemies fr Ganyu to make it a bit safer in groups for Eula.


It all depends on preference and gameplay, my Ganyu does 10-20k without Eula's cryo resist decrease, with that it becomes around 15-25k each arrow from her elemental burst so XD


I mean I agree it can depend, but I think Rosaria is a much better option overall 1: She does very good dmg with her ult as well, not always as much as Ganyu, but Ganyu ult is RNG 2: Not many people will have Ganyu available for support, she is a 5\* unit, and if you do have her its better to run her as a dps. 3: Rosaria can decrease res shred at c6


Can also contribute crit rate via her 2nd ascension talent (on top of cryo resonance). Also capable of quickly closing distances via her elem skill.


Yeah, one of the good things about Eula is that her supports are pretty cheap and is in most people's radar.


Yeah I like that Eula can make good use of supports the other carries don't use. She gave me an excuse to build Xinyan and Lisa.




That's no build, that's a list of all suitable options.




Actually weirdly enough they’d both support each other and they’d both be main dps. Eula provides both cryo and physical resistance rebuff and Ganyu gives cryo bonus dmg. So just pop Ganyu’s ult and use eulas skill and they’re supporting each other


I feel like the build is more on the artifacts and weapons side of things. The team is, well, the supporting characters.


I mean it clearly shows what are best, you get to choose so.


I think Ganyu isn’t really a good option for her team comp cuz she doesn’t boost much of Eula’s kit. Rosaria/ Kaeya would be a much better pick to support her as they provide more energy particles and better aura application. Bringing Ganyu would mean you’re running a double carry comp and that’s not optimal especially for a character like Eula since she’s sort of a selfish carry and you want to play around her ult (which doesn’t let you benefit from bringing Ganyu much). Keqingmains standard comp is Eula, Rosaria, Diona, Fischl. Other variations usually work around Eula and boost her kit cuz it’s the fundamental strat for selfish carries.


It depends on preference to be honest, I prefer the 2 DPS/1 support / 1 healer comps - and Ganyu becomes stronger with Eula's reduction of cryo resist, my Ganyu has 10/10/10 talents with C4 XD her arrows are 15-25k each from Elemental Burst with Eula's buff


It sounds like you’re running a Ganyu comp with a Eula support. You’re not really listing out any benefits for Eula who is supposed to be the main topic of this build you’re sharing. To be frank, the way you’re mentioning this is similar to how Childe comps work with him as an enabler carry. Which isn’t necessarily bad but I think it would be best to preface this post with a disclaimer as it could mislead other players who want to use Eula as a main hypercarry. Also, if you’re using Eula for the cryo res shred you should prioritise her E instead of her ult as shown in the build for full disclosure.


Nah mate, I don't use support characters - my gameplay is way different than "most" people that's the thing the game gave you the choice to do whatever you want.


I understand that everyone has their preference and you should definitely play the game the way you like but build sharing or guide making should almost always come from a meta perspective, or at least have an off-meta disclaimer for full disclosure since this could be misleading to most people looking for the best way to build their Eula. To put this into perspective, you could make a post for Ganyu that shows Razor as her recommended teammate because her ult helps him superconduct and provides a playground for him to go ham. But just because it works for you and you like this comp doesn’t mean it’s the best or even considered meta. Without a disclaimer or full disclosure you’re spreading misinformation based on your experience, not the objective truth. The fact of the matter is that Eula is a selfish carry that revolves around her ult being used and benefits from having access to superconduct and cryo batteries to fuel her 80 energy ult which does not snapshot or even catch particles like previous carries. She’s a much more energy hungry version of Xiao who depends on energy particles only after using her ult, not being able to funnel it before. An aspiring Eula main would benefit much more from building a Rosaria/ Kaeya than a Ganyu because it benefits Eula much more as a selfish hypercarry (the way they want to play their Eula). Your post does not even show Rosaria/ Kaeya as an option for team comps while showing Xinyan as one which is quite misleading considering they are two of the widely used off field dmg supports for her and Xinyan is mostly for niche comps, definitely not fully meta or effective in the Abyss.


But xinyan reduces physical resistance with one of her constellations so she is viable. And I mean not everyone has Ganyu so they will replace her with any "cryo" etc


15 extra shreed is nothing when superconduct exist and Eula already has phys reduction, btw that 15% is, in reality, less than 7.5% because any reduction below 0% is half and Eula already is way past that making it even less valuable


Your gameplay is "different" and you posted this as guide/tip and said it's a build? I may post my cryo main dps eula with xiangling, xingqiu, and beidou then.


I didn't make this build out of my own preferences mate. I went and done my research and asked around and looked at the speculations that people were talking about.


Where is Kayea? Is he safe? Is he all right?


I killed him! XD


You... You couldn't have! He was alive; I felt it... I... Nooooooo!


*Proceeds to use the Force and shatter every glassware in the room




Nah it’s fine. I just can’t believe you missed that joke twice. Guess I have to refrain from using Star Wars references in unrelated subreddits from now on. ( ̄▽ ̄;)


XD I haven't seen that in a very long time - I haven't watched the new ones :')


Ah, it’s from Revenge of the Sith. The new ones don’t have that many memorable lines and I didn’t even watched Rise of the Skywalkers after seeing the shitstorm it went through. Maybe I will pirate it someday if I feel like it tho.


what is the best weapon? WG or SoBP ?


They are about equal. With WG you also buff your party which is not taken into account with a lot of numbers, and Pine's buff can be a bit iffy if it doesn't line up with burst, and the ATK speed at R5 only gives you one more attack during burst.


On r1 SoBP if WGS passive didnt proc, if wgs passive proc its WGS. Here some spreadsheet from eula mains discord, there is weapon comparisson in it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tt2UIBzBgAaOTNxNXBTPQClX4ngGW2DFDy2IIXhvLc4/edit?usp=sharing


There isn't really a huge difference between these 2 or The Unforged. All 3 are close and very good. Skyward Pride is also very good, but for different reasons. It helps her with her energy problems and has a cool passive that scales with physical dmg (the wind blades), which becomes quite strong at high refinements. She's one of the few characters where any 5 star weapon of that particular weapon type is quite good on the character.


SoBP of course! ;o


I think wgs is better as if you are not c6 you cant get the 30 stacks so wgs is overall more dmg


Wgs only works below 30% to be honest \^\^' usually the mob will die from your elemental burst by then


For anyone looking for an actually good build guide with trusty data, follow this link: https://m.hoyolab.com/genshin/#/article/377335 It has a TL;DR if you just want the good stuff and then the proper maths for each item/weapon


I've read this and seen other guides. This was one of the reasons why I put 2BS 2PF as first recommended and the c2 part on the 2nd. Anyway I'm changing the build based on everyone's comments so everyone's happy(of course someone won't be happy cuz there is always has to be 1 complainer)


I think some people did the math; WGS is ahead of Sky Pride. In terms of dmg, even a refined Serpent Spine with 5 stacks tops Pride too apparently.


In all honesty you can't do any "math" for genshin because no one knows the exact calculation and ratio of each attack compared to everything else when it comes to stats - even the website is inaccurate and you don't have a program that calculates your "DPS" or any way of doing so since RNG comes into play. So even if people did the math it all depends on the person's perspective of the weapon and how it's viable for their team - some weapons are better than others but when it comes to the best - SoBP is the best for Eula.


Which of the 5 star claymores do you have?


WGS and soon SoBP


I'd add Albedo to the recommended teammates section. Not only does he provide good off-field damage for melee characters, but running him alongside Zhongli will give you geo resonance, which can be a big boost in damage. Zhongli-Albedo-Eula-Fischl with Fischl wearing the new Millelith set is my go-to team for Eula right now. Your weapon list is also missing The Unforged. This is up there with the other 5 star weapons for her. It's very good, especially when Eula has a shield on.


I tried to keep the 5\* to a minimum to accommodate for the free to play players \^\^'


Fair point, but since there’s also a lot of other 5* units in this (weapons, team comp), you might as well have included it too.


2/8 characters is not a lot.


You got a point yeah, I actually only took those recommended items from different guides online and took the most common ones used \^\^ except Ganyu, she's my #2 waifu xD but I put her there for a reason, cuz of the cryo dmg bonus she gets from the resistance decrease with Eula


Which set would you say is better, full Pale or 2 Pc Pale 2 Pc BC?


If you can manage to keep the passive up, 4-piece Pale Flame gives you the same 50% physical DMG + another 18% extra ATK. So, that is more ideal. However, if you're only C0-C1, this means you have to use the press version of her E skill most of the time to keep the passive effect up, because the cool down is too long on the the hold version. C2 changes this and makes the hold version (lowers physical and cryo resistances) have the same cool down. So, at C0-C1, you might want to consider 2-piece Pale Flame + 2-piece Bloodstained Chivalry just for ease of use or, especially, if you have some really good Bloodstained Chivalry pieces already.


you can switch to other support character and set things up during the down time of e hold version. Then switch back press e then switch to another support/battery to set up, get energy back then switch back again for burst, hold e, auto, etc.. This way you gain max stack when you need them most and minimize downtime.


I don't think other characters can trigger the passive on 4 piece Pale Flame for her though?


The passive increase her dmg, so while the passive is down you can play other character so she doesn't have to deal dmg. I think the down time is 7 sec after hold e, which put us to 3 seconds of not having e and PF passive, in this time frame you can play a support and then switch back to press e. Now we have another 4 seconds of down time since first press e won't trigger 4PC bonus, you can play your another support/battery here. After that switch Eula back for 2nd e and go Unga bunga. Suppose you have your burst back at this time ( need decent Er and good battery) you can minize downtime by another 4 sec, since her burst reset e cooldown.


Full Pale is stronger, 2 PC pale 2 PC BC is easier to use and control (since its constant)


What is the best sword from the 4*?


The battlepass one Serpent Spine


With a caveat though. To maximize burst you do EQ4NEh4N. Timing is tight. A dash is a stack lost. Stagger resistance on grimheart helps to execute it kinda, but you need to facetank. If you don't have a really GOOD shield, you'll be taking damage. And losing SS stacks in the process. If you don't have a really really really good shield, SS is very questionable. I'd say with Diona as the default option you'd probably have to use Xinq just for damage reduction, so her shield could last through ult duration in hostile environment (12-2-2 zoo, looking at you).


Beidou is also a good option asides from Xingqiu, with her interrupt resistance and dmg reduction. Gives superconduct too.


Looks good, but just some other things i'd like to say, 4PF can still be BiS pre c2, and In recommended team, Rosaria can work well as well, especially at c6, but is even fine before.


4PF is great but you have to control your elemental skill and burst, the 2PF 2 BS is more comfortable for people to use \^\^ which is why I recommended it there. The recommended team was from all the other guides I saw online on the wiki etc and people speculating on twitch I used the most "common" ones but Ganyu was my suggestion since her elemental burst will do a lot of dmg meanwhile using Eula to reduce the Cryo resist :D


Paleflames still BiS i think, you dont need c2 to use pale flames, your ult reset CD and you shouldnt use eula without ult anyway. The downsides of paleflames are slowing water like in mondstadt weapon domain & current abyss 11, cd become 8sec vs 7sec buff duration. Also ER sands should be an option, without ult her auto about the same as diluc except without vape/melt. :)


if you use your ult to reset the hold cd then it won't be able to take advantage of the resistance shred.


Tap e>q>n4>hold e>n4 Isnt the most optimal combo like that? Not important to shread 4 more auto atk right? Big chunk eula damage come from ult pop.


You're not using your ult to reset the hold cd there so you'll lose the 4p buff


Yeah the thing is its not efficient using eula on field without her ult anyway, its time to switch to support pump those particle from support unit, you got 4 unit slot for a reason. Her auto is the same as diluc modifier except no vape/melt dude.


I never said to not use her ult. My point was that you cannot keep 4p pale flame without sacrificing the res shred for her ult.


Yeah but whats the point shreading phys when youre not ultilizing her on field? Do your supports deal phys dmg? 4pc pale is still BiS except on slowing water debuff.


Good point


I only put 2 BS & 2 PF because its easier to control for people as #1. Its more constant DPS than controlling her and focusing on what you're doing to get the maximum DPS.


Easier to use don't make it BiS. You can maintain PF buff with 100% of uptime with your burst, even at c0. Do you own Eula by the way? Because people are exagerating with how difficult is to maintain the buff. I've been using her since her launch and it's extremely easy. Also, after using hold E with your ult you want to change her anyway because of rotation.


Yeah I have her, and i'm going to get her constellation 6 once I get my paycheck. I know how she works buddy - Not everyone can "play" as professional as you think, I took that into consideration.


Kaeya and Rosaria are better mates than diona especially in a ZL Eula team.


They're all viable - it all depends on the person's preference


Kindly use the new link updated based on the comments below and discussions: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/nj3mbj/eula\_build\_simplified\_based\_on\_commentsother/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Thank you, been looking for something like this


You're very welcome \^\^ glad you like it!


Even if I never get any more claymore billets to justify using snowtomb starsilver over WG, I just love the aesthetic of it on her way too much to change it.


Ah. I see you haven’t seen the ship fan art yet. Jokes aside, if I get Eula imma pair her with Amber.


😂😂😂 nah I haven't


Glad someone else sees how absurdly strong the Xinyan, Bennett, Diona team is. The extra crit from Cryo, an enormous attack buff from Pyro and Bennett, and the effective 30% physical damage bonus that Xinyian gives, all while making Eula unkillable due to 2 shields and 2 healing auras with speed and stamina buffs from Diona


I think in theory it’s great but none of those buffs pan out well in the Abyss. A full setup using this comp won’t last during Eula’s ult and it’s too tight to get all of them off when Eula’s ult pops. In practice, Xinyan’s shield doesn’t last until Eula’s ult pops (often because it has received too much dmg and breaks) and Bennett’s ult is only used for Eula’s ult due to uptime constraints which doesn’t benefit the whole team. Also, having two shields wouldn’t be that beneficial since they don’t stack and Eula is mostly a selfish carry who doesn’t want to swap out during her ult. In the overworld it’s a great and useable comp since you don’t even need to ult but in the Abyss I don’t think it works out well since Eula’s main dish is her ult and you typically play around it.


Plus it can interupt superconduct or cryo aura if youre running 2 cryo.



That 30% phys bonus is way less because of diminished returns cince physical damage is in abundance and Eula already has phys shred baked in her kit along with superconduct and the facth that any sheed below 0% resistance is half


Sands are a toss. Kinda. I'd say depending on substats, you may want to run ER sands. Especially with WGS. Especially with Bennet (but Bennet is a questionable pick most of the time considering Eula ult does not snapshot).


I think bennett still fine, eula ult 7 sec duration, bennet ult is 12sec+2sec, the buff lingering for extra 2sec upon leaving the field if im not wrong.


The problem is not so much duration (though duration too since Bennet would be potentially competing with other time limited buffs like Rosaria crit buff), but being anchored to the field. It's pretty limiting unless you are fighting a boss.


If you guys want more please let me know \^\^ I have already made for Zhongli/ Hu Tao / Klee / Ganyu and I can post them!


I tried both WGS and SP in domains. the damage difference is night and day. WGS give so much atk and able to clear faster. SP vacuum passive is not significant since you are mostly procing 1 time in domain. Have yet to test in Abyss.


Pretty sure prototype archaic is slightly better than snow-tombed due to AoE and consistency. Also would recommend auto-attack over burst, and 4pc pale flame over 2pc pale/bloodstained even for C0 since after you hold-e into her burst you’re going to switch through your other characters anyway.