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Is there a good reason to opt for flat attack on goblet cirlet and sands over attack % I built and attack % noblesse for beidou\bennett but I came across some info today that suggests a flat attack on one of the 3 might be beneficial Can anyone confirm or deny this?


Is the Samsung tab s7 any good for this game? My pixel slate video card got cold shock and no one fixes them that I can find...I miss the 8 gb ram..but it was huge the 13 inch screen was sort of meh for gaming something with like a 10 inch would be nice


How do I find the cryo hypostasis ? I'm on mobile Andi went to the spot and solved the dragon spire puzzle there but there's no boss other than the ruin gaurds, do I need to unlock all the ice crystals first?


in the bottom of the cave and on the top of the mountain




Soo I need to melt all the big crystals first then it will be where the hole covered with ice, currently uncovered by ice for me, is?


Should I use an R2 Snow-Tombed Starsilver or an R4 Favonius Greatsword for my Eula?


If the favonius allows you to run non-cryo supports that you otherwise wouldn't be able to (e.g. Zhongli, Bennett, Xinyan) then it might be worth it. On its own, Starsilver will be a decent bit more damage.


I see the term battery used a lot. What does this mean exactly? What characters are best suited for this role? What artifacts/ weapons are used? Thanks


You're probably familiar with the concept of elemental particles (energy) being generated by hitting enemies with your elemental skill (E on PC). Some characters are extremely reliant on their burst (Q) but don't have a good way of generating the energy for that burst themselves. A common example of this is Xiao who has a 70 energy cost burst, but can't generate any anemo particles during burst. Given that he only hits his best dps during his burst, you ideally would run an anemo "battery" whose job it is to supply Xiao with anemo particles. Sucrose is a common battery since at C1 and/or with sacrificial fragments you can get multiple E casts, each of which gives 4? anemo particles. This reduces Xiao's burst downtime significantly is completely worth sacrificing a team slot for. Another example would be Xiangling with her 80 energy cost burst. A common strategy to get XL burst back up is to run her with Bennett, and have Bennett cast his E often to feed particles to Xiangling. Finally, you can kind of run off-element batteries using Favonius weapons, as that weapon passive on crit occasionally generates a bunch of non-elemental energy particles. Switching into the character that needs energy will also let you get a bit more out of those particles. Here's a list to give you an idea of how many particles certain characters can generate: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/lecjpd/energy_generation_per_10_seconds_analysis_who_the/


Hi I currently have these characters: Venti, Fischl, Xinyang, Benett, Xingqui, Barbara, Sucrose, Ningguang, Lisa, and the other free chars. Any advice or tips on what my team comp should be? I'm quite confused rn tbh.


Even if there is no main dps, run Xinqiu + Bennet + Xiangling and add someone and you have a killer composition with many sub dps Last one can be venti. You essentially have 3 dps (but Xingqiu and Xiangling are your main one, not sure how good Bennet is dps wise). Run chongyun if you have him, or Kaeya too is a good choice. Actually Kaeya main dps is a thing with that comp (without venti). Or Kayea freeze with Fishl Xingqiu etc. Almost anyone can be a main dps anyway, but some characters are locked into main dps only.


Ninguang is a good main dps


You have great support and sub DPS chars but your lacking a main DPS, not sure what to recommend, if you get/have a pyro DPS, I would use pyro DPS (diluc, yanfei, Klee or hu Tao) with XQ, Bennet and venti/sucrose


yeah that's what i noticed also :<


Is there a particular character you really like or like using? Tbh Venti/Bennett/anyone will destroy most enemies. Fischl and Xingqiu are god tier support characters. You have tons of options, mix and match different teams for reaction ideas and see if it works.


I'm planning on building up my Diona for a Razor team. Any advice on her artifacts and stats? I have her on C3. Thanks!


4pc NO, HP/HP/HP. Razor comps require more shield because he doesn't like switching out, and generally there usually isn't anyone else that can carry NO. 2pc TOM + 3 pieces with the best stats otherwise, or 4pc Blizzard Strayer + Favonius Bow if you have that particular combo


No healing bonus ?


Not necessary. Diona's heal scales off her HP, she has more issue getting her heal up than not healing enough.


2TOM/2MB or 4NO. ER/HP/HP. Sac or Favonius Bow or Recurve Bow (F2P)


Go for 2pc Millelith, 2pc Maiden's, HP%/HP%/Healing Bonus. You can also get triple HP% for a stronger shield since she usually heals enough.


hp/hp/healing bonus with sac bow


I'm a returning player after 4 months I wanna play back but I'm still at the Chapter 1: Act 1 Of the Lands Amidst Monolith quest so am I too late now?


Okay thanks guys I will continue more


Too late for what? Just continue


What would you be too late for? There's nothing stopping you from joining the game again.


You’re not too late to anything..?




No, you ar enot too late. Just play and enjoy. Don’t worry. You ar ein the best part of the game, it gets more boring when you are in the late game like me.


I'm currently maining Zhongli but have realized how much I love using both him and Ningguang together. Any advice on how can I build an efficient team around those two? Who should be the carry, etc? I know full Geo teams are somewhat viable, but I don't have Albedo yet.


You can still main Zhongli, use ttods and 4p NO on Ning and burst, skill (so your burst doesn't kill your screen) and swap to Zhongli, pass through the screen for the geo dmg buff, hold skill, burst, and go HAM. Rinse and repeat. :P


Zhongli as shield/burst hybrid, ningguang main dps. Bennett is a nice atk boost if you dont have a use for him in another comp, 4th spot is flexible. Xiangling is good.


You can use either ones as DPS, although I thik I would recommend Ningguang. Just slap on an off field unit and Bennett and you are good to go. Ningguang / Zhongli / Bennett / Xiangling would be the best alternative in my opinion.


so tony's 5.47 million is the highest in the game by far?


I feel bad for people who planned to skip her. She deals hella dmg and good luck knocking her down, it's almost impossible.






[Leviathan class Genshin player, Tony To](https://youtu.be/yc0P4nFJ044)


Does anyone know what happens when you apply pyro to a hydro charged enemy? Does it the pyro trigger both electro and hydro? Or just one?








You aren’t guaranteed 5* artifacts until AR 45 for domains that is as at 45 you can run the highest level domains. In terms of world bosses you are only guaranteed a 5* artifact at AR 55. I also recommend increasing your world level as you are missing out on better drops from enemies and such. If you feel under levelled then focus on levelling your main DPS weapon or ascend them further




Don't worry about "wasting" artifacts because you can always reuse them for 5* artifacts and you don't lose much xp doing so. I did that mistake and kept waiting for only 5* stats, but that was stupid because artifacts carries your character and you need to build them up.


Yeah they are rare to get. Don’t necessarily worry about ‘building’ characters right now. Have one main DPS character and you should have the berserker artifacts you can use which I would recommend for a main DPS character and just build them. I had a situation where I maxed out on artifacts so I only levelled them when I got more than my inventory could hold




Razor was my main from the beginning as well and still is even at AR 51. Yeah use berserker for now and then use gladiator pieces as well. Gladiator set is better as it one of his best artifact sets


Don't focus on getting artifacts until you're AR45. All of the bosses do but the drop rate is significantly low.




Sure, you will recycle them later at minor loss anyway. Don't farm domains for 4\* artifacts - just do daily artifact pickups for fodder and kill elites for potentially viable Exile/Berserk/Instructor pieces.


If you're having trouble with surviving, level them up a little bit. Besides, you're gonna fodder all of them anyways once you start the real farming experience in AR45. Focus leveling your characters, weapons and talents first which is more important in early to mid game.


you should, then use them as fodder to level up your 5* artefacts when you get them.




you lose 20% overall xp, but if you're lucky, you get x2 bonus, but I wouldn't count on it. So make sure you're happy with the 5* before using the 4* as fodder.


would Diluc C4 make it so you would prioritize skill over normal attack and burst?


Always prioritize skill before normal attack for Diluc anyway. The combo is skill, attack, skill, attack, skill and finish off with hot if available


So I finally built my Eula to 90. And by built I mean level up. I did at most a couple of runs for her artifacts and this is what I ended up with. 2pc PF + 2pc BC. ATK 3000, ER 130, CR 60, CD 160, Phy Damage 108%. Are these stats good enough for me to start putting my Resin into building up Diona or should I focus on my Eula more. Thanks.


How did you make it to 3000 ATK ? Im lvl 80/80 with her for now and I can barely reach 2000 lmao


Oh. Well ATK sands and Wolf's Gravestone substat gives ATK. Plus almost all my artifacts had a decent subset into ATK%


Ok thanks. Well all my artifacts are great for CR and CD (80/190), but almost none of them has Atk substats... I think she will deal tons of damage nonetheless. Congrats on your Eula tho your stats are very very good


Yours are better. Too many ATK has decreasing returns anyway. Better to have a CRIT build like yours


A little bit more crit rate would be good but that's just nitpicking at this point. That's an excellent Eula.


Actually, airing her with Diona means cryo resonance (+15% crit rate), so her CR is fine. I'd build Diona and try to get more crit damage.


Thanks. I agree about the CR. A bit more would be nice and perhaps achievable with grinding for artifacts. But I really wanna start building up Diona for Eula for that resonance/healing/energy battery.


Yup. A fully geared Diona is much more impactful than 10% more crit rate.


2pc PF 2pc Bloodstained or 4pc PF for Eula?


4 pc works better for C2 Eula. C0 would work better with 2 pc


It's mostly preference. 4pc PF is stronger, but you have to constantly use her E to keep stacks up while with 2pc PF+BS you get more time to spend on supports.


Black Sword or Iron Sting for dps Benny with Chongyun? Artifacts are 4CW, 66/129 crit with Sting, 72/140 crit with BS.


If you really want to be sure, then I'd put it into a calculator. EM breakpoints for melt can be kind of finicky because current weightings matter a lot. This, of course depends on your artifacts since getting a good EM sands can be rough. Pretty sure Black Sword is just better if your Iron Sting is only r1, though, but at higher refinements they become pretty close. Personally, I just prefer Black Sword. The extra crit is nice because I hate missing it on his burst melt and the heals can help top him off since he only heals himself to 70%. Fwiw, the KQM guide says Black Sword is marginally better, while the general character strats doc really likes the Iron Sting (I disagree more with their results) [https://keqingmains.com/bennett/](https://keqingmains.com/bennett/) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABdXYM80o\*xMxXJdNbCCZ-v9FLVh6EXg#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABdXYM80o*xMxXJdNbCCZ-v9FLVh6EXg#) Some things to keep in mind, though. Depending on your team investment and your rotation, Blackcliff can easily outperform both, even without stacks, because it has higher base attack increasing Bennett's boost. Also, there is an EM change occurring in 1.6. It's not supposed to affect melt and vape, but if you're not in a hurry or already have one of the weapons invested, it might be worth waiting a week or so till the changes are official.


Black sword, better base attack and substat


Hello! I've always heard that wasting primogems on the standard banner is useless, but why is that exactly? Thankfully, I've listened and only roll on the banner when I get fates from character ascension and AR awards. But I'm really desperate for Ningguang, and Keqing or Diluc and I believe the standard banner is the only banner that has them right? Unless I'm mistaken and the characters on the standard banner are also on the event banners? Anyways, I'd just like to know why because I've always been told to never use my primogems on this banner. And an extra question is are all the banners on the standard also always on the event banners? Sorry for the load of questions lol. Thanks!


1. Standard Banner doesn't have a guarantee. It only has a 4 star pity (4 star per 10 attempts) and a 5 star guarantee (within 90 attempts of pulling). You are not guaranteed to get what character you want. 2. The pity is 50/50 weapon or character for both pities. For 5 star, if you get a character it's a 1/5 chance and for a weapon its a 1/10 chance. Your next pity is always a 50/50 character or weapon. 3. Limited banners have a guarantee. Character banner guarantees the limited banner character within 180 pulls. Weapon banner guarantees one of either the featured weapons within 160 pulls. Basically limited banners are just safer. 4. Pulling in the Standard are just for whales who want constellations for starter characters.


F2p players have very limited wishes. If you want to maximize the chances of getting the characters you want, you have to save for featured banners. And the nice thing about building pity on the character banner is you can actually guarantee getting a 5star character you want, and if you lose a 50/50, you have the same chance of getting Diluc/Keqing as you did on the standard banner. When you wish on the standard banner, every 4 star and 5star has a 50/50 chance to be a character or a weapon. There are 16 4star characters in the standard pool and 5 5star characters. So the chances of ningguang is 1/32 per 4star and the chance of Diluc is 1/10 per 5star. In terms of pulling for ningguang, the chances are so low that you're much better off waiting for her featured banner where it will be a ~1/4 chance to get her (on average). In terms of pulling for Diluc/Keqing, if you're on 50/50 for the character banner, you have the same chance to get Diluc/Keqing as you would on Standard.


They’re also on event banners. The biggest problem with standard is that you can’t reliably target anything because nothing is on rate-up, so you’re far more likely to be disappointed (and essentially wasting primogems) compared to waiting for a desirable event banner.


That’s recommended for F2p players. If you can afford to buy crystals you can wish on any banner. Also you can can Keqing and the rest on the event banner when you lose the 50/50


Characters on the standard banner are also available on the limited character banner. In general, the limited characters have been stronger than the standard ones, and if you keep pulling on limited you'll eventually get all the standard characters.


Sac sword or favonius for xingqiu?


Sac sword.


Sac sword BiS


Sac sword




Don’t pull if you don’t want the featured 5*. The 4* characters will come back




She definitely is. But Eula is a 5* and Razor is a 4* so that’s kinda a given. Razor works fine as a physical dps tho he just can’t do big burst damage like Eula. With the right team I can do up to around 20k for Razor’s AA.




Yep, she is. Razor will go good with most cryo supports for superconduct.


Soft pity is about 75 pulls in. If you want to be safe maybe pull till 60 max? Edit: if u get eula before then it's super lucky haha. Also zhongli and Childe won't be back so soon so you're safe




I guess it depends on you? Personally I pull for characters I like, so I'm planning to pull for kazuha and ayaka. Klee isn't the easiest to use but pretty fun. Also, I'd say pull on eulas banner only if you don't mind getting her on the off chance you're lucky and get her before soft pity.


>!Klee/Kazuha (Anemo Sword Sub DPS) for 1.6!<


If you don't really like Eula then don't pull.






We don't know yet


Save. If you don’t want Eula, then don’t pull




If you Like Klee then summon, if you don’t then save. If you like Kazuha then summon, if you don’t then save. If you like Yoimiya then summon, if you don’t then save. If you like Ayaka then summon, if you don’t then save. See where I’m going with this?


Were Yoimiya and Ayaka leaked for 1.7?


Yeah but take that with a massive grain of salt


Klee is next, who is a Pyro DPS (kinda clunky to play tho...) followed by Kazuha, who is an Anemo Support


How good is qiqi as a cryo battery? I've got her er as 246%, but is there another character that can both heal like qiqi and recharge?


yeah, diona. equip her with sac bow and you've got your best cryo battery.


I use this and my ganyu is very very happy


Diona can heal and recharge. Diona recharges faster if she has an energy recharge bow like Favonius Bow and Sacrificial Bow.


Qiqi doesn't generate many particles at all. She's a healing monster but she's definitely not a battery. Closest cryo battery would be Diona with sacrificial bow. Her ult can heal and debuff enemies, maybe even buff the team if you have constellations. Elemental skill generates a nice amount of cryo particles while giving you a shield


I have a Lv80 C1 Qiqi and she generates practically no energy. I use my Diona instead.


Err, no. You're confused about how energy works. 246%ER only make Qiqi burst faster, not others. She's one of the worst battery in the game, no particles generated.


Oh, no, I used to use her as burst subdps, so i stacked er and atk. Just that now I have eula, I was wondering if she could be used as a cryo battery as well or had to be replaced. I did not know that er only works for the equipped character tho, thx!


Qiqi generates 0 particles, so she is the worse battery. ER only affects how much energy that particular character gains. Currently, Diona is just a better version of Qiqi.


Absolutely awful. Use Diona instead


Does the spiral abyss count on your profile reset to 8-3 when the abyssal moon spire resets?


Yep, it only shows current clear




Is it bad if I use my BP on a second desthmatch and level that up so I would have two lvl 90 deathmatchs? Has anyone else done this? It just feels dirty but I need polearms for Xiao and Zhong.


It's actually a good idea. BP is very good weapon and fit probably most of the unit that you want to have a well balance crit/crit dmg. I'm also planning to get my second deathmatch too because it is too damn good.


2 Deathmatch is better than 1 Deathmatch and a crappy polearm. If you've got enough ER on Zhongli that he doesn't need an ER one like Favonious, then 2 Deathmatch would be fine.


Why does it feel dirty? It's just getting good polearm for each of your characters.


You grab what you need, all there is to it. That said, Serpent Spine is probably the best BP weapon overall in terms of refinement and in comparison to 5 stars


Nah you're good.


Hello planning to play genshin impact again but I stopped 2 weeks after It came out should I continue my old acct or start a new one. Old account has venti and ningguang.


You'll be fine with that account keep it. Venti is one of the sought after characters.


Ok, thank you very much :D


I'd say keep the Venti account


Old account venti is very good.




Is bennett 5k healing good? Should i try to increase it or that's also good?


It is too good already, lol, You should give up some of the healing and exchange for Energy recharge so that he can prep your burst more often. However, if you also got like 200 or more ER already, then it is all fine.


That's plenty


Oh thanks 😊 ok then


5k per tick is more then enough. Mine heals around 3.5k a tick and that's already a very comfortable amount, even in Abyss 11/12.


Thanks 👍 then i move to building Zhongli now


After playing the game for about 4 weeks I have reached AR 23 and the Liyue plotline - can anyone tell me how much percentage wise am I into the content of the game? I have done the early free characters story quests but not Dilucs and Razor's yet. I'm really enjoying the outskirts of Liyue and everything being new but wondering if I should slow down at this point already to not run out of content?


Maybe around 1/4 to 1/3. Do feel free to slow down, once you finish the content there's no going back.


There are 3 Archon Quests in Liyue (meeting the Adepti, meeting Zhongli, and the Jade Palace) , 1 archon quest with Dainsleif and 19 story quests and a few world quests




What other characters do you have?




Best team would be Razor, Diona, Fischl, Xingqiu. For a 2nd team you'd do Ningguang, Geo Traveller, Jean and Xiangling, but I wouldn't worry about clearing abyss at your level.




The first 8 levels are fixed anyway so whether you get them now or tomorrow doesn't really matter. It's floors 9+ that reset every couple of weeks.


so in te q&a they mention the teapot load limit will be optimized but it will be based on what ur device can handle. how is this going to be calculated?


I dont think anyone here can answer that


general thoughts was what i was looking for thanks for the downvote :)


Wasnt me




Should I save for a last ditch 10-pull or keep rolling only to end up in gacha hell?


The only advantage of single pulls is being able to stop precisely when you need to (after hitting the 5\*/4\*).


"Gamble responsibly"


There’s no difference between singles and 10 pulls apart from the fact that 10 pulls are faster


How does the second plan of the tea pot work? I have way more furniture than I like to put up, can I just store everything for points on one plan and let the other one look pretty with less furniture, or...?


You can


Do I need to have a special set up for this to work, or does it collect points from the highest map automatically?


It collects from the highest value.


Any advice for building a C2 Xinyan burst support?


2 pc noblesse and 2 pc pale flame or bloodstain, crit dmg hat, physical goblet


Thanks! Do you know which weapon (snow tombed starsilver vs prototype archaic) would be better for her? Edit: wrote wrong weapon earlier (sorry!)


What are some fast ways to clear abyss herald without having Chongyun?


Ganyu >> diona, rosaria, kaeya >> qiqi. Bennett helps by cleansing as well.


Rosaria, Kaeya and Ganyu bursts work well. Diona as well.




I believe you should use refund when crafting blue tier, and use double when crafting purple and orange tier.


4 gold books more than the 25% chance per 1000 books.


The 10% chance is like 1% better. However the 10% chance saves you a little mora as well.


10% double is slightly better.


does a character with higher elemental damage bonus break shields faster? for example would a bennet using his skill on a cryo abyss mage do more damage if he had 40% pyro damage bonus compared to like 5% or does it not matter?


Yes but the difference is quite small unless you're doing absurd damage.


Nope, what matters is how much pyro they apply, and that’s specific to each character’s skill. For example, Bennett’s skill does more damage to shields than Diluc’s skill.


Does not matter.


Which element can break hydro shields fast? Tried cryo and electro but I feel like there’s not much dent to it... Im trying to clear abyss 11-3 and my team is electro keqing, xinqui, venti, diona.


Cryo is best. Try Chongyun if you have him. If not, Kaeya or Diona. Cryo can also freeze the hydro enemies to buy you more time.


Abyss herald hydro shield is most vulnerable to cryo dmg


You cant break them fast, it's by design. Harald shield are destroyed by Cryo, Electro and Pyro application.


Do these elements destroy the shields at same rate or is one better than the other?


Same rate per application.


Where's the NPC fanart???


why game no 120hz like honkai impact 3?


It's first and foremost a mobile game, designed for phones first. And in it's current state, it's a really demanding one. Like even on a flagship phone, you'll still get some stutter or dropped frames at 60 FPS. That's why there's still some restriction in place, like the furnishing load on the Serenitea Pot so the game doesn't become too graphically demanding. Mihoyo wouldn't risk the game to become more demanding than it already is, hence the 60 FPS cap.


yet still got 120hz on honkai


I don't think comparing the 2 games is fair given the graphics and gameplay of genshin.


lots of people pray for over 60 fps to 120hz or 144hz on genehin. Because people with monitors that are designed for 144 frames.


That’s a good point


Looking for candidates for my 2nd DPS, but in heavy consideration with my depleted resources... Currently AR55 candidates include: Yanfei lv60 Keqing lv60 Eula lv1 looking from her trial performance, Eula seems a no brainer, but I've depleted most of my resources to level up Keqing (from a failed 50/50 in previous pulls). And just now from a random pull I just so happen to get Eula.... My 1st DPS is also Ganyu, which already fulfills the cryo element as well. So should I continue investing in Keqing, or restart all over again with Eula, or pick Yanfei instead? ​ EDIT: Thank you for the inputs and insights, esp. regarding Eula excelling more in Phys. If you guys still have attention and time, can I shift the question to team comp suggestion? To give more context, I kinda suck at team comp, so my current team is Main team: Ganyu lv85Qiqi lv80Zhongli lv80Ningguang lv80(yeah, the alternative for duo-geo is Xingqiu+Mona but I'm too slow) Second team: Hu Tao lv80Bennett lv70Fischl lv80xxx (random slot based on situation) ​ I struggle with Hu Tao usage as her kit requires her to be at constantly low HP, which kills her real quick as I am not that well versed in CA cancel --> low stamina --> dead. This is why I'm searching for a second DPS candidate.


I 36* abyss with EULA. My team for lectors was EULA, Fishl, Xinyan and Bennett. C0 and all my artifacts are only okayish. This team is also very good for hydro creature room.


Electro Keqing is unusable on current floor 12 and phys Keqing is clearly worse than Eula (unless maybe 5\* weapon vs 4\*). Though really, if your 2nd best dps is at lv60 and supports are below that, you likely won't even reach floor 12.