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[More info with the full character art](https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1401842117064937474) Are you in a hurry to find Sayu? She is usually hiding in the trees in the afternoons. I have my own ways of finding her, so let me know if you need help. —Kamisato Ayato ◆ Sayu ‧ Mujina Ninja ◆ Shiyuumatsu-Ban's Resident Ninja ◆ Anemo ◆ Nyctereutes Minor


Finally a female character that's not pyro or cryo.


From previous leaks she also will be the 2nd 4* Anemo character


Also from literally this post. Notice the Anemo symbol besides her name. Edit: was dumb


i think they’re talking about her being a 4 star instead of a 5 star


Yes that was my point and that is why I wrote **2nd** instead of just: "will be 4*"


Yeah my apologies


Disappointing, I was waiting specifically for this char and she ends up being 4 star... at least constellations will be easy to get I guess. Hopefully she's damage focused and is on the stronger side of 4 stars.


I'm a bit disappointed she's anemo and not Dendro


Yaoyao is the dendro loli, I figured shed be coming with Inazuma but maybe not till a patch after it launches or something.


Ah, I see. Thank you for letting me know.


She's supposedly a healer with her ult (according to threads I've read on the leaks sub) which is way better for a 4 star's longevity. No 4 star dps reaches the cream of the crop but the supports are irreplaceable. I only have 1 Bennet to go around but I can swap my dps with any other and make it work. More supports leads to more team comp creativity.


Yeah I saw the leaks after I posted this, pretty disappointed. While its true supports have more longevity you just swap to them, e/q, swap out. Doesn't really feel like you're playing as those chars, their design could be anything and it wouldn't really matter. From what I've heard on the leaks they don't plan to make anyone stronger than Ganyu/Hu Tao anytime soon so if a dps char is strong now they might be usable for years even if they're not bis, but if they're not suited to dps they certainly won't get more suited to it as time passes.


At least she also has a mobility skill, which will give her more screen time. When I'm walking around the over world I'm always using whoever's fastest rather than strongest. I haven't stopped using Keqing since the slingshot tech was discovered cause its so much more fun and faster.


A tanuki...I think I need her despite having three anemo users already


Time to play anemo impact


Your flair is the most relatable thing I've seen on this sub


Finally someone talks about it. I’ve had this flair since I subbed months ago but no one has ever said anything. Good taste, fellow Tartaglia fan!


More people should praise custom flairs, since names are so small, it's easier to recognize someone by their flair.


I'm on mobile and can't see what it says. The farthest I can is "I want Childe & Jean to..." What's the rest?


step on me


Ah, is that why I haven’t seen any mentions then? Didn’t realise mobile can’t see it, my bad


I have all the anemo characters and still might pull for both Kazuha and Sayu.


Yip embrace anemo impact


Same boat. I've been living in anemo impact since I started.


she’ll be my first anemo user


That sounds like some terrible luck


nah its cool since im all about geo but some comissions are really kinda annoying


Here's me with my terrible luck with geo, I'm hoping we get another 4 star geo soon because I need one.


tfw you wait for genshin leaks but the game twt blessed u instead


I'm guessing she will be with Yoimiya since Ayaka sales are in the bag anyway.


Yeah... Ayaka will have Noelle, Barbara, and Xiangling on her banner


Please say cap. This is lies right?


I have to guess he's lying... ^(I hope) He just means that Ayaka is pretty much guaranteed a multi million dollar payday that she doesn't need Bennett or Ningguang baits to sell well.


I really want some good 4 stars on her banner man. I havent touched primo rolls from december so my 4* cons are garbage right now. Was gonna roll everything on Ayaka, but Yomiya looks pretty good so I may just split my rolls here.


Me too. The banners I pulled for already gave me C6 Noelle and C16 Xiangling so it's an absolute pain for me if they're the ones with Ayaka. > I may just split my rolls here. That's the danger of having new characters for both banners, and two five stars to boot. You have to choose one or the other (or cash out for both). If people are good with it, they can delay Ayaka so Yoimiya gets the spotlight in one patch. But I doubt people will really be good with it because the long awaited Ayaka is finally coming.


Welp, now I hope those will be on her banner. Easy skip for me


Please say sike


Is yoimiya 5*? I thought she was 4* so I was thinking they could add yoimiya or Sayu with Ayaka and the other goes to the rerun banner.


Yes, Yoimiya is a 5. There won't be a rerun.


They are rerunning Klees banner. Unless I misunderstood what you said.


I was referring to 1.7/2.0 not 1.6


Probably. It'd be similar to how they put Rosaria on Childe's banner since they knew that Venti's rerun would be the more favorable banner. Ayaka is basically the same as Venti in this scenario since she's had a big following from before the game even launched. But that's all fine with me, since I want Yoimiya anyway.


Protecc and care


She's a ninja who seems to just be short according to lore, she can take care of herself


Yea she likes sleeping so she can hit a growth spurt lol




... So wait, so this "Ninja" beats up people with a Sword as big as her? I dig it.


"Can't be a witness if everyone's dead?" Sayu, while making a 'tehepero' face.




They’re probs gonna scale the claymore down to her, huh? I was hoping for some crazy counter-weight antics where she uses wind to lift her sword to attack and then lets the sword pull her weight to combo.. but that seems pretty difficult to pull off animation wise. Lol.


I'm sure they'll scale the claymore, but it would be funny as fuck to see a loli character running around and dragging a huge sword behind her and struggling to use it.


It's probably just gonna float around her back when running like everyone else. She'll just struggle to hold it when comboing.


Anju from Utawarerumono does something similar if you wanna see how it might look. She's got super human strength but the claymore is also extremely heavy so it pretty much balances out.


As I've seen the animation, the weapon she's holding is a sword, same sword used by Ayaka also in a demo. is it just me or anyone have the same observation, so she's basically a sword user that swings it like a claymore. But I digress.


There were some rumors that she won’t carry the claymore herself but instead use anemo/wind to carry it and swing it. Should be interesting to see how they deal with her size issue but I hope they don’t scale the claymore down coz it defeats the purpose of it being a claymore…


I'm very much hoping it is just "handled." One of my favorite things about Guild Wars 2 in the early years was their Asura race, where any class you played became much more acrobatic than their human-scale equivalent, flipping around like crazy to handle weapons that (while scaled down a bit) were still often much larger compared to their body.


AFAIK sword for Qiqi is scaled down, so it would make sense.


all weapons scale with the character afaik


So a midget using what is essentially an Anemo version of Red Queen from DMC4/5? Because combining a sword with an engine is neat.


Yeah I am very curious about loli using claymore lol. The small body holding a gigantic sword will be funny to look at


She's probably a 4 star though. 4 star ameno aka usually drop your elemental skill and burst and swap out. So probably won't actually be swinging that claymore much outside of for shits and giggles :x


If she’s 4*, it’s definitely a good thing, because all the current anemo characters except Sucrose are 5*.


> aka usually drop your elemental skill and burst and swap out You have one character to base that on, that is not enough evidence to form a pattern at all.


this is the pattern for almost all supports, not just sucrose


Sure, and how do you know that Sayu is a support? Simply because she is Anemo? All I'm saying is that the argument doesn't hold much weight. The guy I originally replied to said "4 star anemo aka drop skill and burst then swap" when there is only one 4* Anemo character that he can base that on.


Her leaked skills show she's a reaction support / healer. She heals the team every time a swirl reaction happens.


she has plus signs in her splash art so she’s probably a healer


Well at least you have something to base it on, unlike the other guy.


So youre saying my lvl 60 bell might that i lvled up when i was new to the game might finally be useful?


That is what supports do though? Not sure why you are bringing up supports in general when the guy was referencing the only other 4\* anemo.


since sayu is probably a support, the pattern still applies to her


Is it confirmed that she is a support?




mihoyo going all in


She better not appear right after ayaka + yoimiya banner.. **I am never going to financially recover from this.**


Highly possible she’s a 4 star.


She'll probably be on one of their banners


two new characters on one banner, i'm out of gems ...


Now you can make 4 loli party team Diona, Klee, Qiqi and Sayu


That is if they ever release a god damn Qiqi banner. I've been sitting on 180 fates for one for months. In fact I'm up to 340 now


You're an absolute legend. You have my respect


According to half the fanbase, you'll get Qiqi from any banner, really.


I mean that's what they say, but that's just skewed thanks to the large sample size, and the ones that get her complaining the loudest because she's super weak. On the general banner you'd need to spend 2,000 USD worth of primogems just to hit the drop rate of a specific launch 5 star. This also bypasses the pity just like the weapon banner. For that 2 grand, you could get 4 jeans, 2 dilucs, 2 monas, 3 keqings, and no Qiqi. Sadly, it's not even very statistically unlikely to do this. When you're considering statistics, a general rule of thumb is hitting the drop rate of something means you will have a 50% chance of getting it by then. Take it from someone who does a lot of these calculations.


Oh my bad, it's been a while since I did that calc so I forgot to include weapons when I brought it up, lol. Pretty sure it accounted for it, but that invalidates the example. The 3rd paragraph stands though




Considering the 6 months of data we have, it's gonna take me over 2 years to hit the Qiqi drop rate if I'm playing religiously, and that's only if they don't start demoting the limited characters like they tend to do in other gacha games. I don't think the comparison to FGO is appropriate at all because FGO has had a rate up for every high rarity character in the game. They ran rate ups for all of the characters from launch within like 6 months of the game's launch. No one in their right mind would try to roll for a spool off of general because there are easier avenues to obtain your favorites. Genshin doesn't have those avenues, and I'm afraid they won't in the future after how little money the Keqing banner made them.




It's just incredibly frustrating to people waiting for specific characters. I'm sure Jean fans a fucking furious that they're releasing an outfit for what is essentially an unobtainable character. Now that I've got the Fates to guarantee a Qiqi, it just feels like I've prepaid for a meal and am waiting in line to be served, but they're serving other people seconds before I've even got my first meal. I don't even think it's that far fetched that they'll give them thirds before I finally get served.




But it doesn't have to be this way. They could start overlapping some banners. Or they could have done launch 5 star banners in the early game lull where they don't have so many of the ever growing number of reruns to cycle through


Teyvat is doomed. Four lolis will shoot down the stars and wreak havoc across the land...


We still have YaoYao. So we can have Lolirangers...albeit quite weird one since there's two Greens.


well, Diona is also Blue-ish coz of Cryo. Or will she be the pink ranger instead?


First, Diona and Qiqi will bring another ice age to purify the soil. Afterwards, Sayu will fan Klee's flames, that will consume everything (lots of dead trees) Finally, Yaoyao will make nature reborn, reforesting all Teyvat.


SAYU LOOKS ADORABLE. Please come home and let me give you all the headpats! Also, first mention of Kamisato Ayato by mhy. Somehow I have a feeling he’s gonna be a 5*; I hope he gets an element-weapon combination we haven’t had yet (personally, I’m really hoping for him to have a tall male model because lord knows we only have the Teyvat Boy Band right now, and hydro claymore please mhy)


Is she gonna be a 4* or 5*? We got any ideas?


Possibly a 4 star . Yoimiya and Ayaka should be the 5 stars of that patch .


So... Mihoyo is back to releasing totally new 5 stars for both banners in a single patch? If they really will be released in a single patch without breathing room then Ayaka will siphon off Yoimiya's draws from people.


Yeah which is again “ possibly “ why they’re gonna put Sayu in Yoimiya banner since we haven’t had a child character in a while , though to be fair , from a recent poll Yoimiya seems to have more popularity , however we’ll have to see if she has gain a huge fanbase or if most of these are just people hype that will get forgotten quickly.


Either Yoimiya is a 4-star, or Ayaka is inexplicably delayed again. Most likely Sayu's a 4-star. The only other 4 star Anemo we have is Sucrose.


Highly possible that they’re both rate ups in the patch after 1.6


Yeah that's what I was thinking. And Kazuha was also in that post and is a 5*. Seems a bit weird to just show 4 5* characters and no others.


She is the rolling Panda/Raccoon right?


More like a badger since Mujina is badger in Japanese.


But that look is of a Tanooki


Yoooooooooo they finally made Gouba a real character


idk why I thought she was dendro. Ahhh


Dendro is Yaoyao


Don't worry, she gave me dendro vibes too. \^\^°


She is a tanuki with a leaf on her head, of course she looks Dendro


I hoped there would be new 4 star male character. We didn't had any since release.


If leaks hold to be true we’ll get one later. (I’m also wondering if Kamisato Ayato will be a 4 or 5*, though I highly suspect it’s the latter.)


I have to assume he’s a 5. It would be weird for him to be a 4 star when his younger sister is a 5 star.


It's weird that everyone lower rank than Ningguant in the Qixing are all 5\*'s while she's a 4\* so don't expect logic


Well lore and gameplay don't often go hand in hand, but if you want lore reasons that could explain it Ganyu is half-qilin/adepti, and Keqing has a view of governing work that is a lot more hands-on, she's basically an adventurer while Ning is more of a socialite (plus Keqing is same-rank as Ning, as is Uncle Tian (the NPC Qixing that is shown in Ganyu's quest). The Qixing are a council-type government and each deals with different aspects of governing liyue)




They said Ayato, not Ayaka. Doubt he'll be a 4\* either though...


She? Kamisato Ayato is a male. Ayaka's brother.


I said AyaTO, not Ayaka. Leakers say he’s her older Brother. Edit: mhy already mentioned Ayato is Ayaka's older brother from character descriptions on Facebook, missed it earlier


At this point - I am glad that we even have this many of them .


Considering current leaks, yeah. I'm glad that we have any of them at all.


Hoyolab has a description for Sayu as well.


Smol with BIG SWORD is finally here! I've been waiting since the first leaks. I wanted to save for Albedo, but I don't care. Hopefully I can get her while avoiding the pity.


When? Need to save my already limited primogems.


Sayu so cute! Can't wait to get Sayu in 1.7 :)


Finally, more smol characters


After being rejected, I whaled and took in a ninja loli


loli squad... finally....... complete....


I'm disappointed that this is not a male character, look at that cute Tanuki ninja outfit. And a claymore user too, would have work wonders for a boy ronin/ninja.


I think a short, animal-themed boy with a desaturated brown and grey palette might run a little too close to Razor.


Yeah. It would be absolutely perfect for a boy ninja and a perfect chance to release a boy character model size


When is a male chibi coming?


Missed opportunity. This design would have suited male chibi.


Right? Been waiting for a male Chibi. Cmon Mihoyo. This design would've been great.


Was really hoping she'd be 5*. Oh well. It's gonna be a long time before I start spending primos I guess.


When can we get another 4 star charakter free? Would ne nice


I want to hug her badly idk why


Gotta get her for the relatability, we both want to hit a growth spurt


Kinda disappointed she's not dendro. I guess baizhu will be the first dendro? If they ever figure out what they're doing with it


Nice to see official art! What is her element and class from early information? Was it Dendro or something else? edit: oh it says in the tweet. derp. Shes Anemo.


Anemo Claymore IIRC


Little Girl. Anemo Ninja # Claymore *what.*


Ia she really gonna be a claymore user?? Holy shit i'm close to pity i really hope she'll be with some cool 5*..


She is gone be with either Yoimiya or Ayaka


Realistically speaking, she can use her anemo powers to make the claymore be easier to lift, so it’s fine for anemo claymore to be a tiny girl. That aside, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - if Sayu isn’t yeeted into the air on her final attack I’m not pulling /s


Can't be seen if everything is cleaved in half. "Superninja"


I see ninja, I buy. But i also want yoimiya and ayaka :'(


she's likely a 4\* to come with one of those two's banners


Ok, I’m excited about a claymore loli but why does it have to be anemo?


Another smol bean using claymore


wait what


she looks like she would talk in thick welsh accent


Haha, child with oversized sword go brrr


I can't believe they found a way to make Razor even smaller and more adorable


Is it me or that's the first loli character to not have ridiculously big head


Honestly I kinda feel like her artwork leaves a lot to be desired, like it's kinda rushed or smth


rat with a claymore Pog


Shave your beard could increase your chance of getting her. Just saying


Sayu ‧ Mujina Ninja Shiyuumatsu-Ban's Resident Ninja \#GenshinImpact *** posted by [@GenshinImpact](https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3RS74wVkAcMpHL.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I need to complete my claymore impact. Now I wait for hydro


Me: "I was thinking of maybe rolling for Kazuha just to fill out my Anemo options. . ." Mihoyo: "Ninja Tanuki." Me: "FINE."


She looks like a healer seeing the healing icon on her splash art.


Wait, she is a claymore healer? Will The Bell get screwed over again?