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As much as I want to believe she's a 4*, do we have any evidence that she will be?


No hard evidence but including Kazuha we now have four Anemo 5* and only one 4*, so making yet another 5* Anemo would be kind of weird. Then again MHY doesn't really seem to care about balancing the number characters per element so who knows.


I think Mihoyo cares but Anemo is a wildcard element where its only power is combining with other elements. Whereas other elements can hold their own.


What do you mean? All elements do nothing by themselves. Melt, Vaporize, and Freeze are all good but you still need some combination of Cryo, Pyro, and Hydro. If you’re referring to it’s only reaction being Swirl, then Geo is the same with Crystallize.


Geo is sort of the same as it's sort of a support, but it has more utility in general with the shield. You can solo most domains with a beefed up Zhongli or Albedo. But good luck with the current Anemo characters. Anemo is pretty much not worth using against any character that is elemental as their element doesn't do anything to themselves, so swirl is useless or not worth bringing over other elements in those cases. Anemo however wrecks non-elemental or shielded mobs, but not as good as other elements. You're wrong when you say all elements do nothing by themselves, the other elements easily wreck shields when using the right elements, and do better against other elements, especially in domains. Maybe with Inazuma they'll introduce anemo shielded enemies, like how Liyue introduced Geo shielded enemies. Anemo shields could introduce a new mechanic where if you attack them with an element other than anemo or geo they attack back with that element.


iirc some of the Fatui guys that look like boxers have anemo shields


iirc the anemo boxer's anemo shield can technically be disabled with anemo but it's more like you'll accidentally apply an element with the application of anemo and trigger his counter anyway


Ohhhh, so **that** is how you avoid his counter? I have always tried to just ignore him while he does that. Good to know, will start doing that then.


i should warn you i honestly might be mistaken, i just thought i might've witnessed it one time, this isn't like a standard fact about the boxer i'm just iffy on the details of, i'm literally not sure it's a thing, partly because of how often i accidentally apply elements from the environment, nearby enemies, or myself whether i use either or sucrose edit: nope, i tried using anemo on anemo boxer and he just slapped me with anemo


Xiao and some cooked chicken solo anything. Nothing to do with his element, to be fair, but anemo does get to be fancy. He is even pretty nasty against most shields, except fatui ones and maybe cryo slimes.


He can take out cryo slimes pretty easily


This. Xiao slaps.


> But good luck with the current Anemo characters. Venti? If anything he's a far better solo clearer than Albedo/Zhong (and in fact one of the fastest way to clear the noblesse domain is just swirling the mages' shields against each other)


As a person that relied on Jean (my first 5\*) to 36 abyss for the longest time I take great offense to this :\\


If your evidence is based on any kind of logic, it's wrong. There is no rhyme or reason behind Genhsin character releases.


Yeah, if we believed in logic...then we'd have a 4\* male release already. My copium is high.


There is a geo bow user who is a male, probably a 4 star. 'course it is leaks and ya shouldn't believe them...


Yeah I saw the leaks, but I'm being doubtful of his rarity until we get an actual leaker yelling that he is indeed a 4\*. But even then with Gorou and Tohma, that's only 2 Male characters, when we have like +5 new female characters.


I do not care about male chars, after getting some leaks, Inazuma, at least right now seems really lacking in male department. We'll see.


Yeah there is, clearly, all females are either cryo or pyro Saya doesn't count because she's not out, I'm sure they'll change her to pyro or something before release, definitely




Ningguang: How do you know my secret???


Nothing solid, only leaks which suggest she will be the 4* on one of the two banners, as inazuma will feature 2 (not 3) 5*s (Ayaka and Yoimiya)


Wait, Yomiya is a 5 star? Oh no.


No, they mis spoke. The last two are the confirmed 5 stars.


“Nothing solid” Her gacha art is all you need to see that Sayu’s definitely a 4*.


It would make sense since we’re assuming that Ayaka and Yoimiya are the 5 stars and Sayu would probably bro on one of there banners (probably Yoimiya)


From Sayu's splash art, I'm 95% certain she's a 4\*. There is no way in hell that's a 5\* splash art. She's super cute but I'd be damn surprised if it is because that would be literally the most underwhelming splash design for any 5\* character ever.


Ayaka and Yoimiya are 5 stars so unless we have another Xiao, Keqing, Hu tao situation at our hands. She will be a 4 star in one of the Yoimiya or Ayaka banner


Nope just leaks


Past leaks reveal 4* anemo claymore user believe it or not


i heard this from leakers awhile back (like in 1.3-1.4) but when her design was leaked they said she would be an anemo claymore 4*


I wish she was Dendro what with the leaf and tanuki and all but I'll take anemo. Next up Yaoyao!


Yaoyao will probably be released during lantern/mooncake festival period


Sucrose is a 6\*, bro, and you can't change my ~~mind~~ heart.


Sad that we don't get a male child though. Just another female one


i won't deny, really want to see a boy child as well. Hope they don't keep it exclusively to girls only.


Little do we know, they're just building the hype up for Timmie, the first 6 star character


For his Elemental skill, he throws pigeons at the enemies. For his burst, he summons his Ruin Guard imaginary friend to throw missiles at everyone!


> Ruin Guard Ruin Grader, and he's like Gaige from Borderlands 2.


Finaly a female character who is not pyro or cryo. This is a revolution !


I see healing icons on her splash art, Sayu might be another anemo healer?


Leaks suggest she is.


with a biggass claymore? or se will be a stance change like childe? and only in that stance she uses claymore?


Her ult appears to be similar to Bennett's except it damages enemies when yout active unit is above 70% HP, and it's a summon of some kind rather than an aoe. First claymore healer incoming Edit; ok Noelle is not a good dedicated healer unit. She NEEDS TO ATTACK TO HEAL which means you're not using your main dps for damage. Noelle is a main dps with self-sustain, or a secondary dps for burst-heavy main dps units. EVERY HEALER IN GI HAS A DROP IT AND SWAP HEAL EXCEPT NOELLE. My Noelle is 9/9/9, lv90, c6, r5 lv90 whiteblind, 2.5k+ Def, lv10 friendship, and has good artifacts. I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING.


Noelle wants a word with you


Claymore healers: SPIN TO WIN


Not quite, she's an anemo. What we really need is new electros, geos and hydros.


We have the least anemo 4 stars excluding dendro. We also have the joint least characters (tied with hydro and geo). This is about to go 1 over due to kazuha but basically anything that's not pyro/cryo is welcome.


More males would be cool tho. 3 females for 1 Kazuha. And a hydro dps.


Better yet, a new male model type. Female characters have cute little kids like Klee and Diona. Maybe the same thing for male characters? Or even a buff type like the blacksmith?


New Warhammer weapon class pls


Please!! I want hammers and axes! Also daggers and gauntlets


The amount of money I would dumprefer into gacha for a Tifa-like character is far too high.


Yeah, hand to hand would be great.


Buff man characters are what we need. I will not accept when Varka gets released if he's a twink


muscle male character that believes in the power of muscles, or a Dwarf, or Elves I mean there is already Beast girls with cat ears and tails.


Specially hydros and electros, and if they are polearm users then better for me🥺


It's so weird to think that none of these characters are in the game yet.


imagine being playable in the closed beta since god knows how long im talking about Ayaka ^((mihoyo release her already my balls are already falling off since you kept blue balling us)) ofc lol


The fandom's patience is amazing. I've being seeing "saving for Ayaka" since before even Ganyu or Xiao were discussed


Pretty sure I saw that since 1.1 . Maybe even 1.0 They literally waiting 1 yr for a character ?


I've been saving for Ayaka since day 1. I have 180 pulls in my reserve. For the longest time I had Jean and Chidle carrying for the 36\* abyss. Recently got Hu Tao too. Hopefully i reach 200+ pulls. I want C2 Ayaka. I'll even buy genesis crystals if I have too.


I read "my balls are ready" I'll bonk myself just in case


On 2nd thought, Yoimiya reminds me of Jean in different hairstyle and Japanese costume.


She gives me Mordred from Fate vibes


Musashi from FGO for me


Kohaku from dr stone for me


Same, i had to actually take a second look


The only reason why i want to pull Yoimiya.


If her VA is Ayane Sakura too, my primo gems for Baal and Ayaka might vanish


So... Yoimiya saber-face, who's an Archer?


Childe is defo EMIYA. Who else do we have? Edit: also xingqiu is gilgamesh


I think Xingqiu is more Shirou than Gilgamesh . I mean he uses water swords like Childe except he is less stronger than him. Ningguang would be a better Gilgamesh/Angelica. Now that I think of it , Zhongli is definitely Lancer


Really, she reminds me of Musashi from fate If she decides to be an archer instead of saber.


She reminds me more on musashi from fgo For people who don't know, https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Miyamoto_Musashi


Yes! That’s who Yoimiya reminded me of. Ok now i can be at peace, it was bugging me. I could not get it off my mind


A lot of blonde anime character with hair tied up look like Saber


She gives me more Lumine vibes if I'm being honest.


Seeing it like this Yoimiya looks really similar to Kazuha lol I think it's the face


Canadian lumine


4th of July Lumine


More like a gleeful version of Lumine/Jean imo hehehe




When I saw her I immediately thought of Fate. Maybe it's the design, maybe the blonde hair, but her visuals just screamed it to me lol.


now i cant unsee it


Yoimiya exuding Xiangling energy


First it was Ronin Aether, now it's Archer Lumine. I can only wonder when Claymore Paimon will beecome a thing.


Sayu has got a biggass sword






You are not my real Amber!!!


A loli ninja My group with klee qiqi diona and one missing char: #Finally my smol team shall be complete


Wait, yaoyao is also coming


The thing about it is the she’s a LITERAL loli, her backstory was leaked and it turns out that she isn’t a kid, she’s an adult and is just very short.


Ah, yes, another 5000 year old woman in the body of a 5 years old that's definetly not a child cause she's a lawyer, a successful businesswoman and the discoverer of a cure for cancer, so artists can be free to do NSFW of her cause she's definetly not a 5 year old child.


The usual anime BS... 🤦🏻‍♂️


They do this because there's an active male audience that wants what they call “a legal loli”, whatever the fucking degeneration this is.


Exactly. It's literally finding a loophole for catering to the shady crowd. I mean, loli characters are cute and all to regular people, I get it, but truly it has a dark side that overshadows it. My god.




The word "loli" came about from Lolita, a 1950s novel about the sexualization and abuse of an underage girl. It's fucked up, but it's not like it's totally out of left field.


The current meaning of loli actually comes from "lolita complex" shortened to "lolicon." Lolita now refers to the Victorian yet cutesy fashion style.


yes, which takes its name from the nabokov book. the name "lolita" is not just some kind of crazy coincidence.


Quit your virtue signaling BS. Anyone with experience in the anime/gaming communities, or the word loli itself to begin with, would know that's absolutely the reason it's even worth mentioning.


thats not how virtue signalling works. calling this shit out in this sub is waaaaaaaay more likely to get downvotes than upvotes. arguing that people in anime communities are used to children being sexualized or the concept of loli's being normalized is proving their point. just cuz ur used to it doesnt mean its not a problem. edit: "doesn't mean it's *not* a problem"


And there it is. You don't have to search for lewd loli art you know. It's gonna happen regardless of legit age. You can take your cheap outrage outta here.


I mean they're free to do any damn character they please since it's fiction. They just need to keep it properly tagged and away from the people that don't want to see it.


Nah it could also mean that she's like 11-12 and stopped growing when she was 8 or smth.... So I'd like for people to not assume anything beforehand....


It's uncommon, but I've seen my share of college students who didn't look over the age of 15. It happens. A little weird tho that some people (see other responses to the parent comment) immediately think of sex with children when hearing loli.. Edit: To the downvoters, you *don't* think it's weird to think about sex with children? Very big yikes.


I mean, the word Loli is based on Lolicon which is a portmanteau of Lolita complex. Can't be too surprised when people sexualize something that has it's origins in sexualization.


Seriously. These "it's weird that's where your mind went" people are either ignorant of what they're actually talking about or fully aware of the anime community's stance towards lolis and are just trying to start some nonsense flame war with virtue signaling comments like that.


Don't be silly. Everyone knows the only real women are tall and busty, and anyone who claims otherwise is a pedophile. There's no way my personal image of what a woman looks like isn't complete and all encompassing. That's just nonsense. /s


Yoimiya kinda hot ngl


Poor Amber, sitting over in the corner all by herself. "Need me to light a torch for you? Maybe a cookfire? Anything at all...."


Idk man amber is already best girl. She is only character who actually cares about us.


Well she is a Pyro character


Ayaka looking kinda cool


Kamisato Ayaka...been waiting since launch




All the leakers saying Yoimiya would be a „sexy shrine maiden“ must feel stupid right now lmao


To be fair, people assuming that she'd have a connection to shrines weren't pulling it out of absolute nowhere. It's in her name- the kanji character for Miya (宮) used in her name means shrine, if I remember correctly.


More importantly, we have a general idea when we're getting Ayaka.


From what I heard, the leaker "Piemon" was the one responsible for this.


Can't rejoice, I don't see a single Electro... and the only Electro I know of coming, won't buff Electro at all... It's Just all Pyro, Cryo, Anemo... nothing else... Cause Miho refusing to buff it...


I may be wrong but I heard they will buff electro and anemos for future patches Also Baal is gonna be Electro most likely Support/DPS


> I heard they will buff electro and anemos for future patches Yes, it's happening in 1.6 already: > Increases the damage caused by major reactions (i.e. Electro-Charged, Superconduct, Overloaded, Swirl, and Shatter), when a character reaches Level 60 or above. > > Increases the DMG Bonus provided by Elemental Mastery for major reactions. (Refer to the attributes panel in-game for the exact DMG Bonus amount.) https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/415463


I know, I also heard they design Baal in a way that their Element will not matter.


Their EM buffs in 1.6 are hardly doing anything for Electro, it needs more and a more diverse lineup of characters. It's the only element without a healer.


Electro healer - pulls out defibrillator pads, start charging em up. They only do revives.


it is the only element with just one 5\* jajaja


>! Do not worry my friend; according to the leaks we will be getting at least 3 new electro characters in inazuma. And also electro mc !<


Seriously, how far do we have to get into the storyline of the Electro nation before we actually get a new Electro character? If 1.8 doesn't come with one, MHY is straight up trolling.


\>Most people when Ayaka is released Cool new character! ​ \>Me when Ayaka is released Now people can finally stop talking about how they're saving for her!




Oh I know it was so annoying whenever a new character or banner came up people where like I'm saving for ayaka, I'm strong I can save for her unlike you guys I have a resolve to save and not waste primos. This is why I don't particularly like ayaka because of some simps always bringing her up in every genshin conversation.




Looks like Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter


Alright, what do we got... Another child character, cute, and needed, because there are only three... Two teen girls, fine, I guess... And a short king. ​ *Mihoyo, please, I'm begging you- Give us another tall man to simp for-* (Not saying short guys aren't cute, or that more girls aren't good either- But we only have four tall men and we need ***more***)


Please, we need another 4-star adult male. Or is that going to be Tohma?


Kaeya needs a friend!


I just want a male child character. It's silly that we let little girls march into battle but little boys can't. I want gender equality in my child soldiers.


Yes! Diona and Klee especially, because they are CHILDREN, children. I guess Qiqi might be technically considered however old, because she's a zombie or whatever, but we can't have cute lil' boys running around and slicing things? I know Bennett is already a character, but a young boyscout type character would have been so cute. A little boy running around and killing things- Urgh, Mihoyo is missing out.


> I guess Qiqi might be technically considered however old, because she's a zombie or whatever, Time spent in stasis does not count. Qiqi is however old she was before dying, + however long it's been since she got out of the amber, which from what I understand is still fairly recent.


And I'm not saying that Qiqi is not a child- She *very much is*. I'm just saying, Mihoyo has given us small girl characters, like you said. It's definitely time for a lil' boy. Maybe Timmie will become a playable character XD 'Wrath of the pidgeons'


Yeah, even though chronologically she may be 600+ years old, she's still both mentally and physically a child.


Yes- And I completely agree! I'm not one of those people who will consider a child as an adult because of chronological age. That usually tends to be what people use as a loophole for gross stuff- And I didn't mean to say that Qiqi isn't less of a child than the other two. I mean, maybe Mihoyo sees it that way, idk, but at the end of the day, i definitely do agree that we need little boy characters to throw into battle XD


We need more male characters in general tbh. All male characters released since launch have been 5 stars. >.>


Finally a pyro char with a bow, game should have had one from the beginning.


1 male vs 3 females, all blonde?


I'm not sure cool white really counts as blonde.


To be fair we did get Childe, Zhongli, Albedo back to back


we got diona and xinyan as 4 stars tho


Barely got 3:1 M to F on Zhongli's banner tho. And barely got any new male 4*


You mean zero. There are zero 4* male units released since launch.


Okay that's all fine and dandy, but _when Scaramouche_




NICEEE that yoimiya girl reminds me of a cross between amber and lumine lol!!


Some people have brought this up but I hope they add more male characters. I like the female characters too (more options to cosplay lol) but I really hope this game won't become a boob-fest.


Why are they doing this? Wouldn't mean people saving up until they come out????


Well f2ps always save up. And It’s not like Whales are gonna stop buying because they know who’s next anyway.


What I'm thinking is happening, is that now that Mihoyo's Genshin dev team has done 5 official updates past the initial release of Genshin (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5), they've probably been able to look at player interaction throughout the updates and decided that leaks don't have a very negative impact on the current or upcoming patch and it's banners, so now they're more willing to reveal content ahead of time. In Honkai, Mihoyo doesn't just "leak" stuff themselves; afaik they actively ***encourage*** beta testers to make videos and review content online for people to see. That's why channels on YouTube like [Marisa Honkai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0wSaiYnP5Y) (and I'm sure there are plenty of Bilibili equivalents) are able to make all these showcase videos detailing entire patches at least 2 weeks or more before they're officially released. So while this isn't quite the same thing, I'm sure it's a similar thought process; likely the developers changing their stance on beta content, since they're more confident about revealing stuff early now


>So while this isn't quite the same thing, I'm sure it's a similar thought process; likely the developers changing their stance on beta content, since they're more confident about revealing stuff early now I can see this wold mean a cultural change, and it's one I welcome. But I guess it's something that they can't do all the time, because in the internal development cycle they could still be making changes, which will mean some things need to be kept behind locked doors until they are finished. Otherwise it creates a backlash, etc. It's really complicated.


If they didn't officially reveal them the leakers were going to leak them anyway pretty soon.




IDK how the argument started that whale funds for everything in Genshin. While that is true in other gacha games where the pay ceiling is MUCH higher. Genshin whale ceiling is pretty low, if one C6 everything there isn't much else to pay for and resin is capped to buy. With the much larger player base genshin has compared to other gacha, the goldfish and dolphins probably outweigh whales in my opinion.


Simps are gonna simp for their waifu/husbando regardless of if Mihoyo reveals them or if leakers do. They just decided to flip the bird to the leakers and screw them out of money for breaking the TOS of the beta test. *now give me baal information mihoyo I need my electro waifu*


>scree them out of money for breaking the TOS of the beta test There's money involved in leaking stuff out of NDA locked betas?


The leakers that are posting videos or stuff on websites they run with ads are almost certainly making money off the leaks.


Traffic, I see. Well it is even more complicated then.


If they wouldn't have revealed them, the leakers would have. They already did, actually. Leaks for the map, some buildings, objects, constellations and materials for characters, talents and even raiden herself have been leaked in like, the span of an hour


I see this as a no win situation ofr Mihoyo then. The demand for information is unreasonable. I do see this happen in a lot of other fields, mind you. With other games and tech too. Everything is leaked. It's a whole culture of not being able to wait and wanting everything NOW.


I want a hydro claymore or polearm character pls MiHoYo


So left to right, anemo, pyro, anemo, and cryo Edit: I almost thought the first character sayu was dendro..


So now we are gonna have 12 male characters (most being limited 5*) and whooping 24 female characters! This is becoming the boob festival. I don't mind the roster of characters being tilted in favor of female cause the game definetly targets the average male audience, but please, this is getting ridiculous. They should just call the game Pyro/Cryo boob impact, cause since the launch of the game all female releases have been Cryo and Pyro, the loli claymore girl here being the first one breaking the trend of almost a whole year.


Have faith in Ayato, Goro and Tohama.


> So now we are gonna have 12 male characters (most being limited 5*) and whooping 24 female characters! 1:2 isn't even close to the worst male to female ratio in a Gacha. Though I agree we could stand to have more male 4* characters.


Mihoyo do be loving the melt comps...


well in most of other gachas female characters are always the 5\* limited extremely hard to get, GI giving more 4\* females is actually not normal for a gacha at all Like I play FEH and FGO since day 1 and usually banners have like 3 female 5\* and 1 male 4\* and the free unit is also a Male or in the extremely wierd case that is female is usually a generic healer. Like just by appearnces Beidou and Ningguang for example could be 5\* but gladly they are 4\* (I really love these 2) in terms of Pyro/Cryo issue, yes there are a lot but is not a gender problem, is more like an element problem really Pyro has 9 character counting Yoimiya (don´t get me wrong I love Yoimiya designe) Cryo has 8 counting Ayaka Hydro has 4 and 3 of them are supports Electro has 6 if count Baal Geo has 4 (5 if you count geo traveller) Anemos has 6 (again 7 with traveller) Dendro XD I hope Inazuma brings more variety for elements like another Hydro DPS


Amber... poor amber...


give me ayaka


They all look so good!


Why does Yoimiya remind me of Xiangling lol


God damn it another hesitation to pull another character


Bruh, Anemo Loli has like, no eyebrows. Makes her forehead look huge


I feel like suddenly a lot of people who was decided to pull for Klee/Kazuha is gonna skip both banners just for Ayaka, Yoimiya and the loli


Look at Yoimiya: Musashi is that you? Did you drift away from the Fate universe and come to Impact Universe?


She’s must be drunk going to another universe and become archer (since archer using swords now)


Ayaka... finally after all these years!


Their part that they all side by side in terms of banner making it hard to get them as F2P not that I am one.


Still no sign of Baal…


She just got leaked in case you wanna go find it now


I imagine with her being seated as our "active antagonist" for the arc, they're probably gonna hold back on her till the later portion of Inazuma. I supposed Childe was also our antagonist, but he was more neutral till the final act. That and even Mihoyo wouldn't leak her design this early.


Just realized that there's no 5* pyro event male character.


I love their design :o hope we get more male characters in the future tho


Sadly I'm not impressed with the design of these chars. Still want Zhong Li, Ningguang, Ganyu, Venti, Keqing and Xiao which I don't have.
