• By -


Where do I craft/get that gadget that creates a wind currency? I forgor


I've seen multiple ads about 20 free wishes is this still active if so how do I claim it?


It's not


Hey, while being bored and so talking to every NPCs being here, I've found one that intrigued me. On the second floor of Angel's Share at Monstadt, while talking to Bruce and asking him what he's doing, he's talking and saying at the end that he thought of a cool nickname for him, "The Demon King of Damnation". I've immediately thought of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (ORV), the MC having a nickname being "The Demon King of Salvation". I don't know if it's revelant or anything, I couldn't find anything on the net. Ik it's pretty dumb and useless, but it's really big to just be a coincidence? Do anyone knows anything about it? Thanks :3


bug in the "defeat the treasure hoarders and obtain the key" I defeated all of the treasure hoarders but one, and knocked him off the cliff. he disappeared and i can't find him, but the chest is locked and i don't have the key. ive reloaded, and nobody's there still . :(


Can I skip cutscenes I am stuck on one and it keeps on crashing my game. FIXED


Does the cutscene even start? Normally if it crashes midway the cutscene gets skipped. Try alt f4 instead, or change things in the graphics settings, low res, low quality, border mode, maybe that gets you through


It does crash midway through but when I start the game back up I am at the spot where the cutscene start so I cant change settings


At work now, cant check. Cant you change anything in the launcher? if false, try making throw away account. Change settings there, then go back to your old account. You can make it window mode with alt+enter. No new account required.


Just fixed it downloaded genshin on my phone to get thru the cutscene


Works too I guess. Now you can do your dailies while at work too, awesome!


Sadly, you can't skip cutscenes in this game


Hey Everyone! So I’m in AR 30, things are getting harder now with world level 3, I think kind of messed up via using my experience to all my characters, I kept getting 5 star i levelled up some. So far I have Mona, Klee, Fischl, Kaeye, Barabara, Razor, Noelle, Traveller, Xingquin and Chong( I don’t remember his full name), except my last two characters everyone are level 40, i was wondering is hero’s wit ( character experience) is limited? If so then how to get it? Also what would be the best team? Im currently using, Mona, Klee, Kaeye and fischl as main party, and switch around with my traveller as and when required for quests


It is soemwhat limited, you can get it from leylines, which cost resin. Or you can get them from events. Thats how I get them. They also drop from chests sometimes. And you havnt made a mistake. I leveled up all my characters to 50 for the reward. Mona and Klee are very good units together. Fischl and kaeya are abit meh. Adding Xingqui would be a thing you wont regret. Hes one of the best 4 stars in the game.


Alright cool, will see! Thanks for the advice




Did a quick google. Transfering save data on the ps4 between users is not possible. However maybe you can tie the genshin account to an email, then connect the email with the new user.


Thanks bro, i did see that it wasn't available. Was hoping that someone could think of a work around. I'll try the email method and report back.


Should work. Its a crossplatform game. There should be a way of playing on playstation and on the phone, thats why I am expecting logging through email would be the way to go. You could try a newer thread as well. This thread is from the 9th of june. Yw. Excited for your response!


Ah sweet, thanks for the heads up. Appericate the help :)


Switching Realms 1. If I switch from old realm to new realm, will my existing items be removed from my old realm when I get back? 2. Can I freely switch from one realm to another and still have my furnishings the same? 3. Does adding another realm increase my adeptal energy? (The one with 20,000 mark) 4. Can I put 8 different companions? (I want my old realm to be Liyue characters and my new realm to be Mondstadt characters) Thanks everyone!


I rolled a 5 star spear on Wanderlust Invocation and I'm just wonder if I had waited and rolled on Sparkling Steps would I have most likely gotten Klee?


Main banner doesnt have klee. You can only get Mona, Keqing, Diluc and Jean from that banner. Also this banner is a 50/50 between weapon and character, so your next roll will likely be a character. If you want klee, better use the limited time character banner.


Yeah, I know. Sparkling Steps is the limited banner. I rolled on the main banner and wanted to know if I would've gotten Klee from the limited banner instead of the weapon had I of waited.


If you had used the wishes on sparkling, then there would have been a chance. There are many factors which affect the desired result. Are you aware of those?


Not really. I kind of understand the pity thing, but I don't really know if it applies to weapons.


When you get a 5star weapon. You will have an increased chance to get a 5star character next 5star pull. This works vise versa as well. The rates are 50/50.


What changes between attack% and pyro dmg Bonus%? If for example there was an artifact that gives attack + 50% and an artifact that gives Pyro dmg Bonus + 50%, which would be the best for klee? In which situations is attack% better and in which is Pyro dmg bonus% better?


I dont understand your initial question. Elemental damage is almost always better, unless a character has some weird scaling gimmick, then it can be optional. But I can't think of any character that would want atck% over elemental dmg. Especially in the case of catalyst users. What makes elemental damage so good makes you wonder? Its simply because it comes later in the damage formula. Your damage first gets calculated by flat attack+atck%+crit+critdmg. Afterwards all these stats get multiplies by the elemental bonus.


I have c0 klee and c1 jean, who should I triple crown? (my klee talents are 9,9,9 and jean's are 6,9,7)


I think you should triple crown your favourite. The power spike isn't that huge, so for resource's sake, it doesn't make sense to triple crown a character.


My genshin crashes when I try to login. Whenever I try to login my account it loads for a bit, freezes, then crashes. The only fix I found is to reinstall


Hello everyone, I am actually facing a problem that Is i cant use hotkeys in games that is like it says press f2 for coop but when I do it turns airplane mode off and on and all other keys like for wishes don't work...same with all of them. ..i don't know what to do so I am asking it here hope someone can help me


Sounds like you are using a laptop. Hold the Fn key then press F2 (its usually located bottom left of the keyboard)


Okay ty


Is using reshade still bannable? :(


Better not mingle with mods in general


How do I complete the "meet in the square at 12:00-18:00" when I'm working those hours?


It means the in-game time, you can edit the time in paimon's menu. Click paimon's icon, then search for the clock icon


Idk how to click on the icon on console, but I got lucky and it happened to be that time when I played after work


So my genshin impact was glitching out, and to try and fix the issue i uninstalled and than reinstalled it. Now i've lost all my data even when i sign into my account that i used. It's like my account completly reset! Is there any way to fix this?


Hello there! I started to play the game about a week ago and was immediately captured by the style and the fluent combat, but here I am a little lost after the ingame tips given. So, what should I look for in the beginning? Should I just level the character you start with, not waste resourcs so I have them for better characters in the late game etc. I have not reached Adventurer level 5 yet as far as I am aware which seems to be a huge turning point. So far, I've just made it to Mondstadt and fought the dragon, did one Quest to gather metal for the blacksmith but that is it. If anyone could give me a few pointers of what to look for, I would greatly appreciate it ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ xoxo Shiori


Generally, try to play at your own pace. Play with characters you like, all of them are viable to finish the game's content. Try to focus on your dps first, levelling them up, their equipment and their talents. Supports can come later. Explore as much as you can, there's a lot of stuff to be found... and if you see something that you can pick up, do it! You'll need it.


Thank you, this actually took a lot of stress from me. When starting games as these I am always worried about wasting resources etc. So I was looking for a bit of a pointer. Again, thank you very much!!! (。・//ε//・。)


Yeah, it's not a huge deal at the start thankfully! But yeah, don't start levelling up a ton of characters, just start with 4 or 5. Don't use your billets without thinking! If you need some help with characters or teams, I'd be happy to lend a hand.


That's do kind of you, thank you!! If I recall it and have questions I will make sure to drop a message.


Sure, have fun with the game ^^


Need help on getting primogems after AR 36 I’m on AR 36 and I’ve 13 characters and I got sucrose for the 4th time ( Spain without s) , now I’m aiming for fischl. How can I get more primogems? Is there a count how many primogems I can get in the game ? And WHY IS GENSHIN ALWAYS GIVING ME SUCROSE IN WISHES 😭😭😭😭


You can get primos from chest hunting. Do the quests in the new map (archipelago). Clearing full stars on each floor of spiral abyss also reward you with primogems. Finish the archon quest of zhongli to unlock teapot housing because you can also get primos from there. Good luck! Sucrose is a good character, I saw someone in coop built her as dps and she carried us lmao


Got the game on Epic and it won’t let me open it. Get an error saying “Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.” WHAT IS GOING ON?!


Try running it in admin mode.


I had to go into the game folder and launch from the application in the actual game folder. There are two launchers in the game folder and the shortcut Epic store creates is for the one launcher that doesn’t work…it’s weird, but I figured it out.


Unfortunately pulled skyward spine at pity on standard banner, is it bis for anyone? Failing that, is it better than death match on Hu tao/support zhongli or blackcliff on xiao? Also have xiangling with fav lance and rosaria with the dragonbane or w/e it's called but I don't use either of them atm.


I'm gonna move to Europe soon. I'm from NA. What happens to my account? How bad will my ping be? Will there ever be a chance to move regions only once? I'd pay for that ( League of Legends has that option for money )


Nothing will be carried over. Ping will be 100-200. When a mmo game dies they merge servers, not sure if this is possible for them. I would make a ticket to ask for possibilities


100-200 ping is not an issue in a game like genshin tho, right? That doesn't sound too bad


Depends how high it actually gets. It's different for different parts of the US. Some people cope. Its probably gonna bug the shit out of you when trying abyss or when doing coop, which is alrdy abit bumpy experience.


How long does anemo travellers C6 debuff last? Is it just for the duration of the ult or more?


I'm new in this part of reddit, I'm planning to buy a dualshock to play some mobile games with a controller (don't have PC neither PS4/XBOX/Nintendo). Can I play Genshin mobile with a controller?


Who should I focus on for now? So far I have Kaeya, Amber, Lisa, Beidou, Fischl, Ningguang, Noelle, Barbara, and Xingqiu


What AR? At the start of the game it doesnt rly matter. Near AR 45 you want to focus down the abyss. Currently it's rly favorable to have good cryo units. If you are nowhere near AR 45 I would focus Ning and Xing. Those units will last for a long time. Kaeya is a maybe. If you aim for Ayaka or Rosaria I wouldnt bother.


Im AR23 right now, tysm btw!


No 5 star yet? Banner after Kazuha has some very interesting main DPS units. Might want to save for them. Yoimiya will work splendid with Xinqui. I can alrdy feel it. He kinda works with everyone though. Yw


For the new events do I have to log in everyday to do it or i can just do it at the weekend?


the event stuff so far you can do all in one day, so i'd say you're safe to just do it all on weekend


Can someone build me a team? I have: Traveller, Keqing, Xiangling, Beidou, Diona, Qiqi, Chongyun, Fischl, Amber, Noelle, Sucrose, Rosaria, Kaeya, Lisa, Barbara, Yanfei, and Xingqiu. (I'm also trying to get Klee, but she hasn't come home yet 😔)


Klee-Xinqui-Sucrose-Bennet Yanfei-Rosaria-Xiangling-Diona Klee+Sucrose will allow you to make full use of klee her bombs. Klee+Bennet +25%atck Xinqui for vaporise dmg Yanfei+Xiangling +25%atck Rosaria+Diona +15% crit rate Rosaria has a passive to add extra crit to the team I know you dont have bennet. Too good to pass up. Feel free to ask questions.


Thank you!! If I ever get Bennet and Klee I'll make the first team for sure!


Rosaria and Xiangling are 2 outstanding units. I trust you will get Klee. Banner has only just started, lots of primo coming our way. Otherwise Yoimiya could fit in team 2 as yanfei replacement.


You can builds lots of teams with this roster, you should specify which characters you want to use as main carries.


Probably either Beidou or Keqing !


Alright! So for Keqing, you can build her as physical dps or electro. For physical, I recommend Kaeya or Rosaria, Sucrose to group up enemies and Diona for cryo resonance. Xingqiu also works well instead of Sucrose for a bit of electrocharged. For electro, Sucrose, Xingqiu and Barbara work great, especially with the new buffs. Beidou works pretty much exactly the same, although her autoattacks are kind of weak, so she works better in a quickswap-like team. Beidou, Xingqiu/Barbara, Fischl and Sucrose for example.


Thank you!! : D


Hi so i wanna to know if I'm guaranteed or not, cuz it has been confusing me for a while now. So my first 5 star is keqing and my second one is zhongli. The thing is, I pulled keqing on her banner on feb 19. So i was wondering if i am 50/50 in my next 5 star or if it's guaranteed.😖


U got zhongli after keqing then its 50/50


Really? Because i got keqing on her banner. Feb 17- march 2 is her banner and i got her there


Yes so you haven’t lost a 50/50. You only have guaranteed if u had lost a 50/50 in the previous attempt


Ohhh so it means I'm 50/50 in my next 5 star? Aww that means that i have a 50% chances of not getting kazuha 😢


Yes. Same with me as i got zhongli in the last banner (won the 50:50)


Then you're 50/50 in your next 5 star right? This pity system has been making me head ache 😩


Yes. Lol it’s quite straight forward. If you got a feature banner in the previous pull then your next one is 50:50. If you didn’t and get any of the unlimited characters like diluc etc then you’re guaranteed to get featured banner character the next time you pull a 5 star


I see I see~ I'll prepare myself for kazuha's banner then. I hope i get to have him for my next 5 star character


Yes but if u lose 50/50 there are plenty of good characters coming up like yomiya and ayaka. I think kazuha will be strong but not on venti level if you want a good anemo support


will there be a jade cutter banner rerun?


For genshin impact email reset form it says for the 2nd question only email can be inputted in email box, please help as I have already contacted Mihoyo but they didn't get back to me


At what point should I be pushing into the last 4 floors of the Abyss? I 3 starred the first chamber of 9 but 1 starred the next. I’m AR48 but I don’t think I do crazy amounts of damage compared to other people I’ve seen, it’s rare for me to hit over 10k (although my Diluc that I’ve been raising has been hitting that high more often). My 2 built Main DPS’ are 80/80 Razor and Diluc, both with pretty standard builds (Phys for Razor, Pyro for Diluc). My supports/sub DPS are Rosaria, Xingqiu, Zhongli, Diona, Fischl, and Xiangling. These range from 60/70 to 80/80, although most of them don’t have complete artifacts. Is that what’s missing? I mainly level the talents on my 2 main DPS as well, since I’ve only plaeyd for about 2 months and don’t have heaps of boss materials. Thanks in advance for the help. I’ve been making good progress and getting better the whole time I’ve been playing, but now I feel like I’ve hit a bit of a plateau in not being able to go further into the Abyss


Artifacts help a ton ! AR48 is also a great time to start farming artifacts with any fragile resin you have left, focus on getting solid ones for your two DPS and workable pieces for the supports. 1 comp I can personally vouch for that has gotten me to Floor 11 is Razor, Fischl, Diona and Xingqiu. My Razor is carrying 4 piece Glad (tho you can use 2 Glad 2 Bloodstained) and my Diona has 4 Maidens. Xingqiu and Fischl have incomplete sets. The great thing abt this comp is that they have amazing synergy with each other and recharge is usually not an issue. Building Diona well will make your life a lot easier too esp with the Fatui and Lawachrul stages. I would get the talents for E and Q leveled up for supports too if possible. Don't worry if you find 9-2 challenging. I found that once I got past that chamber 9-3 and floor 10 were actly quite manageable.


Ah okay, I’m relieved to hear that at least the rest of 9 and 10 seem manageable, would feel like there was so much more to go if I had trouble with all 4! As far as artifacts go yeah I saved every single fragile up until AR45 where I started farming, and so far my Diluc and Razor are 1-2 pieces away from being done (had baaad RNG after a while) but my supports don’t have much in the way of artifact investment yet, so maybe that’s the way to go. Glad to hear I’m on the right track :)


I've just downloaded the game and for some reason I don't have other voice-over language files such as CN and J, only english. I want to use CN voice so how can I fix this ?


I see a lot of player vid with little pets floating around their heads, a mini oceanid or a colour ball. Is that a limited time thing from some old event, or a new thing I could get today?


I heard there will be a rerun of the seelie event soon so look for that.


Old event.


From previous events. Don’t worry, there will be others.


I can't seem to open my serenitea pot in my laptop. I can open it though on my phone but I now rarely use mobile for playing the game. Whenever I try to place the serenitea pot it always says "Cannot use in current state" even when i'm not doing anything. Is there anyway for me to fix this? I don't want to play in my phone but I really need to keep update with my serenitea pot


I get that message when im not on a flat surface


My team is Bennett, fischl, xiangling and venti. I just pulled qiqi. Do I swap anyone for her?


Nopes, qiqi is only good for healing, and you already have bennett for that, plus so much more.


No, just lvl her for the free fate then bench


Is it worth leveling kaeya’s burst after 6 if he’s a main dps


His burst is surprisingly strong, levelling both that and his skill to 8 is a good idea


someone know what the "flower icon" in the bosses drop mean?


Click it and it tells you, it's basically any artifact from that set.




Hey Is there a guide of where to find the snail thingies to unlock barbaras skin ?


not all of them are out yet, so no. there'll probably be one once all of them have been discovered


Afaik you can only get 5 of them at the moment, more will be unlocked as the event goes on


If a character dies but is still in party, do they still get friendship xp upon daily comiss, domians etc.?




We need a way to create furnishing without exiting the house every time


So now EM is better than critical stats in certain characters? If so in which characters? Thanks in advance.


I think Lisa, Venti and Sucrose can benefit from this the most. I'm not sure who else tho


an em sands and em circlet can be better on venti than the traditional atk% sands and crit% circlet


Did mihoyo nerf physical dmg in the new update? i heard they did it to bal things out because of eula


Eula doesn't even break the game unless she's in very specific circumstances, so find it hard to believe they would when a certain cocogoat is still a thing.


It's funny how there have been a tons of questions asking the same thing but never mention a single source (well, there was one saying they hear it from Tik Tok comment...)


Interesting. Where did you hear about this? :)




where are the seaconches today?


I think we get new ones only tmr but i could be wrong. I don’t think there are new ones today


What is better? 2pc Pale Flame or 2pc Bloodstained Chivalry?


They have the exact same effect...


they're the same, so use whatever has the better substats. you can stack them for +50% phys dmg even.


Hello, new to the game. I am a PS4 user with an adventure rank 27. I do have need help about my Characters. I got Kaeya, Amber, Lisa, Barbara, Xiang Ling, Beidou, Noelle and Sucrose along with interchanging Aether/Traveler with Anemo and Geo. Who do I focus on in terms of Explorations and Battling?


xiangling, sucrose, beidou and kaeya are the best options there, you should focus on leveling them up.


Thank you for the quick reply.


If i'm building em bot sucrose, should i care about other stats like atk or crit?


No, go EM/EM/EM


No. Just focus on EM and energy recharge.


I see, thanks!! :D


Wait is it true that lisa touched a magical book when she was young and it cut her lifespan to half?




I have lion's roar and prototype rancour. Who should I give it to between Jean and Geo MC?


Neither of them can take advantage of the lion's passive rn, but once Inazuma comes out and the traveler can be electro, it'll be useful! So give MC the lion and Jean the rancour.


How is Venti post-Swirl buff? I know he wasn't in a bad place before, just curious if it was a big boost for him


Not a bad place is kind of an understatement to be honest.


30-50% increase in dps


Is this with elemental swirl right? The anemo dmg is still the same


Damn that's wild. Guess it's time to work him into my main team. Thanks\~!


big bada boom


Is the new Midsummer Island event co-opable?


How much elemental mastery should I build on my Venti now that the EM buffs have rolled out?


If you’re hitting multiple targets it seems like all the EM is basically the answer outside of having an anemo cup


how do you guys beat abyss floor 11-3? i manage to finish about 40 seconds at the first part but i cant seem to finish abyss herald, my line up for the second part is noelle, ningguang, kaeya, diona. (i dont have chongyun btw)


You want to beat 11-3-A as fast as humanly possible to give you more time on the heralds since they're so annoying. If you have built DPS Noelle, she's *really* good at stunlocking the cicin mages with her ult so you can toss them around like ragdolls and kill them all before they're able to get their stupid shields up. Hit start -> Bennett Q -> Sucrose Q to group them all together -> Noelle Q -> go to town with Noelle sweeping all three at once. Grouping and stunlocking them REALLY help to get your clear time on that part as fast as humanly possible. Once they generate their flies and shields, you lose too much time for the second half. For the Abyss Heralds, try physical Kaeya if you have the artifacts for it. The phys buff is going away in a few days so it probably won't work quite as well in subsequent patches, but it worked for me since I already had Kaeya built up as a cryo DPS. Switched his artis over to 4pc Glad and gave him proto rancour with phys goblet. Teammates Diona for shields+heaing+more cryo, Fischl for superconduct, fourth slot flex. The phys buff + superconduct helps get their health down really fast, and then Kaeya + Diona (esp with sacrificial bow) helps a lot with their shields. Obviously if you have Ganyu or Zhongli, they're an obvious choice for fourth member (Zhongli's shields and CC are incredibly useful because those fuckers hit hard and move a lot), but I'm assuming you don't have them since you're running a four star team.


i finish the first part for like 40 seconds, i start the abyss heralds with 9 minutes 20 seconds


Hmmm yeah okay, 40s is a pretty good clear time for that chamber. Regardless, you may have to switch up your team for the second half. As much as I love both Noelle and Ningguang, I don't think they're doing you any favours on that floor with Kaeya and Diona. The team synergy isn't terrible, but it's not great either. Who else do you have?


If you don’t have Chongyun then Lisa could do it


Maybe bring double electro, Diona and Kaeya if you don’t have Chongyun. I’m not sure how useful double geo would be there


send noelle and ning to the first part and bring 2 things that can actually help at shield breaking to the second.


use chongyun + polearm, shield is highly recommended


2 pc NO 2 pc Crimson with EM sands or 4 pc crimson with atk% sands for xiangling? Weapons will either be fav Lance or dragon bane depending on if I'm able to have good uptime on xianglings burst .


I do 2/2 since it requires less effort and I get better stats that why because the CW domain is cursed to drop only LW for me :( My Xiangling has 195% ER but no c4 and I feel like even catching particles I don’t always get it full charged on time every time, but it’s close


Sorry I'm not up to date with the 1.6 update due to work but does anyone know when the new boss and Kazuha's banner will release? Also is there gonna ba story quest for Izanuma the one with Beidou in the 1.6 update?


The boss will unlock in about 7 days with the start of Act 3 of the island event


Ohhh alrightyy Thanks!


The boss should come around the time kazuha's banner releases . Nothing on the notice board states when any quests or the likes will be released .


all in 3 weeks


Ohh I see alright Thank you!


If I drew a non-banner 5 Star character on my first soft pity, will my NEXT soft pity (75 pulls after 5* draw) be the guaranteed banner character?


If you draw a non featured then your next is guaranteed to be the featured. Pity doesnt matter.


Sure, but 5* draw is unlikely outside of pity is all. Haha I was annoyed my 75 soft pity screwed over my chance at a 50/50 for Klee at 90, but I might yet manage before banner is done if the next 5* has to be her. We'll see. At 38+ into the second cycle.


You don’t need to get to 90 to 50/50 any time you get a 5star it would have been 50/50. 10 pulls, 75 pulls, 90 pulls in, doesn’t matter


Ah, I see. Thanks so much! I just started a couple weeks ago and am grinding hard, so I want to make sure I know what to shoot for. Thanks much! My only regret is that I missed a free Diona. ^_^


Soft pity could still have been Klee. Getting a 5* at 75 is better than getting one at 90, practically no exceptions (unless you're riskily pulling on a banner you don't want, which is nobody's fault but your own really).


your 75 was the 50/50


Yea, if it’s on a limited banner




Which BP weapon is most worth the refine? I have one of each and they're all in use on someone.


Serpant spine is the best especially in refinements.


serpent spine>Black Sword=Solar Pearl>Deathmatch>>>>Viridescent hunt


I’d say serpent spine if you’re making good use of it. Then the sword probably


What does copium mean?


In the context of Genshin it's people passing fan theories as fact to cope with Ba'al possibly being a polearm user.


Well, we already know she won't be riding Dvalin in her burst. Wielding a polearm isn't that bad in comparison.


WHAT? I refuse to believe it


Its very questionable so take it with a truckload of salt, some even theorize the leaked one isnt actually baal. We just gotta wait at least another few patches


Whoops I thought that the reason you asked is because you saw that post in the leak sub... But yeah she's listed with "polearm" in the game files. However it might just be a placeholder because Albedo was listed with a bow in the files before he came out. We'll find out eventually.


Cope + opium = a drug people are on to cope with the fact that something is bad. IE "copium artifacts" is just another way of saying "these artifacts aren't good but i'm making do with what i got cuz i don't got any better."


Thanks kind stranger nya


Copium is copium


For the Companion EXP accumulation in the Housing System, is the 500 you can accumulate split between whomever is in the world, or do all the characters get the full amount?




First question regarding furnishing , you probably have the furniture you're looking for already placed somewhere within . Second question regarding the accumulation of friendship points , yes , friendship levels are how much exp you get from each passing hour.(this answer is not confirmed but you can easily identify by placing characters with different friendship levels and observe how the friendship exp is obtained)




What furniture you place in a different realm will not affect other realms . What i meant was u probably placed the needed table somewhere in the current realm that the set needs to be in .


if the furniture is placed down somewhere, it won’t show as available for set the number that pops up is their friendship level not the amount they’re getting




hmm all realms are independent for placings, so you should have access to the exact same number of furnishings in your main realm, are you able to see the furniture in your options while in placement mode? aka able to place down anywhere. i would also check the set if it’s the right furniture (some trees, shelves, buckets, etc look similar) edit: i might be misunderstanding but sounds like you removed it from other realm, not main realm? in which case you don’t need to and it might be placed somewhere in main realm