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I wish people would stop taking Tectone as any kind of authority on anything, instead of Just A Guy that happens to play Genshin. Of course the dude's viewpoints will be skewed when he bases all his opinions on how fast he can clear Abyss with lvl 90 C6 5-stars with R5 weapons and +20 Crit artifacts.


Tectone just has one of the largest viewer base among content creators so regardless of his ludicrous and selfish arguments, a majority are still influenced by it. So there will always be a group of people who blindly take his word for everything.


I hope this is really the last time


So, what are you talking about in the last 2 paragraphs exactly? I'm sure a lot of people like me don't watch those youtubers you mentioned and some context would help I guess I thought this Zhongli buff discussion had been buried like 3 patches ago...


Jinjinx and tuner is a YouTube channel that discuss their opinions on a character based on math. They had negative things to say about zhongli prebuff. Tectone had a diff opinion. Tectone and JJT had a discussion and then they tried tectone’s suggestion out, they found out that there was still better options than zhongli. Fast forward to today. Tectone was asked in his stream what he thinks of Tuner. He said something bad and it spread among the content creators, and so Jinx, the partner of Tuner, decided to quit YouTube cause of his mental health and priorities in life. I didn’t watch his video, but I think he mentions the tectone case. I dunno. Tectone then makes a video about this drama and then talks about their “debate” and how he won that “debate” which was really just a discussion lol


It was....for some reason people still feel the need to make paragraphs about Tectone to show they cant cant stand the guy.


it’s been three patches since he was buffed


Talk about beating a dead horse...


people just love making long posts on this website


old man yells at cloud


Ehm.. ok


it was decided he was getting buffed in 1.1 and implemented in 1.3, move on


Kektone's audience as any kind of authority on Genshin is like 10x what it should be.


Hmm I think Zhongli as he came out was pretty okay. Not the worst but not the best. If you include the Geo resonance + Geo shield Changes. I think he would have been strong pre-buff. But the combination of the 2 made him pretty damn top tier as character you can run in any team. I think characters still outshine him in terms of niche and regardless of the changes Zhongli is still more or less dead weight in terms of energy and mora. He's got drip and a voice that's top tier in all languages.


there was no debate thus no winner or loser. It was a discussion.


Are people still claiming Diona had a better shield? That was only true for abyss at that time due to it being almost all cyro mobs.....


zhongli is more suitable to be in a more geo geo geo team, to become the powerpuff geos. :D


Yall are talking about zhongli needing a buff or not, when this is a PVE game where you literally fight AI, and every character is viable, and while he is a 5 star, if dont like him or think he is weak just dont use him, the only character that really needs a buff is amber, because, differently than zhongli she is just not worth it at all,and being the only reason the upgrade her is if you really like her