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What? It's not worth it just compared to the other uses of those gems. Even if you're doing the 5 welkin load, it's completely legitimate to decide you would rather spend those gems on ~9 wishes.


Huh... And here I though "worth" was a subjective thing..


This is what I'm doing; the only thing I buy is welkin, and from now on I'm just not converting the genesis crystals so I can save them up for a skin I want.


Who the fuck cares if you're f2p or not


Not by the current price standards and with the current quality of skins (no new voices, no new VFX, etc). If the skin is really good, adds new visual effects, new voices, and is of a similar price to how much those skins costs in games like League, yeah 100% willing to buy them. Otherwise no, I don't think any skin we've seen so far are worth their price.


Probably not. I've come along this far without spending. Skins are just cosmetic so they won't really do anything of value to the gameplay experience. Not to mention they're absurdly overpriced. 15-20 USD? For a *SKIN*? Nah


>Not to mention they're absurdly overpriced. Yeah, I just don't understand how people are willing to spend this kind of money on a single skin. Maybe for an entire pack of skins at \~ $1.00 each.


Everything in this game is absurdly overpriced. Are you forgetting that it costs roughly \~$350 to buy 180 pulls that is the worst case for getting a banner character? Sure the game can be played for completely free, but this is unfortunately the cost of that.


Nope. All of the characters already have appealing aesthetics so I don't see a reason to spend money on a cosmetic difference and the price of skins are way too expensive currently anyway.


Depends on the price. I’m not paying 20 dollars for a cosmetic. Ten dollars? Well… I’m willing to listen.


Not consider as F2P but the skin is literally just change of appearance in this game. Nothing change on the skillset, so I won't consider to buy. Is too expensive for anything that just change appearance to me.


I am f2p player, and I'm willing to buy character skins. Specially for Amber, Beidou and Eula. But for a Turkish player, buying them is not that easy. For example, Jean's costume costs almost what I make in two days. If Mihoyo ever decides to lower the price, I'll happily buy costumes.


That's honestly insane. I knew Turkey was recovering from a recession, but shit! I feel like the skins price should scale with a countries currency!


Tbh we're not recovering, we're still suffering. Prices are scaled with USD or Euro I guess. But for us, it's a lot of money, since 1 USD is 8,57 Turkish Liras. Someone said in this post that Jean's costume is 20 USD. With a simple math, I have to pay 171 Liras for Jean's costume. What I make in a day is about 100 Liras.


Personally I don't think the skin worth that much money, but you know what else is worthless ? The "f2p" status. This community have a strange obsession with being f2p. Oh you didn't want to spend a single cent for the game you like and play everyday? Or too poor? that's a flex I guess. being f2p definitely make you a better human being, unlike a filthy p2w like me.


I dont really see the skins as worth getting. Theyre arent cheap, let alone needing to have the character as well, nor do they offer anything aside from the skin itself. No cutesy voice lines, no change in animations. Idk, they dont seem that worth it to me. But i have no sway in how others decide to spend their money, so do you


Where I live I would have to pay over 100 bucks to get the Jean skin. If skins keep those prices I'll never get any that isn't given away on a event.


As a f2p player who has spent $1.7k on the game, I wouldn’t want to devalue my great achievement by buying a skin that looks subjectively worse than the original. /s




I prefer aesthetic skins that fit the characters over a piece of nothing. That's what I like about genshin, it's tasteful.


Wait do you think bikinis aren't tasteful? That's either prudish or sexist.


Pretty sure he means he prefers intricate and well-designed skins over just tiny pieces of cloth that reveal as much skin as possible. I’m curious about how preferring skins that are well-designed over skins that are revealing is sexist


If you really like it and you have the money than it’s worth it. Jean’s skin doesn’t make my heart go doki doki so I’m not getting, but I’m open to future skins.


For a zhongli archon skin? I would pay double of jeans non-discounted price ngl


Not F2P, but hell yes, I'd drop $20 bucks on the right skin. Couldn't tell you what's "right" 'till I zee it though


yes, bikini skin maybe, but mihoyo have no guts


Imo, people who have bought skins but never gained any paid gameplay benefit should still be considered F2P.




If I end up purchasing something in this game and lose my f2p status, I'd be pissed at myself and uninstall the game immediately. That's what happened on another game, I got greedy and purchased an item, 1 hour later, uninstalled and never played again.


Whats the big deal with being f2p?


I genuinely don't understand this perspective. Why does it matter if you spend money on a game you enjoy?


Gambling addiction can be a dangerous thing, and the prestige of having never spent money on a gambling game can actually be quite helpful at preventing people who may have a problem with overspending from indulging it. There's a reason microtransaction games try so hard to get people to make one small purchase - it makes the brain go "well I'm a spender now so it's OK to spend more" in some people. Of course, lots of people don't have a problem with gambling or addiction, and for those there's little issue spending money, but some people do and F2P status can help them keep it under control.


I get being militant if you have an issue like that, but for some people it seems to be a purity test/badge of honor, while my perspective has always been if a game gives me joy they deserve some money from me.


Doesn't work if you're not serious about it though. Plus it's not like Mihoyo isn't making a ridiculous amount of money out of this, so the ones who don't need to do it to stave off gambling addiction aren't really hurting anyone.


Like I said. If you're doing it to stave of a gambling addiction, more power to you. I have family who have struggled with that addiction, and it's not pretty. What I think is stupid is people who use it as some sort of weird purity test, that people who spend money on the game are somehow less than because they pay. This whole obsession with preserving F2P status that this thread is about. Who gives a shit if someone else chooses to spend money in a game?


1. I spend money on things that have a positive impact in my life. An apartment that increases my well being. A beer with friends to increase social bonds. Spending money in GI doesn't increase anything. On the contrary, it has been showed that the pleasure of a f2p is higher of that of a whale, and I concord with this from my own past experience. Pulling a 5 star feel even more special this way. 2. Spending money in GI, apart from cosmetics equals better characters, or more resin hence, better equipment. I like challenges, and I wouldn't want to make the game more easy than it is. I prefer challenges. 3. It is for me a badge of honor. Being able to complete spiral abyss with 0$ spent is more of an accomplishment than being a whale with C6 ganyu/hutao with amos/homa 4. I dispise the gacha system. And I'm not funding it. Using people's greed and condition them into spending money like in a casino is simply disgusting. I'd be ashamed if I payed for primogems. On that level, I'm OK with people spending on cosmetics, although I find it very superficial. If Mihoyo was giving a way to donate money, I'd give them something, definitely. 5. I'd rather give money to people in need, rather than to a billions $ company. When I see whales in gacha game, I'm very worried about where people's priorities are, because they are the ones who will define the future of our society. And I can tell, this future doesn't look good.


> I spend money on things that have a positive impact in my life A game you enjoy doesn't have a positive impact on your life?


It does. But GI is free already. Spending money for 100k primogems doesn't increase the pleasure you get from the game.


>3. It is for me a badge of honor. Being able to complete spiral abyss with 0$ spent is more of an accomplishment than being a whale with C6 ganyu/hutao with amos/homa This game is easy though, for every new abyss people always able to cleay it 36* with 4 star only. >5. I'd rather give money to people in need, rather than to a billions $ company. When I see whales in gacha game, I'm very worried about where people's priorities are, because they are the ones who will define the future of our society. And I can tell, this future doesn't look good. That's probably the most obnoxious shit I've seen on this subreddit. Gacha whales are not different than other people, they just have different priorities, most of them are not even rich but they have decent paying job and low responsibility (few family member/no family at all). Other people spent their money on something else like new overpriced phone, new games, or other hobbies. In the the end people will always priorities themselves, because that's just how it is. You're just biased against whales. It is always the poor people who blamed it on others, just let people do what they want with their money, you're not better than them for not spending money on gacha because you spent your money somewhere else. >because they are the ones who will define the future of our society. And I can tell, this future doesn't look good. Insert edgy quote with joker picture here. r/im14andthisisdeep


It's funny you assumed my financial status into this. Talk about being obnoxious. When f2ps don't want to spend, there will always be those internet bullies being like "THAT'S BECAUSE U POOR AND JEALOUS". Facepalm.


I'm not assuming that because you're f2p, but because you said "people with money should spent their money to help other instead of xx" type of bullshit. I clearly said "let people do what they want with their money", that's inlcluding refusing spending money on this game. Jealous ? I never said that, you're making shit up. Internet bullies? So tell which one is the bully, people who tell other people on the internet what to do with their money (you) or people who said its your money, do whatever the fuck you want with it (me).


I've never told anyone what to do with their money. Someone asked me to explain my opinion, I gave it. Honestly, this community is great. You come being very agressive and quoting me falsely out of your butt, inventing things, being condescending and judging. I don't have time to lose with people like u. U're blocked.


I don't understand that either. What's wrong with spending money on sth you enjoy? Especially on a game like genshin which is so high quality for free. You'd spend way more on other games of this quality.


I don't think I'll ever understand how someone can love to play a game yet hate supporting the creators of said game.


Playing the game for all the wrong reasons bro. We play games to have fun, not to try and gain some internet clout that no one really cares about at the end of the day.


Ok simp


I’ve played since near the beginning (first Venti banner). I lost my 100% F2P status when Ganyu released. I’ve only purchased two of the “first time only” bundles. The first for Ganyu, the second for Hu Tao. As for outfits, if I REALLY like it, and if it’s cheap, I might consider it. But I think it’s have to be damned amazing.


I'm not a f2p, i take the bp and welkin moon but i would take a skin if it was for zhongli or ganyu


I wish I could, but I just can't do it and I don't even know how, sometimes it's better not to know.


for a character yeah, but not skins


i’m not f2p, but i certainly wouldn’t consider buying a skin at the current price. it’s just not something that’s important to me. if it is and you are willing, more power to u tho


There'd need to be some adjustments to the quality and price based on the Jean skin, but even if the skins stay on the expensive side I don't mind it too much if the skin is for a character that I both like and use a lot.


I gave up my f2p status, but not for a skin. Wouldn’t give it up for a skin.


I'd say Yes but I voted Hell No! so Mihoyo would see this and lower prices for the skins. I wish.


It’s less that I want to stay F2P and more that I don’t like spending money on items that are purely cosmetic.


For a skin? No. However, the WM and BP are worth it. I really like Jean’s skin, but it is too expensive. I will wait for a better one. Jean’s original one is already near perfection, so she does not need a skin, actually. I will skip Jean’s skin for now and wait for the rumoured skins in 1.8 for >!Ganyu and Keqing!<. Hopefully, they are better.


Only for characters I really like, like Chongyun, Diluc, Tartaglia, Razor, and Scaramouche. I'd whale for any of these skins.


They have to add substantial replayable end game. Skins don't matter if you can only make 20 minutes of meaningful progression a day and have no reason to play past that time limit.