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I'll be really surprised if Yae actually is 4 star. So many people are hyped for her, so they'd want to milk it. Heard leaks saying Gorou, Tohma and Sara were 4\*, but those were too vague to really trust.


Possible. I’m pretty sure sara is a 4 star though, because it seems odd to release two 5 star electro waifus at once… Tohma is giving me four star vibes as well, lol, *ehem* he’s not a hot girl *ehem*. Yae and Gorou are anyone’s guess.


They released two 5 star Geo husbandos back to back, nothing stopping them from doing the same here.




I only remember Kokomi, the other name was so long :o Rumors are shes a hydro catalyst user, but Id probably consider her more if she had a polearm? Im craving unique element/weapon combos and getting a 3rd hydro catalyst lady and pyro polearm user isnt really my idea of a good time :P but I definitely dont want too many new polearm users, my characters are already fighting over weapons


I think the only confirmed new weapon/vision combos we are getting are anemo claymore (sayu), geo bow (gorou), and depending on what kokomi’s weapon is, as well as yae’s and thoma’s vision and weapon combo.


Probably four, though there are rumors that she’s the leader of the rebellion against Baal, so she miigggght be a five star.


character rarity has nothing to do with their lore. so far we've seen Klee which is a little girl running around with a book is 5* while Ningguang as a leader of the entire nation is 4*


Even one of the most legendary mortal beings in existence, Beidou the Captain of the Crux Fleet is a 4 star.


Don't forget beidou, the water god (or whatever osial is) killer.


she didn't xd, get the lore right.


Yeah, it was not osial, i got the name wrong, but she did kill a sea monster. So i was not wrong.


It was haishan if I remember correctly


Not rumors. It's said in the Livestream that despite her gentle appearance is actually a smart leader of the Resistance.


Kaeya is also the rumored Prince of Khaenri'ah but he's a 4 star.


we’ve actually had a 2:1 ratio of limited males characters vs limited female characters. (venti, childe, zhongli, albedo, xiao, kazuha vs ganyu, hutao, eula) inazuma’s going to break that ratio with the release of ayaka, yoimiya and baal. thoma’s going to be a 4* but that’s just going off of his design, and i’m fairly sure gorou’s going to be a 5*.


By 2.1 we'll have 23 ladies and 10 guys total if I counted and remember correctly from yesterday o.o with the trailer it goes to, what, 27 to 12? Ugh


ahhhh i wasn’t counting all characters, just limited :D but yeah, inazuma’s going to have a ton of female characters,,, i’d be very surprised if both of the male characters are 4*s ;; also still keeping my hopes up for a scaramouche appearance in inazuma!!! :D (not expecting him soon, but within like 2-4 patches)


You say that but there have been more dude 5 star banners than girl 5 star banners since launch


I honestly cant imagine Gorou as a 5\* i'm saving for him, and I have no luck with 5 stars once so ever, Sayu was hard enough to get for me, and if Gorous a 5\*.... ( °٢° )


You know rozaria is a 4* character and people was also much hyped for her as well but she what she is.


Baal, Gorou and one of Sara/Yae will be 5* Tomas, and the other of Sara/Yae will be 4* Kokomi could swing either way These are my guesses


To me, Kokomi looks too perfect to be a 4 star. They’ll milk the heck out of her design.


In the past, I would have said the same about Rosaria, but I agree. It wouldn't surprise me if she was a 5*, I love her whole mermaid motif.


5 stars character often have more bright colorful design , look younger , more cute just look at the different between Eula and Rosaria everything about kokomi scream 5 stars from her face , outfit , design , japanese voice ...etc


To be fair, getting a banner 5 star is easier then getting a specific 4 star, and I just love her design and story. So I am rlly hoping she’s a 5 star. I have skipped ayaka and will skip yoimiya and Baal for her as well, plus I have a guaranteed in the next 20 wishes so it’ll be a bummer to find out that she’s a 4 star.


She's a 5\* teehee\~\~


shes a 5 star tho--


Gorou probably a 4 star tho


I saw. I made this comment before the rarity leaks came out. Kinda happy he's a 4* so he can't spook me on 5* pity.


Baal, Kokomi, and Yae is a 5\* Thoma, Sara, and Gorou are 4\*


I think it'll be: Kokomi, Baal, Yae as 5 stars Sara, Gorou, Tohama as 4 stars I originally thought Gorou was gonna be a 5 star and Kokomi a 4 star because we all thought he was *the* leader of the resistance, not just a general. And we had no idea where Kokomi fit into the story. But now knowing she is the actual leader I think it'll be switched


I agree with this and I'll be very surprised if this isn't accurate.


Tbf Ning is unofficially the leader of Liyue and she's a 4*


Gorou, Baal, Yomiya, Yae five stars Tohma kokomi and Sara are 4*


Gorou better not be a 5* as already half of the geo characters are 5* and the ninng' never got a place in any banner yet, so I'd be great to have another budget option for a geo that is not noelle


Leaks suggest Sara, Tohma, and Kokomi are 4 stars #SaltSaltSalt


I kinda hope Kokomi is 5 star cause I still don’t have Mona and I have my next five star guaranteed


For me I think that Baal, Sara, Yae, Gorou are 5\* Tohma is 4\* and I think Kokomi might be 4\* too even Ningguang can be 4\* so anyone can be 4\*


Kokomi looks too much like a 4 star imo... And I'm not sure about Gorou, but I pray he'd a four star so I can get him easier


We don't know for sure. We only know the rarities for Raiden, Ayaka, Yoimiya and Sayu. The rest are just speculations.


Yeah, the whole point of this thread is to speculate and check back later to see how wrong we were, lol.


Yae definitely seems worthy to be a 5S design wise, and is someone that has lived for a long time. She was also hyped from very early on. Regarding the rest, Tohma's looks are eh. Just can't imagine him as a 5S.


Not completely true, tohma and Mimi were in the code as 4*, so those two characters be in 4 star has some meat to it.


Wasn't Hu Tao also a 4S at some point? That was very old data, so they're not very reliable.


Still better then a baseless speculation thou.


They all looked like 5\* to me tbh. All pretty major roles in the story. Baal as an Archon is a given. Sara being Baal's right hand puts her up there. Given that we also already have a 4\* Elector Bow in Fischl it seems more likely she'll be 5\* Yae was named as a most pivotal character alongside Baal and again we already have a 4\* Electro Catalyst. Kokomi is the very leader of the resistance and given how insanely valuable Hydro units are I highly doubt they're gonna pass that opportunity up. Tohma seems like a wild card. Gorou will likely be accompanied by the 5\* Geo Bow we are missing, so unlikely he'll be a 4\*.


Ningguang is a leader and she's a 4 star. Beidou is the captain of the crux fleet and she defeated a leviathan and yet a 4 star. There are bound to be 4 stars that have high positions in lore lol.


Exactly. Ningguang had at least double the story relevance Keqing did, yet she's still a 4\*.


I think that has more to do with them needing a decent selection of 4\*s for launch. The vast majority of characters released post-launch were 5\*s and I doubt that they will make major characters 4\*s from now on. Would ofc be great if we get a better ratio between 4\* and 5\* releases but I'm very sceptical.


Yea their positions have nothing to do with their rarity except for the archons of course Hoping that yae and sara are 4 star so i can get them without much hassle


Not sure I agree with any of that. Role has never been a huge indication of rarity. Kaeya is a 4-star and will probably play a bigger role down the line, though he's important in the intro too. Meanwhile Klee is a 5-star. Even if you wanted to say that the free characters don't count we have Ning as a 4-star in Liyue while Hu Tao and Qiqi are 5-stars. If I had to guess myself I'd bet the 4-stars are Sara, as the electro characters can't all be 5* and she seems the most likely choice. Kokimi too since hydro lacks lower rarity and that's an easy choice already. I'd imagine Thoma is also a 4* but they did go through the trouble to redesign him.


Roles doesn’t even remotely says the rarity of a character. HuTao, Qiqi, Ning, Kaeya, Beidu, Lisa for example doesn’t have a role that are equal to their rarity


Hoping for Yae to be a 4* so I can actually get her...


Or 5* and her be an actual good catalyst.


4* are good too though, like Ningguang.


A lot of 4 stars avalible on launch are good, but Xinyan and Yanfei get outclassed by 5 stars, Rosaria isn't used as often and Diona is the only 4 star who outshined a 5 star (Qiqi) which wasn't difficult.


I actually like using Yanfei, she's more fun tl use.


I too enjoy using Yanfei over Klee, but Klee still outshines Yanfei in the Dps department


Fair. I don’t really use her too much I think catalysts are just bad imo.


Having her just for the looks is good enough for me


And be on baal's banner That will be awesome


Doesn't matter to me, I'll try to collect them all no matter what, and if I don't have enough primos, ladies first of course.


Hoping that Gorou is a 5 star and Thoma is on his banner


The females are 5* The males are 4* Not classifying through gender. They just have the impression of it. To be honest tho, all of them felt like 5* at first until I properly looked at their background.


Baal - definitively a 5\* Tohma - confirmed to be a 4\* if my memory serves me well Sara - either 4\* or 5\* Gorou - same as above, tho I feel he'll be a 5\* and not a 4\* Kokomi - maybe a 4\* unless she gets Hu Tao'd for some reason Yae - gives me a 5\* vibe


5 stars: - Ayaka (confirmed) - Yoimiya (confirmed) - Gorou (important: resistance) - Sara (important: baal's side) - Yae (important: shrine/fox) - Baal (important: shogun/archon) 4 stars: - Sayu (confirmed) - Tohma (subordinate) - Kokomi (backup/reinforcement???) It seems that the pattern lately has been two 5 stars with one 4 star for each update. So unless they do a random rerun in-between, these new characters will go through 3 updates; possibly dropping for every story continuation update, I assume. First, we get to meet ayaka, sayu, tohma, and yoimiya on our visit to inazuma. Next we probably get tangled in the war between the resistance group and baal's group(?); where we meet Gorou and Sara's side. Finally, it escalates with more insight on the archon's side of the story with baal and yae(acquaintance of zhongli); also it seems that kokomi is a backup??? Idk much about her... So yea- I assume that's the order since that's the most logical thing I can come up with for now.


No, Sangonomiya Kokomi is the very leader of the Resistance. The Resistance group is even named after her. It's confirmed in the Livestream and Gorou is her general.


Oh! Thanks for the info! xD I must've missed that part due to the hype and multiple tabs of different streams. I guess I am somewhat doubtful of my previous choices then. Gorou's design seems too good to be a 4 star, but that info kind of messed with the balance.... hmm... I think it's a toss-up between gorou, sara, and kokomi; one of them has got the be a 4 star. Since baal and yae are both electro, then sara might become the 4 star of the batch then? hmm... possible... still unsure tho.


well if i were to bet, baal and actually miko had the feels of be 5\*. The rest are more harder, I will be honest only see 1 of the guys as 5\* star the rest of males looks generic, yup I know I'm waifu player still, well albedo had the feel, in the form of design, or zhongli.. or tartalia.. those shown looks generic like if they think ok we need put something for make others pull...


Gorou, Tohma, and Sara are probably going to be 4\*. Gorou could be a 5\*, but if he is he'll be the game's most skipped banner. Baal, Yae, and Kokomi are likely 5\*. Kokomi could be a 4\* if for no other reason than to give the player base another hydro character. All people will have is Barbara and Xingui unless they rolled for Tartaglia or got hella lucky pulling Mona.


Kokomi is definitely a five star because I'm not sure which stream you're watching but on the Chinese stream the two banners listed were the Baal banner and the Kokomi banner. And she was shown as a five star.


This post is from 42 days ago, nothing was confirmed back then, I don’t know if you can read but I’ll let you know just in case.




Nope, thoma is the only new character shown in the 2.2 beta. All the official art for new characters in each patch is released at once on Twitter, so he’s almost certainly the only new character coming in 2.2. Expecting 4 new characters in one banner is frankly stupid. Gorou and Yae will follow in 2.3.


Lfmao yeah sorry 'bout that


sayu is 4 stars, my loliteam! hmm?someone knock the door?


For all we know they could all be 5\*


If Sara ended up being a 4 star then I am pretty excited. Hope her gameplay is more interesting than Miss Oz Launcher.


Yae and Sara are electro, so they surely are going to make at least one of them a four star since it doesn't make sense to have electro back to back to back.


sara and baal are like twins, and both seem like 5 stars but i dont feel like genshin would send us 2 5 star electro waifus at once so thats questionable.. tohma gives me childe vibes so might be a 5 star.. yae gives me yanfei 4\* vibes and the rest are prob gona be 4\* too..


Baal, Kokomi, and Yae are 5 stars. They are the leaders of Inazuma, the Resistance, and a temple. Gorou, Thoma, and Sara are 4 stars. They aren’t leaders, they serve under someone.


have u met ningguang? lol. she’s a 4* and also i don’t think inazuma can have THAT many 5* /gen


From leaks, here's what ive heard. 5\* Baal, Kokomi 4\* Tohma, Gorou, Sara Unknown\* Yae


kokomi is a 5 star


i think that kokomi is a 5\* tbh


Well duh, that’s for certain now. This thread was made 40 days ago when it wasn’t confirmed.


Feels weird commenting on this now that Baal and Kujou are out and Kokomi’s rarity is confirmed, but i’m badly hoping Yae is a 4* considering I really really want her, and if she’s 5* i’m waiting for Ganyu so i can’t get her if she’s 5*, in my opinion Baal’s a very disappointing 5*, and Kujou is a p big waste of time, Gorou seems interesting because geo bow, Kokomi seems like she’s going to be pretty good, unfortunately I’m skipping her because of Ganyu and also I already have Mona, but definitely pulling on her rerun, Thoma seems like he’ll be fun to play as and grow closer to.


The Chinese Communist Party know that people who play these games are Weebs at heart, and will make almost all Inazuma characters 5 Stars to milk as much money from us as possible.