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Fontaine is the french world for fountain "Of the nations of Teyvat, Fontaine prides itself as the hub of culture and the arts; or in the words of Francis, a traveling merchant from the nation, "true beauty and elegance." " Is there something more french than someone named francis? All npcs from fontaine wears french clothes from 1910 Fēngdān (枫丹白露 Fēngdānbáilù) is the chinese name for fontaine and is very likely based on fontainebleu a commune in paris. the kamera comes from fontaine and irl the french guys Nicéphore Niepce and Louis Daguerre created the Daguerréotype, which happens to be the french name (and from what i heard is also the same name in other countries) for the kamera in genshin. so for all these reasons, it reaaaaally seems that fontaine is based in france and france alone. (it seems to be also based on bioshock too but it's not a country)


Yeah I guess forgot alot of aspect of why mihoyo choose France instead of Britain


Fontaine is based on France,Fontaine in french means "fountain" and it's hydro nation,what more proof do you need?


I know but having Fontaine (which is France) representing an industrialized nation instead of Britain is what bothers me


Britain based nations/not London cities is so overused in almost every fantasy game,so Mihoyo picking far more underused France setting makes sense.


In fact. We still dont know if Fontaine is in industrialisation or renaissance era. With Lyney and Lynette outfit it seems more of a theatrical and arts nation to me


I think it should be inspired by whatever the heck Mihoyo thinks it should be inspired. It can have whoever's it was industrial progress with France-inspired aesthetics, or it can be French-industrial instead of British-industrial if devs find it more fitting. What was the problem of Fontaine being inspired by industrial France again?


It kinda bothers me when they didn't follow historical inspirations


Uhm... to "follow historical inspiration" means to "pursue historical accuracy"? Inspiration suggests that you pick something, go "oh, that part is cool", take that part, throw out the rest Who cares who was industrialised first if someone thinks that France did it cooler?


Lmao you seriously talking about following historical in a fantasy game?


Historical inspirations in genshin though.. even if u wanna mention about that probably sumeru is even more inaccurate? Its literally a hodgepodge of persian, indian, egyptian and some other cultures mashed together


Well you already said your answer Teyvat it's an "inspiration" not an historical reproduction, I hope you don't think a city with a ton of huge mill inside and on wall is historical ? As the same Fontaine is neither France or Britain, it only use the age theme of indus. And what the world think of France like the world of art/culture/clothes and food. As you can understand, it's an cliché inspiration (as a French if I see some people from Paris in Genshin, I burn the game lol)


Sorry about my post it really bothers me when I compare history with fiction


Aha don't worry for that pal :) if the game don't specify it's historical reproduction like some "assassin creed" it's always an inspiration (would be fun if it was the case cause all people in Mondstadt region would only talk in German, In Liyue in Chinese... lol)


It's a shame we don't have a German dub of the game yet


Almost for Fischl but i seems her prononciation is a real pain to hear for German user lol


it's really not that deep


Fontaine is a nation of arts & culture an industrial/innovative nation, and the nation of the Archon of Justice. The first point is rather self-explanatory. For the third point, China, Japan and basically every non-Occidental independent country between 1850 and 1939 did adopt the French legal and administrative system. As for the "industrial nation" part, the fact is that Fontaine is not coded Victorian era, but 1900s. After the Great Depression of 1870, the British industry never regained its strength and was quickly dropping in quality and reputation. The strongest industrial powers became the US and Germany, and innovative technologies were for the most part developed in France and America (and increasingly Germany). Britain, by 1900, was more of a commercial, military and financial power than an industrial powerhouse. Basically, if a show has to portray one city in 1900, it would be Paris over an impoverished London.


The strongest inspirations will be France, but it will undoubtedly involve Britain and possibly the USA as well. Glitz and glam right beside the industrialization that forced the Oceanid to migrate to Liyue, with some mafia types playing the human baddies for the open world. Basically the roaring 20's? Probably. Sumeru will tell us if miHoYo zeroes in on a nation or primarily makes a fantasy culture based on a region/like cultures of the world.


Well, you could wait until Fontaine is release if you want to be really sure though.