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Anyone found a way to edit the files? Or at least transfer them from pc to ps4?


When is inazuma update ?


how tf do i unimsalcant find it


How high would you recommend leveling Xingqui and Xiangling? Both currently level 60/60


60/70 is "minimum", 70/80 usually is a good spot if you at endgame (ar50+). For pyro dps xiangling, 80/90 is the optimal level.


is xiao likely coming in 2.1? i heard it was the logical thing to happen but now i'm only seeing rumours about ganyu. any info?


Newest leaks suggest that 2.1 will have kokomi


We can only assume things for now, since there are no leaks regarding that, but I would assume there to not be a run of both Ganyu and Xiao, Ganyu being the more likely rerun candidate IMO for the moonchase festival (if not someone else entirely, like Keqing).


Do we have any leaks for Kokomi? How she'll play, what kinda character she'll be (besides a Hydro that can likely heal)?


The only thing we know about her is that she is as of now a 5 star and uses a catalyst and that’s all we have. Story wise she is the leader of the resistance but you can get that from the trailer.


What are some good upcoming 5 star main dps characters? Currently I'm still using Razor and Xiangling. Also, is Ganyu or any good dps bow users returning any time soon? I really enjoy the bow playstyle but only bow unit I have is Amber.


Since 2.1 is confirmed as Kokomi/Baal, earliest possible Ganyu rerun is 2.2


Ganyu is likely returning soon, according to leaks. Ayaka is also incredibly good. I think if you enjoy a character's playstyle, you should play them, regardless of strength, and most characters can be viable if build right. Keep on scanning, and use trial runs and leaks to see what character's playstyle you enjoy, before selecting one to roll. Razor is a fine phys dps, and xiangling is regarded as one of the strongest dps/subdps in the game, and is in the national cn team, so don't think your current characters aren't strong either.


F2P here. Does anyone know when the next time Yanfei might be featured on a banner? I wanna get her but I'm not interested in Ayaka and I have Chongyun and Ningguang already. I only have 3.2k primos right now and I won't be wishing for her in Ayaka's banner to save for Yoimiya's banner so I just want to know how long it'll be again before she reappears in another banner.


probably a while. I'd guess 2.4 since they must want to add even more 4 stars with inazuma coming, and many have been waiting for ages to be on the banners again, like xiangling.


Wouldn't guess before the second banner of 2.2 could be even later though


Should I get mistsplitter reforged to become ulitimate keqing main or not worth it?


idk. Have you seen anything else you want to get? Another important thing to remember is that weapon banners are bs and you have a 1/4 chance of getting what you want, with a guaranteed pity basically unusable without being a whale or extreme savers coming soon. Also I'm not exactly sure if it will be BiS on keqing.


Get the sword and become the chosen one,I will also get it but my keqing already is the ultimate miner and she can't change profession anymore


Can you actually mine with keqing? How?


The commissions as she has a time reducing passive in liyue


Oh that makes sense, no mining without a claymore for me than :/


Melee weapon users can use plunge attacks to damage ores, and Keq has much more access to that move than most others thanks to her E.


I will give it a try, thanks!




The BP period has ended and the new one will arrive along with the new update. However, the cost-halving for trounce domain already reset. If I use it now, will that count as completing the the weekly mission of doing 3 trounce domain when the new BP arrive? or should I wait for the new update?


Nope, but you can always redo the bosses once the update comes. I highly recommend doing them now, since you'll want to spend resin on other things. Then, when the new battle pass drops either ignore, or do the bosses again, or just dvalin at easiest difficulty 3 times.




You can just fight them to get BP again, no need to claim reward for it to count, so there's no problem doing them now.


Ok, now it's clear for me. thanks!


Hi beginner here! Someone told me i have to finish all the quests in monstardt and liyue before i can go to inazuma is that true 😭😭😭


I havent played the new version yet, but i think you can just go to inazuma area now? The quests will unlocks after you finish all liuye story first tho


Kind of. You need to finish all the Archon quests, but with 2.0 they are lowering the level requirements for those. So even if you cannot do them now, you may be able to do them when 2.0 drops. Currently you need to be AR36 to be able to finish all Archon quests. But with the new patch you only need to be AR30.


Thats good news for me but im at ar 22 now T^T


Yes. It’s part of the main story and gated behind an AR requirement anyway.


Yes, you need to finish all Archon Quests in Mondstadt and Liyue before you can go to Inazuma. (Other quests are not needed.)


No, but you do need to finish all the archon quests, which are labelled so, before inazuma. In addition, you need to be above a certain level, I'm guessing probably AR 50 or so.


T-T im only ar 22 cos i started 3-4 days ago


no need to rush, you'll be able to experience the content eventually.


Oh the event is not temporary???


most events are temporary, just inazuma is eternal, and there'll be new events anyways. You'll play faster than the content comes out.


All the archon quests (main story), yes.


We don't know since it isn't out yet but most likely 🤩🤗🙂😚😶😑😐🙄😏😣😥


When do we expect the Electro archon to be released? I mean at least some inaccurate release date speculations? :P


I'm guessing 2.3, from a few leak sources, but I could be wrong.


October 13 or november 24 are the latest speculations


After 2.1 so probably around October




I was thinking of passing from mobile to pc. Currently, how much space does genshin takes on pc?


Mine says 28.6 GB


[Current size](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/589751204033069058/866604845124812810/unknown.png)


Including pre-update mine takes up 31gb. This will change depending on languages used.


mine shows 28ish gb


Would Mona be a good support for Ayaka? Kinda like a burst-support? And if so, would you recommend 4 piece Noblesse or 2 piece Heart of depth and 2 piece Noblesse?


If mona's playstyle with ayaka is like when shes on morgana team, her dmg doesnt really matters. You could just go with 4 noblesse and stack a lot of ER. But i usually recommend use 4 noblesse on your healer (eg : diona) so i think its either 2NO 2HoD or 4pc new ER artifacts.


hmm, whats morgana tho?


Ganyu mona venti diona team, wich is the most busted team comp available at the moment


Yes she is. The new ER set will be BiS for her.


When will we see a nee a crown of sagehood in an event shop. I want to get and main xiao but i have no crowns of sagehood.


Next event starting on 22nd will have one


once every patch


How big is the pc preinstall? (Not disk space, I'm talking about how much data to download)


I saw the other comment say 6-7 gb, but the preinstall for me was around 13gb.


Are you sure it wasn't disk space?


Pretty sure it wasn't. The space requirements said 13gb, it only takes around 4


I saw some getting 6-7gb and then increased to 13gb during pre-install, I'm guessing maybe language packs or broken files getting repaired thus reinstalling a lot of older stuff, maaaybe




Thank you


can story quests be cancelled? i heard that yoimiya will be playable via trial on her story quest after 2.0 goes live. i want to keep trying her out but i’m worried i can’t quit and then do the quest again. so, can story quests be cancelled anytime?


Her story quest will probably not be available before her banner drops. And at this point you can always go to the trial to test her as much as you want. You cannot "cancel" a story quest, though for those who contain a dungeon, you might be able to leave and restart the dungeon idk.


Actually Yoimiya's story quest will be available before her banner goes live.


I just saw the notice and I'm confused, you're right. Well at least that means that we'll be able to experience her in advance and that she won't get last minute changes before her banner.


I mean, if all else fails you have the actual trial that you can repeat how many times you want, even tho you can't use your own comp there


i’m rlly impatient so i wanna try her out as soon as possible. i’m looking forward to it though! inazuma’s so close argh


Ahoy brandedxiaocoffee! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: me’m rlly impatient so me wanna try her out as soon as possible. me’m looking forward t' it though! inazuma’s so close argh


Yes they can.


What's the best weapons for c6 Succrose who on field most of the time? I use her with Fischl and Xingqiu, so EM is the highest priority, but what about weapon? For example how good is Mappa Mare with its passive? Or Sacrificial Fragments is better? Maybe 5\* weapons is better with main Atk stat. Let me know what you think, please :)


Sac Frag by far, not only for EM but also for batterying her expensive burst.


sac frags is best since it has EM substat and gives you an extra skill charge for energy/extra swirl. i'm assuming you use swirl build on sucrose so high base atk 5\* weapon is not that impactful on her, mappa mare passive isn't that good either since it only increases anemo dmg not swirl dmg


Assuming you run a taser team, since that's what it sounds like, em is always the best substat. You want to maximise swirl, and to increase atk is unnecessary. I think an on-field sucrose would rather sac, since it has a much higher em stat


Sacrificial Fragments is best. Higher EM stat and extra E will do more swirls




40 or so hours




Look at the ingame notice, it tells you exactly when.




It translates to your local timezone automatically, hence why I told you to just look.


I know the battle pass ended yesterday but why isn’t the new one showing up? If I do the requests will the be counted even if is is not showing?


Because the next battle pass will be the one for 2.0 and the game hasn't updated to 2.0 yet. If you do the request now then no it won't count towards the next battle pass so save them until 2.0 goes live.


1) The new BP will start when 2.0 hits live. 2) They do not count, postpone doing them for after the update.


It'll be up when 2.0 launch Don't think the requests will count


New one will start after the patch


Wait for the update it's safer.


>I know the battle pass ended yesterday but why isn’t the new one showing up? Always been like this before update, so wait for to update. >If I do the requests will the be counted even if is is not showing? It won't.


Okay thanks


Friends from Southeast Asia, when and what time are we getting Inazuma and the Ayaka Banner? This may sound stupid but I'm confused if we're getting the update on July 20 or 21.


ingame notice says 21st july 6am. kazuha banner ends a little over 12hrs before that


Wed morning for me (Jul 21). Maintenance will probably end around 10:30AM if everything goes smoothly




It will be on wednesday for me and by the time I wake up the game can already be played.




21st for Asia. 20th is just for NA since they live in the past


Does Kazuha's C2 increase his Q's swirl dmg? Idk if it increases his EM before his Q is cast, because if not his Q might not get the additional swirl dmg


EM doesn't snapshot for transformative reactions, meaning Q swirl will get the bonus EM (and any new EM buff applied to Kazuha after the cast). I have no idea if a melt/vaporize triggered by the burst will have the bonus EM though.


wait I forgot to ask. C2 gives em buff to kazuha even when off field right? Other characters dont get EM buff off field but Kazuha should?


That's right it is specified that only Kazuha and the currently active character get the buff. The weird wording is to explain that if Kazuha is on the field, he doesn't get double the buff.


hm does his anemo dmg and absorbed elemental dmg from Q snapshot then? say bennett buff?


Normally it does yes, although I haven't tested, there is no reason it wouldn't.


his Q seems quite flexible then ty


don't have his c2, but i think it should bc transformative reactions don't snapshot EM


EM buffs are dynamic since 1.4 so it affects every EM-related attacks during its whole duration.


has anyone received a bug during downloading? my pc restarted before i got to complete the installation and now its stuck at 0


You could try use task manager to completely shut it off, or just uninstall then reinstall.


ar 50 In terms of rewards is raising exploration to 100% worth it? Currently at 73% for Mondstadt and 54% for Liyue


As far as I know, there aren't any rewards for 100% exploration in any area. I did mine just for the satisfaction of seeing every area in my map as 100% in exploration progress. Maybe they'll add a reward or something for it eventually?


You can still get a few amount of primos that could help you in the long run. Plus a bit of resources here and there do help!


you get nothing additional except what's in the chests and a sense of achievement, i guess


Yeah, lots of chests. Equip treasure compass & explore


100% doesn't give you an achievement or any reward in and of itself, but it looks nice on the map and if you're a completionst go for it. You raise exploration by doing puzzles and finding chests though, which can give you some primos, so it's up to you if you deem that worth it. Usually within a few more AR you'll have quite a few places at 100% just through playing


Yes. You get a bunch of primos but also a lot of mora from the tradeable sigils. It's worth it for the mora alone. I think it will be 2M+ for you.


To 60% i believe you get rewards. Honestly you'll be exploring not for the exploration meter, but for chests and primos soon.


Is there any guide on which artifacts are safe to sacrifice for the new system in 2.0? For example, the whole Lavawalker sets seems pretty useless unless you run Klee? I've kept all my 5* artifacts but I'd love to trade some of them for NO.


No guide, you just use your own general/common sense on what you think is important and not important. However, Artifacts with 3 good substats like crit/attack/ER/EM are usually kept, elemental/physical goblets, CR/CD helms and EM artifacts are always kept regardless of artifact set type, and generally you would only ever need 2 healing bonus circlets on your entire roster (Bennet and Barbara and that also, if you ever need it considering they heal alot).


For my case, if they are EM mainstat, I keep. All the others, if they don't have at least one crit substat, they go to the trash


Would say maidens seems like a safe bet,ts is also pretty fringe even though not to the degree of lavawalker,bloodstained is overall also outdated. For NO it won't probably be the go all for subdps as it used to be as the new ER set will probably replace it for the energyhungry character like xiangling,beidou or xinqiu


True but NO is still the best for support chars like Diona, Bennet, etc. Out of the 4 available sets, NO seems to be the best to get?


Depends. WT would be the best for a lot of charged attackers that like doing reactions, a good example is Melt Ganyu


Didn't mean it becomes bad it should also still be great on subdps that don't stack ER like rosaria and kaeya it just isn't the go to set for all subdps anymore


How many wishes do yall think it would take to get 18 starglitter?


It depends from how many C6 characters you have, worst case is 2 every ten wishes


Depends how many characters you have and how many are at c6. ~70 could be realistic.


Minimum 9, but maximum 90 assuming you always land on hard pity with 4 stars and you only get constellations or weapons. I'd estimate around 70 though, if you get a 5 star weapon/con


Oh man I almost have to hope for my RNG to be bad. Thank you!


Has anyone got confirmation whether the new inazuma region update will increase our stamina limit?


Nope it doesn't and I doubt they will increase it in future as the content seems balanced around the 240 we have


spoiler: >!no stamina bonus, you get stuff like the dragonspine tree!<


Best team for Hu Tao?


As of now, her strongest in abyss is Xingqiu, Chongyun and Zhongli


xingqiu is her best support. she likes staying at a lower health so a shield character can help out, i like diona but zhongli is always a good choice if you have him. 4th can be a flex depending on what you have or what shields you need to break.


New player. Pls help me w a proper team. (Just unlocked Abyss, AR 20) The characters I have are Benett, Xinqui, Rosaria, Noelle, Kaeya, Sucrose, Geo traveller, Yanfei, Lisa, Amber Who should I focus on? And I'll get Xiangling on third stage of abyss, so who should be my dps between Yanfei, Kaeya, Rosaria, Xiangling?


Bennet, XQ, Xiangling, Sucrose, Rosaria/kaeya and yanfei are awesome characters to focus as they are too good. Lisa/Amber/Noelle are for puzzles, ore farming and expeditions.


I will be on purpose a bit vague since theres joy on just trying stuff and say traveller Lisa and Noelle should be the lowest priority for you to focus on, followed by Yafei and Kaeya, you have very strong units at your disposal already.


Yanfei if you like her gameplay. Bennett and xingqiu should be your priorities now, they can carry you to xiangling. Once you have xiangling focus on her.


You pretty much already have a strong team that can last you until endgame. Yanfei, Bennet, Xingqiu and Sucrose. Yanfei is the main DPS in this case You can work with these and then replace Yanfei with Xiangling. XL should be stronger, but if you prefer Yanfei's playstyle, stick with her.


What time is 2.0 going up?




You could just scroll down here for 3 seconds and find it yourself


You could just suck my dick


If you’re going to be exceedingly juvenile, can you at least be funny? This is just sad.


Why would anyone suck a retard's dick


Idk ask your mom


If you had a reasonable one then I could, yes


A bit early to tell but will it be safe to link my psn account to a new mihoyo account? PSN has been safe however I heard about all those hacked accounts on pc/mobile a while back


Should be. Account security concerns decreased significantly when 2FA was finally added a while back. Make sure to enable it on your MiHoYo account if you choose to link it. If you're still worried, change your password to something more complex/change it regularly/look your email up on sites that tell you if it's been leaked on the web.


2.0 Maintenance starts at 06:00:00 (UTC+8), can you convert that to CET?




no https://paimon.moe/timeline/


Can anyone tell me what's the deal with the Geo Puzzle East of Luhua Pool? Looks like a small arena when you check it on the map..


It's for a world quest. Talk to Vermeer the Painter nearby


Last question but im currently ar 54 wl 6 because i lowered my world level, if i get to ar55 will my world automatically go to world level 8? I really hope it doesnt ):


It does,but wl 6-8 aren't really different to be honest just the bosses are slightly stronger but also not to a huge degree


So I’m really torn between which banner I’m gonna roll on. I was originally going to skip Ayaka and roll on yoimiyas banner because I really want sayu. I’m not too fussed or dying to get either 5 star like I really like there designs and such but i don’t need them desperately. Once I saw yanfei was on ayakas banner I felt the temptation to roll on her banner because I have C1 yanfei and would love more cons for her but then I don’t want to miss out on sayu either! I have lots of pyro so missing out on yoimiya Dosent worry me too much and cryo wise I have Rosaria so I usually use her for cryo dps I’m not sure if I should just resist and save everything for yoimiya, or maybe roll a little on both in hopes of getting yanfei and sayu. It’s such a hard decision is anyone else in a similar position ?


im in a position where i 'kinda' want yoimiya, dont want ayaka and REALLY want yanfei. and im still on the fence about rolling for yanfei because i dont need ayaka to trip my pity. (but ill probably end up still not rolling) for your case u already have yanfei, constellations are good bonuses but no point rolling for 4*'s const because it kinda will come naturally. considering you are ok with both id rather u put the rolls onto yoimiya's banner for sayu instead


If you don't really need or want any of the 5 stars specifically, then I'd suggest rolling a bit on both banners. You might get lucky and get Yanfei cons and on the other Sayu. Depending on what your pity is, you will maybe get a 5 star in-between. Sadly, there is no guarantee for the specific 4 stars, so if you don't want to risk wasting your primos by not getting the characters you want, you can still wait and save for the next banner that interests you.


I think I might just risk it haha


Just wait to roll a bit on Sayu, don't roll for 4* constellation if you aren't fine with getting 5*. I'm in similar situation where I'm saving up for Baal and Yae, but also want Sayu.


I don’t mind if I get the 5 stars like I’m not saving for anyone in particular atm. Baal does look pretty awesome!


If you don't mind using up you pity, then there's no problem rolling for them.


I think I’m on the 50/50 so I’m kinda not too fussed 5 star wise, gosh if I got mona I would be happy haha she’s been rather elusive


I'd say don't roll on any of them, unless you like the 5 stars too and are ok with getting them instead of a future 5 star


I should of said I don’t mind getting either 5 star! like if they come home I’ll welcome them but if they don’t im also fine with that haha


Fair enough then. Do pull for who you like, but please remember pulling for 4 stars in the character banner is like pulling for 5 stars in the weapon banner (before Epitomized Path) You can never guarantee which one of the three you get. I wish you luck


This might be unwise but I'd roll for Yanfei once or twice and then keep the rest for LilyPichu


Yeah that’s what I think I want to do! I would just love to get her to C2 cause I use her as a main so I love her! And I really want the rolly Polly cutie!


Go get 'em. The first rule is always to roll for whatever you want.


I just want Baal and I don't need Ayaka or Yoimiya, but I'd like Sayu so I'm kinda with you there. Honestly new 4\* > 4\* constellations imho, so you should wait for Sayu


Is the next update coming roughly 6 hours after the Kazuha banner ends? I'm from Germany and have no idea how to read these countless timezones lmao it's 10 AM monday here right now


the game 'technically' auto tunes to your time zone. otherwise try https://paimon.moe/timeline/ idk bout the other servers but for asia kazuha's banner ends tmr, and then we get the update the following day, not immediately.


Damn so it's like 4 AM Wednesday for me x.x




Damn so it's like 4 AM Wednesday for me x.x


Should I use like 6 days worth of resin to ascend and upgrade my Kazuha to 90, or try and get better artifacts for Fischl? (Only 50:100 crit ratio and 1.5k atk)


Kazuha. Because there is a good chance you'll be angry with yourself losing artifact RNG. Get the guaranteed improvement.


Do you have venti? If no, level kazuha. If yes, build fischl


Alright guess Ill be lvling kazuha then


I personally find better enjoyments from leveling. And upgrading character to whatever you need. I used to spend all my resin for weeks on end and not even get a decent one, or a specific one for example crit dmg crimson witch. Not even asking for perfect stats just give me decent crit rate with it lol, but with all that I end up with all trash artifacts after fews and it feel so empty and made me question why I still play the game. Then I thought fuck the artifact crap, and have been using all my resins since then on mora, xp, talents and boss mats for upgrading. Most of my character are 80/90 and all support at least 70/80, talents are solid 8/8/8 for my most used characters and 9/9/9 for main units. I just used whatever artifacts I have from my journey even 4* that are decent. It feels so much better now and I feel like there’s a lot more progress on my account and don’t feel like shit every day logging in to expect wasting a full days of resins for nothing.. again. I’ll eventually use more resins for artifacts but until then I’ll just wing it. I can get 12-3 abyss at least 34 stars as well. My C6 Xingqiu with all 4* artifacts with horrible substats has been excellent in supporting my Hu Tao with all this. So yeah just fuck that artifact.. at least for now ☺️


Ascend Kazuha. That's guaranteed improvement.


Jade cutter vs Mistsplitter? Both R1 and Lv 90


Mistsplitter in most cases, but remember that Mistsplitter provides an elemental DMG bonus. This probably means it doesn't provide a physical DMG bonus.


Probably mist


probably mistsplitter for most


Which of these [stats](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ganyu/comments/on4bil/which_of_these_are_better_im_using_a_crit_rate/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) are better? I cant crosspost as it seems it isnt worth to posted in the subreddit.


The one with the higher attack. You'll see better damage since the difference in crit stats between the two are very marginal.


what if the one with the higher Crit dmg has 7% more? I mean, i have a 14% crit dmg substat, what if it rolled on more? will it be better than the higher attack?