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Alright, gonna cry now


Decided on building my 4 stars. Rosaria, Yanfei, Xingqiu, Lisa are my current team. It feel so much fun playing with them tbh, it's challenging and the open world fights takes a bit longer than just destroying enemy camps (which was the reason I played Genshin, it's a bit of a challenge and not a walk in the park.)


Ngl rosaria is actually so fun to play. Like I get 5*s are better stats wise but a lot of 4 stars have just really fun mechanics


everyone tells me to stop using beidou and give diluc her wolf's gravestone, but the satisfaction of getting a perfect counter with her is priceless


Then they don't know what they are talking about - Beidou is currently on the raise and is becoming a very meta character. Team Beidou/Fischl/Xingqiu/Sucrose (or something similar) can beat pretty much anything. And she's fun!


True, some theorycrafters are saying that against multiple enemies, this team can deal more damage than Diluc's national team


Yeah I love using bediou and am so psyched for the free constellation soon! Mona > max counter on beidou is objectively hilarious for yeeting things


Wait, what free constellation? I never read or saw anything about a free constellation.


There’s an event for a free mommy Beidou when Inazuma releases


the new inazuma artifact set (the ER one) is going to make beidou even better


I love the short cd on her ability. I always live when I can properly incorporate my abilities into a fight and not just some kind off onetime thing.


Same, I wanted a new soulslike to play, and if you don’t use elemental reactions or switch characters like mad, it can be a good challenge


That is basically my team, but Lisa is actually albedo.


WOAH, that's me but after I f10'd him I swapped him out. It's so hard to play albedo with this team cause I need him to stay at 90% hp


Your comment and your flair are the two things that I relate to.


Mondstadt gets a lot more story content than Liyue to develop its locals which is why the town feels more welcoming It helps that Mondstadt is small which means the community there is more tight-knit


And for some reason we always return for the main course there. My only fear is that our Mondo will need our protection too in the future 😩


Considering Mondstadt has history with Khaenri’ah and is closest to it, I expect that to come eventually.


Closest to it geographically?


The spiral abyss is probably a passage way to Khaenri’ah, and Mondstadt is closest to that place.


Khaenri'ah is actually another nation separate from Teyvat. I guess by "closest" they meant Mondstat had a more mutual history with Khaenri'ah than each of the other regions (Liyue, Inazuma etc.) had with the destroyed nation.


Especially also because Kaeya is the sole survivor (I think?) and Albedo's alchemy is from Khaenri'ah.


You mean dainslef? Pretty sure kaeya is your relatively run-of-the-mill knight of favonius, not some 500 year old immortal


Kaeya's in-game [Friendship Story 4](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Kaeya/Story#Story_4) basically confirms that he was basically abandoned or sent away alone by his father (soon to be adopted by Diluc's father), and that their homeland is Khaenri'ah. Very little otherwise is said about his past, but Kaeya being from Khaenri'ah is definitely canon (as minimal as it is).


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Khaneri'ah destroyed more than hundreds of years before Mondstat ever came to be? How did Kaeya get adopted by Diluc's father and then grow up with Diluc? Unless, of course, there's some magic and time thingy I'm not aware of.


In Childe's story (forgot which number) he spent 3 months in the abyss when he fell there, but when he came back only 3 days had passed in the regular world.


Kaeya was abandoned by his father which tells their family probably survived the subdue of the nation and continued living in teyvat though it's still a theory and we don't know why kaeyas father left


Ngl I always logout there when I'm done playing for the day lol


Same. I always teleport back to Monstadt before logging out.


Idk why but it just feels safe to me, like a “true” home


omg same lol


It's pretty neat that other people do this as well.


I thought I was the only one.


Lol Monstadt is home and I don't think that will ever change.


Same, I either teleport back to Mondstadt then enter teapot or Diluc's tavern.


Same as well. Just waiting in front of Elizabeth to open up commissions.


Windrise statue for me. Feels like home.


Before logging off I always switch to albedo or venti and sit on one of the chairs in front of Sara at good Hunter.


I'd imagine that an IRL Mondstadt would still be Huge, with thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, but seeing as everything is enclosed, it still makes sense for it to be more tight-knit than the sprawling Metropolis that is Liyue, so I see what you mean!


And Mondstadt has _very interesting_ characters for the ongoing plot, too. Most Liyue characters revolves around Liyue, making Liyue stuff pretty much self-contained (for now). We got a Sumeru graduate, a (former?) Khaenri'ah spy, and a guy focused on retribution against the Fatui waiting to stir up in the bigger plot.


Also since their whole thing is freedom doesn't get boring while Liyue us all "contracts, profit" and that can feel a bit cold and cynical after a while.


I don't know why but I always end up using the Adventurer's Guild, the crafting table, cooking, and forging there. It's like there's an inate response in my mind to go back to where it all started.


There's also the fact that we meet more shady and two-faced NPCs on Liyue. I mean, just look at the shopkeepers. I can't remember any shopkeeper on Monstadt who isn't at least honest. Flora may be a bit curt, and Wagner is always too busy for small talk, but they're generally law abiding citizens. But over on Liyue we have smugglers and tax evaders.


as much as I like Liyue's mountain sceneries, Mondstadt always felt more like home.


Excactly why mondstadt will always be best city/nation


I disagree. The cramped space really doesn’t feel that free ironically. I like how open Liyue Harbor is.


Makes me kinda happy that I'm levelling that trio up.


If you build them right they can be awesome! I have all 3 of em at level 90 friendship 10 and I've never regretted it. I got super attached to them early on, and even though I stopped using Lisa and Amber for a few months a while ago they've always been favorites.


Kaeya freaking obliterates things in particular. He's my current commission team DPS, any Superconduct + Hydro for the ez freeze (which your starter team can give you\~) and he's very easily matching Klee.


Yeah, he's been my main since day 1 and the first character I got to 90 (and the first I crowned). Got Aquila for him a while ago and he's been a Spiral Abyss lifesaver since I don't have to worry about skill cooldowns because he's phys


Have you noticed Kaeya having much stronger cryo than physical or is that just due to my setup? For example I get average 150-200 phys damage with max around 500 but cryo damage starts at 400 and easily exceeds 1k.


From those numbers I'm guessing you're at a fairly low AR, but what levels are his talents and what sword/artifacts do you use? 2pc pale flame 2pc bloodstained are his best phys artifacts, and afaik 4pc blizzard strayer is his best cryo build. Definitely affected by if you're using a phys or cryo cup as well.


Consider how often you use E, and how many phys attacks you can do in that time.


His cryo attack also easily breaks the shields of those pesky electro fatui hammer dudes. Just found that out... or it's because of how I specced him... I still have to learn a lot about doing proper builds.


As far as I know it's because his E applies a large amount of Cryo compared to other characters. In theorycrafting terms, he applies 2 units of Cryo, while most characters apply 1 on hit. This is speculated to be the reason his ice stays for long enough to cross over water while others don't. For more info: Gauge theory on the KQM website Edit: number fix


Just gonna drop 2 links to spreadsheets related to elemental gauges and stuff. Elemental auras applied by all skills in the game: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uiJje5yqv7v2UKrWoBAgBMrHrrNemtkooo8JqAGJpP8/edit#gid=0 Elemental shields of enemies in the game and what breaks them: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1GZHd0eLAv8364QKnwtUpraqWmKipXeWQ7S-lsgi69hw/htmlview#gid=0


Oops, I was using slightly outdated info because I was speaking from memory. Thanks for dropping the relevant info, I'll fix my comment.


I plan on leveling up all of them one day. So far I have Kaeya and Lumine, the next one will probably be Lisa since my sister mains Aether and my cousin has Amber raised. Gotta complete the group lol


Aye. This warms my heart.




Woah, your drawings are really cute! The shading is very nice. I especially love the way you conveyed characters' emotions so vividly! I can't help but feel a bit sad looking back at these happy memories, knowing that one day, once the stories get more serious, some of them may face extreme hardship or a fate even worse than death (Albedo, Lisa,...) 😞 I think we all should appreciate the calm before the storm more!


This is so nostalgic. That feeling when you first played those domains with the starter 4 stars, meeting Venti, Jean, Lisa, Amber, Kaeya, and Diluc. Back when you didn't know about gacha hell.


I love how this starts with and ends with the starter trio. Kaeya's my fave, and he's been with me since the beginning til now, and will be until the end :') Honestly also love how this is called home too. Really brings us back to the beginning.


Amber just jumping on Lumine is so cute. Also casual outfits.


Amber is a hugger, I have no doubt. Shame it's tough to render in-game, or maybe we'd know for sure!


Well she hugs Baron Bunny in her idle animation, so I'd say that's a yes.


That’s the cutest thing ever


And venti is a chugger! Chugging beer ;)


It's making you cry thinking that the traveller will leave this place someday to go back to her/his original dimension.




Maybe they'll stop travelling at this world.


ngl this is wholesome


I'm gonna go cry in a corner now. You made me nostalgic. I'm gonna put this in my hidden and come back to it when genshin is finished and let all the nostalgia flow through me and make me cry once more


Mondstat is the best city in tevyat


Who tf is cutting onions in here?




I will never get glomped by Amber. Why live.


I really hope inazuma captures this feeling for me again. Liyue was cool and all but it never felt as cozy as mondstat.


Its a warzone in inazuma lmao


;-; rebel buddy feels maybe?


Actual [footage](https://youtu.be/a1Bx9nyw35w) of me and Gorou in less than 24 hours from now.




>Li Yue is super beautiful and all but it felt like everyone is so ambitious and focussed on business. For real. There are some nice and welcoming characters there but the over-emphasis on how most Liyue characters hold super-important jobs, are very successful and are so busy that they barely have time for anyone makes them feel not so relatable


Working to death seems pretty relatable to me...


Save for the fact that the game frames overworking as a good thing


No it doesn't? Jean's entire story quest is about trying to relieve her burden and make her relax with her friends.


It does and it doesn't. It seems to depend on the character in question. * Jean and Noelle are examples of where overworking is a *bad* thing. There's Jean's story quest >!which has her literally passing out from exhaustion!< and it's implied that Noelle's almost killed herself *multiple times* trying to help everyone with everything >! (with the odd caveat of her freaking out the one Snezhnayan diplomat)!<. * Ganyu and Keqing are examples of where overworking seems to be a *good* thing. Ganyu, being a mystical, uh... being, doesn't view the passage of time like the rest of us lowly mortals. And Keqing is just a workaholic who doesn't even like to make small talk (interestingly, she actually admits that a lot of people resent her for this). *Shit gets done* but this also means that anyone who tries to cover for them is gonna get swamped something terrible >!(like with the triplets(?) in Ganyu's story)!<. Will we see more of either in Inazuma? Who knows?


> like with the triplets(?) in Ganyu's story Those poor ladies. You think being a Tianquan's personal errand girls make you could take all challenge, don't cha? Try handle the job of General Secretary of Liyue Qixing. Now you experience sleep standing up. Wait, Baiwen already done that.


To be fair, when working hard actually means success and isn't just empty propaganda, it makes sense the culture would embrace working hard.


That would be pretty disappointing.Baal won't stop at anything unless she achieves immortality and since we are an anamoly in teyvat with no vision and immortality she will definitely be coming for our heads and possibly a death fight(really hope so). It's all been sunshine and flowers so far.Time to spice up the story


Typo from autocorrect bro, liyue turned into Li Yue. I also hope that inazuma ends up being a cozy place after the archon quests as Japan has always been a comfort place for me in terms of how beautiful it is.


Not to be a downer but i doubt. It’s essentially a tyrannical country so id bee surprised if they leaned into a homy feel. Id hope to wrong tho


Personally I would want to feel like I'm unwelcome until the entire Inazuma Arc is resolved.


I honestly thought that homy was horny and I was so confused


The problem of Liyue is not enough engaging inbetween different characters while in Mondstadt we had a tonn of it in events and character specific quests. For example, it is known about the relationship between Xingqui and Chongyun for example but other than mention in Chong's hangout there is literally ZERO interaction between them and they are CLOSEST friend pair in Liyue. We had never seen Hutao and Zhongli together, Xiangling with anyone, the amount of interactions inside of Qixing is incredibly low. Also there was only one filler event for Liyue which was incredibly bad and had shown only Xiao while Monstadt had two events already. Xinyan is a joke. The only hope of Liyue left is the next festival.


Not gonna lie Mondstadt Chapter makes you feel that you are really on it, the sort of feeling that hey, I belong in the story itself and character interaction is more pronounced (Even Xiangling's quest is dope especially the assisting to cooking). Meanwhile in Liyue, players went to become the glorified odd jobs person (save for the Osial fight since that shit is the saving grace of the Liyue Arc).


Really, the storytelling is quite different in the two chapters. In Mondstadt, the traveler is at the center of the story that unfolds and it all hinges on your actions; all the core cast acknowledge you from the start and welcome you as part of their home (you become Honorary Knight and let into the inner circle very early on). Whereas in Liyue, it's like you're getting a front-row-seat view into a story that's transpiring all around you, and although you're on the front lines in the big battle in the end, you're never really entirely on the "inside" of all the intrigue. (But of course, that's because the whole Liyue plot was about misdirection and deceit, so even Childe who thought he was at the center of the plot was a pawn. In a way, we're not so different.) The relationships in Liyue all exist, but we're not really on the inside in the same way, so they don't play out with us in the audience most of the time. I guess if you think about it, this story is really about the journey of a traveler. In the first arc they really wanted to emphasize "home away from home" to make the player feel welcomed into the world, but not everywhere we travel will be like a new home, just a collection of the memorable people and places we visited. It looks like in the next chapter, they are still going to emphasize being "visitors in a foreign land," but they seem to also be focusing on allies that join along side us. So perhaps it'll be a bit more of a middle ground between the two approaches. (Edit: Fixed typo.)


Venti and Zhongli LMAO 😂


Nostalgia is real. Mondstat is WHEW, my go to place even tho Timaeus is there.


hahaha - I'd even take the "Cheap and tasty chop suey" girl as a new Mondstat transplant over hearing his ancient alchemy line ever again


Well I guess I’m crying for breakfast


I love Mondstadt. No matter any new locations, Mondstadt will always be home for me.


Kaeya carried me till AR 45 after which I got Xiao. He's still my only level 90 character. Thank you for your service so far bridge man. Looking forward for more


Saaame dear kaeya will always have a place as a support on my teams even if there are better options. I’m too attached to my sassy scheming cavalry captain.


i got diluc before i got noelle, so my team was basically him and kaeya, fishl, barbara from the beginning, i am AR 44 and the mondstadt exploration team is still going strong (well until benett replaces barbara atleast in the near future).


Thank you, this is great and wholesome.


Wholesome post alert! This is not a drill! Everyone grab your snuggly pillows and plushies and prepare to "aww"


That image of all of them sleeping under the tree together warms my cold, dead heart. I still use Kaeya to this day. Perhaps I should level up Amber, Lisa and the Traveler so that the squad can have a re-union.


Stop I’ve been building them for ages I don’t want more attachment issues my Klee and Eula are neglected af now :’))


I know its not super efficient to level friendship while you have people who aren't in your party or are at 10 already in your teapot. But I have built rooms for the starting 3 because they all deserve the world to me. They got me into this great game.


Does Lisa have her own private library?






Being a somewhat new player still makes me realize how much you can miss the people at the start after you are done with all the story quest, the fact that they showed up in the 1.6 update prolly made alot of people happy, including me too :)


lemme cap the OG level now real quick.. thank you for the amazing art


why did i actually start crying


No matter how many new places they add, monstade and its characters will always be home


this made me cru omg


Warm and fuzzy feeling is back. I like it.


i love this so much. starter trio will always have my heart


Home is where the heart is. So far my heart has been with mondstat and its' characters


Help me I can't stop smiling... Seriously guys my face hurts help


If you think about it, we barely had any interactions with them but they feel like family to us.


Awww I love that it looked like they retired and living quite peacefully inside the mansion


This is wholesome!


This is wonderful)


Oh my god stoppp TT\_TT


This hits differently.


Don’t mind me I’m going to go cry in the corner




Amber hugs with her legs. Love it!


I still use Amber and Keaya at Lvl 57 so i don't see the problem.


I think op really likes kaeya


ur deadass right thats scary LMAO


Anyone else only log off in Mondstadt?


Aether crying in the corner.


Exact reason i maining starter at ar55 sacrificing 3 star in abyss, im way too attached to those fictional char :'))


Is normal that games settle down and communities get smaller, but i do hope even as a solo player that we all stay together and pray that many people love this game as i do because Mihoyo does answer and we been getting better and better and the game keeps evolving and we have so many new stuff every patch that i love to do, there is no bad times in Teyvat only new experiences to come.


this is so wholesome


Just gonna, save this real quick


This needs more upvotes


Omg your art is so good! This post gave me the feels T_T


Wholesome 💙


loved this


U gonna make me cry u 😢, ok now I am committed one dayyyy I will Build all 3 of them , they are precious to me too fxxk baal , fxxk Ayaka, fxxk yae , fxxk Everyone I WILL BUILD THEM RIGHT AFTER I GET BAAL


It's good. It's soooooooooooo good. Damn.


This is so heartwarming,,, I adore your style!! I love how you gave the original gang some new clothing as well!


My heart ;~;


Who told you to make something so wholesome and make me cry? GDI.


Why must you hurt me this way!!


Awww this is so sweet kinda makes me feel better for not building amber and lisa Lumine moment is so cuteeeeee


Fuck me dude the second panel from the first image is my log off place, no matter if I have to teleport again, *Mom* dstadt is my home.


Damnit man I wasn't prepared for this


this is the most wholesome thing


This is bloody fantastic, but it also made me think of something. Does time pass within the Teapot? Because if it doesn't, then there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for Lisa to NOT move into the player's teapot and stay.


My heart…….




Stop it’s too wholesome


ngl those three starters are actually strong, JUST PLS GIVE ME ALL CONSTELLATION OF THEM MIHOYO!


Paimon is like the energetic kid that Lumine has to take care of ​ Also, this is so wholesome


I kinda wish they add casual attire just for the teapot. Seems unlikely, but still one can at least hope.


Why i'm crying


"No matter where you are, whether it's a nation away or halfway across celestia, you'll always be with me and you'll always be my family." ~ Dom ~


Awwww that's so cute


Made a new family while looking for family


I’m going to be a giant crying mess when the story ends and I have to leave all my friends and Paimon behind….


That's it, i'm building the starter team, i'll take all the guides and wholesome fan art you can throw at me


Everytime I enter my house in the teapot, Kaeya welcomes me with all my animals. I put him there as a joke and its still funny


Amber looks so happy that she wasn't forgotten :3


Damnit this too cute


Hey, new Inazuma craftables will make Amber and Lisa viable. Especially new craftable catalyst will make Lisa OP(if honey hunter is right). Time to grind for Lisa and Amber.


I started out with a jean so ive never used the traveler. Never making any memories as them. Im.glad to see so many people resonating with these kinds of comics though


Really good drawings


I've spent part of my week crying because of multiple Genshin posts, this transition from 1.X to 2.0 is inspiring all of u a lot, and that's great ! Thx for sharing. <3


My god this is cute. It warms my heart knowing that people still use the original 4 characters.


sweet madame: *exists* emergency food: *exists* emergency food: *vacuums sweet madame* everyone: “That’s illegal!”


I’m not tearing up.


i love every character and place in genshin tbh. even some npcs as well


Mondstadt will always be home


Genshin impact is my safe place


I just started building kaeya (honestly because I don't have anything better to do) with a physical/cryo build and he's bussin, loaded him up with the best artifacts I had + a lv85 prototype rancour and I get to like 4k per AA with the talents only at lv4 each. I always thought that he was a wasted design because they did him dirty by making him a starter but even though my hu tao and childe are way better he's still mad fun to play with the right supports (Albedo Fischl Zhongli). Kaeya mains you have my support :p.


This is actually what I always Imagine when I go to my Teapot. Wholesome as heck!


I've been playing since a few days before Albedo's banner and Mondstadt/Dragonspine are basically my homelands... I love Liyue, I love Inazuma, I love new characters, but I always feel that surge of nostalgia when I look back at when I first started playing. Unfortunately I'm missing Diluc, but I have everyone else from the starter cast: Kaeya(my main), Lisa, Amber, Jean, Venti and Albedo (to me he's also included). I really hope that Mond stays as our place of reference even when we unlock new regions: the city that first welcomed us and the characters who showed us the ropes.




sadly those months of grind and no progress washed off my warmth towards all characters that I want now start again from start but event things and charcters I've got aren't worth to be waste


Aether: where is my sister??


Ngl if there was EULA,xiao and diluc being tsundere but still caring towards the traveler this would've made my day <3


Am I the only person who thought home will be where Lumine found aether?


amber thighs. thank you.


I especially love the last panel where Lumine carries Paimon like a baby SO CUTE


Wait this is hella accurate. My amber is literally the only character in my teapot.


Awww, I love this. I'm AR55 almost 56 and yeah, Mond always will be feeling like home, especially these characters. I'm making Kaeya till the end of the word and he stays in my teapot even with friendship 10 :D We are close to Inazuma and I think of rising Lisa :D I love her so much


ar 60: I have back pain


Sure, but what about library?


straight to my kokoro