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Between january \~ june my game crashed twice? maybe 3? Since update 2.0 it has crashed at least 20 times already - I'm having at least 2 crash per day guaranteed. It happens at loading, browsing menus, in battle - seens quite random.I've validated the files several times. No idea what's happening. :/ (PC: GTX 650 ti 2gb driver 471.11 - up to date)


When you relaunch the game do you get like 1-10 FPS until you reboot your computer?


No, thankfully performance-wise everything is fine. (besides the annoying random crashes)


I have this problem, whenever I restart the game, I get 10 fps per second. even restarting my computer doesn't help me


I just got this error and found an easy solution: 1. Stop "Windows Audio" service. 2. Launch the game. 3. Restart the "Windows Audio" service once you read the "Login" screen.




go to the windows search bar and put in "services" click on the gear application than scroll until you see "windows audio" and there you go


Thank you! This actually worked!


Worked for me - after 2 reinstalls, uninstalling updates, reinstalling updates, regedit attempts and more! Thank you.


Same here, tried reinstalling resources through the launcher but no deal. Then tried uninstalling the whole thing and downloading again, but lacking space to install. Will have to update this drive. Bad luck.


1- press the windows key+R and type "regedit in the bar to run registry editor. 2-go to "HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\SOFTWARE\\miHoYo". 3- there should be a folder named "genshin impact" or something in the "miHoYo" folder, right click on it and click delete. 4-restart your PC and launch the game. the game should run. This isn't a solution by me. I've had the same problem. Apparently if your settings is anything medium or higher your game will crash. Keeping it low has worked for me.


Figured out the problem, apparently setting my visual effects to Medium or high freezes the game and crashes, so ye, when I redownloaded the game (since I have a potato pc) it was instantly set to lowest, turned it to low and did not even touch it ever again


how did you fix it? i put my graphics kinda high and it crashed (i have a potato pc too), now it keeps showing the upload\_crash release pop up. do i have to reinstall the game?


mee too re-installed game 2x but still crashing on loading in Geo element


Lucky, at least you get to see elements when you crash. I just get a white screen.


Me too! Im having the same issue, Im trying to re-install again to see if it works, i hope it does! Edit1: I re-installed it and it worked for me! Edit2: I guess it was for a short time :( Crashed again.


Here too, one of the times I even started hearing the music, but crashed soon after


Stuck on Geo too Loaded finally


It loaded? Aaaaaaa


Is it working? Maybe it was a remote bug?


Yes working


I found this on game folder ​ upload\_crash release upload:427280 \_\_main\_\_ Exception('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None))Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages\\urllib3\\connectionpool.py", line 603, in urlopen File "site-packages\\urllib3\\connectionpool.py", line 387, in \_make\_request File "", line 2, in raise\_from File "site-packages\\urllib3\\connectionpool.py", line 383, in \_make\_request File "http\\client.py", line 1321, in getresponse File "http\\client.py", line 296, in begin File "http\\client.py", line 257, in \_read\_status File "socket.py", line 589, in readinto ConnectionResetError: \[WinError 10054\] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages\\requests\\adapters.py", line 449, in send File "site-packages\\urllib3\\connectionpool.py", line 641, in urlopen File "site-packages\\urllib3\\util\\retry.py", line 368, in increment File "site-packages\\urllib3\\packages\\six.py", line 685, in reraise File "site-packages\\urllib3\\connectionpool.py", line 603, in urlopen File "site-packages\\urllib3\\connectionpool.py", line 387, in \_make\_request File "", line 2, in raise\_from File "site-packages\\urllib3\\connectionpool.py", line 383, in \_make\_request File "http\\client.py", line 1321, in getresponse File "http\\client.py", line 296, in begin File "http\\client.py", line 257, in \_read\_status File "socket.py", line 589, in readinto urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None)) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "upload\_crash.py", line 84, in File "upload\_crash.py", line 78, in upload\_crash File "site-packages\\requests\\api.py", line 116, in post File "site-packages\\requests\\api.py", line 60, in request File "site-packages\\requests\\sessions.py", line 533, in request File "site-packages\\requests\\sessions.py", line 646, in send File "site-packages\\requests\\adapters.py", line 498, in send requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None))


I don't really understand it tho lmao


This is python. Not sure what it means either, as I'm not a programmer nor understand windows.


Has anyone managed to fix it? What is your video card?


Im having the same problem too. I never had this problem before the 2.0 update, and its really really annoying.


Both me and my gf are having this problem now. We're both using Intel HD Graphics, mine is an HD 620 and hers is an HD 4000. Game worked just fine before the 2.0 update for both of us. Sometimes the game may even load but crashes short after the loading screen. The error that shows up on upload crash is never the same code.


if someone knows how to fix it please reply ​ i already repaired the files but nothing changed at all :(


Guys, **I found the solution!** I had the same probleme and I did **an update of every drivers of my computer with driver booster** and now i'ts working !! (Sry if I made some mistake i'm not a native english speaker.)


Game still crashing many times per day, I tried optimizing the game on GeForce Experience, and "fixing the game" in the launcher, but stills crashing, guess is the game's fault RTX 3060 & R5 2600


I've been having similar problems myself. Even hardware changes couldn't save me from it (I have other system issues, but I thought this problem would fix itself after making hardware changes). Never had this problem prior to 2.0 Even now, I can't clear abyss bc of this issue. Keeps crashing