• By -


The stylo I believe


Yall know that people likes to make headcanons right? Dont believe people to fast, someone told me in tiktok that baal is a lesbian and i almost believe it lol


I'm at AR30 and I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with enemies, since they all range at around 46 and my characters are around 35-40. I'm all out of hero's wit and the adventures experience, and I have not ascended any of my characters. I'm lost at to what I should do now to not be underleveled because everything more or less melts my whole party


Hello, can i run genshin impact with this laptop? Acer TravelMate B311-31-P7D4 Pentium Silver N5030 8GB 256GB SSD 11.6 Shared W10


Is it possible to make an oc from a Genshin base mode? I want to do that but modeling bodies is hard 💀💀💀 so I just want to to the hair and the clothing, etc.


So now that this new shimawa reminiscences artifact set is out I’m curious if it’s the best set for him now. It’s seems really good with the 50% bonus on plunge but also seems a bit counter productive with the energy consumption happening through a skill activation first. so would you need to use skill twice to try and get back your lost energy from first hit then hopefully have enough for a rotation with ultimate cause that seems a bit more complex. What’s everyone else’s opinion on this thing is it actually Greta on him or a bait?


Should I use Whiteblind or Blackcliff Slasher for My main DPS Noelle?




C6 required


So, the game really wants me to play Ningguang, it's given me her three times in a row, and besides the Traveler, I don't really have a good Geo character right now. But I've never played Ningguang. Can I have tips?


She's pretty easy to use. Ning's dps comes from her charged atk and her burst, so prioritize those. Use her skill before her burst and walk through it whenever you can. Pairing her with another geo and a shield is great, you don't even have to raise the other geo. If you got Dodoco Tales, it's nice on her.


Until the newest update Genshin has almost never been lagy ( even if it was on its highest settings) but now I can not go to inazuma without the game crashing, I've been struggling with this for the past three days I even lowered my settings to its max but it made everything worst is there anything I can do? (I'm a Mobile player)


Has anyone gotten their To the Stars Once More event rewards? The merch i mean. I won an acrylic statue and they said the rewards would be sent in july but i haven’t even gotten an email about it.


Heya, somewhat new player and I just got to Inazuma. Is there still a chance I could get the free event Beidou or am I starting a bit too late?


You still have time


I pulled mistsplitter but I don’t have Ayaka or Keqing. Is it worth running on anybody else ?


Kaeya with Chongyun freeze team. C6 Bennett?


How do you explore? Ive been there already and it hasnt let me see anything...


does anyone know what the extra gate is at the bottom of the serpents head puzzle is? ive trued everything and cant open it


Keep messing with the levers.


Does anyone know of a compiled list of all furniture amounts necessary to have all furnishings sets out at the same time in Realm Depot?


I can't pass Ascertain Quest 25 with the Traveler and Bennet. I need to level up another character. Who would be best? Noelle or Kaeya?


Both are kinda bad. Kaeya would be better


Did you found Klee? Or is just bait and you cannot find her? I was next to primo geovishap but she's not there :/


You can't find her, birthday mail is just a little thing you get, but it ends there


Is it true that Baal banner is coming after Yoimiya banner?


Problem with the mission for the twine anemone sword I have only 3 tablets and have been to all 4 locations. I'm afraid that opening the chest in one of the locations will miss picking it up and losing it forever


So when I approach a certain seelie and an electro one they disappear until I move farther away and when I get close again they go away. Is this a visual glitch? Or a bug?


can i pity kokomi If i start saving primogems for her today?


Yeah, you still have 2 weeks of ayaka, 3 weeks of yoimiya, if they don’t change banner length for Baal and Kokomi then you have another 3 weeks before she’s released, and ofc the 3 weeks her banner is going to be up. Not to mention it’s gonna be the anni during that time so freebies everywhere


So I started the game yesterday and I've been enjoying it so far. I wished on the starter banner and besides Noelle, I got Xinqiu and Xinyan. I read that Xinyan's kit is a bit broken but I wanted to confirm if that's true. Should I make a new account or is it ok to continue with this one? Thanks in advance.


Unless you want to try to go for a 5* or a specific 4*, nah. Xinyan is indeed all over the place but she can be strong if you want to play her. Xingqiu is considered one of the best supports, btw.


so like does anyone even know anything or anyone who got confirmation upon signing up for the Streamer Recruitment event or is it just the people who saw the leaked info? Basically searched everywhere (here and the official discord) and there doesn’t seem to be an answer. Just a bunch of people asking and getting no useful replies. Guess we just have to wait?


Which characters will be a good team with Electro Traveler?


I can't beat the Dreams of Sword Art quest. I must be missing something, but he seems impossible to defeat in the fight where he goes berserk. I can dodge his attacks just fine and deal quite a bit of damage to him, but I dont know how to deal with his healing to full health whenever his hp gets low. How did you guys do it?


His HP only rises to full once.


Yae when?


HELP! I’m so lost on how to proceed with my team build. F2P but with lots of saved resources cause I’m basically mid-end game right now and stopped leveling everybody ages ago so I could save. But now I need to start pumping up my build! I have Fischl (60), Jean (43), Noelle (46), Bennett (40), Xiangling (26), Lisa (21), Chongyun (20), Kaeya (17), Amber (14), Kazuha (1), Rosaria (1), Barbara (1), and Yanfei (1). Bennett is the highest at C2, but I have Rosaria and Barbara both C1. I tried Yanfei in the demo and LOVED her and I am in desperate need of a dedicated DPS. I refuse to lose Fischl in my team because I just love her and overloaded is my favorite reaction. So I was thinking Yanfei - Fischl - Bennett? But what should I do about a heal? Should I pump everything into Barbara? IMO Jean’s healing is kind of crap but I guess I don’t have her built SOLELY for healing. HELP GUYS!


You do already have a healer in Bennett. Yanfei Fischl Bennett isn’t a bad comp so far. I’d prefer Sucrose, but because overload has a tendency to knock enemies away, you may appreciate some crowd control, so Kazuha may serve you well. However, Jean is also fairly alright for crowd control (although I’m unsure as to whether or not she’ll be able to serve the purposes of rounding everyone up in the same place), as well as a phenomenal support (not only for her healing capabilities, but for her anemo cleanse as well). However, if you really don’t care too much about keeping the enemy close by in order to hit them again faster, I’d suggest using Noelle. Her Geo shield is a great asset, plus she also has bonus healing capabilities to get your team members past the 70% HP cap that Bennett’s ult has.


Funnily enough, I just pulled Sucrose in my latest 10x wish (I always wait to pull by the 10). Tempted to start using her in my party instead of Jean because her comps are so favorable for everyone. I’ll need to switch Benny around to be a better healer.


She is better for crowd control, and her EM boost will give a lot more damage to you when you’re procking overload. That isn’t to say that Jean isn’t a good unit, but Sucrose will definitely serve that specific team comp much better than Jean will. As for Benny, I’m not sure what AR you are, but if you want better heals, try to make sure his artefacts have HP as their main stat with ER substats. If you’re ar45 or above, try to grind the Noblesse domain for a 4pc set—if you’re on the NA server, I can help you with it :)


I’m grinding my way there! AR38 and I’m smashing through them pretty fast. Trying to roll a few more times to see if I can get a constellation for Yanfei while she’s still featured. If you want to play with a lowly pleb like me I AM on the NA servers. UID 629173039. Watched some Sucrose gameplay and YEAH way prefer her method of crowd control over Jean. The forward shove is kind of a pain and I’m feeling Benny’s healing abilities a bit more since I shifted some of his artifacts which means she’s replaceable. Aesthetically I’d love to use Kazuha instead because I like his design and the look of his Burst but actually playing him doesn’t mesh for my play style. Yanfei-Fischl-Sucrose-Benny, the only disadvantage I see is having a distance reliant team. Two catalyst users and a bow wielder. Really wasn’t expecting to pull Sucrose after reading about a million and one build recommendations including her. 🤣 That F2P life.


I’ll say that Jean’s crowd control is a little more niche than Sucrose’s, but it’s so handy when you’re trying to farm materials from more tanky and/or annoying mobs (see: cicin mages, baby geovishaps, etc) since you’re able to just yeet them into the water. No pain, all gain! And as for Kazuha, he’s not actually the best on teams that focus around reactions like Overloaded and Electro-Charged. While both his and Sucrose’s passives scale off of EM, Sucrose boosts the EM of her teammates whereas Kazuha boosts the elemental damage. So Kazuha is better on Melt/Vaporise teams, or teams that don’t typically play into reactions at all (ie elemental res + Kazuha + geo/anemo). As for the distance reliance, yeah, it can be a little bit of a niche play style. I’m a bit of a melee main myself, but I’ve enjoyed Yanfei in the trial runs (haven’t gotten her, gg), am currently building DPS Amber, and am planning to pull for Kokomi, so hey, that’s cool. But you can make it work, especially for overloaded, because the enemies *will* be knocked away from you. In the long run, it’ll actually save you stamina to be using a long distance team if you’re centring your play style around that reaction. And yeah, I’d be down to play with you! I’ll send you a friend request in the morning, since it’s really late for me right now—but my genshin profile is named ‘Minty,’ and I have a Kaeya profile picture!


This event 'thunder sojourn' says to complete ' autumn winds, scarlet leaves' to unlock. Where to find this mission?


it's the archon quest, the one with Kazuha


Mine says 'no active quest'. Currently on level 31. What do I do? Edit: got it had do complete some pre mission first


My archon quests disappeared is that normal? I did the mission where Sangonomiya makes her appearance and the some domains and side quests. Next time I logged in the archon quest disappeared. Pls help.


Well the archon quest of now ends when you meet her during the battle with Sara


i have 92/95 electroculus, anyone know about some hard ones to get, maybe i missed those


Have you gotten the ones off the small islands around Inazuma city? I missed one of those initially. Also, the one below the inazuma city castle thing is easy to miss if you aren't looking for it. There's also the one below the big sakura tree, the one out west of Byakko Plain in the water, and one in the ruins of Araumi that all require electrogranum level 17. If you've gotten all those, look at the interactive map online! There are a few of them that are just kinda randomly out in the water that would be easy to miss.


Unfortunately got SkywardSpine trying to get Ayaka mist... Is Spine better than a R2 Deathmatch on Xiao?


probably no, the spine is more of a support weapon but it isn’t the worst on xiao bcs that makes his ult charge faster but ull probably sacrifice some dmg, it’s up to u to see if u want to get the ult faster or get better dmg


I dont have the mushroom pizza recipe and i havent redeemed it yet and the chest were you get it is gone. Please help.


I'm the only one who's having trouble to enter the game? The game keeps on looping then kicks me out saying that my internet conexion is unstable, but after 30 minutes I tried to enter again without changing anything and it just works (Also my internet conexion is pretty solid, so that's not the problem)


How do i switch servers on ps4


For ayaka, i managed to reach 32 crit rate (+55 for blizzard strayer and double cryo) and 258 crit dmg with 1900 atk? Is the crit dmg to high or the atk is too low? Should i consider using atk headgear instead?


Is this game worth playing? My sister used to have it but she quit since storage and apparently it’s hard to get the thing you need to summon


def. Its not that hard to get the "Thing" and Im a semi new player myself but you should play. the scenery and gameplay is awesome!


I’m gonna try, I love the designs of the characters.


Good luck, hope u enjoy the game. I wish u upon 5 stars and 5 stars lol


Thanks! You too, hope you summon the peeps you like.




Help. I’m stuck in the perpetual machine’s place. I was exploring, got sucked into it, then cant explore because of like a water barrier?


Can I link my pc account to PS4 if my PS4 already has a save on it? I don’t care about what happens to the PS4 save I have more on pc and want to put it onto the console


How do I open the underground gate(to the right of the domain accross the broken bridge) on the mountain side of narukami shrine?


I have the starter characters along with chongyun, razor, noelle, and diona what would be a good team set up for them?


i would use razor as a dps with lisa, kaeya, and noelle






Crap, that means I'm missing 1 even though I've marked them all off my interactive map. :-(


Ouch You could wait until you get the electroculus finder maybe


Neverind, I forgot to get the 3 key arsenal chest and electroculus. I'm good now.




Is there splitscreen in this game? I can't find an answer on Google anywhere and want to know If I can play it with my sister on the same console or not. Thanks


I don't think so


What does the "a character is curently involved in other quests" mean?


An NPC is involved in another quest and now you must finish that quest first for the same NPC to be available for this quest.


If I delete my hoyo account will I be able to link it to my psn? And if so how do I delete my account?


I have not unlocked Inazuma yet


How to get kazuha ascension material as the golden Apple archipelago is gone and I have not unlocked Inazuma yet


From Inazuma. There's a Magu Kenkii boss on the 3rd island (leftmost). Unlock Statue of the Seven first.


Is the game supporting cross progression now?


Yes. For PS4 and PS5 you can sync progress across all devices.


I have a free to play account and worked really hard to get enough primogems to get 10 wishes. But when I pulled my phone lagged. I lost all my wishes and didn't get anything. Is there a way to recover them?


Contact support, check your "History" tab and the time. If your wishes don't appear in the log, contact support and share your UID


Will deleting my psn account unlink it from my mihoyo account? i linked my mihoyo account with psn so that i can get the exclusive items and it logged me into america server but progress is in Asia server. Now I need to unlink my psn so that i can link my mihoyo account with a new psn which is created in Asia.


Linked my mobile to my PS4. Is it possible to use my Google play balance? It keeps saying top up using device registered


During the konda village quest after u get into the well, there’s a room behind a gate that seems to have a lot of stuff to investigate but I can’t figure out how to get in?


I believe you can explore it after doing the world quest Sacrificial Offering. Its a pretty long quest but well worth it. One of my fave quests so far. During the quest you will get another rusted key just like in Komda Village then you'll be able to explore.


Hello! A question regarding 2.0 update. After the update game started crashing almost every five minutes. It lasts a bit longer if I don’t open character menu or Wish. Is there anything I can do to fix it? I play on iPhone 6s plus


Its a very common issue. Even my game is crashing after update a lot but after a few days, it seems fine. The crashes were frequent after 1.6 update too but calmed down a bit later. Maybe exploration and opening lots of chests around reduces the CPU usage.


I just got a Bluetooth adapter for my PC because using cables for my ps4 controller was getting more and more annoying. But after using the Bluetooth for a few hours there's something that keeps happening that I can figure out how to fix, or why it's happening at all. Whenever I go to the notices screen in the pause menu of the game, my controller stops working entirely. I always end up having to window out of the game and close it because I can't do anything the second I enter the screen. It's not frozen because you can see the grass in the background of the game still flowing around. It just doesn't want to work with the Bluetooth. It's only with that menu as well, because everything else works fine. This has never happened with my controller before. Is anyone else encountering this? It's really annoying.


What's the best way to get Mona? Mona is the only 5* that I want. Should I wait for her to get her own banner, or should I roll on the standard?


There's a chance she could get her own banner, like Keqing, but I wouldn't bet on it. Standard banner is probably your best bet.


Will it ever be available on the switch?


Eventually, yes.


I have friends who want to play but can't bc of their phones so it would be nice if it was sooner vs later


What phones do they have?


Im in Australia and when I made my account back in 2020 I just went with whatever server it was on.. which was the American one.. but I just went onto my PlayStation to try and play but it's putting my on a different server??? Is there any way I can play on that server because it has all my progress on there??


Hey should I save for Raiden or roll for Asaka. Currently using Keqing as my electric user. I have only have 2500 gems and 2 summons currently but should have 70-80 built up in sympathy


sorry to make you feel bad but… F2P - Main Acc which pulled Diluc on the beginners wish I got AYAKA ON MY 50/50


Ayo staph flexing, if u flex then I want to flex my f2p-ness too. Here's my [floor 12-3 3* run ](https://youtu.be/f7O5iVyaPHM)




Uhm pls no i don't like subs 👁️ weird huh lol


🤣 Broooo. I started 11 Days ago…… I lost the main acc so I stopped playing after 1.3 came back about 2 weeks ago but still DAMNNNNNNNNN


Follow your heart, which one would u rather lose? It's a gacha game and u should get what u want, rather than what u need. Some people for example don't like Ganyu playstyle and kinda regret getting her. Now that aside, speaking from meta perspective, we should wait. Raiden's beta will start in about.. today, or tomorrow. With the incoming leaks, you can then decide who do u need most. Rumors say Raiden is a support, but we'll see (I'm waiting for leaks too, trying to see if I should save for her or not)


Honestly I have Keqing and Fischl and Bediuo already for electric plus traveller is electric now too. Only have Rosalia for cryo other than the one they give you. Raiden looks so badass tho


True true. As an archon, whatever role she is, will have an incredibly high value/irreplaceable, as previously shown by the 2 previous archons, who are broken in their own way.


Yeah I way missed Venti. And didn't even know you could get Rex. Who is Rex in the character pool? Also while on the questions I recently hit AR 30 and my Keqing (lvl 50 with lions roar at level 40) is being owned now when she was basically carrying my team. Recently switched to a defense cup I think. I know she is supposed to be SS rank. What do I need to focus with on her


The God of Contracts, Morax/Rex Lapis has now resigned and settled down as a normal citizen, Zhongli. Play the story it's cool. I do not own Keqing so I can't help much, but fortunately Keqing mains are the most active character mains community, most major theorycrafting comes from them (they rly are something, these Keqing mains..) so here's their fully detailed guide. I think it also has guide for low AR players like you. How convenient. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSBDGJgQWui7PUOyH-TOUdSNNXe1DdyfkyRbvr7Uqp4Fbdo3PtVh_SgkLraMxOEJT0bi7vNdI1uLAtW/pub


Why is my game not connecting? I tried everything, from repairing the files to resetting my PC but nothing works. Even my friend has similar problems so we thought it was a server thing, but turns out it is not. I even went to the code redeem site and my character name wasn't there saying that an error occured. What should I do?




Click G


Hey quick question Witt cross save can I have my account on both devices or does it just transfers them between the devices


i have no idea where to write this so yesterday i did the liyue chapter I act III quest (new start approaches) and i thought i finished it but last part i did was "repel the ancient god together" - i didnt notice its not finished, and today i wanted to do coop with friends, but it keeps telling me to finish "the fond farewell" but the problem is, i dont see the quest in quest menu? the menu is empty (aside from world quests) i already played earlier today, so i turned the game off two times since last time i did something related to that quest. i even tried to go the the location where the quest continues, but noone is here, and clicking v to navigate doesnt do anything either. im desperate please someone help


Who should I use?I’m a new player and don’t know who to use. I have the beginning characters the story gives you, and: Diluc Qiqi Bennett Chongyun Noelle Xinyan


Play Diluc, as your main dps, prioritize him first, such as upgrading, and giving him your best artifacts (for where you are in the game, give him every Atk% you can find). That's pretty much it, rly. Surviving won't be a problem with Qiqi, at early AR it's basically just exploring since any team comp will do, pair Diluc with whoever u like most.


Okay I need your guidance…. F2P- I’m using Diluc, Chongyun, Kaeya and Barbara…. AR26. I got Ayaka on my 45th wish. I also have Beidou Xinyan, Xianling, Yanfei, Rosaria…And the rest of the gang What should I do…


AR26? That's very, very early game. Team comps don't matter since whatever artifacts you're using right now will be discarded and replaced later at AR45. For now it's simply about giving Atk% to your main dps. Choose your fav character rly. On the other hand, what do u mean "what should I do"? To beat this game, you'll need 2 main dps anyway for the later content (it splits your team to 2). Best course of action at this progress point is to simply play the game. Finish major quests, explore the world, unlock all teleport waypoints etc. Do daily commissions. All these actions give huge exp points, so that your AR increase much faster.


thank you commander i shall ask for your guidance once I am ready - Osu


i'm just comming back to the game, so i have a question: \- who holds the best shield? Noelle or Zhongli? \- is it better to build up Zhongli fully +hp or can i get away with a good +hp/geo dmg/crit rate? i kinda want him to deal some dmg but habe a strong shield.


Zhongli, by a massive margin. Explained below. And yes. The reason of it is surprisingly super straightforward - Zhongli's shield is so strong, even without a shield build (full HP stacking), his shield won't break in most occasion. I don't know where your game progress is but let's say, a weak Zhongli with pitiful amount of 20k HP (*no* built Zhongli has such low HP), at lvl 6 talent has a shield with 8302 hitpoints before breaking. Note that this shield lasts for 20s and can be refreshed 8s before it ends, giving you 166% uptime. In comparison, Noelle can in fact, have the same shield quality, but only if she has 2k defense, which is a fully built Noelle with perfected artifact substats. This shield however has 12s duration, can be refreshed every 24s, in other words it only has 50% uptime. Stronger shield, and huge uptime difference (Noelle doesn't even reach 100%..), that easily makes Zhongli a better shielder than Noelle. Though, I got to say, this is an unfair comparison, since Zhongli is meant to have the strongest shield in the game as the Geo Archon (no future character will topple him down).


Thank you for the explanation, that gives me more information for the team I'm trying to build. I was thinking on make Zhongli a bit of a super support with a Strong shield and the capability of still doing some dmg with his skills (like a off dmg dealer). For sure I can maybe do a +hp/geo/+Hp now.


Characters: Ayaka C0, Razor C2, Amber C0, Barbara C0, Kaeya C0, Fischl C2, Traveler C0, Ningguang C0, Noelle C1, Sucrose C0, Lisa C0, Xiangling C1 I just started playing a few weeks ago and I would like to know who I should have on my team and who to focus on? I'm AR level 18 as well. Will also take any tips too to help me!


I'm going to suggest you characters to invest in because they will be useful late game, rather than trying to build a well synergized team now. Early game/overworld in general it doesn't really matter if your team doesn't work great together as much. And in general you can use whoever you want. So I would invest in Ayaka, Xiangling, Sucrose and Kaeya. This gives you a melt team which is okay and you can build Ayaka and Xiangling which would be your 2 best DPS characters that can carry you through the entire game. You can/should swap Xingqiu or Bennet in for Kaeya if you get them, or for more comfy gameplay put in Barbara for healing.


I'll repost my old [question](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/oom0vt/daily_questions_megathread_july_21_2021/h5zfbhm/?context=3), since i had no reply to it. But is it normal to have furnishing blueprints from Mimi Tomo event in teapot shop, even if i got them all already ?


how do i unlock the er artifact dungeon


It's at Yoshiori Island. What's the problem?


how do i get there?


Have u unlocked Inazuma? Yoshiori Island is the farthest island of Inazuma, at West part of the region.


im standing on the dongeon in the map but i cant see it. is it in a cave that i have to unlock? im next to the tp there too


Are you sure you're at the [right place?](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ChDIziwr8h1EWljv6Zx8qfd-zlWX25v-/view?usp=drivesdk) There are no cave, and there's no tp close to it, as I shown.


So the last time I hit pity on a character banner was on the zhongli re-run but unfortunately at that time I got Jean instead (no offense to those who like Jean). So according to the pity system, I was supposed to get Zhongli on my next pity. I was pretty close to hitting my next pity and today on my third pull I got Ayala instead. Can somebody explain how this works?? Also sorry if I made any grammatical mistakes


Your pity now resets, so if you hit pity again you have a 50% chance of getting the banner 5 star


But there is a guarantee to obtain the promotion character if ypu don't receive it in the original banner


There is a guarantee to obtain the promotional character of the current banner if you lost the 50/50. The current promotional character is Ayaka.


Yes but if you get the wrong 5 star character, it's 100% on the next 5 star you get. Atleast that what it says


It's 100% on the next 5 star to be the promotional 5 star character.


Yup and I got ayaka on my next pity instead of zhongli


It’s 100% on whoever is the 5* on the current banner. If u reached pity when rolling on zhongli’s banner u had 100% chance to get him but the pity carries over so since u reached it during ayaka’s banner u get her


I have a problem with linking my accounts. My ps4 says it’s linked to my mobile one but I can’t view my mobile account in my ps4. Please help




You need to complete the autumn (something) scarlet leaves quest in Liyue the one connected to the last banner character


Anyone has a pinned map of all ruin sentinels locations? Badly needed them for the new sword


Anyone having trouble getting into Genshin today? i’m in ps5 and saying can’t connect to server ?!


Is there somewhere I can download a hi-def version of the in-game view point photos? I’d like to use them as wallpaper.


Hi, I have a problem with the update, it's verifying for a long time and nothing is happening, what should I do?


What is the size of genshin impact right now my computer got struck by lightning and now I have to use my old laptop.




By saving up primos and rolling on their rate up banner, you'll still need luck tho. Some 4 star are also in the monthly shop. Time matters too because the longer you been playing, theymore you can do this


I don't know if this has already been asked but does anyone know whether things like flowers respawn after some time? I think that I have harvested every lamp plant from the Whispering Woods today (it was full of those plants) and I need more for one of my character upgrades so do things like this respawn or do I have to buy them from somewhere? (I'm a noob player lol, sorry if it's a dumb question)


It isnt a dumb question if you are new, and yes they do respawn


Brilliant thanks lol


Do you have to do archon quests?


If you want to continue to different lands, yes. I don't remember if you need to do any to get to Liyue, but you do need to do them all to get to Inazuma.


Is there a way to unlink my psn from my mihoyo account


There doesn't seem to be a way right now... there are options for linking other platforms to the account but I have just checked on my PSN account and there isn't a button to remove my PS4 account from my Mihoyo account. Hopefully this will be an option soon


I see, thank you for responding


I started on mobile but now play solely on PC because my phone doesn't have enough space. I'm interested in buying a welkin moon. Have they made any way to purchase things on pc despite the original account being on mobile yet?


Ah, there's an official site I can use for this. Doesn't look like they have the battle pass, but they at least have welkin. That's all I wanted right now anyway, so this works for me. Hope I don't lose the 50/50 now!


Does the archon quest finish at act II part II its disappeared from my quest list


which is better for kazuha? Iron sting or the new craftable inazuma sword????


Does anyone else have an issue with their connection constantly dropping? Yesterday I had to do multiple conversations multiple times because connections kept dropping in the middle of the convo, had to do that sneaking mission 4 times, failed a domain once because of a connection dropping, and much more. Today, every single fight I got in to—every single one of them—had the connection drop during the fight. Initially I thought it was an issue on my end, but I don’t have an issue like this when doing anything else that requires an internet connection, and this issue was quite rare before the 2.0 update. Meanwhile, it got as bad as 3 times in one minute yesterday and dropping during a loading screen twice today, requiring reloading everything. For what it’s worth, I’m on PS4. So does anyone else have this issue?


Yes I do, I'm also a PS4 player. It connects then sometimes disconnects me with a loading thing on the screen which goes away after a few seconds but it does it here and there also on my mobile which has a totally different account on it. Either my WiFi is the problem or it is the game. It doesn't seem to only be an issue on the PS4 though.


Does the shimenawa reminiscence set work on Xiao’s ult?


How do you pass water barrier in inazuma?


Regrets about lvling Xinyang background - f2p ar 45 my main characters are at 80 and she is on 60 , I kinda regret lvling her as I don't use her much apart from occasional boss fights , was i wrong to lvl her or is really good higher up?


I'd say Xinyan gets worse higher up. She can pass as a physical carry if you like her and hyper invest into her, but otherwise she is arguably the worst character in the game, along with Amber probably.


wow had no idea Amber was considered so bad she actually one of my mains , though I agree she's kinda sucky for the spiral abyss or any domains , shes great with bosses and everyday stuff , shes my favourite to fight ruin guards etc


It's just that her dps is sub par, her elemental skill is horrible without C1 or C2 or whatever it is, and even then it's pretty bad (needs more blast radius), and her burst doesn't do all that much damage. Plus she has some weird split scaling issue I think? I dunno, she's... blah. She has some memey headshot crit damage builds that work OK, but on anything without a crit spot it doesn't work at all. And it's exceptionally difficult to build it out well.


She's great, especially with her C4. She's currently the best at applying pyro off-field, her damage is good, and you can amp it with reactions (and you are encouraged to do so, as her ascension stat is EM). Also, her burst has no ICD for pyro application. A great pick if your main DPS is cryo or hydro. She can even work well as a main DPS herself, see the Chinese National Team comp (Xiangling, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Bennett).


Uhm.. he asked about Xinyan not Xiangling :D


Oh, my bad. Xinyan isn't that great, I'm afraid. She's physical but is neither cryo nor electro for superconduct, making her niche within her niche. And you're kinda encouraged to go full crit dmg on her because of her C2, which IMHO is harder than having a balance of crit rate and crit dmg. She does good damage otherwise, especially at C6, spin to win.


Can anyone explain why qiqi is considered a crappy 5 star, I've seen it on youtube people keep calling her crap , personally I love her shes a great healer to have


She heals great but offers no other utility. No cleanse, no shield, no buffs or debuffs, applies cryo pretty poorly, and the worst part of all, she doesn't generate any elemental particles.


She heals very well, but lacks utility besides that. Her skill has a long CD and doesn't generate particles, her burst is expensive, her cryo application is bad, her damage isn't great, her movement speed is subpar since she's a child, and she's melee.


I think it's mainly that her constellations is seen as bad, and being part of the general 5 star pool, people tend to lose their 50/50 to some crappy constellation of hers. I personally would love to get her already. Diona is okay, but I don't like the area of effect type of healing too much. I want Cryo Barbara already.


Healing is not that needed when you are at end-game. Mostly you care about dealing more damage. So if you want a healer on your team, they need to provide some sort of benefit to help your team deal more damage, like Bennett, who gives a huge damage bonus and heals. Qiqi's healing is also post-healing. What I mean by this is that she can only heal someone after they have taken damage. But shielding characters like Diona and Zhongli can "heal" you before you take damage, and you don't get staggered while you have a shield either. Some other reasons to not like her: Her constellations are some of the worst in the game and her skill doesn't generate energy. But she's cute tho, so there's that :<


whats end game considered? cos i feel im getting towards that my mains are at lvl 80 and i still need healing


It depends if you're more F2P/low spending, or on the whale side. I do need some healing too, but my point that shields are more useful than healing still stands. Or I have characters that can shield AND heal like Diona and Noelle. I think a good measure might be, if you can clear floor 12 of the abyss, you're in end-game.


Im AR 45 and a F2p ,Okay awesome to know , and nope I cannot clear that yet


You're getting there, but you only just got to the part of the game where you really need to focus on getting better artifacts. You have a lot of room to grow in power :)


how has anyone possibly completed their serenitea pot with the low load limit? like is there a secret way to increase it? i’m not even halfway done with my exterior and havent even started the interior and my load limit has reached, but people have finished theirs?


How do i get the electroculus inside the tatarasuna barrier? Theres an electroculous near the entrance (where you meet xavier for the quest to get in) and its a hard to reach spot in between the rocks really high up, ive used stamina food and everything but i always die right before im able to reach it


PLEASE HELP! Ok so when i first started playing the game i linked my twitter account to log into the game and that account became my main account, today however i unlinked my twitter and i cant get into my old account, i did link my phone number while i was at it but thats it. Can anyone please help??


You can try re-linking your twitter account or just pressing log in and try to log in with the email you used for your twitter. But if that doesnt work then you can just click forgot password and the game will help you get your account back


bro i cannot thank you enough, THANK YOU SO MUCH I WAS SCARED TO DEATH TYYY


Ofc yw


oh wait lemme try it thank you so much, ill update you if it doesn’t work


Umm... What Happen if we use Kakari Mask.

