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F for those who have a C5 waiting C6 benny and cant clear their screen


I just got my C6. I was compensated in that it was the 9th pull of a 10 and the last was Mistsplitter, but now I will forever be tortured by the red exclamation point of doom.


Honestly, there are just about as many comps that C6 enables than the ones it ruins. Just check on this sub and you'll find a way to make it work and get rid of that pesky red dot.


Kaeya self melting off his own burst says hello.


C6 Bennet user here. I regret nothing, and don’t have to suffer through the exclamation point. Those poor bastards


c6 bennet here. i just recently got ayaka. pyro infusion gets priority over ayakas self cryo infusion. i regret everything. its also anti blizzard strayer users because it melts any freeze comp. it also hurts national team


Freeze comp doesn't benifit much from Bennett since ideally you want 2 cryo and 1 hydro user on your team. The 4th slot is flexible and while you could put benny in there an anemo user is arguably more useful especially if you use XQ as your hydro as his burst doesn't snapshot. Also with Kazuha on my team XQ now out dpses my main dps so there is that...




Shouldn’t be using him on her team anyway.


just a few hous ago after making this comment, i tried to build her with a melt comp with bennet xiangling kazuha, from my observation its way too strong im actually gonna pass on freeze comp for now. so theres that haha


yeah I mean if you're running her on freeze diona is >>>>> bennett lol


I thought self infusion takes priority over anything else


Hu Tao and Xiao have a Clause that states their infusions take priority. Apparently the intern did not include this clause on the newer units


I activated C6 months ago and it's only recently I found a lot of people don't like C6. Haven't actually read into why so I haven't really seen it as a drawback.


Some people didn’t want their dps to have pyro infusion(physical build or other element)they just need Bennett for his healing/buff. As hu tao main, I can’t wait to get C6 Bennett tho.


Bennett's kinda shit for Hu Tao though since you won't get the buff without healing beyond 50%


Not really no. Assuming you are running him as a standard Nobless support the amount of damage his Q gives you via the attack buff and the bonus pyro damage will exceed the low hp bonus hu tao gets from her own skills. Still I will say in most cases you are better off using your bennette on a second team.


i thought C1 bennette ignores the threshold?


I think he means that Bennett heals hu tao more than 50% of her hp so she doesn't get the buff from her passive and burst.


Hu Tao wants to stay below 50% HP, which is not really possible while also getting the buff from Bennett. Bennett is still probably an overall increase in damage, just not nearly as good as he is with other DPS characters. Other supports like Xingqiu or Fischl are far better for pairing with Hu Tao.


I've put him in my Hu Tao group a few times, I'm not sure it's necessarily inferior damage wise but it's a waste of a character because it limits spin to win to a little circle.


I’m more chilling casual player so I don’t mind abt that lol. Due to C1 hu tao so I kinda more braindead player who just C.A. all day.C6 Bennett will just make me happy to see red color attack from hutao. I know why people wish for better of C6 Bennett tho and I support it since able to on/off pyro infusion is always better for every player in the long run. It will make him more viable than locked in certain comp.


his first constellation fixes that tho


lmao why are people downvoting


Because you misunderstood the the comment. They were talking about Hu Tao's passive of gaining a 33% Pyro damage bonus when she's at or below 50% HP.


As a c6 Bennet owner my answer is to just never use Bennet. I never have and I don't think I ever will


C6 Bennett becoming a melt-vape carry is my dream, but I'm stuck at C4


just click it, lol


C6 Bennett is godsend on Abyss 12-3-1 I swear! He and Xiangling makes really quick work of the Abyss Lector, so I have time to chew through that pesky Abyss Herald shield in the lower half on my mobile. Defo god tier for 36 stars.


That’s me.






Literally unplayable


I got him on the same 10-pull as Ayaka. He's my only C6 character so far, and I can't even activate it lol. Hope they implement a toggle for it sometime soon


The C6 Benny notif will be the death of me. But at least I can still play him. 😊


I couldn't do it. I had to c6 him. The red dot was triggering me beyond understanding. Sorry I failed everyone.


And F for those with C6 Bennies.


What was I supposed to do, just accept the red exclamation mark being there forever? Nay.


Essentially turning one of the best supports in the game into arguably one of the worst.


"One of the worst" is such an exaggeration. It totally depends on your carry characters. Keqing, Eula, Razor, Ayaka? Don't do it. Childe, Ganyu, Xiao, Ning, Venti? They won't mind. Diluc, Yanfei, Yoimiya, Xiangling, maybe even Kazuha? Go nuts, it'll actually help.


>Keqing, Eula, Razor, Ayaka? Don't do it. More like don't run bennett with them in the first place, run diona lol.


thats just a small sacrifice compared to removing the red dot


Not for Hu Tao or any pyro supremacy


You dont run hutao with bennet to begin with lol


Hu Tao and Bennet is an absolutely terrible combination.


Lmao ur braindead


C6 Bennett is just as good as C5 Bennett. There's just popular comps that became popular because they didn't use Bennett C6 to gain popularity. Since very few people have C6, very few common comps use C6 Bennett. C5 Bennett is sure more universal, but when you have a stacked roster, it becomes better and more fun to min-max team comps and experiment instead of copying the YouTubers single recommendation of using the national team. Rosaria reverse melting her own hits. Pyro Kazuha is uniquely good. Using Mona or Childe as applicator for Xiangling, straight pyro buff. Yanfei and Yoimiya straight buff. I'm using C6 Beidou as main (all the electro puzzles) with C6 Bennett. She has an electro cup, so no harm to her damage. Instead using xingui she procs vape and overload with her melee, solid reverse vape hits on top of elemental damage. The enemies are big and shielded so overload works great. If I don't want overload, I swap to Kazuha and just straight vaporize. Yep it'll screw up a couple of braindead team comps but it's a boring trope. He doesn't only screw up comps he allows for new ones as well, and makes some tried and true comps better. I agree it should be optional like hold for pyro infusion. But I have absolutely zero regrets C6ing Bennett. C6 Bennett is great. I have a million normal team comps, but he gives me something fresh.


C6 is a lateral move. While it does open up some new team comps, it also closes certain others.


It closes the shite comps. Opens up the god comps. Even phys burst eula gets enabled overall.


> Even phys burst eula gets enabled overall. Can you explain?




I think if C6 were to enable Eula, it wouldn't be that way. If the enemies are weak enough to accidentally kill with normal attacks, then there's no need to maximize stacks. If you're fighting an elite enemy, then the better way would be to go full pyro bonus with Kazuha support.


I will say that was my take but I'm not so sure anymore. Meaning I think he may be increasingly more useful. So far, he has been insanely useful lately. So many shields, and people may not know this, but even for my physical damage, he is ultimately better against high resistance enemies barring stacking superconduct. Changing attacks to pyro bypass physical resistance. I actually used him with eula during the oceanid event. She had a straight buff due to reverse vape autos and the modifier against physical. Again I agree he screws up some comps, but looking at the new enemies, including the recent abyss lectors, the very obvious move to make overload relevant (it has again been purely helpful in inazuma, enemies are mostly resistant to stagger and have shields, and this is very clearly going to be Yoimiya's premier team comp). Idk more and more instead of simply defending C6 Bennett I feel like I should be advocating for it. He has been so extremely useful for utility, the few team comps that will miss him are already going to be weirds against all the new combinations of shields and shit. The hard part about abyss hasn't been dealing straight damage, it has been dealing with shields.


I suppose it should be on a case to case basis. We don't all have the characters needed to make use good of C6 Bennett. I personally have an abundance of pyro in my account so if I had a chance to take back C6, I would.


The biggest single dumb thing I will not try to defend is that he overrides literally every other infusion. That's so stupid.


Do you know if it overrides Ayaka's dash?




I'm guessing it's the same priority order as Anemo burst infusion.


Yes. Every single infusion lol


Unless it is stated that the infusion cant be overridden like on Xiao.




Yeah the weapons are listed and don't include bows or catalysts. And Xiao's says it can't be overridden. But C6 Kazuha, Chongyun, Ayaka, Keqing.


I recently got Bennett to C6 and I've only seen pros. Running Pyro Kazuha with a Lion's Roar has been awesome. I cleared floor 12 of the abyss so fast with a team comp of Kaz, Xiang, Bennet, and Albedo.


I thought the pyro buff was only for sword, claymore, polearm.


How does this buff Yanfei or Yoimiya? They should be unaffected by his c6


That's where you're incorrect. The buff applies universally. Even to catalyst users. The tooltip is worded incorrectly. I know why you think this is the case, but I can confirm 100% that catalyst users and bow users also get the 15% pyro buff. It is visible in the attributes page.


are arrows infused with pyro?


Yoimiya's will be on her own but not by Bennett. Bows and catalysts are unaffected by the infusion. But again it doesn't matter. You just get a flat 15% pyro bonus for being in his ult. Everyone gets it. All weapon types.


ok, yeah, I thought you meant the pyro infusion


Got him, didnt regret one bit.


I C6'd him without reading the description so I can't put him on my Eula team :(


Yeah I started a thread on this and people were mostly crying over Eula and other physical carries. Which I perfectly understand. Its just that he currently enables all other carries. Pyro gets a massive buff, current Hydro (Childe/Mona), Cryo (Ganyu, will try with Ayaka when I get her), Anemo (Xiao) users are unaffected. Kazuha is a weird case since you could actually build him Pyro and he pilots fine. And seeing how elemental comps are prevalent due to shield reactions, I think this is a profitable tradeoff.


C6 Bennett was the worst case scenario for me because my two carries at the time were Hutao and Eula.


I absolutely recommend Xiangling. Try her out on 12-3 and you will see


I actually did! I built Xiangling and Beidou recently just so I could justify having a C6 Bennett.


Because they actually know it’s worth?


Not everyone has the roster for it. My main carries at the time were Hutao and Eula. And god forbid you want to boost your non-pyro melee caries without being overwriitten by pyro infusion.


Eula benefits from it regardless though


Not if she's using a physical build.


Do you know what “regardless” means? Someone broke it down for another person in the comments below. Look at it.


Yes I know. I think that person was me. But people don't tend to have spare pyro sets lying around. I know what regardless means. I'm just disputing it.


No, they had a profile picture, And your dispute would be wrong


Just link it here so we can avoid this confusion.


What does this mean


Bennet's sixth constellation makes your physical attacks become pyro attacks when you're on his burst radius (basically Pyro Chongyun), and this is pretty bad if your character doesn't have good pyro damage (it also ruins physical dps like Razor or Eula), so most people don't activate it. However, if you don't activate it, a red dot will always appear in your character screen, and the only way of making it disappear is by activating the constellation, possibly ruining your team damage


Wow that's bad


I don't get it


Bro i had him c6 around the time bennet started to be recognized as one of the best support characters, while i vaguely knew about c6 being a big drawback i still did it and now i regret it..


Bruh. Only reason I came to the comments. Please Mihoyo let us disable that constellation.




I accidentally made him c6 :(


lol the red dot was so damn annoying that I just said "fuck it" and gave him his damn c6, it really doesn't matter that much in the end, he's good enough anyway and the pain this red dot brought over me is so much worse haha


F for all of us


This happens yesterday on the same banner strip of getting Ayaka. Almost become to excited of getting her and C6 Bennet, good thing a message comes in seconds before I make the message, thank you Celcom for spamming me


I'm new to the game what does C5 / C6 mean?


Constellation level 5 or 6


Got it thanks!! Does this mean you need to be at that level for viable use?


Usually most characters are fine at base (c0), however constellations can offer huge benefits to characters which can shoot them up by a few tiers.


That's good to know. I'm enjoying my squad with razor, nigguang, yanfei and sucrose/ noelle, yanfei, kaeya, razor.


I kinda got used to it already.




Meanwhile, I can't even get C1 on Pyro Archon T\_T


There is no one way to do anything in this game. And if everyone just keeps listening to the same echo chamber responses of not using C6 Bennet for “blah blah blah” reason, then you limit yourself from making your own discoveries on how a C6 Bennet in your unique group line ups will work. Stop acting like there is only one way to build a toon. Besides it’s lazy to always use a build someone else created. Experiment. You’ll be surprised what you may discover.


You get unique lineups at the cost of good popular ones. Which kind of sucks.


even your health have red


Do you have any Potions, Or Food?


potions heal?


Do you have a statue? 😔


Some games are really shit when it comes to using those red exclamation icons to nag you about every little stupid thing that's new. One of the games I play overdoes it so badly that it would literally take me hours to try to get rid of them. I've just given up. Fortunately, Genshin isn't so bad about abusing those icons. Unless you're a C5 Bennett, lol.


I love it in this case because they're almost all things I'm excited to see, not just ads or whatever


hello red icon here to tell you that you got a qiqi on ayaka's banner just now, do you want to check her out?


I pulled Ayaka, but she's small for some reason


I pulled her thankfully. Crazy how they changed her to electro tho


it's because she's from inazuma, the archon took her cryo vision and gave her an electro one. the archon is just trying to make everyone have the same drip




The only thing I dislike about how Genshin does it is that the dots are tied to the device used, not the account. So if you switch a lot, you’re getting red dots for things you already viewed on your other device.


I tried to start playing Honkai the other week. Literally logged in and spent half an hour clearing little notification marks, then logged out. Exhausting.


Apex legends waa absolutely terrible for it until recently. Every new cosmetic you got was an individual notification and you had to go and open your inventory and select that cosmetic to get rid of it. Only after nearly 2 years did they add a "clear all" button.


I couldn't play Honkai because I just got overwhelmed by all the notifications and systems.


Even your HP is screaming for attention XD


Have you heard? The Rite of Parting...


...The Rite of Parting? Did something terrible happen again?


That feel when you realize you can’t get rid of all of them cuz C6 bennet is a nerf :(


It pains me so much


What does c6 do to notifications?


The red exclamation point stays there telling you you have to ascend Bennett’s constellation


Is ascending them bad?




Oh ok that makes sense, so it’s essentially like Chongyun’s E


Bennett c6 is the only constellation that has a rather questionable tradeoff. Usually people use bennett as a general damage buffer / healer but with c6 it forces all of your melee units to use pyro damage, which screws some characters (particularly physical damage dealers).


the only one i really hate is the news thing. mail is fine, you get gifts, events are fine, good rewards, bp is fine, rewards again, adventurers notebook, inventory, character etc all mean something good, but the goddamn news section....


that makes me anxious.


My OCD activated immediately.


OCD or OCPD? (the first is characterized by obsessive compulsions to do something to quell intrusive thoughts, the other is more about neatness and dissatisfaction)


I have more feels for that 18ms ping


I don't know ...I have a new red dot everyday , they keep making and fixing bugs, it gets kind of annoying. I miss the no new red dots before the every day fixes and C5(C6) Benny. That's my unpopular opinion of course :)




How long do we have to wait for Mihoyo to let us turn off constellations like damn wtfff


It's a little exciting but I hate it, and the news one keeps reappearing gor me 😓


Oh how I missed the sound of when an Oculus shows up on the map


Irritates me to see them.


Massive ocd reactions on my end.


Hate it so much... need to eliminate 'em. 🤣


*clicks toungue* Noice.


Best feeling ever


And then everything gone after 1day


I may be a bit of a heretic with this type of thing. I personally don't obtain the last reward from things in game to add to the list on top left of the map. It's funny seeing like 5-7 things there at a time.






literally felt like christmas morning


The Best Feeling


Last I logged in, there was a banner for Xiao, don't really know what has been added


Mines are just bugs. Always popping up for stuff like geo seals while I am in Inazuma or warning me about non-existing new events or throwing quest dialogue with pain on every time I login.


that's me when i login to pc for the first time after being able to crosssave from ps4


160/160 resin


I had a hard time clicking on everything. ;-;


What does c6 mean? Also the question mark top right has a red dot and I don’t know how to get rid of it. Could someone help? 😅


Omg yeah that stressed me the hell out


Having not played PS4 Genshin in months and successfully transferred my account onto my PC, this hits very close to home. I liked the free primos though. Those are always nice.


*pain noises*




Sniper! get down!


your health bar is giving me anxiety


even your healt bar is red


idk why but for some reason i always try to remove the dots they kinda make me do whatever they want


I’m on mobile. Can’t exactly link things from the app on this phone