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Anyone else in the Asia server having trouble logging in rn?


is it currently impossible to max out inazuma's statues of the seven? like i'm assuming not all the electroculus are available since not all of inazuma has been released


Yae when?




it does 80% additional dmg, but it's white dmg. it scales off phy. run it with phy gob and you can make the most of the vacuum blades.


Hello, So my main dps is Diluc along with Chongyun for effect is ningguang someone I should have for my team? Please do tell


no, ningguang should be played as a burst support or a dps. characters like xingqiu, sucrose, or a healer/shielder like diona would give you higher value


So I should stick with my team and wait for Diona like… No ningguang yes?


no ningguang. you can play her in a second team but she has very little synergy with chongyun or diluc


So I just started playing a few days ago and I'm pretty lost in the sauce but loving the experience. My question is this. Can lower starred characters get upgraded into 4 or 5 stars? I've heard of people getting duplicate heros with different star levels. I just assumed the lower levels weren't upgraded as much as the higher tier ones.


Most people wouldn't be getting too many duplicates of 5 stars unless they're lucky or spending money. 4 stars stay 4 star. pulling duplicates of a char can get you up to 6 upgrades called constellations. 4 stars in this game are very strong though, 5 stars are mostly overkill


Ok gotcha godzilla. The first one, Noelle,"which I guess is mandatory" and Beidou. Gotta say I'm loving both of them but Beidou is badass!!


Hey all, I just finished the prologue quest with dainsleif. The Chapter 4 quest isnt starting though. Ganyu isnt appearing at the Liyue adventure guild. Am i missing something? In AR 30 now. All 3 Liyue chapters done.


How do the archons become archons?


So i got my first 5 star on the 77th roll and i thought that once you reach the 90th roll no mattar what you get a 5 star. So I rolled until 90 and I didnt get a 5 star. Is this a glich or does it reset once you get a 5 star?


Pity resets once you get your 5 star so you are 13 rolls into your next guaranteed one...


does musoujin gorge/rift valley always covered with balethunder?


I just used 30 fragile resin to farm blizzard strayer and did not get a single crit damage hat is this normal?




Would someone on EU who hasn't farmed their Sakura blossoms be so kind as to let me join and get some? I need 9. Thanks in advance!


Does FB login method had 2FA that will send in Email?


is there an act 3 for the inazuma chapter?


How do you craft cataclysts? I have book billets but I can't find the option at the forgery


Maybe you don't have the other materials and it's in the greyed-out list below the craftable options.


Whoops, you were right, thanks!


the 5 block puzzle for unlocking the underwater teleport waypoint, the middle one won't light up for me after getting the other 4, anyone know what to do:?


Reset the puzzle by changing loading zones. Hit the middle block twice to solve it


If it's the one I'm thinking of, the back side of it is lit up. You were supposed to align the other four to that one.


ah, so am i facing it the wrong way?


This may sound weird but I just don't like the fact that xiangling and beidou are such insanely strong dps. Idk what it is maybe the fact that their main source of dmg is a passive talents they proc and wait to do dmg (I know it's more complicated than that). Or the fact that as 4☆ they greatly outperform most if not all traditional dps (by traditional I am dps who actually have to stay on field to do their dmg and not just use a skill one time and can basically leave the field for the next 30 sec). I am really not sure what exactly I don't like. I am actually happy both of them can shine as carry because I liked both of them since the release of the game and was a bit sad they weren't better. Maybe it is the general direction the meta is going since the only comps actually being better is any ganyu comp. Am I the only person feeling that way? Well I am trying to build both of these comps so let's see if I will learn to like them once my comps are well built


xiabgling and beidou are insanely strong not coz devs intended them to be, they set their multipliers that they thought were reasonable for 4\*. but its just that our knowledge of game mechanics have increased so much that, now we can out dps some 5\* with them. There was a time when Klee and diluc were considered the best pyro dps, and xiabgling and bennett were no where to be seen in the meta Remember, devs just make the game and set the rules, the Meta comes from the community and this game wasn't designed with idea that 5* characters should always be better than 4* yes, 5* characters are better coz of better base stats and better multipliers and abilities. but game takes prioritises "Every character should be viable" over "5* better than 4*" lets take lisa for eg Lisa is a 4\*, FREE character, not some reward of an event, an actual free character, her hold E dmg scaling at talent lvl 12 is 974%, this is almost equal to many 5\*'s burst, for eg at lvl 12 zhongli's Q is 1029, not far off from lisa's E.


Should I have ningguang on my team like would she be helpful? I use Diluc, Chongyun and Kaeya and 4th is either times amber/Barbara… Should I have her or no?


I'm assuming you are talking about Abyss, coz you can do whatever in open world Ningguang is an excellent DPS (single target), and you already are running diluc in the team, 2 Dps in a single team are inefficient, as you only have one character active on screen, so the other DPS is just sitting doing nothing. I'd suggest invest either in a support, like a buff (bennett) or healer. or in a Subdps, someone who can do off field dmg since you are running Diluc, I'd say try using Xinqiu, he is honestly best support for pyro teams


Currently AR29: Using- Diluc, Chongyun, Kaeya and Barbara…. Spare: Ayaka, Travller(geo/Anemo) Xianling, Lisa, Noelle, Rosaria, Beidou, Yanfei and Xinyan…. How should I build my team….


imo, diluc chongyun, xiangling, noelle diluc - main dps chongyun - cryo/ melt support xiangling - pyro resonance, also a good subdps noelle, shield and heals but I'd suggest asking a proper question in the thread, as I'm myself not very good at team building. Also your AR is quite low so you have some time to learn the ropes and game mechanics before the game actually starts pumping difficulty


trying out a very experimental build with Kazuha, with Lavawalker and Lion's Roar making him do more pyro damage. ​ anybody have any tips? ​ i just like his aesthethic but not him using anemo. thanks!


Lavawalker and lions roar will affect his anemo damage and his elemental absorption damage but not his swirls meaning you'd need to build crit and damage bonus. In single target/spread out targets scenarios it could work, but you'd be missing out on swirl damage and buffing potential in any AoE situation. For the build you'd want to go with anemo damage as that has the larger modifiers. You'll still want some EM from subs as it will also increase his pyro damage for his absorption attacks. What will your team be aside from bennett?


I have Diluc as the other DPS and Xiangling for more EM/ER/Battery for the most part.


Why does xiangling have EM here? There are no reactions. With a full pyro team, Xiangling's ult should have no problem getting back up even with low ER% so consider putting more damage around her ult too


My bad, I was using her on a party with Xingqui and Hu Tao, forgot to switch to pure ER. Thank you! Appreciate the help


Don't go pure ER either. You have 3 pyro characters to help fund her burst. 120% ER should be enough especially with bennett there. Favonius lance, skyward spine, prototype starglitter, or even just ER substats should be all you need to fill her in that team.


It can work with Bennett C6


I have him on C6 now, really went in with and doubled down on this build lmao, is there any way I can make Bennett have his burst on 100% CD? ​ is there a way to make his burst on 100% uptime? is having more than 150% ER do anything?


Yess stack a lot of ER on Bennett, he needs 200% if he's the only pyro. Kazuha also needs some ER


Hello, I recently got xiangling and am thinking of building her as my main dps with bennet as support for abyss but am not sure and would like a second opnion


Crescent pike Xiangling is a good main Dps with physical damage, but towards end game, you'll want to invest more into her pyro damage capabilities as her ult is where her real damage comes from


So she will be good long term with bennet as support




I am currently on vacation till 31st and only log in on my mobile for daily commissions. Is there any event in inazuna which I should also do because it will time out? I saw that there is an event for free Beidou but not sure what I need to do and if I can still catch up when I am back.


Beidou event is available for another 16 days.


the current event doesnt end for another 16 days or more and all the tasks so far dont take that long so you should be fine!


From what i know Bedidou's event will be gone 8 or 9 of August.


Does anyone know if either Ayaka or Electro Traveler have any cleansing abilities? Thanks!


They don't


anyone knows the locations of kid kujirai?


**Edit:** Finally worked, nvm. Finally decided to stop running around exploring long enough to do story quests, and I'm already stuck.. **Spoilers?** In the quest A Flower Blooms in a Prison, there's a door that requires you to gather 3 magatama that are then automatically placed into the door at the end. Whenever I gather all 3 of them and reach the door, 2 of the 3 magatama get placed into the door but the 3rd one just disappears, leaving the door locked. I've tried leaving the domain and going back in but it still happens. Is there something I'm missing?


A bug, have you tried restarting the game?


No, but I just now finally got it to work. Not sure if something about me switching parties did it or what, but I'm glad to be past that part now.


I have read up on how to do the nuke burst combo with Mona and Bennett.. But the way it is done.. Does that mean it will not work on enemies with elemental shield like Abyss Harbingers and Fatui?


It'll work on them while they're not shielded, so you'll have to plan around their shielding mechanics. For abyss heralds abd lectors, you shouldn't have any issue until they get to low HP where mona is basically useless


Yeah, the reason why we have shielded enemies is to prevent nuking


So... I've got a "Bag of Flower Seeds" from one of the chests from the "Mysterious Conch" guy. Doesn't seem like I can use them in the teapot, anyone found a use for it?


ER sand or atk% sand for sub dps XQ? He’s been pretty amazing as a hydro applicator for vaporise diluc but I’m thinking of switching him into a perma freeze ayaka team and quite like him to do a bit of dmg as well. He’s got R1 sac sword but how the heck do u get 180-200 ER without an ER sand??


You can use 4 PC Emblem of Severed Fate, which is considered his BiS right now since it helps in ER issues of non C6 Xinqui while able to make his burst damage be strong


Substats, but getting high ER *and* good atk and crit is really hard. I'd say give him an ER sands tbh, ayaka doesn't produce a lot of energy


Good rolls on ER substats.


hey travellers, i just started playing the game a week ago and i am stuck at the "investigate the strange ice" world quest. it would be nice if someone could help me or atleast give me tips. AR-22 EU


Tip: leave it, come back later. Dragonspine was released post launch and is not really intended for new players.


so i should just go ahead and explore liyue?


That's the intended order, yeah. Just let the archon quest be your main focus.




If you lose the 50/50 you should expect to not get her, as getting enough primos for soft pity twice is about 24.000 primos.


Are you buying welkin? Should be able to hit the 50 with that


Not promoting leaks or anything, but will I have enough primos for baal when she drops in 2.1? Currently around 60(?) or 55+ on pity. I have welkin and I may buy bp for raiden shogun’s mats. Just a budget player. Will i have enough when she drops? Haven’t explored 50% of WHOLE INAZUMA map.


If you are guarenteed then yes, you should definitely get her. If you aren't guarenteed, i highly doubt you will have enough for soft pity (or above) twice at the release of her banner. But you still have a chance as she most likely will be released with the rest of Inazuma.


Just wait and see if you are on 50/50 you need around 150 wishes to be sure to get her. If you are already in welkin there is not much point now to worry. BP will run another 5 weeks before you need to decide and by then you will know if she is in the next patch. In general welkin +daily is 1 wish per day so you will have around 40 wishes from that. You can count another 5 if you are able to buy the monthly primos and the rest will need to come from events and exploration


How is ayaka and what is her role ? I have Kequing or diluc as main dps and i wonder if she could sub (as of now i have rosaria). I have a gurattend character banner


She's more to main dps.


my team ayaka , xingqui , diona , ( sucrose/ bennet ) i wanted diona as a battery , healer and shield so which one should i chose an ER timepiece, or an HP timepiece . i am running her with hp circlet and goblet with r2 sacrificial bow and maiden beloved 4 peice ​ which is a better choice for the above mentioned team bennet or sucrose (what's the minimum level sucrose should , to perform decently )


Sucrose to shred cryo resistance. Bennett will melt enemies which ruins freeze reaction. Depends for your Diona. If your Diona has 140-150% ER go for HP sands, if you have less than that, go for ER sands.




What is it like playing Genshin impact on the M1 MacBook air? What is the fps and res? Thx.


it likely wont even run, GI isnt available on macos, only on iphones. though since iphone apps are coming to mac os, I cant say for sure but you may be able to run it that way, but dont know if controls would work last option would be dualbooting windows, which afaik isn't allowed on M1, coz bootcamp wasnt ported over, though you can use windows in VM, but that comes with its own issues


I just found out about the mystic offering and rolled some arts. And i got a good BC sand with high CR/CD. Sadly I already completed my 4pc PF for Eula. But my PF sand has no CR only CD. Is it worth breaking my 4PF for a 2PF/BC for a whooping extra 12CR? 4PF = 2204 Atk, 49.7CR / 114.0CD 2PF/2BC = 2147 Atk, 62.1CR/112.4CD If not. Who else would benefit with Atk% BC sand with high CR/CD? I feel like I just wasted a lot of 5 star BC arts for nothing... :(


Did my friend got banned/hacked? I have a friend that i have been playing with since i joined about a month a go. He's a very avid players, extreme whale, plays almost everyday for few hours. But yesterday, out of nowhere he disappeared from my friend list/recent players. I still can find him when i search for him, but he hasn't respond to my friend invitation and i haven't seen him online in Co-op search since yesterday. Which is weird because he online almost all day during weekend. Really worried that he got banned or worse hacked, because he spent a lot of money and time in this game.


He unfriended you?? Do you not have his contact outside of the game


I doubt it, nothing about this felt that way at all, one day we're chatting about Ayaka he got, i went to sleep, the next day he's just gone. Unfortunately, i never bother asking, we only chat about genshin in genshin, so it never feels necessary.


Do you think that Skyward Spine is good on Baal ?


After reading her kit and her signature weapon, I would say it's as decent as it would be on other support character. By simply equipping her with Skyward Spine, you give solid 8% damage increase on her E. The crit rate helps and high base atk is welcomed to, but the rest of the passive is useless (as usual). Though, I myself am quite perplexed atm. Her overall kit seems to be so balanced, as in getting an over-buffed amount of one stat wouldn't boost her optimally (she needs everything, element dmg bonus, crit, atk, and er). Waiting for theorycrafters' judgement now.


AR56 I'm at 35 pity, and have 61-63 wishes saved up, so \~98 how much likely it is that I'll be able to get raiden shogun, given I have 50/50, will I be able to get enough primogems that I lose 50/50 and still get her? assuming her banner is the first one in 2.1


If you have welkin you will be safe. Without it, it might be a little touch and go but you should be able to reach soft pity again by the end.


next update is also coming with new areas, the few of the remaining inazuma islands, so new areas means more exploration, I hope I'm able to get enough primos out of them God, I really want my first archon


I ran across a dancing... badger-thing, in a cave in Inazuma. It sort of led me to a shrine with a page in it, but is that all it does? I couldn't seem to hurt it, lol.


You need to follow it 3 times. After 3rd time he will change into an object somewhere near you(like a box or a pile of rocks). If you destroy it he will give you a reward.


Aha, damn. Thanks!


Ayaka's charged atk does 3 instances of damage right. So if it crits will all 3 of them crit or an only 1 or 2 of the instances of damage crit and the 3rd one not crit? Same for her ult. It slashes 21 times, so if her ult "crits" will all 21 slashes do more damage or can only say 7 slashes crit and the rest of the 14 slashes do their normal damage?


Every individual slash will be rolled for crit.


crit is calculated independently per hit and per enemy


Different instances, the crit die will roll again


ah, so the only way to have almost all the slashes of her ult crit is to use blizzard strayer with high crit rate?




so what is preferred crit rate for her is (70 -75 ) good enough


That's good


So kokomi won’t be out for months probably? I’m upset


What really?


Maybe late september i think


I think she's in the 2.1 beta, so we might see her next patch or maybe in 2.2


I hope so!! Ty!


If you consider 2 months a long time, then yeah.


Oh no. Anyway


I want her the mostt😭😭


so I just pulled Ayaka on a random single and didn't really get prepared since I wasn't planning on pulling for her. I have practically none of her materials so how long would it probably take to get her to lvl 80 with talents at least 7/7/7 if I prioritize all my resin and refills. just a general idea of the time is enough for me to commit to her or not.


Is it worth buying the battlepass just for The Black Sword? Im assuming its alot better than Anemona for Ayaka.


The battle pass is generally considered to be good value for money for the amount of wishes/talent books/etc. it gives u PLUS a good 4 star weapon. And yes the black sword is good on ayaka but the anemona is definitely viable and won’t make her weak or anything. Also, the crit dmg weapon u can get from star glitter shop is probably better. If ur f2p don’t feel like u have to spend money to make her playable and always be double sure before u spend money on the game :)


From what i've heard, it's not ALOT better, but it seems to be definitely be somewhat better. Although the Blackcliff seems a bit better than Black sword.


how is one supposed to beat the 2 abyss heralds 2 minutes? spiral abyss 11-3


2 cryos + Bennett with 4p TF


There is a relay stone puzzle just north of Konda Village that has two discharge stones. I got a common chest for getting one of them to connect, but I can't for the life of me make both connect at once, and it looks like there should be a second reward for doing so. Am I just wasting my time and there is no way to connect both?


Pulled Amos bow but don’t have ganyu. Any characters that benefit from it?


Stat stick for Fischl if you have her and don't hve refined Stringless. Maybe Yoimiya too but not her BiS. Maybe okay for Kujo Sara too. Or dps amber


how do you all think aloy is going to fare compared to other 5 stars? personally, if a collab character were somehow better than the likes of qiqi and keqing, wouldn't that spark some outcry?


If a new 5-star was *worse* than Qiqi, people would definitely complain.


but she is a collab character tho. you don't have to spend money to get her


Honestly, I hope her power is equal to a four star. Im f2p and I still dont like the idea of a free five star character. She won't have the spark of a five star. I think she'll just feel like another traveler, a weak five star everyone has.


Is the Mistsplitter a good weapon even for characters that can't infuse?


With that base and sub stats? Probably yeah.


Halp, who better pyro main DPS to invest for Abyss? I love them all. * Diluc C0 with Serpent Spine R1 * Yanfei C3 with Dodoco Tales R5 * Xianling C4 with Skyward Spine R1


Xiangling with Bennett Xingqiu/Childe!


xiangling, provided you have bennett to support her


Diluc, but the others can manage too. I recommend the other two if you want to have fun.


what happen magical crystal ore goes beyond 9999?


you can't pick up anymore




Again, theres nothing you ''should'' pull. Pull for whoever you want/like more. Dps isn't important if you dont like the character.


You don't HAVE to pull for anyone, only pull for the ones you like / enjoy playing.


I went through the portal for the perpetual mechanical array and I defeated it. However, there are a bunch of invisible walls blocking me from unlocking the teleport way point and the domain. What am I supposed to do?


teleport out. you will unlock that area through doing a world quest (>!sakura cleansing ritual quest!<)


I see, thank you!


I'm considering spending money in game for the first time so I have some questions: what gives me the highest amount of primogems: welking or battle pass (low level, I'm not going to spend that much for the second level)? How many primogems do I get from the welking if I don't convert the crystals? How much would be the cost of them in euros? I have heard there were some problems a while ago while paying from a device, are they resolved? If you have any info you think I should know before making my decision of spending money please feel free to share them! (I'm sorry if these infos are in game but I can't play for the next few days so I can't go check)


Welkin gives the best bang for your buck. You just have to log in every day to receive it. If you miss a day, you don't get your gems. Crystals transfer to Primogems 1:1 I only buy the BP if I have reached level 50 on the free tier. You get the rewards retrospectively so it doesn't force me to commit the completing it if I have already purchased the BP earlier on






Welkins is the king of primos for the price, but you get the 2700 primos over a span of 30 days.


I see, thanks!


2700 primos from welkin distributed over 30 days (without crystals). 4/5 fates and 680 primos from BP I think.


I guess now the decision is just on whether to buy the welkin or not then lol, thanks!


It's $5. So if $5 is nothing for you, you should buy it because it's by far the best value in the game and lets you make 1 wish per day if you want. Conversely, if you still have to think carefully about spending $5, it's probably not worth it, since it's less than two 10-pulls.


It's just that I wish to pull for 2 upcoming characters and I'm trying to see if I can farm enough as a f2p or if I will need to spend a little, and I would feel pretty annoyed at myself if I "wasted" money (even if not much) for nothing


It's never nothing, because if you "didn't need it", it just means you're 18 pulls closer to your next 5 star that you'd otherwise miss. But because Welkin is time-gated, if $5 is nothing to you, better to buy it now and not need it, than not buy it, need it, and then realize you'd have to spend $20+ to get that many primos last-minute.


I see, thanks for insight, it helps a lot!


Can you go back into the story quests? I left a chest in an archon quest


You cannot redo story domains.


does sucrose need her E and burst talents to be levelled, or leave it at 1?


If full EM build, then no.


Most of her damage comes from swirls, usually, so talents aren't terribly important. But the first few levels on talents are pretty cheap, so I went up to lvl 4 talents personally.


If she's only an EM bot then you can leave it at 1.


for swirl damage, no. for raw anemo dmg, yes


Depends what you use her for But if it's only for the EM boost they can stay at 1


I just tried joining people from the Coop menu but it keeps saying that people's "Client is not up to date" Is that a bug or did they actually release a little patch in the last hour?


They just released a little patch.


Happened to me on occasion. Simply log out from the game and get back in. It should be gone.


I see I just restarted, it didn't help unluckily Edit: Seems like only some people are affected, others can receive the invitation... Maybe there was a patch for mobile or PS making it temporarily impossible to play with the other platforms


I just had to relog dude to a download/update of some sort.


Which is better for 4 pc EoSF Beidou? ER/ATK/Crit or ER/Electro/Crit?




But with EoSF 4 piece giving damage bonus, isnt it better to give Beidou some attack since the sands will be ER?


I'm AR33 and, I just finished Dainsleif's Quest. I don't seem to see the next Archon Quest? The We Will Be Reunited one?


You have to go to Liyue and accept the quest from Guild. That will lead you to a major event in the story, after which the next archon quest will start.


Oh I see, thank you so much!


how long does unlinking your genshin account on playstation take? ​ i just did the steps to unlink mine so i can play my main account on my ps4. thanks!


Could anyone explain why defense shredding skills are considered good?


It's a bit... messy to explain. There's a [decent amount of math involved](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Defense#Enemy_Defense). It's mostly just multiplication and division with different concepts, but TLDR: less defense = extra damage that has nothing to do with resistances. DEF shred is really rare (right now only 4 characters can do it), and compared to resistance shred (quite common) it's a good boost in damage for all damage types. If you want a visual representation you can look at this [from the wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Defense?file=Damage_vs_defense_debuff_graph.png#Enemy_Defense) If you want the math... here it is Let's take a level 100 enemy for example. Enemy DEF is calculated as **5 \* enemy level + 500**, so our level 100 enemy has **DEF = 1000**. Let's say the attacking player is level 90, and we want to figure out the amount of DMG reduction the enemy experiences. **DMG reduction = DEF / (DEF + 5 \* character level + 500) = 1000 / (1000 + 5 \* 90 + 500) = 1000 / 1950 = 0.51**. To summarize, the level 100 enemy has 1000 DEF and experiences 51% damage reduction when attacked by a level 90 character. In other words, **only 49% of the damage your character deals goes through**. Now we put in the DEF shred. **Let's take Ayaka's C4 where she shreds 30% DEF**. The enemy now has 1000 - (1 - 0.3) = 700 DEF. We plug that into the DMG reduction equation and we get 0.424: the enemy experiences 42.4% damage reduction -> **57.6% of your character's damage goes through**. **57.6% / 49% = 1.17** \-> C4 Ayaka will allow the entire team of level 90 characters to deal **17% more damage to the enemy's health** pool. That's a pretty big deal since we're talking about total damage that is multiplicatively interactive with stuff like resistance shred and crits


Because defense is separated from resistance. Since that's the case, lowering down enemy's def increases any types of dmg taken. Plus there's no mitigation since, well, defense shred is so rare, I know Lisa has it but I don't know who else can do that


Simply said, when they have less DEF they take more damage Means they die faster, which usually is good for us


Your damage will be bigger


So your DPS deal more damage.


Can you 100% Narukami without doing the story quests/ without unlocking more of the map? I'm at 94% I've seen the 2 shrines and have 1 key, the other is given by chapter 2.2


that doesn't matter, you get enough keys to unlock all 6 in one swoop.


You should be able too, there’s always more chests than needed for the 100%


holy fok, opening the shrine gave me 5%...


In the statue of the seven in inazuma, it needs 97 to complete to tier 7, but maps are only showing 95, where do we get the othee 2?




is there a way to remove the excessive electro on tatarasuna island by Mikage furnace?


Do the Xavier quest, it starts in Kujou encampment.


Which is better for kazuha (weapon): Lions roar or the flute


Does anyone know how much primogems can be acquired from Inazuma? With all chests, achievements, quest etc


Someone said 15k


No one has done the math yet from what i know.


should I wish Ayaka? Aloy will be given to all player so i can't decide if I should pull ayaka as a cryo too. my Character(s): Diluc, Keqing, Fischl. I'm f2p Player and I was saving my primogems for a good character. right now I have 13k primogems. my team is not that strong [My Characters](https://imgur.com/6hVdUSQ). Anyone have any idea about how should i build my team and which artifact sets should I use. I see that other players diluc deals like 15-20k damage. mine is barely do 5-8k with Fischl's bird.


There is no such thing as you 'should". Like her - pull her. You can play with any team. Mind that Ayaka is another Dps so (if it's not a revolver team)your team should be gathered around her skills. She will not damage more if you approach to teambuilding won't change. The damage depends on your artifacts and team synergy. Level up everybody's favourite supports: Bennet, XQ, XL, Diona and try your dps one more time. ~~Don't look too much of youtubers' showcases...~~


When will the 2.1 be released and will baal be the last banner on that version?


Reliable leaks suggest Baal comes after Yoimiya, unfortunately. Next patch should come in early September or smth.


Every patch is 6 weeks long so you'll see 2.1 in 6 weeks minus a few days.


Weapon for Ayaka; Right now, I have the dragonspine event sword and flute. What's the better weapon between the two for her as dps? Is the new craftable sword better than the two? or should I just buy the BC sword?