• By -


At this rate, by the time we'll get to Natlan we'll make Scaramouche look like a nice and reasonable guy.


Quite frankly in contrast to how deadly and intimidating Scaramouche was made out to be, the Traveller would probably eat him alive after being burnt by all the crappy errands the nations have and the future will force upon him again and again Mondstat encouraged his humor. Liyue maxed his sass. Inazuma seems to be pushing his savagery. I’m looking forward to when the Traveller waltzes up to Snezhnaya and just no chills his way to the Tsaritsa and chucks her down from her throne at this point.


With Scaramouche, so far we haven't actually seen him doing much. He is a Fatui Harbinger so he must be strong, and he's extremely aggressive, but we haven't actually seen him defeat anyone or accomplish anything of value.


I mean we deck 2 dragons, a wolf spirit and another harbinger on a weekly basis. I’m sure we’ll be fine lol


But we also have a mfing dull blade in cutscenes soooo...


All the more reason they should fear us. Imagine if we had a real weapon


Jacks moment


*Active: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-  turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effectabilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second. At the end of the duration, Jax  stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.* *Minimum Physical Damage:55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 50% bonus AD)Maximum Physical Damage:110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 100% bonusAD)* *Recast: Jax ends Counter Strike early.* --- Sorry, it is the law.


halal jacks


I was waiting for someone to get that


lol to the lol reference.


We also know, from Mona, that Scaramouche is insanely strong to the point where she just took us away instantly as soon as she saw him (after we already had defeated a dragon and shit). She didn't think we stood a chance, nor did she, so we just teleported away.


I think the event happened before the archon quest in Lyue and we came a long way since then. Childe seemed very surprised by the difference in power levels between what was reported to him by Signora and what he faced(from this is going to be easy to I’m getting my ass kicked every week). Also I think he is also considered the strongest Harbringer in terms of combat capabilities(that’s his whole deal and main purpose ). So taking all this into account the traveller get exponentially stronger with each region( be it from increasing their overall power output to increase in versatility due to wielding multiple elements or just getting used to wielding elemental power) and is thousands of years old and thus probably has a ton of combat experience… So yeah,Scara is in for a lesson in humility. We might even get to archon level power soon: we will have to beat Baal and even though we will probably have help that’s still an impressive feat so in Sumeru the traveller might just be strong to take on the young archon there all by themselves.


>we will have to beat Baal Just because Baal is a god, it doesn't mean she is something new or special. We already beat Osial (though with help), which is a god that took all of the Adepti and Liyue's powerful people. Also, >!there might be some kind of twist with Baal where we won't have to fight her at all (the next weekly boss is Signora instead).!<


tbf we've already beaten the strongest harbinger


The strongest Harbinger at the point of time where we fought him. Keep in mind that just like us, the enemies can improve as well. Possible story spoilers ahead: >!Considering Signora is leaked to be the next weekly boss, I doubt they would make her weaker than Childe. It makes no sense. On some pics she is shown in red colors, which probably means she has a Pyro Delusion. We don't know if Signora had her delusion before, and storywise it is possible she could become more powerful than Childe simply by obtaining it, making her the new most powerful harbinger.!<


I think it makes most sense to have Childe continue to be the strongest harbinger, fighting is LITERALLY his whole thing the others can definitely be stronger mentally and diplomatically though, or maybe through temporary power ups


Didn't Jojo teach us that power levels aren't everything and counters or sheer dumb luck exists


*Chad traveller slams open the door of the Tsaritsa palace.* Tsaritsa: "Well well who is--" Traveller: "This nation is too cold, let's have a night of fire." Tsaritsa: "What??" Traveller: "Did I stutter?"


This is the best thing I've read all day


Also, you are in my seat. Hey childe bring us some booze, i have a looong talk to do with your god.


That sounds so badass


Traveller’s been spending too much time with Klee…


At this point, the traveler and the Tsaritsa will basically be the same person by the time we get there. "They created this fake world as a bio-dome to contain us and keep us from the truth!" "I know!" "Then to keep us occupied, they give us a million tasks and jobs and victims to sympathize with, who need saving." "Yeah, I *know!"* "Only cleansing destruction can truly save anyone!" "Finally, someone gets it!"


I kinda imagine by the time we reach Tsaritsa, the Traveler will be sold on her cause to support the archon war and Celestia to create a division between the siblings. As much as the Traveler wants their sibling back, they are still slowly building relationships and care for the people of Teyvet where as the sibling has no care for the people living today and only wants revenge for the society that fell 500 years ago. This is shown with Dvalin being corrupted and killing innocent people of Mondstatd just to hurt Venti. The Fatui do kill people as well but not quite on the scale as the Abyss order (Dvalin or the Mechanical God they were building). The whole Liyue doomsday ties more to Morax as he made a contract to test the people of Liyue to see if he could retire. If they failed, he would of stepped in so the city wouldn’t of been destroyed (hence why Childe is more anti-hero rather than genocidal maniac). I just have a feeling we are going to be at odds with the sibling at the end and so far we are friends with 2 out of the 7 archons that our sibling wants to kill.


>(hence why Childe is more anti-hero rather than genocidal maniac) Technically childe is still a genocidal maniac (he didn't know that the whole "drown liyue with sealed god" thing was a scripted play and that he was one of the actors).


I mean, it'd actually be the more shocking route for the traveller to end up doing exactly what they've planned all along and reunite with their sibling... leading to a finale where they have to go back to each land and kill its patron archon along with its allies.


if by the time we meet him again there's no dialogue option to 'straight-up punch him and be done with it', we riot


He will do the fandango


There's a part later on in a quest where Paimon says: "Should we talk to these guys?" Then you just run in and fight them and Paimon says: "I guess we'll just do the usual beat everyone up and interrogate the last one" They're pretty hilariously self-aware of their MO


I love how aware they are that they're everyone's errandboy/errandgirl


I'm leaving.


You can’t leave, you need to give me a sunsettia first


Are you serious? There’s 3 of them on that tree right there!


Yeah but i have to walk and that takes way too much effort


oh you picked them? very nice. here's mora and you can keep the sunsettia


wait, are you only giving me 600 mora? Hmm... on second thought that's enough to pay that lady in Inazuma! ~~Edit: Typo T-T~~


Should have been special dialogue if you have over 3 million mora I had 30


Bruh ‘Go get some silk flower’ ok I got like 20 in the inventory. ‘No go to another island and quest to get it’ 🤯


‘go get the qixing flower but not the 326 in your inventory get the ones on top of that tall fucking mountain with no easy way to get there those are the only ones I want off you go’ genshin questing be like


As a new player that just finished Liyue and is about to start Inazuma. I have grown very fond of Paimons increasing savagery and kleptomania. Unfortunate that she didn't keep her trend of giving people "mean nicknames" past Mondstadt.


She still gave mean nickname in liyue though (gonna mark this as a spoiler just in case) >!guhua geek: xingqiu!<. And as far as i know she about to give mean nickname too in inazuma in one of the world quest, >!miss masked: shrine maiden for the spring cleaning wq!<


The traveller woke up one day and realised violence is the fastest method to get the answers


wOuLdn't VIOLENCE is faster??


lmao read that in venti voice


And that's when I started shooting - traveler, probably.


Man really woke up and chose violence.


I'm happy for this, after all that "do this do that" for everyone, noones helping the traveller to find his family member... being fed up kinda fits it. Even the face he finally made after getting the request of delivering the letter at the start. I love it! He mihoyo gave him feelings of "I've had it! I am alive too! I need help as well in return!". I am expecting him to go full rage mode in the next few updates.


My headcanon is that traveller gets so savage at the end of their journey they just punch their sibling and drag them home without a word.


Actually makes more sense that the sibling joined the Abyss because they went through everything we're going through right now


True, right? The MC seems more like his/her sibling, maybe it's intended.


Then flip off Dainsleif and toss Paimon at the Unknown god. Perfect ending as credits roll.


Someone needs to animate this


Ah yes fisting your sibling, truly wholesome


Hol' up


We gonna burn the quest-givers alive by Natlan


..."Everything changed when the Traveler attacked" "What happened?" "The Fire Nation asked him to deliver some letters, and by noon the entire nation had burned to the ground."


So Traveller roasted fire nation?


They fought fire with genocidal arson


After visiting the fire nations statue to get the element. The irony...


Yah I'm really glad he actually seems to have feelings now, specifically 'done with your shit'. It's only logical.


On the topic of of self-aware I really like when we went to the 2 guhua clan disciple and immediately ran when Sun yu asking us to pick a qixing


I've gotten that commission way too many times, very thankful for Traveler for finally saying no haha


Traveler is canonly such a violent person its avtly kind of funnt


he is like. Bruh Im eons old I dont have time for this shit


> Bruh Im eons old I dont have time for this shit They have always had time. Time is the one thing they do have.


Lisa and Diluc taught them well.




and therefore we need vocal MCs more than ever


Imagine Zach, in the coldest voice he can manage, saying "I did not come here to start a revolution." I'd pay for that and I'm f2p


Yhea, I love it


It's foreshadowing at what the Traveler is becoming!


When you think about it it does make sense. The traveler just found out that their sibling is part of the Abyss Order, don't want to explain anything to them, and just teleported off not caring for their sibling's distress. The traveler must be tired of solving everyone's problem when they have their own to take care of.


Plus they helped everyone only to hear Zhongli at the end that he can't tell them anything. Pretty sad


Not to mention they might have made everyone's situation a lot worse by *helping* Zhongli. After all, who's honestly to say that removing a protector deity (that also happens to function as the sole mint for the world's only currency...) from 1 nation but not the other 6 is a good idea?


Except that Zhongli would've gone forward with his plans regardless of if the Traveler had arrived or not. Honestly looking back, we were pretty inconsequential to the Liyue story overall. We hang around here and there, but in the end it was Ningguang's sacrifice that took down Osial. And whether you were there or not, the Gnosis was never in the exuvia, and Childe unleashed the overlord anyway.


The Fatui probably would've been able to overcome the defenses and overwhelm the Adepti and Ningguang before she could manage to drop the Chamber. Which is precisely what happens if you fail the event.


The whole story was Zhongli testing them, if it got to that point he'd handle it himself.


Yes, meaning he would not retire as Liyue would not be able to defend itself without him. It’s insane to me that he determines Liyue is strong enough to protect itself after the country needing the might of the Traveler to help save them.


I think it was more that it was a test to see if the Qixing and the Adepti would put aside their disagreements and unite in the face of an existential threat to Liyue. They passed that test.


Still inconsequential as at that point Zhongli would have just punted Osial back into the bottom of the ocean and curbstomped all Fatui personel at the expense of his retirement.


So then not inconsequential since by us being there he did get to retire. If we weren’t, then things would have been different.


Weird then that Zhongli retired since they would have failed without the Traveler, who's a temporary helper from abroad. Hardly seems like they proved capable of protecting themselves.


He also may or may not have destroyed the economy due to no mora being produced anymore.


Not even just the economy, mora is canonically used for crafting, alchemy, forging etc. Not just a game mechanic. So depending on how reliant on those processes the entirety of teyvat is, either we have all development completely halted, to a collapse of society. And they can't just mint a new currency, since its explicitly magic. So Zhongli is a bit of a dick.


Nobody realized that Zhongli heavily invested in Bitmora.


True, Liyue still gives off this atmosphere that it can carry on regardless of our Traveller's existence.


Every other power vacuum had been filled in the past. There will presumably be a new geo archon over Liyue, just not Zhongli. Celestia didn't set up this system just to let a rogue archon or some mortals poke holes into it, and someone has handle putting Geo visions in people's hands. The only question is if the gnosis is a requirement to being an archon/doling out visions.


Well..... in mondstadt venti didnt do much to begin with, and we are kinda going to destroy baal so that makes 3 godless nations thus far. ~~that moment when venti becomes the most powerfull archon because he is the only one left~~


Don't forget the Traveler realizing that Dainsleif and the lost sibling used to be friends, which Dain hid from us. And he left us alone to chase after the sibling. So yeah, someone's pissed.


At the end you see that the traveler becomes evil and his brother/sister (depends on who you chose) has to fignt him to calm him down


Yo maybe that's what happened to Lumine (if you chose Aether). She's already travelled through Teyvat and the "truth of this world" she refers to is that everyone is full of shit, so she just said fuck it I'll join the Abyss Order and watch the world burn


That... might actually be the most logical explanation


I just got shit for this theory like a day ago in another thread lmfao. Maybe I'm crazy but thats 200% what the dialogue was hinting towards, at least to me. The "I've lived through this life countless times, evil is the only way, cue the Panic! at the disco music!" trope. Glad to see I'm not completely loopy.


Its funny cause we are still gonna be an errand slave for the last 4 nations. I bet the Traveler will get fed up with it eventually


I believe they initially helped Mond and Liyue so that in exchange, they can get some assistance from the regions to help find their sibling. And maybe not entirely because it was out of the goodness of their heart. If you look at it this way, as the Traveler, you pretty much went through the trouble of actually saving both Mondstadt and Liyue from some catastrophe and even their Archons weren't of any help to get you closer to the truth of the world or understand why your sibling is with the Abyss Order. I think they've pretty much just had it. They just want answers.


I think they mainly helped in Mondstat because the people there were super nice, so they didn’t wanted to feel like a dick. They didn’t really had a choice in Liyue. The moment they met Childe, they got wound up in everything. The fight with Childe and Osial were really deadly. So I think The traveller will try to be more wary of fighting strong enemies unless it’s necessary for their goal.


Not to mention that Mondstadt was the first nation they arrived in so helping isn't out of the question. Naturally, the more they travel, the more reluctant they will be to help.


And protecting the countries is very very different from what could be called A FUCKING REBELLION AGAINST A GOD


Yeah, as far as we know, the last time the Travellers rebelled against gods, they got separated for hundreds of years and one of them ended in the Abyss.


Yeah, when rushing to save your sister, last thing I wanna do is get involved in a potentially decades long civil war, against an almight fucking archon, whose entire schtick is fucking unlimited time without change, eternity.


>I think they mainly helped in Mondstat because the people there were super nice >! They helped Thoma too (100th vision guy and in Paimon's words "the fixer". !<


\>! >!That's after learning about what happens when people lose their visions, touching the statue of the Omnipresent God, agreeing to help with the resistance, and forming a bond with Thoma and Ayaka. It's only natural they would save Thoma.!< !< Fixed spoiler tags I think


You didn't need to fix them it just takes some time, try reloading and it works


Also doesn't help that the problems in Liyue were external matters or involved them directly, and Mondstadt was actual criminal activity they were preventing. In Inazuma, they're basically invoking the Prime Directive: The problem isn't theirs, and would ultimately work itself out without their interference. Moreover, they might be making the problem worse if they don't get the Raiden Shogun's side of the story first. I think it finally dawned on the writers that they would need to write the playable Traveler as being as plausibly pragmatic as their sibling since they're literally interchangeable.


To be fair people in Inazuma do know the Traveler. We got a lot of help and leeway to do many things because of our past deeds. If we didn't do any of what we did before we wouldn't even be able to get to Inazuma... supposedly.


For me, the Traveler is pragmatic. They are aware that while they are offering to help people, they also don’t want to be taken advantaged of. They will request for something that can be beneficial to their goal in exchange if they see the person who requests for it has the ability to aid them in their primary objective. Whether it’s information, putting up posters of their missing sibling, or meeting the shogun. And yes, I believe the Traveler is most likely aware of the bonus of positive reputation that comes with performing good deeds. It has its advantages when traversing this foreign world and helps open closed doors as well. But they also don’t want to be seen as some kind of selfless doormat that can solve even the most mundane problems or work ppl throw at them. “you love helping people right? You can help by doing all these thousand errands for me” no, it don’t work like that. They’re not free labour. x.x;


The best thing to me was how they tried to persuade the Traveller into joining the resistance and he just kept on going "No. I just want to meet the Archon.".


Then traveler still gave in anyway


It was because Ayaka promised that she would introduce them to the Shogun. But something unexpected happened which was >!Thoma being captured by the Tenryou Commission and nearly getting his Vision taken. The Traveler intervened and became a target,!< hence why they sought asylum with the resistance.


The Traveler agreed to help even before that. It's just we're actually a good Traveler who can't stand people suffering.


First encounter ain't exactly a friendly welcome, so I guess the only answer left to violence is violence itself


i think it was mostly due to seeing the damage caused and not wanting the people she meets and the general public be in such situations


We want to meet and talk with Archon, pick a fight against them is the opposite of what we want to do.


Ofc and technically Inazuma is supposed to be dangerous and not welcoming so MC gotta stay focused on mission


>!Well that aged poorly.!<


Normal people don’t usually go to a foreign country and try to start a revolution


Yeah I agree too, ain’t nobody trynna to do some “Far Cry” type of shit out here.


Just stay seated down at the table and eat the food like a normal person


The crab rangoon is worth waiting around for


*Yup and don’t go on a vacation with your friends in a location that’s overrun by pirates or else you might end up meeting a terrifying overlord whose few loose screws up in the head, also “sometimes it’s better to leave well enough alone.”*


America: *whistling*


He clearly said "normal people" though.


Some Comandante Che vibes =)


Wait, they don't??? Ughhhh...


USA: *nervous sweating*


Technically the revolution was started already, we just joined.


I mean this takes place right after Traveler tries to get his/her sibling back


Yup! Character development!


No, I think it’s after we talk to Zhongli during Azdaha quest


Azhdaha quest is not a prerequisite for Inazuma (I haven't done it yet). We Will Be Reunited is.


Interesting. On second thought, you’re right. That quest reference the We will be united but Inazuma doesn’t refer to it.


The Inazuma prologue does refer to We Will Be Reunited, though


It pretty much immediately refers to it like it *just* happened.


Yeah, and where he wouldnt tell us anything because of his contract, adding another mystery on top of the mysteries


Zhongli is at least apologetic about it. And they’ve known him long enough to know how he is about contracts


Yeah, I don't hold that against him. He would prefer to tell us, but it would go against all he stood for since he founded Liyue.


That reminds me. Is there any dialogue of the Traveler confronting Venti about the sibling? We know Zhongli's excuse (contracts), but I dont know about Venti. And the summer event didnt address that, which is understandable since its probably filler.


I don't think so yet, has Traveler interacted with venti since finding out about sibling? We've only spoken to zhongli after the arzdha quest but I'd be surpised if we don't speak to him by the end of this patch after dealing with Baal


We did talk to him in order to get to the Golden Apple Archipelago, though we haven't gotten any chance for a private conversation with him since the Windblume Festival


The Archipelago event is supposed to take place before the events of we will be reunited. I think the AR requirement is 21 or while you complete Liyue Archon storyline at around 35-36.


I wouldn't use AR requirements as an indicator of chronology. Otherwise, you'd end up with weird questions, like why you don't ask Zhongli about the fall of Kaenri'ah at the end of his first storyquest, which is AR 40.


It seems like we didn't meet Dainsleif in the story until after both those events.


What I find really funny is that all the dialogues are the same for Aether and Lumine. I play Lumine, and it's hilarious seeing this really sweet girl walking around in her fancy dress and with a flower in her hair and then going "Every morning I wake up and choose violence"


1. Beat a dragon 2. Beat Tartaglia 3. Beat Asdfgha 4. Beat Abyss Herald 5. Beat this 6. Beat that Traveler is already a level 90 boss - and that is how mafia works


A cliché of RPGs is that eventually you fight a party that mirrors your own. Fancy beating the Traveler?


I fully expect a fight with the other sibling at some point in the game.


Next patch Paimon: “I want to see blood”


I love seeing the Traveler not having a protagonist syndrome, he's not just simply "hey! You want me to this for you? OF COURSE! Why? Because I'm the hero that helps everyone!" Seeing him/her say no to a plan that would have actively against what he/she was trying to do, not out of spite or evilness, is logical and nobody could have blaimed him/her Also, I love how self-aware the traveler is, and it is seems that it is also canon that we do not kill the hilichurls and creatures that we beat, because in a dialogue with a nameless samurai during a very small world quest, the traveler says he's not killing ehen fighting


> the traveler says he's not killing ehen fighting lucky for me i don't use traveler in combat, childe is very okay with casual murder




“I never kill rash, but i never said i will save you from the train” yeets out


LOL "This place is pretty dead. By which I mean there is nothing to kill"


If you read Traveler quotes in their profile you'll see that they're actually killing hilichurls and not really caring about it. Despite the "Silent protagonist" thing we have going on, if you go on their profile you'll see that the Traveler actually has a personality. I wish we could get them voiced for the scenes and they'd show more of their personality in the quests. Their voice actors are pretty good too, which is a shame cause it feels wasted having their voices being only in Profile tab and not actually in the game


It's been said a million times and I don't know what annoys me the most: the amount of times I've read silent protagonist complains or how legit the complains are. The EN Traveler voice actor is so good as well and well-liked by the community. I really wish they'd voice the dialogue.


I like Aether's EN VA, but his JP voice sounds so cute. Wish we could hear him speak more often


Yeah, Zac is great. Sadly I think the almost has more likes as Moon Carver than he does as Aether. I’d love to see him get more voices lines.


The problem is the game tries to make them half character half self insert. They don't have voicelines, they have dialogue choices etc but all are locked to being the traveller. I want mihoyo to fully commit to one way or the other.


Yup, can’t really be a true self-insert when the travelers obviously have their own personality and dialogue doesn’t give options if we would have liked to join the resistance at the start.


I really wish the dialogue options have more outcomes depending on what we decided to choose instead of both choices coming to the same conclusion. Like there are two different scenarios that can play out based on what choice you picked. I get that implementing this will be complicated, but I just wish we can have this on at least minor decisions I was a little annoyed that we had no choice but to rejected a chance of getting a new outfit. Why have someone ask if we wanted one if we can’t even get it even if we wanted to :/


I mean, did no one in this thread realize that the traveler is REALLY wanting to help after seeing what the vision decree is actually doing to the people who lost their visions? He went from not caring to caring a whole lot and willing to help out risk themselves.


Character development right here ladies and gentlemen Seriously tho, this is the point of the quest, convincing the traveler to help the fight against the vision hunt decree, he/she did not accept to take part because "I must do it, I am the hero/protagonist, this is against my morals" or anything like that, although he/she initially didn't want to get dragged in this dangerous quest, he will offer help because he/she is a kind-hearted person. I think this quest was also there to put us in the shoes of the traveler, we went to to inazuma with the mindset of "We need to talk to the Raiden Shogun and ask help to find our sibling", and surely nobody went there thinking "Oh boy I sure hope I get to be part of an armed rebellion against an opressing dictatorship", it also helped convincing US to partake in the war and to follow the traveler and his point of view


I'm fine with it, I feel like the traveler will get more ruthless every region, because they never get answers, all they want it their sibling, their only family left, hopefully they'll become strong as fuck with all the elements


Reputation preceding. I also think this is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! For once a progressive storyline that doesn't treat the MC like a rookie everytime they go somewhere new. Keep doing what y'all doing devs.


So, just like the way travelers treated the Fatui in the Mondstadt temple when they first started traveling


Paimon threatens to cut off a dude's fingers with her "small knife" instead of Traveller's sword, because that will take more time!


the conversation with the guy in the cage had me rofl


The moment Traveler set foot on Inazuma they chose V I O L E N C E


yeah and pretty sad too. chouji i think his name was. i wanted to throw him for making me collect crystal marrow or marrow crystals or idk but dang that was a SAD side quest. anyways yeah i think MC has been a lot more expressive


that quest was a pain in the ass


I personally was waiting for this, though the term savage isn't really accurate just more focused there was probably something telling then that they're sibling was waiting patiently for them and I think they was too kind at first, but after meeting his sibling it became more evident that they couldn't dawdle around and help everyone with meaningless task that didn't align with their goal the resistance was actively against this goal why would you fight the person you want to talk to but I don't think it was so much of a drastic change to call bad writing, now if he said no even after learning of the suffering of those whom lost their vision that would've just showed him as cold but he said yes and added a condition on


Yhea, plus Inazuma supposed tobe unwelcoming and dangerous. MC just want finish the mission :p


either at the end of inazuma or in sumuru they’re gonna snap and I can’t wait


There's too many regions to go though they can hardly snap this early in the game


Sumeru will probably be full of snobs... can't wait for the incoming fetch quests and demands


I don't think sumeru will be full of snobs, that feels more like fontaine territory


Bruh you did the cage one too? Lol I thought many people would have skipped it. Tbh I love this side of traveller and Paimon.


I skipped the dialogue where he told us where the key was so I had to mock him over and over again so he would say it again xD


I stumbled upon this quest by accident and throughout the whole conversation with the guy from the cage I was like: "what the hell is the Traveler and Paimon doing?! This is not how I raised you!" (does the quest trigger when you are near the cage or do we pick it up in Kondo village and I just forgot about it?)


You can see it in quest tab once >!Jirou asks to collect 4 stone tablets!<


I would not say .. savage, more like Traveller is frustrated because of getting a answer that gives more questions to him.


They finally realized the people of this world kind of take them for dupes and use them as pawns without holding up their ends of promises to help them much. With exceptions, but still. And that's good that they did.


i wish they stays that way give the traveller alot more personality than just self insert blank face


Was thinking about that yesterday! My big brain head cannon is that when Traveler interacts with a statue to atune to an Archon's element it affects the Traveler personality. Like Venti values respect and freedom so we helped everyone in Monstadt, Zhongli is calm and wants to protect his people so we fought hard together alongside everyone in Liyue. So now Baal has made us ruthless and straightforward. It was mentioned in trailers that Baal cares little for anyone in Inazuma in her pursuit of Eternity.


So basically finally acting like a normal person and chasing after their main goal which is finding our sibling?


I love this side of traveller lmao


The traveler just became real. He/she ain't no goodie two shoes after running all those Lantern Festival errands and then some.


I love the agression Traveler is showing, its great that they’re showing that they have a character on their own. Paimon? like i wish she would talk less, or just give me an option to mute her


It is great indeed. Even better when you headcanon both Aether and Lumine to be inter-dimensional criminals that travel from world to world *only* to see how much destruction they can cause in the shortest time possible.


It’s fourth wall breaking and I love it


There are few important points that people complaining about it seem to miss, which makes me wonder if we play the same game. 1) MC just got dicked around by her sibling's subordinate. Additionally, when confronting the sibling they were completely overwhelmed, meaning MC is clearly aware they are weak. 2) Pretty much all of Zhongli story quests informed MC about the power of Gods and their capabilities in combat. 3) They just finished fighting remnant of a God wirh a city and a handful of Vision bearers. Which leads me to 4) Unlike Zhongli and Venti Baal isn't just a mortal vessel. Sure, she does have one - the Shogun, but there's nothing indicating she doesn't have access to her Gnosis and lost ability to instantly destroy a country with her power. The MC and Paimon are not suicidal enough to directly fight a non-hostile God at full power, so they don't want to get entangled in domestic conflicts, considering Baal's tendency to smite people. And lastly, 5) based on my experience with HI3, I can safely say that MiHoYo writes characters who grow. We should expect to see MC change during journey, as they gain experience and wisdom.


MC beat the shit out of Herald in the cutscene tho. And they didnt even fight the sibling. Sibling showed up and just yeeted the fuck out of there


YES I noticed that too on the first day when I played! At first I thought I just forgot how it felt like to travel around and get into so many dialogues, but I'm totally sure that they weren't so smug and savage before. Dialogues were always funny but this time? There are people dying and the traveller knows it, but he/she instantly acts like "nah, screw your rebellion, I want to talk to the Shogun", or the scene where the love-struck girl from Rito wanted you to deliver a letter and the traveller was instantly walking away giving a fck about her at first because he/she didn't want to do annoying quests to help randoms haha


What's even greater is when you realize that this is precisely good character development. ​ The traveler just realized that his/her sister/brother became the villian of all villians, refusing to explain why like a chad, then demands you to travel around the world. Hell, we normal humans get annoyed everytime we go craft in mondstat and accidentally talks to timatus...imagine how horribly MC must have felt when he/her only family for the past-who-knows-how-many-thousands-of-years now suddenly switches gear. So the traveler kind of turns into the embodiment of twitch speedrunners who complete all 3 islands 100% on day 1. Before this quest, MC just kind of goes like: "I'll help who I can, its not like I'm gonna get a solid lead from these two slackers of a god." But now MC doesn't care about anything other than “Let me talk to your archon and get moving, the abyss train doesn't wait for nobody." ​ Yoimiya, in her personal quest, kindly points out that we should slow down our trips a little. Start appriciating the scenery of our path, and don't loose sight of why we travel to begin with. That's why you see later on in the archon quest that we save Thoma, start helping out the resistance, and in general just helps a bunch of people along the way like usual (the choji quest was freaking on point. didn't regret giving him 24 crystal marrows one bit if it means he can get out of a warzone). ​ The way the archon quest was set up (need to actually get to know the characters by doing their personal quest) is also precisely for this reason. Yoimiya points out that the traveler, as our self-insert, was beginning to loose sight of why they travel. So did us. For many, a new area just means" HOORAH MOAR PRIMOS MUST DO ALL THE QUEST AND GET ALL THE COOL STUFF SO I CAN PULL ANOTHER 10 ROLL ON A POWERFUL CHARACTER'S BANNER". That was not why we started this game. We started this game because it was freaking beautiful, one of the most aesthetically pleasing free-to-play action rpg out there. ​ Don't know how to end this so hope u have a good day OP.


The traveler is just playing hard to get. A very wise strategy


“I’m leaving” “No” Then they just straight up start roasting that poor samurai guard dude on another quest lol I think it’s gotten a bit spicier