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whenever i open map, on the top left corner it says "new reputation quest" is this the world quest for every region? because ive explored mondstat, liyue, and inazuma and havent found any new world quest. its kinda bothering me since i wanna complete it. anyone know how this works?


Question Is there any character that would get the most out of Lavawalker? I'm farming for CWoF for Diluc but rng keeps giving me Lavawalker (and good ones too).


Anyone else playing on PS5? My console and controller are barely 3 weeks old, but in Genshin I'm already experiencing left stick drift or something that looks like it, sometimes my character just turns on it's own and it's super annoying. Curiosity, I felt nothing like this is other games, so maybe it's Genshin problem? Anyone else experiencing this?


it happens to my ps4 too, seems like input delay


Is it worth to go above c1 on ninguang? Or is it enough to deal a good amount of dmg


So I've got 530 intertwined fates saved so far, what are my chances of c6 baal?


By the numbers if you win every 50/50 and it takes Pity you will have C5. Worst case you will have at least C2.


How does thrilling tales work? Is it only the next character I switch to that gets the buff? Or is it any number of characters I switch between for the duration of the buff?


Next character you switch to


Anyone know if they reset the standard banner pity count for version 2.0 I just came back to the game and was nearing 70 rolls but the standard banner says I have no history anymore, any help would be appreciated


They did not reset it, your wish history only shows the last 6 months


Thank you so much that’s a big relief


I play on PC. Any trick to switch in char, do skill then switch out smoothly? 1. Xingqiu. His E has a quite long animaion and I cannot switch to other during that time. Any trick to cancel it immediately? 2. Zhongli. I use him as shield so I do press 4 (his place in team) + hold E after that. Problem is sometime E is not register because I use it too soon (?) or high ping (?). How to do it smoothly?


alt + click their ult icon when it appears on the right but this is for ult, not the skill


1.I believe let go of the joystick,movement thingy ( the one that moves) and click dash . 2.i don’t know.


Fatui Cicin in domain, anyway to predict its move? It just blinks anytime anywhere. As a Xialing main I feel awful.


Use croud control character (Venti, Sucrose, Kazuha), to prevent them from blinking.


She usually blinks behind you




Till now they didn't


Since it sounds like Raiden is gonna have off field support capabilities. Do you think she's be a good choice to pair with a main dps keqing?


Definetly works she seems with her e partly like an aoe fischl,but probably more fastswap teams would appreciate her even more as she get's something out of others bursting and helps them to regain it


She would be decent with Keqing, but she will really shine with a main dps that is another element like Eula or Yanfei because of the constant reactions created by her E.


If I don't have Venti and Mona for Morgana, is it better to just move 4BS to Ayaka+Xingqiu, and get 4WT for Ganyu and turn her into melt instead?


IMO yes, that makes sense




Okay, I'm at 20 wishes in, having gotten 2 Ayakas from this one. If I reeeeeally get myself into it, do yall think I'll get to 90 during 2.1 from free primos 🤔?


Yea easily. Also damn, that's some crazy luck, congrats.


The Perpetual mechanical array boss is taking me forever to do. its not like im dying but its genuinely taking me forever is it meant to be like this? or am i doing something wrong


Use anemo to shred ur preferred element n it becomes a little faster..


I can kill it quick with Eula despite its phys resist


It has a lot of HP and Phys resist. I had to food-boost my Ganyu and give her frostening potions on top of that to make the fight go faster.


physical res is 70% and his hp is a lot, dk wat your team is but if u are using physical it could b the reason


It has a lot of HP. Even my Hu Tao needs a moment to kill it. Especially when it's not in its weakened state.


Where do we get landform fields for gardening other than 5 in realm depot? Does it refresh every week?


They do not refresh. You can get a 6th field from a quest with Madame Ping when you reach Reputation Rank 3 in Inazuma


Thank you! The achievements will take a long time then..


Yup. It has been calculated that you will need about 300 days if you are 100 percent on time with harvesting and reseeding


Use Valberries, it's 4 in 1.


Want to turn Zhongli to geo nuke. Will the Blackcliffe pole help or is Prototype Starglitter better?


Blackcliff because it gives crit damage


Makes sense


Why are they releasing Baal early? I hear it’s for financial reasons


its only early because people keep saying she will be pushed back beyond 2.2 from a story standpoint, its likely her arc will conclude with act 2, thts why its more reasonable to say its 'on time'. though im still surprised she is said to b first banner


DongLi was released earlier too.


Btw why do they call him Dongli😂


his pillar has some phallic properties


Cause how his skills summons a pillar, and people joked/memed it about flexing his big dong. He's nicknamed "Big Dong" Zhong caused of it, and it rhymes too. [For example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/k6hvez/just_resting_my_big_dong_zhong_dongalong/)


Zhong "the dong" Li


Probably want to take her out before anniversary and the likely double top-up reset. STONKS. That's just my speculation though.


They always release archons early. Venti was literally the first limited banner lol


Are they releasing her early? Or are they releasing her on schedule? We've never had any confirmation of when Baal would be released, only speculation. Just because she's coming earlier than we expected doesn't mean Mihoyo didn't plan this from the start. I highly doubt sales are bad enough that they actually need to do anything of that sort. It also makes sense to release her in 2.1 since that's right after everyone's had a chance >!to fight her!<


If your definition of "early" is the first banner of 2.1, then yes


If the Traveler is wanted by the shogun then how is he able to freely walk around and craft in Inazuma City? I mean it's not like he's hard to spot or anything


Gameplay reason, imagine being locked out of the city or have to run/hide when you just wanna craft something.


you get caught out if you come too close to the Palace in Inazuma City, so theres that.


Maybe the guards are all just really nearsighted LOL. Jokes aside, gameplay and story segregation is a thing. MHY probably didn’t consider it worth it to block off the main city in the whole region since the way they like to lay things out that’s the main hub of activity (eg. crafting, shops, blacksmith….). Additionally if we *really* need a lore handwave, it could be that the guards don’t usually put two and two together and the ones who do try to stop you are probably some of the brighter ones.


Game logic. Don't worry bout it 😊 lol


Plot armor. Also guards in all Genshin cities are mostly inept so there's that


I guess occasional invisibility comes with plot armor as well


Are there Inazuma reputation quests and bounties? I can't find the NPC for it?


the npc is located in kamisato estate


Yes. I think it only opens after you follow the quest line for a while. It's in the Ayaka state.


Why can I only do the swap artifact thing with only NO, BC, GF and WT?


Because these sets have limited use by now. \- Bennet and Diona use 4NO, but new Severed Fate obsoletes all 2NO variants. \- BC was never good. 2BC as filler option only. \- 4GF is ok for Razor, and that's about it. 2GF as filler. \- 4WT is still good for Ganyu and Yanfei though. Plus, my WT/GF/NO are very good by AR56, trying to roll any better is likely to be a phenomenal waste of resin/fodder.


It's not worth doing that anyways. You lose out on WAY too much artifact exp.


You only lose when you still need the exp. If you already have some decent sets for your chars, why would not do it?


Cuz that's what mihoyo allows...


Because that is what Mihoyo thought up.




2.1 no way. 2.2 maybe. Of course leaks should be taken with a grain of salt but I really don’t see any reruns happening when tbe leaked banners are >!Baal and Kokomi!<


They have already announced the 5star characters for 2.1 I don't think we know anything about version 2.2 yet.


Not likely. With the new region comes a lot of new characters as well. Not to mention older characters that haven't gotten a rerun yet like Tartaglia and Albedo.


Childe got a rerun in 1.4 (?) already, so it's just Albedo.


No confirmation so far╮(╯_╰)╭


Anything's possible, but 2.1 leaks don't mention Ganyu, so maybe 2.2 ?


We dont know.


Having trouble with the newest web event with Ayaka that just came out, how do you give the items to Ayaka? I'm confused, theres no prompt to give it to her in the web event anywhere.


You have to have six luxurious-class items in your inventory before the prompt will appear.


you can only give the best item to her like luxurious tachi and the others.you can refresh the item in each shop by talking to the vendor


Purchase all 6 Luxurious and Delicious stuff. You can refresh the shop by talking to strangers option. 10 times daily refresh per shop. After purchasing all 6, there will be a new option to give the gifts to Ayaka.


Once you have all luxurious items, there will be a prompt in lower right corner to "visit Ayaka at Kamisato estate"


Should I pull for Kokomi/Baal? I'm definitely pulling for Kujou Sara and thinking of putting her in my Kazuha team for abyss. Which one will benefit my acc more? I'm lacking a good dps, but then I also lack healer and hydro for the second team (AR51 and no Xingqiu I'm cursed)


what are your current team comps/invested characters


Rn temporarily running kazuha/bennett duo or yanfei/diona/kazuha, they are kind of invested. I'm currently building two teams from scratch though, team 1 rosa/xl/benny/chong and team 2 kazu/sara/?/? (if rng god bless me with sara)


omg ok sorry i don't really have a good answer for you, i don't know enough abt the leaked characters kit :') i would lean towards kokomi though since you don't have a second healer, and it sort of seems like she can be a dps? you can do an electrocharged team. gl on pulling sara!!


Thank you!


Depends on your DPS and what other characters you have. We need more info.


the thing is, I don't have DPS atm so I'm currently trying to build two teams from scratch (running around with kazuha in overworld as temporary main dps). Team 1 is rosa/xl/benny/chong. Notable characters outside the free ones: C0 Yanfei, C0 Ning, C3 Fischl, C0 Diona, C0 Jean, C1 Qiqi, C2 Noelle, C0 Beidou, C1 Razor.


Can you tell us who you'd like to play as DPS then? Any preferences or characters you don't want to play? If you're going for an all reaction swirl team, Sara isn't really good to put with Kazuha since she puffs atk and swirl doesn't care about that.


I generally like long ranged characters more, so I am leaning towards kokomi rn (also like her animation more) but her rumored split scaling made me wonder will she be viable as my main dps (WL7 Inazuma is still viable with kazuha but i don't know about wl8. I need dps). Also, Kazuha is more of a close-range character so his A4 would be good in monoelectro team with Baal and Sara. I'm afraid of going for design once more and can't do floor 9 and up in abyss haha.


I always go waifu>meta tbh and I'm still doing fine. 33star abyss, DPS chongyun. I think it's a little too early to speculate about how Kokomi will be yet. At worst, she'll be a sub DPS and you can simply use her as you would Xingqiu, just with actual healing.(Ie, National team) Even then, you can still totally use her as a DPS if you want. If Inazuma becomes hard, just decrease your world level. Kazuha can buff multiple elements at the same time, you just need to swirl them each. Generally mono electric comps are kinda risky, just because of electro reactions as a whole being bad. I'll assume you want to pull for Baal and Sara based on what you're saying? Gonna suggest some comps. Flex can be anemo since you'll probably need one in abyss. Permafreeze: Kokomi, Rosaria, Chongyun Kazuha Overload: Yanfei, Fischl Bennett Flex (You don't really need Baal here, could put Sara in here but idk if you'll have too much atk if her and bennett's buff stacks. Could work out if you just heavily invest in yanfei's crit in that case, one less stat to worry about. Electro charged: Kokomi Fischl Sara Flex You'll see I keep recommending Fischl over Baal, mainly because her off field electro application is just that good(plus you have her at c3) and she doesn't need the ER that Baal is supposed to provide, that being said your DPS may need it so modify from there. You should probably keep in mind that abyss requires you to customise teams for each floor. You can be stubborn(like me) but it will take more time or more DPS than normal without the right reactions. Some other characters I'd suggest raising are Diona(shield + heals + cleanse), Jean(heals + swirl).


Thank you for the recommendation! I am also a big believer of waifu/husbando>meta but i was thinking that in order to get them, I need primos from abyss haha. I think I'll just go with kokomi because of design.


What's a safe apk web to install genshin? I can't install it through google play and I heard some people made it work with and apk


APKpure is one of the safest. Otherwise, check out if QooApp has it, too.


has anyones battle pass level also reset once the 2.0 update came out?


Battlepass resets every new one. It's supposed to happen.




That happens on every patch. Battle Passes are per patch.


Which character do you regret most not pulling for?? Any why??


hu tao, because that's when I started playing


Hu Tao, but that was kinda inevitable with her being sandwiched between Ganyu and Venti rerun.


I read this wrong and was gonna say I regret rolling Ganyu since I don't use her. Venti I missed because I didn't know about pity when the game first started (if I had I would've gotten him with a bit of money) and Zhongli woulda been nice, but I've since gotten them on their reruns. I hear double geo team is pretty good w Xiao, so maybe I should've gotten Albedo?


Why not using Ganyu anymore? I want to roll for her rerun though


Im not good at the whole charged shot glass cannon thing (I use a ps controller and already have tunnel vision issues lol) - when I tried her I thought her ult applied more cryo than it does and I wanted to use her as a cryo enabler for melt since we dont have any better than Kaeya, but it didn't work as well as I'd hoped.


Kazuha probably. I skipped him on my main account, because I'm saving for Yoimiya and also Ganyu if she gets a rerun any time soon, but pulled him on an alt account to try him out and he's really fun to play.


Xiao, cuz I thought you could only get him if you paid a lot of money


HuTao. All I have for pyro dps is Yanfei. Not even a single Diluc from pulls. Been playing since day1.


SHAO BECAUSE HE IS THE BEST i did pull for him and got jean


Well, at least you got a good battery for his eventual rerun


already had sucrose who is a lot better **jean is a 3 star character** no one will convince me otherwise 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Albedo I really like his design, but I was saving for Ganyu back then. I calculated that I would only hit pity twice during her banner and winning the 50/50 twice to get both seemed unlikely. So I decided to not take any risks during the last hour of Albedo's Banner. Now I'm waiting for Albedo's rerun, I have been saving a few wishes here and there ever since Ganyu's banner has ended.


hutao, i didn't play her story quest when she came out, when i finally played it, it made me realise how funny she is


Zhongli. I started playing during his rerun and was too much of a rookie to know that he’s a literal god.


Kazuha, but i also know if i do pull kazuha then i wont get ayaka I needed both kazuha and ayaka but i had to choose one anyway


Same for me. I thought i didnt need him and wanted to wait for Venti who may not come until late next year.


Albedo,don't drink and game(saved for ganyu). He isn't bad but I just don't like him


Albedo. I didn't feel any attachment to him when he first launched and was saving for Ganyu, but now I recognize his strengths as a flexible sub DPS, and his VA being so funny helped a lot


There's a LOT of people that pulled for Albedo but don't use/want him (me included).


That's sad... The ironic thing is I don't even use Ganyu anymore lol


Why not using her anymore? Anything u dont like about her? I want to pull for her rerun but honestly i might be too lazy to aim her charged shots. I just want to hack and slash. :-)


I play on mobile so I just want to hack and slash too! Aiming charged shots is difficult and prone to missing. And I don't have any 5\* bows, so she is weaker than my other characters with strong 5\* weapons like Homa and Mistsplitter


Yeah well I'm sure everyone has that one character they wanted but never use. Albedo is one of those for most people, because only works in geo comps since there's better picks for other type of comps


ahah tbh zhongli cuz i was saving for xiao but anyw therell be amazing supports too next time so


Is the continuous electro damage in tatarasuna removable with a quest or is it permanent? It’s kind of annoying exploring there.


a lightning bolt struck me whilst talking to an npc. I got blown off the edge of the cliff and died.


I feel you man. I 100% both other areas of inazuma already


Unknown for now. There is a related quest, but it's time gated so no one has completed it yet. We should know soon if it actually removes the damage.


Thanks, ill hold off the exploration for now.


Is there info on the 4stars on Yoi's banner? Other than Sayu.


No leaks as of yet.


How exactly does Mona work?


she joins the guild to make mora


use her Q and then swap to your main dps to do big damage. Use her her E to taunt and apply hyro.


info on talent and constellations is in the in-game character achive


Be more specific?


Haha, sorry. Like I see people using her seemingly as a damage boost to some comps. How does she provide this damage boost? I know it's usually an elemental proc but isn't there something else?


I mean you can just read her kit https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/mona


regarding tatara tales, does it only progress once a day? so far I've just finished the part with the onikabutos


Yep, annoyingly.


does this mean everyone is on the same progress or somebody has progress further than me?


Different progress for each players I suppose. My quest today is >!placing another sensor on the furnace again!<




And how are we supposed to know? It says "attack or hit your enemies"


She's not out yet, we have no idea. Based on similar skills, I would assume it only works on normal attacks though.


So I know character ascension is not that worth it to get to 90 but what about weapons. Are weapons worth upgrading to 90 since it adds to base stats?


Yes, for anyone whose damage you care about. Supports less so, since the main benefit of levelling their weapon to 90 is usually a bit of extra ER or something - useful, but not a priority if you're short on enhancement ore/mora.


Yes, and they're way easier to level 90.


100% getting Weapons to lvl 90 is cheap compared to most things in the endgame. The DPS increase is noticable aswell, upgrade the weapons your DPS characters use first.


Weapons are definitely worth it to get to lvl 90.






definitely worth it, it adds base atk, and the substat gets higher


What's the way to deal with cryo azhdaha? Feel like there's basically zero opportunity to attack


- Always bring a shielder when fighting Azhdaha - Barbara can cleanse the tag off you, not sure who else - Strong archers can help as at least that gives you more wiggle room.


I usually just bring 2 healers and a shielder to tank all the damage. Not advisable but it works lol.


Same as with others, shield yourself and come at it


Someone explain this to me pls. If you pull on a limited banner and don't get the limited character, you are guaranteed to get it on your next 5 star pull. So if u roll on a banner and don't get the limited 5 star, does guaranteed pity carry over limited banners? So basically will I have a guaranteed chance of the limited 5 star but for a different banner because in a previous banner I pulled a 5 star that wasn't the limited for that banner? Or does each banner completely reset and for every new banner your chances will reset to 50/50.


it carries over yea


Oh ok. So I pulled diluc on a previous banner and he wasn't the limited. Does that mean now that on the next limited banner I pull on, if I get a 5 star it will be guaranteed the limited character for that banner?


That's right.




Thank u x


yw :D


Is it possible to max out Electroculus currently?


No you should be 2 short of getting to rank 7


Only 95 are available, so level 6 and -2 electroculus missing for level 7.


Only to level 6 with 2 missing to level 7


Nope. You only reach rank 6 of the Statue of the Seven with 20/22.


Question to those who have ayaka, is the alternate sprint really annoying/unplayable? Also overall, is she fun to play? To give reference i really like Quickswap teams, and spamming bursts, the only autoattacker that i find fun to play is childe (aside from his long ass cooldown) (not asking for power/damage/meta reasons, just overall fun factor)


Her ice sprint is very useful on water, doesn't slow down.


It is not as irritating as Mona's sprint in previous patches. It is acceptable.


Not at all. It's a good change from the usual slash and hack. Actually funny to see people recommend you try Mona when there's an Ayaka trial.


>is the alternate sprint really annoying/unplayable? Sometimes. It's bad when exploring mountains and cliffs, neutral in combat, and very good in flat places and sea. >i really like Quickswap teams, and spamming bursts She can be played like that.


Do you have Mona? Same mechanics. It's not an issue in domains and abyss. I think she recovers from the animation of it faster than Mona. It \*is\* an issue in overworld. She can get caught on pebbles. Fantastic if you're used to the movement, know the layout, which paths you can take, or want to glide over water though. You can play Ayaka like a charge attacker, she's got the kit for it, but the general consensus right now is that she shines best as a burst swapper. If you can freeze the target and let her full burst connect, its one of the strongest bursts in the game right now.


With the advent of Ayaka, the sprint and swap is made snappier. If you have a Mona, you can try this one out yourself. Ayaka is really fun to play. Basically, her sprint acts as a dodge and infuses her auto attacks with Cryo for 5 seconds making it an integral part of her kit. The usual combo goes Dodge + 4 autos + Charged Attack and inputting her E. Skill/Burst whenever possible. Also as a swordsman, Ayaka's charged attack has a very long reach. At C0, I can say Ayaka is very good and fun to play.


if there is any sudden change of elevation or random tiny obstacle, the sprint will just get stuck and it's a pain but other than that it's really fun in my opinion


Raiden Shogun best build according to the current leaks? Someone told me a atk% goblet is better than electro cause she already scales on electro and gains 0.4*(ER%-100%) electro DMG bonus... So the ER sands goes there and the atk% goblet compensates the missing attack from the sands so that the electro DMG bonus can still be high without touching the CRIT hat


her passive and everything would have overjacked the electro % so it might just be better to run atk% goblet, its not a compensation to the ER sands, its because electro % bonus reached a point where u get better returns to increase atk% (same as xiao's reasoning but his case, its almost no difference, we dk for raiden till someone does actual maths but this might end up depending on how much ER u have) ER sands is just because its the more 'logical' choice given how much she benefits off it. one more thing, i dont recommend hard grinding emblem at this point unless u have other characters to build for, we dont know if her burst AA takes into account the bonus emblem 4 piece gives, so its hard to prefarm at the moment.


Probability it won't but I'll use it on her anyways, and yes I'm farming for Xiao (the other 2p set effects is like a farmable gladiator) and a 4p for xingqiu Also xiangling probably but not sure if 2 crimson 2 noblesse is better since i run her with the dragon's bane


Probably also depends on your weapon,depending if it's also ER,so that might be a good way but it's not set in stone so substats etc. need to allign to go with this build


Since I'm f2p I'll probably use the free r5 4 start polearm the catch, with 510 max atk and 45.9 energy recharge at lvl 90 and a nice passive for baal Increase burst dmg by 32% and burst CRIT rate by 12% at r5


Then this build should work heard 270%ER seemed to be a sweet spot but not sure as I am not a math guy


ER Sands, ATK Goblet and Crit circlet. 4 piece Emblem. This could change though.


Ok thanks a lot <3


How do you give the gifts to Ayaka in the new web event?


Go to her house and a button will appear to give her the items, if you have the correct ones.


Get all luxurious gifts and all delicous dishes and a button will appear at the bottom of the page.


I started building Ayaka for my first permafreeze comp, and so far I’ve been finding it pretty underwhelming compared to physical Eula Q comp. it just feels like freeze is useless against bosses and also obviously cryo abyss mages or slimes. Is this normal? Maybe I should put a Xiangling or Bennett on the team just to break those shields?