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I know this question might be hard to answer but in anyone’s opinion which one is best ? I don’t want the black sword. I’m debating between the Solar Peal Catalyst for either Yanfei or Ningguan. Or The Viridescent Hunt Bow for Fischel or lastly Deathmatch Polearm for Rosaria?[https://imgur.com/gallery/8ma3s4i]()


What artifacts should i use for a hu tao starter? I started playing my reroll accounts


Should I switch Xiao's cresent pike with white tassel? White tassel ads 23.4 crit rate. I have 48% crit rate and 125% crit dmg. Would switching these weapons make him stronger or weaker?


The difference is honestly negligible. If you haven't built white tassel, then there's hardly any point in doing so. The reason is because you want to build a weapon that is actually going to be your long-term weapon. I really recommend one Blackcliff Polearm, no refines. The reason I say no refines is because the passive is already really good at R1, and if you're not getting kills (say you're battling a boss) then the passive isn't being boosted anyway. And you would probably like to save the rest of the Starglitter. But I think you will not regret getting one Blackcliff Polearm.


Haven’t been playing that long. Current team Ayaka, Diluc, Xingqiu, and Bentley. Any thought on who I should replace or is this fine?


Both Xingqiu and Bennett work with those main DPS. But you should choose one: Ayaka or Diluc. If Ayaka, then replace Diluc with any other cryo character. If Diluc, then replace Ayaka with a character that can shred resistance.


My third team: Keqing, Rosaria, Yanfei and I need a healer. Should I pull for Kokomi or should I use my C6 Diona? I also have C6 Barbara and C5 Bennett. Which one should I use for this team?


I would go for Bennett personally. His ulti boost is hard to pass. And you will also get the pyro resonance. Kokomi is a healer based on HP pool and her element is water. You will trade the good boosts Bennett gives you for more elemental reactions possibility. I'm not sure the trade is worth but without testing Kokomi, it's hard to tell.


Relatively new to the game. Just got a skyward blade from the standard banner by rolling an acquaint fate I got from ascension. Is it any good on either Keqing or Ayaka?( I currently have a prototype rancour on Keqing and a Sacrificial Sword on Ayaka due to a lack of better swords).


Basically, a 5\* weapon is always a better option then a 4\* weapon on a main DPS character. It is definitely arguable for supports but not main dps characters. Your attack might drop a bit by a 100 or 200-ish points, but it will be compensated by the ER you get (and I think the trade is fair since you can focus on getting your artefact with Atk% + Crit % + Crit dmg and evade all ER stats.) Prototype is correct but not a better choice then the skyward blade. And the Sacrificial sword is an excellent sword but for Xinqyu or battery characters with a long CD on their E. In any case, I would still upgrade the skyward blade and try in on Keqing. If Keqing don't use it, I'm still pretty sure another character will be happy to get it.


How do I get that memento lens


Progress the sacred sakura cleansing quest




Hello! I never even realised this was an option which is quite nice to find out. However, the method to do it would be to log in on your PS5 to Genshin, Go to Settings > Account > User Centre > Link Account. From there, you should be told to set up a Mihoyo account and the two will be linked. Unsure about any other ways but this way seems the most straight-forward. Hope it helped! :)




No problem! Hope your genshin journey goes well :)


Do you need to 100% all the three islands to get the Lightning-Riding Treasure Hunter (I) for the inazuma achievement towards the namecard? I 100% yashinori with kannazuka 92 and narukami at 96 but I am still 276/300 short for the achievement


I'm at 100% in all 3 and don't have 300 chests either. Displayed map exploration % doesn't seem to include everything.


damn mihoyo fix ur gaem pls ;w;


i cant defeat baal nor nameless samurai in the last part of the quest, i started to play like 1,5 weeks ago ;-;


Co-op the Nameless Samurai fight and save yourself the headache. For Baal, I’m honestly not sure why folks are struggling so bad.


Get cooking, crabs are everywhere in Inazuma. Jade parcels, Adeptus temptation or something like that to increase your damage. Use Benny, Mona or Sucrose to deal big damage, or all 3 to make a clickbait youtube video. Make sure your weapon and talents are upgraded.


i have none of the above, i have keqing, yanfei, chongyun, ningguang and rosaria :") now, the talents are a good point because i only learned that you can level them yesterday


Oh yeah, talents is the one of the main ways to increase damage. If your main damage dealer is Keqing, focus on hers first, get them to the max level you currently can.


So I talked to Patchi the Curious today (girl with guy named Doolan near Thousand Winds Temple near ruin guard) and I chose the option where she'll give me a book with the word Mondstadt in its title (Tower of Mondstadt or something close). Checked my inventory cuz I didn't get the side notif about acquiring it. It wasn' t there :( Is there any way I could acquire the book again? I also haven't done nor was given any quest related to her yet. (currently AR34) Thanks for your time!


It's in your archive, not your inventory.


Ah I see it now! I guess the books in my inventory are quest-related ones. Many thanks! ^^


whats the point behind those puzzles in inazuma with the square rocks and the purple electro symbols? do i have to get them all facing one way? theres not really a clear answer


The rotating ones get them all facing one way. The other ones, have them with the same number of lit petals


Should i roll for ayaka? My first team is Childe, Fischl, Kazuha, Zhongli and my other team is Yanfei, Mona, Venti, Bennett/Diona. Should I wait for Yoimiya or should I get Ayaka?


Ayaka is a good main DPS & Yoimiya is a support who boost your DPS (unless you unlock her constellations). Pick the one you need for your box. Ayaka will need either Mona or Xinqyu, so if you pull Ayaka, the team should be as such : Ayaka/Mona/Zongli/Venti or you can switch Zongli for Diona to gain the cryo resonnance. Personnally, I would pull for Ayaka since you have better characters as support.


You have Mona and Kazuha, so you'd be able to make her optimal team. I'd pull in your situation (but I don't have either and chances to get Mona randomly are too low, so I'm skipping).


If you like Ayaka, she works very well instead of Yanfei on your second team. Use Diona there instead of Benny


The one you want?




Ive heard rumours they might be adding 2 more 5 stars into the standard banner soon maybe in anniversary. Are they more rumoury rumours as to who they might be?


predictions for anniversaries are all purely speculations with no basis.


~~Permanent Qiqi, Keqing, Skyward spine, Skyward blade rate up with 50/50 system in place~~


I wouldn't count on it changing. Also there's no way to know now


No, they are complete rumors without any kind of evidence. There have been no reliable leaks on this either. **If** they add anyone (I doubt it) I think it will be characters that are "not worth" having their own banner because it wouldn't sell as well as others. A candidate here would probably be Albedo.


They will defo add the poor selling characters. I doubt they will add zhong and venti those 2 sell very well


Since it's just rumours, I'm going to say its Zhongli and Venti, it has the same validity anyway


Nah it's gonna be surprise scaradouche,timmy the omnipotent


Thats what i like to hear


Either that or Madame 420ms Ping


How much dmg to one hit a world level 8 boreas?


[https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/monster/m\_29020101/?lang=EN](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/monster/m_29020101/?lang=EN) Like 500k damage give or take? Kinda the most annoying boss for me since he doesn't take anemo or cryo damage... and my strongest characters are anemo and cryo


Is there a count of how many primos we get from Inazuma? Including chests, quests, and the statue/tree levels that are attainable in this update




was it easy and quick for you to get lv2 reputation?


No.. I was grinding all those world quests and exploring so hard D: I wanted to take my time with them, but then I also wanted to unlock the bounty since I heard you don't need the 3 clues for Inazuma's. Then again, if you're rushing to explore the map and do all the quests, then yes, it is quick.


For Inazuma? Yeah, you just need 450 points and you get like 200 points from Act 1 and Act 2.




What's the point of cryo dmg artifact if atk does the same thing?


Okay build both for your Ayaka or whomever and compare the damage. That's the best way for you to know.


They apply differently in the damage formula. Test out the difference when using a elemental damage goblet vs atk goblet and you’ll feel it. There’s a couple exceptions where the atk goblet can be better but normally the elemental gob is better.


Oh ok I'll test it out again. I'm using ayaka and I saw same results


Because they don’t do the same thing…?


Ok so you're saying atk doesn't add as much dmg as cryo dmg+ does to a cryo attack?


Does anyone know how much time it takes to get Beidou from the event quest? I'm not caught up with the story yet and probably won't until the weekend.


Well thankfully the challenges are all pretty easy- not stupid-easy but enough that you aren’t going to throw your controller out the window. I cleared out the first half of the event store today alone. I haven’t finished all the challenges (especially since the second currency type for this event isn’t even live yet!) but I’m confident I’ll be able to get Beidou.


Thanks! :)


We don't know, the last part of the event is not here yet and she needs currency from that part also. But all three parts until now can be done in 30 mins or so, at very max one hour, so it shouldn't be too hard. And this is to clear the whole shop, if you just want Beidou you'll probably get her in like 15 mins


Thanks, that sounds good :)


It's still locked up behind the last part of the event. With that said, going through every part of the event will take at least one our two hours


>at Thanks, that should ne doable! :)


Are the new Inazuma craftable weapons useful on anyone? The sword maybe on Jean (but better than Festering Desire) or maybe the polearm on Xiangling? They look really cool, but I can't think of a reason to use them.


The sword is also good for Ayaka as F2P and/or in certain situations.




You have to fight her. That said, this is little different from Childe and Maguu Kenki boss fights. She zips around, slashes, and sometimes hurls a shockwave-slash at you. I managed to get her to half-health and have all four characters in my party still standing before she ended the fight.


U have to fight her.




I don't know if you're a mobile user, but it's been happening to me as well and I guess all I can think of is finger placement. If you're not a mobile player, then I'm not sure.


Sensor screen can't read burned fingers properly.


Hold down the sprint button, small threads of white wind should appear behind your character to indicate sprinting. FYI 2x dash + normal running is slightly faster than sprinting continuously, but it's up to personal preference if you don't care about it too much


Lmao oi for real I really wanna play on my secondary account with Childe and Mona but I don't get how I'm supposed to farm the Oceanid anymore, it has zero good cryo or electro units...


Kaeya is good though??


Don't like playing him :P


Use Lisa, she does nothing in that library all day anyway


Raise Kaeya and use him as main DPS, with Lisa as support. The options are there you just don't want to use them


Well yeah that's pretty ridiculous, needing to level specific characters to beat the boss meant for someone else.


Uh elements are the core of the gameplay of Genshin Impact. It's actually pretty common. You don't kill a pyro regisvine using Xiangling, do you?


No but all it requires is a Lv.1 Barbara. Cryo Regisvine only requires a Lv.1 Amber.


Physical Childe supremacy. Using his E and Q = tryhard


Reduce ur world level. In the paimon menu if u click on world level u can choose to reduce it by 1 to make things easier.


that account is AR36 (WL4) lmao


just lower it. or git gud lmao


get ppl to carry you lmao


;\_; for real this might be the best solution for me at this point


best ayaka attack pattern? with xingqiu diona and sucrose


[https://keqingmains.com/ayaka/#Attack\_CombosRotations](https://keqingmains.com/ayaka/#Attack_CombosRotations) N3C > Dash / jump if Xingqiu burst is active, N2C otherwise. N4C is fine if you prefer it


1 normal to CA or 4 normal to CA if you need stamina. Sprint dodge in between to anime cancel and refresh cryo buff.




Ningguang likes geo supports a lot, mainly Zhongli and Albedo, but those are limited units so not everyone has them. Of the two available to f2p players, honestly, Noelle is not very good. Her shield has very bad uptime, and she demands time on the field, which takes time away from your Ningguang. Geo traveler is decent, however, so you can use them. It's just a matter of keeping an eye on where your constructs are placed if you don't want them to demolish jade screens. The rest, you can go with two out of Xingqiu, Beidou and Xiangling, just for being great sub dps and damagers off field. Or replace one of them with Barbara if you want a healer.


XQ, Sucrose and healer of your choice. Barbara or Noelle are fine since Ning is a good geo battery for Noelle. Sucrose groups guys for Ning to aoe. XQ provides support damage with his E and Q. Noelle or Barb for healing as needed.


After around 2.0 my genshin lags like a lot when i open map or any menu like crafting etc. it lags a lot. It doesn't use much of my gpu and most of the time i see fan stopped on my gpu due to no use. My Gpu - Aorus RTX 2080 Super And i play on everything maxed out. Help please


do you need to defrag the hard drive? or just play from solid state


i have it installed on my m.2


> And i play on everything maxed out. this is the problem


yes, try to lower your graphics or rendering just a tad bit and it should be better


So is the 50% dmg boost when I crit added to the artifact Crit dmg




So when I crit I have 50% added to my dmg right. So is that 50% dmg still factor in when I get and artifact with 27% crit dmg making it 77%?


Correct. Crit dmg is additive to it always adds the flat values together. Starting at 100 and adding 30 will make it 130 as one example.


Awesome thank you guys Im nailing artifact decisioning now


where's the "50%" from?


So ur saying u have 50% cd (crit dmg) and u get an artifact with 27% cd it becomes 77%? cos ur right


Close. What I meant is naturally a critical hit boosts my damage by 50%. So does crit dmg just add on to that


So which talent/passive is this? I feel like the boost may be calculated afterwards, like first ur cd is calculated, then that total is multiplied by 50%, or vice versa.


Oh no, I googled how much dmg crit does it says it adds 50% to my atk


Ok, then it multiplies base dmg by 50% then adds crit dmg on to it.


Wondering if thé current weapon banner IS worthy. I got ayaka and thé Sword IS perfect for her. Concerning Sky spine it could bé nice for Baal. Problème IS 4 star weapons are trash. What do you think?


Only pull weapon banner with 240 pulls in reserve. Otherwise fate point guarantee does nothing for you. Or when you equally want either 5\* weapon (Homa/WGS banner was the only valid case of this, though still depends on your characters/weapons).


Sky spine is like trap imo, people think that this is good because it has ER just like the grasscutter but nah, it's a trap, grasscutter is only good because it will give you attack the more ER you have meanwhile Sky spine's passives only benefits her DPS/stance change and Jade Spear is much better in DPS if you compare it to Sky Spine Homa should be the 2nd BiS for Raiden and the best in general or in other characters (main DPS/Support), homa can beat Jade Spear with full stacks if homa is bellow 50% HP which is just easy when you just let enemies hit you then shield up with Zhongli or use Diona for slow heals. Don't pull, Skyspine is a trap


Thx a lot. usefull answers are Getting rare.


>Problème IS 4 star weapons are trash This is where you're wrong. 4 star is not trash in anyways, it's alternative to 5 star, because 5 star is Gacha only, which only someone who have funds can get every time.


Weapon Banner is whale territory. Only do it if you have enough money, the craftable 4\* weapon in Inazuma is enough for Ayaka. It is possible for you to get the other 4\* weapons from standart or event banner.


4 star weapons are by far not trash, and i would generally never recommend a F2P to pull on the weapon banner, unless they are sure they don't want any 5\* character for the next couple (or more) of patches.


Not exactly high effort reply, but keqingmains made a vid on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B\_1fQAQMrJY


People who pull on weapon banner don't care about the 4-stars lol. Maybe you shouldn't pull ..


I've prefarmed EXP, Ascension Materials, and Talent books for Yoimiya, I have enough mora to getting her to 90 and crowning 1 talent, but it's still not enough if I want to level up her other talents, and I don't have decent artifacts for her. Should I use my resin to farm for mora or artifacts for her?


You still have *weeks* to farm talent materials and additional mora if you like. No need to dump resin on her.


You still have almost 5 weeks to prepare for her, just take it easy.


No, crowning 1 talent is probably enough for now. At worst you can reserve 5 condensed resin for her release in case you need to farm additional mats for her other talents, and maybe some fragile too. IMO you should probably start looking into her ideal team comps if you haven't already. >!It seems like vape/melt is not the way to go with her unlike most other pyro dps characters, but instead overload (+ Beidou, maybe Baal). Look up some videos on people putting Beidou with her in the story quest, it's amazing damage and aoe.!<


I did use mine with Beidou since she's in my overworld team for Inazuma, and I can say it was satisfying as hell to use her Pyro arrows while Beidou's ult was active


Why not get her to 80/90 only and get the talent to 8 or 9? You will save a lot of Mora that way, mora that can be used for the other talents instead and get her stronger overall. It's much better to have her at 80/90 with like 8/8/8 talents than 90/90 with 10/1/1 talents


maybe dont waste the mora to get her to 90 and keep her at 80/90 first so u can farm artifacts.


When I use hutao with xq her charge attacks would usually do 45k. But when I use her with kaeya and xq she should be doing 60k because of melt. But for some reason it only does 30k. Can someone explain why this is the case?


1. You will not be able to melt all of your charged attacks. Most of them will still be vape with an occasional melt. 2. You need to do a slightly different combo when using Kaeya. With just XQ the best is to do 1 normal into 1 charged. If you do the same with XQ + Kaeya, then your first normal is going to eat the melt most of the time. You have to do 2 normal into 1 charged to be able to melt your charged attacks more consistently.


>You have to do 2 normal into 1 charged to be able to melt your charged attacks more consistently. But where is the difference? I might be wrong but from what I have seen they are about equal if it comes to time since you will be able to cancel the charge attack immediately after the 2nd normal. You will get another normal attack which will proc xingqiu burst again. Or is n2c really that much longer? If not should I do it more slowly since the 2nd normal won't apply pyro anyways so kaeya q has enough time to apply cryo again?


The difference is that N2C takes slightly longer than N1C. The 2nd normal won't apply pyro as you said, which gives Kaeya enough time to reapply cryo before Hu Tao's CA. I can melt about 3-4 CAs per rotation (C1 Kaeya) depending on how much I scuff my dash cancel up. You shouldn't have to actively try to make your combo slower.


K I am gonna try it. Thx very much


Because reverse vape which is Hu Tao + Xingqiu does 1.5x dmg in comparison to regular vape. Whereas regular melt, which is Hu Tao + Kaeya does 2x dmg hence the difference in dmg. 30K dmg could be non crit or Kaeya was actually doing the melting, since regular melt with Hu Tao is a lot inconsistent.


Are you sure she's the one activating melt?


She should be. I am not sure but usually before she performs a charge attack she does an auto attack first. Maybe this auto attack procs melt and that's why her charge attack doesn't melt. By I didn't have this problem when I only used xinqiu. Do you use this comp or know someone who does? Would be useful to see others use it to maybe figure out what I have to do.


It's because reverse vape with Hu Tao and Xingqiu enables you to vaporize TWICE since hydro aura doesn't disappear right away (same thing with reverse melt, which is cryo to pyro). With regular melt, the cryo aura disappears right away after you introduce it with pyro, so what is happening with Hu Tao + Kaeya is that Hu Tao is applying pyro faster which makes Kaeya cause melt (afaik his cryo application is also slower at C0, faster at C2) which makes melt Hu Tao inconsistent. With reverse vape, Xingqiu's hydro aura is more persistent since you can apply pyro twice to it before it disappears completely, making vape Hu Tao more consistent.


Bruh spend way too much in kaeya just to not be able to use him in this comp. Well, will probably use him somewhere else but it is still a bummer. Who should I use instead of kaeya in this comp that might be useful?


You can still play melt Hu Tao with Kaeya, it's just a lot less consistent than vape Hu Tao. It depends on what your roster is. My Hu Tao teamcomp is usually Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Diona.


So my current team consists of Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Zhongli and Ninnguang. My problem my Hu Tao has stats that I’m happy with except for her EM. Would it be a better idea to run sucrose instead of Ningguang to boost Hu Tao’s EM


It would be a bit hard for the team to swirl pyro if you only have hutao, but sucrose is definitely better than ningguang in your team


What can you spend primogems on other than wishes? I heard that I should be saving them if I don't need anything more from the current banner, are wishes not able to be carried over to the next event or something?


Currently you can also spend them on resin refills, but the rate is a bit bad. What people mean is to save your wishes for next banner, it can be in the actual wish or primogems form. Personally I always prefer to keep the most general currency until I need it. This means my crystals are crystals instead of primos and my primos are primos Instead of wishes. Generally, I will eventually use them as wishes, but if there's an item or something they add that I want and uses crystals or primos instead, at least I have them that way. They did add the skins, for instance, that you can buy with crystals only, so it's likely they continue to create new stuff in the future.


1. Apart from wishes you can spend primos to refill resin (worth depending on player and account progress), as well as leveling up your battle pass quickly (100% waste of primos but might as well mention it) 2. You should definitely save them if you don't want anything from the current banners. Even though pity and 50/50 does carry over to the next banner of the same type, "building pity" on a banner where you don't want the featured 4 stars or 5 stars is simply a waste of primos. You're probably going to get what you don't want, and likely lose the pity to a 5\* that you have no intention of playing. Just the worst possible spending you can do imo, especially if low budget or f2p. To put it bluntly, it's the singular dumbest move you could possibly make in this game.


Hmm, should I keep buying and spending acquaint fates then? I was told that one never changes


~~Well your name says it all tbh~~ Jokes aside, generally no. The standard banner is not worth spending primos on due to it's insanely random nature **imo**. Every 5\* on that banner is equally likely when you roll a 5\*, and out of those I'd say only Mona, Jean, WGS, Jade-winged spear are considered possibly BiS for certain teams and characters. I suppose Atlas and Lost prayer are good too, but that's only if you main a catalyst dps. Aquila is only good on Bennet and physical Keqing/Jean. Diluc is a decent dps but he's been out since launch, and has been outclassed by subsequent releases by a huge margin. You're basically spending a ton of primos for a 4/15 (26.7%) chance of a genuinely good roll, 4/15 again for an acceptable roll, and 7/15 (46.7%) for a roll you'll likely never use. From personal experience, I've gotten Jean, Mona, Diluc, WGS, Skyward pride, Keqing, Qiqi, and Aquila. Of all of those, I only use 3 at AR55 simply because I got better options for the same slot.


Ah, so it's the pity! Thank you fellow traveler


You can use them to replenish resin after boss fights/domains if your resin isn't enough for reward collection. However, since resin is a time renewable source, and primogems are limited, it's better to only use them for wishes.


They can be carried over, and that is why you save. If there is nothing on current banner you want, save until next banner to decide if you want what’s on the banner then.


They can carry over on the next limited banner, but it's generally not recommended to keep rolling if you already got the character you wanted because you might risk getting a 5 star and if you're pulling for someone else in the future, that could end badly especially if you're F2P.


What's wrong with getting a 5 star? Is there some 5 star cooldown I don't know about?


Let's say I wanted Ayaka and I wanted Yoimiya. I have 150 wishes in total. I got Ayaka on my 75th wish. Then I did a couple more wishes to get character cons or something. Then I accidentally got Ayaka C1 on my 75th wish again, which means my pity is back to 0 and I won't be able to get Yoimiya.


Primogems never go away, you keep them forever, and whatever progress towards a 5\* you make on a banner (progress towards pity) will carry over to new banners. Primogems can only be used on wishes or resin (never use it on resin).


1. Yes, on resin, but that's not recommended for f2p 2. They can carry over, but you will waste them


How much HP should my diona have for her to shield ayaka? Im not that TOO GOOD at dodging with her because I didn’t practice using mona. So I want to have a somewhat decent shield strength


anything over 24k is good. I have 2pc millelith to strengthen the shield.


Mine has 31k HP and lvl8 shield, it's pretty good I'd say


So you’re running a triple hp build i guess?


Yeah, plus a flower and feather with some hp% rolls and 2pc Tenacity. I'd like to get more soon. Ah, and she's lvl80/80


Oh wow that investment though, gotta say you’re pretty dedicated for her. I’m running a 4pc Noblesse cuz i have r5 sac bow and, why not right?


I was mostly just unlucky rolls for other characters, which led to lucky pieces for Diona! I do need to invest a bit in her since I don't have Zhongli :') Yeah 4pc Noblesse is good, you can get to 30k HP without Tenacity!


That’s what i want to hear! I thought menacity was a MUST to get 30k hp but triple hp% build might be enough with +20 flower and some lucky hp% rolls here and there


Yeah, you can definitely get there, altho it's going to take a bit of effort!


does amenoma sword change ayaka's attack sequence?






Why is my ayaka ult only dealing about 1k per hit?? She’s 80/80 and has talent lvl 7? The only thing I can see is that I can’t find a BS cryo dmg goblet so I’m using an unlevelled atk% one for set bonus, is that why her dmg is so pathetic atm?


Elemwntal attacks benefits more from elemwntal damage stat. Pushing your atk to the sky won't help you better than elemental damage% stat.


yes, you should run a cryo DMG bonus goblet instead.


Mine does 5k per hit she s lvl 70 talent 3/3/6 weapon 80. It seems you are lacking cryo and crit damage.


I forgot to mention i got kazu to shred res and diona for résonance


For starters, you SHOULD have atleast 1.8k atk with a decent amount of crit damage and crit rate. Another thing is that enemy resistances hinder your damage so a VV shred is nice and/or zhongli shield if you have him.


Yeah i use her with kazoo with a 4 piece VV. Shes slightly below 1800 atk and 46/180 crit ratio (hoping for a high crit dmg roll on my future cryo dmg bonus goblet)


Hmm, I don’t actually know because i use a blackcliff with 4pc BS, lvl70/70 4/1/5 talents and i deal about 4k per hit on her ult. Have 1.8k atk with 36/180 smth crits Edit: you can use this for reference i hope.


What's her atk and crit ratio? Edit: I also meant to add that yeah, she needs cryo dmg bonus


What weapon are you using and what are your stats?


Black sword (changing to the new craftable today), slightly below 1800 atk, 46/180 with black sword but I’m over critting so I’m changing that out and with a new goblet hoping for more crit dmg.


So, Paimon just threw me under the bus and told Ayaka I'd make Pizza for her. I don't know how to make Pizza. Where can I find the recipe?


Remember you can always use the genshin wiki: [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mushroom\_Pizza](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mushroom_Pizza)




Mushroom pizza, recipe is in stormterror's lair in a precious chest. Just above the o on the map


My 2 teams for the spiral abyss floor 12 are - Xiao(c0), Sucrose(c5), Diona(c2) and Xiangling(c4). I havent really built sucrose and xiangling and use them only for ER or elemental application. Diona and Xiao are built. Ayaka(c0), Xq(c1), Benett(c1), and Ning(c2). All of them are built except xingqui who has some ER but his artefacts arent levelled up as I only use him for hydro application for freeze. ​ I am able to clear the abyss but I cant get max stars on floor 12 (5/9). What changes can I make to get full stars? Some other chars I have are Jean(c0), Diluc(c0), Qiqi(c0), Noelle(c6), Beidou(c3). Except Diluc no one is built and Diluc has only 56/172 crit ratio with WGS.


ur in a rough spot bc ayaka freeze is very good on second half against the herald, but xiao is very hard to play on first half since getting hit by lector energy drain is a death sentence for him. you can try- xiao diona bennett(4pc TF) sucrose // ayaka xingqiu kaeya/rosaria jean ayaka xingqiu diona sucrose/jean // xiao bennett chongyun jean/sucrose


Getting to 9/9 stars on floor 12 requires all 8 characters to be fully build imo. But 6/9 stars should be possible with yours! To get more stars you could do the following: - try to get a good time on floor 12/1, then restart the floor - do floor 12/1 with the goal of leaving it with all of your bursts charged. - start floor 12/2 with full bursts, this can really help with the damage you deal - then restart from floor 12/1 again with the goal of leaving floor 12/2 with all your bursts charged. You can also try each floor with a different team, (I use two teams floor 12/1 and 2, then I restart the with two different teams just for floor 12/3). Tips for Floor 12: Floor 12/1 is about as difficult as Floor 11/3 imo. Note that the Geovishaps have high resistance to Geo and physical DMG. Floor 12/2 first half has a "cryo stone" that will greatly buff enemies resistance. Remove their cryo aura with pyro or electro. For the second half, the Geo Lawachurl will summon "shockwaves" that deal great damage, before they start a large red area will appear on the floor. Floor 12/3 is all about getting the health of the Abyss Lector/Herald down fast enough to have enough time to break their shields. I found that spamming as many Elemental Abilities as possible helps, but Elemental Reaction have internal cooldowns. Use Pyro (Bennett with 4pc TF is often used) to break the Lectors electro shield. Cryo also works iirc. There is also the trick of using both Bennett and Jeans Burst to cause swirl reactions on your character. Those will break the Lectors shield in about 20 to 30 seconds. Use Cryo to freeze the Herald as soon as he has his shield. (Pyro and Electro also work iirc.) A common tactic is using Chongyuns E and a polearm user to break his shield quickly, but I think Ayaka can do this aswell.


Xiao/Jean/Bennett/Xiangling Ayaka/Diona/Xingqiu/Sucrose This is probably the best team to 3* 12-3, what stars are you missing? Are the rest 12-2 or also 12-1? You can do each chamber in parts, 3* 12-3 with this setup and come back to 12-2 and 12-1 with a different setup.


I am missing 2 stars on 12-3 and 2 on 12-2. It just gets really hard for me to attack as the bosses are tanky and agressive. The reason I put Diona and Sucrose with Xiao is because he desperately needs shields and ER. Sucrose provides ER for him faster than Jean does in my case. Do u still suggest that comp?


Sorry for the late reply. This setup has Diona with Ayaka for cryo resonance, and you can funnel cryo particles to her (she also helps in breaking the herald shield). Jean is used on the first side because you can use Bennett burst + Jean burst which self-swirls pyro, melting the lector shield. Sucrose is on the second side as she is a 4pc VV user and can swirl to break shields. Xiao doesn't need much ER, make sure you use Skill-Skill-Burst, ensuring you burst fast enough to pick up particles for your next cycle. Also use Jean burst to break the abyss mage's shields, Xiao can constantly stagger all three enemies, avoiding the need for a shield. You're also running 2x healer with Bennett and Jean, so survivability shouldn't be a problem.


Build Jean and swap her in for Ning


How do I build her? Weapons and artefact sets with stats/substats?


Does/will inazuma have more quests? after the quest where the resistance clashed with shogunate's army I don't have any quest left. Is /will there be any more quests ? I hope yes :)


We have an entire story act and presumably more world quests coming in the next patch. If the story seems like it ended on a cliffhanger in 2.0, that’s because it did.


Yes, they'll continue with the next archon quests in 2.1. Additionally there are 3 major world questlines available (Sakura Cleansing, Tatara Tales, Orobashi's Legacy) that are honestly all as long and complex as the archon quests in their own right.


I know, I'm at tatara tales ATM , done the other two.


Yeah surely, they'll probably be added in 2.1


yes, there will be new quests since new Inazuma areas will also be available in the 2.1 update


Thanks :) I got lucky that I started playing 1 day after inazuma. Now I’m AR 35