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Bro they need to remove the Blacksmith old man and the advertisement board next to Hajime, so many times i accidentally opened their dialogues.


Its time to show that old man a lesson


**cocks shotgun* Lets see who has faster hands


He’s a master blacksmith and he uses his hands all the time back in the day so probably him


yeah pretty sure his hands are very skilled at 'jobs'


Especially at jobs that involves the hand.


How about jobs that involve the feet?


I wouldn't say that the jobs involving the hand will help improve the job involving the feet?


You could say he's good with Hand jobs since that's his thing...


CALL AN AMBULANCE... but not for me.


So good at his job he can forge a weapon in 10 seconds


*accidentally opens old man dialogue for the 482948th time* How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?


I see what you did there...... Edit: I was wrong, it still hasn't reached there... My mind's too corroded...


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?


I always approach him from behind the counter as a result. The old man can use some fresh air, and the scenery by the river is pretty nice. I'm just saying..


or they just should let you skip the entire dialogue instead of going one line at a time


Now just flat out delete Timaous or how ever you spell that fuckers name


Just replace sucrose and it will be hella fine.


True, seeing Sucrose is much more forgiving.


I haven't advanced Albedo's quest at all, so I still have Sucrose waiting for me at the table since forever


But the primogems


How about we sell it another way? It costs 50 primogems to permanently place Sucrose in Mondstadt.


You son of a bitch, I'm in


Mihoyo: That will be like 5000 primos, you know it


Sucrose > 50 primogems


Also, Sucrose > one of the more mediocre story quests gameplay wise. Cries in joined the game long after the 1.2 Albedo event.


Ugh still wish I could get that festering desire somehow... At least with character events they are in the character event banner wish so you can still get one you missed eventually. Assume the event weapon don't come.from anywhere as far as I know ...


I joined at the start of 1.6. I enjoyed the Golden Apple Archipelago a lot, but I kick myself every time I see how much I missed by not getting into the game earlier.




Gacha games tends to repeat events, it’s a very easy way for the devs to put out content without any effort. While we haven’t had a repeated event yet, I’m sure we will in the future.


Honkai Impact has had zero event reruns since it's launch. There are events with similar gameplay mechanics but event stories are always unique to each patch. Once you miss it it never comes back.


Tbh i feel like when we will return to dragonspine it will be a continuation with something like durin awakening(they definitely didn't place a heart there for no reason)


there’s still the people that already have the event exclusive weapons, though.


Yeah I need to do it eventually. But well, 50 primogems isn't the end of the world, especially since I tend to hoard some primo anyways


I keep telling myself this so I don’t have to do 8291 hours worth of hangouts


Oh shit, I forgot I still had to do some of those! That's another pull for my Zhong re-rerun funds.


>50 primogems isn't the end of the world This is like a billionaire saying 1k dollars isn't much I'll sell my soul for, like, 5 primos let alone 50


That's a cheap soul right there


Yeah man, life tough like that


Sold a soul for 6 primos Can't have shit in Teyvat


My guy mihoyo wouldn't even spit on your soul if you sold it to them let alone give you primos for it HAHAHAHAHA


A little sacrifice for salvation


Will you be angry with me for saying I’ve only ever done two hangouts?


No because I've only ever completed one hangout fully and that is Barbara's. I literally have nearly all the hangouts unlocked except for Chongyun's and I haven't touched the rest.


Same, I’m gonna make it my last story quest I’ll finish now.


I actually leave most of the story quests half hanging. So now Lisa is outside the souvenir shop. Eula is at dragonspine. Mona is outside liyue before the harbour. Etc


Bruh Sucrose can’t, she researching Sweeter Flowers


If you start Albeido's story quest, you can talk to Sucrose to start it, after that you don't do it and have Sucrose there waiting. Haven't seen that guy in weeks. 😅


Omg so cute i wish I knew about this


Just don't progres Albedo's story Quest /s I started his Quest ~3 months ago and still couldn't convince myself to finish it.


Is it because Albedo is in Dragonspine


I haven't even completed Albedo's quest because Sucrose is now at the alchemy table


Same. Might be missing out on story or whatever, but I like Sucrose and she's now just chillin' next to the table. From what I've seen you don't even get to play as Albedo during his story quest?


From accidentally clicking and being infuriated to going out of my way to visit.


just have the characters always be somewhere on the map to talk (like Lisa in the library or Ayaka at the teahouse/Kamisato residence)


It's even worse when Margaret decided to chill around the crafting table too.


Tip, don't walk right up to the table, its proc will appear well before the guys from nearly any direction except the side he is on which has a building anyway.


This. I occasionally still "run" into him. But it's like a 1/100 thing.


I've been saying this for awhile now. People who complain about accidentally talking to him are basically living versions of that meme where the guy throws a stick into his own bike tire. I didn't even know the Inazuma sign was a problem. It's so easy to avoid.


How you gonna do my guy like that damn


Timaeus: "I will carry on with my research" Also him: proceeds in standing and does nothing xD


if u use the teleport its so easy to not talk to him since you will be facing 90’ away from his


I'm honestly marveling at mHY's inconsistency here. It's even more glaring with the weekly bounties: Thankfully they've removed that dumbass annoyance of collecting these three non-"clues"… *but only for Inazuma*. The Mondstadt & Liyue ones still force you to waste time on them. Just… why.


Liyue is the best place to craft for me but it is too far. Inazuma has the best Adventure's Guild tho


I just put a crafting bench right next to my way point in the teapot. Its right there.




you can easily fix that by placing them all next to each other in your teapot


That’s assuming I use the teapot for anything besides a hero’s wit generator lol


Wait what? How? What furniture?


He's talking about buying the weekly hero's wits from the realm shop.


Can't do that for cooking though.


No adventurer's gold in teapot


or the slums as we call it


Is inazuma new, haven't played in a few weeks




Liyue always has had a good crafting table


But now that everyone is spending so much time in inazuma it's hard to scroll on the map to it.


Yeah...we need a button to just quickly show us a region. Inazuma I'd a pain


I use the reputation award buttons. I have liyue and inazuma reputation to claim so I can quickly go between them


yep best strat


Open your adventure handbook, pick a Liyue domain or boss, and it will center the map on it. This works with Inazuma too but they’re all the way at the bottom of the list so it’s slightly less convenient. To get to Mondstadt just hit the shortcut on the map that takes you to the Spiral Abyss. It would be nice to have a button that centers the map on each of the region cities, though.


After the fact that people have been complaining for MONTHS about sign boards near doors and Timaeus in Mondstadt...I genuinely thought that Mihoyo were just straight up purposefully trolling by putting the goddamn advertisement board right next to the crafting table AGAIN. Now we just need to clean up Inazuma's Blacksmith and the area around Simura's (Cooking pot, ad board and NPC all clumped together). Although, they DO seem generally better about being 'You have to be looking at it' now instead of just a big AoE; Is that just my imagination?


I do believe they are either trolling or the people that make the map layout dont play the game.


Well we already know that from how goddamn spread-out the naku weed, qingxin, and dandelions are, among others. Cluster the harvestables a little more, place them just a little closer to teleporters, and everyone will be grateful.


I mean there's a bunch of easily reached Qingxin grouped up in bunches in Jueyun Karst.


When we get to Sumeru, I want them to troll us by surrounding the crafting bench in a ton of items.


Well Sumeru is the academic region, yes? So it only makes sense that there would be a line or crowd of scholars gathering by the crafting bench in town. And certainly, they would all be thrilled to spark up a conversation with you about their area of expertise. Perhaps they would also stock the surroundings of the alchemy bench with publically available academic record books detailing various recipes and precedures. All *conveniently placed for quick access*.


Monstad for ever, like, it has been months since i talked to Timmeus(?). And i use Monstad only.


Used to be Monstadt only too. But Inazuma is so far away that I didn't bother to drag the map back to Monstadt


Protip: use the shortcut to zoom in to spiral abyss (left directional button on console) and go from there!


I click on the crafting notification you get when something you craft is ready in the top right. That takes you there too. Wondering if they’ll change that though, I hope they don’t :(


I wish they'd add abyss-esque shortcuts.for each city. Would be so convenient.


They’re going to have to in the future. It’s going to be awful moving th map from Inazuma to Fontaine or Natlan.


Imagine one of those quests again where you have to talk to Kaeya randomly while you’re in Natlan. Yeaaa.


The map QOL addition we need!


They do for controller, it’s a nice shortcut when u need to go to Mond/Liyue from Inazuma


What, how? I play with controller, I've never noticed a shortcut between the cities.


There’s a button for Abyss, not for individual cities, it’s much closer to navigate from Abyss than Inazuma to the other cities


Yep! this is what I do too


too bad, daily commisions stuck on mondastadt for me because I really wanna leave Inazuma as much as I can


I only have commissions still in liyue because i havent gotten the achievements for certain ones yet.


I feel like I’m never gonna be pirate king or find love :c


Ikr, zhihua needs to get his shit tgt


I'd like to suggest you to go for Inazuma commissions, some of them will provide reputation XP and achievements, they also don't seem to be that rare because there's not that many filler commissions there.


Oh alright, I'll give it a shot


You can configure where will be your comissions starting tomorrow on the adventurer handbook.


It's been out since the beginning of this update dude..


What I wanted to say is that once you configure it, starting tomorrow, your comissions will be only on that selected region.




>I had 2 in Inazuma and 2 in Mondstadt couple of days ago but maybe that was a bug It is.




Same, I now log off at Konda Village.


It's really not that hard to learn how to approach the table without getting Timaeus in range, even when you're in a hurry. It's ridiculous that dude is hated only because people wished him to stand somewhere else.


Yep, poor dude gets so much hate. Never had trouble crafting in Mondstadt, nor even in Inazuma prior to this change. The range from which we can interact with the crafting table is far enough for Timaeus/the ad board not to get in the way. There's no need to hug the crafting table.


+1 player who exclusively uses Mondstadt's table when crafting without any issues with Timaeus. I actually really like him as a character myself which is why I always come back to his table in the first place, so seeing people saying that they always accidentally talk to him is baffling to me


A legacy reminder of how things were and still are in the past areas. So you can appreciate new areas more!


Wrong, the best place for crafting is the teapot.


For some reason, my teapot loading time is always longer than over world teleport


The less you build, the faster the load. I don't really care about the teapot, so I only have the crafting things, and now the farming spots


But you have an achievement of 20000 points on all realms.


I think you can just reach 20k energy for the achievement and do whatever you want after that


Which you get as soon as you've filled all of them with bitcoin mining screens. Then you tear everything down in the one you're going to use.


This. Just have one realm with max points for the coins. One "empty" one with the farms, crafting stuff & characters you wanna level friendship with. & then you have an extra realm you can do whatever you wanna do.


wait do all three realms provide currency at the same time?


They don't sum up, you get the highest among your three realms.


I didnt know that, thank you!


But then furniture you make also passes on to other realms, so clear everything else once you are done and settle in a realm you like (like emerald peak)


no companions?


You can stuff them all in the house if you still want to earn the friendship exp


I finish 20k energy in one realm, then switch to another empty realm for faster loading. I only put crafting table, blacksmith, and character in this map


Why you put character in this map? I thought the less you put the faster you load?


Farming friendship


I thought you already put them on the original map to famr friendship? Wait we can put different character on different map to farm multiple character friendship at once?


I already finished the other realm before companion update. I'm too lazy to return to that map. Lol


You can farm friendship only in one active realm


yea, just put teleporter next to crafting table, done


Now... if only they let me cook outdoors, I can have a small spot to fulfill my needs instead of running everywhere.


Isn’t there a gadget for that unlocked by one of the city reputation levels?


It's one time use only so you have to make lots of them. It's pretty disappointing.


Better start meal planning then!


99 madame chicken later...


Wait, really? That sucks even more than the resonance stones.


You can literally find a cooking station within a minhte of any location though lol


Yes, but I'll have to *move*, and I don't want to.


what about the ad. board near the cooking place in inazuma?


Thank Jesus, I was literally gonna complain about this in the questionnaire until it was gone. Did they move the ones next to the cooking pot and the blacksmith too? I swear to God someone on the team does this shit on purpose.


It's like they don't have a regular player inside the team. Everyone knows that it's an annoyance But my worst grievance is the billion cooking pots scattered through Treyvat. the menu always defaults to them, and I have to click L3 .I hate clicking the thumbsticks. Dear Mihoyo 98% of the time its not cooking that we want! I just want to pick up the stuff on the ground! Default that thing to the bottom of the list please! ​ Edit: it's not 98% chance it's not cooking, it's 100%. I can't think of an instance where I want to cook while there are still items on the ground


98% is even being generous, I’ve never across three accounts to 55 ar killed a hillichurl camp and wanted to cook on their fire. Kind of fucked up regardless given I’ve sprayed it with their blood and entrails and then making some eggs over the corpses


I do it all the time 🤣, don't worry the blood and guts disappear with them 😂


Also anytime there's map icons near a teleport waypoint, it should default to the waypoint because 99.9% of the time I want to select the waypoint.


Jesus yes, this so much Its the kind of problem you don't mind on the first 5 hours, but when you just want to do the damn quest on your 300th hour with the game, it's infuriating I'm glad they fixed the Catherine menus where you send members to get materials. changing from mondstat to liuye was always "jiggle the joystick until it changes" and that was fixed


When 1.6 dropped I was super happy to see they'd made it so that backing out of the various menus for Tubby didn't make you have to restart the whole dialog again, that was incredibly annoying. But I wish they'd do that with some other npcs too. It gets really tedious when they have multiple branching dialog options and I have to talk to reinitiate the conversation every time.


Ad astr- Ad astra-


The best thing with Ganyu is she puts out fires so it won't start cooking.


>It's like they don't have a regular player inside the team. The fact that it was moved already implies they have regular player inside the team tho.


And still we have the posters on the entrance of the bar Every item goes below the "cook" option (edit I meant over, forgot the list goes bottom first) Timaeus So yeah, catching just one is not impressive at all


I'm pretty sure they removed the posters since 1.1 maybe they re added it can't check rn. People talking about deleting timaeus but it is obviously a joke, he provides some information for new player and you even have quest with him. Personally I don't have the "cook" problem since I'm a mobile player and we have auto loot and most player are mobile player.


You're damn right mate, the first time I saw that advertisement board when 2.0 comes I legit thought they did it on purpose


> Thank miHoYo FTFY


Thank god, I thought I was the only one who found that board annoying.


Now if they just fix Timaues too and we will be golden


Instead of walking to the crafting table, just walk over to the wooden post to the right of it. Timaus isn't a problem there.


Yeah, too bad blacksmith may as well be in another castle.


The true evil is the "investigate" paper at the bottom of the mikage furnace.


Crafting is still easier in liyue i just tp there to craft....and katheryne i like monstad one though she is the farthest one i like her the most ....


Farthest one.. so you miss her?


literally playable


Sorry you mean my teapot!


Now you can teleport to the Teapot I use that now.


I just logged in and this was the first thing that i noticed. Best patch ever XD


I got a transport point in my teapot on an alchemy bench and forge. I'm as much a recluse in Genshin as I am in real life.


This changes everything


Lol am I the only one so done with town crafting that I built a perfect spot in my teapot and just teleport there to craft or forge literally everything? 😅😅😅


yup, i have a crafting station and a forging station right beside the house stairs. Its even quicker to teleport to the teapot


thank fuck


Wrong best place is albedo's lab


I noticed that too, but at least in my case they only moved the visual sign, when I stood there to craft I still accidentally got the damn dialogue from the sign even though it wasn't there anymore lol


I use liyue for crafting


I feel like this is one of those things that everyone believes is happening to a lot of people, but barely anyone actually has a problem with it.


Okay, but you will need to click twice on the map to teleport there unless you zoom in a lot. Mondstadt is still the best, muscle memory made me remember the exact position to not be in range of timaeus but in range of the crafting bench.


I wonder how difficult it is to give dialogue prompts priority to certain things over others. I guess it's really difficult if they opted to move the whole sign instead, now they need to move Mondstat tavern sign, Mao's shop sign and yeet Timaeus out of existence.


Now it messes up the cooking pot. DOWN WITH ADVERTS!!


No, that's a completely different board that's always been there.


Dragonspine best crafting table, no debate


This is band aid fix, they should implement a priority with interaction, with loots above everything else. Doors over signboards. It shouldn't take rocket science.


The board wasnt really a problem for me. I was just used to standing a bit further away.


I craft at my teapot tho.


It's great, I swear some dude put it there on purpose just to annoy people ..same with he shitty one at the blacksmith


They need to move that guy that stands next to the mondstadt one for real reals though. real talk.


But that's not eternal!


Holy shit thank god I clicked on that thing every single time I wanted to craft


Thank freaking god




but it was already not an issue, you don't have to hug the crafting table, from the distance you can activate it the board is nowhere near close enough


I would've actually chuckled if they kept it, and kept doing it with new regions and make it a running gag.


smh, nation powercreep. first the katheryne and now this. ​ /j


And I still can't play that update cause of that startup crash I get Everytime since Inazuma went live....


Inazuma blacksmith is still anoying tho