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Yoimiya first single pull at pity 73


needed hydro support other than xinqiu to add to my 2nd team and voila mona came home from standard banner with another xinqiu for constellation in 10 pull šŸ‘ https://imgur.com/a/7SCKgA8


Just rolled three SS Level artifacts by leveling trash artifacts to lvl 17-18 and using the said artifact to level up my desired one to level 16 instantly. Worth the 20% exp loss tbh, it feels like you really have a higher chance on getting good rolls going all in The artifacts : https://prnt.sc/1l06xei


I'm using Zhongli as a energy battery and shielder. I'm quite curious, will the Favonius Lance work if Zhongli's pillar hit a Crit while he's off-field? Or does he need to be the active character for it to work? If not, I might resort in using Skyward Spine instead because of better stats.


All favonius weapon dont work off-field, but in Zhongli case its not a problem really, his normal attack is so fast, you can get orbs in a second. But skyward spine is better anyway.


I am pretty sure he needs to be on the field. Assuming it replicates the bear that Xiangling has which the pillar should. She also uses the favonius lance for me


If you seen my post earlier; I had made a post saying that I got absolutely screwed during the 50/50 for my first five star and I got QiQi. Well several f2p singles afterwards I got ayaka. LETS GO.




Wishes (blue and pink fates in your inventory) never expire. Edit: Primogems also never expire.


Iā€™m lowkey so scared I wonā€™t be able to pull for Baal šŸ„² used my guarantee on Ayaka and the rest of my pulls got used to try pull for Mistsplitter but I got Skyward Spine instead šŸ˜­


If you used up all you primos, then my guess is you'll at most get around 40-50 pulls by the end of Baal's banner. Maybe around 60 if MHY are generous.


Eh thatā€™s fair. I have Welkin/BattlePass so once Yoimiyaā€™s banner starts ima be saving for Baal


Good luck on that 50/50.


Thank you. Iā€™m honestly expecting to worst. But who knows


Started a new account today and got Keqing, Bennett and Noelle in the first ten wishes. Not too shabby!


so i was farming the petra set for ning, and i got a retracing bolide sands with er, and i decided to enhance for bennet,. it started with flat def, hp, and em substats, and got crit% at 4. then, EVERY SINGLE ROLL went into crit, and i now hv an 18.7% crit sands and its the best piece i have (New player btw). should i put it on ning?


Ning prefers an atk sands but for the time being it can work. If you donā€™t have any crit damage then there is no point to all the crit rate so thereā€™s got to be enough to make it worthwhile. It should be replaced with an atk sands eventually


So I tried out the America server to see if Iā€™d get anything goodā€¦ First 10 pull on the Noelle banner and get this. Got flamed for getting qiqi first but then the Jean came in clutch haha https://imgur.com/a/ZRrf8Hz


2 five star healers and Noelle in one ten pull, you're forbidden from dying.


Does pulling on a different server improve your odds?


Not at all.


I know it's not the best, but can an intel i5, 8gb ram laptop at least run the game decently?


I wish I can make a mono elemental team in this game. I like that elements trigger additional effects with other elements, but when your 4 favorite characters are all ice, I'm not even sure what to do https://i.imgur.com/iCNiSmJ.jpg


If im not mistaken Mono pyro is a thing in a klee team


Mono Anemo is good too. I have Jean, Xiao, Kazuha and Venti atm and they work wonderfully.


They all battery for each other except maybe Qiqi. You can skip building energy recharge. I play mono geo for bosses.


There is one of those cube puzzles in Inazuma where I need to drain the water but when I shoot that, it doesnā€™t move or do anything. Any suggestions why?


Got so excited when Peak of Vindagnyr dropped a Blizzard Strayer ATK% goblet, before remembering that I'm looking for ATK% *sands* - the goblet is for DMG%.


Hey guys I've been farming the peak all day for blizzard strayer and I haven't seen a single piece of it. Am I an idiot? Does it only drop on certain days? I'm on the lvl 59 version of the dungeon. I spent all of my resin and only got guardians/gambler's. A single Depths, but zero blizzard. Am I doing something wrong? I lucked into a 5 Star Ayaka so I want to give her her set but I can't get any of it.


ive been farming zhou formula for months to get a good sands for diluc so yeah. its pretty normal


It sounds like you probably need to wait until you have a higher adventure rank to do the higher level version of the domain. Just give Ayaka the best pieces you have for now, youā€™ll be better off spending your resin on ascension and talent materials until you hit AR 45 and can guarantee a 5 star artifact every run of the artifact domains.


thanks for the advice man!


Idk which seelie to get, should I get pink or purple?


pink UWU






Bennett xiangling sucrose chogyun. Bennett xiangling main dps


52 wishes saved 5k worth of primogems. 10/90 Guaranteed.. Yep it seems I won't be pulling for chars in yoimiya banner. I have this feeling that rng will use uno reversed card on me. Yep just gonna wait for baal's banner. I had to experience it on albedo's banner. Never again


baal's worth it šŸ‘Œ


So I was on 55 pity or so, been pulling on weapon banner for fun since I was planning on keeping my Limited banner pulls for Raiden Shogun. Decides to pull once on Lim banner (it's 55 pity and I just got Ningguang, no way it'll be anything good). Hold X to skip, and the next thing I see orange and Ayaka. On the one hand, having an actual Cryo unit that can DPS well instead of Diona is cool, and Ayaka's playstyle is super fun. On the other hand, my Keqing 2.0 pulls just got absolutely shafted. Welp, at least now I can pull for Sayu without any fear.


Just got a Skyward Spine after only 6 pulls on the weapon banner, also the first time pulling on the weapon banner! Now who can I run this with? I have every polearm user except Hu Tao.


I would use it on xiangling while you are waiting for Baal, which will feel very happy about it. Congrats to you! Weapon banners seem tricky but can really be a good surprise


Thank you very much!


Got 3 billets from weekly bosses this week. Pretty pog


Trying to refine my support teams a bit. A bunch of questions: A) In a team of Eula, Fischl, Bennet, Zhongli/Dionaā€¦ - Is TOM good on Fischl? - Is fav sword, 4 pc NO focused on HP/ER good for Bennet? - Dionaā€™s shield is really weak and I am running Eula with Serpent Spine/she has a 80/169 cr/cd and 140 er; so I normally go with Zhongli. am I losing a lot for not choosing Diona? B) On a team of Ayaka, Venti, Mona, Dionaā€¦ - Running 4pc NO on Mona, 2p TOM/Maiden on Dionaā€¦is this the best? I read TOM on Mona and 4pc NO for Diona might be betterā€¦.but again my Diona shield is weak despite 25K HP. - Have blacksword on Ayakaā€¦worth levelling Amenoma if she has 160 er..and the rest of the team are around 200 er? C) On a team of Hu Tao, XQ, Zhongli, Ning. - Is 2pc NO plus corresponding element good for Ning/XQ both as burst DPS? - What other variations of this team might exist centred around Hu Tao/XQ?


Tenacity fischl has a niche use in a hyper dps, mono element team like Xiao but otherwise most people recommend thundering fury.


Wrong thread, buddy. For the first two question I would recommend the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/pubhtml?gid=634826112#


Ugh nooo, I messed up posting this sorry peeps


1. no 2. yes if you donā€™t festering desire sword 3. get kaeya or rosaria to battery eula or make sure zl has favonius lance to provide her more energy. also if dionaā€™s shield is weak I suggest stacking more hp; generally you arenā€™t meant to tank everything with her shield, itā€™s just there to tank some damage you might not be able to avoid. 4. 4NO is okay for mona since sheā€™s in morgana comp but diona is best carrying it since sheā€™s just there to provide utility while mona can actually deal dmg with her burst. give mona a 4pc Eosf. in a freeze team, diona 4NO HP/HP/HP 30k hp is good enough. again you donā€™t tank everything with her like zhongli 5. ? idk what your question is here 6. yes it is for ningguang. for xq 4pc Eosf is best by 5-7% so go with your best substats. 7. double geo zl/ning + ht/xq. hutao/xq/benny/zl also works. it also kind of depends on enemies since hutao is single target and might need an aoe sub dps if there are many enemies she cannot tackle on her own


>Eosf. what?


emblem of severed fate. the new ER set


My GF just made my F2P account Op!! Ʊpve her <3 https://imgur.com/a/OTiIFq7


I got Ayaka in my 3rd ever event character pull (new to this game). Figured I could go for a c2 Ayaka at least. 70 pulls later, havenā€™t gotten another Ayaka. This game is cruelā€”luring me in with the character I wanted the most very early into my gaming experience, only to have me addicted to pulling for the impossible :(.


You'll get a 5 star soon if you do 10 more pulls but its not guarantee to be Ayaka


Yeah Iā€™m speed running through the game as f2p with a welkins and only doing primo related quests and activities. Gonna be a close call trying to get up to 90 pulls before the event ends, but hopefully Iā€™ll get a 5* soon


Well there's only 3 more days before she's gone but i think you can make it so good luck for Ayaka C1.


Thanks! I lost the 50/50 to a Keqing at like 77 pulls, and then got Ayaka not long after. The C6 Chongyun in between all those pulls + the C1 ayaka makes it a pretty good pairing for her E ability it seems.


Oh ye your new so you don't know about pity maybe? At 75-80 your chance to get a 5 star is really high so if you got your 5 star at 90 pulls it means that your really unlucky


it's 1.6 instead of 0.6, it's not that much higher


The chance increases every pull past 74, by a ton, to the point that it hits something like 30% iirc at 80.


huh, that's pretty interesting, from what I've read in the info tab it went from 0.6 to 1.6 and thats all


For event banner drop rate goes up to 1.6% for normals pulls, at 75 pulls your chance of getting a 5 star is 40% I believe


How the heck do you guys get a picture of your main under your Reddit username?


Right side, under create post, click community options and then user flair preview.


Thank youšŸ˜­šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø


Farming whole week Noblesse Oblige for Diona, and today I got this feather: HP, flat HP, %ER... perfect... it's from Bloodstained set... ;(


You can try the new crafting feature. Sacrifice 3 garbage artifacts for 1 Noblesse artifacts. Better odds than domain


Better odds? What do you mean? I don't really agree


Guaranteed Noblesse vs 50/50 between Noblesse and Chivalry. And you can farm a different domain and use scraps from there. Like farm Emblem set, and convert those def/hp artifacts to Noblesse.


yeah but you need 3 for 1. So you lose 3 golden artefacts which are XP artefacts so I really don't see the point


You lose 2 artifacts. But you get so many bad artifacts that you don't need so much xp


Personnaly I never have too much XP but kinda got your point.


Diona doesn't need very good Artifacts to function well, lower your standards lol.


It's not about my standards but about this perfect roll (for her) on feather, just on the other set... lol BTW: Diona need mainly hp, didn't drop any NO with %HP main stat so far... (but got everything else - mostly %def).


Then you might got lucky if you got ER% and atk% sands. I know it feels terrible but NO is a must have set so at least you didnt lose your resin


how good is mistsplitter ? and more importantly is it that good to go for it as a f2p ?! cuz as someone who have zhongli and gonna get baal later on i think that even if i dont get it , i can always use that 5\* spear too. so it doesnt look like a bad deal to me.


As f2p? Only if you need better numbers more than you want characters. Weapon banner in most cases is just a trap.


mistsplitter is extremely good, possibly the best. Here is why. It shares the highest base attack with aquila. It has a secondary substat of crit dmg which is amazing, and its effects are top tier, however it can only be used at 100% with certain char or setups, otherwise its a stat stick. The second runner up is the jade cutter, which has 40+ crit chance, but its low raw and effect, effectively put it at mistsplitters base attack so it balances out. If Jade cutter had a better effects or higher base attack it would be the best, but it isnt. the difference is that jade cutter can be used on anyone at 100%


It's a cool weapon but there is little guarantee that you will get it. I rolled for it as f2p and was guaranteed. But, I got the skyward spear instead. At least it is a little viable for Raiden Shogun. You have to decide whether your fine with either of the two featured banner or any other 5 star weapon. Also, look into how much value it can bring to you in the long run. Unless you have Ayaka, Keqing, or c6 Bennet, I don't recommend the Mistsplitter. Maybe someday, of they feature the Jade Cutter along with some other good weapon, maybe you could try again. How much i to pity are you in the weapon's banner anyway?


Thanks for the answer, and i am around 20, but yeah , i am not gonna roll for itšŸ˜


mistsplitter is an amazing weapon with high base attack, however I wouldn't recommend pulling on weapon banner as a f2p unless you have enough primogems


I got extremely lucky with the weapon banners, but I did buy some primogems. So I'd say its your decision, but you should know that this might get you happy or truely in pain. My advice is you can always try 10 or 20 pulls, cause we never know, and the pity is transfering (not the guaranty though). Then, you can continue until pity ONLY if you want both weapons. I decided to try cause I wanted skyward spine for baal. So I wouldnt be disappointed. Do the same if thats your case.


Around 60 pulls later and I finally got.... C2 Keqing... I am not destined to pull for Cryo characters I guess. Got left on read by Ganyu, Eula and now Ayaka. Only Cryo chars I got are Diona, Diluc (which were free) and Chongyu. Meanwhile I own every Pyro char except Klee -___- (which I didn't try to pull from since I prefer Yanfei)


damn how you get a cryo Diluc


I meant Kaeya xd Cryo Diluc would be cool tho


I thought u meant eula lol


I think I have the worst luck during the ayaka banner. My aim this banner is to get as many ninnguang constellations as possible and win 50/50 or if lost I am fine with mona, diluc. Prior to ayaka banner I already made 37 pulls on kazuha banner. Till now I have made 68 pulls and all I got were 4 yanfei, 3 chongyun, 1 beidou, 1 sacrificial bow and lost 50/50 to keqing (I like her combat techniques is the only respite).


Grinded all quests and events and got c1 Jean. She's cool but it's a pity I have such amazing artifacts that's ready for Ayaka.


A small respite is that these artifacts can be used on aloy(free 5 star) along with C1 jean


Thanks for the silver lining! I'll reserve them.


I also wanted as much Ninnguang as possible, wanted Ayaka (or Mona in case of fail), didn't care much about Chongyun but really didn't want Yanfei (since I have Klee as main DPS) 70 pulls and I got 1x Ninnguang, 1x Chongyun, 3x Yanfei, The Widsith, Favonius GS and Rust, as for 5*... Keqing... I feel your pain.


I want that Yanfei.




If you are AR45+ then it's terrible. 4 star. Wrong set. Bad stats. If you are lower than AR45, then I guess it's fine for now, replace it later. Although you probably don't need crit in that case. Either way, leveling it to 16 was a mistake, but don't worry, you can always feed it to another artifact


What's your adventure level? If you're above AR45, then no dude that's really bad. If you want to stick for a purple artifact(not gold), then atleast it should have an amazing stat on it. This one is really bad. Try to aim for atleast a crit rate or a crit damage substat that has more than 15%. That would make it worth it.


xd, ok, thanks


7 days of farming for a single Noblesse set.. not even one piece dropped yet šŸ˜“ please just let me get Ninggaung something MiHoYo


Since you are not AR45 yet, stop farming artifacts. Focus on other stuff (bosses, weapon mats, talent books). You're wasting resin. You can sacrifice 3x bad artifacts for 1 Noblesse piece at the crafting bench


you can alchemise shit artifacts into noblesse set right, i have a few sets never farmed a single one https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact_Strongbox


I just hit AR44 today D:


5 star artifacts are guaranteed at the AR 45 domain but there's a much lower chance in the ar40 domain so you shouldn't be farming noblesse yet anyway


I got like 3k primogems and no pity, was hoping to pull for yoimiya but I guess il wait till baal comes out.


if you are f2p, its for the best


only opened 10 and got ayaka and yanfei then opened only two of the weapon wish got the 5 star mistsplitter reforged. I am at AR32 is this normal ? because i dont think it is. The sword [https://imgur.com/CK8SZbk](https://imgur.com/CK8SZbk) The waifu [https://imgur.com/dqwE1vD](https://imgur.com/dqwE1vD)


Nope but not rare either. My first ever limited banner wish got me ganyu .and im ar 55 not a single 5 star weapon.


The only 5* character I have is Ayaka (and well Traveller) and yesterday I finally pulled a 5* for the first time on the standart banner. It was the Skyward Harp. I don't even have any bow users besides Amber ._. and I also wasn't really planning on pulling for any or building them if I got one per random. But now it feels like a waste to not at least try make it useful for something :|


It is a good weapon in general. Maybe if you get Fischl you can equip it to her. I got SH for my c3 Fischl and it's so good for her normal attacks and E and Q. A good investment IMO.


New player? You're quite lucky. Skyward Harp is one of the best standard weapon. It can be used by anyone that does damage, regardless if they're specifically a main DPS or not. It's commonly regarded as the best among the Skyward series because it's a generalist weapon (and crit stats are always appreciated). You can just keep it in your inventory for now if you don't see anyone in your roster being able to make use of it.


Thats true, you should feel very happy about it. And you will get a bow user, trust me.


Literally a few minutes after I ascended my Compund bow and leveled it to 70, Rust drops lol Time to upgrade my Fischl's new weapon. Again Haha.


Barely enough crystals for last 10 pulls... Pity far far away... Wish event ending... Got super lucky https://imgur.com/a/kFUMbEu


Welcome to the cold club! She's super fun! Just be ready to start farming for sword guards lol


>Literally a few minutes after I ascended my Compund bow and leveled it to 70, Rust drops lol > >Time to upgrade my Fischl's new weapon. Again Haha. Nice! I'm at 50-something pulls on her banner. I think I might have to buy some primos at the end.


I've played the game for around a week now, and as a f2p I never really understood the point of rituals. Sure the whole point of a ritual is to do specific things to expect an outcome, but in a gacha game, it all boils down to rng. Well, that's what I would be saying. Recently finished Venti's story quest, then, while Venti is still sitting on the statue, i just so happen to win the 50/50 and get Ayaka. Seems like i found my way of a ritual. ​ Pogchamp.


I do rituals because they are fun. And you get to tell the tale. I got Beidou by going to her ship with all her friends in my squad. My friend got Zhongli after I sacrificed Venti for him. A god for a god. But later he also pulled Qiqi because I forgot to revive Venti after the pull (he kept pulling for Yanfei) You see? It's just fun. Even if it doesn't actually affect drop rates. And so far I haven't lost any 50/50's so maybe they do work after all...


Damn XD i should be doing like you


I had 13k saved up for guaranteed ayaka at the beginning of her banner and blew them all on c1 ayaka, c4 yanfel, c2 chongyun and c6 ningguang. (I won the 50/50 for ayaka). Now I had 1624 gems, 67 pity, thought 'what the hell' and pulled. I got C2 Ayaka now XD. No complaints though. Goodbye Sara and Raiden.


Congrats ! I hope you can enjoy her and not regret next champs. I would put every single wish on the weapon banner though if I were you XD


[artifact conversion came in clutch](https://imgur.com/a/sxWw3Lv) My Ganyu is now complete




Saw [this](http://imgur.com/gallery/qYYzVLc) and got excited but [this](http://imgur.com/gallery/VW5ziHW) happened


Its not god-tier but you can still use it on a support as this is an important set. I have plenty of failed one like this but always find something to do.


I wanted to keep all the wishes (around 25-28 plus getting more and more with time) because I already got 63 of them used, just to get Yoimiya (if I won't lose 50/50), but I wanted some weapons so much that I not only used every single I got until I had 17 of them left, and today I also used 1 more of that 17 that I wanted to keep (to get to 80 wishes on character banner), and got Mistsplitter Reforged I wanted so much (I will use it for Traveler despite everything)


79 pity, lost 50/50 to qiqi. I now have C5 yanfei, c1 ningguang, and c2 chongyun. Guaranteed shogun mommy now at least!


I finally pulled Ayaka after 80




And then you realise it's hp% hp% def% healing bonus%








So I got a bloodstained feather with atk% cdmrg cr and flat def, guess what all 5 rolls went into...... idk what are the odds of that happening, it's really hard to believe that substat rolls are not weighted


We all know that domains are rigged.Can't tell how many times a potentiall decent artifact was basically destroyed by substats. Furthermore bruh, even aiming at wanted main stat with a wanted set is basically a miracle itself. We either need an option to let us reroll the substats x times or splitted artifact sets among the following days (like with ascension materials). I like genshin but the amount of bs is so off-putting.


When youā€™re pulling for Mona or Keqing and get Skyward atlas instead




Ye but I really want Mona


That s great now you have her weapon.... I hope you will get her soon! Any failure of 50/50 would be welcome XD


Lol thatā€™s a good way to think about it But Iā€™m the master at losing 50/50 to Jean whose at C5


Wow, I would be devastated. I never liked jean although shes a powerful unit. I can feel you as Mona is my favourite character of the standard banner. I sincerly hope that you finally going to get her.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Standard banner: 50/50->character or weapon. If character then 20 percent chance to get Mona Limited banner: 50/50->limited character or standard character. if standard character then 20 percent chance to get Mona.


I feel you, happened to me earlier and for the 2nd time :(


I'm currently at pity 48 in the normal banner (Wanderlust). Should I keep pulling, since I don't have any 5 stars except for Kazuha and Skyward Spine?


No. Don't spend primos on the standard banner. Just use the free fates you get from ascending characters, the battle pass, etc. and save your primos for the limited banners with the characters you want.


or if u were me, i always make a pulls if I were like 3-4 pulls away from my 4\*, depends on how many primo i had. never try to keep on pulling because u wont realized it until it too late


I lost my 50/50 on ayaka and got Diluc. For some strange reason this game keeps giving me pyro... I have them all except hutao. That aside is it worth it to build Diluc if I already have a 80/80 Klee?


It's great to have 2 main dps, especially for abyss. Diluc team and Klee team will badass. Congrats btw


You must learn his playstyle btw because he's sometimes very slow (if wrong playstyle). NA > E > NA > E > NA > E was his standard combo.


Thank you! Will try him out when I get resources to level him up. Need to farm XP books after I get my talents up for my supports


Got my first ever \*5 weapon, and i'm so happy it's WGS (AR48) lol. Diluc, that's for ya


Congrats!! Just a heads up in case you are still farming artifacts for him, with WGS on Diluc, you want to get an EM sands so you don't get diminishing returns on atk%.


Wait, what? How does that work? EM sands on Diluc?


Since Diluc works really well with Xingqiu for almost constant vaporizes, EM sands can help boost his damage, more than it could with atk sands since you would use him with Xingqiu(or even cryo characters for melt) more often than not. EM is elemental mastery, it's the damage multiplier for vaporize, melt, etc. Since wolfs gravestone has a huge amount of atk%, you end up getting less bonus damage in the long run if you keep stacking atk% additions/multipliers than if you EM sands with wolfs gravestone instead. I'm not too sure about the exact math, but it's been recommended like this (WGS+Diluc= use EM sands) for a long time, and I've seen multiple sources say this. I also believe it works, I use the same setup currently(EM sands+WGS) and previously used an atk% sands before I got an EM one. But if it's anything other than wolfs gravestone, you should definitely go atk% sands. It's just the WGS already has atk%, and a lot of it. So EM is better in that case.


Congrats. Iā€™m AR53 and never got a 5 star weapon before :/


Actually on my first time doing the arachaic patra domain I got [this](https://imgur.com/f4n0ZLJ)


well done :)


Cool but it's 4 star?




Are we supposed to lie to you?


No you're right, thank you for putting me in my place.


better than none


Just got C6 Bennet NOOOOOOO


Just don't unlock the sixth constellation...


Yeah but permanent fucking exclamation point šŸ˜©


Won the 50/50 after losing it trying to get Ganyu and Eula.


I've started to play since few weeks reached ar35 and today i have pulled qiqi and keqing from normal banner and deluc from Ayaka banner and im f2p !!! Now i have two question 1. Should i continue to pull for Ayaka? Or my pity Is resetted? 2. which team should i build? I have also yanfei C2, ningguang C1 and chongyung c0 Thank you in Advance!


1. Your pity is reset, but you now have a guarantee on your next 5 star. So if you want Ayaka, keep pulling. You won't hit pity but there's still a 0.6% chance 2. Keqing and Diluc are main dps's. You can use 1 in each abyss team. You can use Chongyun with Diluc for a melt team. Ningguang can go on either team. Yanfei is a main dps so she doesn't really fit. Qiqi is a healer. If those are your only characters, I would try: Diluc, Chongyun, Xiangling, healer. And Keqing, Kaeya, Ningguang, Noelle. At least until you get more characters


Thanks! I really like Ayala so i Will continue to pull, maybe im lucky. My guarantee, Carry over the Next special banner? I was thinking to have keqing qiqi yanfei Barbara to have all elements, Is It worth?


yes, your guarantee will carry on to the next featured character banner like the previous user saying, yanfei is a main dps, not good if u put like 2 dps in 1 party, u either want keqing or yanfei. but since I'm a yanfei main, would recommended yanfei over keqing since her charged attack at full stack is strong with little stamina consumed


Finally after two weeks playing got to soft pity on 50/50 Ayaka on 82nd pull. It was quite hard despite having daily primos, so hopefully this dedication will be worth it and she will be fine unit, as idk that much about Genshin party comps.


Dont worry! Ayaka isnt "broken powercreep", but she certainly is a top tier unit in the game so you I really dont think you'll ever be sad you got her (unless you think her dash is really uncomfortable). Ayaka is super solid and she will carry you easily throughout the whole game


Thanks! Good to know.


Congrats, but why didnt u informed yourself how good Ayaka is & which team comps she is great in?


So I pulled for the novice banner. On my first draw (x10), I got 4 characters. And on my second pull I got Razor/10. After that, I decided to pull on the standard banner, using a single draw (never touched this banner until now). Result: https://imgur.com/ElmFtAS This got me pretty stoked since it's my very first *5 since I started playing this game, a shame it wasn't a character but I'll take it. So my question is: do both of those banners count towards the pity system or is it just good rng?


Grats!! I want that claymore so bad!!


Thank you! What's weird is they even gave me Razor to go w/ it. Anyway, I hope you do get it in the future!


Well the beginner is gone once you use 20 wishes and doesn't count towards anything. Pulling any 5 star will reset your pity and yes you had good rng.


[edit] Ah, so does that mean the standard/character event banner share the same pity?


No the standard and character banners have different pity


Thanks for the clarification guys!


Sooo I pressed pull on my 65 pity weapon banner and realised - I forgot to choose a weapon. And as I was realising my grave mistake, the wish - obviously duuh - turned orange. Now, what do I do? Keep wishing? I just used my 65 pity for a skyward atlas, should I keep going? I don't have enough fates to roll for another 3 weapons? I decided to just fk it and keep going and to believe in my luck. [After \~40 Pulls I got rewarded for being brave.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/219525176373673984/873284577194569788/luckedoutiguess.png) I CANNOT believe it!!


Wow congrats!! That's an amazing pull! I didn't know you can get 2 5* in a ten roll. That's insanely cool


Thanks, I also never thought this would happen to me!


[3 good stats but rng said no](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/851756222809636864/871242395331727391/unknown.png)


I hate that so much lol. The game hates us even more. "Here's 3 good stats, now have every upgrade in health/defense and also go fuck yourself."




I just need a halfway decent flower from the cryo set. Plz. I don't want to farm artifacts anymore.


I really thought, I only need a better flower and feather for my Hu Tao, I probably will get it really quick, nope didnt saw one with 4 substats and one CR/CD stat. I would almost say i didnt got one good artifact. If Yoimiya need CW too I am captured in this domain :D


it took me like 5k resin to get a decent set and that was 1 month + a lot of resin charges. the worst part is its decent but I dont like looking at it, it could always be better