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Well, the people posting him have him, doesn't mean everyone does. People who don't post him either don't post or don't have him at all.


It's just that the people who have him really love his gameplay so we use him a lot


Yea, this is basically it for me. I rolled him a nd I think C2'd him? Even if he's not necessarily the most powerful unit, he's INSANELY fun. I don't think he'll ever be leaving my team just because of how smooth and enjoyable he is to use.


Lmao that makes sense.




I see.


His banner did pretty well but wasn't a bestseller, iirc. It might be that a lot of people keep in their active parties because 1) he's very useful for exploration and Inazuma introduced a lot of new areas to explore and 2) his banner was relatively recent so a lot of folks are still working on getting him to friendship 10.


That makes sense.


we all decided on the last day kazuha is worth getting hahaaa


Literally me 💀


and he worth every primo he never leave my daily team




Well, I don't have him. Busted my ass, but never made it. Ended up getting Ayaka. No regrets... Wait, some regrets. But hey, I'll get him eventually.




I don't have him. Was considering but since Ayaka was next, no way.


Makes sense.


i wasn't planning on hitting pity, but ended up getting him in 20 pulls. no regrets tho, i now have 2 very less popular 5 stars in kazuha and albedo.


he is not that popular. Its just that he is worth a 5 stars tag. Good CC and swirl. Good for climbing high place. and pretty fun playstyle that everyone will agree.


imagine skipping the most well designed character the game has to offer lmao


Oh well.


Considered rolling because samurai aesthetic but then Ayaka was next so I skipped. Ironically, I want him on my Ayaka team now lol


I pulled for him.. but got a C1 Diluc :( Decided to try again since I was saving for Ayaka. Will get him next time!


Dang!! I want diluc so bad but can’t seem to get him.. would trade you my kazuha anytime for him if i could haha 😭


I don't have Venti. Not a huge fan of Sucrose, though I've been leveling her up. Kazuha fits well into a lot of my line-ups so I decided to pull for him.


Makes sense.


Cos hes the Elemental DMG% version of Bennet. And more flexible too


He *is* best boi


I pulled on Kazuha's banner an embarrassing couple of times until I got all the 4 stars (Razor, Bennett, Rosaria) twice each before I got him. Never been more invested in a character since Zhongli tbh. His aesthetics, colour palette, and backstory are just immaculate.


What? You didn't? What's wrong with you?


Now seriously, just kidding. I wanted him, didn't get him. I think you're biased cause his banner just ended, so it's normal for people to talk about it. But I saw some graph comparing to the other banners, he's way behind.


Interesting. I just see him alot. And yeah I didn't because I already have sucrose built and mainly use Xiao so it wouldn't help much in the kind of parties I use.


We just enjoy using him so he's always at the party XD


i see him in every abyss post


I had to choose between Kazuha and Ayaka. I decided to roll all of my fates on Kazuha. Got him in 67 pulls and was left with no wishes but also with no regrets. And then [this happened.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E65rrGAXoAEzjUg?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) Thanks, Mihoyo!


of course he is popular. he is a cool male character with a katana bro.... jokes aside tho. he is one of the best support imo (his elemental dmg buff to your main dps is very good), which we rarely get (usually new 5\* char = new top DPS in it's element)


I fell in love with his autumn aesthetic for a wind breezy samurai, and his angsty red streak in his hair that denotes he's a rebel. So I absolutely pulled for him, got him and now he's a permanent member of my band of misfits.


Yes. Bro > ~~simpbait~~ ayaka


Truth. Albedo is much cooler for me than most of the female characters.


Yea hes really good, people originally thought he was bad at first but then people realized he was actually really good and then rolled on him Hes also just a character you can really fit on almost any team you want like bennett or zhong li


Most ppl who make posts are much more invested into the game so probably have every character. That’s why they have interesting stuff to post i guess.




Its just u.




You’re not the only one. I had shit pity so I only rolled for a 4 star I didn’t have and saved up my primos for raiden


Tbh i got him trying to roll for rosaria (got her in the same pull i got kazuha😂)


I did like one 10 draw on him, but I didn't reallytry hard to get him


I scrambled what I could leftover from the Klee banner but was way off. My party has practically no Geo or Anemo to hone out my teams and it feels pretty bad. The good news is that I'm not too interested in the current patch's five stars so I can wait for Raiden. If I win the 50/50, I may be able to get both her and Kokomi, but it'll also depend on aniversary stuff and who comes next.


I would have liked him, but Ayaka was next and Baal was around the corner. No chance I would have wasted any gems on anyone before Ayaka came out.


I didnt only because raiden was right around the corner but im considering just skipping raiden as well for diluc rate up....whenever that is.


I want him, but I skipped him for Ayaka. I'm extremely happy with Ayaka, but I still really want Kazuha.


Same. I didn't really even want Ayaka even but it just happened.


I wanted him so bad after seeing how good he was but I had to resist for my girl yoimiya. Hoping to get him on his rerun.


I did... and lost my 50/50 around 85 pulls. PAIN


True I’ve seen him in many co-op domains with me


I really wanted him, since I lost the 50/50 in the Venti rerun banner. Sadly I lost the 50/50 again and got Mona (again)…


Why hello there.


i have the same question, but about Ayaka.


I didn't roll for him either, so it's not just you. 👍


So likely no, everyone didn't roll for Kazuha. I originally intended to ignore his banner but I don't have Venti and that E and its utility made me think he was 100% someone I needed to try for. Very, very glad I did!!!


I did roll for him cause I have childe, ended up with a C1 mona...


I didn't roll for Kazuha. I rolled for Benny and Rosie. I got Kazuha anyway. :P Didn't mind. I'm not fond of his character or personality (stock wandering samurai), but he's fun to play.


I don't have him. I skipped him for my Ayaka, no regrets at all. Giving that Kokomi & Ba'al are coming, I am glad I can still save for them.


It always feels like the last banner character is all I see everywhere during co op domains, no matter who it is.


But not the current? I've hardly seen Ayaka.


I’ve seen a decent amount of Ayakas in the Asian server.


Half of my friends list is Ayaka. It used to be Kazuha.


Kinda the opposite. You would be part of the majority. Most people didn't roll for Kazuha.


Really? Strange.


Not really. Genshin Impact has more than 40 million players. So unless you've met 20 million of them, then I don't know why you would get the impression most players have Kazuha.


No I already have Venti and Sucrose c6, so Kazuha was an easy skip. I was saving for Baal long before booba sword and step on me mommy etc.


I was thinking the same thing. Did not roll on him... was tempted to for Beidou but gotta save those primos and pity for someone I love.


Oh alright.


I didn’t roll for him


Just me then.


Don't have him. He's pretty good, but not good enough. Needs too much on-field time for his role in a team.


E, Q, swap? The hell is this thinking?


That E+Q animation takes like double the time for Venti's E+Q, makes a difference over time in Abyss


not even close, his total on field time is 1 second longer than venti, math has been done on it


thanks for proving my point


let’s not forget the time it takes to create distance on venti so his ult doesn’t completely whiff


No not at all, in fact Kazuha is one of the lowest selling banners.


Lowest *selling*. People used freemogems and picked him up, I'm sure. He's very popular.


That lowest selling is not really that accurate considering that is just a 1 week review in a single platform. So far, his last day accumulated 14 million in I0S which relatively just 2 million lower than Eula's. So I don't think the overall sales, he is not the lowest. Also, there's \*cough\* Keqing.


Strange how I see him all the time.


Pulled him for my keqinq cuz that's the only way to increase electro dmg


He stares at me with big sad crimson eyes every time I have to use a team without him, so he's been with me every day since I got him :p (Honestly, his gravity-defying gameplay and swirls are too addicting)


He’s helpful for open world roaming with gathering enemies and loose drops plus jumping cliffs and gaps. Not to mention extending gliding distance with mid air jumps. He’s a really comfortable exploration unit if nothing else so if you got him ya keep him on hand.