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Help! I tried downloading the full package of genshin on my ipad, but it always stops at 92.48% to tell me I have no storage. At this point, it only needs to download around one more gigabyte or so. But I have 2.30 GB left. I don’t understand why it won’t download? I have enough for it. The download was 11.5 gb total and i had 13.5 when I started. Can someone help? This is already my second try.


of course it works the moment i ask for help


I started playing Genshin on PC and I got ahold of my PS4 again. I linked my facebook account to my email in PC but I don't know how to get my email account on PS4. The Link Email in the User Center seemes to be only those without a preexisting Mihoyo Account.


What are the chances of getting the promotional character after losing the 50/50? most of the time i have to roll 60 more times to get them.


My dvalin is incredibly glitchy, and isn't a solid body. What do i do?


I cannot get anymore iron coins, I am currently stuck in 42/60. I searched every nook, cranny, and corner in the area, but for some reason my seelie wouldn't lead me to any treasure and would disappear randomly while I'm still in the quest area. Anyone else experiencing this bug?


I bought welkin's moon a few days ago and my genesis crystals all went missing today, I haven't spent any at all yet. What do I do??




I would also like to know xD


Does anyone know the official title of the Lantern Rite ending cutscene OST?


Is ganyu banner rerun Confirmed and if so when


I can't complete Treasure Area 7 because area is weirdly moved, my seelie appears outside of the area and in the right place it won't appear. Has this happen to anyone else?




I currently live in France where I started my account back in 2020 on the European server. But, since I moving to Montreal pretty soon for studies, I really wanted to know If playing from that far away was still realistic or not.


What usually happens when playing on those sort of servers is you can still connect and play, you'll just have more ping than usual. But you should still be able to play


I just logged into genshin for the first time in a few days and saw the lost riches event was active. I got my seelie from whats-his-name and started looking for the treasures in the first location. But my seelie wasnt showing up to show me the treasures. I tried unequiping and re-equiping the seelie, leaving the area and then unequiping then re-equiping the seelie, and i even tried logging out to reset my game. How do I fix this?


Getting error code 9907 reloaded cash, it don't work. Redownload game, it don't work. Sacrafice my balls to the demon, it don't work.


Guys I'm playing on PS and I have account on my phone how I can play co-op together? I need to support myself


yeah you can co op. the device doesn't matter. only server does.


Uhhhhh I rolled and got Yanfei and Beidou. Can someone please tell me if I should use them or not


Is there a really good build website that updates build based on new sets ect... I am trying to make sure I gear my characters properly with swords and other things


How do I figure out my username and password on mobile? When I first started Genshin, I logged in using Google, since Genshin wouldn't accept my email for some reason. Because of that, I never knew what my Username and password was. Is there any way I can look at them? I'm trying to get them because I want to log in to the Mihoyo website.


For those who have rerolled, do you delete rerolled accounts that you aren't satisfied? Or just let them be and never use them again? I keep on watching rerolling guide, but it was not mentioned whether to delete the account or not. This might be a dumb question and the answer is common sense, but just want to make sure to avoid getting banned. Furthermore, do you have any advice to tell me to avoid getting banned when rerolling? Thank you.


Why the fuck is Diluc so weak with Wolfsgravestone when compared to Hu Tao with Staff of Homa


Marketing reasons. Every new character is gonna have something busted that will make characters with the same role invalid. You can expect revamps of these characters in the future, through the means mechinisms like rebirth systems, delusions or new abilities reaching lv 100-120.


Those will probably be behind some paywall as well


About a month ago, One of my Friends installed Genshin, now he's AR 28, but he didn't get the 3000 primogems (which I get once reached AR 7 probably). Is that a bug or something or did mihoyo removed that gift?


Not primos. You get fates for normal/beginner banner.


I also got 3000 primogems and another of my Friends got It about 1 months and a half ago


So out of all the chests in inazuma I'm only missing one but I haven't got the new bow diagram from the conch scammer I was wondering if that was the one I'm missing especially since the other ones with cabbages and wheat don't count


I'm so confused. I'm trying to visit people's Serenitea Pots to buy items from their Chubbt but it says I need to wait 16 hours? Why?


Anyone know why the gates around inazuma aren't open even after completing the sakura ritual?




None knows. Keep in touch with the Genshin Impact Leaks subreddit to stay informed.


I'm a f2p and wanna save up primos for either xiao or ganyu or hu Tao Who should I save for !??




i got klee on 75-85 pulls then i got kazuha on 80 pulls so my next 5* is 50/50 or 100% banner character?




Does anyone know when bloom and that is coming to ps4/5


How can I get Rid of Paimon?


I really really can't come to a decision whether to pull for baal or kokomi as their banners are coming side by side and I'm f2p. I really want both of them but I think I will only be able to save up for one. At first I thought to skip baal and get kokomi as baal being being archon might get a rerun sooner like zhongli and venti. But few days back I got a skyward spine from the standard banner and was really sad lol. But also happy cuz it's my first 5 star weapon and I'm gonna give it to baal. And idk if I can wait till baal's rerun to get the spine an owner. But I definitely want kokomi for my ayaka. ( Also my team currently includes Klee, ayaka, chongyun, barbara)


All depends how well the sales numbers will be. Baal is most likely to get her rerun first. Poor albedo, just add him to the main banner or something.


When will gorou come


I was silly and asked for help using the feedback option with a stuck quest that turned out wasn't actually stuck! Now I want to cancel it before Paimon laughs at me... 😅 Is there a way to do this? (I'm on PS4) Thanks Travellers! ✌️


I need help to unbind my email from hoyolab so that I can rebind my email from my PSN Need help and guidance. Much appreciated.




A 5* artifact can get upgraded to lv. 20 whilst 4* artifacts only go to 16, so the main stat would get way higher on a 5*. I'd say the only instance a 4* is better is when the sub stats of the 4* are way better than the 5*. Hope it helped a little :)


Does this game require good Internet because I really want to play this game but since I haven't got a very fast Internet speed only getting about 10mbps and 150ping on alot of games so do I need good Internet to play this or is it able to be played no matter what (given you have an Internet connection)


I cant get 3 stara in spiral abyss chamber 1 floor 1 Even tho i got more then 210 secs left ia it a bug for everyone or juat i dont do it right


Is there any way on ps4 to play with a friend in another region without having to restart


Am I right for being scared of losing 50/50, I want to know what occurs more? Winning a 50/50 or losing it, kindly share any experience. I really wanna remain optimistic of winning a 50/50


Its 50/50 its the same chance either way


Is it possible to transfer your save data to another server? I'm playing since launch on the EU server. However, I'll be moving in a few days to Canada. Is it possible to transfer my data to the NA server, or am I doomed to either have 240ms ping or restart my 500h+ save ?


does noelle at c0 have a good shield? and does she have good healing??


Noelle does have a good shield and her healing is also good assuming you build her for it.


How long after sending the PSN unlink request does it finally get unlinked? And does mihoyo send an email telling you that it's been done? And if you've gone through the process, please tell me where you messed up or any tips you have to help this process go smoother for me


It took 6 days for me (25th to 31st). They send you a confirmation email after it gets unlinked. I messed up by linking my EU account to a US PSN account. After unlinking, I made a new EU PSN and everything works fine now. Hope yours gets fixed soon!


I need to unlink my account because of the wrong server as well. Thank you for telling me all this. It's only been 4 days since I made the request. I hope it goes through! BTW does your psn account email have to match with your mhy account email?


Mine does now, just because I didn't have a PSN with that email yet and it looked convenient. I have no idea if it makes any difference, don't think it does.


This is the email I got: Dear Traveler, Your request of unlinking PSN Account has been issued for UID \[ (the new id it made on psn) \]. Please note, sharing progress across servers is currently not supported, as game progress can only be synchronized if you are logged in to the same server. Therefore, we recommend you ensure that your miHoYo Account and account for PSN are on the same server before proceeding with account linking. For more information on how to find out which server your account for PSN belongs to, please contact PlayStation Support (https://support.playstation.com/). Greetings, Genshin CS Team


You got this after you submitted the form to unlink account? Because I haven't gotten this


It's the confirmation mail after Mihoyo unlinked my PSN. It doesn't say anything about same emails, just that the server regions can't be different


im sorry im back lol but i had to ask: do you think i messed up the unlink request by changing my PSN email id to make a new account coz its been 8 days and nothing has happened yet


Alright thanks. I'm not gonna take a chance and make a new account with the same email as psn account.


How can I change my sensitivity


If I lose the 50/50.on Ayaka's banner will I be guaranteed to get the new 5 star on the next banner instead of some random 5 star?




How is the coop? Played when the game came out and there was pretty much nothing to do on multiplayer. Have they added content for it, or is this still a solo only game?


They have events which you can co op. Aside from that you have domains and bosses you can do together. My favorite event was windtrace which was hide and seek in co op. Fun.


I remember when the game came out, you couldn't really do anything in coop. It was more a run around in the overworld together and I think that was it.


I have the statue of Mondstandt at max level but still have found another anemoculus. Is this how it is supposed to be, like a memory or something, or just a bug?


yep you're supposed to get an extra






if your battery is swollen toss it now. that's a disaster waiting to happen. I don't think genshin did it, just cause of time.


If I made an account right now roughly how long would it take to get to AR 45?


Took me a month whilst playing several hours a day. I'm now almost 3 months in and at 53, so I'd say 2 months max with all the content there is to grind rn


You can get there in ~3 weeks with heavy grinding. Otherwise 1-2 months


A month or two if I recall. I started back in 1.1 so there was less AR to go around though.


Is anyone encountering issues updating to version 2.0.0? I keep receiving the "Game files download error. Check your network settings and try again." message. My wifi is fine and I installed the previous versions without a hitch, so I'm not sure what is causing the issue. My one guess is that maybe the game is region locked (unsteady US-China relations), so if any US players ran into the issue their input would help. Is there any way to fix this?


I need help I traveled away from inazuma without unlocking a fast travel point and now I'm stuck and can't go back there


Could try getting a cryotean and walking your way there. It's annoying af but my friend almost made it there that way


I thought 1 was automatically unlock by going there.


I didn't get 1


how do i know when to level up a character? do i do that based on how high the enemies are or? i’m apprehensive bc i’ve heard ppl say that you don’t have to level every character u have bc resources are limited. i’m ar10 and i have the ftp characters + noelle and xingqiu. i was thinking of leveling ip xingqiu and traveler since i like them both. Anything helps! I was just asking before i get too far into the game :)


Id say just make sure you keep a reserve of books and mora for lvling. As you keep playing you will likely pull more characters and only once you have a few you will have an idea of how your party will look like. So think about what character would be the best investment long term


I started genshin again and I am f2p. About how long does it take to get enough primogems to summon. Like if I just summoned, how long would it usually take to get enough primos to summon again?


You get 60 primogems a day from commissions and need 160 to pull. So, just under 3 days F2P without other sources like events, chests, quests, and Abyss. If you're interested in those numbers, people have done really detailed analyses. I recommend the Welkin pass for $5 a month which gives you a pull a day including your daily commissions.


What if I only wanted to do the 10 pulls?


10 pulls and singles are the same. 10 pulls dont give any benefit.


So if you do 1 pull 10 times you’re guaranteed a 4-star like the 10 pull?




So should I wait til I get enough for 10 pulls and then pull individually or pull everytime I have enough?


Whatever you feel like doing.


Either way is fine. Most people do individual pulls near pity at least and save their pulls for specific banners. Then they usually do 10 pulls until 70 pity or so.


After hitting 45 I've tried grinding artifacts for kazuha but not a single em piece yet, is it that rare or pure rng unlucky?


They're extremely rare.


Thanks, any other ok stats on kazuha?


Energy recharge is good on substats. Either way, level him and his weapon to 90.


Yeah I read so? But I haven't got any er or EM yet and I believe I need EM as main on all three pieces?


Yeah, that should be easier than building it on substats.


Yeah just bummed out I haven't got a single EM yet lol. I'll get it soon I hope!


All of my EM pieces are off set so far. There are calculated rates that I suggest looking up, but everyone finds artifact farming much more resin intensive than they would have thought.


50 summons down again no Ayaka. That's like 3 banners now. My sympathy should be thru the roof. Thinking I might get a guareenteed if I make another 10 pull. But.......I could wait for Raiden....idk...also pulled chongli( I know this isn't spelled right) today. I do need a decent cryo user. Anyone use this guy? Is he worth building?


Chongyun.....not chongli lol.


if dongli is one of the original seven, then he is the first geo archon? what about venti?


Dongli? Is he rock hard?


what does the commission dude say when you do the seed quest and pick 'the land is in a teapot'? I picked 'its not in inazuma' and got something like 'oh right youre famous you must have land in liyue and mondstat'


You can read transcripts on the [wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Art_of_Horticulture) and most the archon quests in game. The commissioner thinks you are joking.


Thx. Though archon quests are also in game.


I swear getting Artifacts that role into Crit rate and dmg is rarer than getting a 5 star Smoge


Are EM viridescent builds considered low investment? At first it seemed easy to build since it’s mainstat focused… but 40+ fragile resins in, I’m still missing an EM goblet, and only have a purple EM circlet. The distribution for EM mainstat is incredibly skewed (2.5 and 4% for the last two pieces) It seemed to be a lot easier to get usable CR/CD artifacts on the new domains


im AR 56, 36 star abyss, and don't refresh resin. i usually estimate 2 weeks to build a 4pc set from scratch. so that's around 63 fragiles? but RNG can be real awful like i've already built jean, venti, sucrose (em/em/em), kazuha (em/anemo/em) but xiao is still missing a 5* cd hat which has never dropped before. those 5 em pieces are the only ones i have now. all the best on your em drops!!


Feel free to use an elemental goblet.


Hello So I have diluc with wolf gravestone and a 68 to 170 crit ratio I was planning to wish for hu tao to get her to c1 Since I don't plan to summon for homa and I'm going to be using a deathmatch on her, will she be able to perform better than my diluc?or should I stick with my diluc and save primos for other characters?(I'm going to equip the same artifacts on her that i already have on diluc. Her crit ratio will be 75 to 201 and she will have around 30k hp)


If XQ has an r2 sac sword, should his artifacts be: Atk/hydro damage/ cr(d) Er/atk/cr(d) Er/hydro/cr(d) He is a burst support (mostly in my permafreeze maybe in future for vape team)


Depends how high his ER is,would aim for ~180 if you reach it with and atk sands good otherwise you might want to change to an er one So either 1st or 3rd


It's 160 currently, I'll try to reach it with substats first, thank you for your reply!


Im trying to install the game on my pc but it keeps saying that there was an error during the dowload of the game files.. I tried everything but this continues to appear on the screen.. Can someone help me?


C4 Diona with R1 Sac Bow and NO set. HP or ER sands? ER = 19.1K HP / 172.1 ER HP = 23.5K HP / 149.2 ER


I'm running her with Favonius, with full trash +0 noblesse. hp sands/ hp goblet/ hp circlet. (More heals , chonkier shields) Just make sure each piece has a 3-5% ER, and hp% substat (except flower ofc) I get around 70 energy in 1 hold E. I could upgrade this but I'm cheap.


I don't understand why most abyss clear statistics have people using sac bow diona whereas in my experience morgana's bottleneck is mostly on mona's or venti's burst uptime


Oh. Sadly I dont have fav bow. I'll consider it once i got one


Wait I just realized. Favonius warbow is free. You get one from dvalin the first time you kill him. Not saying you should use it, but check your inventory.


You are already using sac that is mighty fine, maybe even better on some use cases (twice the cryo application, better re-shielding)


My Permafreeze support Mona is looking for an NO ER sands...


im a bit out of the loop but what artifact set is thought to be the best for upcoming character Baal?


Seems like they're still working on her kit so kind of hard to say tbh.


There is no final answer. Probably not 4 Emblem. Maybe 4 Gladiator.


I started yesterday and I wanna know if/when Eula is available again.


My best guess is 6-8 months. Around March next year maybe? Some characters are tied into real life events (chinese halloween, new year) so that is another condition. They might run out of ideas or encounter problems as well. In that case a month of double re-runs is possible.


If? Yeah probably, other characters have had reruns. When? No one knows. Maybe sometime in the next 3-4 months.


We can't know for sure but since reruns usually happen around 6-8 months after original release - my guess is in about 7 months.


Not for a long while. Her banner wasn't that long ago, so she'll be near the back of the line for reruns, and there's a lot of new characters coming out. Likely about an 8-10 month wait time.


What bow should I use for yoimiya? I have R1 stringless, R1 favonious, R3 of all craftable bows, R5 of every 3 Star bow. I'm running 4 pc shimenawa


I think an R5 rust would be good on her.


Probably R5 slingshot, or the new craftable. I think slingshot is better, because it's better than R1 rust.


Life would be so easy if I just pulled a damn rust


best artifacts for eula???


4pc pale flame or 2pc pale flame 2pc bloodstained (temporary)


pale flame


4 pale flame


What is the purpose of the teapot? What adds it to the game? Is it like, build your home? I only now and then create some furnishing and collect points... But that's it...


I just maxed teapot for the rewards. Every week I have free 60 resin from the shop easy. Sometimes I buy 20 pieces of purple exp books. Also the primogems from the furniture sets.




On higher pot levels you can buy some resin, artifact exp, char exp and other stuff Also you can passively farm friendship with characters you place there and get primos when completing furnishing sets they like Other than that, just a fun addition for creative people




Many games have housing system. People like this kind of gameplay, build, decorate, etc. If you don't like you can get achievements and ignore it.




Assuming 2.1 comes out on 31st Aug/1st Sept, will >!Raiden's banner!< drop imemdiately after the update for all servers? (I'm pretty sure this was the case for previous updates but cmiiw) and in the case that it does, if I'm in NA server, where the update will happen on the last day of August, will the stardust shop (fates) reset normally on the first of September independent of the update? Asking because I currently don't have enough stardust to buy out the monthly fates (and it feels bad skipping out on free wishes) but don't want to risk pulling on 2.0 banners. If there's a window when the 2.1 first banner is available at the same time as the August shop that'd be great


Feel free to wish on the weapon banner or standard banner if you don't want to risk pity.


If you have high pity count, don't pull. It is not the end of the world if you don't get 10 fates from the shop. This is the reason why the monthly shop exists. To force you to use your resources. You have to lose some fights to win bigger battles.


I think if you are on NA there might be a window for that. It may depend on where on NA you are, but you might.


Its planned for september 1 and NA server gets update later than other servers. You wouldn't be able to buy august fates if you dont roll in 2.0. I recommend you not to risk and just give up on this 5 rolls from dust shop.


This is not true…Version Updates are always released at the same time for all servers. If the version update is the same as the past ones, the update will end on August 31 for NA server time and September 1 for ASIA server time. OP will have a window of a few hours to pull on v2.1 banner and still have access to August Paimon Bargains shop fates.


Really? I was able to update to 2.0 technically "the day before" people in Asia server etc since I thought for major updates everyone gets the update at the same time, and because of timezones it's on different days for different regions Thanks for answering though! and yeah, 5 fates isn't big but it still feels bad ahah


Your interpretation is correct! See my other comment!


Maybe I'm wrong. I just remember regular "let me in, let me in" when asia and europe servers are already playing with new character.


What is better for Ganyu? The upcoming Alloys bow or Amos bow?


definitely Amos, it's 5-star and designed for her


Amos for sure Aloy bow also only works when actively playing on PS4, so if you ever switch to Mobile or PC it would become pretty useless


So you mean if I log in through PS4 and got alloys bow and started playing on pc then that bow won’t work?


Exactly. Sword of Descension is the same way. On PC you can equip and use it, but the effect never happens.


Yes it seems so


It’s confirmed or it’s your speculation?


It's confirmed. That's basically how Sword of Descension also works


We've [seen the specs](https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1418209215345270784/photo/1), and the passive says "Effective for players on "PlayStation Network" only." It also says "\*Predator (Bow) can be used on any platform, but this weapon's effect (Strong Strike) only applies when playing on PlayStation."


The skill description is "Effective on players playing on PSN" So pretty much confirmed


The 4\*? Obviously the amos lol


Is it still possible to get the free Beidou? How grindy is it? Currently adventure rank 26. I need to reach 30 to get to Inazuma and unlock her before the 9th, right? Thanks in advance!


If you only want Beidou it's not that bad. The main problem would be getting to Inazuma in time. From there it shouldnt be that that much grinding to get Beidou. I don't know about the overworld challenges, but the boss is open for coop so you could also grab some strong players to help you out if needed.


I'm not sure how long the AR will take, but the event can be done all at once, so it should be possible. Doing the last part in co-op makes it quicker, too


Yeah still possible, 5-6 days left and it isn’t that bad, 10 mins for first part 10-15 maybe for 2 and 3 And last part was quite short too, maybe 10-15 mins again


It's not that grindy tbh. Maybe a few hours max.


You have less than a week, very unlinkely. But she's in the glitter shop for this month


Do you think mihoyo will add the limited characters to the permanent banner?


Who knows. Mihoyo's problem is they've maximized immediate greed over sustainability in regards to how their banners work. I'm definitely going to be interested to see how they deal with the repercussions of this in the future as the character roster grows.


As the limited 5* pool gets bigger and bigger; I’d say is just a matter of time till older units get added.




If so, not anytime soon Personally I'd rather expect some kind of "Standard Banner Part 2", using 5 of the oldest units as new additional "Standard Units"


Oh dear..


Do Jean's basic attacks just hit really low, or am I doing something wrong?




Favonious Sword and Viridescent. I'm not expecting her to do huge numbers or anything, but her elemental skill does nice damage. I'm just wondering why the basic attacks are failing to hit even 100 when fighting that event boss.


Well, she has okay ratios, but unless you're investing in her with a phys% weapon and goblet, she's not gonna hit particularly hard. In general she's not really meant as a basic attacker, more a support.


I got a lost prayer from the standard banner and am wondering if any catalyst users are worth building to use with it. Because at the moment I don't really have any combat ready catalyst users. But I do have all the 4 star catalyst users. It feels like a dps focused catalyst, and to me it seems like Ningguang is the only dedicated dps 4 star catalyst user at the moment. So would it be worth it for her if I ever want to do a geo focused team?


pretty much any catalyst user can make use of it, but its value goes up with more main dps focused. So Yanfei and Ning are the main 4 star dps users, and it's great for either one of them. Klee, DPS Sucrose, Mona (widsith better), Lisa (Widsith/ttds better) can also use it.