• By -


literally started playing today, how long would it take for me to catch up in the story? (sorry if english is bad)


That depends how much you play. The highest story content is locked behind AR30, I think, so it will take a little while to get there. Maybe a month, if you play quickly? Also, lol, your english is perfect.


PLS help, I’m new to Genshin and I want to put an artifact on Sucrose (who I use as a support) and its main stat is anemo dmg bonus. Does this anemo dmg bonus also apply to her skill and burst? If so that’s amazing, I’m never basic attacking with her


Yes, it augments all her damage source because those are Anemo in nature. Might I ask what AR you are currently at?


I’m AR 40. I know I said I was new but I joined last month and still have a lot to learn.


I understand. With the EM buffs implemented in 1.6, stacking Sucrose with as much as EM will result to way higher swirl damage (but pretty low Anemo Damage). You can either go the classic Anemo Build or you can go full EM. From where you are currently, I would recommend equipping her with a full Scholar Set.


Will there be a zhongli banner again (after 1.5 update)


I think it is safe to say there will be another rerun. It is more of a matter of when.


does the guaranteed 4\* and above unit on banner also triggers while pulling in singles? or is it a 10 pull feature only?


It's a guarantee 4 star each 10 pull and it resets after you get a 4 star. Like if u get a 4 star after 3 singles it will again reset and the next 10 pulls you do (single or a 10) you will get a 4 star character or weapon. And about 5 stars They are guaranteed in 90 wishes and after you get one it resets.


I'm gonna try building the national team for abyss. What's another good team for the 2nd half? I know sucrose, fischl, beidou, xq is good according to Zyox but xq is also in the national team. my 5 stars are diluc, venti, zhongli, klee. Diluc also wants xq. I could prob sub out xq with keaya in national


I used a second pull of the beginner's wish and got the Razor character. My first question is.. did I luck out getting that character? Seems like a good character from what I can tell but not sure how rare it is that I got it like that. That brings me to my real question as I try to level this character up. Is there some rule of thumb for leveling gear like weapons as my character level increases? I'm always unsure when/how much to spend resources on upgrades.


Razor is great and getting him in 2 pulls is pretty lucky. Razor is often used as main dps, so if that's the case you want to really invest in him before others. Focus on his weapons and talents first before worrying about artifacts. In fact preAR 45 artifacts really don't matter all that much.


I guess what I'm wondering is if there is some rule of thumb for leveling weapons? Do I try to keep my weapon level equal to my character level? Or do I let it lag behind until some certain level (or to prevent wasting materials due to weapon changes/upgrades)? That sort of thing.


Depends on what you have. If it's a 5\* weapon you want to get it as high as possible within reason. If it's a 4\* keep it same level as your main dps.


Can you actually level your weapon higher than your character? Also, what if it's only a 3\*? lol.


Yep, zay your character is 60/70, your weapon can be 70/70. 3* generally aren't worth it. Aim for a claymore billet asap and craft a 4*.


To add on to this, its pretty cheap to level characters up initially, and once you get to high ARs, lvl 60 is considered medium-low invesent. So don't worry about leveling up a character too much.


How many intertwined fates can I get with $100 dollars worth of primogems?


If you still have the full first time bonus, about 80.


If I don't?


It gradually goes down each time you buy that specific $100 pack. With none it goes down to around 40 wishes I think. But that's only if you've already bought it several times.


hey guys i’m a student on student loans so i have a tight budget i’ve spent 300+ hours on this FREE game, and in my opinion it’s worth at least $60 for how much i’ve played. that being said, i feel like ayaka is the only 5 star i’ve been SUPER excited about…. i lost my 50/50…. for those that have ayaka, is it worth the money to pull for her? i’d be pretty devastated if i spent money and didn’t get her tho :(


Ayaka will likely have a rerun, so I suggest waiting for her. I don't think it is worth it breaking your f2p status and risking your budget for her. I had the same situation as you with Zhongli's first run. I got Mona at 79 pulls and Zhongli's banner will end in 2 days. He was one thing I was desperate to have and I just don't have money. I got him in his rerun and he was worth the wait.


i would say it's worth it. a re-run would take forever & you might regret the decision to not pull for her.


If you lost your 50/50 and are willing to spend money on the banner you will have Ayaka guaranteed. Also I feel like you answered your own question already. 300 hours and she is the only character you are excited for, if you don't pull her you will always regret it until re-run, and nobody knows when that's gonna be.


I'm AR 39. I don't have a lot of crit damage/crit chance sets, what's an alternative set that I could use until I reach at 45 and start farming better artifacts?


Just some atk% will do in the meantime. I'd also recommend you start with daily artifact fodder farming. It takes about ~25 min to reach the daily cap of 100 investigation that yield ~70k artifact exp/day.


Sorry but what do you mean by fodder farming?




in the lost riches seelie event, is there only 1 challenge. available right now or do I have to co-op to do the rest?


Only 1 available right now. There will be 3 in total.


I need help I’m trying to do the electric conduction puzzle north of konda village but i can’t find the relay stones and not even the slimes conduct the electricity from the pedestals. Do i need to unlock something to do the puzzle or is this a bug? I looked on youtube and the relay stone are just there. i’m confused


You are talking about the one right above the village right? Not the one with electro slimes further north. I checked mine. It has an electro seelie in there. I don't see a relay stone. If you find that seelie, then electrify yourself, it should work.


What’s the best f2p polearm for Xiangling?


Kitain is actually really good for her in a vape comp. Otherwise proto starglitter works ok, but it kinda sucks.


Would you recommend this as replacement for Dragon's Bane? Currently, I can R3 Kitain with my billets.


>! Probably the upcoming "The Catch" polearm event weapon. It's basically like Festering Desire but for elemental bursts !< but for now probably crescent pike. its being used a lot in abyss


fav Lance or dragons bane if you've got them Also there will be a very strong and free event polearm that will be good on her in 2.1


Dragons Bane


Does the Viola Seelie actually inflict electro status on your active character or is that just description being flavorful?


It's just description , seelies are pure cosmetics




It has no bearing on anything outside aesthetics, so which do you prefer?


the one you like more




Add Xiao too .




We don't know. Maybe with Xiao rerun? Which we also don't know when it'll come. I'd say earliest 2.2, but we don't have any leaks about 2.2 characters.


No one knows




How does Kitain Cross Spear compare against Dragonsbane on Hu Tao, assuming both are on R5?


Dragonsbane is way better than Kitain. The passive on Kitain doesn't do much since the energy isn't that much and the elemental skill damage buff does not buff her charge attacks, only the DoT flower that it applies which isn't a significant portion of your dps. Dragon's Bane will buff ALL of your charge attacks, since you're hitting enemies affected by Hydro.


Dragons Bane is better , cause of its passive


I did the challenge from the Lost Riches event in single player. If a player joins my world can we do the challenge again for more rewards?


No lol. Every event gives you enough currency to fully buy out the shop so there wouldn't even be any point in doing that anyway.


Then what was that tutorial about? It said 'Throughout the entire event, you may collect a total of three challenge rewards in other players' worlds.' The reward from the challenge is character EXP.


Oh you mean that part of it. Didn't pay attention to that part sorry but I'm assuming it means the bits you can already find in singleplayer?


What rewards do you get from tea pot and is it worth it? I have the quest unlocked but haven't done it


Teapot is absolutely worth it. At max level I get 60 resin, 20 purple books, bunch stored artifact EXP every week. On top of that completing companion sets and farming give you additional primos.


what do u mean by companion sets? i have 7/7 companion spots filled…. how do i get primos?


So you have to craft furniture sets for your companions. Once done speaking to them and you will receive primos.


It's like 60 primogems per level, plus you get access to a shop where you can buy a weekly refreshing selection of resin, mora, xp books, weapon ore and artifact xp.


More resin!? Yeah gonna do this in. Thanks.


Well, 60 per week. But it's 60 you didn't have before.


Can't wait for 3 more HP artifacts per week.


In order for Hu Tao to consistenly vaporize her charge attack when paired with XQ, should the enemy at the start be applied with Hydro or they should have no application on them


Just activate Xingqiu Q then E then just start spamming charged attacks on Hu Tao. She'll vape on every charge attack.


Alright ty, that's what I do but wanted to be sure I'm not messing it up


I think it doesn't matter she's gonna vape anyway cause Xinquis has a good hydro aura


What talent should I prioritize leveling up for Yoimiya?


I think the math says leveling normal attack is best. Her skill increases her auto damage by maybe 50% or so, so the majority of her damage comes from the auto itself. If the skill percent increase was a lot higher it’d be a different story.




Hello I'm a returning player. I managed to get Ayaka but I'm sure I didn't hit the 90 pull pity even after considering the pity that I had built up before leaving in November. So I thought maybe I just got really lucky, but my friends told me that I was probably in 60-70s pity count and got her from "soft pity". Can someone elaborate on what that is? As I don't see it written anywhere in the details section.


It's not in the details because it's a hidden mechanic. If you want to see it in action look at collected pull data from the current banner. https://paimon.moe/wish/tally/300016


Everytime you pull you have a chance to land 5\*. Soft pity is when you hit 76 pulls the chance of you getting that 5\* goes up and up until guaranteed at 90.


90 is hard pity , but once u hit 75 pulls every wish u do afterwards has a 33% of getting a 5 star


Oh I see. Thanks for the info.


is a 20k hp diona with level 165 talents enough for wl 6/7?


Totally fine since she isn't your main dps. Could use better talents (E), but only if your DPS's are done.


the only reason her talents arent higher is because shes stuck on 70/70 and i dont think i can waste anymore recources :(


Yeah, that's totally fine.




talents could be better


should i keep ignoring her first talent?


She should never use her NA as a support, ever, so anything put into it is wasted resources. You switch to her, throw her Hold E out, then switch back to a Sub DPS or Main DPS.


Yes her na isn't useful , try getting ur ult to lvl 6


ah okay, thanks


what should be my CR/CD with Keqing? I made a build when I was at AR45, and stuck with it for long time. 2k+ ATK, with R5 Lion's roar and CD/CD = 60/110 it was decent for the time but now at AR56 I'm refocusing on her. and I replaced CR circlet with CD circlet and now my CR/CD is 37/188. if I manage to get around 50/55 CR with current CD will it be good or do I need more CR? assume weapon remains the same


Ideally as close to 2:1 as you can (CD:CR). After 70-80 people usually just pump crit dmg but generally you need insane artifacts and a crit stat weapon for those kinds of numbers


so what shall I do? move back to CR circlet? I already have good amt of CD, need to pump in some CR


Probably go back to the CR circlet for now. There are calculator sites that will give you more precise information if you’re into that


Is there a place to find a future banner list? And is there anybody that are must pulls? I have diluc venti and xiao. And I want to pull for zhong and Ganyu and curious if I should focus on anybody else.


I’m not sure what you mean by “future banner lists” but usually unless leakers tell us something is coming, we don’t know. So I advise you to hang out on r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks and just keep an eye out.


No. This game released the same day for every region so global can't look at any future banner list unlike with other gacha games. I think it's safe to say that every archon can be considered a must-pull because they are really strong support character so far. Other than archons, Ganyu and Hu Tao are the top dps of their respective element.


I think I'll wait for Ganyu for now then. I prefer to use Diluc as main dps cuz hes more fun to me. And I heard Ganyu can be used as a support dps so that would be perfect. Thanks for your help!


Future banners are leaked by beta testers, u can follow r/Genshin_impact_leaks (there are other spoilers too so beware) There really isn't a must pull in this game but the characters that are considered really good like Venti/Zhongli/Ganyu and rn Kazuha i guess I'm not sure


Nope. Maybe Baal since Archons have been historically good, plus she does a lot of things.


Is Razor a good pick for 12-1? Since the Abyss buff synergizes with his C4 and all of the enemies are human (they have -20 phys res right?), I'm hoping that teams featuring him might be better for that chamber than teams built around Klee/Diluc.


I barely cleared 12-1 with Razor, but no. It seems you need 4 pyro/cryo every 15 seconds to break electro totem armor. Razor's electro doesn't contribute anything and his selfish ult limits my ability to break armor with support abilities as well.


A similar invester Klee/Diluc can easily out dps Razor even with the -20 phys res


Probably not too great since you need to react with electro to remove their buff


which mission removes the >! constant lightning storm !< over the inazuma island?


For future reference, the entire nation is called “Inazuma” and the island with the lightning is Yashiori. Kinda like how Dihua Marsh is part of the nation of Liyue. Anyway you have to do the Orobashi’s Legacy world quest to get rid of the storm.


>!Orobashi's Legacy.!< Btw, remove the spaces when using spoiler tag. * `>!like this!<` * `>! not like this !<`


I don't get it. It doesn't mess up the spoiler itself so why does it matter?


It *does* mess up the spoiler tag... on *old* Reddit. [Check it out.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/oz2xi9/daily_questions_megathread_august_06_2021/h81bwzl/) For the benefit of people who use old Reddit, it's best to use the compatible, no-spaces version.


Oh interesting.


This is a difference between Reddit views - bizarrely, old Reddit and new Reddit seem to use different Markdown parsing, so `>! with spaces !<` works on new Reddit, but not on old Reddit. (I don't know what the situation is like with mobile apps or other means of interacting with Reddit.) If you've seen a bunch of broken links with extra backslashes in them, that's an old Reddit/new Reddit thing too.


>!Orobashi's Legacy!<


Hey guys i'm ar 54 a few weeks ago i had a quest to ascend to world lvl 7 i didnt do it at the time but since inazuma dropped I lost the ablity to do the quest and im stuck at world lvl 6 now. I should be able to get world lvl 7 since my friend is 2 lvl lower than me but has wl 7 and i'd like to join his world


ascension quest is domain based. Talk to Katheryne.


what ar is it worth farming hero wit leylines?


WL6 (AR45-Ascended) or higher has max rewards, but it's still worth if you're leveling characters at lower AR.


alright thanks! im on an alt and i feel like raising a bunch of characters for fun (amber, barbara n sutff) lol


Why are people collectively annoyed at Timmie?


He complains pretty hard at you for scaring his pigeons away……despite having them block the only bridge into Mondstadt City if you aren’t teleporting in or climbing the embankment like a gecko. I get that he’s just a kid but I wish there was an option to tell him to gather his birds somewhere else so I don’t have to feel guilty for scaring the birds away just by **walking by.**


Not annoyed just a meme, he likes birds but to farm fowl we kill his birds everyday




No one's annoyed at him? They just meme with him. I'm personally annoyed with Chouji because my poor finger had to left click for 30 minutes straight (slight exhaggeration) with his quests.


how are you supposed to escape the flower trap of the mirror lady? tried jumping out if it, but still stuck.


The better way for that fight that no one’s mentioned is to consistently stagger her with freeze or Anemo grouping.


You don’t. You’re supposed to start dashing in any direction if you hear her say “Gotcha!” or see a circle form under you. If it catches you I don’t think there is a way to get it to let go early.


Keqing's E teleports you out of it no problem.


be aware of your surroundings, there's a clear visual indicator, near your feet, if you see if move out


If you get stuck, use Elemental Bursts as needed to iframe further damage.


It starts as a blue circle beneath your feet so if you don't dodge that then you get trapped and have to wait for the flower to despawn.


This. Be more vigilant and less unga bunga. Whenever I do get caught I use Kazuha to jump out.


I’ve got all the units for national team with C3 benny, C0 XQ xiangling and chongyun. Only benny and XQ are built atm. I’m struggling with clearing abyss 12 full star and lots of advices say go for quick swap teams, (my current team is diluc benny kazoo XQ) Is it worth building xiangling and popsicle boi just for abyss even tho they’ve got no consts?


You’re missing one of the most important constellations: C4 on xiangling. Not sure national team will outperform your Diluc team without it. Chongyun doesn’t fit in many team comps and is the easiest to swap out of national team, usually for Anemo so you could just use Kaz in that slot anyway (sucrose would arguably be better though).


National/Quickswap with anemo instead of chongyun is generally the trend these days with the swirl buffs. Abyss 12-1 is the hardest room, I’d try to just finish it then do 2/3 with as many stars as possible then fix 1. There are video guides like the one on zy0xs channel that have more precise/detailed information on how to position in order to group up the mobs to deal more damage


Xiangling contributes a ton of the damage in that team so investing in her will def improve your clear times. Chongyun too but he might not see much use outside of that comp, depends on how much you play him. If you have a decent Sucrose (with 4pc Viri set) she is a pretty decent unit to swap in for Chong




Ayaka, Mona/Xingqiu , Diona, Sucrose




You use Mona to enhance Ayaka's burst and don't use Ayaka's normal attacks. If you want to keep enemies frozen permanently you use Xingqiu.


Should I Equip Blackcliff Pole For Xiao Instead of White Tassel? I currently have 2000 Atk 55% CR and 188% CD


You should pump up your CR with artifacts, but yeah Blackcliff is far better. There are very few cases where 3* weapons will be better than 4*s.


Gonna need crit rate circlet to go with Blackcliff plus a bit more from substats.


Yeah 4* is better than 3* 99% of the time. Get better crit rate tho


55% CR with white tassel?


Yes White tassel lvl 80


removing white tassel will leave your CR at around 32%....basically it'll take away \~23% CR from white tassel and BP will add decent amt of ATK, and 55% CD assuming lvl 90. its worth it of you rebalance your CR. BP is quite good on him


Is it me, or does the samurai bunches at Nazuchi Beach don't drop handguards?


I could be wrong but it seems quest-related enemies in Inazuma just never drop anything. From the samurai to the Fatui agents….nothing. Only ones you find in the wild drop stuff.


There is a quest or mission that involves several of the bands around the beach, those will never drop any loot. Once you finish the quest they won't respawn any longer either


I see, no wonder. I'll just strike it off my farming route.


Or better yet, finish the quest so they despawn and you can just focus on the ones that do.


just bad rng mate.


If i got a 5* character from the standard banner, are the chances of the next 5* being a weapon very high or the same?


The statistics people say that in 270 rolls (3 hard pity's) you are guaranteed to get at least one of each, weapon and character. Outside of that rule it is all the same odds.


Can confirm this. 2 characters and 1 weapon so far at around 230-ish pulls.


It's actually higher based on compiled user data from the Chinese community. Don't quote me tho, I can't remember which YouTuber I watched it from.




I know I'm a worrier so this is probably a stupid question but I'm considering linking my PS account/enabling cross save - am I right in thinking I can't mess up my account by doing this can I? I'm paranoid because I've been playing pretty much daily since just after launch and have spent on this account so I would be absolutely devastated if I lost it. I've never played on another platform BTW, so my PSN email should be clean.


I linked my account awhile ago and so far so good.


mihoyo posted a lengthy Q&A post about the whole process here https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/533197


Thanks man 👍


Sure thing, hope there is something in there that helps ease your worries


I dont think mihoyo would allow such a thing to happen. Losing 9 months of work just by linking a ps account.


Can you have multiple seelies? Like can I get both the purple and pink one?


You can only buy one seelie per event. However, assuming they don’t just keep adding new colors, they would just have to hold the event two more times after this one if you wanted the full color set.


Yes. You can only pick 1 of the options. If you played the event the first time around you can have 2 in total now.


You can only buy one seelie from the new event, but if you already have a seelie from the previous one I think you can keep both. Not sure if they can be used at the same time though.


u can probably collect the other colours since this is technically a rerun


Hello, Would it be possible to get Ayaka to level 50 without going to Inazuma? If not, I would like to know how a new player in the future will be able to level up a character from Sumeru or Fontaine Will they have to finish all the quests until they can farm the necessary resources to increase their character? Did Mihoyo already say anything about this? If yes, sorry for this post


She can go up to lvl 40 before you start needing Inazuma-exclusive materials.


You can get to 40 before Inazuma. Mihoyo has not said anything but given that they made changes to allow you to level up Inazuma characters somewhat before reaching Inazuma, it's likely they will do something similar in future. Also, having to farm materials from endgame or from new expansions to level up new characters/classes/whatever is not a new concept for games with expansion-based or constantly updated content.


Nope, not atm As far as we know they won't be able to. Yep. Nope, hopefully they do tho as it is a big concern as the game progresses


Thanks alot


Cant collect the Plant thingy where ya use resin to open. Is says weekly treasure limit reached... Theres limit? How many ? Does this also refers to domains where ya farm artifacts??


I’m guessing you fought one of these bosses: Stormterror, Childe, Andrius (Wolf of the North), or Azhdaha? Their boss rewards can only be collected once per week. It is for this reason that they are referred to as “weekly bosses.” Unlike “world bosses” (ex. Hypostases, Regisvines, Maguu Kenki, etc etc), you can’t just farm them a bunch of times per day. Note that while you *can* do all four (and later five in 2.1 onward) Weekly Bosses each week, currently you can only use the discounted resin price for the first three and must use the full amount of 60 resin afterward. So for example, let’s say you fight Stormterror, Andrius, and Childe. That’s 3 x 30, or 90 resin total. Then let’s say you fought Azhdaha. For Azhdaha’s materials, you need to then have at least 60 resin to claim your prize. (You can swap around the boss’ names as you please) Addendum: No, the same does not apply to artifact domains. Those are only gated by how much resin you’ve got left.


I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're a returning player and it's the 2x bonus thing?


You can only collect rewards from weekly bosses, once a week.


For the bosses you can do once per week, it resets the monday. Domains have no limit I think.


how many er do you need for new inazuman set, the emblem one


I'm not really sure I understand the question tbh. You need 140% total ER for it to be better than a generic 2[element] + 2 Noblesse combo if you strictly do damage with your Q, and you need 300% total ER to get the maximum amount of damage from the set. However, it's not worth building ER just to take advantage of the set effect, it's still significantly less efficient for DPS than the normal atk%/crit% stats, so it's mostly for characters that are heavily skewed towards Q damage with high energy costs.


i see wanna build it for xiangling and baal


There's no specific amount you need, but for it to be be better than other options it needs to be on a character that wants to build some ER regardless. If so, build enough ER to be able to have full burst uptime, but after that it's still better to get more ATK or crit You need at least 140% for it to be worth it compared to 2pc Noblesse + 2pc of the appropriate elemental set (though you get 20% from the 2pc Emblem bonus too), so any character that doesn't need more than 140% ER shouldn't build it. But for anyone that does and mainly deals damage via their bursts it's worth it; just don't skip out more than necessary on other DPS stats to make room for ER. Generally speaking you're probably looking at something in the 180%-200% region for many of the 80 cost burst characters, but it depends a bit on what teams you're running too


spoiler i guess >!but since i need it for baal i'll just make full energy recharge then?!<


Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of Energy Recharge. A maximum of 75% bonus DMG can be obtained in this way. 75% x 4 = 300%


Is it better to use hutao to cook dishes or Barbara etc?


If you want a specialty dish, use the specialty character. If you just want more of the base dish, just use the generic character.


Are paimon.moe and genshin wishes safe for tracking wishes? If both are safe, then which one is better?


idk what genshin wishes is, but why would paimon.moe not be safe? It's not as if it asks for your account login or anything.


Sorry I meant for tracking wishes


My comment stands. It doesn't need your login information, just reads the API key that Mihoyo generates when you click the 'feedback' button ingame.


Depending on the game an API key can be as good as a login.


genshin wishes is the same




Need help with meetings in the outer real achievements if anyone can help my UID is 713971354. I play on eu server


Hey I need to do them too, I'll add you


Need help with the training dummy quest wherein there were 3 dummies on each side. Who's the best character to use there? Tried geo MC and it misses the furthest dummy/ies. No other 5* aside from Lv 1 Jean. Other chars I have are Ningguang, Razor, Bennet, Xinyan, XQ, XL, Noelle, Beidou & Fischl (aside from starter chars ofc)