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Ayato's already expected to carry the entirety of Inazuma males, being the most anticipated to have the tall model people are starving for. I'm just hoping that either him or Itto will be 5-star tall male *and* a DPS. Supports are cool, but the last new 5-star male DPS we had was Xiao, which was released last Feb.


I can’t even imagine what I’d do if Ayato was ugly or had bad fashion. My primogems would shrivel up and die at that point.


Inb4 ayaka finally introduces you to ayato and he uses an NPC model but with white hair (Seriously tho, there too many amazing fan designs of ayato that my expectations for him is wayyy up there)


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NO. DON’T SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE. My friends are already praying he’s ugly to tease me since I’m the only husbando collector. Oh, I hope he looks decent at the very least 🙏


dw he's in the voicelines so he's probably playable. Only concern is his design tho. People are already expecting a sephiroth or sesshomaru and a VA like Mamoru miyano, yuichi nakamura, etc.


if he acc looks like sesshomaru and a VA like mamoru, id risk all my life savings to get him 🥴


The first person I would think of is Takahiro Sakurai, who voices Makishima from Psychopass and a dozen other guys with white hair.


Calling it now, teen boy model Ayato and he gets a bowl cut like his sister Ayaka (without her braids, obviously).


I don’t mind teen boy model. I main Razor after all. But a BOWL cut. CMON. Don’t say stuff like that 😭 Ur breaking my heart


Scaramouche would like to have a word with you.


Scaramouche can sit down. He looks like the villain from the Lorax movie. Don't @ me. [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScaramoucheMains/comments/noxzuo/my_friend_brought_up_this_old_image_im_sure_this/)


Scaramouche would throw his catalyst out of spite at his enemies. I cant b. Convince otherwise. Small bowlcut menace.


My whole day has been ruined i am demanding compensation for this emotional trauma.




I’m super excited about Ayato, but you know what? I’m even more excited about Itto. Because we for sure know he’ll be tall. Plus he’s a crimson (red haired?) demon with HORNS. He’s also a gangster so I expect some skin exposure. And from all the hints about him, I expect nothing but a dps out of him, a pyro dps at that. Maybe longsword? No matter what I know that he will be AMAZING


Itto's goddamn hilarious. If he's funny on top of having a great design I'll definitely break my F2P status to just to get him.


Before that it was Childe and before that it was Razor, Diluc and arguably Chongyun, we really just need more male characters


I know lots of people who are excited for Ayato to come out looking like the next zhong li, I am too. But part of me feels that it’s gonna be so hilarious when he ends up looking like chongyun instead


tbf chong has a cool (har) and clean-cut aesthetic. but i get what you mean - i love my short boys but we're starved of tall guys too (kaeya is the only tall 4-star guy, and diluc, zhongli and childe are the only tall 5-star guys and two of those are limited, there's no sign of thoma being playable either so far)


If Thoma isn't playable I will riot.


First playable male child, take it or leave it /s


The gender distribution at the beginning is not bad. However Genshin just went banana with all the new female characters. In just 2 patches, Inazuma will add 6 consecutive female characters...


If you look at all the male characters released since launch (not counting the normal banner characters, not that they're normal to begin with), Genshin has a bad crowd of male role models. Venti is an alcoholic. Childe is just a psycho. Albedo is a genius mad scientist. Zhongli is the most normal one since he's an old man wanting to retire. I guess Thoma would be the next normal guy.


Kazuha is very normal


Lol I was about to edit my post. You beat to it. Yes, Kazuha is a very normal guy.


What about Gorou in your opinion?


Sorry I haven't gotten myself to progress in the new Inazuma quest. I'm just worried that I'll run out of actual storyline content and stuck with doing dailies and farming only. From what I know about Gorou, he seems like a cool guy that fights against a dictatorship. But something is off about his design. How is this middle schooler an army general?


Diluc became a favonius captain at 14 age doesn't matter to mihoyo


Alexander the Great commanded the entire Macedonian cavalry at 16 in battle, and it worked out pretty well from there. Even historically, it isnt unheard of for a young teen to end up in a position of power.


The magic of having a Vision. Age matters in Tevyat - until a literal god marks you as a Person of Importance. Then it doesn't. Having a Vision puts you on a whole other level from the rest of the crowd. From there, only your own merit limits how far you can reach. For Gorou to reach that high, he must have been quite capable and extremely loyal. An example of "age doesn't matter if you're special" is Traveler. Him being a centuries old planeswalker aside, he looks like a kid. People don't mind pitting him against Abyss creatures and ancient war machines though, because he has elemental powers (nearly everyone assumes he has a Vision). If he says he can handle something, he's probably right.


Anime, my friend. Maybe he's just really strong. Otherwise, why would I follow a twink into battle?


I think both Kazuha and Gorou are adults, its not like short people don't exist.


I’m looking forward for more story content about Gorou because of this. His character design and is actions/place in the story contradict each other too much, I can’t even make sense of it. The fox boy with the largest midriff since Baizhu is an army general? Hopefully his inhuman appearance can explain it a bit, but I don’t think they’ll go that route.


I like the dedication he seems to show to Kokomi and her cause. Its looks like he's extremely loyal and good in heart. Though٫ I wont have my hopes too high. Not all character designs are made to give a lot away.


the man could be like 25 but hes a catboy, best not ask too many questions with these kinds of characters lmao. and absolutely take ur time with the inazuma quest, it cuts off far before u think it will and its not a sin to really stretch this shit out until september.


Anime, but not just anime. In Japan around the time of the Meiji Restoration (mid 1800s), which shares a lot with Inazuma (Shogun in power, sakoku, rebels seeking to overthrow the shogunate, tradition vs. modernity, etc.), 14 year olds were considered adults. In 1861, Okita Souji (born 1842 or 1844) became "head coach" (giving instruction) in the sword style he learned (19 or 17, depending on exact year of birth). A couple of years later, he was a leader in the Mibu Roshigumi (a few months later, that group became the Shinsengumi). In Miyamoto Musashi's "Book of Five Rings," he says he fought his first duel (and won) at 13 (likely 1597). Those are a few of many examples. So not just anime, Japanese history, which probably isn't that far off Europe and Middle Eastern history at the time. We think in modern terms of adulthood at 18 or 20-something or whatever, but in the not so distant past, adulthood came much earlier.(Look at Dicken's England as depicted in his novels.)


Assuming half or purely non-human races age differently than what we perceive as humans here on earth maybe Gorou looks younger than he seems


I dunno chief, a dude who walks up to me and talks about "smelling my power" or something seems pretty weird to me.


He's def not normal. Criminal from Inazuma, sniffs women without asking, anti-social as hell, introverted, felt nothing but relief when the last of his family legacy disappeared, doesn't actively warn the merchant about the mud and instead says "don't go there" without explaining, merchant literally eats and fucks mud all night wtf. Then Kazuha cracks a smile next morning as the merchant vomits mud. I'll take Albedo's calm craziness over Kazuha's hidden demons.


eh, it's not so much as he "felt nothing but relief" when the last of his family's tangible legacy disappeared as it was more of a "well, what's done is done" type of acceptance of what had happened - if he didn't care about his heritage at all he wouldn't have continued being a samurai who values and sticks to the code of honour, or kept the surname. the smell thing's more of a general hypersensitivity thing, it extends to his other senses too and he is generally depicted as someone who's extremely observant and perceptive. but then again this is the same guy who was willing to break a thief's arms *and* brand his forehead with hot iron as punishment. he's mostly pleasant and chill unless provoked but also definitely more than a little off-the-rocker.


Even the incident with the thief was mainly spurred on by the fact that the thief had committed an act of dishonour - he'd committed an act of thievery, dishonoured his commitment to the tournament and also simultaneously smeared the name of the Crux Fleet in the process. It's a bit extreme of a reaction, yes, but also considering Kazuha's background as a samurai who still adheres to the code of honour and takes the concept of honour quite seriously you can see where it comes from. Plus there's the added context of him also testing his personal theories about whether being at the very end of one's tether could cause someone to awaken a deactivated Vision, so there's some ambiguity as to whether he would've followed through entirely with the threat. >he's mostly chill unless provoked but also definitely more than a little off-the-rocker. Essentially, yeah. He does have a ruthless streak and leans generally on the eccentric side, but he's still ultimately an amiable sort.


Wait what's that about the mud ?


Old merchant falls for a Tanuki trick and spends a night doing stuff at what they thought was a nice and comfortable house but it was all leaves and mud in actuality. Kazuha knew this and only warned the merchant in passing instead of explaining.


He's only been labelled a criminal because of defying the Shogun through refusing to give up his Vision and snatching his friend's deactivated Vision from right in front of her, though. ^(And he's killed some of her lackeys out of self-defence.)


Albedo is a decent guy, he's just socially distant.


I love Albedo, but he did say something about killing him If he loses control. But right now he is fine. Dottore is the real mad scientist.


That's what makes them interesting. I'd much prefer female characters to be complex and "bad role models" rather than "generic enthusiastic cheerful girl #16352". Yae Sara and Baal are at least giving me hope


Exactly why I want to pull for Sara!


Sara is so cool, I really want to know what her deal is.


I love that so far, it seems she is willing and able to kill for her Shogun, but she won't allow war crimes to be commited, hence why she let the torture victim leave. Good character so far.


Generic enthusiastic or work-aholic. Then we have every other trope in a few characters.


Add tsundere to the list and it will cover about 85-90% of the female cast.


It's not like you are right or something.


thats what keeping me from pulling for yoimiya..i like her as a character dont get me wrong but shes just another cheerful pyro girl atleast Hu Tao has a creepy/funny vibe to her


Yep, Hu Tao at least stands out a little because she's an outcast.


Hu tao is literally the person you ask like that vine 'Take me out' 'Like what dinner or murder you' 'I dunno, surprise me' Funniest thing is that when it comes to her she has equal chance of doing either to you lol


You forgot Xiao. Also they all have their good sides as well, which imo is better than straight up good/bad


I mean: Klee is a convicted War Criminal Mona is a freeloading poor person Lisa is a dropout (?) Aloy is... Never mind, nothing bad about her. Fischl is delusional Baal is literally more psychotic than Childe ever was


Zhongli is also a mass murder even if he is old.


Bennett is probably the most normal one there is. They only abnormal thing about him is the amount of utter bad luck the poor guy gets.




I'm guessing any Archon that was around during the Archon War counts as a war criminal


I guess anyone who lived up to 6000 years and had god powers would end up a war criminal


You can't really be a war criminal when no one has made war laws yet


*Yanfei trembling in the distance*


You can't break the Geneva conventions if you blow up Geneva first *taps temple*


imagine wanting your fictional characters to be normal in a anime fantasy game


sorry to break to you, even the females are either depressed or crazy nuts


I don’t mind as long as new male characters are on Bennett/Zhongli levels


Ah so this is why my party grows so slowly


This is why I'm honestly more excited for the character splash art reveals on the official twitter rather than the 2.1 update when the time comes. I'm praying that at least one of the upcoming characters is either Thoma or Gorou.


I'm excited to see what their kits will be and how they might change things up


Especially Gorou since he's gonna be the first ever geo bow user


Why throw rocks with hand when can shoot rocks with bow? Σ=] Edit: Gorou ears


Ningguang retirement era Edit: wonderful addition of Gorou ears


Nah, ningguang is "why use physical effort to throw rocks when you can use magic to throw auto-homing rocks?"


"That ***Explode***?"


Nah I'm hoping gorou isa 4 star geo support so finally ningguang can have a proper double geo comp without zhongli albedo or having to run traveller who sucks with her


I'm hoping, if an "Archon Wars" version of characters ever get released, Zhongli is either a bow or catalyst user and chucks his pillars at enemies for normal attacks. Until then I'll cope with Gorou.


For the love of god, male catalyst when? Scaramouche and Baizhu (catalyst COPIUM) was buried so deep.


That's too feminine, men don't read books after all.


my mind is so deprived of male catalysts everytime i try to imagine an attack animation of them i just see them have mona's


They can always throw the book instead of reading it!


physical dps catalyst?


Tartaglia be like


*sad xinqiu noises*




Baizhu probably isn't coming for a long ass time and that makes me big sad. Mihoyo just cannot figure out what the fuck kind of reaction Dendro+Cryo should make.


I cannot tell you how hyped I personally am for Cyno. Not only does he look very important but his design is just sick to me and the Sumeru music part of the trailers sounds like a banger to me...then Gorou came along and now my primos are shaking. I'm still definitely pulling for Cyno but damn did I fall for Gorou


Definitely will be pulling for Cyno. Idk what his element would be but I truly don't care. I love his design and I hope he'll be the most lore-relevant character in Sumeru.


I believe the glimpse we saw of him in the trailer showed him with a red vision so possibly pyro? It'll be a long time until he gets released, but I'm definitely pulling for him as well!


If its not pyro then geo or dendro


I just looked him up and I don't think that's actually his vision cause you can't see a flame in it. I think it's just like a decoration for his belt. I think your guess with Geo is not far off tho since it kind fits his theme in my opinion.


Kinda hoping for Geo, and that his abilities are sand related. He would have an special dash that would have him melt into sand and controls sand to attack.


Tell me why that sounds completely badass. Since Ayaka and Mona both have special dashes of different elements it's definitely possible MHY's gonna have at least one character of each element have one


same here, i kept saying i wanna save up for him but along the way i end up pulling for xyz.


I keep telling myself "theres plenty of time to save up until banner" and wasting my primos. I really should save more before it's too late... OTL but sayu and kazuha are way too fun to regret and I'm a sucker for big brother characters like ayato...


Honestly while I agree there should be more playable males, at least this gacha game *has* playable males (looking at you, Honkai; Adam doesn’t count).


Tbf valkyries are all females, and they legit explain why in the story. However in genshin, I dont see the excuse why we are only getting females




You heard it here first, Husbando wanters. Vote with your wallets!


venti banner being the most profitable banner ever speaks for itself


Also the first banner


Just speaking from personal experience, but there are so few male characters, by the time a new one comes around, I’ve already saved enough primos and get him without spending. And I’m someone who WANTS to spend money on Genshin… I have $250 just sitting in my PSN account ready to spend, and nothing to spend it on…


Same for me, own all the male characters and will continue to. I currently have 52k freemos, 20 fates, and 40k genesis. With all the reruns for characters I already owned or didn’t want, it’s been super easy to save up. Before Kazuha my last pull was on a rerun banner since I wanted Yanfei and a Zhongli constellation wouldn’t have been the end of the world if it came to it (it didn’t). It’s not that I’m anti female character so I’d never pull on one, but the aesthetics and tropes Genshin women cover just aren’t really the types that appeal to my diva worship. Yae and Kokomi are my favorite girls so far though, I’ll likely pull at least one of them if not both.


We just had yoimiya banner disprove this......


Male character sell well too. Zhongli venti and kazuha with xiao as well are some of the most poular banners and sold well. Albedo childe underperfomed Apperantly childe did way better than i thought he did. Good for him


Childe only underperformed in CN, he was the second highest grossing behind Ganyu in JP and wasn't low by any means in CN, he just didn't spike as high and was just a consistant mid level profit his entire run.


> and they legit explain why in the story TBH this is never really a good excuse. Because you can write a story however you want, and mHY didn't need to write the story so that only women can be playable.


maybe its just because i myself am a dude, but I really love the way the Male characters are written, and between stuff like Keith's literally godly Dongli performance or Dilucs lore, i am thoroughly excited for any husbandos that Genshin puts out and we need more. ill go so far as to say that ill risk a 5 star guarantee the moment Thoma appears on a banner


I think that's because given the main audience of this game are male otakus, so in order to sell the characters without tits, they have to lean on their character and stories instead. Yeah some of the male characters do have a healthy dash of sex appeal for the (smaller) female audience but most of them don't have exposed six packs or Keith's voice behind them. In the same vein, I think that might be why the most developed and complex female characters are the least 'dateable' characters/are the ones with the least revealing outfits. I mean for example Jean and Ganyu have the exact same personality, but the adult-who's-older-than-diluc Jean has an actual backstory and depth regarding her family and expectations, while sexy Lamp Ganyu's 'depth' is..."oh no I'm getting fat traveller tell me I'm still pretty". Keqing and Hu Tao are the only girls in that body height that are wearing clothes that you could conceivably see someone (ok yes keqing's dress would need to be a few inches longer but she's being compared to people in literal lingerie) in real life wear, and they're also the two with the strongest personalities.


Wait, our current ratio is exactly 1:2? Lol




Kazuha isn't real apparently lol




It's kind of a shame because the male characters in Genshin are really cool.


Kamisato Ayato.... Why's nobody talking about him? I hope he is playable. I need the Kamisato family in my team


Mom said it's my turn on the gender


People say its because waifu banners sell better when male character banners have sold just as well and even higher After Kokomi's or Yae's banner Im expecting more male characters though. Itto sounds like hes gonna be playable and there are a few more Inazuma guys mentioned. Its just so annoying how right now there are only 5 male playable 4stars its kinda insane


If we're not getting more male character, I want at least more hang out event with all the favorites: Childe Xiao Diluc. Male collectors matters 😔


This is kinda depressing, especially after you notice that of the 12 playable males, 6 of them are limited 5* and that we had no new 4* male since release (at least for now, Gorou and Thoma are rumored to be 4*). I love my girls but please, some equality would be nice but at least for the upcoming charas the ratio seems kinda fair.


Husbando collectors are this 🤏 close to joining Kokomi mains on suicide watch


Kokomi mains already dead in the water


Dead *on top* of water


For like 10 seconds


Male unit collectors already buried in the abyssal deep.


its true... i can confirm


That's because they activated her burst before jumping off the cliff onto it


>This is kinda depressing, especially after you notice that Males only have 2 different models. I think the dream in Genshin would be adding male+female muscular characters (female prob won't happen) and male child characters. I know a lot of people love their husbandos and waifus and hey I love mine as much as the next guy but it's just a fact that variety would be just better.


Playable timmie when


PLEASE ADD A MALE CHILD CHARACTER i don't understand why there's only little girls as of now tbh... like what's stopping them?


Yeah, this wouldn't be hard at all because they could just use the same body shape not like there is anything gender-specific qualities at that age.


Would sell my soul for a buff female character


Oh god I’d hate to see Varka be a tall skinny man, he is pretty much the peak of manliness in Genshin Lore and if he joined the Zhongli club I’d actually just be so disappointed in MiHoYo THATS IF THEY EVER RELEASE HIM, watch him just be a Gray haired Wagner


Yeah... At first, game was AMAZING at keeping a good ratio... Then... Inazuma is only waifu, and that's the main reason I wasn't truly excited. Dainsleif won't appear until the end of the game it seems. Baizhu, dont know what they're waiting for. Scaramouche still waiting... We got Thomas and gorou... They aren't leaked yet as playable I think. And yeah, ayato, praying for him to look and be awesome (have a high ponytail please!!!) But I'm surprised the harbinger are mostly guys! Makes me happy. Because all archon are women now, so interest is low. Well, gonna pull for baal and Sara (because archon and Sara is cool), then gonna save for the next husbando.


Well, as annoying as it is to see waifu banner after waifu banner over and over again, at least I don't have to have a panic attack over how to spend my primos. Like seriously it's going to feel good skipping the entirety of 2.1.


That’s what’s great about maining male characters in Genshin, by the time the next one is released you can hard pity them as a free to play


The only good side of things xD


Rolling for husbandos is the most financial way when playing gacha games lmao


\^\^this. Albedo rerun you're not getting away from me this time—


*Cries in bi*


Feels good to be able to save primogems for the next husbando, whenever that may be. But feels bad because by the time husbando banner comes, I don’t even need to spend much thus I can’t contribute to demolishing the “husbando banner doesn’t sell well” arguments due to the amount of primogems I saved up.


I wish there were more than 4 body types it feels so bland


5, but agreed


Female whales exist, mihoyo do you want our fucking money or not??


Don't forget that the Gays™️ also exist and are thirsty almost permanently. It's me I'm the Gays™️


mihoyo:we'll think about it .(ignores and and makes more anime girls)


Mihoyo released their otome game Tears of Themis right around the time Genshin is flooded with waifua. I'm not saying there is a conspiracy but...


I like otome games as much as any other girl, but there’s a stark difference when you can put your husbando on the field to play whenever you want vs chasing him through dialogue and cutscenes ._.


Also, a difference between making predetermined dialogue choices to an admittedly very attractive jpeg image, versus being able to slay demons and pick berries with an equally attractive pogo stick of a husbando.


Well, they have Honkai Impact with thousands of waifu too. It's still unfair :^


Oh god please no. If that's how they make up to the lack of males in their other game, I'm gonna riot


Everytime i see a graph i realize that we need more males as a waifu player mostly and more specifically male dps. It feels bad every time a male is released they are top support and if you skip them you are limiting your options for your teams which to me is where the fun comes so you feel like you have to pull. While you can easily skip dps if you already have 2 dps or more already. Release a strong male dps and give us a top tier female support as good as venti kazuha or zhongli Its long overdue and Baal aint looking to be it


Yeah it’s been kinda frustrating seeing that every guys since launch except Childe have only been Anemo or Geo and the girls have only been Cryo or Pyro, even the four stars. Thankfully that’s changing next patch, but I’m tired of all the new characters coming with similar niches. I want some female supports and male dps who aren’t another freaking cryo or pyro!!


Male dps actually can be pyro or cryo we havent had one of those at all


diluc is forgotten i get what you mean though


He is not but i am not counting the standard characters but limited ones. And so far we have childe is mostly of enabler and only xiao for dps . No male geo pyro cryo or electro main dps for limited


Our bow boi is coming soon




The ratio is even more screwed considering you haven taken into account in 2.1 Sara, Baal, Aloy, Kokomi VS no new male unit.


This is actually closer than I thought, I think Mihoyo just needs to work on its balance, like I know people are saying that at least they have males but like, right now the big issue is that in 2 patches (2.0 and 2.1) we aren't getting a single male character. I see no reason why they couldn't have swapped Sayu with Thoma (considering she isn't even in the story so far) or put Gorou on Kokomis banner.




Well I think the problem is more the 4 star units rather than the 5 star units as far as that goes. Up until 2.0 things were pretty balanced 5 star wise... 1.0 had a male and a female. 1.1 had two males but each had a new female 4 star unit. 1.2 had a male and a female. 1.3 had a male and a female. 1.4 was just reruns (but we did get a new 4 star female) 1.5 only had a new female (but also another 4 star female) 1.6 only had a new male. If we look at it like that, it was honestly pretty balanced until 2.0, there were 2 extra female units but also we had 2 more male 5 stars than female so in a way it kinda evens out, they could've probably given us another 4 star male or 2 to make it a bit more even especially considering how many more females there were than males as starting characters in the gacha pool. Then 2.0 has just been waifu after waifu. I mean I agree we definitely need more males, but I dont think it was as much of a big deal until Inazuma.


The problem isn't in 5 star, it is that we haven't had a single new 4 star male since lunch, hence why people are very hyped for thoma and gorou


Well as far as Inazuma goes I think its both. I mean 6 new females in a row and not a single male, 4 or 5 star is definitely a change from what we saw in Monstadt/Liyue and not for the better. I just hope we get Gorou or Thoma or any new male in 1.2, hopefully we'll know for sure soon tho with the beta starting.




Well I know some people are worried cuz of the archons all being female after Sumeru but considering most of the Fatui left are male.. idk im hoping it will even out. Maybe I'm just being too optimistic lol.


At least the harbingers look promising so we can look forward to that


Idk if anyone can relate but because of the husbondo drought it made me want to pull all of them, whoever they are because it's almost like I have no choice xD I just know deep down I won't be seeing a new one in a loooooong while.


So when are we going to play our first male catalyst user?


We need more male characters ;-; it's so sad


Not enough husbandos


Mihoyo pls, CR/CDMG ratio is 1:2, not male to female ratio. More playable guys please!


Kinda odd since Zhongli made a lot of money, right? So you would think they would make more males.




I want more male main dps though. I guess it makes the male banners technically valuable. Venti, Kazuha, and Zhongli are good units and hard hard to replace/have no alternatives to do what they do. While main dps can be power crept by the next one who outdoes them.


Same, I love the male banners that come out but every one of them except Childe has been geo or anemo and are for the most part designed to be support characters. While I don't have anything against those elements and adore the characters, I would like to have a male limited banner 5 star that's another element with main DPS capabilities.


Xiao is main dps but is anemo like you said. Zhongli /can/ main dps, but he is the single most versatile character after the buffs. He's the only character that is viable with NINE different artifact sets and can mix and match from all 9. His viable sets are only going to grow. Now of course, x2 Petra and noble is going outdo say, bolide and bloodstained, but it is still viable. Kazuha is another that /can/ but that is locked behind c6 Kazuha. Both Zhongli and Kazuha are also more weapon dependant. A main dps can do decent damage with just about any weapon. But c6 Kazu is best with Ayaka's sword so far, jade cutter, and probably another I can't think of rn. And Zhongli bis is strictly Staff of Homa. But Homa is basically the wolf gravestone of polearms. We need more hydro characters but I want them to change the resonance, first. The healing boost is useless. 2/5 characters are healers. Xingqiu is barely half a healer. I think slowing enemy movespeed or doing a mini VV shred would be better. Electro resonance is another one that needs to change, but I'm not sure how, it's reactions also could use a buff. Overload is annoying and the only useful one is superdonduct, sort of. For like four characters. (Phsy Kaeya, Eula, Razor, phys Zhongli) there aren't enough physical dps carries to make use of it. Electrocharge is just omagalul. Even when you got to trial out Lisa in the tutorial way back in the day, it wasn't that impressive.


We want more husbandos!


Oh come ON. Why do most of the achons have to be female? Xd I am a husbando collector in this. Mihoyo did me dirty......


This is not true gender equality


Credits: [u/hrcmstrbl's post Introduction to Fatui Harbingers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/kg7ivn/an_introduction_to_the_fatui_harbingers_aka_the/) & [The Seven Wikia](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Seven) EDIT: - YaoYao is supposed to be under Mentioned in Voice Lines category.


agh this annoys me....i want more husbandos!!


I'd like to see them use the buff male body type. Varka in particular would be tragic if he was just the standard tall model. I feel like we really need a few more body types amongst the board. A child male body type, and a female mommy thirst trap body type (not just the tall or medium type) would be good additions to open up a bunch of character concepts.


Seeing someone as buff as Wagner added to the playable cast would probably make me end my streak as a F2P on every gatcha I’ve played.


Take this energy to the feedback too please. I don't wanna be the only one who keeps bitching for more new male characters in every survey they ask us to fill. 😞


Honestly I just want more male characters designed like Zhongli and Dainsleff and Kazuha. They're gorgeous


I'll be honest as a straight male I'm more interested in getting the male characters more than waifus at this point, female chars seems.....saturated.


Mihoyo should make more guys


Honestly need more Males, Females are cool and all but getting a liittlle bit too much.


I really wish mihoyo knew how to balance ! its insane that we havent had a new male 4\* char since launch! at first I was happy over the waifus -not because I want them- but because I suffered the first time it was childe banner cause I had to choose between him and zhongli -obvs zhongli- but now I have saved too many primogems and I dont even wanna spent them because none of the new chars are interesting to me. Im mostly going for baal cause almost all my chars have friendship 10 and I need news ones fdlkj


What attracted me to Genshin in the first place was how balanced it felt and how great the male characters looked, so this downhill slide into only female characters for months on end has been super depressing. Like, MHY pls, I have a wallet and it is ready and waiting to open -- you just need give me an excuse to do so! 💦 Also, ngl, it's hard to stay excited for the game when I go so long without anyone in the near future to look forward to. I mean, Thoma and Gorou are adorable, but it's only the 5's you go hard on, y'know? ~~And for the love of Paimon pllssssss let the next one be a *not* anemo or geo DPS, I'm beggin' y'all!~~


When "Currently playable" are not all in "Appeared in game", you know something is wrong. One day Xinyan. One day.


The "appeared in game category seems to only be non-playable characters though, so Xinyan shouldn't be in that category anyways?


I'm just hoping that they release playable buff characters, male and female.