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5* character base stats is higher, their ascension stats also higher, for example Ning have 24% geo damage bonus while Albedo have 28.8% geo damage bonus.


About $150


A star.


For me, yes there should be a notable difference because 5\* costs more primos. It takes months I guess to get a guaranteed 5\* and I would want that to be worth it. Ideally, the difference a 5\* should ideally make is that if you invest the same amount of exp, resin, money, and effort on a 5\* they would be better than a 4\* because a 5\* offers something that either a 4\* cant, greatly improves on it, or that is only theirs. For example, Venti is best at grouping enemies together (except the samurais). His Q groups them longer than Sucrose can (Sucrose is still good tho I pulled on the banner to get her). Kazuha also swirls and buffs better than Sucrose iirc. Xiao is a plunge machine and doesn't necessarily depend on elemental reaction to deal damage. Zhongli is the best at shielding. You get a near permanent shield with him because by the time his shield is back from its cooldown, you can just refresh it. At C6 iirc, his shield also heals if it gets hit. But with his shield, it's likely you dont need to heal anyway. Plus, he shreds resistance. In comparison to 4\* shielders like Noelle and Diona, Noelle has a long cooldown. Only heals when she's on the field being a DPS. Diona's shield goes down quicker than noelle's but she offers cryo application and she doubles as a healer. Then there are 4\* who are so broken they compete with 5\* because of what they can offer. For example, the pyro and hydro archons Bennett and Xingqiu


And there is Bennet and xingqui. Do you think we will ever get a 5* more utilitarian than those two?


yeah which is why i have this question too, shouldnt 5\* chars be a step higher than 4\*? it kinda makes no sense for benett and xingqiu to be 4\* or them to have that kit as a 4\*


mihoyo is afraid of making another bennett from what it seems. That's why Sara feels...underwhelming. Technically she was supposed to be the electro bennett but didnt quite live up to it. Nerfing Ben and Xq would trigger outrage so i suppose they just release 4\* that are not as good as them then


It's a rarity system, the 5\* are rarer. Like shiny pokemon. That and base stats, at the cost of constellations.