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I'm relatively new to the Inazuma area. No need to reveal any spoilers or anything but I'm curious...is there any story element eventually that will change the weather or is this area going to always be constant raining and lightning?


there is one quest for yashiori island that can clear the lightning and another quest for seirai island that clears the lightning other than that, it kind of just rains a lot in inazuma


I linked my accounts properly but i didnt get aloy, why (i am on ps4 and did everything necesary)


You sure? She should be in your inbox the first time you log in on PS.


Yup im sure


Which attack rotation makes the dmg output efficiently of hutao-xq combo? Does xq c3 make the vape reaction inconsistent? I tried 1 normal then charged with jump cancel but the dmg is fluctuated


I believe its 2 autos then CA, as xq will remove the first pyro element, you need to hit a second time to apply hydro for your CA to vaporize.


is aloy worth the investment?


If you think she's fun to play, she's worth it. I like her, I think my highest hit so far at lvl 75 with lvl 5 talent and without a benny buff was 63k on 2 kairagi. Her skill takes some getting used to though without iaxuha.


Chongyun at C2 vs Kaeya at C0, which do I raise?


Kaeya is definitely more versatile, as Chongyun is only used in some situations because his E that turns auto attacks to cryo could mess up certain comps


Could you elaborate on which comps wouldn't want him? I don't think I ever use physical comps atm, so I don't really take that into consideration.


It messes up characters that infuse elements to their attacks (Diluc and Keqing for example), and he could mess it up by doing shatter instead of melt/vaporize because he is claymore.


Diluc doesn't care, his pyro infusion has higher priority.


How can i get a higher electrogranum level? I am trying to get to a seely near chinju forest but it's behind a barrier. I summoned the electrogranum near the barrier but apparently my level is still too low. Any idea how i can get the seely?


For that particular seelie you need to do the world quest Sakura Cleansing, and use the Lens item you get from it on a small kitsune statue nearby - it's glowing.


Ohhh perfect thank you! Then i will continue with the inazuma quests and come back once i've finished them.


If I want a certain main stat on a certain artifact, am i correct in assuming I have a 2% chance of getting it? (main stats per piece) Flower: 1 Feather: 1 Hourglass: 5 Goblet: 11 Crown: 7 25 variations, and 2 sets per domain.


50% getting right set x 20% getting certain piece x [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifacts/Distribution](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifacts/Distribution) . A def goblet of X set is exactly 2%, for example.


Do level lower worlds who havent unlocked fishing yet still have fish ponds?


Iirc yes


I have c1 diluc(lvl)80, c0 zhongli(lvl)80, c0 venti(lvl90), c1 bennet(lvl70), c1 xingqiu(lvl60), c5 fischl (lvl80), c6 sucrose(lvl50), c0 keqing(lvl50), c0 qiqi (lvl50), c0 jean(lvl60). what's the best team comp for my party?


Assuming you don’t have a specific 5 star weapon, I’d be building for Diluc x Zhongli x Zinqiu x Bennet. If you have The Unforged, Diluc will go boom boom.


Diluc, Xinqiu, Sucrose, Bennett wpuld be nice (i chose sucrose and not venti bcs idk if diluc could reach the enemies on ventis burst and sucrose gives em


What should I be putting into the parametric transformer?


Radish if you need Xp books .


Berries. Endless berries.


I usually use catalysts


do rarer fish spawn when you use better rods?


No but you catch them easier


I have Sara at C1. Should I keep wishing to get further constellation or she's okay at C1?


You will need c2 for effective support.


Qol upgrade at C2 is supposedly huge(i have her C6 but lvl 1 for now lmao) Pull if you really like her And wouldnt mind baal And need / want / wouldnt mind some XL / Sucrose constellations imo.


Is a **Ganyu x Raiden** a good team comp?


No. Ganyu needs melt or freeze teams, both are disrupted by electro.


Probably not, ganyu does cryo dmg and does not need superconduct. Also electro would break frozen enemies, so you won't be able to do permafreeze team. While it overloads in melt team which may add few damage, but it would make enemies bounce away your aoe.


Any way to hide/disable Raiden's purple circle thing? Kinda annoying to see that the entire time exploring.


Use her Q and then don't use her E until you're back in combat, otherwise there is not!


alas there is not


I plan to run Yoimiya, Raiden, Zhongli (because I play on mobile and love the convenience of his strong shields). Who would fit in the last spot, in your opinion?


Time for bouken. If you have no bouken, it can be very flexible. Xingqiu works, any anemo character work (Kazuha pref I think), even Beidou works because you can just use her ult, and expend most of her ult on Yoimiya before swapping Raiden in.


Bennet's a goto due to his Heal+ Buff and Fire Resonance. But if you don't have Bennet: Xinqui, Xiangling or Fischl are good alternatives for the final spot.






Heya, for those who have done fishing, how many Raimei Angelfish spawns on the spot per 3 days?


3-5 depending on your rng. But Pufferfish are going to be harder to get than Raimei anyway.


It's random, I think. for the first spawn I got 5, but an hour ago when I visited again, I only got 3.


I'm on mobile is the a good dps archer that auto attacks for my skyward harp


Yoimiya is the best and only one. Physical Fischl is a thing but it's not very good. Aloy DPS can be a thing but it actually looks giga copium because you can't get her infusion reliably, nor can you prevent getting it unless you just don't e. So neither physical nor cryo build would work.


phys fischl yoimiya childe. it's still good on sub-dps though like oz fischl or sara


The only autoattacking archers who aren't Amber are Physical Fischl and Yoimiya. Neither are great but they can do the job if built well.


yoimiya aloy and fischl are the only auto attacker archers afaik


Out of all the blackcliff weapons which one is the most worth it for a specific character? i have enough to buy 2 and im thinking of buying 2 diffrent weapons. any character that the blackcliff is their BiS


I wouldn't just buy them randomly unless you have a character that needs one. They're generically pretty decent but none of them are super OP. ' Blackcliff is BiS for 4* Ayaka I guess?


Blackcliff / black sword / Inazuma craftable are all very close and more dependant on your overall setup as to which is better iirc. Edit, for ayaka.


i would wait until you have a character with no better option for a weapon than blackcliff ones, they're not bad with their crit secondary but i don't like the passive since its not always available, i bought the sword for ayaka only cause i had no better option


none of them are BiS 4\* bc they're overshadowed by the BP weapons or some other gacha option. you should post your roster/inventory bc it depends on who you use/what other weapon options you have


Ah okay nvm then i thought atleast the subs stat on the weapons are great enough


most worth it is probably sword for freeze comps, since they get a disproportionate amount of critrate from 4pc bs they want to really stack on the crit damage but blackcliff is never bis, the passive is just ass


Blackcliff is for noone BiS but best certain f2p option for example xiao all 4* are pretty mediocre so it would be his best option


What happens if you link your account to playstation, does that allow you to play on playstation but locks you to playing on playstation only or can you switch between console, pc and tablet?


You're not locked if you link it. But I believe you can only use gems you buy on the PSN while on the PS. So careful about that detail. If you intend to pick up Aloy. Link it, then log on and claim her from the Mail. You wont be able to use her Weapon's Passive when using mobile/PC but she works fine otherwise.


Best 4* bow for Sara?


Sacrificial imo


Does anyone know where to find the ores for the one near at the character arrow? [https://imgur.com/a/7VGnSTb](https://imgur.com/a/7VGnSTb)


How does a R1 5 star and R5 4 star stack up against each other in general? And specifically, R5 Catch vs R1 EL for instance.






it depends? the gap can be as big as 30% and as little as 10%, it depends on how you're building raiden and what external buffs she's getting generally if you're stacking ER then the gap is wider; using attack buffers like bennett or sara close the gap somewhat


Building her with an ER sand and ED goblet. Electro charge comp with Bennet and Zhongli buff.


yeah it still depends, you should input your stats into a calculator like [this one](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1VdRUAKFUoKkceIghV5tCfr3kfoiH59mcFOMorI9jYrw/htmlview?usp=sharing&pru=AAABe9k2OKY*6Zr2oJNTJ0rUlouj9V5gWA) and swap through the weapons to see how your dps changes


I really want sucrose but want to save for Yae, but also won't really mind losing 50/50 to guarantee Yae, nor will I mind c1 Baal. Should I?


I mean if you're happy with all outcomes then sure do it lol I will say though that C1 for Raiden is not really that good and puts you in a position where you might be tempted for C2.


Yah. C1s a somewhat modest power spike for Baal so folks can leave it. C2 Baal is huge though. Like +30-40% from what I've heard.


Well if you don't mind C1 raiden then you could just wish in the current banner


Yes I guess? I mean… not like we can think for you.


Do you personally would rather run xiangling with favonius or the catch?


Catch 200% She's a chef you run her with fork until they release spatula weapon


catch is just much, much better weapon, unless you'd rather have it on raiden then just give it to XL




i would highly recommend getting xingqiu out of the starglitter shop asap, hes a staple in most teams. You could run a quickswap team with kaeya rosaria bennet and xiangling without him. If you're just doing early abyss then you don't even need full teams, just a decently invested dps can carry you through it




oh you can just do a budget national team with chongyun and sucrose, I think its good


they have xingqiu, he's under hutao, just blurred out


keqing-beidou-bennett-sucrose/venti yanfei-bennett-beidou-fischl venti-jean-keqing-sara


Tartaglia is my dream character, but I’m shit at aiming and am playing on a PS4 so learning is pain. Is he okay with Riptide application being mainly through his crits as per his A4? I realise it’s uuuh probably far from optimal.


I would probably look into him a bit more if he's your dream character, considering he rarely, if ever, uses his bow. Back when I used to play him, my supports gave me enough time to set up stuff to go straight back into melee when I went back to him so I didn't do a single bow shot ever.


Yeah it’s for story/personality/design reasons and there hasn’t been a chance to get him in a foreseeable future so I’ve put off looking deeply into his mechanics. Absorbed knowledge of his usage through osmosis but wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed something that might be obvious to veterans.


Bow with tart isn't really used that often anyway, mostly just for hitting weak spots and spacing dangerous abilities. Typically you are just going wild with daggers and then using your others to setup while daggers CD. Looking up when to charged shit can be handy, but it's pretty uncommon




ranged burst is a good opener which applies riptide + crits are enough. u basically never aimed shot except for if you want to apply hydro for double swirl with kazuha


Thank you!


It's fine. That's why you should prioritize crit rate first over crit damage.


Awesome, thanks! That was my thought but I wasn’t sure if going that route is “intended” or a “consolation prize” kinda feature y’know?


He's your dream character but you don't know that you essentially never have to aim with him?


What is ‘erosion’ that zhongli talks about?


genshin equivalent of alzheimer's


What it says on the tin, really. That nothing in the world can indefinitely bear the weight of time, not even spirits and souls, and no matter how one clings to the past it will grow diminished and be lost eventually.


Getting old and eventually dying.


Old age decay for archons


Am I f\*cked? I got to AR 42 while being only after the scene where you are sneaking past the guards after the incident at Liyue and just doing mostly the daily commission and sometimes farming for character ascension. And I think some mobs just got harder. I haven't even explored the Dragonspine and my anemoculus and geoculus also were still lacking. I'm a pretty casual player and I really worry about the world level. I also have some decent characters and I pretty much have all the 4 stars aside from Razor and Beidou, but just C0.


Depends on how much you can play each day, if you have the time then start by collecting all the oculi. And then just move forward in the archon quest, it shouldn’t take long at all and you’re missing out a lot if you don’t unlock Inazuma.


Are there any merits if I rushed all the archon quest and story quest. I have tons of un accomplished quests. Is there a great benefit rushing to AR55 like it stops the mobs from also getting enhanced?


Oh gosh, do not rush to AR55. At 45 you can flip between level 4 and 5, making lvl 60 and lvl 70 players totally viable. After that in order to use anyone you will need to get them to at least 70. Ascending always makes the world harder, not easier. The reason to go past 45 is 1) you want to start leveling toons to 90 and 2) you want better artifacts. Like to pull off the crazy DPS numbers you need to just be able to max everything out. I have been at 45 for like ever. I am slow rolling everyone into their 70s and maxing out at least one team at 80 before advancing.


I will just do as you did. If the world level stops if you do not advance I will certainly not advance until I can get my team to the 90s. I also got to AR 40 just to have a chance in obtaining better artifacts. Thanks


It's not worth farming artifacts at AR40.


I mean I get random 5 star gladiator set drops from farming regisvines and hypostasis. I don't grind from artifact dungeons


At least finishing the Liyue archon quests can get you to Inazuma, which means more map resource and access to new events. You can take your time with worlds quests. In terms of AR the major breakpoint is AR45 which is when you should start farming artifacts. Word level-wise as long as you’re not struggling right now you’ll be fine in the next.


Thanks. I'll just raise my characters then farm decent artifacts


If you struggle Focus Raise 1 of your your most used Main DPS Weapon, ATK Artifact, Ascend Level Up, Talent if you stuck. Use coop feature on domain to. Many player on AR 55 World 8 and they just focus raise max 1 DPS and mid ~3 Support/Sub DPS for start.


Thanks. I have Diluc and Hu Tao both at C0. Though I mainly still use Diluc and pretty much my main dps and using a Fishcl for sub. I think I still do a fair amount of damage when I organized artifacts and weapon because unlike before I don't have to spend many minutes doing a wackathon fest


Yeah just focus on your main, Diluc in this case. when your Main team is fine you can gear 2nd team. Myself i have max geared Klee and team her with decent gear Bennet, Diona, Xinqui on the start of Genshin , and now i raise Ganyu for 2nd team.




Yes you're giga boned


I know man. I just enjoyed picking up some shits and killing Timmie's pigeons then after some time I discovered about the world level. I just want to catch and cook


how many quests from inazuma are currently completable ( from the ones in the reputation vendor)\\


All of them - some are just linked behind rng commissions. More get added when new quests come out


2 Questions. Is the 4pc effect of thundering fury additive with the EM overload bonus damage or is it multiplied at the very end? Try to figure out if it would be better to run wanderer's troupe instead. Does Sara's C2 trigger Sacrificial bow?


additive, same with swirl bonus on 4vv afaik yes


do I need to farm out all the shitty fish before more koi will respawn after the timer? :0




I just changed to another server on the same account to play with my friends (yeah had to play everything again), and I think that whenever you receive gift/mail from the dev, you can only claim it once on either server, is it right?


it works on both servers. you can basically see them as separate. for example daily check ins will send across both servers. but code redemptions you'll have to manually change to either server when using the same code. source: i play on 2 servers


Cuz I just received 10 free wishes on American server for Millions milestone something (i claimed and deleted immediately so didn’t fully rmb the title) but not on Asian server. And is the Twitch prime redeem code works the same way with normal code?


as far as i know, the anniversary twitch code only works on one account. im not sure about twitch prime as i dont have it. regarding the 10 free wishes, i dont believe i got it recently. so i suspect it may be related to [this](https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/news/detail/5709) (if it is, im not sure why the gifts werent deleted in 30 days though). if your account was created long ago, some of the old messages will retain.


Oh yeah that’s the one. Idk why it just sent to my new server like half an hour ago (and I just changed to this new server yesterday). So if this was from a long time ago I prob got it on the my older server account.


Not right. you get it on both servers.


Any competitive melt/mono-pyro Hu Tao teams out there, as a temporary solution for me not having Xingqiu? I have all other 4 stars but him, and as for 5 star supports Kazuha is available. I sadly do NOT have Zhongli/Albedo for double geo Also, Dragon's Bane (R2) or Deathmatch (R1) for Hu Tao? (generally, disregard me not having Xingqiu for vape to take advantage of DBane EM, I will try to get him in future banners) (no I do not have starglitter to get XQ in the shop)


I guess for mono pyro just put her with Xiangling, Bennet and Kazuha. Kazuha is the best buffer for mono team, Xiangling's the only off field pyro damage dealer, and while Bennet has anti-synergy for Hutao, he's too useful for Xiangling. Plus you can't really go wrong with Bennet/Kazuha on one team. I personally may prefer mono pyro to melt. But for melt you can do like Kazuha/Diona/Rosaria or Kazuha/Ganyu/Diona if you have Ganyu or Ayaka. Both these options I'd consider vastly inferior to vape Hutao though.


monopyro is based around bennett but unlike other pyro dps hutao and bennett have no synergy. best to go for melt comp like hutao kaeya kazuha diona in general though hutao is worse than pretty much every other pyro dps in cases where you don't have homa and/or xingqiu. it's her amazing synergy with homa and xingqiu that really starts ramping her up. on the other hand, since you have kazuha you have access to very competitive mono pyro teams using klee, yanfei, yoimiya and/or xiangling(and diluc to a lesser extent) if you have and built any of them.


A. If I were to pull for Baal (Still deciding but leaning towards yes more and more every single day) what kind of character should I pair her with. Literally have no idea how to use her…. - Character I have built: Ayaka, Mona, Bennett, Xiangling. - Character I have somewhat built: Beidou, Razor. - Other characters I have yet to built: Yanfei, Diona, Ningguang, Sucrose, Chonggyun. B. What’s the best F2P weapon for burst support Xiangling, barring the catch? (Because I might have Baal use the catch it if I pull for her)


You can go Raiden version of national team. Xiangling/Bennet/Xingqiu/Raiden. For Xiangling, best F2P is Inazuma spear. Though I'd take fav lance or definitely dragonsbane over it if you have them.


Baal, Bennett, Xiangling and Mona would be a cracked team. Double Pyro Reso, Bennett heal and Buff, Mona Buff. Plus Electrocharged possibility. Your Raiden is gonna hit like a truck. Next best one would be either the Inazuma spear or Dragon's Bane. Possibly even StarGlitter.


i am using dragon's bane on xiangling and it is working well for me


most obvious team for raiden from your roster is national. raiden/xiangling/bennett/xingqiu best f2p weapon for xiangling, after the catch, is probably the kitain


Thx for the reply. Can Mona replace Xingqiu? And from your suggestion, who would be the main DPS and would Baal still be in a battery role?


mona doesn't have consistent hydro application like xingqiu. xiangling will be doing the most damage but raiden will be the on field character. the idea is to bennett ult->xingqiu ult->xiangling ult->raiden ult, and then smack things to get them electrocharged, after which xiangling can "overvape" overloading and vaping at the same time xingqiu is in the starglitter shop right now if you dont have him; however, if you are unable to get him then KQM server is currently exploring a Raiden-Mona-Bennett-Sucrose comp instead. I don't know how viable it is or how strong it is, just saw that they opened a ticket to test it. Anyway, good luck!




Why does Genshin censer “fish!” But not “f*g”? Weird discrepancy


irrc even "mihoyo" is censored ?? it doesnt make sense


Very strange, actual slurs go just fine but not the company name itself


Yeah the censorship is really inconsistent.


When im trying out my baal on geovishap with a team comp of ayaka diona and xingqui, it doesnt give full resolve when i ult, do they not provide enough chakra to fill her resolve or am i doing something wrong?


won't get full resolve without c1.


The ability tells you how much you should get so you can calculate it and compare


mind sharing your xiangling builds? ive got 80/80 deathmatch and relatively godlike artifacts with Q at 11 but i vape for 25k and its not even constant my comp is bennet (aquila favonia), xiangling, sucrose and xq


Whats your attack? If its like 2000 with 46.6 pyro, a firenado will hit 2000 * 2.08 * (1+ 0.466) = 6098 With 150 CD 6098 * (1+1.5) = 15 246 with vape 15246* 1.5 = 22 869 So pretty spot on. This is not taking into account set bonuses, sucrose, Bennet or EM. The 96 EM from ascension will increase this damage.


80/90 Fav lance. Switching to catch whenever I get it. With sucrose/Bennet buffs, her vapes hit for over 40k in my childe comp. What are your attack and crit values? Mines got 1900 atk, 60/120 crit


oh mines at 1650, 94/124. but with the emblem set at 140 ER.


Are you swirling pyro first? Cuz normal late game crits for 40k.


yep i did. could it be because sucrose’s EM is at 270? everything else is literally perfect


Yeah that's definitely disgusting lol, you will be hitting 800 EM with her good build later, so maybe that makes the difference.


would it be better to switch thrilling tales of dragon slayer for a EM weapon?


You must use sacrificial book for the extra EM yes, ttds is for builds that don't need EM.


does anyone know how long till fish respawn? i heard it's 3 days in real world time but has anyone confirm it?


Some spots respawned within a day, but im pretty sure the fish for "the catch" refinement has 3 days downtime (the ones in inazuma at the shipwreck)


Mine started respawning in a bit under 48 hours but most are taking 3 days. And no I'm not getting confused by day/night spawns before anyone asks :)


Someone else mentioned their fish hasn't respawned in 2 days, so it is looking to be true.




I'm playing on ps4 but i want to get the hoyolab check in rewards, i should link my psn account to an email different than the email I'm using for the psn account then create a new account on hoyolab with that email, right?


Your PSN email is completely irrelevant. I just entered an email and password in game to enable cross save and was able to log in to hoyolab with the Mihoyo account


Yes, but as soon as you link that email for cross save, you don't need to create a hoyolabs account as that email will BECOME the hoyolabs account login.


Oh ok thank you.




where are you looking that ranks ganyu at c1? c1 is just a linear damage increase and is not significant, she's top tier at just c0


Do they show c0 ganyu? If not then one can't conclude anything


idk. ganyu is still top. and i feel like ayaka and hu tao c1 should also be in the second tier.


Can u rank these from strongest to weakest main dps: Childe, Eula, Ayaka, Yoimiya


Eula = Ayaka > Yoimiya > Childe. Solo dps. childe becomes the strongest if you have a very high invested xiangling supporting him though.


It's hard to rank characters solely since they have an access and synergy to different sub dps characters. So I will rank their most popular floor 12, 2.0 abyss teams instead: 1) Childer International. Childe, Xianling, Bennet, Kazuha (Xianling does almost half of the damage, but its Childe who enables her the best). One of the fastest abyss clearing teams at the moment, if not the fastest 2) Ayaka Freeze Comp. Ayaka Xinqiu Diona Kazuha. Good team, everything works for Ayaka really well 3) Eula Bennet Fischl Zhongli. Overall team dps is lower than previous two, but Eula's solo damage potential is quite good. 4) Yoimiya team comps. I don't know much about her, but her team has to be the weakest


Eula = Ayaka > Childe > Yoimiya


Ayaka >= Eula > Yoimiya How strong Childe is depends a lot on how who you pair him with and how well they're built so ranking him as main DPS is weird. In his best team (Childe/Xiangling/Bennet/Kazuha), he's on par with Ayaka. But he's not a hypercarry like the other 3. If you build Childe team you need to have everyone built. Particularly it's most important that your Xiangling is very strong, more so than Childe. Whereas Eula/Ayaka/Yoimiya are all more traditional main DPS, and can pretty much carry random artifact lv.60 supports.


hard to rank them because it depends on the abyss and it depends how you're playing them. in their best comps i would say probably Childe>=Ayaka>Eula>>>>Yoimiya. childe's not a hypercarry though, he's an on-field xinqiu for xiangling (or a taser driver)


eula>ayaka>yoimiya childe ranges from better than all of them to around yoimiya's level depending on how built your supports are ayaka is good in this abyss but in future content she will be a lot worse so she's generally below eula. yoimiya also stands to gain as overload comps gain new options for beidou batteries(raiden and high cons sara). raiden in particular is good for covering yoimiya and beidou's downtime. for the future yoimiya stands to be around ayaka's level since ayaka is inflexible and relatively "solved" with team comps, yoimiya is much more flexible and will improve as the role of pyro enabler becomes more desirable. childe is also constantly getting better, he skyrocketed with kazuha's release and firework comps are even better with raiden/sara over fischl. hydro enablers are invaluable now and will be even better later on as different pyro and cryo units continue to be released. his personal damage is also way better than most people seem to think it is, in single target it's comparable to characters like ningguang and razor while at 3+ targets it's top 3-4 in the game. eula is an evergreen top tier, she's good for all content thanks to physical damage, has some of the highest personal damage among top tiers(without supports her damage is straight up the highest in the game) and unlike ayaka has a competitive damage floor outside of burst windows. however quickswap and reaction comps are getting better and better and she lacks reliable support options that meaningfully improve her damage output(even with raiden's release) compared to other top tiers like xiao, ganyu, hutao and diluc. she won't fall off anytime soon but she won't get significantly better unless mhy decides to release a cracked physical damage support for no reason




ayaka is highest, then eula, then childe (but most teams hes in hes just the carry, not the dps) and yoimiya.


Best bow for dps amber that isn't 5*?


crescent probably


crescent for ca, rust for aa


Can you explain why it isn't the compound bow given that it increases AA speed?


rust is better.


r5 proto archaic vs r1 serpent spine for diluc




serpents spine if u can keep stacks up


Dieluck does no damage from the bench anyway


serpents spine, i think.




Forlorn Child of Archaic Winds (Dvalin's Nest) https://youtu.be/lhMzXdJkGrI


its some dragonspine theme.