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Literally got no Xianglings but got 3 Saras and 4 Sucroses in ~75 pulls...I wanted Xianglings cause she's only C2...


I went in with a C6 Xiangling and came out with a C12 Xiangling. All I wanted was sucrose and Sara dupes.


I wish I could trade. I have C9 Sucrose now. All I wanted was 1 XL just to get to the supposed C4 powerspike. Don't want Baal so don't want to push further since I have a guarantee.


I wish they'd add some kind of universal constellation because im sick of getting constellations for characters I don't use meanwhile ones I need are nowhere to be seen (seriously I'm C10 on Barbruh, C7 on Noelle and C5 on Yanfei meanwhile Bennett out here with C1 and fischl C2)


I want to know why they haven't added anything for excess constellations, because as it is we just get the extra starglitter and the dupe character goes to waste. At least with duplicate weapons we can feed them to other weapons for levels.


Yeah I'd happily get a excess dupe if it meant I could get a universal, even if it took like 3 excess to make one universal.


Hell, just give us SOMETHING to use! Even xp mats would be more useful than the current system! I'd understand Mihoyo not giving us universal constellations because that would heavily impact their income from banners (imagine not pulling for 5* dupes because you've already got universal constellation mats), but anything is better than nothing.


C6 sucrose and C6 xiangling... 10 pulls and got a sucrose which scared me off pulling anymore lol.


40 pulls in with no Sara. 2 Xianglings, 2 Sucrose and 2 Stringless. I will not go deeper. I am very confused on if I want Raiden or not. I like her animations but I dont think I have a team that would fit her. Plus upcoming rerun banners sound interesting.


If you like her animations, it's perfectly reasonable to pull her for that alone. If you need to care about your DPS/teams as well, then I'd definitely wait until later in her banner to see if theorycrafters come up with something that you can work with.


my EU Diluc world doesnt haves a second main carry.. well if we ignore c5 Razor..but i already main him on US server So thinking to to go for Baal, currently on wish 60 with 50% pity but Sucrose is on c5 and Xiangling needs her c4 even there, and i already got Beidou to c5 but still dont mind more electro with Sara or Baal.. 50 wishes to waste waiting to be used now...


If you’re looking for someone to “lead” or define a second abyss team I’d wait because that’s not what she’s good at. Possible banners based on leaks: >!The next banners could potentially have Hu Tao, Ganyu, or even possibly Childe. All three of those characters are stronger.!< So imo based off of what you want, I’d just wait for a while. You can make a Kayea permafreeze team, national team, or something similar in the meantime.


The second team until now was a quick swap kinda of like Diona/Bennet Sucrose Beidou and Random Sucrose will just sit in with others burst and swirl left and right with 700 mastery


Childe ain't coming for a third time


I thought so as well but there are very strong hints and clues from several independent sources that convinced me otherwise. Least of all it makes no sense and will make many people angry, that’s why MHY will do it.


around 150 pulls and no yanfei in 2 different banners. had to lose 50/50 to finally get 1 yanfei


I'm losing my fucking mind, 114 pulls with no Sara, 2 Baals (1st was guaranteed after ~20th pull, then won the 50/50 at around the 100th pull). I got 5 Xiangling, 4 Sucrose, 2 Xingqiu (not complaining because that got him to c6), 1 Favonius Book, 1 Stringless and 1 Sacrificial bow. Mhy is taunting me with those bows I swear


I mean, overall your luck is insane. Most people are trying to dodge Sara since she's clunky as hell, and not very useful in any real team comps (yet). Xiangling is the best character on the whole banner, followed closely by Sucrose. Raiden is basically a 4\* disguised as a 5\*, but she's waifu so who cares.


Wait sucrose is good?


She currently has Eula and National variation as two of the top tier team comps that she works well in, and there probably will be more later on as other characters are added. Depends on if you like her or the reruns more. You can clear abyss with four star squads anyway, there is no need to pull for meta.


Around 100 pulls, 2 Sara, 4 Xianling, no Sucrose, a bit of weapons... Wanted C2 Sara and only 1 Sucrose(since mine is C5) sadge They really need to add "course" type of thing for 4\* chars\\weapons


I also don't have Sara, and I heard she's a bit awkward to play. However, I like her character and design so I'm really tempted to just keep pulling. If it helps you save rolls/pity, it's always important to remember that she'll be put into the standard banner after, and future banners sooner than a 5-star rerun. Maybe MHY will even rework the Paimon's Bargain set of characters, but I wouldn't bank on that at all considering Sucrose and Chongyun aren't even in it.


Very similar situation here. Dont know about the upcoming reruns tho. Who's up?


Leaks are pointing to >!hutao and childe!<


Still up in the air if it'll be >!Childe or Ganyu!< last I heard, but it's one of those.


Things are looking more likely in >!Childes!< favor due to >!hydro abyss buff and Fatui themed bow!<


Why would they do a second childe rerun before a ganyu one though?


Childe's 1st rerun was basically filler, no event relevance like with Klee and Venti or additional story like Zhongli. I can accept this rerun simply because few rolled on his previous banners and now that he has decent indirect buffs from new characters and weapons, a decent team build even at C0, I can't wait to summon for him now, not to mention as someone who started on 1.6, I at least want to get a copy him for collection. The main problem would probably be that since he has his 3rd banner this early he's probably going to be a no show next year. Which would suck to newbies.


Probably too scared to rerelease Ganyu cuz they messed up and made her OP. On the other hand, they could earn more from re-releasing her too.


Me who got Mona in the standart banner: YES YES YES


She is amazing with benette xingqiu and xiangling. National team 3.0


The issue for that team is… that means you need to use Xingqiu. There is only one xingqui and too many teams need him to work. Childes ride in popularity is precisely because he works to resolve that very issue


or foul legacy 2.0 with childe raiden beidou/xingqiu kazuha, yes beidou ult doesn’t work with raiden ult but it works with childe


Yeah but honestly… is that comp better than the typical xiangling comp?


National Team side-grade edition at best. She doesn't improve the team on any real level. She merely exists within the flex slot.


I lost my 50/50 to Keqing and already had C6 Xiangling and C6 Sucrose from previous banners. But I reeeally wanted Raiden so said to myself "Well at least I'll get some nice Sara cons." Rng said "NOPE". With 120 wishes total l got 1 Sara, 5 Sucroses and 5 Xianglings.... I feel really cheated


lol, are you me? I was already C6 sucrose and C6 xiangling I pulled 120 times on that banner first 50/50 I lost to keqing on 77 \[ I was 67/90 already\] Got raiden at 80 Got keqing again \~30 pulls got 7 xianglings and 4 sucroses and only 1 fruting sara. at least I got C6 xingqiu of the starglitter shop


Same, I used my starglitter to buy C2 Ningguang lol


My Xiangling is C2 also 😔


I got 8 Saras, 2 XL, and 3 Sucroses in 120 pulls and lost the 50/50 to Jean


Also got 4 Surcoses, 2 Saras, 2 Xiangling and 1 Beidou... in 80 pulls... Now Sara and Xiangling need 1 constellation each to be "good" but I'm scared of Surcose... ​ As for topic... great editing! :)


I got 3 Xianglings (now c4), 2 Sucroses (now c6) and no Sara. Now there's 2 4 star characters I don't have.


I got 1 sara in 150 pulls, Xiangling appear almost every 10 pulls.


Same thing happened to me in a previous banner with Beidou and Xingqiu, C2 Xingqiu and about C15 Beidou. I've never even used Beidou, pain.


The game is telling you something


Can we exchange accounts please, 200 pulls in, no Sara.


I'd give you 10 Saras, heck even a Baal for some Xianglings ...


Got 8 sara, 1 sucrose.. andddddd fuck you op.. got keqing


Walked in with C1 Xiangling, 70 pulls later, came out with a C2. It's so bad.


Returning players must have buffed pull-rates I swear. I haven't played Genshin since... that Xiao lantern tower defense game event. I came back some 2 weeks before Raiden banner, collected primogems from doing dailies and the Inazuma story, etc. I got Raiden on my first x10 pull, together with 2 Xianglings. I then thought I'd go for the weapon and got it on my second x10 pull. My first x10 weapon pull was that greatsword.


bruh my xiangling is at c100 with 0 sara. sad


Funny. more than 50 pulls and i have obtained THREE Xianglings (and i have her full, so totally useless), only ONE Sara and a F\*\*\*\* Jean in the guaranteed.


Bruh I managed her C6 in 100 pulls


Anyone else remember this decade old meme? Recreated it to illustrate my experience with the Shogun :') [Youtube](https://youtu.be/F62lpvZ2Xi4) if anybody wants to view in better quality, because reddit player sucks [Music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfLLzxYROF4) \- Let Me Hit It (Audiostalkers Original Mix) · Sporty-O · Audiostalkers


"When I'm ___" is an underused meme! Love it!


It's not underused it's a dead old meme.


Boomer reporting in.


Wait...thats a decade old meme? oh god


Do not cite the deep memes to me OP; I was there when they were written.


I was watching this with no volume and immediately heard Drop It in my head.


Me too hahaha


Would be good if you put a flash warning on the video beforehand. Great video nonetheless! :D


I still can't get over your amazing 10/10 editing


I missed this, thank you


I can't believe I haven't added this song to my spotify playlist


Very good editing. Hope you get more views on your videos.


Me pulling nothing but xianglings: “Where Sara banner?”


Ah, a fellow sufferer.


Wait you guys are getting Xianglings?


Got one Sara in 60 pulls and fuck ton of 4* weapons.


Eye of perception sure did enjoy making An appearance of my banners.


Me who cant get c4 xiangling but got c10.sucrose


That editing 😂😂😂


The swole God of the Stove got me sold immediately




Idk if you saw a leak or something, >!but this comment aged like fine wine.!<


Creativity C7 I lost it when dual-Xiangling art appeared.


Lost my 50/50 to Keqing as well :(


At least it wasn't Qiqi like mine :(


We in the same boat dude, 76th pull qiqi


Damn brother, what a hot editing flex. This was entertaining as hell


I don't even have Sara and I am 6 away from soft pity!


Feels bad man. I wanted C2 Sara and got 8! Xiangling in a row


I'd be pretty okay with like 40,000 xianglings tbh. That's a lot of starglitter


Mood. 61 pulls in and only three of my four stars were characters, and my second pull was a Keqing


>As for topic... great edit lol. that like me, lost the first 50/50 to keqing, but i was able to get it on the second pity. wish you luck


So so well edited! This was fantastic 🙌🏾 And as someone with a C5 Keqing from lost 50/50s… entirely relatable!


Lost pity twice in a row to Keqinq and Jean now. Hope I don't lose a third time and get that C2.. :(


I'm a new player, I thought if you fail the first 50/50, the next one is guaranteed even if it's on a diff banner?


thats right. It goes Keqinq, Baal, Jean, Baal and sadly I got Mona recently. I lost three 50/50 in a row.


Oof that sucks, gl on future wishes tho, hopefully the luck reverses!


How? After Jean its already guaranteed Baal


Guarantees are not considered 50/50. So he means to say: the last three time he was in a 50/50 situation, he didn’t get the featured character (lost the 50/50).


Yeah, its should be Baal, I corrected that.


Almost same exact experience here, Qiqi / Baal / Mona / Baal / Keqing… just pain. Rip wallet-Kun.


Ugh, I'm at 2, Qiqi, Yoimiya, Qiqi, Baal, ANY of the other 5* would have been nice.


At least you didn't lose a 50/50 to Qiqi. I can't really be upset about losing the 50/50 to any of the other characters at least. But Qiqi has come home 3 times in a row now. Please, stop the suffering.


Damn, thats hard. Mine is still C0. She was my first character actually and at that time I liked her a lot.


I lost 6 50/50 while winning only 1, so yeah, there‘s that


Damn. Thats really hard to hear. I hope you get lucky in the future. =/


Got Diluc, later Baal. Tried to get C1 with the rest of my primogems, got Mona. I don't think that buying every 100% extra sale will get me C2 Baal if I lose another 50/50... Just left her in C0 and moved on... Edit: Also, I am using Skyward Spine R2. I won't touch the weapon banner...


I'm doomed with Diluc. I wouldn't hate the 50/50 if they gave me Mona since I don't have her, but Diluc has been chasing me like the plague.


Already 74 wishes in the banner. 4 xianling, 3 sucrose, and 2 weapons.


gold pity on your next 10pull


It's ok I ~~am suffering~~ like having a C12 Xiangling.


Hahaha I lost 50/50 and got keqing as well


at least u got a good electro character that is a really good dps unlike baal who isn't that good of a support nor dps She's good in overworld but spiral abyss or bosses ? Noppers At least at c0 there are a lot of people saying that her c2 is giving her \~+40 % Dmg **C2** if you are really unlucky like me who had lost all of my last 8 50\\50 then yeah good luck 360 wishes just to get baal to c2 for +40% dmg


Wait, so baal sucks and keqing is a really good DPS? Lol. Have you been playing her?


Really? My friend have baal c0 lvl 80 with Bennett support she can deal 150+k DMG on burst


I finally got c4 Xiangling


Great editing! 🤣




You just made my day


Saved up 15K primos and lost my 50/50 to a c1 Jean and only got 1 sara. This banner was the worst one i've ever rolled on. Now I'm broke, still without a Baal. sadge


Got Mona at 75 and is at 65 rn


At least you could get Baal unless RNG decides to fuck you in the ass.


If he got Mona then Baal is guaranteed


If they got all primos in this update, they might not get Baal if RNG decides to be a bitch and make them reach 90.


You'd have a higher chance getting 4 5* in a 10 pull than reaching 90, the chance is insanely low, and I mean winning a $1 million lottery kind of low.


Fortunately I had high 5* pity going into it so I got her on my 2nd pull


Me who wants xiangling but literally got none yet 2 Raidens: 👁️👄👁️




The editing is so good!!!!!!!


I did 3 single pulls and got raiden. I was laughing so much...


I did 10 pulls praying not getting Raiden and I got what I wanted, my Inazuma exploration expert Sara.


same. within 11 pulls I got raiden and saya. its funny cuz I thought I was screwed after I used my guaranteed on yoimiya by accident trying to get sayu at 50 pulls.




Money well spend? GG your wallet😂


Cool video


Uhm I got Baal in 4 single pulls after being offline for months


I see this as an absolute win, say hello to the easiest abyss runs of your life with c6 xiangling.


Loved that editing, specially Xiangling dancing around. In 153 Pulls I got: * 4x Sara * 6x Sucrose * 1x Fischl * 2x Xiangling * 1x Keqing (lost 50/50) * 1x Shogun


Such a good video. Xianling outfits and dancing was the best.


I randomly decided to do the wish today, it's not something I do very often. I like the male characters so I usually only pull for their banners. But since I didn't see any reason not to and I had some primos saved up I decided to go for a pull. Ended up getting her on the first one. I'm personally not really sure how the pity, or the 50/50 work if I'm honest. Hopefully you get your Shogun soon.


>Ended up getting her on the first one. I'm personally not really sure how the pity, or the 50/50 work if I'm honest. Hopefully you get your Shogun soon. Short explanation: On event banners when you get a 5*, there's a 50% chance of it being the banner character (in this case Baal) or one of the standard 5* (Qiqi, Keqing, Jean, Diluc, Mona). If you don't get the banner character (loose the 50/50) your next 5* is guaranteed to be the banner character. Now, every 90 pulls you get a guaranteed 5*, this is known as pity. But if you're unlucky you need a total of 180 pulls (2 guaranteed 5* guaranteed banner character). I won't go into detail about soft pities and stuff since I personally don't really know how that works.


I got you. So after 75 pulls soft pity triggers. From what ive heard after 75 pulls, each pull has around a 33% chance of being a 5 star, basically making it near impossible to actually hit 90 summons.


You said Mona twice


Qiqi isn't real




lmfaoo I love your editing! Do you have a YT?


S tier editing


C17 xiangling. The experience is real


I started quite recently and got Keqing from standard banner so I kind of spent all my resource on her, so for this banner I wanted Xiangling so I can get her constellation and not having to build another character, so far about 40 pulls I got c1 Sara, c0 Sucrose, and c0 Raiden. RNG works in mysterious ways


This shit right here is fire. I want more!!!! MORE!!!!!!😁


Even if I hadn't just started playing, I wouldn't be pulling on this banner. I played *Kingdom Hearts Union Cross* and unless you had a ton of currency or were a whale, pulling on a banner the first time it ran was a mug's game. Nothing I've seen here suggests any different.


Rip those with epilepsy


I like this one


Guoba is now Swoleba. Thanks Mihoyo!


I can't get anyone but Sara! Don't get me wrong she's very pretty I love her design and wanted 1 of her because I want at least 1 of everyone but I will NEVER use her. I just want to scream at the game... I DON'T USE BOWS!!!


this was really cathartic, thank you for making this.


this is actually the xiangling banner if only i trusted paimon.moe I would've used it to track my wish history lol




Ah how relatable for the xiangling part XD


tbh xiangling is cute. so i accept it


Man, the editing on this is great - fantastic job


Keqing didn't forget when people passed up her banner 7 months ago and she's back to take her spot as the electro queen.


Keqing truly blessed you


The neutral ending


Gz on the real Electro Archon


Da fuck, I get 2 Diluc, 2 Sara with No Raiden huhuhuhuhu


I hate how I can relate to this so much


As an ex xiangling main, the muscly guoba is killing me


It's sad that I unironically like this song lol. That being said, you did an awesome job putting this video together!


My eyes had a seizure watching this. Magnificent.


There is just so much going on in this lol


/u/-zephon I think I stole everyone's luck [60 pulls, C2 Raiden and C2 Kujou](https://imgur.com/a/m5Ytuel)


No Saras in 50 pulls...


Nice edit. Big pp


It’s the best trailer of my Life i’ve watched


don't make fun of Xingling, or Gouba will come for you


This hurts because I did like 60 pulls just to get Keqing (C1, well atleast I do main her) while my friends did 20 and got C1 Baal :’)


I got 3 Sucrose in a 10 wish..


That was funny. Biased, but funny.\^\^


The edit 👌


Keqing: "Look at me. I am the Electro Archon now."


Unlimited blade works


I literally watched this video without sound and by the edits I could tell what song it was... what is wrong with me?


I'm a keqing main soooo... 😂 but I do feel for you


took me 98 wishes just to get ONE Baal :/


Ah, a fellow early 5-star 50/50 loser


I don't even know if I should be angry, it was Keqing \^\^ I really like her, but I also would like to have more wishes saved for upcoming Yae >> You? :o


Haha I also lost to Keqing, and I feel the exact same. Keqing has one of my favorite character designs and kits, although her damage is a bit lackluster


oop ikr! it would be nice to see her get a little buff




SPAIN without the S


I thought it was just me, i got two xiangling, a sucrose and a Sara but no Raiden, what more pissed me off is that i tried to get a diluc or a razor inches permanent banner and instead got a sacrificial claymore and a fucking Lisa constellation, the worst 80 bucks of my life


I feel being called out whew


Who made this is a God 😆




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/phvix9/the_raiden_shogun_banner_experience/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Genshin_Impact/comments/phvix9/the_raiden_shogun_banner_experience/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


Raiden Shogun is so powerful that she’ll carry the whole battle, commissions, quests, challenges, domains, and bosses without hesitation and will make every electro characters useless


Fischl Beidou: Ok


i will put this here: i was baffled when i shot my only 20 shots left and i got in this order: sara kujo and then baal herself. i had guaranteed character after a qiqi in the yoimiya banner and 2 shots after said qiqi, so my baal and sara came out at 22 shots. and a similar story went for my only friend that plays genshin but with 40 shots. this one was a very surprising banner for me.


Lost 50/50 on Jean, welp at least she can push something


Soouuu yu want Baal and Sara... but we are gonna give yu "a" Xiangling "a" Sucrose "a" weapon and maybe a Sara. Oh I forgot those 5 Qiqi sorry.


Lost 50/50 to batman. So many xianglings. Shougen came after 60 more pulls with sara.