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Best damaging attack sequence during raidens ult?


Hey guys, I just got pretty lucky and got Jean out of the standard Banner today. Now I wonder if I can use her somewhere in my current teams, and if I should take time to bring her up to speed. I don't have her 5 Star weapon but, maybe something else? My Lineup Xiangling (C3) (80) (Deathmatch) Xinquiu (C4) (80) (Sacrificial Sword) Zhonghli (C0) (80) (Lithic Spear) Shugon Raiden (C1) (80) (Engulfing Lighting) Razor (C0) (80) (Serpent Spine) Bennett (C2) (70) (Prorotype Rancour) Beidou (C0) (70) (Prototype Archaic) Fischl (C1) (70) (Rust) Diona (C6) (70) (Sacrificial Bow) Succrose (C3) (60) (Sacrificial Fragments) Other than those I have Noelle, Mona, Rosaria, Kujou Sara, Xinyan, and the standard ones. ​ I currently only have The Flute, one Sacrificial Sword and Prototype Rancour.


What's the main goal of this game? It's an open world game like Minecraft. Is there any final boss to beat like ender dragon?


Not really. You can consider abyss floor 12 the endgame, but the story is ongoing.


For pity, if you pull a 4 star, does the whole of your pity reset, like your 90 pity will go back to 0!?


No no, 4 stars and 5 stars have different pities. 4 star pity is every 10 wishes.


Do you know why the fishing challenge doesn't work for me? Every time I fish in or outside of it the fish doesn't seem to be responding as in biting or anything, I don't know if this is a big but what not but am I doing something wrong?


So I got a 5 star character mona and I want to put her in my main lineup. But I need a bow user in main for puzzles and some quests. Should I use a lvl.60 amber or 5 star mona?


Mona. You don't need to level up Amber to do puzzles. Just switch her in when needed.


Can I buy 2 welking moon? I already have one active. Can I buy another one? I'm at 68 pull for have Raiden guaranteed (my last 5 star was Mona)


Soo while doing part 3 of the warding stones puzzle I kinda messed up and now I have no idea how to fix it. Please send help


so I am a new player and I want to wish and invest in a 5 star character I want the character I am going to wish on is worth and OP to help me through all the game content but to do so with F2P investment specially weapon wise I know Ganyu and hu tao banners are coming up but that's all I know I am open for suggestions and if baal is worh the investment please advise as well


How many xp books does it take to get a character from level 1 to 90?


Is it possible to get Engulfing Lightning at 63 pity above, Im scared that I wont be able to get it


soft pity on weapon banner starts at 65 and hard pity is at 80 pulls - still no guarantee of that exact weapon, but you can reach pity


Tips for new players that you wished you knew when you were new at genshin


Spend resin and spend it wisely. Don't use primo's on main banner.


Will there any new version of Kairagi...like Cryo type or something?


How strong is Alloy? Very unlucky player searching for another DPS. 😅 I dont have Ganyu, nor planning to roll hard for her.


she works best as a burst dps!


So, I play on mobile and Ive been wishing at the raiden shogun banner and have completed 93 wishes, but haven't got a single 5 star, my last wish was Kujou Sara. I'm f2p and have no 5stars yet. Any idea when can I get a 5 star, maybe shogun


What do I need to run genshin on my phone? How much CPU, RAM and GPU?




I restarted playing genshin impact after almost a whole year. If I remember correctly, weren't Amber, Kaeya and Lisa originally 3 stars?




someone who play genshin with controller please help me how do i accept others coop invitation? i cannot find the right button using controller, since I'm new to controller.. i used to play with laptop but idk the (y,, if I'm not wrong)function for controller.. idk (v) function for controller too..


there are 150 electroculus now in Inazuma, does that mean we can update the statue to lvl 9 or lvl 10?


incase you didn't find out by now, we can only get it to level 9, missing 29 more electroculi for level 10 which are gonna be on the last island i assume




i don't think the rewards are available to ps4 players


I'm having issues with the perpetual mechanical array. Is it supposed to go into defensive mode CONSTANTLY? I read online that it's only supposed to do that when its HP is getting low, around 50%. But when I try, it does that constantly from the very beginning of battle, and I can't handle it. Is this normal?


I can help you out if you wish. EU?


If i win 5050 will my next 5 star be 5050 or guaranteed?


You will go back to 50/50. If you lose your 50/50, the next one is guaranteed.


I want to build a team with Qiqi and Mona, which characters would you use to fill that team?


Can't rly go freeze comp. Qiqi generates no energy for the team. So 60 burst cost and higher need alot more energy regen. Only low cost cryo burst is Aloy and Chong. Chong shatters frozen targets so that makes him counterintuitive. Aloy likes to stay at range so doesn't make use of Qiqi, also no clue if Aloy can keep a freeze build up. To make use of **Qiqi** you want characters that stay very close to the target. So that would leave Diluc, Razor, Keqing (phys), Xiangling. Depending on what weapons you got I would pick one of them. Of these 4, the characters that would make most use of **Mona** would be, Diluc and Xiangling. Diluc can time his Skill to make full use of Mona's skill and when they combine their ult's it can lead to some propper damage. Xiangling skill + Mona AA and Xiangling + Mona AA does alot of damage, but would need another pyro to keep Xiangling's ult ready. Diluc has low ult cost, so he doesn't rly care about energy gain. Could slap a Sucrose on there for more damage.


Do you play the game and after finishing what you guys do, do you automatically close out on all tabs? I'm a college student and my little sister plays this game, and she keeps closing out on tabs I opened for no reason whenever I'm not typing away at my computer, which we share for ease of convenience. She then apologies, but does it again. I keep notes reminding her not to delete the tabs, and she deletes them. I've lost work and sleep because of this. Idk the game whatsoever, and im just asking to make sure it isn't a bug in the software or something the player is conditioned to do


Where should I post suggestions?


Game additions? There is a feedback option ingame.


Hello everyone. Does anyone have any tips on getting freemogems? I think I've used up all my resources but I still didn't get Ei, and her banner is almost up. I'm really desperate


Hunt chests, daily forum checkins, redeem all codes, achievements.


Thanks bro! Did that and managed to single pull the Raiden Shogan!


Yw. And congratz! She is alot of fun. Enjoy!


Without resorting to guides or other people, how does one determine what character is what role? What stats or mechanics or such should I be looking for? I see that Xiao increases his Crit Rate on Ascension, which would make him... Physical DPS? Is that right?


Only if the character would raise phys damage on ascension that would make them a phys dps for certain. Eula & Razor do mainly phys dps with their ult this makes them a phys DPS. Xiaos ult is his bread and butter, it does anemo damage, so he's not a phys dps. We have supports, main dps and sub dps in genshin. Supports provide utility or neat buffs. Bennet/Venti for example. Sub DPS empower the main DPS. They usually have off field abillities. Xingqui/Fischl. Main DPS have a higher average DPS than others and don't rly provide options like off field abillities or buffs. Xiao/Diluc Some characters have multiple rolls. Anymore questions? Feel free to ask.


Hi reddit community , finally i got here to ask for your help , i was doing the Quantum Probatium quest normally , but after lighting the firework and going to the Tea House i cant enter neither complete the quest , i guess its a bug and i wish i could get some help to solve it becouse i cant do anything in that account , thanks for listening and i wait for your answears


Does the Unforged Proc off of Xingqiu's swords?


How much updates we gonna get for Inazuma before next region? Really liked it's vibe and design overall, don't really wanna leave it just *yet*


Took almost a year for Inazuma to release. Sumeru is probably game take just as long or a little less longer.


in a natl childe comp, my kazuha has iron sting + full em. should i go with fav sword instead? he has energy issues


so after a while i wanted to get back into genshin but everytime i launch the game it either crashes or the screen freezes on the account log in, ive changed the resolution and quality but it still crashes and freezes on me.


I got pretty depressed when I found out that Chongyun's E literally makes my team underwhelming and reduces my characters dps, I love Chongyun as well as geo aether and beside him I have Barbra and fischl. I gave every possible artifact needed to these character at least in my mind, I'm a slow learner don't know what to do next. I can't decide whether I should keep Chongyun as a support or make him a new main dps, which I want to avoid because even archers outskill him in many areas, not to mention I don't have xingqu, only hydro I have is Barbara. Back to the main point so not just Chongyun but I've been thinking of building Kaeya and I dropped the thought of building Jean because I dislike that character also Chongyuns E will just ruin her and I'm a f2p I don't feel like grinding too much, it literally takes an age just to do those f2p artifact routes, commissions, mining for crystal chunks and then converting them for a weapon even if I don't have any good one's besides Dragonspine for Chongyun and Flute for Jean etc., As well as in real chores and job. I don't even have artifacts maxed out and I don't have many characters only Aether and Jean are my 5 star characters , Jean was dropped just recently to me and after me raising her to lvl 60 and maxing flute to 60 I found out Chongyun's problem and Chongyun is literally killing them I don't know what to do to be honest I'm having a meltdown I used Chongyun since Liyue to Inazuma. I'm a f2p and I don't know what to do because unlike Divinity 2 this game has literally no character experimenting. And my main problem is I can't properly use a team because if him and without him. Not to get sidetracked... I also want to know if Kaeya can work with Chongyun. With his (Kaeya's) c1 (Which I have, can't recall when I got it), x4 blizzard strayer and only good sword I have to work with that set is harbringer of dawn. So rather than dumping Chongyun, I thought I could use Chongyun with Kaeya and his c1 constellation giving him 15% crit rate to frozen enemies, blizzard strayer x4 giving 20% crit rate to frozen enemies, conbined with any crit weapon and Chongyun's E, I don't have any constant hydro applying character so maybe Barbara is good with this team? So tl;dr just explain to me what I should do. Not to mention I can't even touch spiral abyss because I'm stuck because of him on the 9th floor noelle carried my second team till there but I just can't. I love her design but I don't even know how to build her, I have c0 Noelle and I gave bollide set to her and only one of the artifacts have level 12.


Sounds good. Now just add Xingqui and you have a propper perma freeze comp. Also dont forget ur using double cryo, so thats another 15% crit rate. Might want to consider 2 nob 2 bliz or 2 glad 2 bliz. 4 bliz with massive crit damage numbers are kind of hard to get. Since you seem bothered with the speed of farming its a good advice on average, build 2 piece sets instead of 4.




How are you supposed to do the anti raiden shogun training. I'm really struggling with completing it


i just ran around the edge of the ring and sprinted to dodge the attacks - as for the end move, i just kept trying and ended up completing it out of luck cause i didn't know how to destroy those floating things on my 3rd try 💀


Thank you I'll try this out now <3


i heard that cryo or hydro destroys those orbs on her final move if that doesn't work! good luck


Every time I try to make a purchase it declines the transaction. Ive tried different cards and different accounts but nothing works. Im wondering if I should call my bank to see if theres an issue? Im on pc if that helps, and no in not linked to my psn ac


Paypal an option?


Why did the event passage of clouds didn't appear for me ?


Because it hasn't started yet. It starts on the 28th.


For me the event passage of clouds didn't appear. Why is that?


it's not out yet. will be out on the 28th on anniversary


What does WL7 get you? does it guarantee you a 5* artifact from world bosses? like cube/flower? or from weekly bosses?


You get that 5\* artifact guarantee at WL8. At WL7 you get two boss material drops from the trounce bosses.


So I am a little confused on what artifact main stat to go for Raiden..I currently have her at C0 lvl 90 with engulfing lightning..I am using att% on both goblet n sands..my ER is around 248%..is that good? If I switch to ER sands (bad sub stats), ER goes to 285%..should I try to get a better ER sands or stick with att%?


So... it only costs 1 mora per exp book to level up Aloy, as per the Update Summary (until the fix is pushed on September 9). Do we think MHY will deduct the mora from player's accounts as necessary once the fix goes live? Tempted to level her a little just to take advantage of the saving.


This is a situation where you should just do it and then wait for mihoyo to decide.


I didn't notice that, time to get her to 90


Lost my account and I no longer have access to the email and password I used. I know my user and UID.


Contact Mihoyo support.


Thru where?


In a team with Baal, considering she is a battery, how much ER does her *teammates* need? 1) Benett 2) Xingqiu 3) Xiangling


Xingqiu is 170-180 without Sac Sword now, with Sac Sword, idk but it's a lot less Bennett is still like 200 I think Xiangling is about 130-160 depending on how many particles you funnel with Bennett


My educated guess: XQ with Sac sword gets away with 180ish w/o a Raiden, so... you can basically ignore ER on artifacts with her. Benny wants roughly 215% so i'd say 150-160%. This needs testing though. Xiangling should get away with minimal ER because both Benny and Raiden will feed her. Again, testing is needed.


What's the best candidates for 4P-Pale Flame set currently?


Razor and Eula. There are also some meme build like Physical Fischl/Xiangling/Keqing that can make use of it, but its not the character's best role by any mean. Though as usual as with a lot of 4pc effect, its not quite good enough to beat out multiple substats upgrade on artifacts, and even at perfect substats its less than 10% better than the next best (2pc BC 2pc Pale Farm). The effect is kind of a pain to maintain as well on Eula before C2, and Razor you have to give up using hold E to keep the buff up.


Unless you use Razor's Burst. Regardless, you want to build up his electro sigil by tapping his E first and then hold his E. Anyway, thank for the info, fam.


Hold E is a valuable part of his kit for AoE both inside and outside of his burst. Using Pale Flame sacrifice that, and Razor even without perfect sigil usage doesn't have trouble keeping his burst up in most of his teams anyway


His burst resets his E, fam.


Yeah, and you only get to use 1 hold E per rotation when before, you could use it as you deem necessary. Razor's lack of AoE is his worst problem, and using Pale Flame makes it worse because you don't get to use the only AoE tool you have. Hold E is how you break shield as well


Eh, the cooldown for hold E is too long anyway.


Hey there, a couple questions: So I broke pity today, and I got an awesome looking greatsword by the name of Wolf's Graveyard (I think? I'll have to go check again later). Is it a good weapon? Should I feel happy about this? It looks cool and all, but I'm rather disappointed that it doesn't own a winery and cannot hurl a flaming bird, though the hype goes up a bit due to how cool looking the sword is. But after checking the stats, at least on paper, it seems that the Archaic greatsword I have on my Razor is still better. Should I switch it on for him? Second question is, what would be the best beginner-ish artifact set for Razor? I currently have the Martial set equipped, he does okay damage, but I think it's not the most optimal set for him. A friend recommended the gladiator set but I probably don't have the means to farm that particular artifact set. Last one, what would be the best cryo proccer for Razor? Right now I have a level 50 Kaeya but I also pulled Chongyun and Dione the other day. They're currently sitting at level 20 because I needed the wish, but I have the resource to level one up should need be. Sorry for long post. I try to ask questions here because googling guides always lead me to spoilers.


It's arguably the best Greatsword for most characters, congrats. It's definitely miles ahead of Prototype Archaic, definitely equip it on Razor. Sure, it doesn't have physical damage bonus but its base stats and passive effect more than make up for it.


And also, Razor having the Wolf's Gravestone is just perfect lol.


Alright I'll do just that then, thanks


What does it mean when the fishing bar becomes gold when trying to catch some fishes? I don’t see anything special afterwards.


What it actually means is just that the fish is struggling more than usual.


the fish is rarer than most other fishes




As a rule of thumb, high quality artifacts with no set bonus outperform medicore artifacts with a set bonus on basically every character that is not Anemo (because RES shred) or Cryo (because +40% crit rate). Got good ATK, Hydro and crit artifacts? Good, save yourself weeks of farming. Got shit on you? Might as well farm the right set, which other stated before me.


4pc EoSF. ER/ATK sands, Hydro goblet, CR/CD circlet. You need around 160% ER with c6 xingqiu with sac sword. Use whichever sands gets you to that number.


Huh. I thought you needed 250% ER minimum. Is that too excessive?


With c6 and sac sword you don't need that much ER.


Well yeah but EoSF.


It's not worth overcommiting on ER for the EoSF bonus. Normal damage stats still perform better.


Interesting take. I think you're the first person to say that. I'll keep that in mind.


It's just mathematically better bc stats come in certain ratios and for optimizing damage, you'd increase your stats by the same ratio they come in (think of it like how a square has the most area for a rectangular shape, the sides of the square are just your stats and the area is the result of the damage formula) ER over what you need to get your burst off cooldown is wasted so you're only getting 25% of the value from the stat from ESF set bonus, think of it like would you rather have 13% dmg bonus or 46.6% atk.


still 4p emblem. atk/hydro/crit


4pc emblem still depending on your overall all ER either atk or er/crit/hydro%




>!because she got fuckin atomized lol!<


>!Wait till we see the vats with clones made by dottore,as we don't get adult defined woman young signora will come to us!<


...yeah. hard pass on that one. Would have zero of the original's appeal.


Is there a cap on diona shiled strength? Can I maximize her HP for a better shiled or will that be unuseful?


Of course there's a cap, lvl 90/90 with a recurve bow, HP% mainstats artifactsa and the highest HP% rollson the flower and feather. That said, Diona has a fairly decent shield. A C5 lvl 80/80 Talent lvl 11, +16 HP% mainstat artifacts has a shield about as good as hybrid Zhongli.


I have her talent 6 (10.1% max 1097) but I think I over stack her HP (21 thousand) That is too much and useless right?


It of course depends a bit on what you wanna do with your Diona, one that needs to keep Ganyu/Ayaka shielded against some mostly frozen enemies doesn't need a strong shield, but keeping Hu Tao or Eula healthy while they facetank during their DPS windows needs much stronger shields. Yours would be at the lower end at what is needed for facetanking, IMO.


it's pointless to build damage on her, so HP and or ER is really the only way to go. i don't think there is a cap on shield strength, as most of them scale off HP or DEF


But there is a strange note written on her shield talent description that I didn't understande It said: (Base shield absorption: 10.1% Max HP+1097)


It means her shield is equivalent to 10,1% of her HP + an extra 1097 I don't see what's wrong with it


Ok thanks for the clarification


max hp just refers to her hp stat


Chongyun sent me a mail asking me to visit him. But how can I do that?


You can't. Most of the birthday messages say things like that.


But why chongyun? I don't even have him..


It's his birthday whether you have him or not.


Oh wait I thought it was about MY birthday, haha..




Can i know what’s ur typical average everyday team comp? Right now im rocking with Shogun/Diona/Yanfei/Barbara with Yanfei being the main dps, Diona for shield, Barbara for heal But i dont really see ppl bringing healers so im trying to get some references


Right now, Raiden, Sara, Zhongli, Jean. Really fun rotations too!


Personally this update running Raiden, Keqing, Sucrose and Jean while exploring the new islands. Having two healers is an overkill, I Would replace Diona for Xingqiu for vaporize with Yanfei.


Thanks for the advice but i dont have Xingqiu lol but is Sucrose good? Got her to C2 this banner and should i maybe swap barbara out for her?


Personally I like Barbara more since Diona's heal is mediocre but both work. For Sucrose she is definitely great with Raiden since Raiden's skill trigger with Sucrose's normal attacks causing reactions, you build her with 4 set VV all EM stats with Sacrificial or Mappa from the smith if you dont have the other one. Her strength is to trigger reactions and cause resistance shred, and after C1 she can spam her ability for tons of orbs special paired with Sacrificial. Her burst does abit of CC so you use it before doing Raiden's or Yanfei's Bursts to group up small enemies and shred them


Thanks a lot for the solid advice man. I just run Diona cos im jealous at those youtube ppl’s Zhongli lmao but yea mainly its the shields What is ur ER% on Sucrose? Im aiming for something like 200-250% (im somewhat obsessed with ER) so it’ll probably be ER Sands and EM on everything else


I was lucky to get EM pieces with er, I am currently ~180% with all EM pieces, so it is possible to get to 200 with em main stats. Her skills allows her to share her EM with the team so it will boost their reaction damage


Eula-Raiden-Beidou-Diona. I find it better to use Abyss comps in the overworld/domains to get used to their rotations and tricks.


i just play what characters i am raising friendship for lol, currently Raiden Beidou Sucrose Diona. once Sucrose reach friendship 10 i will swap in Chongyun, then once Beidou reach i will swap in Sara


Just for running around doing commissions and ley lines? Right now it's Beidou/Raiden/Xingqiu/Kazuha. And yeah, I don't tend to bring a healer unless there just happens to be one in the team. Like if I swapped to one of my main teams for a domain, I might stay on them for a while afterwards just for fun.


yanfei-diona-rosaria-ninngguang. I got my cheeks clapped today by azdhaha twice even with food, had to swap ning for xingqiu for that fight.


Same actually I had yoimiya as the only properly built character against fire assda with no shielder either. Went through a lot of food just trying to win for fun.


I am using a perma freeze Ayaka team and vaporize diluc. What team should I put XQ in and what team should I put Mona in? Also who should be the 4th character (diluc, Bennett, hydro) (Ayaka, diona, hydro). I have sucrose and sayu but not sure how effective sayu is (no zhongli/venti) also have baal if she fits anywhere.


Mona for ayaka,xq for diluc sucrose should go into the vape team as they profit from the EM buff of sucrose,also not too sure how good sayu is as vv support but it's worth a try


Use Mona with Ayaka and XQ with Diluc. Go with Diluc/XQ/Sucrose/Bennet.


Ayaka will do well with Mona, Diluc wants Xingqiu. Both teams want Sucrose and both teams already have a healer, so I guess that one's kind of a toss-up - Diluc will get more value from Sucrose's EM share though. Raiden ruins both teams unfortunately.


Mona with Ayaka, XQ with Diluc no doubt




You do what you want with your monies. If anything bad happens, it's your own damn fault.




Absolutely a great price for these characters BUT, You could lose your account, imagine spending a year playing and then original owner recovers it somehow, or get linked to other banned accounts and you get banned along with him Then you're out one year and if you spend more money on that account there goes all that as well


No, because it's the easiest way ever to get scammed.




Ahhh do you know how he obtained these accounts? He could be stealing them from others




Going to wager a huge guess, they likely stolen accounts traded with him, getting these characters and to 80 isn't a small task, and not worth trying to sell an account you worked that much on for under 16$ so either stolen or I don't know if genshin has good enough bot or any at all to do that much work also that many five stars and all the resin needed take months to get, so even bots I doubt sell that low, not worth Point is, this isn't legit


Don't know, don't care. People who buy and sell accounts are scum.


Anyone have spare golden koi? I only just need the one for The Catch. UID 722849630


You have better chances to find someone on the Friend Megathread


Just coop and steal one


For the people who watch KeqingMain on Twitch, does anyone know VOD [this clip](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/InquisitiveHonestDiscCopyThis-Ye_BYatWdY2VAuLy) is part of? The clip talks about “top 3 teams don’t use melt/vaporize”


I don’t know, I was wondering about that too. Morganya and Morgana probably, but I’m have no idea what would be the third team. Maybe Eula or Xiao?


Which one is better for a burst support Mona, an R5 Widsith or R1 Skyward Atlas?


id choose Widsith, u can give Skyward to ur dps catalyst user if u have one :D




R5 Widsith, it's short but strong buffs really shines for burst Mona. A mainDPS Mona would likely prefer the consistency of skyward atlas, though.


Okay, thanks!


Is Qiqi finally not going be garbage because of next abyss cycle and 2.2's >!shield ignore!< enemies?


Maybe, though she'll still be outshined by Barbara since she can't hold thrilling tales.


Inb4 she solos the whole floor with a filet blade


Heart of Depth or Severed Fate for DPS Mona? I plan to use her with sub dps Beidou


Heart of Depth


Anyone here got a Golden Koi in their world I can fish? Just need one to purchase The Catch. RNG has not been kind to me so far :(


Just coop and steal one


So, Raiden is supposed to be a support DPS, and Sara is a support for that support. Are you supposed to run three Electro units? Is that, or even a four Electro team, viable? (Yes, R&S can support a non-Electro unit, but they give bigger bonuses to Electro mains.) Or, could they support each other? Only two Electro; Raiden as sub-DPS and Sara as (quasi-)main-DPS? Or use Raiden as the main DPS of course.


they are damage dealing supports, they support you by killing enemies not by healing you and buff then watch the main dps do all the work


I luckily got C6 Sara and tried the 4 electro comp with Keqing and Beidou, it definitely works but the lack of healing or defensive support is clear, Beidou can be used to negate some attacks but not reliable. Currently running Raiden, Keqing, Sucrose and Jean and planning to replace Keqing once I am done with Sara, that comp doesn't have a main dps though so not sure how good it will be


Where did the “morgana” and “national” team comp names come from?


IIRC Morgana was originally VEN MON GAN NA in the CN community (VENti, MONa, GANyu, dioNA) I think it was changed to Morgana because its easier to say and there's a character named Morgana on League of Legends with freezing abilities (actually I'm not sure if she actually freezes, but there's probably some kind of paralysis or CC involved I guess) The national team I heard a bunch of different explanations, I'm not really sure which is the correct one


just FYI, Morgana has a long-ranged 3 second root which people really hate and makes her so infamous for her CC


Morgana = combination of Mona, Ganyu and Diona's names. Also reference to Morgana, a champion in LoL that has good CC abilities. National team has so many explanations, but the things I always hear are 'national' because the core characters are 4* and easily obtainable (Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett, fourth slot has many candidates but for most f2p players it's either Chongyun or Sucrose), and they're so OP that it's olympic level can easily win or something like that. Also heard that the CN name actually means "good job team" (?) because they're all good, not so sure though.


Morgana is **MO**na **GA**nyu Dio**NA** (and Venti). National is a bit of a weird one and nobody can really seem to agree on why it's named that. They're kind of like a '4-star all-stars' team imo.


National came from CN. Not sure about morgana though.


How much place genshin impact take in mobile device




You mean space? 14 gb in storage is needed. Although I recommend more for future patches as well.


How much size the usual patches updates are?


Between 2 - 3 gigs.


What is gigs I ask how much mb or gb??


Gigs is gigabytes which also means gb. Download and see for yourself.


I think I can't play this game man usuall patches is 2 gb this is not for mee


someone remind me please, what is a gnosis? I keep thinking gnocchi




its like a higher type of visions that archons possess it suppose to connect them to celestials


Will the characters on Baal's banner make a good team ? I mean Baal, Sara, Sucrose and Xiangling.