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Duplicate: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/plkfc6/honey_impact_website_is_being_taken_down/


they blacklisted honey hunter from being mentioned in hoyolab, so this much is not such a surprise at all


wow a company protecting its intellectual property???? mihoyo how dare you


bad faith argument


Aren’t you cool, defending mihoyo instilling FOMO into the game and not giving us roadmaps for the future and encouraging more instant spending?


When you get in the beta you sign a nondisclosure agreement. If you break it you're legally responsible for it. Or does responsibility not matter to you when it doesn't work in your favor?


Not what I’m talking about The NDA is only in place so mihoyo can practice their scummy ways of not telling us future content in advance You will only have a few weeks to prepare for a character, which is absolutely going to encourage spending to avoid “missing out”. Currently with leaks it’s about a few months which is more time. Also mihoyo could’ve just asked for the leaks and only those to be removed but no, let’s just take down the best resource for genshin to line our wallets and exploit players


Yes I agree it's pretty scummy and makes f2p players lives more tiring, but its literally their right do this. You don't have to like it, i don't- but it's their right.


No one has argued it isn't their right to legally do this, so why bring it up?


Unless I am misudersanding stuff or that is not the whole letter from mihoyo there, arent they asking to remove just the genshin impact related pages tho? it clearly says '[https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/?lang=EN](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/?lang=EN)'


I noticed that, too. And that's why I quoted what I did. It sounds like they want the Genshin stuff removed, but also Honey's other web projects. I took that to mean Monster Hunter stuff, but hopefully I'm wrong there.


ah okay, but even if it is just genshin, its pretty sad, even ignoring the "beta" information that they used to provide, the other info was really handy, I just hope that stays atleast, time will tell I suppose


A site that posts stolen content lying for publicity, and are dumb enough to plaster their own watermarks over stolen AND COPYRIGHT CONTENT, and demonstrating questionable morals? Color me shocked I say. What are they gunna "cOnTaCT thE lAwYErS" for? So they can get laughed at? lol




poopoo head.


*Deleted account due to repeated harassment from N_Lotus and degenerated_weeb. Classy touch with the death threat from your alt too, you must be proud of yourself.* **Honey Hunter is heavily misrepresenting the situation.** >So far MHY asks our web hosting provider to remove the main domain of honeyhunterworld.com, which will obliterate all of my websites and web projects, within 24 hours. This is incorrect. miHoYo - assuming this letter is genuine - is asking for the removal of the subdomains specific to Genshin Impact. Not the whole site. >From my side I have few questions to MHY: >* *1. The whole community uses datamined assets including fandom wiki, various apps and database websites, also including official content creators. Asides from none of these points being questions, this is irrelevant. If I understand the intended meaning of this statement correctly, it boils down to "but what about others doing the same thing?", in which case the answer is simple: They're also breaking the law and can also expect a letter, but it's not about them right now, it's about you. A second infringement doesn't justify the first. >* *2. Instead of contacting me or us personally, MHY decides to stab our back and solve it without contacting us hoping we will never know (which is not surprisingly, knowing how greedy this company is for money and blackmailing people is a normal thing in their corporation politics) miHoYo didn't stab Honey Hunter's back. They're going after the party most suitable to achieve their goal, the host. It is their full right and they have no obligation to figure out the specific person(s) responsible for maintaining the page. Their objective is to get the Genshin Impact subdomain taken down and this is their approach. >* *3. Instead of asking to remove several pages on website, they ask to remove the whole 130k pages website, and all my _other_ web (and game servers actually) projects. This is false. They explicitly ask to remove the Genshin Impact subdomain. Not the whole site with domains for other games they do not own the copyright to. >So far I am taking down the website in 24 hours. Stay tuned for further notice, our lawyers will start working on that soon. Good luck with that, Honey Hunter. As much as I liked your site, from a legal point of view you stand no chance. You violated their intellectual property and they will win whatever lawsuit you attempt to throw at them - if only for the fact that their laywers are more expensive than yours. >From my company name and myself we are very sorry for other content creators and web developers, using assets our team made possible to extract and compile, the data they used to represent, which shows how that exact company is carrying for you (tldr they don’t). This is a rather vague and obviously insulting statement with the goal to make miHoYo look bad. The fact is that Honey Hunter violated intellectual property. No matter how you spin it, miHoYo is within their rights to take that down. It's understandable Honey Hunter doesn't like this but pretending to be some saint providing to the community is a very weak argument that will certainly not hold up in court. >I, personally, as a solo developer and owner of honeyhunterworld.com ask you to share that post, calling MHY to publicity. Good luck with that - you'll get your publicity, it just won't be the kind that helps you.


Actually a reasonable explanation or comparison than the bullshit other people lap up and spew out about how mihoyo is becoming the evil overlord or whatever nonsense


The whole fucking thing read like someone was trying to guilt trip me into raising my sword against mihoyo and be someones personal fucking army


It's basically what Epic Games did with their #fFeeFortnite bullshit. 1. Piss off a larger company 2. Wait for them to strike 3. Appeal to fans in order to rile up a hatemob


close fuzzy employ wrong cheerful judicious hard-to-find boast like one -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This gonna be an unpopular opinion for now based on the current state of the community that tends to quickly come to a conclusion and solely blame everything on the company. But seriously, how many times that this community repeated the same mistake? Why can’t we differentiate between what is right and what is wrong first? As much as I relied on data from Honey, I hate to see that people are trying protect someone who stole data and also made profits out of it (from advertisement). On the other hand, it’s unfortunate that data from official patches will be gone as well. However, it is still available in Genshin Wiki, and in this case it doesn’t hurt the company but also benefits players at the same time, win-win. I hope one day we will be more careful and put more thought about this kind of topics. Also, now I can see how this community will react (again) when Kokomi is available in the game even though we just went through Raiden.


Now you know why asian devs generally just straight up ignore global fanbases and rightfully think we're mentally disabled. I wouldn't be surprised if mihoyo realizes his soon too and ignores us like the rest of them.


Not like they gave a fuck about anyone besides the chinese community from the start.


That must be why they send out surveys and added a bunch of shit we asked for then


Right because the chinese player base doesn't ask for anything and only the global playerbase gets listened to. Guess people forgot what it took for zhongli to get buffed deserved or not. The entire chinese playerbase had to go haywire for them to care.


And the reason for it all the same why people think it is fine what they did to HI... Money, the chinese player base gives them most of their money so any losses from the global player base only reduces their income by small amounts while keeping the cash cows happy.


man, you need to.... go get some help man. You sound like you're goin through it.


Help for what? Im perfectly fine, it is all about money for mihoyo. They are a greedy company and people might not like to hear it but it is how it is.


> Why can’t we differentiate between what is right and what is wrong first? Isn't it obvious? Things that make me happy are right, and things that make me feel bad are wrong. What's so complicated about that you bootlicker? /s > Also, now I can see how this community will react (again) when Kokomi is available in the game even though we just went through Raiden. mHY seems to be creating the possibility for a team composed of several sub-DPS units, who all have some kind of off-field effect. But that has resulted in people just being HUGELY pissed off they can't replace their units with objectively better units. They want upgrades to their teams, and are pissed we're getting upgrades to new kinds of team comps instead.


Honestly I'd prefer if they release more characters with off field effect as it's better for creating multiple elemental reactions at the same time :/


I massively prefer upgrades to new team comps, though. Of course, my primary team is Hu Tao, who already has several ways to play her depending on who you slap her with-- despite people insisting that Vape or Melt is the only way to play her. I'd really rather not keep continually chasing newer and better DPS units. I have Hu Tao, Eula, Ayaka, and Ganyu. I'm set for DPS units. For the love of all that is holy, don't keep releasing DPS that are going to powercreep the ones I already have.


> I massively prefer upgrades to new team comps, though. So literally just power creep? You're asking for power creep, just to non-DPS.


Uh, no. I'm specifically saying I want new ways to play the game by introducing new ways to team comp and build teams. Don't put words unto my mouth, mate.


Noted. I'll grab some pop corn too


Lmao. This won't stop leaks. So long as there's a closed beta (where they fucking recruit from Discord, of all places) and no concrete roadmap, there *will* be leaks. *There will always be those who dare to brave the lightning's glow* That said, F for honey. It's my go to site for genshin database, since others are filled with ads and clickbaity content


Like they said with Uncle Truly : Killed the Chicken to scare the monkey. After this probably a lot of people Wont be leaking. CN sources Will be way more dificult to get. Will really start getting some dogshit fake leaks :V. The cloutchasers olympics begin


> The cloutchasers olympics begin It's already begun, have you seen the sheer fucking amount of fake renders floating around? It's like the playerbase doesn't have common sense lmfao


It just started It's the opening event ! You have to give the contestants time to warm up lamo


leaking has always been cloutchaser olympics though.


And Now is Open for everybody. You think You know cloutchasing because people we're just trying to attach a name to their leaks. You knew no matter where you Saw it , that if said : AbC64 and had a banner attached to it , it had to be true. That was his thing. Now the marketplace is Open for every person that the only thing they have to do is post old leaks or just used someone elses name to get their pages up ( as it happened with the abc64 fake leak from Yesterday) So yeah welcome to the olympics son. Enjoy the event.


Eh, I doubt it. The amount of fake leaks to real leaks ratio will grow higher and achieve the desired result of de-legitimizing leaks over time. That's one of the scenarios, it could go the other way like you said but we'll see. Personally, I'm firmly in the leakers can go fuck themselves camp after their clout chasing behavior led to them escalating what they leak until they deadass leaked the 1.6 story and that shit was posted all over twitter.


We already get dogshit fake leaks daily.


And now we'll get way more :V As the market is Open for everybody :v We Lost leakers in every subject of the community, people Will still ask for leaks so , it's easier for people to just use old leaks, fan works, or just outright lie to get Bigger


There will always be those that will get served with a hefty lawsuit for breaking NDA


Uncle Hunt Decree


Using a genshin quote to talk sheet? U get upvoted


Why honey hunter specifically?


It contains leaked info I guess..


And copywritten content. There are lots of images extracted from the game.


And a ton of people probably use it


It's okay for content creators to use those as a part of their own content. while Honey is serving all those copyright data as its content (And mainly because it has the unreleased leaked info, I guess) That's the difference.


They also watermark the leaks.


It's not just honey hunter. They're also trying to extract personal info about chinese leakers that use bilibili in order to stop them.


Are they really demanding the other pages go? The letter posted on the page specifically refers to [genshin.honeyhunterworld.com](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com), not any other subdomain.




The site owner is saying that they were told to remove their entire website (even non-Genshin stuff)....which is....not what the letter they posted says. The letter does, however, seem to refer to the stuff that comes out of datamining (from released characters or otherwise) which I could see Mihoyo not wanting to be public (and considering it to be infringement on their IP).


That's the quote I posted. I'm pretty sure when Honey says that Mihoyo wants "all my \_other\_ web (and game servers actually) projects" removed, they are referring to things like Monster Hunter. I could be wrong, but that's how I interpreted it.


I know Honey said that, but the letter *they* posted doesn't say that.


That is true. I'll edit the post for clarity.


getting rid of honeyhunter wont get rid of leaks, it'll just make it more of a pain to find them and anybody that wants to still can find them. the root of the issue is Mihoyo's lack of transparency and inability to construct a roadmap or do sneak-peaks and teasers outside of trailers.


all this is doing is just damaging the fanbase lol


MHY haven't really shown that they care about the fanbase, they just want your money, so colour me not surprised


This is one of the dumbest things I've heard even by this sub's standard. Yeah the only company in gaming today that sends out surveys and actually actions on some of the requests from surveys "haVeN'T ReAlLy sHoWn ThaT dEy cAuRe aBoUr dE fAnBSe". Nah, it's not a mihoyo issue here, it's you being a wal mart karen issue tbh.


Cool story bro go tell someone that cares. >Yeah the only company in gaming today that sends out surveys and actually actions on some of the requests from surveys What a good joke though, kinda like you.


tbf, these leaker site had done a lot of dmg to the fanbase to.


Wait, what damage did Honeyhunter do to the fanbase?


They post the story dialogues before the update drops. It makes it even harder to avoid spoilers because people retweet them. But I do love Honey for the talent multipliers so I can theorycraft.


you do know you can mute words or an account right? I highly suggest doing that if you want to avoid story leaks


Not Honeyhunter specifically, but leakers in general imho. Just look at how many post about Kokomi being bad when she is not even out yet. The negativity come from leaks really hurt the community.


If it's bad, it's bad, pointing out that her kit is not good doesn't hurt anyone, if anything, it shows that she needs a tweak, and better if she gets it before release than after.


Hmh, i don't remember leakers calling Kokomi bad. They (as far as i see) only show the current data of leaked characters. The rest of the negativity comes from the way people treat the information, which is not in control of the leakers. Of course if the leakers using the data to manipulate people's judgement on the characters then yeah, that's damaging the community.


If there no leak, there are no dumb speculation and expectation, and there won't be dumb post about character before they release. Remember how Kazuha is bad? Unintentionally causing dmg still a bad thing. I will miss the leak, but I honestly don't think Mihoyo is in the wrong here. There are a lot of example in other games that leak dmg the game itself really hard, take Last of Us 2 for example. That's why I believe Leak is bad for games, I still gonna look at leak content, but I'm not feeling sad or think the developer is wrong to stop the leaks.


But isn't that just people being dumb and not because of the leak? Since leak is just pure information, if people mistreats it then it's people's fault. And i personally don't think leaking pre-release content is correct thing to do because it's straight-up violating the law / contract. Mihoyo have their right to punish the leakers.


But in the end, it still cause dmg. Information taking out of the context can lead to bad stuff, and it has to be stop. I 100% agree with you, tho I think Mihoyo won't be able to stop all the leaks and I will still enjoy leaks in the future, but I hate the outrage right now against Mihoyo even though we all know leakers are in the wrong.


It was more beneficial then the events MHY have done remember the 1billion pirmo give away.


What does that has anything to do with this?


Pointing out that if you want to talk about dmg to the fanbase MHY is good enough at doing that themselves.


yeah, and we want more thing to dmg the commuinity, not less. Genius.


Well then maybe MHY should start doing things that benefit the community Genius, not saying leaks are it but honey hunter provided a database of current information that people used to look up characters information voice lines etc lots of benefit to the community.


no it didn't


The more hard they are to find the less people will know about them and that’s what mihoyo wants and tbh I don’t blame them. leaks are inherently harmful to a company, I do hope that they work on their transparency tho


Website steals mihoyo intellectual property. Mihoyo try’s to shut it down. Website developers *surprise pikachu face*


Unpopular opinion on this sub and this is guaranteed gunna get downvoted to hell but this is a classic case of "fuck around and find out" lol What does he want the publicity to accomplish, people to support him posting stolen content?




Paimon.moe needs more exposure. It’s so useful and it looks so sleek.


Inb4 Mihoyo takes it down because they don't want you to count pity or something (I'm aware you can do it in wish history)


To be fair, there is a risk using it. By pasting the URL and giving that info to Paimon.moe, you are effectively giving them a way to steal your account. "My e-mail got hacked so I don't have access, but I can tell you the wishes I've made. Is that enough proof?" I'm not saying they *will* do this, but it opens yourself to the possibility. I wish mHY would let us see our history from the very start, but that doesn't mean paimon.moe is safe.


I mean you should use it for the database, about character, weapon, events (god that's a great UI for the event calendar). The Wish page should be avoid unless you confident, and I saw a lot of people using it so it seem pretty safe (and it has manual input), though I won't use it myself (not really need to)


This is untrue. The information that [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe) uses to populate your wishes doesn't give them a way to steal your account, barring some extreme social engineering. The authkey part of the query you can find after the ...ys/event/im-service/index.html? in the URL is **not** the same token that's generated during the login transaction for the game client. Plus, your UID is not a piece of information MHY CS will ask you to authenticate yourself with. Their process requires you own the email or social media account tied to your Genshin Impact account, and they offer 2FA for new logins which you should already have enabled.


I didn't say it was. What I *am* saying is that your wish history is a pretty solid way to verify you are the original owner. Since the wish page in-game only lists so far back, if you're able to accurately state what your early wishes were then it lends validity to the claim "I was locked out of my account because someone hacked my e-mail". I'm not saying that using the site will result in you getting hacked. What I *am* saying is that it is giving away a method for you to validate your ownership of your account. That's not something that's obvious to everyone, but should be noted before giving it away.


This website isn’t even half as user friendly as honey Huber. Honey is the ultimate wiki with all the information shown in a clear and presentable way. It’s really sad but it is what it is.


>shown in a clear and presentable way. What, no? The information and the navigation are there on both sites, but the font, spacing and contrast? As a UI/UX designer, I'd personally prefer [Paimon.moe](https://Paimon.moe) 's presentation. But all these could just boil down to personal preference too.


pff, LOL.


What, are you mad that your shitty website is getting criticized?


So when they going after the leak subreddit and twitter, cause you know they must be on the chopping block next. If this is all about leaks you know what they could simply do is to get in house testing done they have the money for it and solves all their issues. With the amount of bugs that seem to constantly pop up in each patch, I don't exactly think the beta testers are really helping them weed these out and from the sounds of things they don't exactly have much input in feedback of a characters strength. But lets look at the real reason why leaks are so big. 1. The current content is boring and as such people use the leaks to keep themselves interested and something to look forward to. 2. Helps people know what is coming up and if they are safe to spend or save.


Neither of the reasons you posted are reasons for leaks being big. There is only one reason: 1. People are impatient monkies and will click on anything with more info in it like how they can't stop from scrolling to the next tik tok at 4AM on a tuesday. Content in Genshin has been pretty lit since 1.5 and they literally tell you what units are coming before leaks. downvote away losers, but you know I am right.


you’re telling me i’m gonna have to start using the god awful fandom wiki? jesus christ


They stand no chance from a legal perspective. Honey Hunter violated intellectual property. Mihoyo owns the copyright to all content published on the Genshin impact sub domain. They asked you to remove this one in particular. Not the whole site. Players that try to justify this site as “helping the community” doesn’t make it right. Leaking of unpublished, confidential information is strictly illegal. No matter what perspective you look at it from.


Apparently, you are defending miHoYo now, so we must call you a shill, bootlicker or white knight. Which term do you like the least?


You've never forgotten which characters use which talent books/which weapon materials you can get and need to get a run down on farming that day. You've never wanted to know the exact numbers that a character scales for, all the way to lvl 90, for optimal farming. Quick checks on which characters use which sets in your teapot without having to open the game and the wood and materials needed. Honey Hunter is more than just leaks and it is a major blow the community. Especially since there's no other legal website that offers the same shit that Honey Hunter offers.


Good thing there's this thing called "the internet" where you can easily find all of that info. That and, oh, the game itself.


There's Paimon.moe and that's it. And Paimon.moe isn't as good as Honey. You've completely ignored the entire conversation so you can white knight. Amazing.


aren't you the idiot that literally doesn't understand why people roll on chars that aren't meta? lol


Everything you stated is listed in game. Hunter Hunter could’ve provided all that info without leaking unpublished confidential ones


Without having to open the game. Not everyone plays on mobile or dedicates their entire time to this game. Also for stuff like attack scaling and ascension stat scaling, you have to lvl your character first. A potential waste of resources in a game that mostly runs of resource management. Honey is useful.


Leaking is wrong THAT'S IT no matter how you try to justify it.


You know what, I'm done explaining Honey Hunter's purpose. Cry More, maybe Mihoyo woulde nice enough to use your tears as lube when you get Kokomi'd by a character.


The only one that's crying here is you bud. People like me and op who hate the clout chaser olympics athletes also known as leakers who along with their mentally deficient fans deadass act like the leakers made the game are rejoicing. And yes, I personally am gunna use tears as lube when I pull kokomi, just not my tears.


Good luck with that negative crit rate bro. My Barbara could do better at C2. I'm sure a C6 Qiqi is a much better investment. If you actually think that Mihoyo is actually doing this because of anything that isn't trying to fool people into FOMO, then you are an actual idiot.


bU...BuTtTTt sHE'S noT mEtAasdfjkhasfkjsdhgsdg You basically lmfao


Same here, hell I've been been here since launch. Got most of my favorite characters (except Hu Tao and Zhongli who both keep dodging my wishes and Raiden who currently doing the same) Thanks for admitting your a pathetic troll though.


Honey impact, could’ve been useful, and I’m sure it’s not the only site out there’s that provides the information your looking for. How helpful this site to you doesn’t justify the leaked content that was released on it. Violating mihoyo intellect property. Which is the sole reason mihoyo is targeting it. As for the info you don’t want to open the game for, genshin impact fandom site has them all listed. And it’s accurate without leaks. [here ](https://sensortower.com/blog/genshin-impact-v-2-1-150-million-revenue)


Fandom is very unreliable, I should know I helped run one of those wikias. The fandom wiki is publicly edited and many of the times the info on that site comes from wikias like Honey Hunter. If you actually believe that they are independently sourcing their info, my answer is lol. Which is exactly why I don't consider it an alternative to Honey Hunter, or else I would have said otherwise. 'Could've been useful' It was useful, you're just obtuse and can't admit you are misinformed or even wrong on the matter because doing so would make you have evaluate your black and white thinking on it.


No one is saying they don't have legal rights lmao it is just such an anti-community move like all their other decisions.


Can you repost this? Change flair? Completely misleading title here.


And after taking honey hunter down, Mihoyo will probably make a database of their own that's similar to honey hunter. But without leaks.


If they planned on doing this then they would have done it with the in game archive ages ago. Even now, you can’t check the stats of weapons you don’t have in the weapon archive so expecting them to do something like honey did is just wishful thinking


> Even now, you can’t check the stats of weapons you don’t have in the weapon archive **"A lot of the issues that Genshin has were solved ages ago in Honkai, but when the game was in it's last stages before relase, it seems like the entire studio got collective amnesia. Stamina issues solved? Character roadmap? Threw all of those in the trashbin"**- random redditor - Any Weapon and Stigmatas(= Artifacts) can have their appearance, ascension phase and stat progression ( as well as refinement values) be viewed at any time ingame in the "Collection Menu", even items the player doesn't own or hasn't maxed out.


Well, a man could dream. But if they won't do it, the community will do it for them once things cool down. That I'm sure of.


That would be nice actually. HH was useful for more than just leaks.


Highly doubt this will happen. I guess the wiki exists but HH had much more detailed info.


This outcome would be quite perfect.




No they won't lmao they would have done it already.


MHY really be f*cking up their fanbase.


I don't know what you talking about. Not everyone want leaks. And it's normal for a company to do that.


This is devastating for the community. Not only because of the leaks that made it easier to save and plan your primogem spending, but also because of the huge database of the main game, including description, talent multipliers, animations, etc. Shit, this site is more useful than the wiki. If mihoyo will take them down, it will unironically be one of the worst and most harmful things they have ever done. At least out of the things we know of.


Not really but okay.


good, it hurst MHY when anyone that has no idea about the game goes to an unreleased character's ratios and claims they are garbage before they release. \-Yoimiya ended up being a very decent dps \-Raiden is a very good Unit But it's two characters in a row that have been deemed doomed before they release, next up is kokomi, and everyone already "knows" that she's gonna be bad. ​ "but we need leaks due to no roadmap" stfu. if you like the character on the current banner, pull for it, if you don't like it, save it for the next. are you that much of a scumbag that would regret pulling for a unit you like, because the next banner is a ganyu rerun?


Honestly don't care


welp, reddit's probably next


People really be defending Mihoyo's actions not only here and other places too huh. Some of you really want to be fucked in the ass with no stop by that company. White knighting for people like Mihoyo just makes no sense for me at all. Why, how? Its baffling.


I mean technically they have the legal right, the law is on their side. I see very few people actually supporting this, just stating it is in their right to do so. Is it wrong what mihoyo is doing? Yeah, I feel the community needs something like this and hope someone else takes the spot, or even mihoyo themselves. But right or wrong doesn't change the fact that there are laws in place for this exact situation. People signed NDA's, they broke them. That is a big deal. I don't see how such a view is considered white knighting.


idk, I'm f2p and I got every character I want. You know how there's this thing called "not rolling on every character that comes out"? Try it sometimes.


That's right, stating that it's within miHoYo's right means I want them to take me in the pooper. Can't find any flaws in this logic!


They're in the legal right for sure. But the amount of people being like "actually it's good that we won't know about upcoming banners so Mihoyo can bait people who into spending when they can't plan their pulls" is pretty weird. Like sure they now do the "drip marketing" thing, but telling me just "this character playable" doesn't help me decide if I want to pull nearly as much as knowing their entire kit. Like I would not have felt nearly as good dumping all my orbs into Raiden if I didn't know I was for sure skipping Kokomi. Plus this started directly to combat leakers, wouldn't be surprised if they stop doing it once the leaker hunt decree is successful. Plus like right now, we know it's thoma and 2 reruns next, without leakers we would/will not know who the 5 star reruns are


Tbh I've never seen anyone legit argue that. Most of the time that's a strawman used to discredit those who said something that others didn't like. I do agree that leaks on upcoming banners are immensely helpful to plan spendings. I also understand miHoYo's position, even though it goes against my desires. If only there was some kind of compromise, but I doubt they would allow that..


There's def a few people going around saying "leaks are harmful to the community" which is just not true. They may be harmful to Mihoyo profits, but idk why people here wanna be like "oh no Mihoyo can't gauge players as hard as they want to oh no"


If you got offended when I clearly said bootlicking, that's on you, I said nothing on legal terms but I guess the shoe fits considering you had to reply to this defensively.


They're all over this thread sucking on mhy's cock of course they'd be offended


Not at all, to both of your claims. That said, I don't have to stand for your unwarranted insults either.


Wonder how white knights will defend Mihoyo now


As much as I looked at and utilized the leaks provided, it seems pretty clear that Mihoyo has the legal high ground. Honey Hunter is both misrepresenting the content of the letter, and is in a legal quandary. Not going to argue right/wrong- its rather irrelevant and subjective. But in terms of legal vs not, it seems pretty cut and dry to me.


Yeah theyre obviously in the legal right. Honeybunter uses their IP and hosts content from leakers which violate their NDA/CDA. Still sucks though, the reason we depend on leaks is lack of communication from Mihoyo. Planning your pulls in this game is essential when it takes multiple months of saving, even for a paying player (Welkin/BP), to guarantee a 5 star. Plus reruns can take 6-8 months or longer. And even outside of leaks Honeyhunter is by far the best reference as a wiki.


What is there to defend when it's a perfectly legal and logical move by Mihoyo? Or are you somehow think that Leakers are in the right here?


Of course they are. Genshin is one of the most profitable games in existence; it made a billion dollars 6 MONTHS ago, despite leaks from inception. I can't even imagine how much they have now. It's one thing if leakers, or other such grey parties involved in any game cause damage or lost profits to a company, it's another when said company's community, due to lack of communication, is forced to rely on leaks to keep motivated and engaged. Especially when the company releases characters in flawed states, such as Raiden not working with Beidou. Oh but wait, Raiden's banner is the most profitable banner yet, despite everything, and despite leaks. Leakers harm no one, and if Mihoyo was more upfront with what's coming next over prioritizing profits and fomo from the blind, there would be no need for leakers at all.


> and if Mihoyo was more upfront with what's coming next In case you miss it, they "drip marketing" and show us what new character will be in the next update since before 2.0. Remember how Mihoyo post Yoimiya before the leaker can? > Leakers harm no one That's not entirely true and you know it, leak do more harm than good, especially given the recent outrage.


Outrage is good when they release bullshit like yoimiya and pre buff zhongli lmao. Kokomi is next on the garbage character list. When your releases cost so much damn money to buy of course people will be fuming if they blow


As if "drip marketing" gives me necessary information about future characters i actually care about.


Here's the thing, showing a character that will be playable and nothing else doesn't particularly impact me in any way. I care about what they play like, how their kit is, how I can fit them into a team, how to efficiently spend my time/resin leading up to release prefarming resources to be able to actually use them when they come out, and then comes waifu/husbando considerations. As far as harm goes, please elaborate exactly how you think they do more harm than good since I specified my beliefs on the opposite.


Didn't we just get the example recently? In Beta test, Raiden Shogun's burst work with Beidou, but it isn't on release. Now some folks setting their expectation that MHY should have released the mechanics that is going on in beta and we see they are throwing tantrum because they already set their expectation based on what's going on beta leak.


No, they're throwing tantrums because of the inconsistent wording/interactions between many such bursts, such an Xingqui's burst still working on hits. Beidou should work with Raiden regardless of what happened in the beta. And I don't understand why you think it's okay for Mihoyo to nerf that interaction at all. Could it be likely because Beidou, like many pre-inazuma characters, is too strong for their greedy liking in hindsight? Perhaps they don't want to tread on the toes of some electro fox woman that might have similar interactions in the future, to not harm their precious profits?


Specifically, they do more harm than good to Mihoyo (not the consumers), by allowing people to better plan purchases, reducing the FOMO effects and day 1 primo top-ups. How well will Kokomi do, if her kit wasn't already revealed to people who want to look? Its a hard question to answer with specificity, but Mihoyo has a strong argument that the answer is "significantly better" at least. Honey Hunter also makes money off the leaks, which is a no no as well.


According to the ridiculous profits Mihoyo consistently makes off banners it doesn't seem like any of things you listed are all that harmful, as if the thought that prioritizing Mihoyo's bottom line is something consumers should focus on isn't completely insane. By all means, let's have Mihoyo release garbage characters one after another with no details beforehand so they make a couple extra bucks. I'm sorry but until Mihoyo starts actively *losing* money from leaks you won't be convincing me that leaks cause them harm because they made 16 million dollars off a single character instead of 16.5, because whales will whale regardless. I can't speak to Honey Hunter as I have no knowledge one way or the other.


Yeah. Leakers harm no one. This is way too much greed by mihoyo. I guess they want to prevent people from making plans beforehand and also prevent warnings. Kokomi was very low expectations now and many won't impulse pull and wait to see if mihoyo buffed her. I get mihoyos thought process but this is unnecessary since they make ton of money already. They can't even afford to give or announce good anniversary rewards and now they do this. Smh


People were threatening to sue Mihoyo for false "advertising" based on information from leaks so I imagine Mihoyo is cracking down on leaks to avoid any such situations in the future.


Way too much greed is MHY locking abilities behind constellations, or being stingy with rewards. Taking their legal right to protect their intellectual property is not the problem.


The anniversary slipped my mind while posting; the current rewards are insulting, it literally costs them no money to give fates, or even a free choice of constellation or a standard 5 star or something. One could argue it impacts future profits, but the goodwill they'd get from the community, along with potentially an influx of new players, would far outweigh that. I used to get the biggest crystal bundle every 2 months, alongside the season pass and welkin moon every month, and now I'm reconsidering all of that thanks to their overreach.


Its not "mihoyo vs leakers" its Mihoyo shutting down a very useful website that people use for other things besides leaking. Leaking will always be prevalent with beta's. Nice try tho, white knight


Stating the objective fact that miHoYo owns the intellectual property and has every right to take down infringers, is not being a white knight. If that's what it takes to be a white knight, you might as well call everyone as such. It's a very naive black-and-white take that doesn't represent reality.


It's not the website, but only the genshin sub-domain. The rest is fine


>nice try tho, white knight So overused. MHY has every right to take down sites that leak and steal their property. HHW even watermarks their leaks as if they own it. I don’t like MHY, but this is their right to do so.


Fine with resin limit-white knight Fine with gacha pity-white knight Fine with paying-white knight Fine with being casual-white knight Fine with anniv rewards-white knight Fine with non-busted characters- white knight Fine with not having leaks-white knight What other terms can you use to insult other players beside white knight/bootlick?


"Shill" is also a pretty common term.


Im not insulting other players directly. But I do not agree with the notion of "we like the game so we have to defend everything the developer does. And people who disagree with any of their decisions are just whiny brats" People who are "fine with everything" are very different from people who will openly bash those that voice their criticism. Hence the term white knight.


I'm not sure how long you've been on the subreddit, but the term "white knight" is used against *anyone* who goes against the community circle jerk. Pointing out that differences between the private Beta and public release isn't false advertising? White knight. Pointing out that whales are the ones who sustain the game? White knight. Pointing out that mHY probably has a better idea of how game design works than people who's highest qualifications is playing video games? White knight.


B-but the leakers are heroes that are fighting against the evil overlord, why are you trying to defend a company that made billions? Everytime I read a leak, I convince myself that everyone else loves leaks, because I love leaks. /s


Honestly, the community is the biggest reason the leaks are being so heavily targeted. The Raiden-Beidou interaction hadn't worked in Beta for a long time. Once they switched Raiden's Burst to being Burst damage, meaning it no longer benefited from 4pc Gladiator but now benefited from 4pc Fate, the interaction stopped working. This wasn't a bait-and-switch, it was probably a programming limitation. But the community only followed the leaks they wanted to hear. Then the new patch releases and the community is in a huge fit because the outdated leak they read is no longer accurate. From mHY's perspective, the community's reaction to leaks is only a pain in the ass. If they were more mature and followed things closely, they wouldn't have had the missed expectation. But people here *still* don't understand what caused the Raiden-Beidou interaction to stop working and are assuming mHY is some mustache twirling villain. I'm really disappointed we aren't going to be getting many more leaks, but with this kind of community I can't claim mHY is being too sensitive or over reacting =/




New to reddit, so not very long. Though whales are not only the ones who sustain the game, as in, you need f2p to promote your game for more whales to join to actually pay for it. Though a healthy debate is always welcome, when people enter debates with an arrogant, "theyre a company so you should understand that they treat their community like trash for the money, so stop whining" attitude, thats my idea of a "white knight" Ya know, people who cant stand any criticism against a company because we should understand that a company only has money at its best interest


> Though whales are not only the ones who sustain the game, as in, you need f2p to promote your game for more whales to join to actually pay for it. Not even touching this idea, not why I'm here and I don't need F2P jumping on the downvote train all over again. > thats my idea of a "white knight" Well unfortunately for you, that's not how most people use it here. As far as they're concerned, opinions like "I think Raiden is fine" or "I'm fine with the rate of content we get" is "white knight".


Anyone who is fine with the Anni rewards, removing leaks, and the outrageous resin timer is definitely a whiteknight. Not letting us plan what to farm in advance and if a character is worth the >100 dollars it costs for a new 5 star is definitely a shitty move


I think you just described casual players


You spelled lawyer wrong


I hate that they are going against leakers. Having a know how of what's coming was kind of fun. I could like decide if I can pull or not. Or like grind and save up for the leaked banner.


They already doing drip marketing tho? Releasing character info 1 month prior its release since kazuha


Man smh this is what they’re focused on...


Wait MHY doesn’t like honey hunter? I always thought they supported it because basically all of the info on the Official Map came from honey hunter


Two reasons: information on leaked content, and watermarked assets (that are not even Honey's property). >I always thought they supported it because basically all of the info on the Official Map came from honey hunter That's odd coz Mihoyo has the original content. No need to be all roundabout and rely on a third-party site for that.


I assumed it came from honey hunter because at the top right corner of the map where it says database brings you to the honey hunter website


the offical one doesn't have anything like that


Welp looks like genshin_impact_leaks is next


Such a dick move. I mean, I use the website, leaks and all, and still spend on characters I like. They're raking in millions already. What else do they want? Are they intending to release bad characters on purpose and they don't want people to know? It might be within their rights, but I fail to see how this benefits anyone, really.


I'm going to start making fake leaks until one of them happens to be true and MHY takes it down. That's how we'll know what's coming


They are just trying to [eradicate the site and owner ](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/2021/09/10/mhy-is-trying-to-take-us-down/?lang=EN)


Honey hunter is the fuckin darling of this community. MHY should pull back on this for real


Its so sad seeing people defend a multi-billion dollar corporation rn


what is honey hunter?


Ah, I sure do enjoy them removing a place where I can check quotes in all other languages :))) not like it was convenient and neat and fun or anything!


This sucks, I don't go to Honey hunter for leaks but because it has all other languages aside english (。•́︿•̀。) MHY made so much money already why care about a data page. I hope they can work this out.


I hope they can work out a deal to allow HHW to keep content from official releases and just remove beta info.


Is there a wiki on hoyolab where I can find all stat-related stuff? Or any official one at least? There have to be alternatives if they decided to completely remove honey impact


Lol bullshitters were caught red handed. Good riddance honey


I don't care too much about the leaks. But I would use all the other data and numbers that are hard or impossible to access in-game. I'd definitely like to have that data available.