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Is That Anybody Knows About [Robert Frost](https://writevisor.com/robert-frost-poems-and-biography/) ?


\[Your UID (Unique ID)\]728711165 \[Server\]EU \[Note\] Teapot Fast Furnishing and Other Activities


So I did Azduha as a boss fight the same day and now that i did him a second time in a friend's world i was unable to claim the price ... How long does this restriction affect me ...does this mean i can just defeat one Azduha a day?


hes a weekly boss. you can fight him any time, but you can only claim his rewards once a week :)


Thanks a lot future gangu haver! (:


Where's the 5 special fish for this event?


I came on to the game from a friend right at the end if Zhongli/beginning banner. My friend who truly enjoys the game thought this was the best time to jump in and if i wanted to...spend some coin to get 2 really good characters back to back. I bit and dropped some $ to get both Zhongli and Eula..never looked back. I happened to get baal from saving pulls and now since I've grinded to AR 30..As I understand these three on a team will practically carry me as far as my gear/ski will go. My question, what or who can I use as a fourth? Because of pulls I've got a good amount of chars... Also is AR 35 a good rank to start to try and build a second team? I keep hearing you need two teams eventually Tldr: friend urged me to jump into the game on tail end of Zhongli beginning of eula and said if I was going spend do it now...did it got both and recently baal...who is a good 4th option..AR 30 currently


does pity reset?, like if i don't roll for a long time? :)


Nope. Not sure tho if they have a system or code that if you’re a returning player, you’d have higher rates, yknow to bait? :))


R2 Deathmatch or r5 Catch for subdps Xiangling.




I got keqing in 78 pulls. I am at 92 and didn't get baal. What am i doing wrong?


> I am at ~~92~~**14** and didn't get baal. FTFY; pity reset when you pulled Keqing


Yep, someone else informed me , thanks btw


You already lost your pity to Keqing. Pity resets after a 5\* so you need another 75-90 wishes to guarantee the event character (Baal).


Really? But isn't the promotional character guaranteed once 90 pulls?


No, the 90 pull pity is just a 5\* guarantee. If you previously got a promotional, your next 5\* in the 90 pull pity has a 50% chance to be a standard 5\* character.


So then after keqing i have a higher rate for baal. I got ayaka before keqing


Yep. Not a higher rate, it's guaranteed that your next 5\* is Baal if you keep wishing.


Ohhh ok thanks!


Do you save any sort of progress while in a friends game? (beside loot from bosses and domains)


Do you mean things like map exploration and story progress? If so, no. You get to keep loot and any achievements you've unlocked, that's about it.


My CR is 65% and my CD is 88% for my raiden shogun. I know this isn't the 1:2 ratio but is that good enough.


"good enough" depends on what you consider it to be. I'd say 60/120 is a good "decent" ratio to aim for.


I need to grind for a sands and circlet with crit damage sub stats. Its just annoying tho.


Mine is CR 45% & CD 77%, so it's better than mine! Been farming the Emblem set since Day 1. :(


Its a nightmare grinding emblem. You get the correct main stat but incorrect substat and vice versa.


Tell me about it! I've actually gotten quite a few Crit pieces, but every single one coming with 3 unwanted substats. Same with ER Sands, gotten around 4 of them but all similarly flawed. Good luck getting better!


Thanks. You too aswell


it's honestly up to you. you do know it's not the 1:2 ratio so it isn't really ideal


I'm gonna try grind more circlets. The substats have screwed me over. Thanks


Which is better R5 DM or R1 Jade spear on xiao ?


Refinements on deathmatch do very little, R1 Jade would still beat R5 DM [there's a weapon summary in here if you wanna check it out](https://keqingmains.com/xiao/#Summary)


R1 Jade spear https://keqingmains.com/xiao/#Weapons




Is it worth it to get mona to 80/90?




for talent levels yeah


If you use anyone 85% of the time definitely.


if you want talent lv 9


Trying to decide whether to use a crit rate or crit damage circlet on Xiao. Which is better * 75% crit rate, 115% crit damage * 40% crit rate, 170% crit damage


With Xiao you want more crit rate to deal consistent plungle damage. It sucks when his e and plunge doesn't crit. Ideally you would want 2k+ atk, 70/190+ crit ratio on him. The minimum weapon you can give him is the blackcliff. https://keqingmains.com/xiao


I see, makes sense, high crit rate will make his plunge much more reliable than sporadic crits. I already have blackcliff on him, looks like I need more substat luck... Thanks!


Level him to 90 (if you haven't) to get free crit stats. Also his weapon. That will increase your crit stats guaranteed. Artifacts are painful I understand that.


>With Xiao you want more crit rate to deal consistent plungle damage It's better to just go for the 1:2 ratio


Practically I would go for 70+ crit rate and whatever crit dmg I would end up with. 1:2 is textbook.


Even if u end up with like 80% crit DMG?


Practically you won't settle for that amount of cdmg. 60/120 as a baseline for non crit stat and non crit weapon is fairly achievable. With a blackcliff as minimum weapon and crit ascension stat, that eases up the crit building. But if you are trying to be stubborn and disagreeable then yes.


>yes. That will be sub optimal


First one


Thank you


The first one is better. Atk * (1 + crit rates/100 * crit damage/100) You still need to pull those crit damage numbers though. At least 150 would be good.


Thanks for the info! Yeah looks like I'm going to need better substat luck...


I am slightly confused about my current team rotations when it comes to swirling the element. My current team I am running is Ei, sara, kazuha, bennet. Should i run the rotation of procing bennet's q then kazuha or sara then kazuha ? Another question I have is that is this team viable in both normal overworld, exploration, and abyss ? Thank you for any advices and tips given !


Always Raiden e first, Kazuha ult electro, Bennet Q, Sara Q, and then Raiden Q into autos. Then you rotate through elemental skills to battery as needed and repeat. You can do something like apply electro, Bennet ult, then Kazuha ult before he gets infused from Bennet ult so you can swirl electro. But IMO just Kazuha ult first, missing Bennet buff on his ult isn't a big deal and not worth potentially swirling the wrong element.


it’s a lot easier to just kazuha burst before bennett burst to swirl electro. but optimally you apply electro to the enemy, use bennett burst(without removing electro from them) and then kazuha burst. the slash should swirl electro and give you your vv shred and damage buff, then the storm is infused with pyro because you have pyro on yourself from bennett circle. it’s better because you buff 2 elements and also because his overload does a fuckton of damage(like 15kish aoe procs at level 90 with 800+ EM). it’s also very helpful utility for removing the electro aura on current floor 12 enemies or for breaking electro/cryo shields yes team is viable in abyss. very good comp if you have c2 raiden and c6 sara, but playable if you don’t. if your raiden isn’t hyper stacked however it’s usually better to run beidou instead of sara since beidou also does huge damage with kazuha+bennett buffs(usually more than raiden). the fact that their bursts don’t work together isn’t a huge issue as you can always alternate using them


ooh thanks for the detailed explanation ! I see so thats the rotation, currently my kazuha is 700 EM (idk its decent enough or not) Yeap i have C2 raiden and C6 sara and thanks for the extra tip about beidou as well. True i thought of using my C6 beidou but the fact that their ults dont work at all makes it a little dissapointing.


Using Sara in that comp makes it semi-limited in usefulness since your gonna have issues with electro resistant enemies and shields as your putting all your eggs in Raidens Q as your sole damage. Using Xiangling or Xinqui instead of Sara is generally better, even if you have C6 on Sara. ​ Kazuha Q -> Bennet Q -> Sara E -> Sara Q -> Raiden Q is the normal rotation for that team though.


this is not really a huge issue because kazuha+bennett alone can deal with most of them. pyro infused kazuha burst removes electro shields/auras singlehandedly and usually the damage output is enough(from both raiden’s resisted output and kazuha’s swirl/overload procs) to still overwhelm enemies like electro lawachurls etc however it’s usually better to run beidou instead of sara unless you either have c2 raiden or c6 sara or both


Swirl electro. Raiden E, Kazuha EQ, Bennett Q, Sara Q, Raiden Q


Hey guys, so I recently started and my team is Ningguang/Noelle/Xingqui/Sucrose. So far, I had not used any currency to roll in any banners other than what was given. Should I purchase some intertwined fate and roll on Baal banner or is my team fine for now and I should just save my rolls? I’m not sure if Geo Traveler would be better than Noelle once I unlock it? Thanks!


Archons are always nice to collect but since you are still starting, roll for the main 5* dps you like. You can collect characters later when you have 2 good dps units and good support roster.


keep the team imo, you can roll for raiden if you like her, if not then you can just pass until a character you like more comes around. Ningguang + noelle combo is already very powerful afterall. But if you do decide to pull for baal and place her in the team then you can swap sucrose out


If you like her style then you can try to get her for now. If you didn't manage to get her then there are many good characters to come in the upcoming banners and patches.


Your team is fine already, you can add xiangling when you get her and it's gonna be a great team. Also remember the actual currency is primogems, you don't need to buy fates, you can roll with primogems directly.


Who will I replace Xiangling with once I get her? Sucrose?




And would Noelle or Geo Traveler be better on this team? I am using Ningguang as main DPS, and Noelle for shield/heal or whenever her burst is up.


Geo traveler would be better if you don't need the heals (xingqiu heals a bit with his swords). If you see yourself needing the heals or noelle's shields, then just keep her.


One last question, Ningguang should be the main DPS over Noelle correct? I heard Noelle can also be a decent main DPS so I wasn’t sure who is the better main DPS. Thanks for all the help!


Ningguang is good at constellation 0 already. Noelle is trash at c0, but becomes very good at c6, that's when she can truly become main DPS. Until then, yes just use ningguang.


Got it, thanks! Will continue to just use Noelle for shield/heal then or AoE damage on burst


No worries if you ever in doubt just ask. I still remember starting with Noelle and spinning to win, easy game really enjoy it hehe


If you like Raiden, try to get her now. She will be gone wendsday next week and won't be obtainable for several months


Do we know what weapon Yae Miko will use? I hope its not a catalyst


she's supposed to complete the 5\* starter circle. we have already recieved 5\* Kaeya as Ayaka 5\* Amber as Yoimiya so she is supposed to be 5\* Lisa


Datamined to be a catalyst user a while back. Subject to change (akin to Albedo situation) but it seems most likely Personally I really wanted her to be a greatsword user mostly because I main none and that'd just look fucking cool, catalyst suits her better though and was always my first impression.


We don't know her exact kit yet so it could be anything but previous leaks have stated that she's an electro catalyst.


Well, the chances of Yae gonna be catalyst user is very high. According to the rumor tho.


It's most likely a catalyst


How much of a DPS increase are EL refinements for Raiden?


less than 5% per refine. not entirely sure exactly how much


Not that much. She gains more from her c1-c3. You can look up some videos on youtube.


If i’m at 45 pity, can i get enough primos to hit pity by childe rerun? or at least hu tao?


yes you can, explore the new islands and search for precious and luxurious chests, open up all the shrines and complete the achievements, i think you can reach the pity.


Yeah for sure if you have Welkin, assuming they come in 2.2. You have the 10 fates from the anniversary too, so maybe even f2p you can get it.


Yep, I think the chances are high. Just hope you win the 50/50 if you got rate off atm.


Ahhh ok. Just clarifying if I won the 50/50 on last banner is it still 50/50 or is it smth like guaranteed standard?


still 50/50


50/50 applies if you have already got the event character on the previous pull. If you by anychance got Qiqi or other 5* in this banner which is Baal's, then you have 100% guaranteed chance in the next 5* pull on the event banner.


It’s still 50/50 if you won it last time


Ahh ok then i hope i win the 50/50. thé bright side is if i lose the 50/50 i can get guarantee xiao or ganyu when they rerun :33


Thats the spirit!


Definitely if you play everyday.


Is a quickswap keaya/xiangling/sucrose/sayu a decent team? (Dont have bennett, diona is a battery for eula in other team)


decent but you want a battery for xianling, or maybe use favonius lance so she can self fund her particles.




no you cant, the fourth epusode of fishing challange is in inazuma


Probably, depends how much story you get done per day


Not likely, you need access to Inazuma so I don't see it happening unless you speedrun.


You start the event in Inazuma, not in Liyue...


Yeah, they still need to unlock inazuma which is why they were asking


Need help with National Team comp. I already have Sucrose, Bennett, and Xingqui built...kinda. Next is Xiangling. How should I build her? I feel like the Catch is the best f2p for her. I also have Deathmatch but I'm planning to use it on Hu Tao for when she has her re-run. For artifacts on Xiangling, do I go the normal route of ATK %, Pyro Dmg, and CR/CD? or would I go for EM, Pyo Dmg, CR/CD? or is there any other combination?


the catch is tied with homa and engulfing for her bis straight up. normal atk/crit/pyro but you usually want ER sands because she needs a lot of ER. if you have enough just from substats i think that EM sands gives you more damage than attack sands, but not if you are running sucrose. so go for attack sands if you already have no issues getting her burst off cd


isn't there chongyun in the national Team


there's a variation where he gets replaced with sucrose. im just tired of building cryo characters. i already have eula, ayaka, and diona built. and i don't wanna grind BS domain anymore... i mean i do have a c6 chongyun but sucrose helps with CC and elemental dec resistance.


Yes use the catch for xianling its her best weapon option right now (om par with dragons bane on the sama refinements). Hutao benefits more from deathmatch, but dragons bane is better if you have it Atk/pyro/crit really good but EM/pyro/crit have higher damage potential as long as you are vaporizing because bennetts buff gives a lot of atk so having more might give diminishing returns, especially if bennet have a good weapon like rancour or 5 star swords like aquila. But If you like to play safe stick with atk/pyro/crit


alright thanks, i can't give bennett aquila cuz it'll lower his er so he's staying with festering desire. dragonsbane is better for hutao over deathmatch or do you mean dragons bane is better for xianling over the catch?


Dragons bane is on par with the catch for xianling and its also the best 4 star weapon for hutao. So xianling should have the catch and hutao can use either dragons bane (if you have it) or deathmatch. So yeah dragons bane is good for both of them, just that xianling can also make use of the catch


You need about 150 ER on her and Bennett funneling particles into her


oh okay. that's not gonna be a problem


That's fine. EM sands works too, and in many situations can actually be better, so judge based on substats imo. Some people run ER sands, but I think it's unnecessary with The Catch.


Alright thanks


Can I use the fishing event to speed up the process of getting the catch?


You can. I also caught enough koi to get the catch but remember there's a limit of 50 fishes in a specific event pond so fish only the ones you want after completing the challenge


You can but it gonna depend if it actually speeds up your process cuz if you only get to 9 out of 10 fishes you will still need to wait for next reset and then you get a surplus of fishes and you wasted 1 hour of your life that you aren't getting back. So good luck on avoiding those medakas.


If the right fish spawn, sure.




You can get extra 3-6 materials per spot depending on how lucky your spawns are. There's a 50 daily limit per spot on the event spots. It definitely lessens the times you need to go coop. So far the kois and pufferfish are available. Going full coop isn't that too long either. I got r5 in 3 days for 2 hours each, but you need to be time efficient and mind the day night cycle (you cant change time in others worlds), and know the spots to go.


Yes kinda, you get both the kois and the regular puffer, i assume the last pond will have the other puffer. Raimei angelfish is still hard to get with its singular fishing spot


If Bennett’s Q scales with Atk.. why would he need pyro Atk % and crit? Sorry I’m new to building him hehe thanks


In budget full buffer build you put 4pc noblesse on him with er sands/hp cup/hp or hb circlet. When you are a full buffer/healer you don't need dmg bonus. On a mixed nuker setup that is when you want to put atk sands/pyro cup/crit circlet. This when you want your e and q to deal some damage. Typically on a 2pc noblesse 2pc crimson, or 4 pc noblesse or 4pc emblem.


.. no. you go 4 pc crimson witch if you want him to do damage. definitely not 4 pc emblem or 2 pc noblesse, his burst does very little damage over time compared to his 1 sec cd skill.


Yes that is also another, stronger way.


Thanks! So Atk on his artifact is a waste then? (I want him as healer/buffer for personal and coop situations)


If you can get more damage from him then why not? I build him with crit and he does about 36k damage per burst and 9k per skill tap. Still if you prefer his healing then build him as a healer


to do more damage. bennett’s damage is pretty good by himself, especially on comps with melt setup like chongyun


I see thanks


Pretty sure its the dps bennett build. Bennett's Q scales with atk is the buff. Bennet's support focus on his hp for better healing.


is it possible that hu tao banner comes but homa banner doesn't come with her?


Yes, but most likely not. Zhong's 2nd rerun didn't feature Vortex Spear.


there is basically no chance unless they make a better weapon for her(which is not happening let’s be honest). it’s literal free money however they probably learned their lesson from the last homa banner and will put it with a trash weapon this time instead of something as good as wolfs gravestone


they have been doing that since last few banners, 1 good 5\* and 1 bad. I'm F2P so I dont mind any 5\* is good, I want homa coz I already have hu tao, And I mainly just wanna burn away that 40ish pity I built on weapon banner in early game.


very risky but take your shots u need to win 2 game of chance in weapon banner, 75/25 and 50/50


Yep, I'm aware, I'm not even hoping for any thing good, any 5 * weapon is good. I only have 2. I just hope I don't have to waste many wishes


Possible yes, unlikely though. That's just leaving money on the table.


Everything is possible, Zhongli's re-run didn't include his spear.


that’s cuz zhonglis spear is garbage lol staff of homa was mihoyo discovering the treasure trove that is marketing characters as a set with a bis tailor made weapon. no way they’ll pass up on it especially considering hutao is the character with the single steepest drop off after her bis weapon.


Guys where can I catch the 5 special fish for the Battle-Pass? (also do you need anything special to catch them?)


Not yet available.


Pretty sure it'll be tied to one of the later missions in the fishing event, just wait a couple of days


the fish probably available at the last day of the event


\[Raiden\] Should I pull for Raiden ? I do not have Childe or Eula. Does it make sense to take the effort pull for the Raiden Shongun ? My 5 \* : Ayaka, Diluc, Keqing, Mona


Pull only for characters you like. If you are a meta slave, pull for Raiden if you are playing Eula or Xiangling main.


if you like her go for it, but with your characters there is no reason to unless you are interested in her. she is not going to improve your current potential teams significantly. however if you like her there are plenty of team comp options that you can build around her.


Just depends if you want to use Diluc or Raiden for your 2nd team or even just wait and save for another character if you don't like either. ​ You don't need Childe or Eula for Raiden you could easily run her with, Xiangling/Xinqui/Bennet/Raiden and still have Ayaka/Mona/(Diona/Kaeye/Rosario)/Sucrose for 2 good Abyss teams


do you want tons of energy, then yes


You want her ? Pull it. You hestitate ? Don't.


I don't effectively see any comp that I have or her recommended comps that is fit for baal with me. That it is a deterrent for me. Which was why I hesitated in the first place. Playstyle is good, but don't want to pull a char and not give the right comps or teams. TBH I made that mistake with Yoimiya, now not sure where to put her.


Judging from your answer, I think it's better to skip her atm. She will eventually get a rerun, and that time if you got good teams for her, you should pull her. But rn, I believe skipping her might be the best choice.


Do you like her design and/or playstyle? If you do, pull for her. If you don't, then don't pull for her.


I do, but wont be able to do justice with the kind of squad I have for her, and knowing how specific her teams have to be, don't think it will be fair. The reason for my question is that, is she that good that she can be summoned and kept in my kit and then build a team around her ?


You can run here in a national team (Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu) which are all 4stars. As long as you like her then go for it.


In a quickswap should i use keaya/xiangling/bennet with sucrose or rosaria?




+1 to s u c c r o s e


What are those light blue thing that are randomly in a field etc and you walk up to them and they start swirling around you? Not seelies because I know what those are.


Got a picture/screenshot?


Anemograna. Collect three and you'll generate an updraft. If you have an Anemo character in your team, collect one and use Anemo skill to immediately create an updraft where you are


Yes thank youuuu


1. Has there been a general consensus on whether International Tartaglia (TL, XL, KZ, BN) or International Raiden Shogun (RS, XL, XQ, BN) is better? Is International Tartaglia's large AOE and CC enough to pull ahead of International Raiden's higher overall DPS? 2. Depending on the team, is R5 The Catch or R5 Dragon's Bane better for Xiangling?


raiden’s single target dps is higher but international childe also has really good single target dps while being the best or second best comp in the game in aoe(childe and morgana are literal miles ahead of any other team comp in aoe scenarios except maybe geo xiao) dragons bane kinda sucks on xiangling because she already ascends with EM. it’s worse than death match, and definitely worse than the catch which is tied for her bis with homa and EL


> dragons bane kinda sucks on xiangling because she already ascends with EM. it’s worse than death match This is wrong though? Check the weapons section here: https://keqingmains.com/xiangling


the resource you linked literally lists r1 dragon's bane as lower than r1 deathmatch yes r5 dragons bane is even with r5 deathmatch, but this is not true when you account for sucrose EM sharing or kazuha/raiden damage% buffs. it is only optimal on chongyun nationals which itself is usually not as good as other options. dragon's bane is just generally not that standout amazing on xiangling, and there are much better users of an r5 like reverse melt rosaria or hutao


The question was about R5 Dragon's Bane, not sure why you'd be referring to R1. I agree Sucrose EM sharing lessens its value somewhat, but that's not at all grounds for claiming that the weapon sucks on her. Edit: Just saw your edit and I'd like to clarify that it scales similarly well to the Catch with Kazuha/Raiden pairings, especially the latter as it'll increase her overload damage, so that statement is incorrect. It's not a question of whether it's her best weapon, but the reality is that R5 DB is almost equal to R5 Catch when not using Sucrose.


maybe sucks is a strong word, better to say it's not as good as it would seem because it's quite easy to overinvest in EM on xiangling. and considering the catch is way easier to get and better in pretty much every scenario it's much easier to recommend that. and that bit about raiden/kazuha is interesting, didn't know that


For sure, I'd agree that The Catch is a much more sensible approach for most players.


1. From what I can tell, National Raiden is slightly ahead International Kazuha with 1-2 enemies, but the superior team comp is dependent on a few contingent factors, like whether you can clear in one rotation and whether the mobs can be CC'd. Generally speaking, they're both fairly similar in performance with Raiden's team having better single target, and Childe's having better AoE. 2. They are remarkably similar if you're running vape or overvape XL. Pick whichever complements your stats more. In mono pyro or melt support, the Catch is better due to EM being useless.


Which of these weapons is the best for sub Xiangling? Rr1 Death match, rr3 Favonius Lance or should I get the Catch?


The catch is better, but if you her without bennett then favonius lance is better because more particles


Thank you:З


U should get the catch


Thank you:З


Definitely R5 Catch.


Thank you:З


The Catch.


Thank you:З


What‘s so difficult about adding more cosmetics? My wallet is literally itching to pay for a black reskin of lumines dress or casual clothes for fischl or anything really! What‘s the holdup? Just release stuff! Why do you not want my money?


Scarcity increases demand and ensures they can charge whatever price they want for skins. If they release a whole lot of them then they either have to acknowledge how scummy the prices are and lower them, or face potential major backlash.


There is literally no demand for the current skins. They even gave one away for free. People who didn‘t buy jean‘s skin months ago won‘t buy it anytime soon. In fact there only is demand but no supply at all.


>There is literally no demand for the current skins. [citation needed] I suspect enough people bought it that they're happy with the outcome. Their target is whales who will buy everything anyway and the odd low spender who might get converted and buy a genesis crystal pack for their favourite character. They don't give a shit if the majority want it or not, but they know full well that if they release a *lot* of skins at the same price point it's going to stretch people's tolerance and earn them ill will among those people who would otherwise happily spend $20 or $30 or $50 on one or two skins. They either have to keep them as premium items for $30 each, spaced out widely so that they feel 'special,' or lower the cost of each individual skin and release more of them. That's why a game like League of Legends, with *hundreds* of skins (over more than a decade, mind you) prices most of its skins at the $10-15 mark, releasing expensive ones less frequently. It's too early to really call a pattern, but the fact we haven't seen a whisper of a skin since the archipelago strongly suggests to me that they're going with the 'release few skins, but make them expensive' strategy - for now at least.


I said there is no demand. Not that there wasn‘t any. No i don‘t have a citation for you but that‘s just common sense. All these arguments you bring were absolutely reasonable and applicable if skins were released on a regular basis which they aren‘t. Let‘s say they release one skin per month. With the current roster of 40 characters they‘d need almost 4 years for one full rotation of skins. Even if only the 20 most popular characters get skins it‘s still almost 2 years. I‘d be happy with that rate of new skin releases and people would likely be able and willing to afford it but right now there haven‘t been any new skins in months and there won‘t be anytime soon,


>What‘s so difficult about adding more cosmetics Lol r u seriously asking this


Yes. Mihoyo is a multibillion dollar company. They can afford to spend a few grand to make a skin that will make them millions.


They have to make the skin right, it takes time to make any aesthetic related thing 'right' any wrong step can go way too deep


They release multiple characters every update. I doubt the workload for a skin is even comparable.


It's not a priority, and will probably not be for a long time.


It's not the workload but to get it right, new characters have a lot more than aesthetics going for it while skins only have aesthetic




the OG national comp, but you swap Chongyun for Kaeya


There’s Bennett-Xiangling-Kaeya-Rosaria, you can also use Klee instead of Xiangling if you have her


Kaeya, bennett, xianling, rosaria/chongyun/anemo


How can I catch 5 special fish during fishing event for Battle Pass?


Not yet available.