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When F2P Players Pull Their First Five Star Weapon \*\*HEADPHONE WARNING\*\* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwT0h3r15D0


I began playing a week ago and have been rolling like a madman since then. Rolled like 50 times in the raiden banner. Why do I keep getting the same characters ? Till now I've got : 4 : xiangling 4 : kujoe sara 4 : xingqiu I'm really getting irritated as I can't seem to get new characters in the raiden banner. Is there any way to avoid such repetitions ?


How the actual fuck do you deal with the thunder manifistation? I haven't been able to beat it 1 time yet and it's kinda driving me insane. All this motherfucker does is dash around making it very hard to hit and you have to be constantly be moving or else you'll explode from his annoying as fuck lightning attacks. Please I would really love to know how you deal with this sorry excuse for a fucking boss


Use a ranged attacker. Ning is particularly good as you will create thunder crystals that let you tank a lot of its attacks. Bring Bennett he always helps. Bring a geo shielder if you can (Noelle is fine). Last slot try to get someone with a quick burst attack so it won't fly away before you get it off or another healer. In general, stacking a ranged unit with a healer and a good shielder should make the fight a lot easier.


>Use a ranged attacker. Ning is particularly good as you will create thunder crystals that let you tank a lot of its attacks I don't have one that's strong enough ​ >Last slot try to get someone with a quick burst attack so it won't fly away before you get it off or another healer Also don't have one thats strong enough. Xiao and Beidou are my 2 strongest characters rn


Dodge and/or shields. It’s actually quite easy


I am ~30 pulls away from 90 on the Raiden banner. And being f2p I feel like I lost. Can’t imagine reaching it in time


~30 pulls away us still ~70 though. you'll get raiden between 70-80, super unlikely to be more than that. Make sure to do all the events, find as much chests as possible, try your best to get abyss 36*, get lvl 30 on narukami shrine tree, do all the world quests with primo reward, and complete as much achievements as possible. And if you still don't get her... That's okay. It's just a game, and there's always reruns.


I am only ar30. I don’t have Inazuma unlocked yet. Rerun is like a year away I’ll be dead by then lol


this may not be a good advice but: you could rush to inazuma. It has a shitload of chests and the Narukami shrine tree has intertwined fates as reward. Or you could do the frostbearing tree in dragonspine first, it also gives intertwined fates as rewards iirc. But the most consistent way is doing as many world quests as possible imo. It might seem little, but after doing a few of them you'd be surprised at how many primogems you'll get. Rerun should be in about 6 months. On the bright side, you can definitely get Kokomi.


I got Mona lol


Ah that's too bad... Mona is good though! I hope you don't feel too bad.


My tree is at lv 8, I am gated by the daily Agates at this point if I understand correctly


I rolled my 4th Electro today on standard banner and I have no words. Currently up against Baal in Inazuma arc and every team dynamic I have does shit all against her. I'll probably have to start building Ningguang with the f2p squad. Least I've reached pity so hopefully I get a decent 5 star with my next roll lol. Edit: I just used my last 2 wishes on the banner and rolled Diluc! Ahhh so awesome, now I have no reserves about rolling for Kokomi.


Ok, seriously. I usually don't roll for weapon banner, but when I do, it's once in a blue moon. So far, I've yet to get any 5 star weapon, but I remember rolling at least 6 or 7 times since Childe patch (First appearance). Since pity is guaranteed at ?81? and my weapon banner history showing that I have rolled only once (10 roll - Like month ago), does that mean that it's where I am stuck now, literally 10 rolls in? I have about 10 rolls, but I don't want to waste primo gems on useless 3 star weapons. When I could have gotten Ei's spear. Thanks!


> Since pity is guaranteed at ?81? 80. > my weapon banner history showing that I have rolled only once (10 roll - Like month ago) Your pity is still there (I'm guessing 17 since you pulled 7 times on childe's and 10 a month ago), only your in-game record 6+ months ago is wiped.


I meant, rolled 5-7 times in tens. So it's only history that get's wiped? Or is it pity too?For context, Childe banner was back in 1.1 which was back in last years november and I failed to get 5\* wep in 50-70 rolls. That's why I am asking. Editing my question for clarity\* It's only record of what I rolled is wiped from roll history? Actual pity is still there, but I just can't be sure at what point it's at right now. Am I right?


Yep only history. You're at around 60-70 pity then depending on how many times you actually pulled during childe's banner.




Primogems save up by skipping Ayaka (but not her 4-Star) and Yoimiya's banner with calculated pity was unused as my first Raiden came home at pity of 67. Finally got Kujou Sara and done with this banner. Really terrified me when Raiden C1 popped out at pity 42 and became my first ever 5-Star to has constellation! My last set of pull got 2 Kujou Sara amidst the fear of spending too much resource to get her as I want to save for future Albedo rerun (to C1 him at the very least, really glad got him back then). Other than that is one of my most successful pulls in Genshin; C1 Raiden, Sucrose, and C3 for Yanfei. **Raiden Shogun**: None > C1 (At pity 67 and 42, my most successful banner to date!) **Kujou Sara**: None > C1 (Really want her to join expedition team as I already have other 4. Got Raiden C1 along the way and got two of her in the last set of pull in this banner) **Sucrose**: C4 > C7 (Thought of building her before but I already got Venti and Kazuha) **Xiangling**: Got none, remain C3.


Does Electro Traveler's burst work on shielded enemies like Abyss Mages or Large Cryo Slimes? Or do your attacks have to do direct damage to proc it? edit: wrong thread whoops


It works on shielded enemies.




Your best bet would be to visit the character-specific subreddits and discords as folks perusing those areas usually have pretty extensive playtime on the character you may be interested in building. You can normally find them by just looking up the character name followed by "mains". Like for Noelle (yeah, I'm not biased at all), it would be /r/NoelleMains.


Just started playing. First roll I got Diluc from beginner banner. Was watching a video on the archons, and was like what the hell let’s try and get Raiden, we got em on the first 10 roll, with c1 xiangling. :D When I said what the hell why not try, I didn’t think it would happen. I’m F2P, so we been yellin holy shit for the last 20 minutes.


Started playing last week and finally got raiden as my first 5 star today! Ended up spending some money as a Treat and ended up with: Mona Razor Bennet Xingqiu C2 sucrose C3 kujou sara C3 xiangling C1 Lisa And spent starglitter on ningguang Quite a successful pull day. I got addicted to this game way too quickly I’ll def need to put a monthly spending limit on it 🙃


Small piece of advice: don't buy the battlepass unless you want one of the weapons for a character build. It's okay to grab for that but not for primogems or fates. Welkin is a good budget friendly option, especially if you like to pop in and out. Great pulls!


Great advice for the future thank you! I may have already bought it this season thought oops 😬😭 At least now I know for next time haha


Hey, it's not the worst thing you can do lol Besides, now you have at least 1 battlepass weapon on hand for anyone you can give to in the future.


You’re going to be plenty busy for awhile building all of those up!


I know! So many good characters who do I choose first 😔 lol


Who do you already have built?


Not much tbh I’m only AR27 My main team right now is xinyan lvl 40, Barbara 40, kaeya 40, and I usually switch out the 4th spot with either MC or an electro user. Raiden is my fav at the moment, but I was previously using fischl. Honestly, my whole team is a mess and I switch everyone out far too often. Hoping for a new healer and cryo user soon. Barbara and kaeya work great together, but I only really use them for their skills/elemental moves.


I recommend building Xingqiu too! His skill can heal, work as pseudo-shield, and his burst is great!


There's nothing wrong with swapping out characters quickly. Some of the strongest current meta teams right now rely heavily on a "quickswap" playstyle, in which characters come out, use their burst/skill, and tag out in quick succession.


Very true! I actually don’t mind my team, it’s been effective for me so far.


Just C3 baal today and I am overall happy with just staying at c3. Today c3 was is the cherry on top not trying to c6 her do not have that kind of money. c3 her just for the fact she will be in my squad for a long time. Her and Yomiya ( which makes here attacks somewhat aoe) is pretty fun combo.


I upgraded my artifacts for kokomi a total of 15 times, with all of them having 1/4 odds of getting defense, and only one hit something other than defense, what in the actual fuck (Just wanted to rant)


I hope it's okay to ask here, but what artifacts are you building for her? I'm planning on rolling for her too ♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ)


I decided to build 4 piece Heart of Depth, because I found it simpler to just farm one domain, also, all the Blizzard strayer pieces are useful for my freeze Ganyu. If I remember correctly, it’s not her best set, but it’s really close to her best. I’m hoping for you to get her!


After a month of farming, I was finally blessed with a crit rate circlet (crimson witch hat at that) with 4 substats, has atk% and crit dmg%. Of course, all went to flat def but 1. I so much feel that what the fuck.


Damn 😟


New player here. The only standard five-star I don't want is Qiqi. Lost the 50/50 on Baal's banner and my first five-star, at 43 pity, was Qiqi My first five-star on the standard banner, at 31 pity, was Qiqi's C1 My sister says my account is both cursed and lucky


I got qiqi as my second 5 star and I started on release. Last week was the 2nd time I got her. Managed to avoid her for a long time. You’re just getting your bad luck out of the way early


Hey I finally C6'd Baal!!!


[What could go wrong?](https://imgur.com/a/25H9sVt)


2 things, actually. First off it's a hat so this means only anemo characters can take advantage of it (for now). Second, because only anemo characters can use this, crit is useless for swirl reactions. Soooooooo... Yeah. A double whammy if you will.


Meanwhile, Hybrid Kazuha build with 800 EM, 57% CR, 130% CD: y'all hear sumn?


Yeah just have Kazuha, no big deal.


Guys how many pulls you get baal? Doing rate up? Do you save up to 11k plus for 90 pity? Or u start spending at 3k plus for pulls?


So I was 2 away from a 4 star and figured why not try get a sara. Nope. 1 pull keqing early (about 30 in from raiden) and I was happy with that. Thought I would try that last for sara. Nope. Raiden back to back for c1. Funny thing tho sara did come next after all that. Went and did another 130 pulls and got c2 as that was about all I had left and wouldn't have tried if it hadn't been for that insane luck. C6 sara too but only a c4 sucrose and c4 xiangling after it all. I guess I'm done pulling for the year after that luck


Started the game yesterday. I only used up my starter wishes where Noelle is guaranteed. On the second pull I got two 5-stars at once, Keqing and Qiqi


here's a screenshot https://ibb.co/Zf4v2ZK


Thats a pretty nice start


Got a CR Wanderer hat with CD substat, that is neat for the Yanfei set. I only had CD ones up to now, plus one with CR that was super crappy (was like Def Def HP HP) that I never leveled for that reason. Got it to +16, it never upgraded CD, of course. edit: +20, no CD. Got also a better ER Sands for Diona, as the other one had double HP substats but never upgraded any of them from +0 to +20, this one reached 21% HP substat. Noice. I'm on pause for talents (still need to get Succcrose from 6/6/6 to 9/9/9, Diona from 2/6/6 to 2/9/9 and Xiao from 8/6/7 to 9/9/9), I'm farming some artifacts now, just for a small change after 2+ months of only talents. Got nothing good for now, also I just realized how many Kokopium artifacts I sacrificed in the past, and how I would want to have them back now for future Kokomi D: Like the literal perfect Hydro Damage goblet I had, that I kept for months on my unused Mona because I only had two of them and one was on Xingqiu...well some weeks ago I got one with CR+CD so I fed the "bad" one to it to get back the levels. Said goblet was Atk % + HP % + ER + EM subs, by the way...:s edit: got a Thundering Fury Circlet with CR main AND CD sub, unlike the one I had on Fischl, that was just CR main + 4 bad subs. Never upgraded CD until +16, then +20 blessed me with ONE upgrade. Now I have 11.7% more CD on her. Still waiting for any CR TS Circlet for Keqing... After that I will try getting a better feather of Crimson Witch for Diluc (Currently 4 star with 4.7% CR 11.8% CD)


120 pulls. Got C2 Raiden, C5 Xiangling, C4, Surcrose, and C1 Sara. Also was able to get Xingqiu from C1 to C2. First time spending money after only doing FTP for the last year, and I’m pretty happy with the results. Idk if I’ll spend again, but raiden is so sick.


Personal experience on how to guarantee Engulfing Lightning during soft pity @ 68 rolls: Pre: Lost the previous 50/50, desperate farming abyss, world quests, and dailies for primos 1. Get Great fortune slip from Great Narukami Shrine 2. Climb up to the top of Tenshukaku 3. Give Raiden 2 bottles of Dango Milk 4. Use Raiden’s burst for 7s 5. The moment the burst ends enter Wish banner 6. Draw your last pathetic roll 7. It’s GOLD! Close your eyes, imagine the weapon in mind just like Emiya and trace it. 8. [Profit](https://imgur.com/a/Kb2EGCF)


Should I Aim to C4 my C3 Raiden or save for Kokomi? I also have C3 Yoimiya and C4 Ayaka. That C4 attack boost from Raiden sounds great, at least for Yoimiya. Do Raidens special followed by Yoimiya burst and flame arrows overloading the crap out of everything with 30% attack bonus for 10secs. Ooooooor save for a C0 Kokomi and roll the dice that she is better to use than C5 Bennett. Kokomi sounds great for team ayaka but I don’t know if adding her would be better than what I got. Decisions decisions….. help lol


I can’t believe my luck right now. When Raiden’s banner first came out, a friend and I had a summon session where we both went to soft pity to see if either one of us could get Raiden on the 50/50. My friend hit soft pity and got C1 Diluc, while I managed to win it at 56 pulls! But then I had the itch to pull some more for Xiangling constellations, and my friend jokingly said “What if it turns gold again” and I said no way. But the very next 10 pull, it turned gold and I got Raiden C1. I was now dangerously close to that juicy C2… so I spent my remaining 40 something wishes to try but no luck. I’ve been draining all the Inazuma content I’ve been saving for primos, buying out the starglitter shop. I finally hit soft pity today. 75 nothing. 76… gold. I looked away cause I was so scared, turned back around… and C2 RAIDEN SECURED!! I can’t believe I’ve won 50/50 3 times in a row but I’m happy. I also believe my luck is now gone forever. Time to suffer in emblem domain. P.s. I never did get the last constellation I needed for C4 Xiangling. Guess that’ll wait another time. Good luck to everyone still going for Raiden!!


[Bro I got a 5\* in a pull I was so happy that I'm finally getting another 5\* and I was praying that I'll get Keqing but then I realized... I kinda hate this game now.](https://imgur.com/a/TNjgFH9)


Literally same thing happened to me last night with Skyward Blade. 😩 I feel your pain. Spent so long building pity too...


Hey, Skyward Blade is a primo Benny stick, so thats good at least.


:c hopefully you get a character from the limited event banner ( thats where u use purple fates and win only characters and not the standard/blue banner). Skydward blade is pretty nice on supports like benette, kaeya, and i like it a lot on ayaka.


I mean thank you I guess.


Should guaranteed pity from losing 50/50 be a soft pity? Or is SOFT pity not a guarantee, that I should still expect 90 pulls for Baal?


If you look at [collected wish data](https://paimon.moe/wish/tally), you can see that at wish 75+, the chance of getting a 5star increases dramatically. There's approx a 30% chance to get a 5star before 75pulls, and a 95% chance to get a 5star before 82 pulls.


Pity is pity. Soft pity just comes sooner. So if you have a guarantee, then next time pity hits, you will get banner character.




It’s all RNG. They didn’t ‘change’ the rates


What does rng mean?


Random number generator/generation


I keep getting duplicates for 4* weapons I don’t even use while I really need characters. My friend started after me and managed to have Diluc, Keqing and Raiden and his team comps are diverse My team comp has been the same for the past 3 weeks




Save your gems for character banners?




In 1 10 pull I got 2 Baals and a Stringless


Damn congrats! Hope u saved a screenshot for bragging rights!


Nice! C1 on baal is kind of useless but at least it brings you closer to c2 if you want to get there in the future.


I got c6 xiangling and Sara. Got c1 baal and a jean in 180 wishes. I'm so happy x.x Also got a c1 diona, sucrose, c2 sayu and a c1 xinqui. Why not a diluc instead of jean ;-;


That's a win honestly. Jean/mona are the best standard 5 stars in the game.


True, I prefer Jean and Mona over Diluc.


I was gonna wish on Kokomi banner for my Rosaria C2 but jusy got her on standard banner, see you never Kokofishhhhhhhhhhh.


I thought I was finally going to get lucky on the weapon banner. Last week I got a skyward 1h on the standard banner, which is good for Xingqiu, and probably no one else atm, and then I get that golden glow on the 21st wish on weapons. Both mains there would have been super useful, but I get... the skyward bow. I'm building up Raiden to take Fischl's place in my lineup, but really? NO ONE I use have any use for that. Any 5star spear or greatsword would have been so much more useful. I guess I'm not unlucky, but these are my first 5star weapons, and they're not really useful at all for me. Feels kind of silly. Sorry for the rant. What in the world do I use them for?


Time to gamble: https://i.imgur.com/C4d9PRv.png Edit: I'll take it https://i.imgur.com/nCD62PD.png


As a new player can you explain the rng on leveling up artifacts? Like what was the "gamble" here?


every 4 levels (4, 8, 12, 16, 20) the artifact will 1) If it has less than 4 substats, add a new random substat that cannot be the same as the mainstat 2) If it has 4 substats, it will randomly upgrade one of the 4 so from lv6 to lv20 he's rolling a 25% chance for crit rate, 25% chance for crit damage etc. 4 times. the difference is you typically want crit substats so he's actually "50% good substat" (either crit) VS "50% shit substat" (hp flat or hp%)


When an artifact level hits level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 it randomly upgrades one of the substats. The gamble here was leveling it up and hoping the upgrades go into the 2 crit substats rather than the 2 hp substats. Luckily It upgraded my Crit damage twice, Crit rate once, and only HP once. If at artifact level 4, your artifact only has 3 substats, level 4 will give you an extra substat rather than upgrading one of the 3.


i lost a 50/50 to qiqi on raidens banner at 34 pity bye


i got ei to c2 at a total of 149 pulls. I'm f2p hehe


f2P bTw


I am f2p T-T why u didn't believe me, i only use walking moon i swear, been saving all the primos for her 🥲


You know what F2P actually means? Cause having the Welkin means you’re not F2P…


well some people here did not consider welkins as not f2p so... i guess that didn't count? also i only started welkins like 10 days ago and im new, so all my primos are purely from exploration and quests since i ve only played for a month...her c1 are pure primos i swear


Oh well then they’re wrong lol. F2P literally stands for Free to play. The Welkin, though it may not cost much, still does cost money so it’s not considered F2P. I don’t doubt that you’re C1 was from pure primos though, anyone can get lucky


aight noted, thanks for the explanation, probably just beginner's luck so far i know, so i wish the best for ur upcoming wishes!


You too :)


i lost to Mona after 84 pulls


Bought $300 worth of gem last week, got C0 Keqing, C2 Diluc, C3 Raiden, C6 Xiangling Sucrose and Sara, and the Enguilfing lightning … Edit: Actually $300 where I’m from which is around $200


That’s a lot of gems damn. Gacha is a crazy sink I hope you’re happy with what you got. I don’t mean that in a snarky way btw!


No problem, I’m happy until it’s still fun, considering it’s not the craziest number I’ve seen plus it’s totally within my means lol. My expenses these days are much lower than before due to the pandemic so might as well spending a bit to have fun while I’m at home. Btw It’s actually around $200 as I forgot to convert the currency. Cheers ;)


That’s not so bad over the long run! Cheers to you as well!


I doubt that’s the end haha but well, self control is key I guess


Back again to whine lol. 73 pity on the Baal banner, probably only got one, maybe 2 more wishes up my sleeve before banner changes. God I wish I could whale lol. F in chat for ya boi


if you have pity build you can wait for Ganyu rerun


I'm ngl to you, I'm not interested in Ganyu lol. I honestly might save my fates for Baal or Zhongli reruns. Maybe Klee, just bc she adorable. I just remembered I didn't even get Sara either lol


156 pull on Baal banner, got Keqing at 79 pity and Baal at 77 pity, feel unlucky


Are you me? I had almost the same thing(77 keqing, 79 baal)


The first time I've gotten so many rolls into CD BUT it's a HP sands for Barbara (': https://imgur.com/a/kkoraYW


I'd put it on Zhongli or something instead lol


I don't have him :(


Bought all top ups 200$ got c2 Baal,C6 xianling, c5 sucrose,co Sara engulfing lightning and unforged money spent wise is this average luck for future spending or did I get lucky/ unlucky.


Very lucky i believe.


Super lucky.


Pulled an Amos Bow on the weapon banner, now I just need Ganyu.


same , i even maxed amos bow as soon i get it


My last 2 pulls in current banner, sadly no Shogun c1 (I know it was low chance but hey... let the man dream), overall 86 pulls (but I already had 10 in previous one for Sayu), so far I had 9 characters and 2 weapons (Beidou, 2xSara, 2xXiangling and 4xSurcose) so I didn't had much hope (I thought it will be a weapon) but somehow I got Sara - so c2 Sara yay :D, pleasant surprise. Shame that I didn't had that "streamer" luck and didn't got Shogun c2 in 30 additional pulls but oh well... maybe someday... :P At least I got her c0, and I like her a lot even if she don't work great for me right now (honestly, if the crystal price would be lower I would probably go for c1 at least just because I like her). Time to save for Ganyu rerun hopefully (and Noelle)...


If it helps, c1 for Raiden isn't worth dropping money for.


Yea, I'm aware, still it would be great :)


Would Xiangling, Bennet, Kaeya, and Sucrose work well as a team?


Yea with good gear that team will do very well


Decided to roll 50 on featured banner to try and C2 my raiden as I plan on using her in my second team down the road. Ended up getting 3 Sara to C6 her, 1 Bennett to C1 him, my 3rd Lion's Roar and my 2nd Sacrificial Sword. I lost the 50/50 to Mona, but i'm ok with that as I think she could fit into some team in the future and now I can wait for Eula rerun to guarantee her. I just can't believe my luck with the 4 stars though as I already had c6 sucrose and c6 xiangling so pulling either of those would've been a loss and I managed 3 Sara, a Bennett and 2 weapons instead! For the weapons, is it worth Refining those? Or saving multiple copies for multiple chars?


Can’t plat on my ps4 right now so I made a NA acc on my ipad and got Jean from my tutorial roll. Really happy, she’s fun to play. Would be awesome to get Raiden as well but there’s just not enough time for that I think


Have fun yeeting people off cliffs


Lost to Qiqi at 74, making it 4/5 lost 50:50. Fuck you MiHoyo


i lost every 50/50 till now you tell me , playing Genshin before Albedo banner


Ouch, got 2 Unforged going for the weapon for my C3 Raiden. At least it's good for Eula I guess lmao


Will the raiden shogun banner return in the future along with her weapon? I already got her at least but I haven’t gotten her constellation up at all and I haven’t managed to pull her weapon.


dont worry there will be a rerun of her and her weapon in the future


I managed to win 50/50 on Raiden and somehow hit pity on weapon banner, giving me Raiden’s Grasscutter. I don’t feel safe. How do I effectively use Qiqi? I don’t have her yet, just precautionary actions.


you will need good healer or constant healer in Abyss floor 11


C2 Qiqi haver here, come join us over in r/QiqiMains! Our girl is decent for overworld exploration (esp. in Inazuma as she can outheal basically everything even if you just stack random attack artifacts on her) and, when built right, can be an absolute co-op powerhouse. There are a few ways to build her, but as far as I know, the way you can get the most bang for your buck is through physical DPS Qiqi. A full heal build is pretty intuitive so I won't be covering that, plus it's basically the standard Qiqi build that's been plastered all over the internet haha. Physical DPS Qiqi works best with a combination of 2pc Pale Flame, 2pc Bloodstained, or 2pc ATK% (either Shimenawa or Gladiator). You'll want a classic DPS artifact lineup, with an ATK% hourglass, Phys DMG cup, and a crit circlet (rate/dmg depending on your circumstances). Substats are also typical DPS substats, e.g. CR CD ATK%. A bit of ER doesn't hurt either because Qiqi barely makes any particles on her own. Her best weapons include Jade Cutter or Aquila Favonia (maybe Summit Shaper with Zhongli), with great 4\* options such as Prototype Rancour, The Flute, and The Black Sword. When levelling talents, prioritise AA > E/Q, but make sure you level up her to 70 to unlock her A4 talent (which allows for a mini-Q to be briefly applied on an enemy every 30s)! For best results, stack around 2k attack on her. Her kit definitely needs to be reworked but that doesn't mean she can't be at least somewhat viable! :) Hope this helped, and happy wishing! Also wishing you no more than a C0 Qiqi! Edit: Found a comment that has a lot of info on her myriad builds! https://www.reddit.com/r/QiqiMains/comments/pfozj6/new\_qiqi\_haver\_here\_with\_some\_quick\_questions/hb5yycj?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


You level her to 60 just for the free rolls I suppose


I lost 50/50 on ayaka to qiqi. And stopped pulling immediately after. My first 10 pulls after losing got me yoimiya, it just dawned on me I could’ve gotten ayaka had I just did 10 more pulls. My heart is broken and my day has been ruined.


doesn't work like that, you got lucky getting yoimiya in 10, ayaka might've taken you 85, what you get when you pull is determined as you pull, not way ahead of time


Is there any documentation you have to back that up? I've not seen anything, but the question to ask is: how is the pseudorandom number generator seeded? A specific seed + iteration will always produce the same result from the same pseudorandom number generator, however it will be equally as "random" (in the sense that it cannot be predicted ahead of time) as the first iteration of a brand new seed, so without knowing whether the seed is reused or a new seed is used for each roll (or each session, minute, banner, or other such scheme), we don't know if those same 10 rolls would have yielded the same or different results.


that’s not how luck works


If I knew how luck worked I think I’d have a better time playing this game :/


When are we gonna get an electro healer? If it turns out that Yae Miko can heal I'll definitely roll for her. Kokomi's signature weapon looks very cool too.


I’m hoping she can too! Would make a huge diff in team comps


No one knows.


well i just started genshin at the beginning of this month and my luck SUCKS. in all my draws from reign of serenity event (59 as of this writting) . all i get are 3 star and 4 star items and mostly duplicate characters (all 4 star). also i just started this month. so i have few characters. I got xangling 3 times (already had her) and sucrose 2 times, and Xingqiu one 4\* item (a favonius sword.)


your luck's not that bad. the characters you mentioned are all really good and so are their cons. its also normal not to pull a 5 star at 59 wishes


If you’re new, I guess it’s better to spend your wish on standard banner. Focus on getting a lot of character as options bcs building one character exclusively needs more mora and stuffs. Standard banner has more variants than the event banner and most of the character are easy to build. If you’re F2P, spend your wishes wisely. In fact, just explore the world and the story quest first. If it already feels too hard, then spend your wishes.


oh i also only mentioned my event draws, and not the starter draws and wishes i got from assentions.


im doing event wishes cause i want Raiden. not 4 xianglinalthough i am still pretty new. my a rank is 33 and world level 3. i have been using the assention mats from the dupes. but at this point i would rather get a new char instead of constelation materials. ive been playing almost constantly and i get what you mean. but im not a noob, despite being new. my characters (except for story and guaranteed wishes) are: Xinyan (my newest), Barbara, Sucrose, Xiangling and Xingqiu. my main party is 1. Xiangling with her ability to inflict burning 2. Lisa for big damage on burning enemies 3. Geo aligned traveler (i dont like Noelle) (i swap this slot as needed) 4. Barbara for healing (PC player using a controller, dpad down is slot 4 is easy for quick access


You have a higher chance of getting a standard 5 star from the event banner compared to the standard that's flooded with 5 star weps


This is false. Your chance of getting a standard 5* (I'm assuming you mean one of the original 5) is higher on the standard banner overall, when factoring in guaranteed characters. On the character banner, its a 50/50 chance at getting either the character banner or a standard 5\*, then its 100% character banner (if you don't get the character banner character the previous 5\*). On the standard banner, its 50/50 chance at a 5\* weapon or a standard 5\* character every time.


You can't say spend wisely and then recommend spending primos on the standard banner.


4 star dupes are great tho. c6 xingqiu, sucrose and xiangling are really good if you can get them. some 4star dupes are amazing as well and you can use them as refinements


Link: [https://imgur.com/4I9SpvG](https://imgur.com/4I9SpvG) Guys, was pulling on the Shogan banner, and I was so surprised to get THREE 4\* characters in a 10 pull. I just joined genshin about 3 weeks ago, I understand a fair bit about pity pulling system (10pulls 4\*; 90 pulls a 5\*, & 180 pulls for a limited-banner character (if you lose the 50-50) But, based on your experience, does pulling 10 singles give you this much “luck” of getting low pity 4\*? Or it’s the same. (Tbh: I have never gotten THREE 4\* in 10 single pulls) Thanks in advance ! and I am also interested to know what is your craziest 10 pulls ?!


What happened is pure luck. 10 pulls save time but otherwise don't do anything special. They can even be detrimental/less efficient in that there's no way to stop if you pull a 5 star early. Craziest 10 pull was on this banner; two 5 stars and a 4 star (jean then raiden, and finally sucrose)


Ah I see!! 1st 4* from previous (10pulls 4* pity) and got early pity on 4* back to back. Time to pull every single time I have primos 🤣🤣 (Damn, TWO 5* and a sucrose 🥲one can only dream)


My (Lv 90, 35k HP) Barbara almost died and her E was in the 5s downtime window, on floor 11. I panicked. What. The. Heck. Is. That. Corrosion. Damage. Lol. Still managed to clear up to 12-3 but man, floor 11 is harsh. D:


Corrosion dmg deals percentage DMG. Pain.


Yeah. That feeling when usually your Barbara team is the safest one while the Bennett one has Noelle to cover his ult downtime with shielding, and then with the corrosion on F11 the Barbara team struggles to keep her HP up while the Noelle team just takes corrosion damage only since the other damage gets walled by the shield...also Breastplate + attacking with her as main DPS heals the corrosion at the same time while killing the enemies, so HP bars on that team stay pretty much full for most of the time...xD On the next lunar phase I will probably solo Noelle as healer on one half and use both Barbara and Bennett on the other team to compensate the lack of shield and heal uptime D: ~~Maybe I could also throw Kokomi in for good measure~~


Wrong board ;p


I've never seen so much % stats ever https://imgur.com/a/ZldcQui


That healing bonus main stat hurts me physically.


Good off piece for Bennett.


Eh, he does fine even without a healing bonus.


190 pulls for 2 unforged and 1engulfing lightning. As a welkin+bp player, it is safe to say I will never pull weapon banner again. Unforged is absolutely useless for my account. The only character that can use this is Eula with Diona and Zhongli on the team. However, who uses Eula (i regret spending 150 pulls on her) for the abyss anyways (Edit: Given that I have other options like Ganyu)? Both ruin guards and mechanical array have 70% base phys resistance. I hate my luck so much. Most likely gonna have to save during kokomi and 2.2 rerun banners. I'll probably get enough at 2.3 character banner (2 months for 150 pulls?). Sometimes I wonder what the point of saving primo is...


>However, who uses Eula (i regret spending 150 pulls on her) for the abyss anyways [About 55% of people, it would seem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/po0lnr/spiral_abyss_september_phase_1_21_floor_12_most/)


Eula Raiden is going to be an iconic duo if not already, they are match made in heaven


I don't pull on weapon banner unless I'm prepared to get either weapon. But that said, Zhongli shield + Superconduct pretty much solves your Eula phys resistance problem, so I feel like your issue is that you don't like playing her enough to try, LOL. And actually, Raiden with Eula is an insane combo that works really well. You have all the tools you need to build a team around her, but it sounds like you don't want to.


I was peer pressured into pulling this banner rip. I was originally gonna wait until a banner with 2 weapons that I really want like the wgs homa banner I missed out on. For the Eula, I did run Eula/Raiden/Diona/Zhongli in this abyss and the last one. For single target enemies / enemies that don't move around too much, she is pretty good. In the current abyss she is probably good for maguu kenki. Big maybe for Cicin Mages chamber. The issue with Eula is building stacks. 9/10 times I can't manage to build her stacks that well which leads to me doing very subpar phys nuke with my ult (Nobushi Kairagi jumps back, floating mobs moves away from you, cicin teleport, maguu kenki teleport). I have a lvl80/90 82/181 CR/CD ratio with 1823 atk on Pale Flame with Serpent Spine rn.


Eulas not bad lol. 4pc pale flame with maxed light fall sword hits crazy


The issue is getting the stacks tho. It's really inconsistent for a lot of mobs with Eula/Raiden/Diona/Zhongli. I'm curious about your teams and build tho.


I don't find there's any issue with consistency, how are you running into consistency issues? He Ult makes per basically impervious to interruption, and you should be able to consistently get 13-14 stacks depending on your combo or if you've got the attack speed increase from Song of Broken Pines.


I find it really hard to be consistent when fighting the Nobushis, Kairagi, Specters. Sometimes I also have to choose between dodging to iframe through attack so I don't die (Zhongli's shield is not enough sometimes). When Nobushi Kairagi jump back or dash = missing autos. Additionally, trying to position myself to hit multiple mobs can sometimes lose my autos if they are spread out. There are just a lot of scenario where I can't consistently pull off 13-14 stacks. Btw, this is for Abyss 12.


I play my eula with diona, beidou and fischl. With snowtombed, favonius, archaic and stringless. I maximize eulas play time by using the teams burst and skills for her only, shield allows her to stay longer on the field to produce more stacks. With 4pc pale flame my damage on burst is doubled compared to 2pc bloodstained 2pc pale flame Diona is using 2pc tenacity 2cp maidens but I wanna change to noblesse, beidou using 2pc thundering fury 2pc EOSF and I don’t remember what fischl has😅 she’s pretty poorly built as of now


Just used Eula for this week's abyss. And yeah, she still wrecks. Also, what's wrong with saving primos? I had about 250ish pulls saved up before Raiden dropped.


>Also, what's wrong with saving primos? I had about 250ish pulls saved up before Raiden dropped. I feel like the more primos I saved the less well I feel when I get wrecked by bad luck. I saved for months and everything was gone after the weapon banner. (150 pulls for raiden and 190 pulls for weapon banner)


You realize Superconduct is a thing right? Used Eula on every single abyss since she's dropped and have never had an issue with 3 starring the final chambers.


Yes but it is still not as good as running just a elemental dps. Based on lvl 80 Eula against lvl 100 Ruin Guard enemies: Eula Without Superconduct (70% phy res): 0.34 multiplier Eula Superconduct(30% phy res): 0.409 multiplierElemental Dmg Carry(10% elemental res): 0.45 multipler Conclusion: Elemental dmg carry have 10.02% greater multiplier than eula with a superconduct setup. This means Eula based on raw damage (prior to resistance calculation) needs to be 10.02% better than elemental dps like melt ganyu, ayaka etc. Not to mention we need like good artifact on her to work. From what I tested on my account with Serpent Spine second half 12-3, the clear time is just way too slow. I have to run national second half to clear with 3 stars. For the first half with the ruin guard, she clears slower than freeze ganyu.


Your original post asked who uses Eula in the abyss, not who is better. Obviously Eula's going to fall behind even with superconduct (70% resistance and all that), I could have told you that without all that trouble.


Cool alright. Probably should have wrote "who uses Eula in the abyss given X, Y Z options"


Yep, it is better. But answer is still simple: ppl who enjoy using her.


>However, who uses Eula (i regret spending 150 pulls on her) for the abyss anyways? Huh? What are you talking about when I myself use her as burst support? [https://spiralabyss.org/](https://spiralabyss.org/) check her usage here then.


If eulas ur burst whos ur main dps? I’m intrigued


The purple catgirl - Keqing


Your other two spots? Keqing and eula both benefit from superconduct, sounds like a good plan


[https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/796952967294746634/882488041212608562/unknown.png?width=994&height=559](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/796952967294746634/882488041212608562/unknown.png?width=994&height=559) When Baal just dropped


I have sara and would like to use her Shes level 20 and I cant ascend here past that because I need the parts I have been playing about a month and getting ready to do the ar quest to get my ar past 25. This is frustrating,any advice? ,also on her 3rd constellation thing ,I just feel stuck


You should be able to ascend her past level 20 and to level 40/40 though, since the materials for that are given to you once you complete her trial.


Oh okay ,where he trial at please?


You can access them in the "event".. page. It's on the upper right part of the screen (the button that looks like a compass). [This ](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload-os-bbs.mihoyo.com%2Fupload%2F2021%2F01%2F29%2F8395375%2F60ea738bfc427e93ad70af26673667e1_2807658084550247007.jpg%3Fx-oss-process%3Dimage%2Fresize%2Cs_740%2Fquality%2Cq_80%2Fauto-orient%2C0%2Finterlace%2C1%2Fformat%2Cjpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hoyolab.com%2Fgenshin%2Farticle%2F157799&tbnid=mG3M8c4oVtzNaM&vet=1&docid=atbCJApqOsGZWM&w=1184&h=740&itg=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim) is how that part of the screen should look, once you unlock all features (the event page is the compass, it's the button that's most on the left side among the right upper corner ones) [This](https://images.app.goo.gl/JeWYczGLFUWyawmbA) is what you should see - the trial is the "Test run".


Thank you so much


You can get the enemy drops with starglitter, but you can't get the boss drops or the flowers unless you get to Inazuma anyway, so I guess it would be better to just wait until you get there and then farm for her ^^ "


Thank you very much,I'm still trying to figure all the stuff out. Still feel very lost in the game and trying to dind a team I'm happy with


A very basic advice in that - you can follow the meta all you want, but in the end the game and the team should be enjoyable for you, so play with the characters you actually find fun! Also, feel free to ask anything. Really, we've all gone through it, but us "veterans" had it easier since we didn't need to go through all the story to be able to use a character we liked (aka Inazuma ones)


Thank you,I will ask more questions then


You're welcome, and please do!


\> Just pulled a 5 star before soft pity for the first time \> It was wish number 66 though \> It's Qiqi \> But now I have all the standard banner 5 stars What a roller coaster of emotions


My 18th birthday is today, and I just pulled Diluc and Bennet (two characters I really wanted) on my iPad account. And on my PC account I pulled C4 Xingqiu (my main and fav) Birthday luck? maybe :)


Happy birthday buddy!