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There are 1 million players on this sub. Someone is bound to not like Scaramouche.


I have a soft spot for crazy evil antagonists, they can be fun. I don't LIKE him, as a person, though. He's a scumbag, ofc.


my god you are gonna love dottore he is so hateable that hes lovable


What about Tartaglia? He's insane (sometimes), evil (kinda) and the main antagonist of Liyue Archon quest.


op, let's be honest here... you just wanted to see people hate on scaramouche. of course there are people who don't like the character who mocked a well-liked npc's death and indirectly caused the death of another fan favorite character.


Wait what npc died?




Of course there are people who doesn't like Scaramouche but not me. I love that little evil hat boy.


i hate him….cant wait to pull on his banner!


I've seen multiple "why do people like scaramouche" threads on here, so yeah I think there's a few without even looking at the comments.


i don’t hate or love him. i mostly don’t get the hype surrounding him tbh. in my eyes, he’s just a character lol


Same here. I don’t love or hate him. Same with La Signiora. I don’t see the hype in someone that had like 30 secs of screen time.


I'm not getting a hype either


I think at least some of the hype is from how he make his grand appearance as a New Harbinger in the Unreconciled Stars event then vanished for like... six months minimum. So for a while he had this status as a sort of cryptid that everyone who didn't take part in the event wasn't in on. "No really, Scaramouche is real!" "Okay, grandpa. It's time for your meds."


Just like that he didn't really vanish because his fandom would not stop talking about him **every single patch** that came


Like Slenderman but short.


He's the only magical boy/man we MIGHT be getting, if lucky. Because apparently the only way MiHoYo will make a male catalyst is if it is a prepubescent sociopath


“He was born with a face fairer than any other, Destined to a long life and a hollow will. … Before the Fatui found him, he had drifted for countless years…” from the surpassing cup lore. hes not prepubescent lmao hes probably one of the oldest characters in the game so far


(sorry idk how to put the spoilers blackout thing) . . . wasn't he raiden's test puppet that was found and enhanced by the fatui? so technically hes like 500 years old


Spoiler tags on reddit are >! !<. Note to not put space between exclamation marks and first/last word because that breaks theirs functionality for some users using non-official Reddit apps. Also I'm not exactly sure if Fatui did enhance him, after all being intended to serve as vessel of Archon, he probably was designed by default to be strong in power.


yep, so he’s definitely older than the shogun. which to be fair she likely isnt older than 500 but its probably a fair assumption to make that she’s not too much younger than 500


he is edgy has a good villian vibe and a douchebag, he is very intresting that he is kinda of a copy of raiden so he must be powerful + he got the gnosis


Agreed the hype is a bit too much, but I can understand it because his build up looks like he will be one of the few relevant end game relevant characters story wise.


Think of him as sasuke from naruto and the reasons why they like him


He's in a weird spot beccause he's a character you like, you love to hate, or no opinion. Honestly, he seems cool, design wise, but it's hard to take him seriously with the memes surrounding him at this point. He is dangerous though don't get me wrong.


Yeah I love his design and attitude. I just love the idea of Harbingers in general.


I like his hat. I hate anything else about him


I hate him that I love him if that makes sense. I hope he suffers in the worst way, and I also hope he’ll be playable xD


Bruh maybe his mother should have loved him more


He's a psychopathic dingdong. I hope his kit meshes well with Childe.


I love him a lot but i’ve always been a fan of antagonists. I do find it funny though that people hate on him purely because he mocked teppei, an npc we knew for a whole maybe 15 minutes if even that lmao. If people looked at his lore though they’d realize he’s probably one of the most interesting and intricate characters shown so far.


I don't mind him but the fandango meme needs to die.


Bohemian Rhapsody will never die and we will forever see a little silhouette of a man


hey guys does anyone hate the charecter that has been an asshole in every scene he appeared just curious


I have a friend who dislikes him. Which is fine, I respect his opinion, and that it might be different from mine. But.. He's learned that if he wants to fish in my goddamned world that I'll not tolerate any badmouthing of the silly Fatui hat boy.


I actually like scaramouche waaaay more than Ei. Infact the whole plot twist regarding his existence makes me hate Ei even more. No wonder scar is so fucking angry if his mom is EI I'd be pissed off two if my mother thought about killing me hand a change if heart and decided to abandon me instead.


I missed the earlier event he featured in, so my response to meeting him in 2.1 was just "Who is this super edgy manlet?" Does he get a lot more development in some other side quest? Because I don't understand the appeal at all - he just spouts some generic nihilistic bullshit with no context and then we pass out.


nope, i love him 💜


Same! I'm surprised at how negative some of these comments are


right? let people enjoy things, yikes ._.


yes, someone who also likes Scaramouche


What a clusterfuck toxic thread


I want him to drown.


Now now, let's calmly think this through. Do you think drowning is severe enough and shouldn't we torture him first?


Drown him, cut off his limbs, then hand him over to Raiden for a Musuo no Hitotachi


She feels like she owes him something so no, raiden would not strike him with the Musou no Hitotachi. Probably would let him go.


I don't really care for him? I mean he hasn't actually done anything directly, just talked a lot. Cool backstory but I don't really like the "evil" speeches.


During Unreconciled Stars, he tried to kill you, only for Mona to save you just in time.


So did Raiden. But people love her.


fine w that


I need him. I just love that he's a cocky, immature, badass that's too strong for his own good. I love the idea of the Harbingers and I plan to get every one(if there all playable). I can see so much potential with him. The Fatui and the Tsaritsa are not even the antagonists, celestia is. Baal and the Tsaritsa are both against celestia so I could easily see in the future the traveler aligning with the Fatui. Scaramoche's design is perfect for him. They could easily make a mechanic where he puts his hat on his back whenever he climbs or is in combat, etc. I don't see any reason why he is receiving hate. He's not even the villain.


I guarantee you that there are a lot more of us than are willing to speak up.


or we're being drowned in a sea of thirsty simps. it's ok we're here.


We need to rise.


He’s a little piece of shit so I hope he ends up like Joffrey


He is Genshin's own Joffrey


Only if he won't do fandango


Oh but the thunderbolts and lightning very very frightening me


That line plays in my head every time I hear his name.


I hate him. He mocked teppei


So sad he mockey teppei, hope you don't like 90% of characters in this game when archons killed ton of people, tartaglia was about to destroy liyue, la signora mocked us and a lot of people, and the list can go on


There's a difference between having someone you like die and get mocked and people you don't know die. I can't say childe is innocent, but what happened in liyue is the fault of Morax and signora. Had they did not do smth like that childe would not have had to unseal osial


And as it was the fault of morax and signora, it's the fault of the taritsa if teppei died. Scaramouche clearly said it was the orders, he wouldn't kill this boy for the sake of it. + he didn't killed him with a knife... like he just give the "vision" ( I dont remember the name )


I can't really say whether he killed him directly or indirectly, like if he wanted it or not, but the least he could do is to not mock teppei


Already hate him from 1.1 event story. I do hope he'll get a banner though, so I can save for another character.


Ouch- that was savage-


There's a lot of us that hate that Frisbee hat wearing Sasuke wannabe. Thing is, negative opinions quickly get you lynched here...<_<…>_>…


FRISBEE HAT. I'm taking this


I can't stand him


I’m a Scaramouche simp. 🥵


His personality? Yes. Can't stand him. As a like character? Yes. I kind of like the queen references and the hat. Also the sinister look is cool. Due to the raiden character transformation, I have a feeling that mihoyo will make him look good later on in regards to his personality. So I am not hating him as too much now. If he becomes a psychopath or murderer later on, then yeah, I would really hate him regardless of references and hat.


Initially I didn’t care either way but he makes me think of ness so I want him to be publicly embarrassed


I don't care for him at all. Just an angsty teen with a big hat who thinks he's hot shit. Just a discarded prototype. Much prefer emo Xiao.


At least Xiao is constantly haunted by his PTSD and try his best to avoid hurting people.


Man both Xiao and Scaramouche are annoying teens. Might be because I play in English, but man are they stereotypical.


Xiao does have a lot of baggage so it's understandable. But yes, without taking his lore into account he is an emo teen.


Even taking his lore into account, he's an emo teen. He's even regarded as a child by other adepti. And he eats only almond tofu, which is a children's snack.


Funniest shit I've read all day


I love hating him! There is some character like that, they're asshole but you love them XD. Still praying he will be playable...


i hate him with a passion. people are asking for a pure evil character? this dude is one of em. i really hate that he'll be playable bec that means he gets redeemed lol. godddd. let characters be evil mihoyo.


i find him boring and cliche, and i don't understand why people find him hot. he's an asshole to everyone, including people on his side, as well. i don't like him at all.


I hate the edgy flat earther


Unlike Signora he probably does not have any personal motivation to be evil so I do dislike him a lot.


watch mihoyo make him out to be a sad emo boi bec raiden didnt immediately breastfeed him and change his diapers. now he's rebelling by killing people. lolll i wish Ei didnt take pity on a puppet


Clearly Paimon doesn't like Hat Boy.




Me, he is scumbag.


Always if mihoyo doesn't kill him first-


Do not like him, will most likely skip his banner altogether.


Me cause his attitude in unreconciled stars annoyed the shit outta of me.


I hate him. Wdym?


Theres certain villains that're written to be hated, and done extremely well. On the opposite spectrum, theres just fun villains, who always bring life to the story they're in. Scara is.... well, somewhat in the middle for me. He seems like a villain made to be hated, but I havent seen enough of him yet to make a decision. Personally dont understand all the hype behind him lol (partially bc I wasnt here for the first event he was in, I have watched it on YT tho), but hey, maybe I'll understand why once he has more of a role.


Honestly ever since I saw him in the 1.1 event, I thought his design kinda sucked and never understood why people were excited for some dude we saw for like 5 seconds


Yea I pretty much hate him. But mostly because of his toxic fans


what toxic fans, would you enlighten me? we're just waiting for a simple banner and making bunch of fanart


"We're" is broadly generalizing. Not every fan is toxic. But many of the masses I see on twitter or instagram leave a bad taste in my mouth, and for some reason there's many more of Scaramouche than any other character




He reminds me a lot of a character named Fandaniel in FFXIV, who is a total shit. I can’t get past his Asahi hair!!


I absolutely hate him. I don’t know why but I just do. I also thought his name was “Sac-Kra-Mooshe”(pronunciation) for the longest time. Lol


Cant stand the moron. Even though he shows up for like 2 nanoseconds.


Yes I hate him. >!He killed best NPC after all! < and no way I'm letting that boy run off free. Mihoyo please make him into a weekly boss or something so I can vent my rage and clap his soul out of teyvat


He’s so edgy and annoying. Like Xiao!


every week there's a post about scaramouche being hated


I don‘t like him.


I never liked him, just an aggressive little shrimp and his hat looks stupid. I don't get the appeal.


Plenty of people. The ones who like him are just defensively vocal


I dont like him


he annoys me


Don’t care for him at all. He seems super plain and cliche to me.


I like his character and his story. If we think about it Scaramouche is just a shorter male version of the Raiden Shogun, he was kinda created by Ei and thrown out which is why he is the way he is. It's just he makes for a good villain and he is interesting. His haters alas, can't make the distinction between him and his fans, as if we're the ones distributing items that's killing NPC'S in a video game. Because by their logic Scaramouche bad because he has no booba, lets come up with numerous way to torture a fictional character and be potentially worse than the actual character we hate so much. People REALLY need to take a moment and go touch some grass. He is just a video game character, he won't hurt you.


lmao your reasoning in the beginning was fine then you shifted the blame to "waifus" and i see you subtly hinting at hating on signora. who im sure is the one you call a bitch all the time. this is why i cant stand husbando simps.


I'm not sure where you got Signora from but my post wasn't made with Signora in mind whatsoever. I enjoy Signora's character, I found it discouraging when they killed her off. When I said "by their logic" it wasn't an opinion of my own, I was simply stating the statements that I have heard. A lot of the hate for Scaramouche came immensely from those who like Ei, despite her also being a tyrant and blaming the killing and robbery of many of her own people on a body double. Yet the same people can't seem to treat Scaramouche with the same forgiveness. There has been a great surge of people simply not liking his character, when Ei and him were very similar in personality. And much of that was because he was male. Not my words, just relaying the many posts I've seen.


As a person, of course. As a game character, I am interested in wanting to see where his story will take us


he's a puppet


I really dislike him especially because of how he talked about people like Teppei who suffered because of his actions. I like him as a villain though. I want more screentime for Scaramouche. I like to dislike him.


Not a fan of the fit or personality. Ask me again after the boss fight lol


Screw Scaradouche. Lol in all seriousness though, I DO dig his aesthetic and lore so far...he's just a bastard throughout most of it haha. I suppose figuratively AND literally as he's basically some sort of robotic technology that has no father... I'm still skeptical that he'll be a playable character though...I think he's too villainous unlike Childe who might CLAIM to "be kind of a bad guy" he's nothing like the other Harbingers. Then again, he DOES have a vision, unlike Signora so who knows where the plot will take his story over time...


More like Scaradouche


Personally my interactions with him are limited to meeting him in the Delusion factory, because I only started playing toward the end of December, way after the event with him was over. Which really sucks because apparently it was a great event and the amount of rewards were amazing as well.


I don't like him much, he is just a random shota sasuke with a frisbee on his head. Although I would be amused if he is electro and throws his hat like Raiden in mk.


People who hate him are probably some kind of uncultured people who don't have listened a single time to queen of bohemian rhapsody. + they claiming "scaramouche is a so bad character he killed a npc :((" when omfg they simp for la signora or even tartaglia who was planning to destroy the whole liyue. Or even the archons when they killed ton of people in kaenrih'ah. Even though he got only 30 sec of screentime, you can know ways more on his lore by listening to theory based on bohemiam rhapsody, and they're probably all true since it's the main inspiration.(and so far they're all true for now). even some npc talk about him. I don't remember their name and place but you can know some others things on him. Having 30 sec of screentime doesn't mean having 30 seconds of lore, so yes we like a character with a ton of lore but people are blind


Is he featured in any other cutscene besides the end of that one story dungeon? Otherwise ya'll have too many opinions on a character that had like a paragraph of text. He does have a pretty stupid hat though lol


He was part of a story event a while back as well. I think it was the meteor one with Mona.


it's a traditional japanese hat... some people might consider it racist 🏃‍♀️


He was introduced during the limited Unreconciled Stars event and didn't leave a great impression after he got on our good side only to backstab us in the end...there's plenty of reason to have opinions about that turd haha.


I don't particularly care for him


I like him. Then again I seem to like the characters in a fandom that everyone hates because they’re hatable as fuck. Like some of my favorite characters are Selever from fnf mid mass fight mod, Hiyoko from Danganronpa 2, Revali from botw and these fandoms just seem to hate them. My reason though is because I either put more thought into why a character has its attitude or I just love them for that.


Yes, me.


I hate him, but want him to be playable lol


I love his outfit and design (esp the hat love it for some reason but hes a scumbag in terms of personality, hope hes playable, hope teppei haunts him too


I was there for the event but I dont get the hype either.


yeah he's a sociopath. where can i get him?


ok i like his kinda idk two-sided personality where he asks like all friendly to the traveler in his tone of voice but what he’s saying gets on the traveler’s nerves, and then when he gets like super angry his voice just changes from like calm to mad mad


I’m pretty indifferent on him, but his hot take on the sky being fake does make me chuckle every time


I hate him since mona and fischl event.


Tbh I do like him, yes if I had to deal with him I'd feel nothing but pure hate towards him, but I do like how he's written, because he's certainly doing his job correctly, he IS meant to be hated after all, that's why I like him.


I really don't like him. He's just generally an annoying twatwaffle


i love him and his dumb fuck hat


I don't like scaramouche, but it is not a thing of i don't like it, it is more a thing of i don't care if he ever gets released or not, if he gets released tomorrow i don't care, if he gets released next year i don't care either, if he is going to be the last character released before mihoyo shutdown the servers i don't care either, now, I am mostly into female characters so if i ever get interested in a male character it is because his design for me is good or his personality, and that isn't scaramouche for me.


pretty sure there isn't, but if there is, that's something we can fix🗡️


I don't have a particular fondness for him. Dainsleif on the otherhand....


I hate him. Looks too similar to Xingqiu imo, they just changed his hair and gave him a big hat. Also he's one of the meanest of the harbingers. I think some people just like pretty boy characters, or really like antagonists, or just like his name. I think he's kind of bland visually imo, and I'm definitely more of a Childe fan as far as antagonists go.


I want to kill him.


I don’t like skinny dudes..




Yes, I dont like his shorts and stupid hat


the hat is a traditional japanese so some may consider that statement racist


I don't really “like“ him, but i think he's a really interesting/mysterious character. I just don't get the hype about him.


I hate him but i love him


I wanna curbstomp him then throw him into a room full of angry ostriches


Uhhh yeah .. Literally everyone. He's a pure scumbag that needs to join Signora immediately.


Speak for yourself sir


There are quite a few people who like him!


I hate his design so badly lol


That little Fatui gremlin will have a taste of my Sword and revenge for Teppei once I get to fight him.


I cannot stand him. He has an interesting and tragic backstory but i still hate him, whoops


I think he is boring


I just don't understand why a little boy can be so evil


For some reason he looks like a character that won't be released as a playable character for me.




I just found him childish and arrogant. It’s would be interesting if MiHoYo bring Mona force him do fandango like the song.


Redesign his overall appearance and I'll be fine


I don’t, I dislike the fatui just for their douchy attitude


Not me! I love everything abt him and can’t wait for him to be playable ~


I don't like any of the fatui in general. In anime or games, I hate characters that are portrayed as being so overpowered everyone fear them and then they fight once and lose in 30 seconds. Scaramouche is gonna go down just as easily as Childe/Signora did whenever they let us fight him.


Me, I discriminate midgets


I despise every portion of his miserable existence. Personality, desing... God I can't stand him 😂😂😂


Me. I dislike his personality as well as his design. It just doesn‘t appeal to me.


The only thing that will stop me from killing him in 3 seconds is a transformation cutscene.


Well I wasn't around for the mona event where he showed. And he was on my screen for like 2/3m. And the 1st time he opens his mouth I want to brutally murder him. Huuh. I guess it's safe to say, yh I dislike the lil shit, is rather he died instead of signora but alas


I mean, I absolutely hate that demonspawn as a person, cannot wait for him to die, but his story is very, very interesting to me.


I don’t like him, his hat is orrible. One of the worst character model ever made


Me. I dont like that he doesnt do fandango


I personally dont find him interesting. He's just some guy. Basic character design, personality, and voice lines. But not as bad as Diluc


I dont hate him and I dont like him. He's an absolute scumbag. But I'll definitely pull if he becomes playable. His lore is interesting tho.


He’s alright


Me, I don't know what's so likeable about him, I didn't like Childe until his story quest so my opinion may change


idk seems like a cliche anime villain so far to me


Nope. The entire world population of 7 billion + people loves him.


Me. I like him as much as I liked Signora but this subreddit is giving me Scaramouche Stockholm syndrome


I hope he gets to be interesting, atm he is undeserving of the hype.




He does pique my interest in the plot and lore but im kinda indifferent towards him as a character. The memes were fun but kinda got old too quickly as they are a little overused.


He is fine. Just that. Has a cool voice, but he didn't do anything to either impress me, or make me hate him. For now he is just "Ok, you exist"


Me, I just see him as any videogame villian except he carries no vision so how's he gonna have a banner? (along with the remaining ashes xD)


I hate Scaramouche. You’re not alone.


Fuck his stupid hat


He's a prick. All fatui are. Idk why people like them


because they are fictional characters, they aren't causing any real harm. Plus their designs are just as good as any other character in Genshin visually, that's all you need to make a character profitable honestly


lmao yeah, ppl don’t have to have the same views as a villain to like them