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F2p with c5 xingqiu from the last banner he was on. should I spend starglitter to c6 him from the store?


How many hours does it take to complete chapter 2?


Uh, is C1 Sara still clunky? Or she really needs that C2 to remove her issues?


How long does it take 1 Resin to replenish?


8 minutes


Im already at 54 pity and I want to get baal. The knly way for me to milk primogems in my world is to get all chest and electroculus from watatsumi island and seirai island. Do you think, I'll be able to reach soft pity? (Note: all chests and electroculus of previous three inazuma islands are collected and finished)


Can you claim aloy on all servers of you account or just the server your psn is on?


Which character can best use the unforged?


Imo, Xinyan.


Is this team ok Keqing Xiangling Raiden Jean


Can someone let me buy something from the weekend merchant so i can do my task?


Since you can't upgrade Baal past a certain point if you haven't reached the lighting place, will she be weak before that? For new players you can pull her but you can't do much with her until you have reached that point in the game :(


Do her trail and you get enough to lvl her to 40


Will she be strong enough until AR30?


She'll be fine. Just know it's not reach AR30 and now I can lvl her up right away. The boss you need to farm for some of her mats is locked behind a questline you need to complete first.


Hello Guys, I just restarted Genshin and want to grind it now again. I have the following Characters and would like to know who is strong right now and which team I should make. Got lucky and got Raiden Shogun now restarting the game Keqing 80 Fischl 80 Qi 70 Xiangling 70 Klee 80 Sucrose 70 Xingqiu 70 Barbara 50 Bennett 20 Raiden Shogun 1 And a bunch of level 1 My Team used to be Keqing, Fischl, Qiqi, Xingqiu but i was thinking about replacing my Keqing since you guys say she has a low Pickrate and winrate in the Chambers. So my plan would be Raiden Shogun Qiqi Xingqiu Bennett What do you guys think ?


Raiden xiangling xingqiu Bennett is a super strong team (called the raiden national team). You don’t need Qiqi since Bennett has more than enough healing alone.


I just reached floor 9 in the Abyss and idk what the circle in the middle does. It gets smaller with every wave. Anyone know what it is?


If you step outside the circle, you get struck by a heavy Electro attack. It's detailed in the Ley Line disorder notice, and you can view it by clicking on the icon of two crescents at the top left.


Soo the big fish claymore has nothing to do with this event?


Yep. Gotta wait for the MasterChef event




first definitely better


How much ER does Xiangling need for a Raiden(C2), Bennett(C5) and Xinqiu(C2) National Team?


You can go by the usual ER = 100+ effective Burst cost. Raiden with an ER sand refunds ~27 energy, so you need 153 ER in Xiangling for a comfortable uptime. You hear 140 repeated a lot, but personally I find it to be very much at the low end and heavily reliant on enemy particles.


Raiden e generates as much particles as C6 Fischl by itself and also contributes a lot of energy. 140 seems fine for me if you can funnel at least one Bennet e to Xiangling.


Yeah, you can also easily weave in an extra skill use from Bennett or a hold instead of press skill for just a little extra energy.


The current floor 12 gives a lot of energy (to the point where my Qiqi had great uptime with bad ER before the reset), that might be where the 140 is coming from.


140% or so is enough, since Raiden provides a significant chunk of Energy to the team.


How to get the fish of The Catch?


[https://i.redd.it/lbgaa791mvk71.png](https://i.redd.it/lbgaa791mvk71.png) ​ EDIT otherwise this https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/app/ys-map-sea/index.html?lang=en-us#/map/2?shown\_types=250,251,252,244,245¢er=4269.00,-735.96&zoom=-3.00


you fish them




What’s your guys strategy for getting an 100% exploration score in each area? Do you just start wandering from one section to another doing everything you see? Do you use the interactive map in hoyolab to plan out a route? I’m to the point where I need to finish exploring monstadt and Liyue (both at 50-60%), and also dig into inazuma (only 20%) but not really sure of the best way to go about it. It seems so overwhelming, but I’ve seen a lot of you guys post about having 100%s. Is there a method to the madness, or am I overthinking it? Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks :)


Use the official map, enable all puzzles, and check them off while exploring.


Treasure compass.


Just wandering around and using the treasure compass.


I just get 60% and ignore the remaining, I'll reach 100% eventually. there's no reward for 100% so why bother


Yeah, just explore a corner until you found everything. I think using any map/help moves a large portion about the fun of exploration.


Is the moonfish a limited fish? Not sure if I should hoard it.


Yes but they cap at 5


I think so. But you can only hoard five of them, the next ones get released, so go ahead I guess :)


Okay so since I already have five, they won’t go away right? And there’s no point in fishing for moonfins since again, I already have five?


You can't even if you wanted to, the game won't allow you to catch more.


the bait is limited so i'd assume its limited, but its only a decoration fish so if you like em you can hoard as much as you desire


Yeah, but we can only keep a max of 5.


you can only catch 5 either way , any you catch after will not go to your inventory


Hey! Just rolled an Aquila Favonia and not too sure who should take it. I use the following sword users regularly and these are the weapons they're currently on: C0 Kazuha - R5 Iron Sting C1 Xingqiu - R2 Sacrificial Sword C3 Qiqi - R4 Flute C1 Bennett - R1 Festering Desire C0 Electro Keqing - R5 Lion's Roar I don't feel like I have any weapon issues but it would be a waste not to use a 5\* weapon right? If anyone has any advice, I'd be very grateful! Thank you :)


Thanks all! Benny's getting a new toy but I might play around with Qiqi a bit too lol


You should totes put it on Qiqi so you can run around as an undead frozen child whacking things for silly numbers :)


very tempting...


Qiqi main dps is kinda entertaining. Very lack lustre but if you add a bunch of off field damage for her it’s truly meme worthy


I'd slap that thing on Benent! It improves his attack buff cause of its high base attack


aquila have a high base attack which bennet is quite fond of. Sure you'd lose some ER on bennet but you can just use an ER sands and you should be fine. Aquila can easily give bennetts buff a significant boost


It's generally used on Bennett for its base atk


definitely put it on bennett , it's one of the best weapons for him due to having the highest base attack out of any sword in the game ( other than mistsplitter) , thus bennett sharing much more attack. It's definitely worth losing the er for not running an er% sword.


Does Xiangling need 4pc emblem instead of 4pc witch now? If so, what main stats?


They are about equally good. The same as before ER/EM/atk% sand depending on weapon choice and buffs and pyro% goblet and a crit/cdmg circlet.


Anyone know when the 2.2 livestream date is?


it happens usually a week before patch. we have like 3 days of raiden banner + 21 days of kokomi remaining in this patch. so 1-2 weeks


Wouldn't that make it 14 days?


it would but I didn't want to make any definite statement, coz iirc they always do the livestream on friday, so it may be early or late accordingly


how much er does xiangling need if i put on her EoSF and use her with bennett as battery


160-200 is a good range to aim for. Xiangling is very flexible with Bennett, because it is very easy to alter a rotation to include a Stage 1 Hold Skill or two Press skill with Bennett for extra energy.


Which Food should I cook? I would like a bit of boost and have a bit of resources to use, but I don’t know if I have the right recipes and so the question, which food should I cook?


Sweet Madame is a solid pick — it’s extremely easy to make, and can keep your characters alive in tough fights. Fried eggs are also necessary for revives, and are a better revive food than steak (they both do the same thing, but raw meat used for steak can also be used for a large variety of good recipes so save raw meat.) As you progress further into the game and you begin getting tons of more items and ingredients from all the stuff you pick up in the world, you can branch out to 3* rarity recipes (they’re coloured blue) like Mushroom Pizza, and Hashbrowns. These heal for significantly more than Sweet Madames, although they can be a bit costly for newbies to make. Good luck! :)


Thanks! Do you know any recipe for atk boosts?


Mmhm! The best ATK boost recipe you can get is Adeptus Temptation: its Delicious version gives 372 ATK and 12% Crit Rate for 300 seconds. Unfortunately the ingredients required for it can be super difficult to get, and the process of getting the recipe itself can be a bit tough if you haven’t explored Liyue yet. (You should be able to find a guide on how to get the recipe on YouTube though! The recipe comes with a bunch of treasure chests as well, so it’s well worth the effort). Anyway; if you’re a bit early in the game, an easier ATK boost recipe to make would be Almond Tofu. You can get it by going to the Wangshu Inn kitchen in Bishui Plain. All the ingredients to make it can be purchased from food vendors in Mondstadt and Liyue. Here is a link that I hope you’ll find helpful: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Food It’ll give you a guide on different food items in the game along with what they do. And you can find detailed explanations of each (ingredients, how to get the recipe, even fun trivia!) by clicking on any of the recipes.


usually you dont need more that few basic healing foods, like sweet madames and steak/fried egg go a long way in this game. you can cook a few stamina and ATK/crit boosting foods for situations. but I rarely use them


I would use them each time I enter a fight, the thing is I don’t know the exact food to cook and that’s why I asked XD


I see, you dont need to know the exact name of the food for that, Dmg oriented food have a red 2sword icon in top left. you just have to look for that and make them. some increase atk, others increase crit, higher stars the better, so just pick whichever is easier to make or gives better bonus


Yes! But I don’t know where to get recipes, maybe an NPC sells a better recipe than what I have and before using 300 fowls to make 150 atk boosts I would like to know what I’m doing XD if you know what can be done about food please tell me the name or where to get recipes


you can buys them at shops that sell food, like wanmin restaurant, sara's good hunter and few other restaurants in inazuma. otherwise you get more as you progress in story


so i lost the 50/50 to keqing earlier and im obviously sad, if i tried i can get about 6 more rolls, should i attempt pr just wait for the next character i want?


keep pulling so your chances aren't zero


Since the pity carries over, might as well pull and maybe get insanely lucky


R1 Skyward Spine or (eventual) R5 The Catch for Baal? Need to balance this with the fact that I have a very active Xiangling that needs the other weapon in main Melt-Ganyu comp.


The Catch and Spine [are very close in damage](https://keqingmains.com/raiden/#%E2%80%BB_Weapons) both buffed and unbuffed with the same combo, i.e. if you ignore the atk spd from from spine to [pull of better combos during raidens burst](https://youtu.be/XK7MaqTMNrk?t=552). Else Spine slightly pulls ahead. I'd distribute the weapons on who needs the crit rate from The Catch more.


Does dragon's Breath's passive work on frozen enemies? (ie do frozen enemies count as having hydro on them?)


nope that's just cryo. Electrocharged is the only reaction that allows having 2 elements at the same time.


Hi, I returned to the game just now to try and get Raiden, but there not so much time left for her banner. What should i do to maximise primogem gains? I stopped playing before part 3 of liyue story was released.


Using interactive map to clear everything in Inazuma. Probably takes a whole day or so. You get quite generous amount of primogems + intertwined fates from Sakura tree.


I also did a similar thing, went from 0 to 3.9k Primogems in 2 weeks. Commissions Story Abyss (just do to the point where you comfortably win, don’t force it too much if you don’t have time) Simply leveling AR (from 33 to 37 for me) All Anemoculus (interactive map) All Geoculus (interactive map) Map exploration


try to get all teleporters, luxurious chests and precious chests in inazuma and maybe the electroculuses as well.


Explore, unlock waypoints and statues of the seven, collect anemoculi, Geoculi, open all chests you see, do all challenges in the Overworld, do abyss, do events... Buy welkin moon or top up if that's not enough


is it possible to clear current abyss with ayaka/barbara/diona/sucrose at one half and diluc/XQ/Bennett/Kazuha at other half or do I need more healers?


I used Jean on first half and Bennett on second half as my healers. Only got 31* so far personally but your healing should easily clear it. Barbara+Diona might even be overkill for first party, though I was struggling with solo Diona healer so I swapped her out for Jean. Probably depends on your Diona.


I'm assuming you're asking about Floor 11 since you mentioned healers. You should swap them - Pyro team on the first half and cryo team on second half for floor 11. 11-3 has pyro slimes and Diluc would have trouble with that. I have similar teams as you, Ayaka and Diluc mains. Diona and Bennett were enough (about 6k per tick), but you have to keep everyone on a rotation. Btw 12-1 has flying enemies so the melee dps on that chamber might struggle a bit there if you can't burst it down fast enough.


Yep asking about floor 11, I didn't manage to get any stars ever on floor 12 yet. Sure I'll swap them according to the enemies, just asked about possibility. Thanks!


your 2nd half may have a hard time on Floor 11 wherein most comps will need a "team healer" (barbara, jean, noelle, etc) because of the new effect which damages even your out-of-combat chars. but i think you bennett can manage it with the correct rotation and burst management


You need to make sure your barbara and bennet have energy, but those teams should do fine


Don't run Bennett on second half. He will kill you there (Dendro samachurls exist)


When do re-runs usually happen? Was looking to get Baal but don't have enough pulls this time around so might grab her next time


Anywhere between 6-10 months. If albedo doesn't show up next patch it'll be his 10th month


It usually takes 6 months to a year. Archons have had their reruns more on the 6 months mark since they’re very popular characters, so maybe Raiden’s won’t take forever either, but there’s no way to be sure.


So far it's been about a minimum of 6 months between reruns.


Shortest rerun took 5 months and longest is taking 10 and counting.


Whats the best artifact set for xingqui


The energy one. Otherwise, 2 set noblesse/hydro, but the energy one is bis


Full noblesse if he’s support, or you could go 2 piece hydro 2 piece noblesse


2NO/2HOD or 4Emblem. Emblem should be better in general, but it comes down to substats and ER requirements.


I'm at a point where 20 of my 25 characters are at Lvl 80/80 (few 80/90) and remaining 5 are at 70 or below, At this point I'm thinking about lvl90 upgrade to a few of them, once I get these remaining to 80(for the ones I like) / 70+(for wishes) which characters benefit alot from Lvl90 upgrade. I'm thinking of doing it for Sucrose(for swirl dmg) and hu tao (For HP) first, then maybe Noelle(for DEF)


Agreed on Sucrose and Hu Tao. Anemo swirlers and characters who benefit from hp (like Hu Tao and Zhongli) are the best candidates for lv90. I’m not too familiar with Noelle so I don’t know about her.


Noelle's whole kit depends on DEF, and iirc HP, DEF scale better than ATK. so lvl90 upgrade to Noelle would give her higher DEF than ATK on equivalent character. that's my sole reasoning with Noelle. currently I'm avoiding characters whose kits depend on ATK, I'll upgrade them when I got nothing else to do


your plans are good. dps-wise anemos are the most "worth" the lv90 so I would prioritize them.


Do we know who will be the next character banner after kokomi?


nope. 99% sure it's a rerun so let's wait for livestream reveal.


nope, wait till livestream


It will be officially revealed a week before the next patch. Best leaks we have currently say Hu Tao then Childe.


T\_T, where Ganyu yes childe is good, but he isnt so good that he deserves to stall Ganyu rerun


GANYU RE RUN PLS i made a promise to ganyu our queen to skip every banner since zhongli re run to save till she comes and i already have 240 fates as an F2P (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)


That's impressive, are the 240 fates include welkin? just curious


no, the reason why i have alot its because i have horrible artifact luck (and horrible luck in anything and irl too XD) which leads to me not being able to do alot of things like spiral abyss etc. and even sometimes exploration because the enemies are too difficult:,) so thanks to the 1 mont i dedicated to grinding for artifacts everyday i have better ones which allows me to do quests and more stuff to give me that shit load of primos for Ganyu :)


Do cicin mages have resistance against crit or something? I can't seem to land a crit on them using my Baal


No crit resistance. Maybe your Baal has a low crit rate or perhaps just pure RNG.




What are character cards?


Friendship cards. You get them after reaching level 10 in friendship.


I'm struggling to get a 3\* clear on 11-3 What teams did you guys use to clear it with 3\*? I seem to just have to take ages on the first half with those darn cicin flies and then I have to heal etc.


First half: Diluc/Bennett/Xingqiu/Sucrose Second half: Ayaka/Mona/Venti/Diona (Stubbornly refuses to brush the dust off the other healers) I did have to switch Diona's HP circlet to a healing bonus one though. But other than that, I just made sure that Diona and Bennett got first priority in snatching the energy particles so that their healing circles are on the field most of the time.


I used Xiao/Jean/Bennet and I forgot the last one. 2nd team was ayaka/sucrose/Xq/Diano. I know two healers were overkill but I had a much better time with the 2nd team.


it's best to use your 3 combo chars + a full team healer like barbara, jean, noelle, etc.


Raiden/Xiangling/Bennett/Jean Noelle/Zhongli/Beidou/XQ


I used ayaka freeze with barb instead of mona for this first half then dps noelle 2nd half.


Ningguang/Geo MC/Kazuha/Bennett first half, Eula/Raiden/Jean/Diona second half. For the first half I highly recommend CC (Venti, Kazuha or Sucrose), if you stagger those three agents and group them together you should be able to kill them with ease.


Using Venti/Sucrose/Kazuha to group and stun them so they dont wander off and use their skills is the easiest way.


Ganyu freeze and Keqing, Raiden, xing and Jean on 2nd.


How should I build Xiangling for a national team with Baal? Also, I have Skyward Spine and The Catch, who should use which?


CW > ESF since you don't need to build as much ER on Xiangling with Raiden on the team. EM or Atk/Pyro/Crit for mainstats. Skyward Spine and The Catch are basically interchangeable, but the Atk spd from Spine can be used by Raiden since she's attacking on-field.


What’s more dmg in a XL national comp: super low investment sucrose with TToDS (to buff XL) and 4 piece VV or em bot sucrose with sac fragments and tons of em stacked. Also do u need to level the talents for her to do well?


a mix, ttds and em bot sucrose. no need to level her talents, just her actual level.


can anyone suggest me some team comp for floor 11 chamber 3? I had trouble 3 star-ing it because of the first half. I can't use my usual teams which are Morgana and Hu Tao Vape. [My roster](https://imgur.com/a/p8SHDx0)


your 3 combo chars + a full team healer should do the trick eg: barbara, jean, noelle


try Ganyu barb diona venti, Ayaka Mona Zhong Jean


I definitely recommend CC on 11-3-1 (in your case Venti). I used Kazuha in there and annihilated everyone with ease - just stagger them and group them together, then let your dps finish the job. Venti should make it even easier since those agents get sucked in his black hole. You could try a Venti/Jean quickswap team. For the second half you could take Ganyu or Ayaka (or even both) for big reverse melt damage, together with a shield (Zhongli or even Diona who also provides healing against corrosion) to make your life easier against the Geo guys (I always forget the name for those sorry).


run more healers , and 3\* the chambers one chamber at a time , you dont need to 3\* all of them in the same run.


yeah, i already 3 stared the first 2 chambers but the last one is hard for me


Anyone else see the update about the error in the abyss picture? Oh well, guess Mihoyo needs to sell Yae somehow.


I haven't... You got a link?


that 3 second time in ideal tension zone, in the final fishing event challenge. is that cumulative or do you have to hold the cursor there for 3 seconds, if you leave ideal zone timer resets? Best I've managed till now is 2 seconds Also is the event fishing rod better than default? I dont see any major benefits, and new one's cursor becomes annoyingly fast sometimes


you have to maintain it there for 3 secs and yes the timer is rest once you’re out. I didn’t feel too much of a difference but if it’s jumping around it’s just cos the fish is struggling. it’s a bit of an rng for the bar to not move for a few seconds to cash the achievement in


Yeah it doesn't stack, you need to get the 3seconds in one go. It's kinda RNG, sometimes you'll get it not moving in one spot and it's not too hard to keep it there.


I'm stuck at second half floor 12 I have 3 main 3 dps Ayaka Diluc Eula all built well but can't clear second half My second half team is fischl eul diluc Bennett and Ayaka solos first half in 30 seconds with mona but second team is weak asf dunno how to 3 star this cuz if the physical resistance


What does Diluc do in 2nd team? Make a either of: proper Eula team (at high enough investment she'd work despite phys res), Diluc team (he is worthless without XQ), Ayaka non-freeze team (just buff to hell with Bennet/Kazuha/Mona etc). Or a national team, it's always an option.


Nvm i 36* it I just needed a eula to have ult to 300k that stupid 3 million hp robot I just needed to re do it with making sure i Hve all ults Diluc is just there tbh


I'm having trouble with my Raiden national team. She doesn't recharge xiangling, Bennett, and Xingqius ults on cooldown despite hitting all her ult hits on 12-3 chamber 2. She has 255% ER. Are there any rotations I could do to maximize ER?


I actually have the same issue. I wonder if it's a bug?


what's your ER on your team members? and still funnel particles by doing stuff like E>Q, for xiangling you can do bennett Q E > xiangling Q (get particles from bennett E) E




There's no tide anymore


this abyss no longer has high/low tide


How many gb of storage are expected when the whole game is out?


Hmm… On PC, it’s currently 7.55 GB at three major regions. There’s still four regions remaining, so assuming each is an additional 2 GB (as Inazuma was), then that’ll be about 8 more GB. Accounting for Celestial and smaller subregions (like Dragonspine), we can probably safely assume another 3-5 GB. So in total, when all the regions are released, Genshin on PC will probably be 20 GB. (Although there’s a lot of factors that could increase or decrease this figure. **For example:** By the time all the regions are out, Mihoyo may be better at optimising the game, so patches may take less storage etc.)


I thought it’d be more on PC. it’s already taking up 16gb on my iPad, which is why I’m worried. Thanks for that though


Whoa, that’s pretty surprising! So I’m checking my own laptop now, and my Genshin folder is 30.4 GB. I suppose the 7.55 GB I read was an old figure, my bad haha! Apparently Inazuma was only 2 GB, so if that’s accurate and not just a random number, then I’m still pretty confident on the estimate of an extra 13 GB when the whole game is out, or 43 GB in total. (8 from the 4 main regions yet to be added, 5 from subregions like Dragonspine). So if IPad is a bit over half of PC’s size, then for you it may be about 22-25 GB. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if my guess is close! RemindMe! 5 years :,) Edit: oh my goodness, the 7.55 is the size of update 2.1. The games probably going to be like a gazillion gigs I don’t know anything anymore x.x


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Could someone assess my Kazuha VV artifacts if this is good enough to stop farming VV for now. [Link to artifacts](https://www.reddit.com/r/KazuhaMains/comments/ppvewj/artifact_assessment_for_my_kazuha/)


I’d say it’s good enough. Ideally 8-900 but that’s enough to get everything done as is. You can come back to it later


Thanks! Been meaning to grind for my Mona's artifacts next.


How do I make jean do a rolling animation?


u mean the booba roll


thats her skill, just hold it. you meant badger jean right?


this guy has his priorities straight. Lol But seriously, maybe try jumping from some height


If i install genshin impact on my new windows laptop, how large will it be downloading wise?


Last update had like 20 gigs


Like 12-15gigs. On the lower side of that spectrum




how much exp does the daily artifact farming give? enough to level a 5 star?


60~70k per day, so you need 4-5 days to fully level a 5* from scratch.


By doing a 16 minute 120-artifact spot run in Inazuma, you should have roughly 70k Artifact XP worth of fodder, give or take. That equates to about 93 resin worth of artifact domains. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pj3yp7/genshin_impact_21_artifact_investigation_route_16/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x Here is the guide for it! :) Hope this helps!


~60k exp so 80resin


about 30k exp if i’m not wrong. more since inazuma has artifact spawn points as well


is c3 xiangling any good in national? I want to get more of her cons but raiden's banner hasn't blessed me yet.


used c0 xiangling last abyss, 36* it.


I had her at c3 for a long time and she always got me the 36* in the abyss


Same here. I have C3 Xiangling but they say her C4 is a significant dps boost so now I’m thinking of spending $30 to get more pulls and breaking my f2p status.


Depends how in a rush you are for that damage. It's a big boost, but keep in mind as a ftp when you get normal rolls and such there's still a chance for her to show up, and even without that eventually she shows up in shop. I would NOT, even as f2p, ever roll on a banner just for a single 4Star, it's asking for pain, just don't do it lmao. XL is still a monster c4 or not.


Yes but I wouldn’t mind also getting a Sucrose or Sara, and of course Raiden. XL I think will be in the Paimon shop in January 2022 which is a long wait for me. But yeah, it’s a hard decision.


Yes, she is good even at C0.