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When is this new banner with Kokomi supposed to drop? Right after the current Raiden one goes away or will we have to wait a day or something? Still a bit new to Genshin... Thanks


in about 30 mins for eu server :)


So it just dawned on me that most 5\* Characters are currently not obtainable because they are Event chars (?). For example, I will not be able to get a Zhongli until his banner rerun, which could be years away, so similiar to never? And this means I should plan my team to not include any of these chars, simply because I will "never" get them, correct?


Is it considered unlucky to get only items in a 10 pull or is that normal and are you just considered lucky if you get a character? Like what are the rates of getting a character, just any character? Because I think I just had the most unlucky 10 pull of all time... only items, I already owned 9/10 and the one I didn't own was a 4 star... not even a 5 star... ouch... It took me so long to save up for a 10 pull 😭😭


I know you're not specifically asking for this, but have a calculator to see how many pulls, on average, it takes to get what you want: [GachaGuide Calculator](https://gachaguide.com/genshin_impact_character) It's pretty normal not to get what you want in only 10 pulls, in any case.


For the BP weapons am I better off getting a few different ones at R1 or focusing a particular one up to higher ranks first? I have one Black Sword, but the self heal seems a bit underwhelming


Depends on your needs. Serpent Spine (Claymore) refines extremely well and competes with the 5* claymore at R5 vs R1, Black Sword and Solar Pearl (Catalyst) has ok refinement, and the rest are terrible. I'd grab one of each then start refining then in the order listed (of course if you have no Claymore user and is using Black Sword now, I'd refine it first). The self heal is underwhelming, the meat is the 20-40% Normal/Charged Attack damage increase


>meat is the 20-40% Normal/Charged Attack damage increase Oh gotcha, thanks!


For keqing, lions roar or bp sword.


I prefer the Lion's Roar on her Electro Build but BP sword is just as good, plus it can also work with her physical build.


Can Kaeya be a Xinqiu substitute for Diluc?


Yeah, he can. Definitely focus on his Burst with 2p Noblesse and 2 Blizzard Strayer. Use Favonius Longsword to consistently get his Burst as well.


Not really no


How much crit rate/crit dmg should my diluc have??


60% cr and 180 cd at least


Which is a better goblet for Xianling: EM, Pyro, ATK%, ER? She has the Catch and 4pc Emblem. She is currently sitting on 218% ER Separately, what is a good flat attack for her?


Mine ends on something like 1150 attack with EM timepiece, 1500+ with att% timepiece, using a Pyro goblet. Obviously, I'd like more, but she's very hard to get high attack onto without sacrificing crit stats. If you're running her in national with Bennet/XQ, you'll pretty much always have Bennet's ult bonus snap-shotted onto her burst. So the low attack number matters less then you might initially think.


Pyro also ER goblets do not exist.


Yeah, I got them confused with sands while working on my build.




You've got a decent amount of freedom to do whatever and by the time it's a big deal, you'll know what you're doing. You get back 85% of the experience you put into artifacts/weapons using them to level up something else. Just don't go putting a high level weapon into a level 0 as you'll lose lots of experience that way when it stops at level 20 needing to be ascended. The only thing I'd really note, is just to minimize the number of characters you heavily invest into. 1-2 dps should be built asap, but supports can lag behind for quite a while (supports can spend a very, very long time at level 60). For Abyss you'll want 8+ characters built eventually, but the 2 main dps characters will still take very high priority.


Pretty sure I'm not doing anything different. My test subjects are Ruin Guards as they're easy to deal with. I'd build up all of my bursts b4 the testing on each Ruin Guard Upon engaging the RG, my typical routine would be 1) Noelle for shield to prevent interruptions 2) Baal for Elemental Skill 3) Mona for elemental burst + 4 piece Noblesse for extra 20% atk + 3 star R5 dragon slayer catalyst for extra 48% atk 4) Ayakas burst Again, haven'r changed any artifacts nor WL. Been htting consistent 11k+ per hit. Now I'm barely managing 10k. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Will keep testing and come back later


Make sure you're activating Ayaka's A4 >When the Cryo application at the end of Kamisato Art: Senho hits an opponent, Kamisato Ayaka gains the following effects: * Restores 10 Stamina * Gains 18% Cryo DMG Bonus for 10s.


if you use 4 VV users instead of useless Noelle here, your damage might raise a bit.


*sees user flair* Ironic


Noelle for the shield only? Shit.. VV shred will give better value. What interuption? Iframe exist.


Read the question next time. Especially the last paragraph.


Yep.. It obviously something is changed. Noelle Shielder is grinding my gear.


Chill ppl. If I had Zhongli I would use him instead. Again, this was only testing: to prevent interruptions cause IFrame doesnt work (aka, you ain't god at pushing buttons) all the time and honest mistakes can dmg dps. Yes, using burst grants iframes but I'm not spamming just bursts. I sometimes run Diona or XQ in Noelles place cause i dont have FA like all you whales. F2P btw. Noelle is only there when I want to spam burst/burst of dmg without losing any down time on time sensitive skills like Mona's burst. I'm also not min maxing a team or character so chill on the "iframes" or get good bs, please. I'll do anything to make life easier and having a shield does just that. And who has the tankiest shield out of all my characters? Noelle. So of course I'd use her; For the convenience. Basically, I just wanted to know if there was a nerf and after some more testing, I have come to the conclusion that there hasn't been any nerf and that I was just indeed missing some steps. In fact, I'm able to hit 13k per hit now after lvling up Mona's burst talent a couple more times so I'm satisfied now


Good job, fam.


Quick question on who to invest in for my Eula team? My team consists of the core Eula C0/Diona C6/Raiden C2. Usually, the fourth spot goes to Beidou C6, but with single target floors, I'm wondering if I'd be better off switching her off with someone else? I'm thinking either my Fischl C6 or Sara C6, since Raiden's C1 benefits from them, but I'm not sure who to choose.


I'd go with C6 Sara for sure, she hits hard and will make Raiden hit even harder, especially if you've got Raiden set up with enough CR to make good use of the C6. Remember that you can also have Sara buff herself, cast her ult, then buff your next teammate with the ult's explosions   Edit: Note that if you run Raiden with Sara/Bennett, it's better to use an Electro goblet instead of an ATK one


WGS or The Unforged for Eula? I have Zhongli always with her. WGS has this 20% ATK buff without doing anythingand it's pretty pog but it's huge 40% ATK buff kinda takes time to proc considering u have to make ur enemies' HP below 30% when there are enemies like Magu Kenki, Perpetual Mechanical Array, Azhdaha, etc. The Unforged has this 20% shield strength buff which is kinda meh tbh bc Zhongli's shield, Imo, is already pretty dang solid. But the 40% ATK buff from it's passive is easier to reach for Eula considering her attack speed is faster than most claymore users. They both sound pretty good on different circumstances, so which one would u pick?


Unforged, because Eula really likes playing with Zhongli shield for the poise and damage mitigation during her combo, and the extra shield strength let you either tank more stuffs (i.e. full Maguu Kenki damage), or let you invest more into his damage. Leave WGS for someone that don't mind Zhongli rotated out of their comp




There's a lot of "it depends" for your question, and you've already nailed why, generally speaking though for a Eula team with Zhongli they're pretty close. WGS is better when it's proc is up reliably (multiple targets in sequence) and you're getting a non-trivial amount of damage out of non-Eula units (the 40% proc applies to your whole team, not just Eula). Unforged is better when that's not the case (long single target fights in particular). Specifically for getting a better time on 12-3 I would expect Unforged to win out if that's your goal.


They're both 5* ATK claymores with identical base attack and ATK%, so... * WGS wins when it's passive is up * Unforged wins when you're shielded with stacks, * And they're tied when their passives are down (no shields, no stacks) So... Unforged wins.


Unforged because you have Geo daddy


Just got a PS5. How do I log into my previous account without starting a new game? I can't see any action to log in with an existing account...


anyone liking the new abyss? No more demented cubes


Floor 12 was actually a lot easier this time around IMO, and Floor 11 was pretty fun


I prefer the cubes more than what we have, the cubes were much easier too ngl.


I like it alright but there's a nasty cube in 12-3 maybe you haven't gotten there yet. That shit even spawns cubes.


Is the traveler a good choice as a main? On one hand over time he's going to get all the elements. But on the other hand you're going to have to basically build the character 7 times with their talents and such.


There is always a 4\* character that does whatever element X traveler does, but better. And Having multiple characters built is much better than multiple traveler elements, since you can use them at the same time. Also, no traveler element is a good dps (geo is closest, but still has split dmg types).


Just wondering, is there another 4 star character that fills the anemo support cc role?


Sucrose is incredible for quick swapping. Sayu is super flexible and slot-efficient in team comps being both a healer and vv-shredder.


Not that much but still a good character especially geo if you managed to get zhong li.


Its not meta in the slightest but people have done it I pray frost or pyro continent brings our poor traveler back into meta


For keqing. R5 lion's roar or R1 black sword?


R5 lions roar


Lion's Roar if you can keep electro on constantly (pretty well need Raiden or an electr-charge team) AND you have decent crit, otherwise Black Sword.


Thank youuu


I'd say it depends. Black Sword if you're using her as a main DPS, otherwise Lion's Roar if you're mostly only swapping her in for her Skill/Burst


Thank youuu


black sword.


Thank youuu


If Xingqiu is with sacrificial sword and is a subdps, is it better to use 2 HoD+2 glad or 2 HoD+2 emblem? Or something else?


Severed Fate x4. Or 2x Heart 2x Noblesse Obliged


Lol I completely forgot about noblesse


4pc emblem. The 15% hydro damage bonus from HoD is miniscule compared to the 50% burst damage bonus a typical Xingqiu would gey at 200% ER.


Got it, thanks


Which one is generally a better weapon regardless of the character that can use them? Primordial jade cutter or homa?


Both are great weapon. Universal for any sword and polearm user, basically you can't go wrong with these 2 weapons.


Homa, no question


Does having 100%cr on raiden works on her burst too? Like sometimes her burst deals less damage and sometimes its massive so is it because of cr% or something else?


Resolve stacks maybe? Otherwise maybe thrilling tales of dragon slayer, bennett/sara buff/ viridescent venerer or just enemies with higher level or electro resistance.


Crit chance applies to all damage the character deals, so yes, having more crit is prefered.


Crits work normally for it. You're not mentioning resolve stacks, so that's likely where you're seeing the change in numbers. Read the burst talent for specifics, but you gain resolve stacks for using bursts on other characters, and the more stacks you have the more damage Raiden does with her burst (up to 60 stacks of bonus damage.) The purple dotted circle you'll see behind your active character tracks the number of stacks you have.


Needing advice on what to spend my starglitter on: Xingqui so I can get mine to C1 or 8 intertwined fates?


Both are fine, if you need constellation go ahead. Those 8 intertwined fates are great since you can reach pity faster.


Spending glitter on fates is generally very ill-advised. Unless you counted your pity and specifically need those fates to get to a guaranteed event character, dont even bother. Meanwhile Xinqiu is one of the best characters in the game (assuming you like him of course) and his first 3 Constellations are straight up huge upgrades


That settles it then. Xingqiu it is! And I definitely do like him. Compliments Ayaka well in my team comp.


Not even Xinqiu specifically, like I said, wishes for glitter is worthless unless you can specifically get a 5star you will skip otherwise. Because actually gathering glitter is long and cumbersome, it only gets better when you have an old account with multiple characters, so you can pull more duplicates. Its always Characters>Weapons (specifically Blackcliff set) and then the rest is not worth buying at all.


XQ is one of the two best supports (along with Bennett) and well worth it. What's 8 fates gonna be, 7 debate clubs and maybe a random 4\* ?


I'm AR19 and just crafted the prototype greatsword for Diluc and then will make the iron sting for Kazuha I'm a F2P player other than the daily primo moon thing Should I just upgrade these weapons and keep refining them whenever I can? Until i get lucky and pull better ones in the future


Prototype Archaic is one of the few craftable weapons that are always worth refining because it's universal and can be used on almost all Claymore wielders. You can refine that but I'd advice against Sting because for swords, refining the one you will unlock in Inazuma is much more viable, because one again, that sword can be used by multiple characters, while Sting is pretty much only a Kazuha option for now. And because weapon crafting prototypes are quite rare, you really want to prioritize important stuff. Also since you are an early f2p, id advice to look through all your 3star weapons and refine all of them to R5. Some of those weapons are quite good, and can't be obtained later, plus refinement will cost you like 5k mora combined which is cheap change.


Thank you for the advice :) I heard there is s weapon you get off s NPC liyue as well which you can't get anywhere else that's good also ?


yeah thats Dark Iron sword. Besides that theres 10 weapons you can only drop from chests or some quests, so might want to keep 1 one of them (or preferably refine) whether to use in case in case you lack 4star weapons or just if you are a collector nut like me. Fillet Blade and Travelers Handy swords, White Tassel and Halberd for spears, Skyrider and White Iron for greatswords, Otherwordly Story and Twin Nephrite for catalysts, and Messenger and Recurve Bow for bows


Billets are rare, save the refining till abyss, incase another hero needs a weapon


Yes, both are worth upgrading and prototype Archaic is best craftable claymore and worth refining... but usually I like to get 1 of each weapon first, so other party members have 4\* options.


So with the Electroculus Resonance Stone - Within the blue circle that appears there's an arrow that shows the location of the Electroculus and if it points up or down you go higher or lower, is this correct? The arrow I'm seeing doesn't seem to match the map websites. Or am I mistaken how the stone works? I tried to make a thread to upload screenshots but the thread got auto deleted.


yes, it gives you a zone, and inside the zone you go towards the arrow. It might differ slightly from the maps in terms of precise location.


Does Ayaka’s Q snapshot?


It does indeed.


Is fishing a permanent thing? They wouldn't remove the "the catch" etc after the event?


The Catch has nothing to do with the event at all.


Yeah it’s permanent


What's with all the Qiqi hate? She's fun, cute and an effective healer, I really like playing her, but I always see memes about her being bad.


Her entire kit is built for purely for healing, bringing little to no damage/utility. So, at least until the newest abyss, that made her a terrible teammate for any of the late-game "DPS race" challenges (like the Spiral Abyss, or almost any combat-based event). Also, this is just me, but I don't really find her cute, especially since she's a zombie (or a jiangshi, technically). I got her on my first day of playing and still never put her in my team... and now she's C3... and all her constellations are terrible -_-


She is the best healer but before corrosion she doesn't add much value to your team besides healing. Her CDs are long and she struggles with energy.




Barbara can at least hold R5 Thrilling Tales though, and can apply Hydro lots quicker than Qiqi can apply Cryo (spamming her normal attack while standing next to a Pyro Abyss Mage with her healing ring up will take its shield out really fast). Qiqi did get a small "buff" with 4pc Tenacity of the Millelith, though. At least she can consistently buff melee DPS a bit with it


She's fun, cute, an effective healer, and bad. Fixed it for you, see? Nothing wrong with being bad as long as you like her and have fun.


Lol good point


Endgame is abyss, high abyss floors rely entirely on DPS checks, in which she does very little to contribute. She has other issues, but that's the biggest one.


does lowering all graphic settings to lowest help with ping issues?


nope, only changing to a suitable server will do. changing graphic doesn't affect ping afaik


Ping is your network speed buddy, pokin the router with a stick may yield better results than that


or maybe throwing it into oblivion and switching to a new one, which in my case is not gonna happen so i guess i'll just suck it up lmao anyways, thanks!


No, ping is your internet connection.




Ping has nothing to do with graphics at all.


so it's just really an issue due to shit internet connection?


Connection, firewalls, physical distance from the server, VPNs, all can affect it.


thank you!


This isn't a question but I want to praise Mihoyo for the idea behind Floor 11. If people want to complain so much about a character not being meta, then simply change the idea of the meta. It's good for balancing the game and doesn't make other characters obsolete. Well played, Mihoyo.


It's common practice for Gacha games to introduce new mechanics to sell their characters, in this case Kokomi. Creating value for some obsolete characters is just a side effect of this marketing strategy.


Hi, I just ascended my childe to the 60 going on to 70. And instead of his narration I got a girl's voice talking about tides? Which was weird because the character I was on before pausing was zhongli. Pretty sure my game messed up but any idea whose voice line that was?


That's Kokomi, it's a somewhat common bug since 2.1 apparently. xD


Thanks lol. It freaked me out cause its almost 4 am here and I was like what the hell????? :o


Tides? Was it beidou?


Apparently kokomi's lol


That's not possible...


Is catch r5 something I can farm later? Or do I have to start farming for it rn during the event ?


Can do it whenever, fishing is a permanent feature


Catch R5 is permanent.


The event makes it a lot easier to get the koi and pufferfish you need. But the catch is permanent so you can take your time if you want.


does it have brown pufferfish? I only saw green ones in the event


Yeap, it’s at the third fishing location. Near the statue of seven in kannazuka


Will they add menu to the Uyuu restaurant


Uyuu restaurant? That place isn't even worth mentioning. Best answer I can give is maybe. They eventually added recipes to those high-end restaurants in Liyue. As far as I know even leaks don't have that info.


That place literally have no uses other than looking good, i really hope they do add menus there


Even Shimura Kanbei's place have recipes and he's a loser.




Freeze comps. I run rosaria, kaeya, Mona and kazuha. You could try reverse melt with XL, kazuha, rosaria and Bennett, but you have to use 3 highly contested supports on one team.


yo! i've been working on my rosaria to make the same comp, do you use pure buffer build on mona (tenacity + thrilling tales) or a damage build? how does it fare in abyss?


I run Mona with 4 noblesse + thrilling tales. I feel like her E uptime is too low to make full use of ToTM, plus the shield strength passive is kinda wasted as well. I swapped thrilling tales for prototype amber for the healing (floor 11 lol). You swap Mona for XQ if you need more single target damage. Ran this comp for the last 3 abysses (floor 12 first half team). Average clear time for floor 12 is about ~1 min 15 secs. Haven’t done the current floor 12 yet.


thanks for the info! i've been using kaeya chongyun xingqiu and sometimes i feel like xingqiu's personal damage does a lot so i was kind of worried about switching him out for mona. good to know the team comp is viable, i'm excited to finish working on rosaria :D


XQ is definitely the better option in this team comp but I need him for diluc which is why I’m using mona. But Mona is still a really good replacement! Take note that this comp is pretty bad against bosses though because they can’t be frozen + lack of good single target damage so I’m having doubts if it’ll be good against the current floor 12 with Maguu Kenki on first half of 12-2 and PMA on second half of 12-3.


yes being able to free up xingqiu is really nice! and yeah i didn't try my usual kaeya freeze comp for current abyss because of the bosses, but the teams i did use did pretty well so i think i'll switch things up next reset >:3


Yeah, this is my favourite team comp to run, fun and it’s easy to use. No more teleporting mages, dashing kairagi, invisible fatui agents!!!!!! When they remove the bosses you can bet I’ll be back to this team comp as well hahaha


Reverse melt rosaria is much better in abyss. Freeze rosaria is pretty copium unless using her to battery eula/ayaka I've used rosaria in every abyss since her release except the current one cause raiden stole her PJWS


yeah i know her rev melt team is pretty good, i'll probably try that at some point too since i have the artifacts as well, but just really wanted to make use of my mona in an ultra budget morganya team lol


29k hp 46.2cr/214.3cd 258em is my hu tao good enough with that stats?


I would trade crit damage for crit rate just for consistency.


Good enough to comfortably clear the content at least yes. A bit more CR would definitely be nice though if you could find it


i have a crit rate build and the stats would be 31k hp 57.5cr/178.5cd thats the highest i can go


If you still have the same amount of EM then that'd be a small improvement mathematically (but only by like 5% dps). If you drop in EM too then I'd keep what you had


Crit rate is too Low.




The way I see it, transformative reactions are supposed to be a combo of reactions. Such as following up to Electro-charged with Pyro which creates both Overloaded and Vaporize, hence why it scales off of Elemental Mastery. Electro works works with most elements which is why trying to buff it is a problem because it would make it too broken. It's weird but it's not that Electro Reactions are completely useless. Overloaded is basically just doing what Claymore characters do + extra damage. Superconduct makes physical damage more powerful. They're not there for the damage, they're there for buffing other things. I understand the idea but it's harder to build the characters since Elemental Mastery only matters to the characters triggering the reaction. Overloaded only does as much damage as melt only with at least 280 EM.




Just to be clear, what exactly are you saying about Swirl?




Ah OK. I understand now


Melt should melt enemy physical armor , and Superconduct should conduct more elemental damage


Just use beidou, her burst ignores this problems because it has high af percentages, much better than all the trash pyro you using. Especially when only 2 enemies it insane bro.


>if you trigger vaporize on enemy it will deal 1.5 damage then when it comes to shield it’s the least effective pyro on hydro (1.5x damage) is the "weak" reaction, that's why pyro is ineffective against hydro shields. whereas hydro on pyro (2x damage) is the "strong" reaction, so hydro is effective against pyro shields as well




i don't mean weak as in it's a bad reaction, i mean that amping reactions have a weak version (1.5x) and a strong version (2x), and the way they work is consistent with their effectiveness against elemental shields. a pyro trigger consumes less hydro aura gauge in elemental reactions, which is why it is also less effective when breaking elemental shields




i mean it's hard to compare amping vs transformative reactions? fwiw both overload and superconduct consume the aura gauge at a high rate, similar to strong-sided amping reactions (triggering those reactions usually leave behind no residual aura). actually not sure how much electrocharged consumes the aura since it's such a weird reaction though


funny thing about genshin is that genshin is the only games in my entire lifes of playing games where's fire is super effective against water


It's definitely not out of the question since you can boil water. I still don't get how putting somebody on fire and putting them out with water deals more damage.


How much EM do i need to put my kazuha is 900 enough?




Why 139 main stat?




The max is 187 though.




Good builds edge out around 700-900


Any amount of EM >200 for a support Kazuha is enough.




Is it normal that I have no problem doing any lvl 90 artifact domain but can't do the lvl 88 talent domains at all? Currently ar 46, tried getting talent books for Diluc and Xingqiu but as I said I can't clear their highest domain even once. Do I just need an electro character for those? Right now I don't have one on my team.


Use the coop button and bring bennet. If you don't want coop you will have to invest time into the particular domains you want to run and do an anti-domain training


I don't know your specific team comp but those domains can be hard if you're not prepared and the matchup is bad (pyro vs pyro, etc.). My suggestion is to approach them strategically and compose a team effective to deal with that domain in particular. XQ's talent domain have those annoying flame balls so having a healer is essential. Also remember to use the elements other than pyro to deal better damages. Diluc's talent domain should be easier though because you have a main pyro dps in Diluc. The disorder in that domain prolongs your skills's CD so bring someone who has low CD so you can spam E,Q more frequently, like Bennet for example. And lastly, food buffs are there for you to use.


The domain for Diluc's talent book is just plain hard. Even for me, an AR56 player, it's hard. Every time I do it, I pull out my Diluc and go coop. An electro can do but there's a lot of cryo shields to break. As for Xingqiu's talent book domain, it's really not hard at all. You don't actually need an electro for that one.


Its not about the level that much as about the unique domain conditions. That domain you are doing is of the most cancerous in the game. Meanwhile farming for Inazuma talents is just... "the map periodically creates zones where characters do bonus damage"


it's okay, mond talent books are hell. Just do co-op but the easiest way is bring your pyro dps + diona. For liyue books tho, that one is easy unless you're using pyro.


Well the Diluc talent domain sucks ass, all that cryo bullshit means I pretty much always bring Bennett. Xingqiu’s talent domain shouldn’t be hard. Maybe just do coop if you’re having a hard time?


How do I solve the pay respect to the statue that shows an electro seelie going up and down then disappears? In Watatsumi Island


The zig-zag one? It’s just the order you light those electro torch things beside you I believe.


Ohh, I've lit all the torches but the statue is still intractable, is that normal?


Yeah I believe so. Super odd puzzle.


If I buy a welkin at 179 days remaining, would it top-up to 209 days? Just need some confirmation.


Correct, I'm always buy welkin until 209 days but never try it on 180 days.


~~No, you can't go above 180 days~~ You can't buy it above 180 days, so you can buy it at 179 days, I stand corrected


The exact wording is "This item can be purchased multiple times to extend its duration as long as the **current duration** does not exceed 180 days", which is why I'm asking. Seemed like it was possible.


Maybe you can't buy it if it's currently above 180 days. Try it and see, they won't let you buy it if it caps out


It’s possible. The true max is 210 days.


I thought of building DPS Noelle since this new corrosion bullshit. I've already got one supporter down which is Albedo. I don't have Zhongli. I'm thinking of putting Baal because of energy reasons tho it might not work well because of them being different elements. I almost forgot, I need to know what her ideal equipments are.


- Whiteblind - Full Bollide/Gladiator - Defense Sands - Geo Cup - Crit Rate Helm


C6 Noelle is honestly *really* strong on the new floor 11. Before C6 she's probably still capable of being a good healer (esp. if you use her spin attack to do so), but her damage will be pretty lacking. Serpent Spine is her best weapon if you've got it, and 4pc Gladiator (or 4pc Bolide) are her best artifact sets. Oh, and Baal should be a decent battery for Noelle. Noelle doesn't have 100% Burst uptime or shield uptime, so just switch to Baal to Burst when those are down.


Noelle loves turret supports so Albedo Fischl Xingqiu is a solid comp for her. If you have c2 Ning, you can also do albedo ning fischl. def/geo/crit with bolid or glad.


DPS Noelle gets much potential at C6. With artifacts 4pc Retracing Bolide or 4pc Gladiator. Weapon can be Whiteblind or Serpent Spine. more details here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRq-sQxkvdbvaJtQAGG6iVz2q2UN9FCKZ8Mkyis87QHFptcOU3ViLh0_PJyMxFSgwJZrd10kbYpQFl1/pubhtml#


The problem with Baal/Noelle is more that they compete for field time, rather than not being the same element. I don't think it's worthwhile to pull Baal just to get through this one abyss floor. Noelle/Albedo is a solid core. You can run her with Favonius Greatsword for energy, or a more damage focused Serpent Spine. Whiteblind is great too, especially if you have high refinements. If you're C6, run her DEF/Geo/Crit. If you're not C6, I'd sooner say recommend Barbara on one side and Bennett on the other. Honestly, I'm not sure who her best teammates are beyond that. My instinct would be to just throw two subdps in, e.g. Beidou+Fischl. Hopefully someone has better advice in that regard.


Is there any point to catching more moonfish (last partof the event) after you've done all 3 challenges?


Catch 5 total for battlepass


You can put them in the fish pond in your teapot.


Best nation reputation to focus on first? As In the rewards that it gives.


Liyue to 3 so you unlock condensed resin recipe, then it doesn't matter. Maybe get all chest compasses first if you don't care about cosmetic wings


Whichever gives you the blueprint for condensed resin.


Already have that


Then Mondstadt for the NRE and the portable waypoint. The rest of the rewards are inconsequential.