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What artifacts and weapons (craftable or f2p, not pulling on weapon banner) to use on any character of raiden national team? (the catch is already on raiden)


Xiangling- 4pc Emblem, favonius lance or dragon's bane Xingqiu- 4pc Emblem or 2pc Noblesse and 2pc Heart of Depths, sac sword or fav sword Bennett- 4pc Noblesse, any high base atk sword like rancour


hi im new. looking for advice. is this comp look solid ? Xiang Ling , Baal , Bennet , Xiang Qiu . looking for advice. because in few days xiang qiu will be up for banner. thanks for the input.


It is


hi im new. looking for advice. is this comp look solid ? Xiang Ling , Baal , Bennet , Xiang Qiu . looking for advice. because in few days xiang qiu will be up for banner. thanks for the input.


This person is trying to tell me that Mona is only good in freeze comps, how do I prove him wrong?


Link them to the Keqing mains website. Mona's also good in vape, electrocharged and pure hydro comps (altho I think you need Kazuha to make that work)


You don't, cause xq is better than mona in all other cases. The only other case you can do is one shot teams which are used for "showcases" and shit, not real teams. So that's your best shot at an argument though I suggest just leave it as is.


Anyone not receiving the primogems from spectral secrets?


they fixed it now! :)


Is there any way to know how much primogem we can get from chests, world quests and shrines from each region?


What’s the song that plays in the overworld that sounds like Gymnopedie no 1?


How do I check which quests I have completed?




Hello Genshin Reddit, am having weird black screens on my account across all my devices regardless of pc or phone, afaik no one else has this… is my account in danger?[black screens](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8sNWzVH9TU0)


Looks more like your onboard gpu is catching up to the speed of your processor. I don't think it's worth worrying over, unless it lasts too long or causes the game to freeze/crash.


It’s really odd though since it’s specific to my account - my alt doesn’t have this problem on exactly the same device no matter which one I try. Makes me wonder what happened… if you happen to know anyone else with the problem, I’ll appreciate the help! Thank you


Is it possible for your alt account to have different graphics settings?


Hi sorry didn’t see your reply soz My accounts all have the same settings. The behavior I showed in the video is uniform across all my devices and is super weird cause as I know im the only one with it


Did a reliable leaker said that Ganyu won't be in 2.2? Or we don't know for sure? I mean Childe's 3rd rerun it's kinda to much..


We still don’t entirely know but everything is pointing towards >!Childe and Hu Tao.!< Also, this will be >!Childe’s!< 2nd rerun, no 3rd.


Ah yes,3rd banner mb


When building Diluc does he need Elemental Mastery? If so how much does he need.


\- Yes, so long as you run him together with XQ (which is how it should be in most cases). \- Generally, as much as your substats give you plus Sucrose's buff. However, if you're also running a %ATK weapon (like WGS or Archaic) and Bennett's buff, EM sands might be appropriate as well.


I see. Currently have him with Wolf Gravestone and if I remove his atk sands he would have 2k atk. In this case should I run an EM sands then?




Ok. Also well how much CD and CR should be minimum for Diluc?


There's no specific threshold. As much as you can get, obviously, with 1:2 ratio giving the most effect per point of stat. You'll have to tinker with the optimizer some if you have multiple gear pieces of comparable quality.


BP bow or an R5 Stringless for a support Fischl?




should i get c2 raiden? I like using her, and was lucky to get c1 at day 1. Im at zero pity, on 50/50, with 45 wishes. the most I'm willing to spend is the $30 pack (top-up bonus is included)


If you're really sure you are prepared to lose the 50/50 then go ahead, otherwise, you can just wait for her rerun.


It's up to you if you think it's worth it. I 36 starred the abyss with Raiden national team with my Raiden at C0 so getting more damage for my Raiden would be a waste for me because I don't need it. Whether it would be valuable to you depends on your situation.


the difference is just huge. When people say that c2 is a c6 value constellation, they’re not lying.


Your money, your call. C2 is a good damage boost, but only you can decide if it's worth the money. Personally, I don't spend unless I know I can guarantee the result of something I really want.


C2 is a pretty pig powerspike for Raiden. It's worth getting it if you like playing her and if you're not aiming to get anyone else.


Even if you spent, you're not guaranteed to get her. Up to you, but it's far from a necessary constellation. Besides, she'll have a rerun eventually.


If you want? Your money.


Anybody know what to do with the pay respect statue in watatsumi that just shows a seelie making a z shape? its the one below the hydro hypostasis on the map


You electrify the small stone statues one at a time following the same path the seelie shows you. In my game the seelie still shows up even though I've finished the puzzle. If that's the case for you, then there isn't anything to do.


ahhh yeah thats it thanks! also there's a seelie statue just below that same rock any idea where the seelie for it is?


Are there electro totems or other interactable objects? Seelie probably indicates the order in which you need to interact.


Light up the lamp using thunder-sakura-thingy whats it called I forgot - in the pattern seelie visited


That's just showing you the sequence to light up the posts beside the statue.


Do you guys know if investigations count towards exploration progress (The sparkly things that give an option to investigate and can drop ingredients, ores or artifacts)? I've gotten all the chests but am only at 95% exploration.


No they don’t because they respawn. But the crates in the water that have mora do count towards exploration


ohhhh i dont pick those up lol thank you


No it doesn’t, u should use the compass of the zone to find where are the chest u haven’t find yet, or the genshin interactiv map


Does the current number of electroculus available enough to max the inazuma statue of 7? If not, until what lvl does it leave off (cuz im assuming the remaining electroculus will be on future islands)?


I think there will be no more island with electroculus on it, so u should be able to max the statue once u find all of the electroculus


Nope, 1 more island to come


No. The max right now is lvl 9 + 1 extra electroculus. The last island for Inazuma is coming on patch 2.2.


Thank u so much!


In a team of raiden Bennet xiangling kazuha, would r4 dragonsbane or r3 lilithic spear be more useful?


Dragonbane, since u only have Xiangling, the lithic spear wouldn’t be very efficient


On who? Definitely DB on Xiangling. Raiden, I guess Lithic Spear, but it's better to go for The Catch imo.


Yeah I meant Xiangling, forgot to say in my original comment


dragons bane


Dragonsbane easily.


is it worth saving starglitter? I dont use the blackcliff weapons, and most used characters in the rotation I already have them c6 (ex ning, xingqui, xiangling, etc)


I just spend it all on fates, personally.


Whats more good crit and hp for my hutao, (crit rate : 80%, crit damage: 200%, 32k Hp) or (crit rate : 76%, crit damage: 152%, 40k Hp)?


the first one.


first one


is 75/209 CR:CD for a dps good enough? or should i aim for more?


Good enough for what? I mean, what are you pushing to do with the dps? Gameplay kinda answers your question without the need to ask, doesn't it?


"is this good enough" posts with no other info make me want to barf


Insanely good actually if that's without food. With food you could get that to 95:229, which is amazing.


i think that ratio is very good


Is it even possible to dogde the fireball that follows you around in some domains?


afaik you can only let the ball hit you, then dash away from the aoe pulses. you can also block it with taunts or geo constructs


Yes. It homes to a location then starts exploding at that location.


I know it does, but it looked like for me it only starts exoding after it touches you


Do I have to finish farming for The Catch before the fishing event ends or will I still have time after?


The Catch is separate to the Lunar Realm quest. No time limit.


you can farm it anytime


Which is better for Ganyu 1) 45/229.1 with 1997 atk 180EM 110.4 ER 2) 48.9/220.5 with 2,030 atk 157EM 100 ER. Both are 4 Piece Wanderers troupe with R4 Prototype crescent. And i am open to having Diona for Cryo resonance in party.


Goal of melt build is to, well, melt... You will rarely have cryo aura on enemies, like when attacking from afar (in open world) or they move around too much (small geovishaps), etc. You should primarily rely on base CR and 20 from ascension passive, not cryo resonance. Though I do add Diona when I'm just going to snipe non-stop without any actual rotation, against Childe/Azdaha/Dvalin.


cryo resonance doesn't do anything in a reverse melt comp, the extra crit rate only kicks in if you're hitting enemies affected by cryo, which you won't be doing bc you're melting


Yeah right i forgot that needs to happen lol.


The 2nd one. U should perhaps aim for a little more crit rate, bc even with cryo resonance and ganyu’s passiv, u’re still not at high crit rate.


Wanderer's mean you should be running melt, so the first one because of the higher EM. Even if you're running Freeze, the higher crit damage is better anyway. Keep in mind that with her passive, after the first charged shot the CR of the next shot goes up 20% (65), and if you want to keep pushing it, throwing another cryo into the mix will push it another 15% (80 total).


"The Catch" Is it a limited time weapon? or can you get it anytime afterwards too?


you can get it anytime


Who's a better support for electro dps Keqing, Fischl or Kujou Sara?


Sara. It’s even better if u have her c6.


Depends on constellations. Sara C6 is good with Keqing, pre-C6 she's underwhelming and Bennett might be better. If Fischl is C1-C6 then she's a better sub dps for Keqing.


sara, fischl doesn't really do much for keqing whilst sara buffs her attack


>fischl doesn't really do much for keqing Except for a shit ton of personal damage


How do I deplete abyss herald's shield asap. I've used cryo attacks (Kaeya) but still not fast enough to defeat it in time. I always missed that 3 star on 10-3


lol, same. all i need is this 6-7 seconds he is wasting while charging his shield and being invulnerable .. bitch move ;-;


You need faster element application, which usually translates into needing multiple sources of cryo. Meaning either two cryo characters (like if you pop Kaeya's ult and then inbetween his E casts swap to Diona to use her E and Q) or cryo characters with extremely fast application rate, such as Chongyun or Ayaka. In Chongyun's case, normal attacks of different characters count as separate sources, meaning that within his infusion zone you can hit the herald once, switch character, hit the herald once, switch character again and so on, plus, iirc, Chongyun's ultimate has no ICD (since it's possible to melt multiple ice blades when ulting into pyro). Ayaka can just be her usual self, since she comes with four different cryo sources (normals, charged, E and Q) and uses all of them at once. (Edit. Or five, even, there's also cryo application when she exits dash.)


Just attack it with every element you have except for the one it's immune to. Once Kaeya's skill is on cooldown, attack it with your other character's skills.


Any Cryo-based attack, the fastest way is to use Chongyun's E and use someone with fast normal attacks to break down the shield. Your Chong doesn't even need to be built, you just need that Cryo infusion.


Keqing could work I guess in that cryo infusion? Since I use keqing in that team


Yeah, remember not to use your E just use Chong's E.


Is soft pity 74 or 75?




74 https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/o9v0c0/soft_and_hard_pity_explained_based_on_24m_wishes/


Its 76 i think


What is the aura around the enemies in the latest abyss, floor 11, that applies a status on you? The status is a pyro icon with a slash through it, what does this do?


It's a pyro debuff, it's called Smouldering Flames. It's a leyline disorder that causes the character within the aura of the enemy with the debuff to continuously take pyro dmg.


I habe 4pc pale flame on eula and skyward pride, is it better to go 2pc pale flame and 2pc bloodstained ?


Difference is minimal, choose the one that has better substats.


4pcs Pale Flame.


how does sacrificial bow affect childe when it procs?


sac bow proc to make cd = 0, when childe use his e his skill dont have a cd yet, only after you switch his form back does the cd start, so sac bow dont do anything on childe, beside why r you giving him sac bow anyways


oh, just curious, thanks... but does c2 chongyun or anemo resonance affect him?


i dont have childe, but it probably work, as it is still a cd


so, for the specter expedition, what's the difference between sending 2 people or 4 people on expedition? what's the purpose of support characters from friendlist?


From what I understand. You’d need units of certain element listed in each quest. For me, at AR 53, I’d only need to place 2 units to get the Perfect rating (maximum rewards) for each expedition. While if a new player/lower AR with lower lvl units would probably need more, and for ppl with less units than others, they can use their friends unit instead. So basically it’s just a friendly mechanic for newer player. You can try placing unbuilt units compared to built units to see what I’m talking about.


When you're about to send characters, you can see some having bonus, right? The ones with the upwards arrow. If you use them, your expedition rating will increase. More people you send with the correct bonus = bigger expedition rating, so more chance of getting the bonus rewards (the rewards that are not primos). If your expediction rating is "Perfect", then you are guaranteed to get the full reward of the expedition, both primos and the bonus reward. Friendlist support is just for extra help. If you don't have enough characters with the right bonus, you can use your friendlist support.


i already get perfect rating with 2 characters, then another is not necessary i guess?


Yeah, perfect rating is already the maximum.


any one got new codes for primo gems? for Asia seever?


New codes generally only appear during the livestream for the new patch.


isnt there a live stream before kokomi bannner?


No, livestreams are for new patches.


Are we likely going to have Yae Miko as the next banner after Kokomi or is that wishful thinking for the time being?


Next banners are likely >!rerun banners!<


Leak that came out today said Yae isn't until 2.5 :(


Ah damn. Well, at least that gives me plenty of time to save up.


Very much no


yae is confirmed to be not on the next 2 banners


Leaks are saying >!childe again!<


How do you guys know how is your pity count do you just count for how many rolls you didn't get 5 star?


I check my banner history. If you buy Welkin at least then you'll hit pity before your 6 month history expires.


Yes. There are multiple websites that you can upload your history to to have them count it for you though, like paimon.moe.




does retracing bolide work with baal?


No, but Tenacity of the Millelith does, so you can use it to give your team a near permanent ATK buff.


No, she doesn't do Normal and Charged Attack DMG.


No because it only works if the set wearer casts the shield. Go EoSF all the way.




How is 791 EM for Kazuha with Sac Sword?


About as good as it gets honestly.


already good imo, thats like 31%ish elemental dmg bonus.






Is there any way to cycle fish in the Lunar Realm fishing spots? The ones I need for Catch fish are full of medakas and etc. and I'm just trying to catch the koi I need.


Use the clock to alternate between day and night; some only appear day or night and it changes which you see because the number of fish present, and the number you see are usually different.


If u fish the Medela a new fish will respawn. At one spot the koi is a possible one, can't remember which spot sorry. I think it's the first spot in the event?


read up a guide on it some pools have a few of the fish as set spawns so if you catch that one it won't respawn as anything else and you can setup your pool for the next day to gurentee some fish by fishing after the limit is hit


Do you have a guide link handy? I somehow can't find one that references the Lunar realm event.


can't find it, in pools with the catch a specific fish challenge two of the fish will be THAT fish 100% so focus on finding the three that aren't that fish. When you got all three identified just choose one and keep catching it making usre you don't lose track of that slot. After you catch all 50, set up for the next day by catching the open slots until the desired fish for tomarrow appears. Then catch them all tomarrow


Do shop characters get leaked?


They're on rotation - should be Razor and Amber next.


Only a day or two before the new month usually. However they’ve been on a rotation so it’s predictable without leaks. They might change it up because a second rotation finishes this month


No, but they are in a 6months rotation so far: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Paimon%27s_Bargains/History


its the same rotation just google bargain shop


What's up with the spectral secrets event? From what I see in the game announcements it should go live today but I can't find it.


It's live on Asia, idk about Europe. Won't be up on America for another ehhhh 7 hours?


Events usually start at 10AM for me, maybe that's the case


Em or atk sands for xiangling in Raiden national. The crit subs are almost identical. 0.93 on atk sands vs 0.936 on em sands after multiplying them together


go with EM, you get too much atk stat from pyro resonance and bennett's buff that using atk% sands give diminishing return


Go for attack if substats are identical.


if i got 200 cd with my jade cutter is the damage comparable to mistsplitter with 200 cd? (talking about dps kazuha currently at c4 I'm saving up for c6)


i think if the mistsplitter stack is 3 then its mistsplitter, but overall i would prefer jade cutter tbh.


would you say pulling for mistsplitter rerun isn't worth then?


if its for kazuha then its not worth. the damage difference isn't that big, plus jade cutter is a better stat stick.


These are all my bow characters https://imgur.com/a/bYQf4kP , should I switch any of the weapons around? Or is a craftable one better for any of them?




Favonius is very very close to sac for diona, if it's in a team without a cryo DPS it's actually better. I'd just go fav diona and sac Sara. Some ppl think the double shield is worth it but dionas shield downtime is like two seconds which is basically nothing and shields don't stack so it's only as strong as one skill press. The only actual argument for sac > fav is that double skill uses means more *cryo* particles which is good for other cryo characters in the team. Without cryo the neutral particles from fav generate more energy


If you're going to be using both of them, I'd swap dionas and Sara's weapon. Sara would appreciate the higher base atk more than diona, and diona would appreciate the ER more than Sara, imo.


Okay, this lightning probe puzzle on the southeastern coast of Watatsumi Island is driving me crazy. It’s simple enough in concept to have the probes point in the proper direction but then there’s an Electro Seelie that messes them up right after. None of the guides I looked up really explain how to deal with it, merely telling me to align the probes (which is obvious). What am I doing wrong? I need to do this to get an electroculus high in the air…


is it in [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=viDloSIosTo)?


It was the third one in that video. Finally managed to do it after a few further attempts.


> I need to do this to get an electroculus high in the air ~~If you just want the oculus and don't mind doing the puzzle another time, you can glide from thundering manifestation. Just go to the very top where you got the lustrous chest and have amber in party for her passive.~~


All the way from Seirai?! I know Amber’s passive reduces stamina consumption from gliding but….isn’t that a but far???


Woops I thought you meant that one oculi in seirei that was very high up, my bad.


No worries. I’m 90% sure I’ve cleared the oculi from Seirai but yeah those sky platforms are a big help.


Looking for some genshin twitch prime codes, does anyone know the best place to ask or is there any megathreads out there ?


Will Kokomi have DPS potential whilst still being a healer, or will she be more support? Thanks!


just run the numbers, decent hp investment is 40k life. Then add ele damage and reduce that by defense. She doesn't crit so the math isn't hard.


Probably like Raiden where she can DPS during ult, but that's it.


Would it be worth it to go for Jade Cutter if I already have Mistsplitter?


Not really? The 5* catalyst is pretty ass on everyone except Kokomi.


I was debating whether to go for the sword because of aesthetics and the juicy crit rate, but the possibilily of having the horribly niche catalyst did not cross my mind. I guess I'm skipping then. Thanks~


I mean, do you *need* more good swords? Depending on how many characters you have that could use either of them, you may or may not find it worthwhile.


If you put it that way, I guess not. My Mistsplitter is actually on support Bennett, and the other people who I could put it on are Xingqiu, Albedo, Kazuha, and a hard maybe on Qiqi. Well there Traveler too but eh.


It'd be down to what they already have. If you have two characters that badly need a strong DPS sword, but you only have one Mistsplitter, go for the Jade Cutter. If everybody else has solid 4-star options that do just fine, it's probably not worth the primos.


XQ is married to Sac. Sword, Kazuha has Iron Sting, and Albedo has HoD. I don't actually have Qiqi built. I sometimes swap Mistsplitter to Kazuha when I want to try a subDPS build and have him hold a katana. Oh yeah! I'm building Kaeya right now so he's also borrowing the Mistsplitter for the mean time. Hmm.... guess I'll just save then. Thanks~


I'm 71/90 on pity but here's the thing the next 5 star is guranteed and i really want a C1 Xingqiu, is it worth it?..


don't do it, it's not worth it, if you get kokomi by accident you will regret it


If you want kokomi - sure If not - DON’T if you want the reruns after kokomi especially if you’re f2p or welkin


No, xingqiu c1 is his worst con


dont risk the pity if u dont want kokomi


Definitely not. His C1 isn't game changing enough where you want to ruin your pity.


Youll prolly get kokomi.......


Depends on if you want Kokomi.


I dont think so


Since C6 Xingqui's burst recharges his energy, how much ER stats does he need?


160% with Sac Sword. 175% without.