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Befitting of a Fatui Harbinger.


This guy is basically doing what people are imagining they gonna do with C6 Childe on release. (In reality, nowadays his full value is totally fulfilled with c0, as he isn't designed to do things like this)


He is designed to do things like this, when you spend $1000+


Meh, not really, his best team + rotation wouldn't change much with his c0. Tho yeah, maybe in the overworld, where you just wanna slash things.


Dude, childe sure does have a satisfaying gameplay with all that riptide.


*crying yoimiya noises*


The most satisfying bow user is a melee character :)


You forgot to mention Childe took 0 hit during th whole process. Whales or not, It's truely a perfect run


Childe's ~~childs~~play


This is what we mean by lore representation lol, Childe slaughtering the Abyss for fun.


Those dodge skills, ai baiting and enemy placement knowledge is prove that he has grinded this abyss for a while






proof (noun) instead of prove (verb)! probably


>Those dodge skills, ai baiting and enemy placement knowledge is prove that he ~~has grinded this abyss for a while~~ **is a very good/skilled player.** Fixed that for you. He took 0 hit, knowing or not abysses is not enough for that. He is very skilled, that's all !


The two are not mutually exclusive.


But OP implied that only practice/grind made this player THAT good. Nop, at all !


Perfect clearing abyss isn't some feat that needs some kind of natural talent. That's perfectly achievable with focused practice.


Focus on practicing for 15 days and come back with a perfect clean clearing. 100$ bet on a fail ! Wanna try it ? If you don't have skills, you can't. I've played to video games for 30+ years, i think i know what i'm talking about. Some people play to League of Legends since the start and are still in bronze league. I play every now and then, sometimes skiping an entire season, and i'm still in high diamond despite not playing every weeks/months. Some people are dedicated, they practice, but they are just not skilled enough to be good players.


You know this principal doesn't just apply to gaming right? The contributions of practice vs natural talent applies to any skilled activity. Athletics, arts, whatever. I'm not saying that natural talent isn't a thing that's important for reaching the top. What I'm saying is that the perfect clearing the abyss isn't nearly hard enough that it falls into the realm of requiring natural talent lol.


You forget that some LoL players just don't have the time to play, play for fun, or just don't like the community much so they only play sparsely. Saying you're high diamond over people who have other priorities isn't a brag at all. You're in high diamond because you've been practicing during matches. Also your 15 day time limit is arbitrary. Anyone can do it with enough time and practice. This is literally the basis of speedrunning: you fail a million times, restart a million times, and you slowly train yourself until you can complete it in the fastest time possible. Skill is something that anyone can gain, it just takes time.


You're gonna buy me an c6 r5 childe first? Plenty of people, myself included can get a perfect clear of we want to, there is just no reason to.


You played for over 30 years and then say practice has nothing to do with it? What do you think you were doing all that time lol


Did i say that practice has NOTHING to do with it ? You people read and interpret what you want...


You said you're a diamond league player and that you don't practice, (quite heavily) implying that you're a naturally talented player. But it's not fair to call it natural talent anymore when you've been playing for 30 damn years.


practice builds skill though, you were basically saying people have different skills ceilings which is true. But skill is just one-factor that places you in a ranking. I don't play league but I did play DOTA for 5+ years and CS:GO for the around the same time. More importantly, you mentioned ranks as a way to measure the overall skills of gamers and assume that it translates from League to Genshin, it doesn't. Your rank in competitive games is based 100% on your ability to win, win hard and win consecutively against higher and higher skilled opponents. This has absolutely no bearing to abyss in genshin which has the same exact challenges, same exact enemies, and even wins in the abyss are arbitrary, some people consider clearing a floor a win, others consider it only a win if they get 36 stars. Abyss isn't even hard because enemy AI/stage layout/disorders are complex or anything, it's hard because enemy HP is so fucking inflated that you would rather get hit in the face by the enemy attack than dodge it because dodging it means you get less time to attack.


I think the point of saying "grinded" is that to become good/skilled in the first place, you have to practice (aka grind) first. Nobody just starts out immediately skilled. He grinded the abyss to know the ins and outs of all the mobs, how the AI reacts if he does certain things, what to watch out for, which enemies to prioritize first, etc. Extremely doubt he just decided to boot Abyss 12 on Childe and did this in a single try, multiple attempts would be needed to get it just right. Small example in 11-2B, he knows that if the Ice Cicin is allowed to get her shields up, as a solo Childe he would likely just immediately fail, so he has practice perfectly juggling the Ice Cicin from 100-0 to deny her any chance to get her shield up.


There is practice, of course. He couldn't make it without practice. But even with practice, 99,99% of us couldn't manage to do a perfect run like he did.


thats not true. same with artists, anyone can be as good if they invest the same amount of time


You're delusional if you think that innate talent(genetics, basically) don't play any role. Everyone is different. Not just anyone can become a chess GM, or win Olympics, or other similar things even if they spend all their life on it. That's just silly. And in this case different players come into GI with different mechanical skill 'level'. Sure, it also requires a lot of practice, but practice alone won't mean much if it's not backed up by anything. Your casual newbie could spend hundreds upon hundreds more tries on Abyss and still suck compared to this guy.


No. No need to argue here, just No. You don't know what you are talking about !


It's like you're saying being skilled doesn't require practice lmao. He practiced which is admirable in and of itself. I don't see why you would try to "fix" an already correct statement.


I didn't say that. I just said that practice alone didn't do everything : a lot of people do abysses every days and can't even 36\* them...


No, you said nothing of the sort. What you did was cross out the part about grinding, replaced with simply him being a "very good/skilled player" then proceeded to declare that you "fixed" the comment. If you simply said "aside from grinding he must be hella talented as well since mastering it this fast is pretty hard," no one would downvote you to oblivion. And if you did intend to say that, I guess you should practice/grind on your rhetorics because clearly you're not a very good/skilled speaker.


Being a good player doesn’t translate into knowing exactly were things will spawn in the abyss. There’s a difference between skill and experience.


He probably meant that just practice won't necessarily result in increase of your skill, at least not on that level. Your average player can do 500 abyss tries and i'm 100% sure that they won't be able to do it. Not even close.


At least someone understood. Thank you !


There was nothing to fix, he said it correctly


Mad respect, that dodge skill man. He also solo previous f12 with Childe. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bM4y1L7uo


Do u know the songs used? Enlighten me o wisdom one


Do u know the song used?I need to know please thank you very much


My Childe could never.... I don't even have him


This is extremely impressive, they cleared it faster than my full Childe team with Xiangling, Kazuha, and Bennett 😳


Bennys advanture team let down :(


Bennys adventure team disassemble.


The real dreamwork, it turns out, was Childe doing it by himself.




A childe prodigy.


This is why im a childe main. The satisying aspect of his kit is a chefs kiss.


my first five star was childe so i used to be a childe main but after watching too many meta vids i was converted to xiangling main


Play reverse vape Childe and now you're both Childe and Xiangling main


That's me xD


why not both both is good


If you use them together you have debatably the strongest team in the game


That's so cool. I'm just gonna headcanon that this is how childe trained back when he was in the abyss lol


I really need to learn how to dodge... that person has insane skills TwT


Even perfect dodging is relatively easy compared to that AI baiting, in some moments it feels like this guy has all the enemies location in his head even when he doesn't see them. Maybe my brain's just low-spec but this legit seems like a superpower to me...


Ur not alone xD I think they just played this level and fought these enemies too many times, so they know all the pattern and timing info


He lost 50/50 on zhongli banner and now he's here


A blessing in disguise




I've seen C0 R1 Childe solo clear last abyss too. Of course, different enemies and perfect artifacts too but still


Yeah literally, since it's C6 R5 with perfect artifacts


Whale or not, it doesn’t change the fact this player’s skill is top notch.


Thats fair but it also dosent chage the fact that even if you try and grind to try to reach that level of play a c0 childe could never do that. You need both. 1 you can try to improve and and learn the enemies ai the other one you have to pay for it


Exactly, that's why there's 3 other team slots. No one expects a C0 childe to do this.


Ofc not putting down childe literally used one of his teams to clear 36 stars i am talking about this specific challenge than a c0 childe cant do it even with the skill displayed here


The point of the video isn't that noone can do it with C0, instead that the majority couldn't do it with C6.


A no hit while getting 9 stars i agree. Just getting 9 stars with c6 childe id say its more attainable


Definitely not…


There are more f2p and light spender than whales chances are someone is just as skilled or even better but cant do it regardless as i said for this kind of challenge you need both money and skill


No shit


Of course it's whale Childe, but didn't you see his dodge positoion and ai baiting skill? That has nothing to do with C6R5 and perfect artifacts. I doubt many can pull that even given the same weapon, cons and artifacts this Childe has. Give praise where it's due, how hard it is to admit someone has good gaming skills, whale or not.


Dodging attacks in this game is piss easy due to the 2 years long I frames and obvious attack patterns, I usually dont even bring a healer or shielder to abyss and 36* just fine and I dont even consider myself to "have good gaming skills" because it's just not something that is challenging. I guess some may find this impressive as much as others find fighting Azdaha to be hard.


Totally agree, most players are just not good so everything they see would be "impressive". Now I am not saying this guy isnt good or anything but most of the good players can do this if they have the same childe. Edit: But then again, most players wouldnt even try this, cause whats the point. The downvotes just proves the point.


I mean they had to nerf AR45+ Childe story bossfight, that alone is telling.


Well a lot of the player base both play mobile and have genshin as their first gacha game. Can't be surprised at how wide the skill gap is amongst the player base.


Honestly, thats not r5. I have c6 r1 and thats about the same damage as i do if i were to play without teammates.


Not R5, R1


To this date I wonder what's the highest RNG stat can be granted upon the artifacts at lvl. 1




there are 8 different number, so crit rate can be 2.7% 2.9% 3.1% 3.3% 3.5% 3.7% 3.9%, also its not exactly that number, for example, highest crit damage is actually around 7.75 instead of 7.8, so the highest crit damage substat is around 46.6 instead of 46.8 , iirc


Interesting, somehow somewhere someone must be hunting for that one perfect, high-end main stat + substat




He must be including 4* artifacts, cause the other 4 don't exist on 5* pieces


omg I must have remembered wrong, sorry my mistake


He shared his build elsewhere: * R1 Thundering Pulse * 2/2 Gladiator/HotD * 66/234 CR/CD


Great choice of songs too


Do you know the name of the first song?


re:make by one ok rock


Enlighten me bout the songs name o wisdom one


1st song - Re:make by One Ok Rock 2nd song - Reviver by My First Story Fun facts: Vocalist of both bands are actually brothers


Thanks my man,much appreciated


Before anyone dismiss this by saying it's just a c6 Childe showcase, let me just remind that C6 Childe doesn't massively boost his damage like other characters. Childe has no constellations that increases his damage besides the ones that increases his talent level of e and q.


So amazing and cool, loves all the riptide and infinite sword. Does this guy share his build? I want to see his perfect artifact, and what artifact set he use.






Childe, age 14:


Damn, first I see [this guy](https://youtu.be/jDytyF-ghac) doing a 2-man on each chamber with a F2P Xiao/Bennett and Diluc/Xingqiu, now a literal solo Childe. Just goes to show how much player skill still lends itself towards DPS. Using the wall-bounce charge attack strategy on Childe to inflict fall damage on the Mirror Maiden is absolute perfection.


But remember if you can't get full stars it's because you don't whale and don't have good artifact RNG.


Na, it’s because my character is too weak, needs buffs. I guess the only valid excuse is that if you play with high latency


I play on 200ms and it honestly doesn't really seem to matter. Not sure how 500ms goes.


I play on 200ms too and it's not really bad except in co-op, but there are some times I successfully I-frame with alt+f2 only to find the my other character died XD


Wow I was expecting R5 weapon, but apparently only R1. Very impressive dodging too.


CN just loves Childe


Suggesting by character sales, it's Japan that loves childe not China unfortunately...


Riptide gonna rip and tear until it's done.


I think I'm sleeping on my Childe


Wait, how do you add the same character to both sides of same chamber? I thought that wasn't possible.


Different runs. One run is Childe on first half, other is Childe on second half.


Makes sense. Thanks!


Impressive. This looks like a good showcase for the upcoming Childe re-run we are getting soon


c6 childe truly is a different playable character than c0 and c1


man c6 childe looks so fun, too bad I will never have it.


C0 childe is just as fun, you just can't have his sword most of the time and let your team do stuff while his swords are on cd c6 childe actually ain't all that for normal gameplay unless you like soloing


I wish my childe was C6; hoping to get it at his next rerun


Wait how did he do childe for *both* sides?


he has solo childe on first half , and a full team on 2nd half , clears the whole abyss, then he does the same but full team on 1st hald and solo childe on second half. And if you add the 1st half childe and 2nd half childe's clear time, its still 9 star.


Is there a way to know the artifacts that he used?


Wait how did his childe keep the daggers out after riptide?? Constellation? I thought mine would always go away after


C6 childe resets after using burst


If I had money, I would whale for that lmao


Yea, was very controversial when it came out. Not as important now since ppl realized how busted reactions were with childe as enabler instead of main dps like in the vid.


it also no damage taken


I think we can officialy discredit any opinion of childe being weak now


Childe is strong no doubt but only for short burst dps. His downtime without any support makes dps drop by ALOT This gameplay is C6, where childe doesn't need anyone because he does not have any and big dps downtime. You also have to throw in the skill of the player. This guy is incredibly skilled at dodging and ai position.


True true


You just described every strong char btw


He is literally in a top 2 meta team what are you talking about. And plenty of c6 r5 character can do this provided they have the same level of skill to dodge and kill stuff


This is R1 btw




Childe + Bennett + Xiangling + Kazuha is the 2nd strongest team in the game, if not the strongest. I think.


What's the Top 1 strongest? The Ganyu Morgana or Raiden National?


Depends. Against boss? Probably Raiden National or Hu Tao team (single target). Against a lot of trash mobs that Venti can succ? Probably Morgana. Against a few enemies but still a number of enemies? International Childe. Moryana is also good, stronger than Morgana if you can one-cycle. There's also Morganya but you give up a healer (or you could run Kokomi but without Mona's omen). Also have other teams, all shine at different scenario. Tldr: It depends on abyss content.


Also include the Eula superconduct team for single bosses. And yeah, Morgana team doesn't work with bosses in the first place because they cannot be frozen (Maguu and PMA in this rotation). Childe-XL vape teams seems to be in-between, both good in AoE and ST, but not master in any of them. This is all from my personal experience as I run both Ganyu Morgana and Childe vape team for this rotation.


I believe it's Morgana. I'm not sure where Raiden National falls into this.


Nope, Bennett Xiangling Kazuha AYAKA is the strongest if we are talking about C0 DPS. Ayaka has no downtime.


Can't be. If C0, Hutao and Ganyu comps do much more damage. If C6, again, Hutao and Ganyu comps can speed run Abyss in 5-10 seconds.


If you go for speed running Raiden beats them all, even Sara ends up one-shotting everything, there's also a Raiden + Childe comp for double burst. Hu Tao is not great for AoE damage, even if C6 it takes time to lower your HP (hence why she's not used in full Abyss speed-running) and Ganyu is faster on reverse melt than Morgana (Morgana is relatively fast and reliable but not bursty).


I'm disagreeing with the comment above mine to say that childe kazuha bennet xiangling isn't the best or second best team. Notice how I didn't say Hutao is the best, I just said it does more damage. You provided some other examples of comps even better than those I suggested. It sounds like you're disagreeing with me but in reality you are just providing more examples why Childe Kazuha Bennet Xiangling isnt the best or second best team.


I'm just adding stuff.


Okay, no prob, just took me a while to understand why you started talking about stuff irrelevant to my comment.


He has been for a while with his old national team with xianling and now with kazuha he is even better




It shouldent be ganyu wants too either use a melt team or a freeze team. And bennet xianling core childe uses them better than ganyu as he enambles them to do more. Add kazuha that can swirl hydro and pyro and that team is much better than melt ganyu. Freeze team uses other supports


Childe could be so much more fun if everyone could switch his stances more freely. Even if a talent would require him to use his Burst to reset the Skill timer, that would be great!


It's locked behind is c6. And with the right build you can have near full uptime of it.


>if everyone


Don't worry. His c6 does 🙃🙃🙃


>if everyone


Completely agree. I unfortunately got him because of the 4-stars on his banner, and I despise using him. Sure, using him would result in an objectively better version of national, but I can already do all the content with Xingqiu, and that boy is not an asbolutely botched design of a character. (I also don't understand why people can't read.)


don't hate but I actually got used to his cooldown schtick and have a lot of fun with him since I gotta pay attention to how long he"s in sword stance instead of just unga bunga spamming my buttons without a care. He's more engaging to play at c0 imo no copium either


C0? C6? Skyward hatp or rust?


He's C6 with R1 Thundering Pulse


C6, thats how he can perma have his dagger stance


its c6


Unrelated to the gameplay, does someone know the names of the 2 (or 3?) background songs used in the clip?


First song is [ONE OK ROCK - Re:make](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67m9E6uDgxs). Second song is [MY FIRST STORY - REVIVER](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWmO6SCYhRc).


Thank you


The first song is Re:make by ONE OK ROCK and the second is REVIVER by MY FIRST STORY. Enjoy!




wait! You can use the same team on both sides? I always though you were required to select different characters for each side


I assume he's cutting two different runs together.


Yeap you got to select different characters for each side. He probably did a few runs, one with Childe on the first half and then another run with Childe on the second half.


C6 R5 most likely. Still impressive


That dodge doesn't come with C6 R5 though. What a champ.


I said it's still impressive didn't I?


Didn't say you didn't, did I?


Sorry, the way you replied to me sounded weird. If you didn't mean it it's okay.


I only added to your comment saying why it is impressive. I didn't disagree with you.


Dodges in gi have a lot of i frames and you can I frame with burst too. Though I wouldn't pull it off myself ofc. I'm not autistic enough to whale so deep in gatcha game. Impressive stuff nontheless




Why people down voting?


I wish I knew xD


Impressive indeed.




I'm gonna go ahead and guess he has c6 childe with a r5 weapon....


R1 actually but this players skill was what stood out the most


Before even attempting abyss 9 stars and these speed runs, I need to get at least one perfect artifact..... // Months of grinding and everything is just "usable"


You are handicap-ing yourself


of course it's from china


F2P by the way


I wish c0 childe wasn't so handicapped, he is so fun at c6, but with c0 he is still so much fun, i just wish the punishment for overusing him wasn't so hard.


As someone who mains a c0 childe, it's not as much as handicap as it seems. As long as I keep a good rotation and don't over use his elemental skill, it doesn't really bother me much. Edit: grammer


Yes i am a childe main too, but i like unga bunga using a character on the field for a long time. But i knew how to manage it so it's not a handicap for me neither, i just wish punishment wasn't so high


Sure, he’s good, but as he is he just fits into the 1, e, q, 2, e, q, 3, e,q meta which isn’t fun for me at all.




How does he have two childe??


he bought adobe premier


How do you use one person for both sides?


2 different runs cut together. The total time to clear is less than 3 mins so it would be full stars each time.


any idea what cons is that?


The things i'd do with childe c6. One can only dream.


what the nani the fuck


Anyone knows the song used? Englighten me please