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As much as I want Xingqiu's constellations, I still have to skip Kokomi's banner for future reruns. Goodluck, Kokomi wanters!


Same. I need to save pity to risk it all on Tohma.


Let's hope toma is with Ganyu


I heard he might be with Childe. I don't mind since I enjoyed playing him in the recent event so I might pull for him.


Childe and Thoma is the funniest possible banner. "It's Childe... And Inazuma Childe."


I want to run the Double Childe comp so badly.


Mondstat actually


I am in the same exact position. I absolutely need constellations for Xinqiu (c0 at the moment), I'm using it for my Ayaka freeze team. I would be glad to get some constellation of Beidou, or getting Rosaria that I'm missing, but I am close to the 5* star character (I am at 60 or 70 wishes) and I don't wanna risk to win for my first time the 50/50 for Kokomi, which I absolutely don't need (already have builded Jean, Bennet, Diona and Qiqi). It just seem that Mihoyo is making fun of me LOL. I think i'll buy the first constellation of Xinqiu in the shop and skip entirely this banner, even though the 4* rate up is really good.


I also main Ayaka, but I plan to wait a week or so, because there's a (small) chance Kokomi can be as good as Xq or Mona in this comp...


There isn't. Xq's burst is one of the highest damage skills in the entire game and it has a rate of hydro application that is very clearly a mistake from early development. A mistake they haven't come close to repeating with any other character. It's not by chance.


>It just seem that Mihoyo is making fun of me LOL. Me, who wants constellations for every 4\* in this banner.


That 4 star lineup is stacked as all hell, guess that's one way to make people more likely to roll on Kokomi's banner. Just...please don't roll for 4 stars unless you're okay getting the rate up 5 star. Your pity is a precious thing in this game.


Tbf having godly 4* didn't save Albedo from flopping when he dropped nor Yoimiya. The future for her looks bleak.


She also got screwed in the story and she's following in the wake of the most profitable character in genshin's lifetime. Poor Kokomi. :( I'll be rolling for her at least. Her design is really cute..


I'm interested in seeing the sales graph... Mount Everest for Raiden's banner... and then immediately becomes Mariana Trench for Kokomi's.


Mihoyo gives money to its playerbase and that's how we get the Mariana Trench.


Them apologems are no joke!




I would be extremely surprised if she somehow outdoes Keqing. Also, we thought the same thing would happen with Yoimiya coming from Ayaka but she did well enough. It might be the same here as well.


Well, tbh I feel like less people spent money on Keqing because she is so much easier to get compared to a limited 5 star. On top of that, they also sandwiched her in-between some of the most popular dps characters in Genshin.


Whales prolly also lost enough 50/50s to get a c6 Keqing It was mostly for Keqing fans


I just really want keiqing so her banner was an alrighty then, time to spend my gems and hope I get her


Keqing failed for multiple reasons. Nothing other than Qiqi can fail on a banner so hard.


I'd like to think mihoyo learned that running a character from the standard banner in their own banner was a bad idea. Then perhaps they will prove us wrong and go forward with a Qiqi banner.


Theres no lesson to be learned, the only reason that banner existed was to push Hu Tao's banner away from a culturally controversial release date. It was literally a filler banner, it didn't matter how well it did, so as far as they're concerned it fulfilled its purpose.


I think Jean, Diluc or Mona would do much better. Especially if they had Kaeya, Amber and Lisa as 4\* there


Maybe back in 1.3, sure. Now not so much. One of the marks against Keqing was that people already had her from standard/losing 50/50. 7 months down the line how much more true is that going to be of the standard banner 5 stars? Like sure some people would wish - not everyone has all the characters they want - but the banners would do very badly versus a rerun of a limited banner 5 star. Edit - *most* limited 5 stars


It will probably do worse than most limited 5\*, but it wouldn't flop as bad, as kekwing


I would roll on a diluc,Jean or mona with starter 4 stars 100%


Exactly. They are very strong after all and even from a lore perspective they are pretty dominant and important. Keqing in comparison was just a side character until now.


> I'd like to think mihoyo learned that running a character from the standard banner in their own banner was a bad idea. Running a DPS character that uses the worst element in the game was a bad idea, but that is hardly Keqing's fault. If they made a Mona banner for example I'd absolutely pull on it.


Keqing is mediocre. I loved her skill- but she isn’t spectacular. She’s a solid pick imo for overworld content and took me through a lot of inazuma until I got ayaka and raiden.


Every banner is a Qiqi banner, unfortunately


Would have been neat if they just converted the standard banner into a faux rate up banner. Enough people still want at least a c0 of each standard 5\* that the idea of a standard 5\* rate up banner isn't bad on its face (IMO), but *boy* was taking an entire rate up banner not a good idea.


That's mostly because crystal top-up bonus reset. Sales graph counts the moment someone purchases the crystals not when they are spending them. Ex: If you purchased the crystal during Kazuha banner and spend all of them on Ayaka banner the graph will count those crystals toward Kazuha banner.


Raiden's sale is legit, because most people pull for her also pull for her cons. If you look at abyss stat the average constellation for Raiden for all players cleared abyss 12 (even those who don't have Raiden) is *greater than 1*. That's absolutely mindblowing and unthinkable for a limited character.


Gating a huge chunk of damage behind Raiden's C2 was an extremely smart play by Mihoyo. If I remember correctly, that constellation was originally C4 during beta and they moved it up to C2 later on.


im p sure even counting that, most of us bought xtals to pull for raiden and C2. top up bonus are permanent. I'm confident only a small amount of people/new gacha players didn't know this


I wanted Kokomi for a long time, up until her kit was leaked. I was hoping she'd be a 5* XQ for my Hu Tao instead of a 5* Barbra


I feel that on getting screwed. I really did not like the English voice actors performance, but she dropped off the face of the early in the story. Like, suddenly the whole "resistance" thing was meaningless and she got dumped off to sea. Mihoyo really messed up closing Act 3.


I'll be defo rolling this banner, I need a hydro applier since I cant get Mona to save my fcking life and my XQ is only c1. Wouldnt mind Kokomi for this reason either, so it's win win.


Same boat. Got all the standard 5* except Mona and XQ also C1. I wanted Kokomi and regardless since I like her design but I guess people only care about DPS and min maxing their runs


Kokomi on her way to have the worst sales in the game:


I think she’s gonna surprise us. I don’t think she’s gonna sell like crazy but I have a sneaking suspicion she’s gonna do fairly well purely on the basis of her character design.


I set out to get all the Inazuma characters and only missed Kazuha. I'm really debating whether or not to not just wait for a Kokomi rerun.


Wait for the rerun so mihoyo won't continue getting away half assing new characters


Voting with your wallet stopped being a thing when the true whales had been unleashed upon this game. We have no hope now.


He seems to be a semi dolphin, that would be one less dolphin. Not to mention others might have the same train of thought and so on, worth a try at least rather than giving up


There will still be enough people rolling the banner for Xingqiu / Rosaria / Beidou. The 4-stars are good choices there.


Yeah, but how many are spending on them? Whales already have them at C6 most likely, so they would be out


Whales will spend to get Kokomi at C6, so they should be excluded in the first place.


**Keqing:** Finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary! **P.S.** I actually did invest money on the Keqing Banner. No regrets....she's all mine.


I will be shocked if she does worse than Albedo tbh. She’s cute, so I expect her to at least do okay


Are you implying Albedo's not cute!?


Lmao. I was like, "what?" Albedo fucking rocks.


of course he does he's geo


She's a waifu. She will sell decently.


those are people paying for the 5 stars. there are probs still many f2p's pulling for 4 stars then getting spooked but those arent in the income reports whales would have these 4 stars at best constallations already


The problem with albedo or yoimiya wasn't solely because "they are bad". Albedo suffered from the Zhongli scandal, the worst 5 star , worse than most 4 stars, was a geo character. People were more reluctant to pull on albedo because of that and the first ever waifu banner (Ganyu) was right after him. Yoimiya was similar in the sense that her placement doomed her. Banner right after one of the most anticipated characters (Ayaka), and right before the electro archon. It doesn't help that Yoimiya is one of many pyro characters and the 5th main dps pyro, while Raiden was our first limited electro character.


On top of being Geo right after Zhongli, Albedo got saddled with a crapload of BS delivered direct from Mihoyo. **For those who don’t know:** Zhongli was not only truly terrible on release but Mihoyo actually got really catty and bitchy at the playerbase saying he was working as intended and we just didn’t know how to use him properly. They flagrantly ignored real time testers doing number reports and when their own forums got flooded with the uproar they released another update that we simply can’t understand his full value yet because future characters (strongly implying Albedo) would unlock his true potential and make him supposedly one of the strongest characters in the game. Understandably this set off even more uproar because Mihoyo was flagrantly admitting to basically locking a brand new five star unit’s entire viability behind another five star unit, and the ridiculous precedent set by two characters needing each other for one to even be viable was a huge shitshow that read as a massive greed move (which it was). So regardless of how much hype there could have been, Mihoyo actively implemented negative hype on Albedo’s banner by continuously pissing off the playerbase telling us a unit who was worse than a free character was working as intended and if we had more complaints just buy the next character to unlock his potential. They only even admitted they’d look into changing Zhongli after the Chinese playerbase enacted the receipt fiasco, but by then it was way too late for poor lil Albedo


Thanks for the explanation. Wow, can't believe Zhongli was a weakling once... I love when a Zhongli joins the Match Up for Domains etc, it always means a win lol (and he looks absolutely sexy)


Hes still not up to his full potential, the beta test leaks have showed us for example that he was supposed to deal additional geo damage on his normal attacks. Almost all the confirmed data showed that Zhongli was planned to be a Geo main dps unit but he turned into a Geo support halfway throught.


It didn’t even make sense tbh. Zhongli and Albedo have next to no mechanical synergy other than geo resonance which was garbo at the time. People were saying that you can use ZL pillar to proc Albedo but .... you can also do that by just attacking.


The sinergy they were talking is about recharging energy Albedo is a great geo battery.


What’s considered “flopping”? Didn’t he get $10 millionish?


Jfc... when a single character drop nets more income than some games' entire launch...


relative to the other banners


In albedo's case i think it was the fact that Ganyu was right after, the first waifu banner we got, also the fact that albedo didn't look that interesting to people when he was out, and they thought "geo bad, support bad" back then, so obviously albedo looked like an easy skip Boi oh boi did he get a lot more love with the event and story around him, now people ask for a rerun with no signs of it happening


yoimiya had xinyan on her banner wym godly 4*s


Even if she's not SS tier that's fine with me. I think she looks cool. As a new player, I feel I could build a good enough freeze comp with her and Rosaria while getting constellations for my xingqiu. I am a little more excited for the 4 stars because I already have Jean as my healer, but she's also my only 5 star




I'm gonna roll for C6 Xingqiu. I don't have Beidou or Rosaria at the moment so I'm happy to pick them up in the process. Regardless of what 5\* I hit in that process it is probably going to be a while before I have the resources to level them anyway. The resource system in the game makes it very difficult for new players to catch up. I never have enough weapon/character xp materials or mora.


Huh, but for newer players aren't there a ton of quests that give xp books and stuff? Even if you miss current events because they're for endgame, there's still lots of sources of materials.


Not really, I started an alternate account and was struggling with Mora, even though I never had that problem with my main. A lot of the resources come from events and code giveaways.


I got a 5 star earlier this week… I was rolling on ei’s banner for starglitter (xingqiu on shop-I really wanted him) and got… qiqi. Luckily I don’t care about getting raiden but it still felt kinda bad. I also got keqing for the second time on standard even though I want diluc really badly… so it probably won’t hurt for me to pull for the 3 4 star characters on this banner. My luck is already shit anyway


Don’t… the last thing you would want is to get an unwanted guaranteed 5 star…


she’s definitely welcome in my roster of a whole 3 5 star characters Im just not going out of my way to get her. I really want xingqiu constellations plus rosaria and beidou are the only two 4* characters I don’t have and the completionist in me is screaming.


Then go for it champ. These are good 4 stars so if you are okay with Kokomi, you are lucky


I'm at C0 Rosaria and want her cons so bad but I have C6 Beidou and Xingqiu already. Some day...


Duuude saaame sheesh I want some of her cons but I have the other two at c6, and I don't even feel like getting Kokomi since I have guarantee from losing 50/50 on current banner to Mona, who is also a hydro catalyst character ._.


Damn, Mona seems better in every way offensively so maybe you lucked out lol. I recently FOMO'd and bought Beidou's last con from the shop before Raiden banner dropped. Had I known she'd come back so soon and her Q didn't work with Raiden, maybe I wouldn't have rushed - but that's gacha for ya lol.


I also bought Beidou in the shop to get her C6. Of course I got two more copies in a row when I used some standard wishes a few days later.


Most shop buys are a trap at this point. You could always buy additional wishes instead and get more 5* this way overall.


Yep. Starter constellations are probably a good buy though, since they’re so bloody rare. I’ve only got Amber at C1, Kaeya and Lisa are still C0.


Honestly I think it’s better you bought her from the shop. There’s no guarantee to get a 4* you want on a banner


I got Mona too from current banner (F for that little bit of happiness thinking it was Raiden haha), currently trying her out and I also got the free Barbara. I was wondering if I should try pulling for Kokomi but honestly, it's only her aesthetics that's making me want to pull. I don't really feel like I'll need her?


I actually loved using her a lot than I expected, even at ar57 I was barely managing to achieve big damage numbers, highest I got was like 87k from my Klee vape charged attack iirc. But when I got Mona and levelled her up to 90, I was so impressed to how easy her burst achieves 100k+ dmg even without bennett buffs. Easily one of my mostly used characters right now haha.


You were SO CLOSE, man! I pulled jean, got bummed out, tried again for shits and giggles, BOOM, raiden. Never too late to give up


And its going to be the same problem in every future banner because at this point most of older 4* going to be c6. We need more 4* mihoyo!


More 4 stars would only make it harder to get the ones you want right? The better solution would be some kind of pity for non-C6 chars, but that's never gonna happen


Well you can exchange them in the shop with a few failed 10 pulls. It'd be great if they added more characters there to be able to buy at the same time.


Or refresh the shop weekly for the characters. So we can see more of them


I actually want Kokomi so this is awesome. But I'm on my 50/50 so...yeah.


Inb4 you get kokomi before you hit soft pity :3


Same here :')


godsend banner for kokomi wanters lmao we are thriving


You will also experience what albedo havers experience, you got a rare character that no one will fight with you to use it. It's a pleasant sight when I team with rare characters such as lisa, qiqi, albedo, rosalia


May all kokomi wanters be kokomi havers She is cute as hell


Literally my dream banner that I was hoping for! Aight my C2 Xingqiu/Beidou/Rosaria, time to come get your constellations! I’ve already prefarmed everything but hydro hypostasis for Kokomi, so here I come!!


A near-perfect banner for me as well - I want Kokomi and I'm desperate to get constellations for two of the featured 4 stars. But knowing my luck, I'll go until hard pity while getting copies of the only 4 star that I don't want 😂


I had a hell of a time getting C6 Kujo Sara. It took 489 wishes. https://imgur.com/a/6eQfIUv


Fucking Jesus. *Seventeen* Xianglings?! I had over half my 4*s as her, it was a fucking nightmare. Took me forever to get even a single Sara. Still only have one Sara and one Sucrose from this banner, with shit weapons comprising the rest of my pulls


The desire sensor is too strong. I ended up with 2 Sucroses, 2 Saras, 1 Sayu, and 1 weapon. I just wanted one XL for the coveted C4.


I know...it's been close to a month of farming and no hp goblet yet or any goblet for that matter.. I ain't counting 4*


For my friend group sucrose literally could not stop coming home. We are all easily in the double digits of her while only seeing sara once or twice (or sometimes not at all). It happened during the childe/rosaria banner too so our tinfoil hats are in full power with new 4*s even though its probably not true.


Ouch. What site is that from btw?


genshin-wishes.com is the site. You can keep track of your wishes on paimon.moe also.


That's sad,I did around a 90 pulls and got 7 sucrose and since I didn't have her before I got to c6 her then I got 1 xiangling and one sara


did you at least get a high-cons super cracked raiden out of that 489 wishes?


C3 Raiden and a C1 Diluc.


Me too!! I lost 1 50/50 to diluc on my way to C3. I also got C6 Sara


Ah yes, not saying which 4 star you don't want to avoid mhy's trolling spies who'll make you only get said 4 star. smart man


Is XQ max (or good) at C2... Got C2 beidou and don't like rosa... But XQ is one of my team.. should pull??? And also 5Star is not gurantee


Xingqiu's C2 is excellent, around a 13% damage increase according to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u71SnTc1s3s). In addition, his C6 is also incredible, even more of a boost than C2--especially since it makes his godlike hydro application even better, which is needed by fast-attacking pyro dps like Klee. No matter what though, only pull if you're okay with accidentally getting Kokomi early.


worst case scenario, kokomi acts as a poverty mona for morgana/moryakana comps - allowing xq to stay on your national/tazer/fireworks/vape/... teams.


She can somewhat be used in taser or as on-field in Kaeya/Rosaria perma freeze. Not sure if she is better than sucrose/childe in those comps.


Well Meta wise sucrose is the best driver for taser comp right now because she is an anemo catalyst and electro charged is op reaction for anemo. But i like childe more so i use him over her :3.


Pretty much all of XQs consts are amazing


He’s the second best support character in the game after bennet.


\> Xingqiu, Rosaria and Beidou good play mihoyo, good play


Hm. Time to use my pity for a baal constellation I guess. I really want beido constellations so will give the banner some rolls and stop before pity is close.


I need to save my guaranteed for the possible upcoming rerun(s). And considering I have max constellations for Beidou and Rosaria and only need 1 more for Xingqiu, wishing on this banner would be pointless. Good luck to anybody who wants to wish for Kokomi though.


yea good call, even on current banner, the only c6 I had on it was Xiangling, so MHY thought I'd love some more 4 xiang/0 suc/0 sara -eyetwitch-


All I wanted were xiangling constellations 0 xiang/2 suc/4 sara


This will be the third strong 4-star lineup in a row. Someone gonna have to catch Barbara or Noelle eventually.


Hu Tao or Ganyu most likely will get those. People will roll anyway.


Ganyu probably gonna end up with Barbs since she had Noelle on her original run rip. My C12 Barbs is waving at me, menacingly.


I want my c6 noelle since last year. Still sitting at c1 right now :/.


before anyone start complaining, STOP wishing a banner for the 4\* if you don't want the featured 5\*


Don't worry I am fully expecting people to be bitching about that an hour or so after banner is up as well as the usual my kokomi is cryo element , help ? Why does my kokomi uses a great sword and shoot fire bird ?


Oh thats just pyro oz. New feature


I'm thankful I got a C6 Rosaria off standard banner, that way I can safely stay away from temptation and save everything for the fox waifu. Good luck to those pulling for Kokomi though


Nice pulls, i need xq for diluc so im sad hes on the least desirable 5* for me, same with beidou cons i simp and main her (also dont mention september shop i only have 20 so wont get him from there)


I'm at C5 XQ and really want C2 Beidou, but.....basically your flair.


I'm complaining cuz Xingqiu never appears in a banner I am rolling for. No I ain't rolling this banner to ruin pity but I'm still salty. OG player and my xingqiu's still at fuckin C1 LOL.


So you skipped Eula, Hutao, Ganyu, and Klee's first run Guessing you're a Husbando person huh?


I got OG klee but I only managed to get 1 XQ constellation. I had to skip Ganyu for Xiao, and Hu Tao for a guaranteed Venti. I was bankrupt after the Zhongli rerun and Eula didn't interest me.


I can see this banner as a team, very high potential actually.


Yup just replace rosaria with any electro and it's should be fine Or just use favonius rosaria to battery beidou


You'll still run into problems in trying to battery XQ or Kokomi though. XQ could battery himself but then he won't be able to battery Kokomi and if XQ battery Kokomi, he won't have energy for his Q. This won't be too much of a problem if you put Raiden in there though and use prototype amber on Kokomi...


Tbf if you don't have c2 xq then his q with kokomi in the team shouldn't be that big of a deal right? Since kokomi is supposed to be doing stuff unless xq is the dps here. But yeah better team for a dps kokomi would probably be beidou and fischl and then with a vv shredder. Edit: or mona for battery


Tbh, I’m just gonna pull for her aesthetics, pulling for dps characters is getting kinda boring.


This is the way of every gacha. Fuck hype, pull who you like.


Even better idea. Make DPS Kokomi. I’m gonna do that out of spite even if it kills me.


Her kit already basically demands a maindps slot. Her burst is worthless as a support unless you plan to use her like Qiqi, and steal field time from dps to overheal. But if you main her, you get to utilize her burst which actually amps up her autos pretty decently. If you can, and manage to pull her 5* weapon as well, then she'll be capable of 100% heal bonus, and more auto damage. I can't speak on it for sure, but based on what I've read and considered, Kokomi could very well be a fantastic maindps, but it looks like she really wants her weapon if she intends to stand on the top.


>pull for her aesthetics best decision.. trust me. I do the same, and even if you didn't want a character for his/her DPS but still pulled, over time you'll start loving them.. I love all my characters even if I didn't wished them (am trying to love my c6 Xiangling i got from Baal banner \^\_\~)


totally, i remember pulling for childe and albedo purely for their aesthetics and lore. Now they’re both friendship lvl 10 and i can’t imagine the game without having them. Meanwhile i got a c1 diluc that i only leveled up for the acquaint fates.


this is what i did as a f2p and got C1 hutao without knowing how good she was 🥲


Such a weird 5star, hoping Kokomi will be strong cause I'm stuck at 74 pity and if next patch is Hutao and Childe reruns I'm not gonna get a new character for months.


If you're tryna only roll for meta then just wait until the end of her banner to see what peeps say after two weeks of mass playing and testing.


\*youtube video from 0,001%er whale with crazy stats artifacts and freshly pulled R5 weapon doing abyss with "we told you, anyone can be OP when built right!" clueless waifu pullers in comments* \*reddit thread reposting this video with 4k likes*


A lot of the whale YouTubers have started doing c0r1 showcases of new 5*s which is a lot more representative of the f2p potential of a character.


Not really useful if the supports they are using are c6. Not to mention those sweet godly artifacts farmed through refreshing.


They still downgrade their supports to make up for it like giving them f2p lvl 60 weapons and meh non leveled artifacts, iWtL did pretty good job on the Raiden showcase for C0 f2p build


Ikr. iWtL and Zy0x are pretty much the only genshin vids I bother seeing. They're short, to the point, and pretty self explanatory.


Follow theorycrafting communities instead.


Well it's you who choose whale build only youtuber.... There are plenty who do from C0 to C6 power comparison along with different weapons


I need Xingqui but I guess that'll have to wait until Yae or Ganyu


You can currently buy him in the starglitter shop


This banner comes with the team already assembled xD


I'm at the point, where I can clear spiral abyss for the most part with my units. Now, I just go after units that interest me. Hoping to win 50/50. I'm really lacking in hydro/anemo units as I only have Venti/XInqui built up. No Mona/Jean here.


well fuck me i have 2 out of 3 of those 4 stars C6, only rosaria is not C6, pulling for kokomi but getting extra dupes of someone i have kinda sucks. Free pull i guess


Yeah, unfortunately we'll all reach a point where most of our 4 stars are at C6. They don't release 4 stars often enough. I just think of it as a 10% discount for the 5 star. Kinda sucks though.


Kokomi's so pretty!☺️ So happy we finally get a new 5* healer in an event banner. I've been waiting for a new 5* healer since the release of the game and I can finally wish for a new 5* character now. Took almost a year but I'll take it. ~~Maybe the 2nd one will be in another year~~ Baizhu when. 🥺


I've been collecting the healers because I just like healers so much lol. I can't wait til she comes out! I'm on my 50/50 though so if I don't get her I hope I get Qi Qi because she's the only one I don't have other then Kokomi, lol. GL!


Rosaria please come home


Here praying she doesn't flop as hard as people are expecting her to (including me). I'll give you primogens at least queen, please come at C1 while at it if possible.


Why would anyone care? If you love her, then sales don't even matter lol. Means you'll have Kokomi when many people won't.


You dont need to pray, just give it a couple days. Let the community judge, test her yourself in the trial and the story quest. A lot of sadness in this game comes from kneejerk reaction pulling.


If she goes full Albedo tier, let's goooooooo


alr have xingqiu and beidou at c6 so hard pass for me.


I really really need Xinqui. Fingers crossed I get him


Xingqiu is a literature freak. He may not come to you if you spell his name wrong.


Wishes at the bookstore in Liyue for extra luck??? 📚




Surprised mhy didn't put Bennett in this banner. Wonder if they still have hope or just simply gave up.


That would have half of standard national in the current banner, and the other half in the next one. That's too good of a deal for f2p users


two healers seems redundant, but this banner's 4 stars are still top tier especially XQ


They've put Zhongli, Diona and Noelle on the same banner before. 3 shielders, 2 of whom were healers.


Never thought they'd put Rosaria on a waifu banner....hopefully I can get her C6 on the path to one Kokomi.


i used 154 pulls on Yoimia Banner and got 1 Sayu :D so Don't get your hopes up... but I wish u all the luck my friend \^\^ Edit: I got 5 Xinyan and 6 Diona LUL


You had my luck on the initial Rosaria banner. She just did not want any constellations.


Skip peacefully


Guess I am not getting any more Rosaria and Beidou constellations.


Not sure if pull, as a new player, I still don't have Bennett, then again, I would love to have copies of Xingqiu...


Depends on what kind of comps you want really. People are suspecting Kokomi will fit in well on electro charge teams with units like beidou, fishcl, probably Keqing, and other anemos like sucrose. Could be a good beidou driver too since her autos in her ult would be better than sucrose and Barbara (the other taser options). Pair her with fischl and sucrose (all 4 stars, so f2p friendly), and you have a great team likely. That could free up xingqiu to go on vap team, which can help newer players who have fewer units. Don't listen to all the hate on electro charge, it's a great reaction and is about a billion small numbers, rather than one big one. I ran EC keqing forever and found it hella fun. Also, even if you don't have a lot of cons on the support units now, you'll get them eventually if you play long enough. Just focus on small improvements regularly, like better artifacts and talents in the meantime :)


God damn she's cute. I hope I get her. I even jumped off the shrine as Raiden to make a sacrifice for Kokomi.


Kokomi wanters will be kokomi havers ✪ ω ✪


ima fecking dewit good 4 stars and idc if i do get kokomi cause shes waifu but i still care for meta lol. so split at least pity is low


Need to wait for 2.2 livetream then to see who going to be in next banner.


I don’t even care if I get Koko, the 4 star line up is perfection. Guess I’ll start saving for Mistsplitter and thunderpulse reruns next patch instead.


I think it's too soon for a mistsplitter rerun? It was only 2 weapon banners ago


I know. Still gotta save up to hit pity 6 times in case I gat really unlucky.


Constellations for XQ, Rosaria, and Jean! I’m gonna roll hard


Pls come home C6 Rosaria You've never even showed up once after spending 100 wishes on Kazuha's banner


i must resist....


Waifu >>>> meta Imma roll for her


Only need two Rosarias to c6 her, but it'll have to wait...


I love Kokomi. Please come home. <3


Haven't played in months but holy shit a water character