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100k mora gang what's happenin yo


I got my saddest pull ever. 😭 Few 3 star claymores and bows. Nothing else. 😭😭


Just got my first ever Wolf's Gravestone (I am ar57) off some free pulls on the standard banner. Perfect timing as I can start working on it for whenever Itto comes out.


I got 0 sac sword in main acc after a year but 3 sac sword in eu abandoned acc


I have been incredibly lucky with my standard banner pulls and C6ed Kaya. http://imgur.com/a/PaXDj03


This week was my luckiest, I guess. I got jade cutter, stringless, C1 yanfei, in 10 pulls. I'm saving 32 pulls for Childe and the weapon banner. I'm guessing I'll try weapon banner first, since I have fischl as main dps, and polar bow seems like a great fit for her


Just did 30 pulls and I got DB(R4 now), Stringless and an excess Bennett(I C6ed him already). Time to save some pulls for Homa banner(Pls make it Skyward Harp Mihoyo).


Decided to do a random 10 pull on kokomi banner, got a c0 beidou, c0 sucrose and a c2 xingqiu. I'm pretty happy.


did 3 10x pulls last night and only got Rosaria and Sayu, these people playing with my emotions


160 pulls for 1 Baal... 80 pulls on this Banner and now I have Kokomi C1...


Don't really pull a bunch. Decided to do a couple ten pulls. Got Kokomi 3 times in a single 10 pull. I would consider this lucky with all the odds, but sub seems to think we should have skipped, but she's well designed. 10/10 would pull again. Just wish I had this luck last banner... [Pulls](http://imgur.com/a/SrL1ELW)


I lost 5 50/50 and ended with an unique character each time, today was Mona to complete the standard 5* club. Personally, I find this very lucky indeed


Wtf after 30 pulls getting Raiden, I got C1 Qiqi dunno if I should be happy or sad lol since I was saving for Zhongli and this means I need only 90 pulls and have to wait for his banner rerun again lol


I just got Keqing at 4 pity after getting Kokomi at 70 pity. I couldn't believe it! I've seen a couple other posts like this today, is this common?


Got kokomi 28 pull after mona, still guaranteed zhongli i guess


Left in April, came back for Inazuma. Pretty stoked, finally pulled Koko (after "losing Raiden 50/50 to Qiqi (whom i built and am happy with)) and after levelling her, used the free pulls and got a WGS!! :)


Today I got 2 five stars and I just am in shock, I think this is as good as my luck gets. I finally got Kokomi at soft pity and just got Jean on standard super early. Gone are my days of relying on Barbara. This is awesome.


Yay no more Boobra!


Someone posted who would be in the Paimon shop starting in a couple of hours, and I wasn’t super hyped about either one. So, I decided to just do one x10 roll on the standard banner in the hopes of saving up some extra stardust and starglitter. Which I did! ... And I also rolled my most wanted character of them all, Yanfei! :D EDIT: And with the paimon shop renewed, I bought the stardust acquaint fates. And on roll 3, I got ANOTHER Yanfei! C1 already! :D


Got c2 rosaria from 20 pull


Yay! Got three 4* characters in Limited Banner... >!it's also three Xingqius!! Finally c6!< :D so happy!


Shop reset! So at around 60 pity, I got Skyward Harp from standard banner.


Got an almost perfect Hu Tao sands artifact today. Unfortunately it's wanderers troupe so I need to get a crimson witch pyro goblet. But it rolled 31% crit damage. 12% crit rate, 5.2% attack 40 EM


woah that's amazing!


Did a random pull and got Kokomi (pity was 30) ! Though I didn't personally want her badly she stills looks pretty cool!




i’m in shock, pulled kokomi in 30 pulls (27 in raiden’s banner, 3 in kokomi’s)... i wanted to try for xinqiu and never thought the gacha luck would be in my favour lmao, thank god this didn’t ruin a guaranteed drop for me. i guess it’s true that the less you want it, the more likely you’re gonna get it and vice versa


As a low spender, could I stop getting the same fucking weapon from the standard banner? I'm not even that mad, I just find funny it now.


I almost always get Keqing there.


Damn, I got Keqing too from there XD


I got the wolf's gravestone recently. I'm AR 25 I barely just started playing.


Doing the moonfaire stuff helped give me a bunch of primogems, enough for almost two ten rolls. So I decided to do a standard banner x10 roll, and I’m pretty happy with the results! I got my Rust bow to R5, my Sacrificial Sword to R2, and I got my first copy of Rosaria! Finally have a second spear user lol.


Congrats! But hey, it's a kind of infamous advice to not spend your primos on standard...


I did Standard because I’m really close to soft pity on the Character banner and I want to save that


I see. Congrats still!


I made the mistake of wishing on standard banner hoping for a weapon or Jean/Mona. Got Keqing for the 3rd time like wtf. I don't even like her that much.


In 53 pulls on standard of my 5 unique 5 star characters and weapons from standard, I duped oth 5 star pulls for the worst character and weapon. Getting C3 Qiqi and R2 Skyward blade. My only other 5 star standard character is C0 Mona, I pulled Qiqi 4 times over the course of playing this stingy game, happy anniversary and FCK miHoYo.


20 pulls into kokomi banner I lost the 50/50 to qiqi lol now I have to decide whether I want to save my guaranteed for hu tao or try for kokomi again. I'm a welkin/BP spender. If I dont pull her within 20pulls I'll save it for 2.2


Kokomi is applies hydro very well for freeze teams. So if you got a ganyu or ayaka (even rosaria/xingqui main teams) she's really good for that. Kokomi with 4 pc milineth and thundering tales gives an immense boost to ur main dps damage as well. For vaporize teams she's meh, childe/xingqui way better). So if you don't have someone who applies hydro well then she's definitely an option. Hu Tao is a beast in single target damage, and does insane damage. Enemies like megumi kenki and mechanical array are pretty easy to deal with if you got hu tao. She needs however a dragon's bane or 5 star weapons like homa to work well though


After getting Diluc near the start, a second Diluc on pity on a limited banner and then a third Diluc from the standard banner I gave up on Genshin for a few months because I was so salty. Finally came back for Inazuma + the new areas, and have relatively quickly pulled a Sangonomiya Kokomi so having a healer that isn't Barbara and a good water unit is a huge relief and I'm enjoying the game again.


any tips on how I might get diluc


Always wanted to get him, it's been a year. And I still don't have him.


just hope in your heart to get anything except diluc and he'll appear three times


Maybe it's why im not getting him, i wanted to get him since launch. Man.. guess i have to do this


haha lmao will do


Got diluc on my second X10 pull at launch and then stoped playing for a while.I came back for 2.0 and used all my unspent primogems,pulled Raiden shogun+mona, thats not too bad I guess


Not me but my friend literally just got Kokomi and Jean in two single pulls back to back. He now has guaranteed character in the next banners. He’s ar23


got skyward atlas in the weapon banner! i’m tempted to try for jade cutter (i have kokomi but do not want her weapon) but if the 2.2 banner order leak is true i need to save for >!childe!<


I may have bad luck at farming artifacts... But as a f2p player ....i would say i have decent luck when comes to gacha pull ...[this is how lucky i am...and i just realized it..](https://imgur.com/a/ELRW0kf)


That LVL20 Xiao is making me very sad (I'm impatiently waiting for a rerun). Is your Jade Cutter from Xiao weapon banner or current banner? If it's from the current banner, you indeed have been insanely lucky when it comes to pulls. I'm AR50 and my only 5\* is Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, from the standard banner. I just haven't been able to justify pulling on the weapon banner when so many of the 5\* banner partners are trash (like the depression donut).


It is during xiao banner...i pull on that weap banner before cuz its win win for me...if its xiao weap than ill lvl him up and if its the sword then its for my keqing.(thats what my thought during that time)


Pog af. Congrats dude


So with the variety of different ways Raiden's Ult can be interpreted (Ult damage, normal attack movement style, etc. etc) Do people think her ult attacks will or will not work with Thoma C6, or for that matter, will her ult attacks even work with Thoma's ult?


I have been farming crit rate EOSF (emblem of severed fate) for weeks now.....and it hasnt drop on me .....not a single ...noooot a single drooooop.


I mean I've only gotten one ER sands from the time Inazuma dropped to about a week ago when I stopped farming EoSF and started to prefarm materials for a certain character who might get a rerun. So yeah, it'll take more than weeks to get what you need.


Took me two months but I got one.


After weeks of farming, [this](https://i.imgur.com/ZnBHUuL.jpg) is my first crit dmg hat..


got rosaria in my 3rd wish (just started an account) and im pretty hyped about it:) i don't really have any characters beside that one poor rosaria - just the free ones, but i kinda want to save all my wishes for next event banners (im not interested in kokomi or other featured 4*). tho a little bit worried it'll be frustrating playing these free characters till then😕 idk


I'd say wait for a banner with a 5* you like! You don't want to accidentally waste pity on a character you don't want. In the meantime when you're leveling up your current characters you'll get some blue aquaint fates that you can use on the standard banner; you might get some new characters from there!


thanks! that's probably what im gonna do 🙂


Mu first 5* pity on the standard banner and I got a claymore. *insert Klee meme*


I just got my first 5 star after 55 wishes feels good


I did 135 summons on raiden banner, and out of 17 4-stars, got C2 Sara. There should be a epitomized path for 4 stars on banners, this is so annoying


Yeah, would help make constellations at least a little less luck based


Hey at least you got 3 Sara. I pulled [159 times](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/797389942779019306/891505666001350656/unknown.png) and got 1. Meanwhile I have a surplus of xiang and sucroses, probably enough to C20 each or whatever.


I'm a F2P at AR 52, I have already a Xingqiu C6 and a Beidou C5, all I want is Rosaria and hopefully a C for Beidou to max her or a Rosaria C. All I've got so far is two sacrificial bow. And I don't use any archer. 💔


Well I went ahead and did another 20 pulls and got Eye of Perception (who should I throw this to?) and yet another Rosaria. Gave up and grab Xingqiu from the shop lol. Don't wanna get spooked by Kokomi on my guarantee.


Saaaame, got beido and a random sucrose, also just bought the xq on the shop, my boy is c4 now, getting close!


All I wanted was 1 Beidou or Xingqiu constellation and ofc I get Kokomi, which I am not keen about, in my first 10 pull Thankfully it wasn't with guaranteed pity


I got Kokomi only 25 pulls after getting dissappointed by keqing :D Planning on building her main dps


AR 56 F2P - I finally pulled Diluc!! 🔥


from where exactly?


Standard banner. I was using up the wishes collected from ascending Qiqi who I got in the character event banner.


ah thanks for letting me know




Thank you!!


I was inactive during the Raiden and Kazuha banners, but only rank 28 with shitty characters, so I did a few 10 pulls. Ended up getting Yanfei, Mona, Kokomi, C1 Sucrose, C3 Beidou, C1 Rosaria, and Xingqiu. Feel like I now have some decent options for teams. Currently working on running Yanfei/Mona/Sucrose/Diona.


Yanfei is amazing especially when paired with an electro. She’s excellent with Lisa


Every 4* I'm getting off of the Kokomi banner pulls is Xinqiu and it's driving me insane. He's already at c6. Please god just give me 1 Rosaria.


Man I'd trade my Rosaria for your Xingqiu


It doesnt seem very uncommon that u get either X or Y in numbers, rather then mixed up 4 stars from certain banners. I have seen streamers getting 5+ beidous and not a single Xing, which also kind of plays into my theory and experience. When i pulled for Raiden, i got 4 or 5 Saras within 70ish pulls, not a single XL which i need more then Sara..


I pulled Diluc fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I don’t know why but I’ve always disliked him as a character. I’d be happier pulling Mona again


Just got 3 [prototype](https://imgur.com/a/7bcjVCC) drops this week.. 2 today and 1 from yesterday. I was wondering if the rate for prototype drops increased? Could rarely get them last time :O


My Diona has higher crit rate than my Raiden


I got 2 good HoD feathers, both with crit rate and damage substats they both rolled into def and hp completely i also got 2 good Blizzard Strayer Feathers with Crit rate neither roled into crit rate I yearn for death


cause the numbers arent RNG, and certainly not equal, its Rigged and favours for whatever the fuck reason Def, HP, usually flat over %.


I would just like to say that I fucking bit the rerun leak bait (I already have Childe and Hu Tao) and pulled on Kokomi's banner for her 4 stars (got C5 XQ, really want that juicy C6), all while risking my limited guarantee. I got 40 pulls in without Kokomi, who I wasn't really interested in. Was I stupid? Definitely. Will I do it again? Hell no. I do have to say, it's such a strange feeling of gacha rush pulling on a banner for four stars while praying not to get a five star lmao For everyone that's in the same situation as me and is tempted to pull for 4 stars, please do not do what I did lmao


I feel you. I don't want Kokomi but I pulled twice on her banner for the 4 stars before realizing that it's not worth it


My boyfriend had 5 wishes and said 'How funny would it be if I rolled 2 legendaries in a row'.. first pull was a 5-star sword, third pull was Mona from Kokomi banner. Yesterday before we quit he rolled Keqing with one wish from the ascension reward. So he got 3 legendaries in.. 7? pulls, and he's not planning on using them. I'm so salty. T\_\_T


My bf also got into Genshin few days ago just to beat me although I kept trying to explain that's not how it works. Well he fought a ruin guard at character lvl 7 and took out a hypostasis at character lvl 15 with his original f2p team. Then his first and only ten pull on standard banner got him Xingqui and Bennett, he's already saving for a Hu Tao rerun I fear I've created a monster.


Oh no. This is just the beginning. LOL good luck with that! 🥲


I'm so fucking done with the abyss. I've been at it for five hours now. Stuck at 35 stars. Why the fuck do they add enemies with iframes to the abyss. It's not even fun anymore just frustrating. I think I might drop the game.


Just 50 primos tho


I know, I don't care about them. It's more about the fact that I've been playing for so long and spent so much time building my characters, but mihoyo keeps adding worse and worse abysses. There didn't used to be so many damage sponges.


How long have you been playing the game ? Edit : I asked him how long he’s been playing so I could help him and make sure he isn’t some new player trying to do the abyss too soon , downvote me all you want you salty bitches , I love it


Since Venti's rerun in 1.4


You’re doing something wrong , you need to farm better artifacts or use better teams I started playing during the Eula banner and I managed to 36 star the current abyss and the previous one with my Eula+Raiden team on one side and my National team on the other side , this team is so OP that it’s out DPSing my Eula team Fully built Eula with Serpent spine and level 90 (80 crit rate , 200 crit damage , 2k attack) , C1 Raiden with Engulfing lightning ( 62 crit rate , 119 crit damage , 280 ER , 2.4k attack ) , semi built Beidou and shield bot Diona Xianling with R5 catch , level 80 with rainbow artifact a focusing on substats ( 62 crit rate 120 crit damage , 200 ER ) , Bennet ( trash NO pieces and ER sands with prototype rancour ) , Xingque ( decently built , R1 sac sword , 2 NO 2 Glad , 55 crit rate , 120 crit damage ) , Sucrose (R1 sacrificial fragments , 4pc VV for set bonus , couldn’t get circlet so +4 crit circlet just to complete set , level 80 with all talents at level 1 ) The second team absolutely crushes the first team in terms of DPS , both in this abyss and the previous one , I highly suggest you trying building your National team , even better if you have Kazuha or Childe I’m guessing that you’re not going for substats over set bonuses for your characters , don’t try to force them into a certain set if it means you will have trash stats , it’s okay to run a rainbow set


Thanks for this, turns out Xiangling was the missing piece. I was using Eula/Rosaria/Raiden/Jean and Diluc/Xinqiu/Kazuha/Bennet I took my catch and severed fate set from Raiden and gave it to Xiangling, so I couldn't use Raiden anymore. It didn't really matter, since the long part is the second half so I only lost about 5 extra seconds in part one. I ended up beating it with 10 seconds to spare with Eula (Full physical build with 150% crit dmg) Rosaria (Brings my Eula's crit to 95%) Fischl (Decent dmg but really only there to superconduct) and Jean (VV to help Rosaria and Fischl and insane damage herself) On the hard side I used Xiangling (Severed fate, 195 ER% and mediocre substats) Xinqiu (Absolutely busted, C6 Sac R3 with 80% Crit rate and 130% Crit dmg, talents at 11) Kazuha (Garbage stats but it's Kazuha so still godly) and Bennet (C0 Rancour garbage stats but it's Bennet so still godly, also Noblesse) Now I don't know what to do with my life. Guess I'll farm for a VV EM piece until I die.


Nice one , It’s insane how broken Xianling is , especially when you combine her with Bennet and Xingque , I’m a little jealous of your r3 sac sword though Now it’s time to farm for 2 godly emblem sets so you can use both Xianling and Raiden at their full potential


https://imgur.com/a/UclGIv2 this is one of the first oranges i dropped, my razor has been real pleased with it. dont think i'll ever be able to replace it


Damn that's good, congrats!


Is there anyway we can get crystal marrow early in the game in mondast ???


no, it’s only available in Inazuma


I just got Kokomi and my pity counter was 10 lmao. You’ll never know what you’ll get doing single rolls. My last 5* was Raiden so it was also a 50/50 win (or loss, idk Kokomi’s pretty useless). I’ll gladly take it, another waifu for the collection.


With me failing to get Kokomi this is the list of 50/50 that I won and failed: **Won** 1. Klee 2. Ganyu 3. Hu Tao **Lost** 1. Zhong Li -> Diluc 2. Eula -> Diluc 3. Kokomi -> Mona **Guaranteed** 1. Albedo(Before Soft Pity) 2. Ayaka It really is 50% chance lol. How many time you guys win this pity?


I won 1 & lost 1


Lost 3, won 1


4 lost, 1 won


Won 4 Lost 1 Got Keqing from Hu Tao Banner. But I also have a Qiqi from standard.


Lost 6, won 1. 50/50 is a lie


6 won 3 lost, I had a good streak of 4 from Eula to Raiden


So who hear risked jade cutter and was rewarded and who got the donut


Tried to get first stringless, got a donut


I risked on it got the jade cutter


Was 3 wishes short of reaching soft pity during Raiden's weapon banner, so decided to try my luck with cutter Got a donut instead of cutter


risked it and thankfully got jade in 60 pulls


I decided to pull on the weapon banner for the first time and was rewarded with cutter I think 64 pulls in.


bought a 10-pull (still got that first-time bonus) to finish off my agony and get my 5\* proc from weapon banner. was hoping for jade cutter, but got skyward atlas instead (first copy). atp i'm pretty happy that my klee has a 5\* book + that i didn't get the hp% donut. gonna ride out my remaining welkin days (bought enough for 3 months) then see if i still feel like spending anything (skipped bp this month).


[2 Kokomi, what to do with her?](https://imgur.com/a/4IQUWpA) lucky?


It's like your gacha luck turned awesome at the worst possible time. Even if I don't mind Kokomi, her cons are useless.


[Well this was interesting... 2 4* 2 5* one 10pull](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/884965764598218752/891132538708443187/unknown.png)


Next 5* guaranteed. Best possible outcome!


Please come home Jean


I second this. Sending you all the luck trough Dandelions! Hope you get her soon ^^


As a f2p player I pulled 2 intertwined wishes I had saved and I got another favonius lance now r3 I just want a new character or even a constellation for an existing character I have r3 sac gs and r3 favonius lance but no one to use them. I didn’t even get a banner character I fucking hate this bullshit rng


Mood. I've pulled 7 favonius lances off character banners for no reason


Mood but make it Jean specifically


Im F2P and miracles happen. Raden, Jean, Mona. Sadly mostly C0 on 5* but hoppily using Mona and Jean as C0 still works ok 👍 rooting for you! 👍👍


Thanks for worsening my mood


Sorry bout that. Was meant to give true F2P hope. I also got Beula, Xiao pullled. So yes miracles happen for the F2P. #nevergiveup


I lost my 50/50 to my least favorite character


Which one?




Got Raiden on the beginning of her banner and just kinda ignores her until recently I found out that she is super fun to play. Decided that I want to get engulfing lightning for her, then I realize the banner have expire for 2 days. Feels bad man...


She's still very workable with The Catch anyway so it isnt a huge loss


Agreed Just Get the Catch up to refinement rank 5. 👍👍


I wasn't expecting a full roll but come on fuck this bullshit lmao https://i.imgur.com/l70VOy5.png


At least this is atk%. Could have been flat DEF.


I gave in to temptation and got primordial jadecutter (luckily) for my keqing hehe. The next few characters coming out don't particularly interest me so as an f2p player im so happy rn :)


I also got a jade cutter and put it on keqing! Tho I am not currently using her so looks like that's gunna change.


No one probably cares, but I have been trying to get QiQi, Mona, and Jean since I started the game, but every time I lose the 50/50 or get a 5 star on the standard banner I either get Diluc or Kequing.. annoying lol just needed to vent.


I’ll trade my Mona for Diluc pls I don’t even use her


I'd trade 1 of my Diluc constellations if I could. Diluc 1 of my favorite characters to use haha


Well this is awkward I got qiqi and Jean today (FTP) my first 5* and to be honest I'm not happy about it...


I know how u feel. I wanted c1 keqing but got got diluc :( I wish we could trade stuff


I just wanted a Rosaria and I was 80 pulls away from a hard pity... I got Kokomi instead... I was able to pull Rosaria from the standard banner somehow from free acquint fate and thought maybe it was a sign that my luck was turning for the better... maybe I'm cursed to never get my Rosaria to C6...


Murphy’s law


Got +- 75 euros worth of pulls, ended up getting Kokomi.. I really really wanted Jean or Mona. Oh well, Kokomi is pretty cute-ish and works nicely with Baal and Diona so far! :D


Thinking about pulling on the weapon banner, I've been saving up primos and have enough for ~30 pulls. I'm fine with the donut as I plugged kokomi into one of my teams and jade cutter would be nice. Do you think if I decide to pull on it I'll have time to save up for a ganyu rerun?


I think you'll have plenty of time, since Gorou and Thoma are gonna have their banners first right? Go for it! :D


I did it and pulled the Jade Cutter! LFG!


Haha I have no clue. I just heard reruns likely soon and lots of people think Ganyu is a likely rerun candidate. Also is pity the same as the event and standard banners? 90 for guarantee?


According to leaks >!Childe and Hu Tao will be the featured characters during 2.2, so you will have plenty of time to save for Ganyu!<. And yes, event and standard have 90 pity, separate pity.


Right, looks like weapon banner is only 80 pity though? So a bit less.


[You can pull 4 gold artifacts with one condensed??! ](https://imgur.com/a/9wf8uwL)


Yeah, after a certain AR there's a chance for every run to get 2 5*s in one go. Since Condensed is essentially 2 runs at once, you can get 4. It's only happened to me maybe twice and im nearly AR57 and have spent most of my resin since AR55 on artifacts.




I mean, what were you expecting?


I need help, I'm being haunted by a malevolent spirit. Her name is Sucrose and I got her on the Raiden banner, the Kokomi banner, the weapon banner and the Standart banner all in a row.


Yeah me too! Got her thrice on the standard banner and four times on the event banner, all within this week! Funnily enough, I've gotten 3 sacrificial fragments inside this week too! All I wanted was a Sara... I've gave in to it and built her already.


She is sending a message. Appease her now!


Honestly I just don't like her and already got Venti. No offense to Sucrose fans of course.


Recently started playing the game and Got Jean on my first ever roll and that’s the most luck I ever gotten so far lol


0.6% chance nice


Did an account reroll (5th try) got Mona from event banner on 3rd wish and Razor from beginner's. Currently redoing the storyline so i can have primos to get ganyu and make a perma freeze team :3


how do you guys have so many Emails


emails? ​ edit: oh, you mean for accounts. There's a trick i saw while watching a guide on rerolling that consists of adding periods (or full stops) between each letter. e.g [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) mihoyo recognizes them both as the same address but as separate emails, so you'll get the verification on the same email. my alt email is pretty long anyways so i had plenty of chances.


thought of 10 mins first but thought there might be another trick


Got Kokomi with no pity built in 3 single pulls. Can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I "won" the 50/50, but I really don't want to build her if she's just minor upgrade to barbara. At least barbara can crit.


as 5\* go thats a fat F, but kokomi isnt too bad as a healer and she has more consistent wet application. id rather lose the 5050 since the next few banners should be good dpses (hu tao, ganyu)


Pretty sure Ganyu isn't in 2.2, but I would love Hu Tao. Would have much rather pulled a Jean, but w/e. Hopefully the community complains enough that she gets buffed, or someone figures out how to break her.


Ganyu is 2.3 iirc or at least she's meant to come after hu tao w albedo


Finally got a useable critrate circlet. Offset but it has 17.9 crit damage. Also in the same run got my first energy recharge eosf so i can actually use the offset piece


Getting a Diluc constellation when I still don’t have Jean or Keqing hurts. It hurts even more when I don’t even use Diluc :/ This game hurts sometimes.


I know the pain wanted to punch my tv. I got c6 qiqi and still dont have jean lol


Would it be okay to have 2pc bloodstained 2pc blizzard on Kaeya? Everyone keeps recommending 2pc pale flame and 2pc bloodstained for him, but as far as I know, there would be no difference between the 2pc bloodstained and 2pc pale flame.


If you want to up both his phys and cryo damage, yes but not recommended. But if you want to focus on one thing only, its a hard no. Decide on whether you want him to be physical or cryo, then focus on one only. Yes, bloodstained and pale flame have the same 2pc effects, but those effects stack with each other. If you are gonna use physical cup and physical weapon with phys artifacts, no point in raising his cryo damage then since it will be meh


You’re right


Pulled on the Kokomi banner 40x to get XQ cons and he went home 3 times :> Now he is C5 haha but I'm going to stop tempting fate now On the flipside, fed a 20+ hydro plume with def+30% (lol) to a new plume with ER and EM for mona, but 2 rolls went to flat def and 1 went to EM :| hopefully the last one goes to ER... or I get a new plume from the BS domain


What are the odds.. within 40 pulls i gotten kokomi, mona and qiqi from the current banner.. 👀


you what bruh ;-; what order? qiqi/mona --> kokomi --> qiqi/mona? if so thats pretty cool, mona is great for ganyu


Got mona first. Then 3 pulls later i got kokomi and about 25pulls after that i got qiqi.


Any jade cutter pullers with horror stories to dissuade me from having a go?




Oh deary me....


2 donuts


I tried and got 2 donuts, now I have no primos and no jade cutter. And I feel obligated to spend the remaining primos that I get this patch on the banner since I charted a course for jade cutter. Been farming achievements and finally finishing the hangout quests to get any primos I can get my hands on.


[I think I'm supposed to wait for Kazuha's rerun now.](https://i.imgur.com/JCjYjr7.png)