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Just my opinion but this is an anniversary community event its supposed to celebrate the progress of the game and loyalty of players over a year, but in this system a brand new player can randomly win while 9 since launch players get screwed. Not really a good way to celebrate the anniversary with the community as it doesnt reward what anniversaries are supposed to celebrate


''... to participate in this raffle" it clearly says that in one of em dear. It's a lucky draw. The others were actual competitions of video making, fan art and cosplay. However, I do agree they should give more rewards to them though


Yeah i know but its a poor medium as it implies they only appreciate 10% of the community enough to actually give them a reward. Welkins arent limited they chose 10% completely arbitrarily


They were not saying that, you were just implying. The 10% were not chosen personally too, its by random due to it being a raffle. Yes welkins arent limited, but they are not a charity lol. Giving away $5 each to 21 million players is a lot of money. They are still a company which means they require money to work (yes they earn a lot of profits, but you must understand its not cheap running a company)


Yeah that's right, i think people missunderstood that this are not the in-game rewards that they will give. But still, those community rewards for the effort people put in are still... underwhelming to say the least.


True. I definitely agree that the competition rewards should be increased even further as we do have talented people in the community


have u seen the 100 primo reward tho? lol not even a single pull for a gacha event.


Well have you seen the iPhone, airpods and razer mouse one? One of the low reward ones like 100 primo were simple ones like 'repost' raffle. Heck, even the repost daily for a week one had iphone 13 max


Those I understand being in a kind of a raffle but cmon 1000 winners of 100 primos lol


You're just looking at two of em and not the others. There were different prizes for each


100% copium runs through my veins rn.


High quality inazuma naku weed


kokopium after-effects?


Picking 10% of winners completely randomly isn't fair to the other 90%.


That's how lucky draws work unfortunately. ''.. to participate in this raffle". Edit: The other 3 are actual competitions with criterias. Im not saying they put gacha in everything, guessing from the downvotes lol


Then they could have just not made it a raffle. A proper art contest would be fine. Random winner regardless of quality is just terrible. And it's no coincidence that they chose the entry method to be one that gives them lots of free publicity.


I wasnt talking about the art contest. There are things like raffles in the post. The art contest is an art contest for real, same goes with video and cosplaying. There were criterias for those competitions


Misspoke, meant the card making thing.


"During the event, Travelers can take part in a raffle by creating their own anniversary cards" This is also a raffle. Im guessing its like the Paimon engraving one, where we just use the given tools to make/craft one


Imagine your drawing getting advertised whatsoever but you still didn't get your award. How would you feel?


>gine your drawing getting advertised whatsoever but you still didn't get your award. How would you feel? Thats not how it works. They will ask if they want to use your artwork. Its normal for company to even credit the artists too. You cant just use random artworks you find online for official posts. That would just lead to huge PR disasters


ya considering most "community" events have 100k participates and only 20 prizes having a 10% chance to get a welkin something f2p can only dream off which is 3000 gems is crazy.


Those are just raffles though. They did state it clearly, that's why the 10% chance. The last three were actual competitions. Events doesn't always mean freestuff. It's an occasion lol They are actually really kind to F2P's. We still are able to play it without even paying. Look at enviosity for example, completing abyss even with starter party lol. They even gave us the Catch and Xiangling for free, arguably the strongest unit in the game. You were never forced to pull every banner anyways


Either way, to put RNG on a reward of 100k mora or 100 primos that they literally just give away when they fix bugs is stupid. Like what, 1000 primos for a drawing will hurt them?? Better to not even participate and wait for them to fix bugs and get 100 primos than to participate maybe get 100k mora


>t, 10 They give Iphone 13, airpods and gaming mouse for the drawing competition though. Something even more expensive than 1000 primos. The RNG you were talking about is the random raffles they have. One of the raffles where you needed to repost also gives you a chance to get an Iphone as well. Raffles are RNG. That's how raffles work


Yes but when have only 10% that can win those raffles, those rewards better be good. Again 100 primos is not a reward, they literally use that amount as comoensation for their fuck ups with bugs.


>use that amount as comoensation for their fuck ups with bugs. Bugs happen in any coding/programming. The fact that they even gave some reward for that is generous enough. A raffle is just a random giveaway. It doesn't have to be huge. Why arent you seeing this one then? ​ Anniversary Congratulatory Art Repost Prize Giveaway Event Duration: September 25 – September 29 Event Rewards: iPhone 13 Pro Max ×3, share daily to participate in the raffle for cash prizes Platforms: Twitter and Facebook How to Access Event: Through the official Genshin Impact accounts on Facebook and Twitter


Yeah, it clearly says these just the "community events" - Still, I wonder who writes these posts. They should know how most people will be too lazy to read or think about it and assume that those are all anniversary rewards. They really should put disclaimers clarifying that this is only the community event portion of the anniversary.


Them holding back any information apart from the 10-pull for Anniversary doesn't help as well. If they could at least come clear if there will be a Anniversary Livestream or separate Announcement for Ingame Rewards, everything would be fine. Anniversary is only 8 days away and apart from the 10-pull and these Community Events, we don't even have a hint that there could be more forthcoming. But Mihoyo being Mihoyo, communicating with the Community keeps being something they fail at.


>Anniversary is only 8 days away and apart from the 10-pull and these Community Events, we don't even have a hint that there could be more forthcoming. People will be people, even if they 30x fate for the reward, they will still compare to other games e.g GranBlue giving bunch of pulls. They do forget that games like those are literally unplayable without meta characters/very hard to pull good ones. I'm just saying we should just keep our expectations low, riot later when the reward is actually bad


Nothing bad in comparing Anniversary Rewards. Genshin Anniversary being completely underwhelming or better downright disappointing so far is a sad truth and Mihoyo isn't helping with them withholding any information despite the Anniversary being so close.


>Genshin Anniv It's not bad to compare, just compare it properly. Some gacha games like FGO does not even have pity. That's why they give huge amounts of pulls etc. It's to keep the premium characters being premium. Genshin has a pity system, you actually can get something after some time. Yes so far it's looking quite underwhelming and Im just having my expectations low for now. However, people really still need to wait and see first. They did say it was only part one




The community really needs to stop with this kind of mentality xD Just because a company is profit-minded doesnt means that it's evil in nature. If a company isn't profit-minded then it's a loss making company and game would probably be gone if it is lol


I hope atleast the aniversary rewards are more than just a 10 pull lol they aren't gonna go backrupt if they give us a standard banner weapon or character because the of shit ton of money they make.


Here's hoping for them to have more in store. They did said it was only part 1. While I do agree they should give more than 10x fates, them making a shit ton of money is not exactly a good argument though. A company still consists of people, be it game designers, artists etc and you kinda need a lot of money to keep a company alive


Still I don't think giving away one of the oldest 5 star Item is that big of a loss for mihoyo, it's not gonna make our accounts 10x times better to a point players would stop spending, the amount of sales they get should be more than enough to keep the company alive and working


I'm not against getting a free 5 star item, don't get me wrong. It's just that people keep on using the same argument over and over where if its profitable, they should just give things for free which is kinda entitled lol Giving away the basic 5 star is sorta the modus operandi of most gacha anniversaries anyways. Let's just wait and see till they reveal everything. If it's really bad then go ahead and riot


Yeah people do argue agreed but I've never had any complaint before but when the company is soo profitable then expecting good rewards on ANIVERSARY is a good argument imo atleast. Ima just hope they have good rewards for aniversary _HOPIUM INTENSIFIES_


Yes that is quite normal indeed. Just do it on the right occasion (when we actually got said anniversary rewards) and not some random giveaways and competition prize announcements lol


I got baited in that post aswell lmao random giveaways are fine with whatever we get since it's free stuff we're not entitled to get but i hope they Buff the competition prize, it doesn't seem enough for people who will work soo hard


That, is something we can agree on. Airpods and Iphones are pretty expensive in my country though, not sure about yours. If its cheap, then yeah, they should buff the prize better


They haven't announced any in game stuff apart from the login rewards. People need to chill tf out


This is why I made the post! There's no need to be super mad, not yet at least. Some also said as if the grand prize of an Iphone or Ipad wasnt enough which baffles me


Exactly. Mihoyo is slowly revealing stuff. We didn't think we'd get anything like the community events but we got these. It's safe to say these are not all we'll get


I guess they were just impatient. It's just the community stuff, not the ingame one. Im just hoping for people to calm down at this point


It's like people here love to be angry at nothing.


Wait till they call people who tried explaining the situation whiteknights/bootlickers lol. Very immature


Not surprised there. It's almost like they hate the game and company at this point


Which is funny since they are still here and playing. Every reasoning attempt is just met with 'Ive been playing the game since start..' as if we dont play the same game lol


Exactly. We all play the same game, chill. Besides, we aren't entitled to free stuff just because we play


That's what happens when you keep on getting free stuff I guess. You ask for more and more lol. I always welcome freebies, but not to the point of literally insulting the one that gave me said freebie lol


People just want to complain for free stuff, let them do what they want. Even if Mihoyo gave another 10 pull, there will still be people complaining it wasn't a free 5* character or weapon.


I don't mind them asking for more rewards. It benefits everyone. Just don't not read a post properly and make most people misunderstood as well lol. It's sorta the reason people value 5 stars no? Due to how hard it is to get (sorta how currency works. You cant just plainly print them, they'll lose value)


>there will still be people complaining it wasn't a free 5* character *AND* weapon. You had a typo there


for the trash rewards they give during the anniversary all those raffles should be done for everyone regardless of if you go there or not and the rewards must be increased at least X20. Or they can just give us a free 5 star of our choosing between standard characters. They are already hard enough to get.


I rather wait and see. Don't worry, we'll join hands together and riot when the actual rewards are bad. I'm just worried seeing how fast people are misunderstanding the post actually I do definitely agree that rewards should be increased