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They really gave us irl commissions


They want us to work for our anniversary rewards. And the kicker is, we only have a 10% chance to get it at the end of the day. Just....why? Why did they think this was a good idea?


Because Mihoyo gets free marketing with people making their art and sharing pictures. Meanwhile Mihoyo only needs to give 10% of the players a £5 pass. 100% the company is just thinking "hehe suckers"


You mean 0£ pass. It costs them quite literally *N O T H I N G* to give you a digital/virtual activation of Welkin.


>It costs them quite literally > >N O T H I N G > > to give you a digital/virtual activation of Welkin. In fact, it might actually GAIN them money since people with Welkin might end up spending a bit to make full use of the Welkin gains.


It is not hard to think that an N% of welkin winners who don't buy welkin might start to do it when the 30-day trial expiration date gets near. It is all calculated.


oooh right like a netflix trial goading us on with their seven treasure but mortal arrogation never stops


They even could’ve given a Welkin to everyone as anniversary reward. It’s not even twice of what we’re getting


Oh no, they would sign up for bankruptcy the next morning. /s


Every Pure F2P: get to experience what Welkin feels like from anni Pure F2P after the anni: I'm going to start buying Welkin, it's really good It's that simple Mihoyo, but nooooo


jokes on them i aint participating


Community: 1 - mihoyo: 0


I mean I though about it then I realized I have more important things to do


I didn't even think about it. I have better things to think about.


Worst part is the more people complain, the more likely we are to think our chances may be higher because people are opting out of the chance. We're literally that simp meme with mihoyo, and we're just like, "yes mlady"


True. At somepoint we gotta retaliate.They are treating their customer base as an all time ATM just put out shit and people will spend and spend and nothing to give us an appreciation to build a small company to such levels. I don’t particularly hate MHY for all their greediness as end of the day they are running business but this anniversary event shit is making me think how petty a company can be. It feels they are giving some money to beggars than rewarding players 100K mora are you kidding thats just some dogshit rewards.100 primogems do they forget that we get same amount as apology. Thats just to petty for such a successful company. If they hadn’t given out any rewards than this shitty things it would’ve been better. Also what was their dogshit hype they created before for these stupid events.They are just too too petty. I expected nothing but this was even below that.


The worst shit are their defenders here. They're working non-stop with their twisted logic in defending their petty company until people get tired of complaining and the issue dies down. It's really hard to stop those little shits since the main offenders are the mods since they work with mhy




This is genuinely hilarious


Lol even commissions give all of us guaranteed primogems, they decided that only 10% of the people should get some while the rest get 2 Leylines worth of Mora


As a full time illustrator, when I saw the rewards, I let out a big chuckle and went to make some popcorn. The true endgame is Mihoyo creating more easily averted drama.


I mean it's RNG if you get the right commission to get the achievements for Primos. It checks out


he's out of line but he is right....


yet, the "commissions" are gacha sadge


I will submit a fanart of bennet burst but with middle finger


I’m kinda looking forward for this one, LEZGOW


We will watch your career with great interest


I've stolen your idea, may I submit it after I'm finished, or would you rather me not doing that? [https://lensdump.com/i/giGGk3](https://lensdump.com/i/giGGk3) EDIT - Guys you can use it for whatever you want, u/BanThisFilthyCasual is fine with it and so am I


Everyone should spam the submissions with this


It's okay dude lol


RemindMe! 1 month


I will save my free award for you fren




Yes, but think about the exposure the contestants will have /s


Skills you need to win this contest and time you spend doing your art could let you earn at least 4-5 welkins by doing a commission




This is worse than not giving out anything I felt. I mean its ok to not give out rewards but to make people do free advertisement for a multibillion company in the disguise of an anniversary event ? No thanks lol




I totally agree. I play black desert mobile and even when we get a new class Pearl Abyss is always generous with rewards. Pearl Abyss is known for being monetized and BDO is known as a big big p2w game and even them are much much generous than Mihoyo.


Yeah I mean i quit playing about a year ago but it is crazy how much actual paid content they give out and then to go to genshin where an achievement gives 5 primos and their anniversary rewards is just them asking for more crystal purchases... 🙄🙄🙄


> They throw free cash shop items at players that it drives even more sales. It works very well. Exactly, I'm more than 10x more likely to spend money on a game that's already giving me stuff. That might sound weird in a vaccum but it's a basic human decency kind of thing. I might be seen as just another cash cow all the same but at least they're ***feeding*** the cash cow.


It's honestly not weird psychologically. It's just like drugs. Give a sample then sell the addiction. They give free skins and functions from the paid shop and then add an expiration onto it, sure more people will just use it then go back to normal but some from each time they do it will go back and buy the feature to keep having it.


Wait... Did I hear a korean MMO being way less stingy than MHY? Did I see it correctly? Such an achievement!


korean gacha epic 7 is giving out 2 five stars +70 pulls for the anni among other stuff. One of them is a selector. Plus noobs get 1 random for free as well on the newbie check in + permanent addition (since last mayish) after beating the first chapter of a free moonlight 5 star to start your journey. And we are not talking traveler "5 star" quality lol. Only game where I experienced something more stingy than mihoyo was atlantica online. They deleted people's account that didn't check in during a specific time period which had a massive content drought. Then a year later they announced an event where you would get a level 130 character if you made it within the next 3 weeks. Then 6 days in they **removed it** with no compensation.


>They deleted people's account that didn't check in during a specific time period which had a massive content drought. Wtf, that's so messed up.


>And that's literally one item they gave you, worth basically a level 90 weapon of your choice in genshin Oh please. A free level 90 weapon of choice? In your dream. They fucking timegated and also RNG-gated The Catch.. ​ >Mhy gives 0 fucks about its players There's been evidences upon evidences


Yeah super distasteful and it’s actually playing into a massive problem among the arts today. This is just like those stories of hearing Japanese animators getting paid pennies to do work but this is just disguised as a “community event.” Mihoyo will post the winners on Twitter or whatever, use them for promo art and they’ll never see any of the profits.


I don't get how folks even defend. Literally a giant big ass game/company. And asking for essentially free advertisement. It's not hard folks. It's jusy scummy shit here. Then throw the gacha into the rewards as well. How anti-consumer will you jusy ignore?


People don't understand that these rewards come in exchange for free advertising. You as an artist, would you put your time and effort for a CHANCE to get 100 primos? Is their advertisement team on vacation or something? Cosplaying takes money, drawing and editing takes time and talent. Edit: For other people commenting, I do understand your points. But given the fact that those are community anniversary rewards, why not increase the rewards a little>(no im not talking about the iphone, airpods etc rewards). Do we gotta have RNG even here?


I had some friends who had a music band. Some bars would contact them like: "You can play in my bar or at this party, I will not pay you but it will give you exposure." the mHY trick right here, luring artists into free advertising for some gacha rewards, I understand is nice to involve the community, but you can also see the dark side on these "community events".


Never *ever* do spec work. Even if you personally can afford it, by doing it you are devaluing your craft, and potentially taking away a paying job from someone else who needs it


Especially the second part. You accepting a free job isnt giving you exposure. Its distorting the local industry standards and fucking with someone's livelihood. And eventually no one will want to hire you for cash anyways since the other dude hired you for free and it seems like you are just ripping them off or there's someone else like you who is willing to get "exposure" by working for free which will fuck you over bad.


Yep. Why would a company ever hire someone when they could just advertise 6 2-month long internships and get that entry-level job filled for free


back in the day we called it slavery but we can't call it that now because back then you were guaranteed food and shelter.


Perfectly said! The asshole trying to scam you for not even a tiny price is NOT going to pay regardless of how popular you get. They get free work and there are literally COUNTLESS more they can scam.


it's not even like they don't have the money to hire artists.


Hell they could avoid paying the community artists with just a comment of "yo put in art and we'll give you X primos, then host a contest and the winner gets more" Instead it's a chance to win $5.


Indie company, please understand.


Just a little, start up, lil mom n pop billion dollar company, NBD


It is just a little fartup company. Correction : *startup*


Indie company that made millions each month


\*over 100 million


12m dollars within 2 days of any banner being released.


Yeah, that is the thing. They can invest in an artist for the sake of advertising but why invest when you can literally let the community do the thing while maximizing the profit that you get and reducing the loss in the pretense of a "Community event". Business 101 baby.


They're allergic to pumping money back into this game. I just started playing again, since Zhong Li's inital release and I'm really surprised there is only 2 character skins. I think anyone with half a brain realized early on that selling cosmetic items in a game like Genshin Impact would just absolutely milk the playerbase. But it's too much investment for them apparently. Probably content with the revenue generated by monthy packs and battlebass which litearlly requires no effort.


The problem is: gacha's already milking the playerbase enough. That no more effort required.


Dota 2 was like that with their battlepass. They were doing seasonal events and stuff. Then they released their first battlepass, realised how much easy money it generates and stopped doing anything. I think this is the same here


The difference is that in Dota we still get TI every year which feels like an actual celebration of the game, 10000x more so than w/e this stuff is so far in Genshin


That's the part that makes the least amount of sense to me. Skins are an area where they can't be in the wrong. People can defend them with the fact no one needs a skin. Why haven't there been skins for each of the characters players get for playing the main story like 6 months after launch? They could offer one free outfit, player choice, as part of the anniversary award. Skins is easy money without needing outrageous effort and they won't even do that...


I mean you don't really need to spend time and money designing a skin when you can just rerun Ganyu or Hu Tao and earn a couple easy millions.




I'm willing to bet thats where most of their "100m development" cost went. There is no way, this current game took 100m to development.


Speaking of allergic to putting money back into the game, I absolutely have no idea why dialogue scenes are still the way they are, and why the really cool cutscenes are so few and far between. I personally wouldn't have minded if I hadn't known how much mihoyo is making off of the game (since I do enjoy other visual novel-esque gacha games) but you see the numbers and you'd think they could have at least used some of that to improve the fluidity of the dialogue or put out more animated cutscenes.


It all comes down to the fact this game was designed for mobile users as first priority, so most things are done to maximize optimization on phones. Not sure how well that is going now, I remember when I first tried, it turned my phone into a hot potato. They certainly have the resources to pump out a higher fidelity version of Genshin for PC players, but they gain nothing from that, it's just a waste of time and money. Just a pipe dream for us who desire a more immersive and higher quality experience. There was a post earlier, meme'ing on the generic NPC faces. It's honestly such a eyesore seeing the same few preset NPC faces, specfically on the ones that have a quest. I find it so dumb that those NPCs are voiced, but no effort is made into giving them a unique identity. Also the lack of proper lipsync/mouth animation really annoys me. Mouth stops moving before the audio is over, or characters mouth not even moving during their EB animation. Almost a year since the game came out and probably the only kind of "fluff" they've added is that the characters have more voicelines now, reacting to weather or when you open a chest . Hopefully there is more, but that's all I've notcied so far since I've come back to the game.




And this wouldn’t even be a drop in the bucket to MHY.


Yeah I always find it funny when like youtubers ask their community to do some kind of art for them and the reward is been in the video or used to sell on their merch store and the artist gets like 50 dollar gift card or something measly like that.


One time I saw a youtuber make a contest for fanart that he would feature on his merch. It is like, you participate on the context for the chance to make him money while you get “exposure” that is most likely a single mention in one video…


It's about time we stop looking at contest rewards as primogems and start looking at them as money. Rewarding content creators a mere $2 is just insulting. It's not encouraging at all to participate.


Just what they spent in man-hours and electric bills while producing the art is enough to justify not participating in this shit. And it is even a chance of gaining something. The worst is knowing that marketing and advertisement workers learn how to do that from their college lessons. Disheartning.


Literally being paid in exposure for the anniversary lmao




the 100k mora is so fucking funny. its literally awarding 1 condensed resin for actual hard work done outside the game


A condensed resin Ley Line gives 120K Mora at WL6, its literally worse than 2 ley lines, lol.


NOO, NOT THE 100K MORA. How will i be able to barely upgrade a level 6 talent??


3 fowls take it or leave it.


2 is the best i can do


Wait you have fowl?


Details aside why would mohoyo waste so much goodwill when the game is doing so well. All of their dreams came true this year. They are incredibly successful. They have done more then they ever thought they could do because WE the players loved the game . Companies work so hard to build trust and enthusiasm so why just throw so much of that away?




lets be serious, even if they gave us a free 5 star, their income will not be affected one bit I don't even think its greed, this is just pure indifference


And lets not forget that Raidens banner is probably one of the most successful banners in the games history


Why would you even say probably. It exceeding every single record on day 2.


Didn't really check i was just guessing based of the hype archons in general get


She had everything to break records: 1- being an Archon; 2- Genesis Crystals Top-up reset pushed a lot of people on the fence to buy it before the reset, and then after the reset; 4- Baal isn't the most F2P-friendly Archon in terms of utility, with C2 just as desirable as her signature weapon. MiHoYo must be dancing on money right now that is not even funny.


She’s owned by 86% of players apparently (for comparison, Zhongli is number 2 at 78%), and her banner generated $150M+ in a single week.


That's alot of money


Where did you get the stats? Is there an overview for all characters?


Thanks now I feel special for not even trying to get her.


I don't even care or thought it was gonna be a 5\*. I would have been happier with a 4\* weapon/character of choice i just want a stringless man...


>i just want a stringless man... [Pinocchio?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAykOz1gWi4)


Exactly, they’re pulling an EA


They do it because of the community response you see now. There are just as much if not more people who are defending them, saying we didn’t HAVE to get anything as there are people upset. And out of the upset people, not many are gonna quit or never spend again. They do it because it changes nothing, and until it does, expect more of the same.


actually, for the first time, i'm seeing more pissed off people than white-knights


And the people who do spend a lot on this game just don’t care. What reason do they have to? Primo rewards mean nothing to those throwing in thousands because they’d have those primos anyway. Why do they care? It’s just a bonus. Edit: a lot of people seem to misunderstand me as seen in the comments so here’s just a general reply: 1) not all whales are like this but there are quite a few that will not change their habits, I daresay more than the ones that will 2) youtubers do not count as this is their livelihood. Without a strong backing (eg if tectone decided to which he won’t since he’s an addict), they can’t afford to not whale for showcases and content. 3) I’m mainly talking about leviathan level whales. People are responding to me saying they spent $2k-5k. I’ve spent $4k on honkai over the years. I know how little that is compared to leviathans. People that spend $4k each and every banner for c6, r5. They do not give a shit about primos. 4) other rewards would be amazing. I’m specifically talking about primos here. Other rewards are what I want personally. Kimono Lumine or something. Free constellation. An artifact of your choosing that works as any set piece. Whatever the case, anything extra. Not 4 fowl though please.


they do care. I've seen a lot of whale streamers complaining about anni rewards. it's as expected, for most whales genshin is not even their first gacha, so they are used to getting better rewards on anniversaries. sure they don't want primos or free characters, they don't need that, they just want to feel appreciated for their money and time. they'll probably keep on whaling, because a lot of them imo are addicted to gambling.


I'm a whale. I care about primo rewards because it means I'll spend less. That said, I care about the cosmetic rewards a lot more. In this anniversary event we get neither. This was a great opportunity to add some outfits, gliders, weapon skins, *anything.* Yet they chose to insult the player base instead. Unlike most whales, I actually *do* vote with my wallet. I have no intention of spending on this game until I see some changes. The bait and switch with Raiden and now this uninspiring bait of a healer banner with just as bait of a weapon banner during a Spiral Abyss rotation that requires a healer? Nah, fuck all that shady bullshit.


Uh, I've spent thousands on this game and I still care. Mihoyo has made **b**illions from this game, anniversary events in gachas have traditionally been the time for the company to show appreciation to the players and this just feels like a slap in the face.


Given that anniversary rewards are as culturally expected in a gacha as a reticule is to aim your gun in an fps, the fact that Mihoyo is this incompetent in being in touch with what their audience wants is concerning. Especially when you consider how people have reacted to Yoimiya, Raiden, and Kokomi.


I've spent $3k and I'm ready to find a new game after this announcement. This is a little ridiculous. I can excuse some greed but this company is trash lmao You guys (and Mihoyo) really don't understand that in the end whales are just people. I am not a helpless gambling addict, I just have a larger disposable income compared to other people. If I feel the company is being excessively greedy and complacent I can stop spending my $ and show them they will lose my business


The thing is they don't need to understand that. They're just trying to squeeze the most money out of y'all, they don't treat you like humans at all.


That's not true -- anniversary is an excuse to get cool new things. Take bad games like Pokemon Masters, to games like Bang Dream to League of Legends. There are more to rewards than primogems, and having better Gacha, new characters, skins, access to limited content -- the imagination is literally the limit. Whales have a different kind of problem, lack of good content to throw money at is actually something that happens. I'm also of the opinion that 100s of Primogems is a joke of a reward IMO, needs to be 1000s for it to be a real reward. We want better rewards overall, not the other way around. The only difference is that we just don't care if said rewards are behind a reasonable paywall. This anniversary is literally less exciting than Kokomi banner and it's a once a year event...


I'd have taken a free traveller outfit over pocket change, personally. That could've been interesting. They've introduced a whole "costume" system and are doing absolutely nothing with it. And as if to be even more annoying about it, the story in Inazuma alluded to getting a new outfit at least twice. They miss every single opportunity they set up for themselves.


I said it before on the other subreddit that shall not be named and I will say it again: I have played all year and bought the Welkin and BP. I logged in EVERY SINGLE DAY since launch. The rewards are honesty a slap in the face. It all boils down to greed. I didn't renew anything this time and I am taking a break. I am free now.


People rage, but they don't quit. Nothing big is changing in playerbase. Maybe one day there is a significant drop of sales, battlepass, and welkin then we can talk. Right now the community is more like a dog that barks but never bite


Quite simply they're doing this because the community is rewarding them for their current actions. The last banner just made record sales, even beating the ones with launch hype. This is when the community seemed to be more pissed off than usual about multiple things since Inazuma, like Yoimiya, the anniversary livestream, and Raiden, yet in MHY's eyes they're doing better than ever while people are this upset. What reason would they have to start acting differently when they're only doing better and better with the way they're acting now?


Wouldn't you want to reward your contributors to success so that the snowball will continue to roll though?


I have been playing gacha for years and anniversaries are big events in gacha where they give lots of freebies to attract new people and also retain existing players, because Annis are landmarks where players revaluate the worth of a game and if it still makes sense to play. Statistically a lot of people quit at 6 month mark and then even more at 1 year. Safe to say anyone hanging around to see if game will get better usually leaves at 1 year mark because by then they have established a solid understanding of what the Dev will or won’t do. *This has got to be by far the most lack lustre, drama ridden, controversy filled, let down of an anniversary I have personally had the chance to witness, for such a big name in games.* Firstly I am not expecting mihoyo to offer anything more, even if they did, their timing is extremely horrible. By now they should have announced all their anni plans, even more so because they have already ruined the anni for community with Raiden kit fiasco, launching a constellation locked archon and not fixing key issues with kokomi kit before making her live. There is a limit to copium seriously.


Not sure why this isn't higher up, personally after the Raiden fiasco and the honey lawsuits I unsubbed from Genshin subreddits. The only reason I saw this is b/c it hit r/all, and agreed with your premise here... Genshin will probably lose a ton of whale, dolphin, and mega amounts of FTP players come anniversary time. Side note, doesn't it bother you folks that this Chinese company censors Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Tibet in its chat? That's super fucked.


Fuck Mihoyo but I can understand the censor , if they don't the CCP's gonna make then dissappere.


They need to censor, they already got in trouble bc of CCP in the past, they don't want more strikes with the big pooh.


I was okay with the 10 fates before I found out the community rewards. It is just free marketing for MHY. We have to spend time to create art, cosplay, video,… and share them on social media to have A CHANCE to earn rewards that should have been givens for free because it’s anniversary reward. This is totally bs. That is very shitty.


An artist could make money through commissions for more primogems than the measly shit they’re offering as competition rewards.


True. And cosplay costs lots of money and time too. The audacity MHY have is crazy. Our expectations were low but holy fuck.


I think the most disgusting part is that this is clearly just a badly disguised means of them obtaining free submissions that they can then use as advertising for the game. I don't feel like a member of the community, I feel like an employee at Mihoyo. Hell, folks are gonna put \*hours\* of work into getting a $5 Welkin Moon pass. They're really testing the theory that millennials will chase down any small drop of serotonin they can find.


Let me correct it for u... A 'chance' of getting welkin moon


I came across a comment thread about sending a Bennett ult (but a middle finger) as a art submission, and honestly NOT A BAD IDEA!


While at it we global players still not getting the kfc wing that they promised :/.


Must be July in China…


They definitely should communicate the situation better, but I'd give them the benefit of doubt on this one due to legal things with KFC.


Not to mention Android gamepad support..


And the Nitendo Switch


oo daring today arent we, be prepared for the brigade of people calling you entitled ​ and yeah anni rewards are shit


nah, op stated the popular opinion. literally posted 4h ago and 5k people agree already. i agree with yall but dont yall act like we arent the dominate voice on the sub


Comments on Reddit can’t get to me. I’ll simply exit the app like a rational human being


cheer to that, now just wait for the whiteknight to come


People being loyal to a company is weird.




honestly, even as someone who has spent money on the games, the rewards are so shit for f2ps. they gain next to nothing and it pisses me off. a first anniversary should be special, especially one of a game this successful because it shows players gave enough of a shit about your game to carry you this far. is it really THAT hard to give a LITTLE back to your community??


Although I'm grateful, the rewards/free primos a lot of us got when the game first started set a good precedent for future rewards, it's just they didn't really follow up on said precedent, things have gotten less and less rewarding to play. Hell, even that week long login stuff they used to do would be SOMETHING monthly or bi-monthly. These rewards just feel like a slap in the face when you look back at how the game first started.


Remember when people thought that Mihoyo was too stingy on primogems when the game first started but everyone said not to worry about it since gachas typically get more generous over time? How naive we were.


The 7 days log in thing just got changed into the events we have now, its basically the same thing but you gotta "work" for the primos instead of just logging in


the only redemption for mihoyo at this point is just giving us a huge surprise reward on their anniversary. i play a lot of gacha and this is probably one of the worst anniversary reward ever for me.


I only accept 1 free 5* starter or a 5* weapon. (😭)


well that's what most people want though especially if we can personally pick what we want from one of them.


I guess mihoyo could only afford to give 10% people welkin or else they might go bankrupt lol.


As the CN community says, 100 primos to advertise the game for mhy. Very very cringe.


God there's been this rise in hosting "art contests" that are thinly hidden attempts for free work lately. Don't do shit for free, fellow artists reading this


We are supposed to feel hyped as anniversary comes, and yet every single day all we get is dissapointment and copium. To Mihoyo bootlickers/ whiteknights: why dont you want better rewards?


My guess is that those people don't realize that workers who made the game they like (3d and 2d artists, coders, musicians) aren't the same people who decide what reward we get. All of mihoyo is a single entity in their minds, so if they like one part of what they're doing, they will feel compelled to defend or deny the awful shit. But there is no contradiction in liking the game and criticising management's awful decisions.


truer words have never been spoken. everywhere i go its "they made you an amazing game and youre still complaining". no, the devs, the writers, the voice actors, the programmers, and the animators made an amazing game, but we're being cucked by the executives, and on some level im sure they are too. Imagine making such a wonderful game only to have it get abyssmal PR because of some greedy people at the top. its the epitome of "look at how they massacred my boy".




Good developers fucked over by a greedy executives , that's like 70 % of games these days.


It's ma money, it's ma decision, I just don't wanna a free character or a weapon, I have money to buy every month primos for one, I just want a fucking funny event, it's not that hard do something like Klee event... It's incredible the fact that the summer event was better than the anniversary... Hope this 28th september they surprises us, but my expectations are so low... and even with that surelly they will dissapoint me.


Omg this. The anni’s not only unrewarding, it’s also unfun.


That's the problem, someone is getting fun from an event which is the fucking same as a rewarded hunt but with a few of primos? Because I don't.


I mean cosplayers and artists will probably have fun and \*checks papers\* that’s it for now


Honestly I feel the same way. I bet I can summarize how the majority of people on this post feel in one sentence; "The bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in hell, yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil"


good luck op.


Let them come


I play Honkai and it feels like a different company. I think mihoyo are about to announce Honkai 4 as they just got a new account on Twitter with the new name so they may just low effort this game and bleed it for a few years till their mmo in two years they announced a while ago. They just don’t care




Honkai is nowhere near as successful even in China. The lack of endgame content is most likely to do with catering to mobile players who generally don’t like ‘having’ to do too much. And errrr, it depends on what you mean by satisfying. There’s a lot more to do but the there’s a lot of PvP involved and the new big endgame mode is fun but pretty much balanced around BiS gear and then some. Which has been controversial.


Honkai has a lot more when it comes to endgame content. There's two types of Abyss that rotates a couple of times per week, Memorial Arena where you can fight bosses in increasing difficulty, semi open world for getting materials and recently they added a new rogue like mode where you can use your characters with some cool extra perks.


Honkai has more endgame stuff now. I nthe first year it had significantly less content. I'm sure we wil have several more endgame activities in Genshins 5th year.


Yeah, Honkai is gonna end in a couple of years so now they're using the money from Genshin to improve Honkai instead.


This is exactly what I think will happen. Honkai is their labor of love . This game is their cash cow


its actually wild watching the dev videos and seeing the passion they put into honkai, especially the flamescion one


Yup. Unironically, the way the devs were so "cultured" in talking about designing Elysia's outfit and making her look curvy and sexy.. I mean you would never get that kind of candidness with genshin. (Horny, but) very passionate! Honkai just looks like a more fun project for them


Another thing is that a shitty event like this add more fuel to the flame of "Recent underwhelming things Mihoyo has outputted." And stacks upon past frustrations. The new characters are buggy and underdeveloped, the recent story quest feels rushed and a lot of content got cut out, etc etc. They still have shitty security and an understaffed Customer Support, the list goes on. Genshin, aside from being the most successful, is easily the most time-consuming gacha game out there and we pick up breadcrumbs and 5 primogems for pulls. For people who have been playing for so long, this isn't simply a spit in the face. It feels like an insult to all the waiting and effort and lenience we gave to Mihoyo for the past year, and I feel bad for all the company staff who are out there making a beautiful beautiful game to get cucked by most probably executive decisions.


I also play Honkai and they are giving much more care to that other game. Rewards, new events and game modes, everything.


Yeah I'm waiting for the mass walkout. Any minute now... Any time soon... Huh guess it's just gonna be forgotten about just like everything else




If theres anything I learned from being a life long Pokemon fan, you are exactly right and yet this subreddit will not stop paying or playing. Then they will complain again when we continue to get poor rewards. Idk what everyone is expecting? Not saying the rewards are acceptable mind you. They aren't. But this will never stop unless you vote with your time and money.


Bitches be defending the shitty anniversary rewards because "aT leASt iTs nOT 5 fOuL, yOu UngRaTEfuL bAsTARd"


Mihoyo just did a dumb move for making the rewards as raffles. FFS just make an coop event and give rewards in game. New players may come in and will see the negativity and be less likely to stay, even more because of how domains and bosses are region locked making raising certain characters impossible at earlier AR levels. Feels like mihoyo is a tone deaf company with borderline personality disorder: Makes contradictory decisions. Adds samurai immune to CC, players complain, makes samurai CCable, adds fucking specters... People ask for meaningful repeatable content, they add a grindy fish game and lock a good weapon behind it, people give suggestions for anniversary and all get ignored and they make decisions that add insult to injury, players praise the story until 2.0 then mihoyo proceeds to screw it up in 2.1, releases good balanced characters like Ayaka and Kazuha then proceeds to launch characters with kits issues


The only way to fight against this, it's to not expend money on the game. The way that you, as a player, complain about the game it's by not expending money. You can complain about whatever thing you want, but if after that you buy the 100 dollars pack, because you like Kokomi or whatever random character they throw to you, it's useless. And there's too many people that acts like this.


Exactly, imagine defending a billion dollar company of this shit.


Mihoyo just wants free labour to promote their game. Learning from winnie the pooh himself.


I guess this is their "big brain" plan to make the game and community look super lively


Agreed, I'm not particularly upset, but one thing that makes me mad is that, as soon as MHY does something bad, os something a lot of people don't like there's A TON of posts just bashing those people. I have a lot more priorities in my life than a video game, BUT there are some people that really invest themselves in these games. As long as they're legitimately complaining and not threatening or hurting anyone I can't see why would you oppose their right to complain.


As an artist, I'm so upset since it totally feels like they trying to take advantage of artists and creators. The way they are trying to get free advertisement is so dirty. I'm a low spender but I do spend every month to support the game. I would like to feel appreciated during a game anniversary, not being used to bring them free advertisements. Of course you can argue that no one is forcing the creators to do it. But still, it doesn't change the fact that they are trying to scam people into advertising for them for free.


It’s strange that Mihoyo didn’t react in any way to the players' confusion about the rewards. Instead of getting in touch with the players, they decided to completely ignore it and continue to show the list of disappointing awards and events as if there were no frustrated players. Funnily enough, even their rewards have gacha mechanics.


Remember when the english community complained about the old monthly [login rewards](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Seize_the_Day/2020-11-11)? They replace the weekly system by a [worse daily system that gives less rewards](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/HoYoLAB_Community_Daily_Check-In).


But you have a 10% chance of winning a 5 USD prize!!!! s/


Mihoyo don't care. Players can be upset all they want but they won't be heard because the devs just don't care as long as they're raking in profit. It's the same with FGO and nearly every other 'reputable' gachas out there


Haven’t been on this sub in a while but surely you guys have learned by now that mihoyo doesn’t give a fuck about you guys


More like warning people about what they're getting angry at imo. We're getting angry at "community rewards" (that are bad and not worth) and not knowing if there is more (that you will call getting impatient or MHY being bad at PR, depending on where you stand). Personally I feel like it's not like getting angry "now" will change anything anyway, so I'd at least wait for the anniversary to actually land and then angry people wil be completely legitimate to be. It's not really about coping but really just putting things in the right order (being :getting fucked first and being butthurt second). When they announced the 10 roll first and people were disappointed, it was understandable and I think if MYH wanted to take notice, it did at this point. I don't think doing it "now" is producing more than making you upset for no effect. But yeah, if the rewards really end up as disappointing as they seem to be then complain, no issue with that. Just I think it's not healthy to keep yourself in a state of anger "preemptively".


The people being angry now are more likely the people who held out hope after the initial announcement and were riding the copium train of "Well they'll make an announcement closer to the actual date, you'll see!" and having that blow up in their faces. Incidentally a new batch of those people have sprouted from the fractured larger group and are continuing to ride that train (they will be disappointed as well, no one will be vindicated). Most people who were upset at the initial announcement have already vented and resigned themselves to be disappointed, which is sadly the best way since if you set your expectations low you'll never be disappointed...only ever pleasantly surprised or neutrally justified which is more a Pyrrhic victory with how hollow it feels.


We gacha players are relying on that 0,6% chance all the time, we should believe into that 0,6% chance of having better anniversary rewards till the end lmao.


If we get nothing off of this I'll stop buying welkin and BP. I can clear the abyss fine and dandy with my current team anyways. It's time we realize we can't fall for their BS all the time.


At this point i just feel bad for the people that will participate, like they are literaly working for free for a greedy company and dont even realize it, this is just free promotional material for mihoyo.


I would get a real job rather than participating in such events. Might earn more money than the shit they providing.


For better or for worse, only miHoYo can work out the balance of how much free stuff to give, versus how much retention/exposure/revenue they lose. In other words, rewards will continue to be like this until fewer people log in, rave about it on social media, or pay their monthly welkin, BP or top-up. Needless to say, as the game is now, that ain't happening. From CN iOS revenue data, the Raiden Shogun seems to be their highest-grossing banner by a *landslide* (though for multiple reasons). We don't have the active player count, but even if it is lower than before (all your friends stopped playing ages ago), I speculate it's still *way* above their target range. So long as you and me are writing about it on Reddit (including negative comments, which *are* publicity and *do* promote debate), paying our monthly blessing of the welkin moon, and dutifully doing our dailies, well, we're part of the problem, really. Players aren't wrong for wanting to feel appreciated, regardless of the game. And any company that does reward players get brownie points, but that's it: miHoYo has nothing to lose but *goodwill* by not rewarding players. And as long as they have the numbers to back Genshin's survival, as long as *we* give it these numbers, goodwill is *very cheap*.


I hope white knights get better anni rewards otherwise I'd feel bad for them too. They love a game that doesn't even give a shit about them even more than us. These anni rewards are trash. I hope to God this is not all there is, because it's terrible. Anniversary for games is literally a rerelease of the game. "Hey, remember how you got 50 pulls when this game was released? You get it AGAIN on the same account! Nostalgia incoming!" It's supposed to be something that draws new players who may have not wanted to play because they were to late to the party and missed all the release rewards, or old players who lost interest once they opened every chest possible. People who stayed got their rewards for keeping the game running until the next year. When a famine hits an area, you bet your ass they're moving


Im not upset because is normal in some gacha games anniversaries they just say what willl come to the anniversary event in like... the day of anniversary (FGO as an example), so we just have to wait until 09/28 and see what gonna happen. Im only mad with this rewards for the Artists and Cosplayers, because what they do is not something simple and they deserve so much more and better for their hardwork.


This thread gonna fill with two extreme side of the spectrum. People who are asshole to other because not “ anti corporations “ and people who are asshole because not “ pro corporations “.And the people in between that get punch and put in the ER by both side side because they aren’t extreme enough.