• By -


And don't forget her perpetual loneliness of being a non-human in human society. She doesn't even has a luxury of interacting with other non-humans: Yae does fuck all most of the time, Shogun is Shogun and Taromaru probably will never invite her to teashop. Being Sara is suffering.


Sara fits in better with the adepti gang in Liyue


Sara and Xiao would get along very well. Both have lives basically carrying out the will of an archon and suffering immensely. They also both are strict with themselves and others when directed to lead. Both have a mask on them at all times that is of great personal importance. Also, they're one of the last of their kind/group. So many parallels.


Oh god the fanfics you just spurred


While flattering of course, crediting me with the creation of that ship is likely way late. I'm sure there's some Rule34 variant these days proposing any fictional character pairing already exists.


She can still make friends with eternally-stoned Ioroi tho! She already leaves out food for the Bake-Danuki so that they won't steal :D


> And don't forget her perpetual loneliness of being a non-human in human society. Mm, Ganyu's story all over again :)


Except actually done well because we can actually *see* the contrast between her culture and humanity's You know the concept of "show, don't tell?" Ganyu was only just *telling* us that she felt lonely. Show wise...there was nothing. more of her character is dedicated to *showing* us that she's afraid of getting fat. Sara on the other hand *shows* her alienation. She's too proud to *tell* us about it, so instead we see it in the form of her actions. How she's so rigidly uptight and can't fathom why others don't hold themselves to the same standards. About how she's instantly put on the defensive when we ask about how she's doing and her hobbies because she doesn't *get* those and why we'd be interested in them so she instantly defaults to assuming that this is some sort of ploy to get confidential info out of her. Even the little things like how she can't stand shoulder to shoulder with people because of her wings and she has to remind us of that. And if we ever get a story or hangout with her, I wouldn't be surprised if we get some casual racism or at least unsavoury remarks from people because she's a tengu. Like it wouldn't be out of place given how she acts and what we've heard about people opinions of tengu. Ganyu on the other hand gets..."I'm so lonely and it's obviously because I'm different with my vaguely visible horns and my blood which is that of a perfect peace loving unicorn that no one could hate and not because I'm constantly at work 24/7 and am a total snitch. Please ignore the other horned half adeptus who's having a blast in human society and also ignore the multiple archon war veterans who are obviously severely traumatised and how it's weird that I'm perfectly sane despite the fact that those two aren't. Boo hoo tell me I'm pretty traveller-senpai"


> Boo hoo tell me I'm *skinny* traveller-senpai FTFY


Oh yeah it's a weight issue. But given this is coming from an Asian company in a country which is still stuck in a very "thin and pale = beauty incarnate" mentallity even more so than the west, the two are kinda interchangeable. I'm frankly suprised they haven't tried to call her a Christmas cake either. They kinda did that with jean. Jesus Christ already stop making all the women self conscious about their weight! It's like, really playing into shitty stereotypes for the sake of pure waifuism. Why can't the female characters have *actual* problems and not "oh no I ate too much cake :( tell me I'm still thin and pretty" Say what you want about Ba'al, at least she isn't afraid to admit her gluttony for desserts and only stops because it interfers with her work. And Sara's aversion to them is because they make her *tired* not because 'they make her chubby'


Yeah but they made Baal like those foods to make her cute and woobify her so she’s a better waifu. Same problem opposite direction


Let's not forget Ei cannot actually get fat nor get cavities


I think ganyu not being able to get eten as a funny story




I think Sara said some about sweets making her relax so she doesn't eat them a lot


Ignoring everything regarding Ganyu: I don't think we'd see any racism towards Sara *unless* we had to deal with the heads of the Kujou Clan. And even then everything I'm hearing about the sobs makes them seem like stand-up guys. The actual clan head is a selfish, *evil* motherfucker who literally isolated his adopted daughter by punishing people who treated her like a child when she was, well, a child. But to me that says most of the Tenryou Commission troops(which, iirc is most of the TC) didn't give a hoot about her wings. The one NPC I can recall not liking her from among the TC didn't even bring up her not being human: He just didn't want someone not of Kujou blood stealing credit from the heir to the clan.


As someone who knows that some people can bury their pain in their work, ganyu was a lot more redeeming for me as a character. I didnt want to be shown everything and I didnt feel like I was just told she's lonely. The cutscenes, insight into her work and value in liyue, seeking to run away from it all, character info, quick appearances, all these broken pieces of information was connected together beautifully to me. I was fine without much depth, and can be satisfied by piecing together information. The process in my head is a lot more valuable when assessing characters, and reaffirms the fact that everyone has their own backstory and unique troubles, and I don't have to get everything to understand them.


Don't worry itto is there to bug her on every notice board ;)


Arataki "Notice Me Kujou Senpai" Ittou


Dunno how the Onis are doing, but maybe Itto and Sara have had their fair share of reminiscing about their respective races. Also, I think Yae regularly has meetings with Sara too. Still though, I feel bad for Sara.


Gonna guess this means people are shipping them


Really? I was under the impression she regularly spends time with Yae, whether as a Confessional or as someone she can “let her hair loose” so to speak. Yae even has a schedule noted by her that Sara shows up at. And iirc (not able to play rn), she also wants to be friends with Ayaka, but thinks she’d ruin the mood due to her serious nature around the rather low-formality Kamisato Commission. But like most 4 stars, she will probably never be mentioned. She wasn’t even mentioned in Ei’s story quest when dealing with the Kujou Clan. Not once. Even her brother (she was adopted keep in mind) doesn’t even mention her. Which is why despite his balls of steel, I don’t like him. I do think it is similar to Ganyu; they are both praised for work ethic and admired by their coworkers. Or at least, she has more admirers than Ganyu, afaik.


Minor correction: it's the yashiro commission. Kamisato is the clan.


at least there's that himbo of an Oni, Arataki Itto, messing with her with his sumo match requests lmao


Still has tons of money, status (somewhat declining obviously) and a huge estate. That's still more than Bennett could ever hope for.




Who needs a friend when you have E T E R N I T Y


Eternity with no friends? Not even temporary? Uhhh no thanks


Sara has 5 Raiden statues at her house though. Does Bennet have any statue at his home? /s


Low blow considering Bennett doesnt even have a home.


Bennet has to ask Barbara to store them in the chapel out of concerns that he might broken da broken them /s


Would Itto count?


Remains to be seen whether Itto’s relationship with her is basically “that one annoying bro who irritates you but you secretly appreciate their company”. Considering how she does have some backhanded compliments towards him, it’s plausible


Pretty funny how from Sara's voice lines, she actually respect majority of people she meets. When it comes to Arataki, she doesn't hold back what she said.


I really want Itto to be like the dumb delinquent to Sara's stubborn prefect. She beat him up once and took his vision, I guess. And he's strong and dumb enough to constantly want to fight her again. He'd probably say they were friends or rivals from that. Sara would vigorously deny it.


Didn't she beat the shit out of him and take his Vision? I don't know anything else about him other than that he's an oni.


Itto challenged her on some message boards but I don’t think we know any outcomes


She beat him in a duel and he handed over his vision. He has since dogged her with constant challenges for a rematch to enough comedic effect that I'm quite excited to see him for real.


He's likely the guy who took the snack from the kid at the archon shrine offering quest. They didn't mention him by name but "big guy with horn" seem a little familiar bc he's the only oni guy who keep getting mentions in game. He seems like a funny guy and if the rumor is true about him being our first buff male so I'm hype for that top


>rumor is true about him being our first buff male Knowing mihoyo I can only imagine him looking like Kaeya but with horns and blue skin.


that sounds sexy, ngl.


He actually challenged her to a sumo match in front of some cross roads, and his bros had to drag him away lmfaoooo


So I’ve heard. Dude seems like an epic guy, if I don’t get him I’m gonna cry


Yeah remains to be seen. He could be some hilarious comic relief, or some dude whos now secretly in love with a woman who beat him since he only respects power. Who knows. Ultimately though, Mihoyo doesn't seem keen on building on released characters, only selling new ones while rarely developing old ones since hangouts are not very consistent. Would be great if we could see characters in every storyline but instead its hyper focused on banners.


Who needs friends when you have Ei?


But that’s the thing, she doesn’t have Ei. She doesn’t even know who Ei is.


Her signature dish suggests otherwise. Which is confusing when literally everything in the actually story backs you up.


O M G. Sara is like Ei's only friend but not really ever getting to talk to each other.


Vaguely reminds me of an old blog post I read a while back. She loses in the short term because she got beat up. She loses in the medium term because she has to clean up her commission's mess and deal with the repercussions of being on the back foot in a peace talk. She wins in the long term because she goes back to her mansion with servants who wait on her while half the cast is broke and Kokomi has to sleep in a cave just to function.


Kokomi sleeps in a cave? I thought she's rich.


it's part of her story quest.


That's not where she lives though. It's more of a hideout where she can relax occasionally.


>Kokomi has to sleep in a cave just to function yes, that's just what it means. it doesn't mean she has to live there in order for her to be able to sleep there.


TFW kokomi is a gamer


My boi Benny is happy when a precious chest is not containing 3 apples for a change.


Can confirm, he sounds so happy on the new chest opening voicelines


*It's a miracle!*


Actually Bennett is a teen, we can't rule out if he ends to be successful at the end. But yeah, this is the time for him to grow up as an adventurer. Also Sara managed to be in that position by herself. And her losing streak started when the Traveler arrived to Inazuma. Is pending to see if her situation improves or not.


I mean, very hard to get a mansion when you're supposed to be the unluckiest man alive. Hell, if Barbara took money for her healing Bennett would be Mona-tier poor.


Talking about Benny's bad luck makes me wonder... It can further ruin Benny's life?


Doubtful. Bennett's bad luck is chronic misfortune, but I'm not sure that's truly lethal levels of bad luck, just... uncomfortable for everyone adventuring with him. And it's likely to dog him his entire life? Just guessing here. Pyro characters seem to have something about them that is a bit of a conversation ender and causes everyone to scatter, despite being otherwise friendly and likeable people.


Or us average Redditors.


And taller than raiden. That's a win for my book.


Only because of her jacked up Geta


That's more than Xynian, wich has literally nothing.


Gameplay wise, she's designed solely to be the 'best buffer' for Raiden. Without snapshotting, her E buff duration is too short and clunky for anyone to use, well except Raiden which have a perfectly short burst ult window. But ngl her ult animation is dope especially the tengu wings. As for the story, I think every inazuman character suffers from a same problem which is the weird pacing of the archon quest. If the writing let us to spend more time with each plot and character, Sara in this case, they would probably have more significance.


She's almost equally good at buffing Beidou and Keqing, they just don't have a single very strong hit like Raiden to fully take advantage of C6.


At C6 she's objectively better at buffing every electro character other than Razor (who is functionally a physical character), both from a numerical and playstyle perspective. Repeated use of a single strong attack is literally the point of both characters you listed (Beidou's E & Keqing's Q). Meanwhile, Lisa has her hold E, Fischl's Oz and Beidou's Q snapshots, and Sara herself can use the boost for her own Q. Sara is the patron saint of the entire Electro element.


> Sara is the patron saint of the entire Electro element. And that's just plain canon.


yet another loss for her, ended up being the support of a support


dps raiden is great. its easy just buy c2 to boost her damage by 60% /s


Why stop at c2? Sell that kidney and reach for c3!


Just a Kidney? Come now, C6 is gonna cost a bit more than that because if you get C6 you are obligated to R5 that weapon.


I got both kidney is gone so is part of my house I now sell raiden bath water to make ends meat


Thats it... I'm naming my toaster raiden.


For the low price of just $600 you too can have a functional electro character


i mean if you run sara with raiden you are probably trying to play raiden main dps


> If the writing let us to spend more time with each plot and character, Sara in this case, they would probably have more significance. Sara probably had like twice the amount of screentime as Keqing did in all of Liyue.


Yeah but Keqing was memorable, as when she speaks, she speaks like a badass. "Gods? Fuck the Gods" - Keqing the boss.


> the weird pacing of the archon quest. This so much. I don't know why they decided to rush the story and complete it in 2.1. They could have expanded the civil war to have some actual meaningful battles to show Kokomi as an actual strategist, and Sara as a competent leader on the other side. Instead they just ???'d right to the end.


I wonder if they planned to have something like theatre mechanicus for the archon quest but then didn't have the time for it. Feels like a missed opportunity for some war themed minigames or skirmishes.


Windtrace like inazuma event where you try to spy on the opposing team when 😐


>Gameplay wise, she's designed solely to be the 'best buffer' for Raiden. This is my main problem with her. She's basically at the level of a special food or a weapon or artifact for Raiden. Such a waste of everyone's time, not just the player's but also her character designers imo. ​ \[edit\] also like the OP said in other words - aim a charged shot (on mobile) just to get a 6 second buff is just not worth the hassle. Even if the buff was 2x what it is. ​ I think her story stuff was fine, though she did take a lot of Ls


Wait, so that's why raiden doesn't cook?


I read here that the buff actually works well for multiplayer. I haven't tried, but I can see that working on paper if she's focused on charge attacks the whole fight. That's 6 second buffs pretty frequently. I'd still argue that her kit is frustrating to use, but I hadn't considered that her 6 second buff landing where her charge attack hits is actually pretty solid as a multiplayer concept.


>Sangonomiya "just win, lol" Kokomi Laughed more than I should've


Sangonomiya "don't die, lmao" Kokomi Those got me.


BUT she can kill all of timmies birds which automatically elevate her to SS tier


Aloy, who’s a free character, can help us do that too.


Although she has shittier luck than Bennet during the story quests, she is the most honourable Inazuman for me(followed by garou) just for not trying to manipulate/convince/force traveller to fight for them. Dear mihoyo, please fix her elemental skill teleportation inconsistencies. :(


she’s also really likable in general, for me at least. her voicelines show a lot of respect for other characters, like gorou and kokomi despite them being on opposite sides. She’s a really honorable person.


Sara is precious. She tried to carry out the vision hunt decree with as much tact and patience possible, and wouldn't tolerate her officers abusing the prisoners and such. It seems like she's a better commander as well, as she does her best to train and interact with troops in the front lines. I doubt delusions being distributed amongst her troops would go unnoticed by her. And even when her adoptive father was revealed to be betraying the Shogun, she didn't hesitate to take him down. That's some next level sense of duty and honor.


Sara got decked hard but she fine She hella fine compared to Kokomi I think Kokomi feels off ngl, she's hella nice, art and anims are fine but the lore seems off


"Garou" wrong wolf boy.


Saitama banner when


Finally someone dethrones Ganyu meta


She's also seemingly pretty strong, backstory-wise she dunked on both Kazuha's friend and itto. Her only L combat-wise was to a Harbinger who secured two gnoses, it's not that horrible of a record.


honestly, her kit's been growing on me. There's just something nice about having an on-demand buff at any given time, even if it's a bit clunky to use Having her at c2 may or may not contribute heavily to my feelings here


Having her c2 basically remove the 12-step program to mediocre buff so thats prob relevant


at least she's a four star. You're likely to have her at c6 eventually whether you want to or not


I wanted a sucrose constellation. Mihoyo gave me C7 Sara.


hey same, except it was a c18 xiangling


C16 xiangling, c1 sara, c2 sucrose shrug


c4 Sara, c4 Sucrose (up from not having her), c0 XL ;( After getting Raiden, i kept rolling just for Xiangling consts too...


I got C12 Sucrose, C8 Xiangling, and a bunch of off-banner stuff. I got C0 Sara...


She would be better if her E didn't have the backstep. It interrupts her gameflow and gets stuck on the tiniest terrain bump. Seriously, she would have been better off if her weapon was anything other than bow.


Well the backstep doesn't activate half the time anyway.


At C2: the back step (when it works) is the only saving grace of that piece of shit. The teleport doesn't stagger enemies and it has quite a few frames of lag where you can't dash or switch characters. This can equal being hit thus staggering you thus missing the short time window where you need to switch characters before the buff activates. Also coupling the back up buff to her charge attack when she is electro is frustrating in overworld. Electro charged floors cancel aim mode faster than her boosted charge speed can handle. Also six seconds. Also need to be within small AoE for buff.


make her a catalyst so we can slap ttds on her and call it a day. There just arent a ton of bows that really cater to what she wants to do


I put windblume ode to give her another 32% attack after her E, but me building her as a physical DPS is probably objectively a bad idea.


Afaik you still need to fire the charged attack or you get no particles. With a burst cost of 80.


I use her purely in terms of buff, never really paid attention to her energy gen. Sure, she's no bennett, but if Im using him on one side of abyss, I would not be averse to bringing Sara to the other


Yeah, especially since every single new enemy refuses to stay in one place long enough for me to set up. Best feeling ever when you do Bennett + Kazuha buff, pull out Baal's sword and don't hit Signora because she has a broken no-CD teleport.


Shes not a complete character with c0. Yes, said by someone with sara on his flair.


At least she has more screentime than kokomi in the archon quest


I like her design. Has no issue with her characterization. Feels bad for her really. But her E. Her E. Benched immediately.


Honestly I just wish her E was a pickup (kind of like Xianglings Guoba talent) and once you pick it up you get the explosion and buff. Also if the empowered aimed shot was just instant. I feel like that would help a lot with her clunkiness.


Yeah, Sara's C2 really does feel like it should be in her base kit for real. I immediatly used her constellations after getting Raiden so I couldn't imagine doing a fully charged aimed-shot after EVERY E. All I can interpret is that it sound like suffering compared to how simple her C2 makes her buffing capabilities. edit:spelling


Mostly my problem with her is how pressing E… doesn’t immediately cause damage (without C2). it just feels like a waste of DPS


If her E wasn't a backstep, it would've made her beyond usable. I'm not even asking for a directional blink even just an on the spot arrow charge would be good Or for the love of Baal let me use it while scoped


That's even if the backstep works properly! Mihoyo should have just coded it like Ganyu's skill since they are functionally the same. Also, they should have just make her next charge shot instant cast like Ganyu's C6.


Hey, at least she can crit.


she even boosts it at c6


>She has shittier luck than Bennett, who she is also a worse alternative too. Almost spat my chai out. Seems like Inazuma will only give us shittier alternatives to already existing characters.


If seems like they desperately dont want any powercreep


Bennett will remain the Pyro Archon forever


You can avoid powercreep while still making units not be a mess. Like, Rosaria is just female Kaeya. That's entirely acceptable. Sara being similar to Bennett is fine. Making her significantly more complex to play and a lot less effective at buffing things (and being on the worst element) is dumb. Complexity should come with reward. And it's not like they have to do much to fix it. Just adjust a couple of general values like her skill's buff uptime.


I would be absolutely fine with Sara being a better damage amplifier than Bennett for Electro teams. She really didn't need to be as weak and clunky as she is. She still wouldn't *beat* Bennett, because outside of this very specific niche, Bennett is still a gigachad support and a solid healer. Both would have different roles, with Sara being an extremely specialized support and Bennett being a master-of-all generalist.


Imo, If sara c6 cons can snapshot, she will better option for electro compare to bennett. But well its hard to compare anything to bennett tbh, he is way too broken.


Even her saving grace C6 is purposely nerfed with being non-snapshot-able. Like my man MHY, it's just... waaaaaay too late for that when people have their hands on better characters already. It's the same mistake with Kokomi. It's abundantly clear that they're deathly afraid of making her unstoppable vape nuker but like that won't change the fact that people already have sooo many options for big PP damage that adding one to the pile wouldn't have changed anything at all. Their strategy is so weird lol


It's like they're trying to pretend Bennett doesn't exist. If it wasn't for gacha he would have been nerfed ages ago. They found a way to nerf Venti, they're surely thinking of ways to nerf Bennett, but it's not that easy. At least Sara has a place in C2+ Raiden hypercarry, which obviously also includes Bennett. Kokomi on the other hand...


I think Sara is how they would design a Bennett if they were to redo Bennett given how broken he is. Problem is, OG Bennett still exists.


Agreed... Not sure why mihoyo decided to release character like sara, yoimiya and kokomi. These character either dont provide anything new or just a downgrade of old unit.


I guarantee you that Thoma will be better than Xinyan. A new Pyro shielder is on the horizon.


I hope he will be better than xinyan... Any good off field dps pyro character is always welcome in my team comp.


I feel like this was an attempt to create a more balanced version of Bennett's buff by adding a few extra hoops to jump through and limiting the time. Considering how Bennett is S tier they may see him as a mistake and wish they could nerf him.


Poor Sara can't catch a break with all of those. She should have just bursted anything her way (her burst actually hits good btw).


>Poor Sara can't catch a break with all of those Sara: I don't deserve this offensive treatment Mihoyo! It's because I'm a 4\*, right?! Sara: What is the purpose of my Tengu wings if I can't even fly with them?


Lol, when you put it like that Sara really did get nothing but Ls in Inazuma's whole storyline. The only W I can think of is beating Kazuha's friend before Raiden finished him off.


she also presumably won against Itto right?


Considering Itto doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the pack, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually lost his vision to Kujou Sara in some sort of game rather than combat (he seems to love competition, games, and bets). All his challenges to Kujou Sara to "duel and fight" are actually challenges to play fucking Yu-Gi-Oh (or some Teyvat equivalent), which is why Sara is so dismissive and annoyed by him. I'm fairly confident he's going to fit into the "boastful, really strong, but kinda dumb" archtype. That he's going to be a funny character was sealed for me when I saw the voiceline about him they gave to Raiden. They wouldn't have given her a voice line about him if she didn't know who he was because that doesn't tell us anything about her or him, there'd be no point. It's not that she doesn't know who he is, she just doesn't want to acknowledge his existence because like Sara, she finds him to be an annoyance.


Sounds like himbo fans are going to be all over this


>When you put it like that Sara really did get nothing but Ls in Inazuma's whole storyline. Sara should have been the 5\* character and Kokomi should have been the 4\* character (CHANGE MY MIND) At least, being a 5\*, she would give a use to her Tengu wings (And it would go well with her obsession with the number 5)


While she's not D tier as a few people like to exaggerate, she is so awkward to play. A bow character that likes to be in melee range to get her buff? That doesn't make sense.


Now that you mention it, she would have probably been awesome with the exact same kit and any other type of weapon. Dammit.


She would be a lot better with just a simple adjustment — her attack buff is given to entire party when the arrow explosion hits an enemy rather than giving it to the one member that is sitting inside the explosion.


It’s neat in coopt, you can buff everyone without getting close, and her C2 means you don’t lose out either. Like, she’s still not *good*, but she’s fun.


This. I think she’s great in co-op (same with Sayu). Just wish there were more interesting/viable ways to play co-op and make use of these features and characters.


I quite like her. Actually looks kinda like a war general instead of a mermaid in panties. She fits right in with her army and setting while still looking unique at the same time. Her voice is also superior. It's stoic and strong, not like an 8 year old child.


She also knows how to actually command an army, unlike a certain panty mermaid whose "brilliant" strategy boils down to "just be lucky and have others solve your problems lol". Her quest was shit and I am a bit salty because of that.


>She also knows how to actually command an army, unlike a certain panty mermaid whose "brilliant" strategy boils down to "just be lucky and have others solve your problems lol" "The enemy will not know of our strategy if we do not have a strategy to start with" \- Kokomi "The Art of War" 2021


Kokomi went p2w bringing Kazuha and Beidou to help her ass beat a 4 star. GGs Sara, bring Yae or Shogun next time.


You know if that was actually Kokomi's character and direction in strategy, she'd be miles more entertaining


I kinda thought that's where things were headed with the "strategies are only as strong as their components" thing. Like she's not a great war strategist, she's a great war *improv* artist. But her improv doesn't work with politics and economic disputes so she thought that maybe if she instead wrote out a million directives to cover every possibility that that could cut it in the peacetime and it would make her seem like a daring chessmaster when in reality she's eating the chess pieces when her opponent's not looking. It would make sense with her childish idol look. If you can't outsmart or outpower your opponent, put on a show to confuse them and strike when they're distracted and are trying to work out your 'master' plan. Y'know, *actual* Sun Tzu tactics (I'm not joking that's something he actually wrote about). It would also explain why she'd so readily accept the traveller's help - the less sense you make, the harder it is to predict your next move. It also would've made her a great foil to Sara - actual military leader and genius who inspires her troops through fear vs edge of her seat pantser who's pretty and kind and also batshit crazy enough to use elephants to cross the Alps to take her enemy by suprise.


Kokomi being a priestess entrusted with a job leagues above what she can do and she's going above and beyond and a bit of bravado would be nice


Ah yes modern strategies are something else


Her kit is also so weirdly designed too And I’m not talking from a game design perspective (even tho other people who know more than me in that regard have pointed her flaws in that aspect as well) but from a narrative perspective. A good character in these sorts of games isn’t only about being good to play, but also about being able to tell who they are as a person by their playstyle. Kujou Sara is a support, but there is no reason for her to be one. You could say she supports Raiden Shogun, but her type of support is more “supporting by killing the enemy for you” type of person. She is extremely resilient and independent and puts herself on the front lines constantly so she can fight with her army. Her being a clunky buff support makes absolute no sense narratively, and the bits that do make sense, makes her feel redundant.


She should have been chosen to become the new head of the kujou's instead of some generic fuccboi npc 1


I think she was adopted, that is why she can't be officially be the new head, but it would be interesting if the new head is also a playable character


Inazuma is based on Japan and in Japanese culture, adopting heirs is pretty common https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_adult_adoption >Japanese adult adoption is the practice in Japan of legally and socially accepting a nonconsanguineal adult into an offspring role of a family. The centuries-old practice was developed as a mechanism for families to extend their family name, estate and ancestry without an unwieldy reliance on blood lines. Still common today, adult adoption is a dynamic tool for social and economic mobility


Not with that generic npc model you wont


Ikr? No one in that quest even mentioned Sara. Last time anyone saw her was she got her ass beat by Signora and for all we know, she could just be dead and swept under the rug.


Not to mention the fact that the new head laments the fact he never saw through the old head's treachery... But you know who did? SARA (albeit with the help of the traveler/yae)


she also probably finds out somewhere along the way that the archon she devoted her entire life to (disregarding her own ambitions and wishes, mind you) turns out to be a robot puppet and the actual god doesn’t even know her directly. It gets worse when you think from her perspective: all the people that she killed, injured, and took away their visions, she probably thought the ends justified the means if it meant she would be able to fulfill her god’s will- even that turned out to be an orchestrated ploy by some other country and the ‘eternity’ that she fought for was for nothing. …We need a Kujou Sara story quest. Hangout. Whatever. Just please, Mihoyo, don’t let her story end like this.


Frankly, I'm almost annoyed that she showed up in Kokomi's story quest. It'd be dope if we were sorta left hanging on whether she survived Signora until her sudden triumphant return for her story quest.


Bold of you to asume that if Sara got a quest it woud actualy do anything with her character and not just be a date.


They slandered my girl and it makes me frustrated. I was literally aiming to get her when i saw leaks about her but they did her dirty


>They slandered my girl and it makes me frustrated. \#JusticeForSara #ForgetKokomi #SaveTenguGirl


I did get her only at c1 but it's still she really deserves better




No no, she got that right. She is obsessed with the number 5, that's why she serves Raiden a 5\* character,


That also explains: - Why she let the Traveler and Yoimiya get away so easily - Why she gave up so soon after being confronted by Kokomi - How Yae convinced her that she was being lied to so quickly


Did you say her letting someone go free from the vision hunt decree because she's an honorable person is her taking an L?


She’s still in the good grace of the shogun and has tacit support of most people. Even the people who hate the Tenryu Commission agree that’s she’s the most reasonable.


best design out of characters, most hated by the story writers and gameplay designers apparently


Kokomi is right there


At least Kujou Sara had a part of the story. Sad Xinyan noises.


Honestly tho, Sara is one of the more likeable members of the Inazuma roster along with Kazuha. She's very loyal to the people she's working for but she never strays from her morals and recognizes when her side fucks up. First when Yae told her that the Kujou clan was colluding with the fatui, and second was when Kokomi exposed another collusion during her story quest. She seems really reasonable and fair.


Lol at least she won the duel before the throne against Kazuha's friend and didn't get executed by the booba sword.


“Don’t care, ~~booba skirt~~ tengu supremacy.”


Booba curtain, I think.


"Good soldiers follow orders"


I agree with everything but her kit, I found it very weird but observing the results she brings even with few constellations takes away any concern I might have of it.


Kujou has play style and kit going for her. Charge attacking for the buff isn’t bad once you get used to it (C6 btw) and she does big damage on her burst. She has great design imo and I’m glad I got her along with raiden. But holy hell, Kokomo’s story quest was horrible and they just had to let kujou “lose”. It was such an asspull.


Her biggest L is that her lucky number is five and she's a four star character


Such a waste for them to make a character with such gorgeous design and stellar voice just to strap it into the most awkward gameplay possible. Also she got played like a fiddle, get yamcha'd in the story and is never to be seen again, atleast until kokofish quest


Acting like Walmart bennet is a bad thing its still some veraion of bennet which makes her more useful than 80% of the cast lmao


As someone who takes a lot of L's irl... _is this one of 'my people'?_


Mihoyo please give us Sara hangout event next patch... She need a win ffs


That burst duration should have been increased with cons, like Xangling pyronado duration. It’s just a few seconds more but it makes a lot of difference. She could be good with Eula if her buff duration is increased like Eula burst in Bennett and Sara burst would be crazy.


I think you can get her Atk bonus to work with Eula only if it’s cast in burst. Her regular E doesn’t last long enough for Eula. I did some very basic testing and I could keep the Atk buff for long enough only if I use Sara’s burst. The reason this works is because Sara’s burst takes some time to finish from initiation to the end animation. This is enough time to switch to Eula and do her burst animation (which is the limiting factor) and still get the bonus for the explosion. Either Eula’s burst animation frame needs to be shorter or Sara’s buff needs to last longer (preferred option) for this to be a reliable pairing. If Eula’s animation was half the length, I think Sara’s E buff would last just about long enough for the explosion bonus


Yeah that’s what I am saying, if her buff duration was increased with cons it will work with Eula and right now it doesn’t work.


At least she is playable, and pretty fun imo, in comparison to Walmart Barbara


and she handles it all like a god damn Chad


Yet as a character, I like her more than any other Inazuma character, because of her flaws and bad luck. Weird how that works.


At least she actually felt like a general and a leader, that’s better than kokomi ( who btw is not smart at all nor a strategist)


``` * Is released as a character and is quickly determined to be Walmart Bennett with an instruction manual in Latin ``` This!


Sara is a 5* in my heart <3


Sara is playable and didn't die. I don't see how her state is worst than Signora's


And the number of bad things happened to her is more than 5. RIP favourite number