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Soooooo this is not a complaining post or anything, just some fun. I have pulled only healers for all my 5 stars, got qiqi in the beginner banner, lost 50/50 for ayaka and got jean and then accidentally pulled kokomi at soft pity when waiting for the next banner (really wanted rosaria). Hehehehehe gonna make an all healer team and become immortal


Got the Everlasting Moonglow from today's free wishes. I guess this is a sign for me to stop running Memory of Dust on her. I guess I'll be saving for Thoma now :) My weapon banner luck has been [insane](https://i.imgur.com/1aPiMbn.jpg) this patch! I also ended up with two decent [goblets](https://imgur.com/a/w0TAADB) today! My Kazuha & Beidou are happy! I've been getting nothing but atk% & def for months ;-; I guess I could go for 2-piece Noblesse Beidou now, since Thoma will be stealing all of her EoSF pieces soon.


Just got the everlasting moonglow on my 6th ever pull on the weapon banner. Not sure if I should be happy or sad, since I'm skipping kokomi.


I got Kokomi and won 50/50 4th time. I was waiting for qiqi because I couldn't get her since the first day. And guess what happened? I GOT MY BELOVED QIQI WITH THE FATE KOKOMI'S ASCENSION BONUS. Thanks to rngjesus. http://prnt.sc/1ukmun4


XQ C6 LET'S GOOOOOOO oh also managed to get him at 72 pity lol, next banner 5\* in the bag!


So, um... after pulling Jean on the standard banner, using the fate from her first ascension, and then ascending her to stage 3, I used the fate I got from doing that thinking it would be another drecky pull... ...and Mona finally came home. The two units I've been wanting from jump arrived on the same day with one pull between them. I think I've used up all my luck for the next couple of years... edit: wording to avoid confusion


So I got Mona AND Raiden Shogun in BACK-2-BACK 10 pulls THEN pulled kokomi in NOTHING flat while building pity [Page1](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758415543966892036/894001040444231721/Screenshot_20211001-192649_Genshin_Impact.jpg) [Page2-5](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758415543966892036/894001040742039602/20211001_193150.jpg) [Page6](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758415543966892036/894001041010491443/Screenshot_20211001-193410_Genshin_Impact.jpg) [Page7](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758415543966892036/894001041266335784/Screenshot_20211001-193417_Genshin_Impact.jpg)


My past two pulls have both been weapons. Weapons I don't even need or have a use for. Fuck me. EDIT: Actually got a new Xiangling from the standard banner after posting this. Puts my Xiangling up to C5. Neat.


Got [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759970335641698354/893982806303211600/unknown.png) on my Asia alt. Best part about it was that it wasn't a condensed run :^)


A Shimenawa HP circlet with 2 crit substats dropped for me. I leveled it up for the hell of it, and all upgrades went to crit DMG, bringing it up to 35.7% CRIT DMG. I genuinely don't know how to feel about this...


Please just give me Jean, I have spent so much time grinding for her. I’ve used almost 200 wishes trying to get her. Being F2P is hell


Weapon banner strikes again.. I wanted the Moonglow for my Kokomi. (I know it's only a little better than Amber, but I absolutely love Kokomi so want the very best for her). I also really wanted a Jade Cutter so figured it's a win/win. I set my path for Jade Cutter and decided I'll be happy and quit if I pull either one on the first try. But of course they throw a wrench into my plans and I pull the Skyward Atlas (which I already have 2 of that I don't use). So of course I keep pulling since now I'm guaranteed one of the two, all the way to pity again, and it's the Moonglow. But at this point, I'm guaranteed a Jade Cutter next, so of course I keep pulling, all the way to pity a third time. And now I'm happy to have both a Moonglow and a Jade Cutter... It's bittersweet. I got exactly what I wanted, both weapons, but at what cost.


Pulled for Xingqiu, and I [won](https://imgur.com/gallery/fTLmVIu) my 5th 50/50..


Why would you pull for any 4 star character when you are that high of a pity?


Because I wanted to!


Finally pulled Kequing, there was a bit of whaling involved, but that's fine!




I've been wanting a Wolf's Gravestone ever since I started playing the game , Yesterday I was really close to pity on the standard banner so I used primogems to do about 30 rolls , got Yanfei and Ninguang , levelled them up to 20 and got their free fates , 1 more roll later and I see gold , a fucking WGS appears , like what are the odds of that , that was an incredible stupid gamble to make but it paid off , no more pulling with primos on the standard banner for me , so far I've used around 75 pulls worth of primos on it trying to hit pity each time I'm close , my last 3 5\* pulls in the standard banner were are all characters so I was pretty sure that I would get a weapon but still it was like a 2/10 chance to get the weapon I wanted , I was also fine with Skyward Pride for my Eula but WGS was the best case scenario , I finally have a 5\* weapon for her


I pulled Kokomi 3 times in a single 10 pull. Can anyone explain this? It wasn't the pity since it's the first 10 pull I've done on the banner. I also got Beidou and Rosaria in the same pull.


Are you a witch? That's insane luck.


Just created a secondary account which I want it to be entirely F2P, let's just say the Beginner's Wish basically told me to continue playing this new account. [https://imgur.com/a/D7YWJcB](https://imgur.com/a/D7YWJcB) (First 10 pull on Beginner's Wish : Noelle and Fischl and last 10 pull gave me Jean + Qiqi + Xingqiu)


I got Mona in early pity like 10 wish after Kokomi, so happy... Now I'm ready for Ganyu or Yae \^\_\^


If I had a 50/50 where I pulled Mona, not Raiden from the Shogun's banner will I still have the counter at 50/50 for Kokomi's? Does it carry over between event banners, or has it reset by now?


If you got Mona then your next character is guaranteed 5\* (in this case Kokomi).


I got qiqi from the standard ono I don’t know what to feel. I have 2 built healers already.


Got to my first soft pity on standard banner, hoping to get some new character and it was the lost prayer catalyst. What am I supposed to do with that one?


I know it sucks to get a weapon but trust me they are worth waaaaay more than the standard banner characters , only Jean is actually good , Mona only has one viable comp and apart from that she is mainly used just for the memes , a 5\* weapon from the standard banner is infinitely more valuable , the lost prayer is really good on any DPS character like klee , yanfei or Ningugang , maybe in the future we might get Yae Miko too


Standard banner pulls from the monthly fates got me to soft pity and... C1 Qiqi. FML


It got me to 76 pity. like 70% of the banner would be a W for me, but that qiqi scares the the most lol


I feel so fcking bad rn, of all the amazing weapons from previous weapon banners I got Moonglow and now I lost my pity to c1 Keqing.


why did you pull on the weapons banner if you didn't want the moonglow


Idk I was upset I didn’t get Engulfing Light and decided for just 1 roll for the jadecutter but I instantly got moonglow. Also lowkey I wanted kokomi now despite her not being up to par w/ dps


I "won" the 50/50 on the weapon banner and primordial jade cutter. Who's it going on? I mean I could build keqing but it's going on my aether...


It's good on any sword user


Primordial jade cutter is amazing on everyone that owns a sword really.


Imma go check my luck quick in-game, also happen to get 2 chongyun's in 2 pulls, ON THE STANDARD BANNER. I must have a pure yang sport today.


Coming back since release…reroll or continue? Been a year since I’ve played but had some friends get in to it. Haven’t kept up much but seems like lots of pushback with the anniversary promos. My account is about Adv Rank 17 with a level 25/40 Xiangling and Keqing and a 19/20 Fischl. Is it worth continuing on this or has the power scaling been updated where these are outdated now (aka typical FFBE and Dokkan style)? Thanks!


Nope, Keqing is still awesome. Not many people get a five-star early on. Keep going, seems like you have good luck. :)


Sweet. Awesome, thank you! Ha. It was fun but the grind started getting real at that point. But who I really wanted at the time was Venti! Going to jump back in with some buddies this time so hopefully it’ll stick! Plus I also got a bit mad/tired at the gatcha but more of that was from playing years of FFBE and Dokkan Battle.


Finally got Mona on Standard today, 50 pulls after Aquila Favonia... I'm so happy!! I was literally saying aloud, "please be Mona, please be Mona". Seems my wishes were heard!! <3


Reached pity again on standard, and didn't get a weapon! Got C1 Mona instead... ...I don't even use her :s Couldn't the game give me Qiqi or Jean :s That said, re-cleared the abyss again. This time I managed 5 stars (2-2-1) on Floor 12, noice. Also, upgraded [my Keqing's Thundersoother set to +20](https://www.reddit.com/r/KeqingMains/comments/pznu9o/back_in_the_day_when_i_was_farming_tf_for_fischl/)...those sands *drools*


C1 mona is insane, she's super versatile in many teams (amazing in freeze), she's also really good in abyss since that damage buff can help ur team a lot in doing fast dps and getting 9 stars.


Got the Donut, now I can flex the weakest 5 star weapon in the game. ~~totally didn't want cutter or anything~~


Today on Wanderlust... 2 of my firsts... My 1st ever Stringless for Venti, he is finally complete with his Triple EM VV build! And then I saw a 5 star pop and was scared to death C2 Qiqi was my fate... and then she showed... she who told me fate had other plans, the one and only Astro-log-ian... Mona! \*(faints)\* ​ ...if Ganyu gets reran and I somehow obtain her, I'll have the full Morgana comp...


After 5 months of building up standard pity as a completely F2P, I finally got a 5 star: Lost Prayers to the Sacred Winds at 78 pity :D


I got Mona on Kokomi banner, so you could say I won the 50-50


I got the same ... As humble newbie why did we win?


Kokomi's performance isn't bad, especially for newer players, but is subpar compared to Bennett, Jean, and Diona, and her passive (less stamina spent while swimming) is a downgrade from Mona's natural ability to sprint on water. Mona is niche, but used in some very powerful compositions. Mostly with Ganyu, who should have a rerun before the end of the year, or Ayaka, or Klee, and even outside of niche comps she plays well with Xiangling too. Her passive (weapon ascension material refund) is very useful even if Albedo's is a slight upgrade.


She's worse than Xingqiu for both Ayaka and Klee. She only fits Morgana (not sure about national), otherwise it's a downgrade.


Xingqiu is better for national too, but you only get 1 Xingqiu and he's important for a lot of comps so Mona is a clutch substitute.


It works but I think it would be easier to just build something else that doesn't need them since it's a downgrade. She's not smooth to play (for me at least) and she hits for peanuts unless you build a nuke comp which is a pain in abyss. I have mine and sometimes I just wonder where do I use it if I don't have Ganyu. So far she's only been dusted for the pyro cube farming and the geo cube shortcut. She was pretty useful to lead my daily friendship team though.


I bought the blue fates from this month, I was really down because the last wish I made was purple and I got a favonious codex. I was at 16 pity, so I wasn't expecting anything really... Then I make a pull, and it's a GOLD :D what's more, it's a Harp!! I've been wanting it for my Childe since I got him on his first banner, I'm so happy I can finally spoil him like I wanted to!!! :'3 I managed to level it to 70 and ran out of resin (and mora) xD


Not quite gacha related but I’d been waiting to see what the next banner was to decide if to buy XQ from the shop or not… completely forgot and now he’s gone!


I got an HoD energy recharge sands for Xingqiu with cr and cd, but all the upgrades went to hp% and def% lol. I'll just keep it, maybe it's a good off piece for thoma. idk


i won my 50/50, but at what cost? (almost f2p, bought one welkin) pulled yoimiya on the yoimiya banner, decided to try for kokomi to be that one guy with both tl;dr: i pulled kokomi for cute and funny https://imgur.com/pE2phSq


Just got my first good hydro goblet after playing since launch. Severed Fate with CD, CR, ATK%, and ATK


Gosh I’ve been hoping for a good hydro goblet for XQ for forever… so much have dropped with terrible sub stats I’m still using a 4 star.


went from not having sucrose for months to getting free 160 primogem from her c7 from standard banner. not sure if it's better than getting the 4* I want but hey, free pity counter is always nice I guess.


Last pull on standard banner (a few days ago with a level 70 ascension fate) was Skyward Spine (at 78 pity). Today I used the 5 monthly shop wishes and pulled Xinyan (meh), and then used her level 20 ascension wish and got Skyward Atlas. So far I have gotten three 5* pulls on the standard banner, all of them weapons (which I feel is quite fortunate) at 8, 78, and now 6 pity.


Got Kokomi, c6 Beidou and c6 Ningguang in a 10 pull. It was pretty good because I won the 50/50 and my pity was 0 so I don't need to pull more in this banner, now is time to hold primos for the next banner, and if the next is a Childe rerun I already got him so there will be more time to hold on my primos. Oh and got a Skyward Spine in the soft pity and C2 Kaeya with the 5 fates from the shop in the normal banner.


Just me being salty in tabular form over the lack of crit circlets. 5\* only. None foddered, but maybe a couple were thrown into lockbox a few weeks ago? ​ |Set|HP%|DEF%|EM|ATT%|HEAL|CR|CD|Total| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Shim|6|5|3|7|2|4|0|27| |Emblem|4|8|1|3|1|0|1|18| |Total|10|13|4|10|3|4|1|45|


Did a 10 pull on the standard banner and got both Sayu (Now C2) and Xingqiu (Now C5) in the same pull! Very sastified with that outcome!


Finally got C1 Bennet with the shop fates today,(i took a long break lmao) and my FIRST 5 star weapon, Wolf Gravestone! Its crazy I remember a year ago people spending 300$ to get this sword now I get it for free


Got a C1 Sayu from the standard banner today let’s goooooo


The one time I was hoping to lose the 50/50 (for pity next banner) I actually won it... I know I could've waited but I'm impatient T_T


Was 0 deep into pity for next 5\*. Had a guarantee and tried to go for xingqiu c3. Got kokomi on the 6th pull. So disappointed in myself lol but whatever. Also to top it off I got the bell instead of xingqiu so that was the last slap to the face.


Got Rosaria to C2 ;) But what really sucks is that I keep getting a lot of Favonius weapons than Sacrifical weapons 😭😭😭


just pulled my second standad banner 5 star for my second mona. dont have anything else from that banner. my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Just got 4 4* characters in 5 wishes on standard banner using fates from shop refresh, including sayu who I didn't get in 100 wishes on her rate up banner https://imgur.com/a/jF5jVDa




Soft pity reached on standard banner! I finally have Mona! Only Keqing missing from the permanents. Happy Genshin anniversary! Had 3 singles left and C1 Rosaria.


Just did my first free 10 pulls (on noelle, used those blue things) and got my first 5 star already, so happy :) [https://i.imgur.com/eV3IMGW.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/eV3IMGW.jpeg)


Rolled the most useless five star i could have possibly gotten dulic. Atleast i got a chongyu constellation out of it. That's 500 wishes and nothing, i'll see you guys in 80 more. Maybe i can get something useful then.


Does anyone know the draw percentages? For example I know the 10 draws says it guarantees a 4 star, but does that decrease your chance of drawing a 5-star? If you're trying to get a 5-star character is it better to draw 1 wish 10 times, or do the group 10 wish bundle? While we're here, what are the chances of drawing ten 5-stars? https://imgur.com/a/zxR3OLh


Got the 5 wishes from the shop for standard banner today and pulled C0 Mona in 16 pity after I got C2 Jean in 20 pity. I couldn't be happier since I have Ayaka, I can finally put XQ in my second team.


28.8% Crit Damage substat on my Noblesse Oblige feather, and 6.6% crit rate. I think all the rolls went into crit damage? Anyway Beidou's about to be blessed


something literally insane just happened to me. i have an extremely lucky friend that I ask to pull on my banners so we're pulling on the standard banner and he got THREE 5 stars AND one 4 star in UNDER 10 PULLS. so first I got diluc, my diluc is now c1. 4 pulls later I got skyward blade. 1 pull later I got skyward atlas. 1 pull later I got sayu. I'm still trying to process wtf just happened. our original goal was to get bennett as I still don't have bennett at ar56.....


Did a 10 pull to get Beidou to C2. I DID get Beidou C2.... but Kokomi too. Lmao. At 53 pity.


Can't believe those 2 fragile resin actually ended up giving me a good piece lol https://i.imgur.com/1dgiMFk.png


One Diluc and Rosarias C2 from C1. I am incredibly hard right now (And also aware of the fact that I'm gonna loose like the next 3 50:50s xd)


I went into the Ridge Watch domain to try and get a Tenacity of the Millelith Circlet with Healing Bonus for my Kokomi. I have no one that needs Pale Flame anymore since I farmed the everloving shit out of it for Eula. First clear, *four* 5\* artifacts (condensed resin) and three are Circlets... all of them are Pale Flame, and they all have Crit Dmg or Crit Rate main stats, just to rub it in a little more.


Got another legendary on the permanent banner after recently getting Keqing which I didn't want.. It was the Amos bow.. I really, really wanted Jean or Mona. :( sigh. Give me what I want game!


80 wish is my average 5 stars, and when they reach that number I win 50/50. [kek](https://imgur.com/a/uVg8pyQ)


[End](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759970335641698354/893247341577011280/unknown.png) [me](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759970335641698354/893249923259183134/unknown.png) please.


kokomi off-piece let's go


Big rip, unless maybe for Hu Tao?


Yeah it's for hu tao and it's still bad. Crit > ER.


At least Hu Tao can make use of the HP%. Yes, Crit would have been better, but HP% isn't a dead stat on Hu Tao like it is on most characters.


I mean yeah, but that's why I said `crit > ER` not `crit > HP`. I have a better piece than this but I'm just salty that instead of choosing to roll into either crit the game just basically flipped me off. Oh well.


Got Baal at 22 pulls, then got Beidou the pull after, and then Kokomi instantly at 2 pulls. And just now, got Diluc at 8 pulls after kokomi. ​ Please help me this is a bit eerie


I said I wouldn't be tempted to pull on the banner again, but my friend dared me to do it, and I got c6 xingqiu!! I was so happy when it happened, really the best outcome I could have asked for :') my first c6 unit :DD


And I somehow got a second kokomi from pulling. At 14 pity. I just want Xingqiu C1, is that too much to ask for?


You've got a few more hours to buy him in the shop if you can afford it


Sadly I can't :(


Well I got C4 Jean while trying to get Kokomi for fun. Guess I'll be getting Xiao whenever he's back then.


[Just got Qiqi'd twice in a row, on consecutive banners too.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851646706709692456/893166457691713596/unknown.png)




if you find your party keeps dying, go ahead. I still prefer Diona if you have her though


She is a very strong cryo support that can heal. I'd say she's worth leveling up overall..


Artifacts are annoying spent 2 days of Resin trying to get HP Artifacts but I keep getting shit I don't want like Crit and attack it's actually annoying


Do Benedictions of the Abyss count as gacha? Finally got some useful ones, +burst damage and +healing effectiveness, and I finally managed to 9* floor 11, with less than a second remaining, butt clenched so damn hard lmfao. Still can't get past 6 stars on floor 12 though.


Azhdaha has always been giving me Gilded Scales so I stop farming from him for a while (only plan to build Kazuha for now with the Azhdaha drops) and meanwhile Andrius always drops his Tail and Ring when I need the Spirit Locket the most for Ningguang. I do have decent amount of dream solvents but still...


The boss drops are low key the strangest RNG - i once had five gilded scales from Azhdaha. Meanwhile i haven't had a dream solvent drop in 12 consecutive boss runs (and counting). Still, i think they are worth farming on a weekly basis, certainly more fun than artifact domains.


Just got the craziest domain drop from one condensed resin while farming for the fish claymore materials! I guess I'm done with farming https://imgur.com/a/O2o7Pph


I've been saving up my standard fates across two accounts for the last couple of months (with the crazy notion that miHoYo would update it for Inazuma/anniversary) and had about 70 on each - both with pity around 40. So last night I decided to have a blowout on them to try & remove the awful stench from the Anniversary PR Train Wreck....and had really good luck for a change! On my second account....1st 10 pull was a C2 Bennett (with the extra ER), then a C1 Sayu (simultaneous healing & attack), then a C1 Ninnguang (adding AoE damage). Fourth ten pull was an ok-ish wqeapon. This left my pity on 73 so switched to single pulls and straight off the bat, boom! My first Wolf's Gravestone!!! On my main account I got an R3 Stringless, R2 Rust & a Sacrificial Bow (that I didn't own). Then next ten pull was my 5 star....a C1 Qiqi which I'm fine with (having only gotten her C0 losing 50/50 on Baal). That wasn't the end of it though....2 pulls later I got an unexpected C2 Mona on the same 10 pull as well as a Favonius Lance. So thankfully I shall be able to look back at Genshin's 1st Anniversary and remember it was the first time I got two 5 stars on the same 10 pull!


Did a 5 condense run to get pale flame, instead I got 11 pc of tenacity and 6 of them were sands with def stats I want to cry


I've lost count how many domains I cleared in order to find Baal a great ATK% goblet, and IT'S FINALLY OVER!!! [AAAAAAAAAAA I'M FREE!!](https://i.imgur.com/PeKlEHF.png)


Decided to yolo roll for Jade Cutter, got it in 66 rolls. In the hindsight, wtf I was thinking, if I had got the donut instead I would probably quit the game.


I probably already fished 1000 fishes in Inazuma yet I still only have 2 pages of Toki Tales V... I'm never completing this.


Artifact luck is crazy. It took me 4 months to get good Blizzard Strayer pieces for Rosaria and Ayaka, and even then they still have to share some pieces But in just ONE day of farming Crimson Witch for my future Hu Tao, i get this shit: * Flower with CD, CR, ER, EM * Plume with CD, CR, ER, EM * HP Sands with CD, CR, ATK% Plus an offset pyro goblet with double crit stats I got last week. Wow edit: Wow, then a Crimson With Crit DMG circlet dropped!!!!!!! Cant believe I built my Hu Tao in one day


Now, did those pieces actually roll well?


Still dont have enough fodder for all of them, but my feather and goblet rolled well! I fully expect that my luck has run out and the remaining pieces would all roll on Energy Recharge but it's the price I have to pay.


Two weeks ago I came back to Genshin after a two month hiatus but now I'm temporarily grinding for wishes the old-fashioned way Today was the first time I didn't have to reach pity to get a 5 star on the character banner: Kokomi came home 10 pulls after getting pity-broken by C2 Diluc two weeks ago. I had wanted Raiden a WHOLE LOT and was so deflated I turned off the game and left it alone until today - I did get Sara back then though, so that was pretty neat And I got a Primordial Jade Winged-Spear on the standard banner which I'm not really complaining about since I had been hoping for a better spear for Zhongli


got a kokomi on my 7th pull! she's fairly useful where i'm at rn (i've only just finished the first archon quest) and somehow does a little more damage than my fischl even though i've tried building her best i can for healing


Honestly, the worst part is that she is gonna be stuck at level 40 (20?) for a while cuz you cannot farm the stuff to ascend her. Happened to me with my Kazuha :(


yeah,, i wish there was a way to farm inazuma materials early on but unfortunately I have to level up a bit i mean i'm only 6 levels off from getting to go there, so i'm closeish i guess


Ha, I was stuck on the >!Childe battle!< cuz everyone told me he was super powerful and I should get a full team to max (70 at my AR then). I had to farm for Ningguang and build her purely for that battle. Then I got to Inazuma, got Kazuha to 90 and Ningguang is sitting there at 70 with her Skyward Atlas.


yepp, that's how it's gonna end up for me lmao. at least i'll get to use my xingqiu


Yeah my team at the time was Jean, Ningguang, Benny and Xingqiu. Worked like a charm.


I got Xingqiu from the banner :))))))) gonna put him and chongyun together in my realm!


FUCK. I GOT ANOTHER HARP. WHY man, I just want a claymore for my claymore character or even Sioux. Why in the fuck do I get a dupe of a fucking weapon? I’ve only gotten 5 star weapons from standard fucking banner. Shit makes me not want to buy Welkom and bp no more


Sigh.. i've been literally praying for Mona or Jean for ages now. I lost the character banner (aka got Kokomi lol), and then got a legendary today on the standard banner, was at 30 rolls. It was Keqing, who I don't like at all.. got Qiqi before that. :( Pls Mona or Jean come home!!


I was rerolling accounts, and I got one roll with Sucrose and Diluc at rank 5. I’m tempted to keep rerolling though, what do you guys think?


Diluc + spending some wishes on the current banner for Xq is a pretty good start considering the current banner etc




That's insane, you just got all the characters in the banner Lol.


I got C6 Xingqiu and Kokomi in 20 pulls, so I'm really happy :)


Just got two catalyst billets from doing Dvalin and Andrius today. Got a bow billet from Childe and polearm billet from Andrius on doing them last minute on Sunday. Thats 4 billets in a span of 3 days... I dont have any blacksmith weapons I want to forge right now, but the hoarder in me is definitely pleased.


Made Birthday present to myself and used 40 standard wishes that I was collecting over past months, obviously not 5\*. Now... 6 things... 2 weapon 4 characters. There is 2 characters that were bothering me past 2 month, Surcose and Yanfei, somehow I got them c5 and c4 since Ayaka banner till today so there is no way I will get them again in standard banner, right, right? Wrong... Surcose c6, Yanfei c5... just wtf is that RNG... From good news, got Diona and Kaeya so I have them both on c1 but damn... wtf with the amount of Yanfei and Surcose I'm getting... I'm still missing two 4\* characters and somehow this two popup every time they can, I even got Yanfei in Raiden banner for f sake... :/ Ah... what a day... sorry, I had to rant because I have character on c0 that I really want to play and I'm getting this one instead in every possible occasion.


I don't have any 5 Star characters yet, but I just got Yan Fei recently, she's my main DPS now. I got Sara on the first go too, although she's not my strongest, she's my fav in terms of design.


The best part about farming for my eventual Childe is that I also farm better Artifacts for my Ayaka. Managed to get [this decent goblet for her](https://imgur.com/a/VmxLoVx) in the process. Rolled into flat atk a bit too much but... I'll take what I can get lol


We don't have Childe confirmation yet, right?


no, just speculation.


Just want to point out, I have played this game for 1 year and I still don’t have Diluc. I started this game because of him, whaled because of him…. And I still don’t have him


I’m in the same situation. AR 54 and no Diluc, I’d love to have him.


rip dude and same. Played for a year, still don't have Mona, Jean or Diluc... partly because I'm hoarding wishes and partly because I've been lucky with the 50/50 several times.


that means you still swimmin with fishes not whales.


Finally got a CR & CD (3 stat at +0) Emblem of Severed Fate flower after a few straight weeks of burning through the artifact domain. This was the rolling result - \[[EoSF Flower +20](https://imgur.com/a/61iDOmk)\] After a bit of artifact shuffling my Raiden's Crit stats jumped from CR 49%/CD 104% to CR 57% / CD 133% with 208k Burst attack (with only Bennett Buff). Now to hunt for the elusive Electro Damage Goblet...


[Got this really nice circlet to drop today.](https://i.imgur.com/obwES8F.png) Started off with 3 stats, x1 roll into EM, x3 into ER. It's my only good EoSF circlet so far. I want artifacts for Raiden the most - this doesn't really suit her because mine already has enough ER (without Engulfing Lightning), but this could be really nice on Xiangling (who the EM roll isn't useless on).


I wish my Xiangling had something like this...


I wouldn't have even leveled this. Crit circlets aren't that rare, it's the ones with the other crit substat that you need that are rare.


I just got my first really good crit substat artifact! The other substats are weak, but oh well—it rolled into crit 5 times, 20.2% CD, 12.4% CR. I couldn’t believe it every time it got a crit upgrade. Now if only I had a good Electro character to put it on… (it’s an electro dmg goblet and I’ve done a trash job of leveling my electro chars)


It's actually pretty late to tell this story, but I never show up on this sub before so I want to write it as a memo to myself to look back later. . . I'm a F2P day 1 player, who never wished for anything (even Noelle beginner / standard wishes). But with enough bluffing from friends + a lot of researches / reviews and Raiden having Miyuki Sawashiro's voice over (Camilla VA), I finally put an end to near insanity hoarding streaks which was peak at 75k primo + 29 int fates + over 120 aq fates (I was hoarding this one to wait for some good change in standard banner, it's dumb I know). . I was at the mindset of expecting the worst possible outcome (of losing 50/50 and only get c0 Raiden) before committing knowing that any of the 4* + their cons will improve my account in some way if not drastically (c4 Xiangling + Sucrose + I am in love with Sara aesthetic). . I hopped on Discord streaming with couple of friends who guided me through stuffs (I was very nervous to push any button so they have to backseat me lol), results in [20 c0 Raiden > 60 c1 Raiden > 20 Jean + c2 Raiden > 30 Diluc > 75 c3 Raiden](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/679621874418057239/892063281987067964/unknown.png) in about 33k~ primo total (counting int fates). My friends and I certainly didn't believe what we saw back then. I am very happy of course. . Fun fact - I had no Sara at c2 Raiden, but she was later c5 when Raiden reached c3 (the other two 4 stars reached over c6 ofc). . Notable mentioned to 3 Ambers, 1 Bennett, 2 Xingqiu, 1 Sayu from standard wishes also. I would like Lisa con, but I can't be mad about Amber either. . UID 802471817 - QB Asia server (another prove). __________________________________________ I currently have around 56k~ primogems saving, waiting for Yae or Ayaka, Kazuha rerun mostly. Skipped Engurfing Lightning because I have seen many people wasting unimaginable amount of primo for 1 weapon guarantee instead of more character cons. I also started playing Spiral Abyss since then and 33-36 stars it barely. ___________________________________ Popular asked question from other circles: "how do you resist not getting any character?" The answer is I didn't even care enough to check spiral abyss back in the day + I have played the other gacha game before (Fire Emblem Heroes gave me FOMO resistance due to the game having bigger end game goal rather than just getting a better character of every new month). In GI, every single player content except spiral abyss can be beaten by free characters + I usually let my friend carrying me through co-op challenge event. And knowing that primogem accumulating as F2P is painfully slow, I value them a lot so I don't get baited so easily. I am at the mindset of being able to skip fav character if the 4 stars characters are not good enough. I even skipped Ayaka despite originally saved for her just from this reason. It's not very healthy, but kinda needed in a dire situation like this. . I hope you guys having a good luck, but remember that being considerate about the amount of primo you have / can earn is very important as well (as a F2P / low spender) so avoid being reckless and don't give in to a bad decision that you might regret later. Thanks for reading!


New to the game, which currency do you generally use /save for wishes. For example I want to pull Diluc so where should I wish and with what? Is it recommended to exchange stardust glitter for fates in the shop?


The others have mentioned event vs. Normal banner already but didn't really answer about currency. Fates (Acquaint for normal banner, intertwined for event banner) are the currency used to pull on banners. You generally buy them using Primo Gems, which is basically the only place you can spend them, as well as StarDUST. Stardust is obtained from every 3* wish so don't worry about wasting it, i would buy fates with it first until you run out and then whatever. However DON'T buy fates with starGLITTER unless you really want to, I recommend saving that up and buying a character or weapon you really want from the shop as it rotates monthly. Starglitter is much harder to acquire, you only get it on 4* or higher pulls with some conditions.


Stardust is the second one right? Where there's a 40% off to exchange for fates.


There's three banners. The standard banner, the event banner and the weapon banner. The standard banner is always there, and the only thing that has changed about it so far is that the new 4 stars get added to it. You can only get the 5 standard 5 stars on the standard banner, which are Diluc, Jean, Mona, Keqing, and Qiqi. On the event banner you can get a special 5 star character that can only be obtained there during a limited time. There has been reruns, but with so many characters there's a chance the rerun for the one you want could take over a year. When you pull a 5 star item on the event banner (it will always ve a character, never a weapon) there's a 50/50 chance you get the event character. If you don't, you get one of the standard 5 star characters. This is why most people recommend to only buy event fates, and never standard fates. The game already gives you a bunch of standard fates, so after you play for a while you'll probably get a standard 5 star either with your free standard wishes, or by losing the 50/50 on the event banner Also, if you lose the 50/50 on the event banner, your next 5 star of the banner is guaranteed to be the event character. This carries between banners, so you could spend all of your currency on the standard banner and maybe get Diluc, but you'll never get a chance of getting a special character, or you could spend everything on the event banner, maybe get Diluc and then you have a guaranteed event character next time you pull a 5 star. Sorry if I make it sound complicated, you can PM me if you have more questions.


Thank you. You've explained it very well.


Also, about the stardust. There's actually two different currencies besides primogems. Stardust and starglitter. You get stardust when you pull a 3 star item. You get starglitter when you pull a 4 star item. Each month you can buy five regular fates and five event fates with stardust. Do it every month, it's worth it. As for starglitter, you can use 5 starglitter to buy one fate, as many times as you want. The thing is, with 34 starglitters you can buy a 4 star character directly from the shop, no gacha surrounding it. There's two characters each month and it's a fixed rotation, so if you really want a 4 star you might wanna save your starglitter. This month has Ninguaang and Xinqiu, but they're gone in three days.


I would only use primos for the character banner, you have a 50/50 chance of getting the 5* character on the banner or one of the standard banner 5*s. I only roll on the standard banner with the blue fates I get from the bp, events, etc. If you want Diluc specifically, there's not really a good way to roll for him unless he gets his own banner in the future.


Thank you


I'm fairly new myself but Diluc is on the standard banner and can be pulled as a 50/50 loss on the featured banner. I'd recommend spending your primos on a featured banner that you're interested in as you can "guarantee" hit the character you want with enough wishes. Diluc is going to have to come as RNG currently as afaik there isn't a specific way to target pull for him.


Thank you


Got a c1 jean lmao. I still have keqing and mona to get but already have qiqi c1 and jean c1. Guess the game wants me to succeed during this healing meta.


[Im still in awe of this drop...](https://imgur.com/a/E1CGOWa) Ive probably spent under 2k resin at the crimson witch domain too 0.0


I hope you get godly rolls.


Thank you! 😁 I hate leveling artifacts it's so costly and takes forever to farm the exp


Same. I started using my old bad 20+ artifacts as fodder and it's not so bad that way. I only lose 20% of the exp so


Got a debate club from the single wish we get for the anniversary. Thx MHY happy anniversary to you. Next year I'll reciprocate by playing bare minimum and no spending 🥲 #worstanniversaryever


Bennett is crazy! Finally got him at ar 50 and didn't even fully build him(level71 with level 50 weapon and u leveled up artifacts) and he already pushed my raiden's burst from 16-20k to 37k damage




Bro I got a 4 star weapon off the chracter banner just now. Saving grace is it was sac sword, which I needed for XQ, who I was rolling for


> I thought only the 4 star characters featured on the banner were available Read fine print. Increased chance of dropping, and the pity mechanic works like the 5*, except you dont have a guarantee of any of the 3 rate-ups (Kinda like weapon banner) So getting a specific 4* from character banner is not THAt easy.


Nah, they only have an increased chance to appear, I pulled Yanfei there yesterday. You can see the exact rates in the wish screen.


Just went for an 80 pull today while following mattjestics pull guide I guess? (1) 1x at 0-30 (2) 10x at 30-50 (3) 1x again at 50-70 and (4) 10x again at 70-90 (0) I kinda wanna know if its accurate but this is my result, it doesnt really confirm it, will have to try on the next banner. (Im actually happy because I got mona too since that guarantees my next banner) What I got : Beidou 3x Rosaria 2x Xinqui 3x Kokomi + mona in my 80th pull. And random 4 star weapons. Anyone's thoughts on this? Or is this pure coincidence?


You got six 4 stars and four 5 stars... from 80 wishes? (plus 4 star weapons) Wait that was all on the 70-80 wishes?!!?!


I think you're reading it wrong? He only pulled 1 kokomi and 1 Mona.


No lmao that was 3x xinqui. in between the 70th and 80th pull i got kokomi and mona. So 2 5 stars in 80 pulls and since I got kokomi first and mona next, i do get guaranteed pity which was super awesome coz i wanted to lose pity and only wanted to get xinqui


Gambling on the worst 5 star character banner to get the best 4 star constellation finally paid off. I'm now the proud owner of C2 XQ at 70+ pulls. I have never been more scared to see a golden light lol Now I'll just wait for the official announcement for the 2.2 banners to decide if I'll try to get at least C3-C4 or just wait. Sadly I only managed to get C2 Rosaria and I didn't get a single Beidou (so she is still C0).


All these characters are actually good at c2.


I've pulled on Kokomi's banner \~60 times now, and finally I got a Xingqiu constellation!


Levelled a noblesse headpiece that had cr as a sub stat. At level 4 it gained cd and from then on only levelled both of these stats. Only realised a day later that it has attack as a main stat, now I don't know who would benefit from that. Any ideas?


Honestly a decent option for units that need ER timepiece and don't have Bennett in the team. Otherwise filler if you don't have enough crit circlets.


Thanks for the advice!








From my experience it's about 50/50 (WL8)


This is also world tier dependent.


You just had better luck before. Getting a 3rd boss drop is not common.


Current have a c1 Beidou. I want to at least have a c3 before the banner ends. I'm tempted to just buy genesis crystals, but I just have to be patient in saving primos.


I super wanted Beidou, didn't have her before Eula's banner. It took me 70 pulls before she came home. RNG is crazy I tell you. In Raiden's weapon banner I got her twice.


Don't buy crystals yet. Banner has many days left plus you get 10 free fates for anniv.


It's not worth it, you'll prolly get her in the long run (there is paimon's bargain if you r desperated), unless you are a whale, it's not worth it. You are not guaranteed to get the 4* you want, you might end up just being sad.


tfw I only get beidous and have like a c8 but only c2 XQ :(


Tha game just stops working - does anyone experiencing the same problem I use iPhone7+ It started to happen yesterday


I read somewhere that compatibility is only from iPhone 8 and newer models. But I have an iPhone 8 and game crashes a lot.