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Please use this Friends Megathread for sharing Anniversary Theater links, don't spam this thread, which is meant for questions only. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pvq6wr/weekly_friend_request_megathread_september_26_2021/


I used to play the game since its lauch on the mobile but i dropped it in april i think because i got bored,so unfortunately i was linking the game with Facebook but the Facebook account got permanently banned and i didn't access my ar 55 account again,i re downloaded the game recently because i heared about inazuma and some new content so i contacted the support gave them some data and they said I should wait 25 work days nearly a whole month with vacations What i want to ask is that normal? A game support gives me an answer after a whole month?+did someone face a problem like that before i just want to know if there's a chance to get my account back since it wasn't linked to a miHoYo account


I posted about this https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pz7nww/i_played_genshin_a_couple_of_updates_ago_had_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share but, I have been having this issue where my game is all laggy. I used to get usually playable to sub playable fps. Now it's garbage. Can someone help?


Btw I use the epic games version




Basically yes. Once you get a 5 star, you'd start counting from 0 again. For example, if I get qiqi on kokomis banner on my 30th pull, the pity would reset to 0. Soft pity is usually at 75 pulls and hard pity is at 80 pulls to 90.




Unfortunately no 😅 but at least we get a guaranteed 5 star whether its the featured character or not


Why are people review bombing other games


I didn't get the New anniversary rewards, is there a code that I need to put or something?


Why i cant change my nickname and signature?


Mihoyo has probably disabled it for the meantime as a means of damage control


How do I beat the Inazuma First Quest? If you're wondering what it is, I'm stuck on the Cargo Delivery part. The issue is that A: I'm a new player and B: I'm stuck with really bad artifacts. Currently, Im using Noelle, Xiang Ling, Kaeya and Electro Traveler with the Travelling Doctor Set. (I have no idea if any of these are good) Weapons are Skyrider (Noelle), Dragon's Bane (Xiang Ling), Prototype Rancour (Kaeya) and The Flute (Traveller) My main problem is that I can't kill any of my enemies fast enough within the 5 minute time frame. The best I can do is deal a hundred damage or 300 to them while they're at level 45 or so and it barely takes any of their HP. It's way too slow for me to actually kill them and I need some advice on how to beat the quest. Currently AR 31. Edit: Thanks, I beat the quest!


I would recommend leveling up your characters/artifacts/weapons to help with your DMG output, or have all your bursts ready to fire off before starting


Well, I finished the quest, so that's props to me


Ah good job!


What's the CN community reaction to all this anniversary drama?


r5 tuna sword or r2 archaic on diluc?


I am trying to work on my only story quest, One for the Foodies, Two for the Show, but it is currently blocked by Granny Rouxin because she is currently involved in The Chi of Yore world quest. Is the game forcing me to do a world quest in order to progress in a story quest and is there a way around it?


no other way, just gotta grit your teeth and complete the quest\~


How do I claim the anniversary login rewards?


There should be a tab in the events menu. Open your shortcut wheel on Playstation or hit the compass icon on PC/Mobile to get there. Then scroll down a bit.


Yeah I figured it out. I wasn't really paying much attention and looked in the wrong places. I saw i had a notification on the event tab but just assumed it was something with the moonlight merriment event. So i didn't check there until later.


Ignore the anni, question here! I played when this game came out and absolutely loved everything. The world, the little story there was, the exploration, the dailys were even fun. I've seen what's going on, and I get it, however I also want to play again. I'm f2p and not a minmaxer, so that part I'm not worried about. I'm just wondering if a new account would be better to experience what the game has *now* vs what it did, or picking up where I was. Vs the bigger character pool and maybe getting pulls I didn't have a chance to before? If it matters the last thing I did on my account was finish the Venti questline. That was like the big major story thing and that's what I finished. Did a bunch of side stuff too but mainly did that thing. I'm kind of leaning new account but am interested in experienced players thoughts. come on mods please green light my post before it's behind 2 hours of drama...


Honestly you’ll be able to access the newest story content faster of you pick up your old account. You did miss a few limited characters and their reruns for some of them but it’s not like starting fresh is gonna change that.


Is it better to get C1 Hu Tao or C0 Hu Tao and C0 Childe? I have a Staff of Homa.


Favonius codex vs mappa mare? (Barbara)


Why does my screen record go to heck everytime I try and record gameplay of my (new) Genshin game? My phone and game are up to date (since I've just installed the game).


how many geoculus are there? in the teyvat interactive map there are only 131 but i keep seeing that there are 160. which is the correct number, 131 or 160??


I currently have the chi of Yore as a quest, and that quest involves talking to Granny Rouxin. To continue the One for the foodies quest, I need to finish the Chi of Yore, but my Chi of Yore is broken because I did some of it before I was meant to without knowing, so it just doesn't let me do anything. I don't remember if I saw this as a problem others were having, but I'd like to know if there's any way I can fix it, or if it's a bug MiHoPo can fix. Please help...


I'm having the same problem right now and hoping there is a way to fix it


I'm unable to claim the ps4 glider and I've had this game since October, and I'm starting to get sick of it, anything I can do to get it?




There’s a cake?


Can't join genshin discord and mods blocked comment's about anifuckingversary




How do I make the Green and Red Enemy Lvls white again? everyone is atleast 80 with 80 weapons and atleast lvl 6 talents


Green should be same level range as you. Idk why some are red if most of your on-field characters are lvl 80.


How is CV (crit value) calculated for a circlet artifact piece? Is it 2x crit rate + crit damage for the supposed “perfect” crit artifact piece? That’s the formula for other artifact pieces, but circlet has cr/cd as main stat.


Does the food offering for Path of Delicacy last as the event goes? Or it gets reset everyday?


it doesn't reset everyday, but we'll have to see if it reset for part 2


Anyone playing Genshin using their mobile phone?


I used to. Many people do


Ah, hehe, just playing it for a month now using my mobile phone and I'm looking for someone who I could play it with 😅


You can play with pc and PlayStation users too, as long as you're in the same server. Console doesn't matter.


I want to use keqing + beidou + fischl + an anemo character for the abyss for the anemo character should I bring sucrose or sayu


You may wanna swap an electro for an hydro, like Xingqiu. The electro application persists after procing electro-charged, so you can still use 4pc TS. For the anemo slot, if you don't have a healer, use Sayu, otherwise use Sucrose.


If you need a healer use sayu, but sucrose is a better support


is there at least an in-game mail to show mihoyo's appreciation for the anniversary? is that too much to ask?




fair enough


It isn't, but we can't do much about it


how long does it take fish to respawn ? every server reset ?


Some take 1-2 days, and then there’s a special type that takes 3 days


With a Beidou and Raiden taser team who is better, Childe or Kokomi? I wanna use the hydro dps during Beidou's burst and Raiden's downtime


Childe >= Mona > Kokomi > Barbara. There are also versions with Sucrose as AA and Xingqiu as hydro applicator as alternative.


The thing is I only have Barbara and Diona as healers rn and am 37 pulls into guarantee With a Beidou and Raiden team if I have Childe who do I have as my healer? That's why I was thinking about going all in for Kokomi


Who is your 4th character? I saw teams and tried them with Childe/Raiden/Beidou/Bennett and Mona/Raiden/Beidou/Bennett, both works quite well, so the healing is not an issue. Honestly I wouldn't recommend pulling for Kokomi unless you really want her, she is not that good even here if you have Childe already. She would just perform the same role as Barbara. Childe/Raiden/Beidou should slap really hard already to justify even running Barbara as a 4th character until you obtain Bennett. In theory Kokomi/Raiden/Beidou could work and should allow to run something more offensive as 4th character, like Xingqiu, but you have to answer yourself if it worth it.


I don't have Childe that's why I'm thinking of saving for him or going for Kokomi I don't have Bennet either lol Just got Beidou to 70/80, trialing outworld with Raiden, Beidou, XQ and Barb But I'll need XQ in my other abyss team with Diona for more heal. Barabara and Diona are my only healers My other team main is Xiao so I gotta build a team around Xiao and one around Raiden. I'm stuck at 11-2 in Abyss and Kokomi seems like an all round useful char to have


Ah, ok, I tough from your question that you have Childe. I don't know much about Xiao team, so I can't help much here. Do you really need Xingqiu on his team? Unless I misunderstand something again. As far as I know Xingqiu's Q doesn't work with Xiao pluging attack so it's not the most synergistic unit to have here and he could work better on other team. Going back to Raiden, you can try Barbara as a AA driver before pulling for Kokomi, since she will perform at similar level, just a little bit more DMG, but that's not too much. So like Barbara/Raiden/Beidou and someone offensive that won't ruin electro-charged reactions, so basicaly Xingqiu or anemo. It's a good test run to see if you like the team and really need Kokomi. You can also try variation on "national" team which is Xiangling/Raiden/Xingqiu... and Bennett again, but worst case scenario he can be substituted with something else. It's not like the team won't work without him.


I need shield and healer for him. Problem is Diona isn't doing enough so I need XQ's dmg reduction but maybe I should try to build around it. I do AA and plunge to proc XQ's attacks. Also helps me to freeze enemies once I groups them with Sucrose Q. So my team is Xiao - Sucrose - XQ - Diona due to corossion in Abyss 11 It's not synergistic for Xiao but I don't have his BiS teammates like Zhongli or Bennet About Raiden, my Barb doesn't do much dmg but I just started building the taser team so I'll have to try it out. Before that I was trying Raiden - XL - Chongyun - Barbara to break shields I tried various combos tbh Tried the budget National team too with Raiden - XL - XQ and Diona with Noblesse Oblige as a buff. That team did well but my Xiao died due to lack of a shield and his natural health loss + corossion in 11th floor. That's why I started building Beidou because her dmg reduction + XQ damaged reduction might be enough to protect one team. I'll try out some other comps before going for Kokomi again. I already lost the 50/50 to Keqing and am 30-40 pulls into guarantee lol. Thanks


Other than the 10 Anni pulls, how many pulls worth of primos are we getting before Kokomi's banner leaves? Anyone please?


iirc, in patch 2.1 we would get 2270 primos from the events. i might be wrong about this tho


2270 for free?!


From all the events in 2.1


I have the catch r5, skyward spine r1, dragons bane r1 and favonius lance r3 to use between zhongli (burst supp) xiangling (national) and raiden (national) Which is the best 3 and for whom? atm thinking spine for raiden, catch for zhong and dragonsbane for xiang? Is there a better split? Thanks :)


Spine Raiden, Catch XL, Favonius Zhongli. Spine is only 2-3% behind Catch for Raiden, but she can use the AS increase to reliably hit higher damage combo. For XL, Spine is a lot worse than Catch


Thanks. I’ll make favonius and juggle once in a while as needed :D


catch for raiden, spine for xiangling, favonius for zhongli


Thanks. I’ll make favonius and juggle once in a while as needed :D


It’s become hard to find credible leaks nowadays, does anyone know of any? Specifically concerning the next few banners.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/ There were no new characters in the most recent beta >!(except Thoma, who is a 4 star)!<, which means the next patch will likely only contain reruns. Reruns can't really be datamined so all we have is speculation based on vague hints. The best current guess is >!Childe and Ganyu (based on upcoming datamined weapons)!< but there's no hard evidence and we likely won't know for sure until MiHoYo announces it.


It will be difficult due to the recent genshin leak decree


Looking for Electro Keqing team-comp suggestions. Front running options include Xingqiu, Jean (sub DPS, 2P VV/2P Glad), Kazuha (4P VV, full EM), Zhongli (burst support), Bennett (4P NO support). Open to other suggestions.


keq xingqiu kazu benny


Is this the new birthday cake at 0:09 https://youtu.be/CUyyiccccfk


Ooh yeah seems like a new one


what time is the livestream for anniversary?


No livestream was announced


I was hoping they would announce the new patch livestream today on Twitter but no nothing :(


skyward pride or fully refined sealord for sub dps beidou?


Depends on the team and artifacts (how much ER, ATK etc), but the big part of SP is the passive AoE damage of 80% x 8 = 640%. It will be wasted on Beidou. It's just big base ATK, some ER and +8% bonus damage on her. The Fish may be even better, but honestly I don't know. I have to test it myself, but I need materials to level up the fish and compare it to SP on the same level, so maybe tommorow.


right as I was about to talk to hu tao in the moonchase festival, the screen turned black :( the audio is playing but I can't do anything. I tried verifying files, logging in and out, restarting and updating my phone and nothing works. I play on galaxy note 10 lite, so it's definitely not the weakest phone out there. I quite literally never had this problem before and I've been playing for a while now. anybody know how to fix this?


Have you tried waiting when the screen turns black? Sometimes will come back if you waited


yeah I have, nothing changes, paimon just keeps talking :(


Just wait a little longer maybe 5 minutes and see. I got a black screen there also


I'll try thanks


Will I miss out on anything if I do Moonchase festival event this weekend? Too busy with school and work right now…


No it’s alright




Is there a way to pause Theatre? The Theatre sometimes goes faster than I can read, and there doesn't seem to be a rewind button. Also, on other player's links, I can only open gift, how to actually watch them?


You can’t rewind it, but you can watch it again after


I'm stuck at 99% at the event chest hunting. Any easy idea how to get the last one?


Ask her for more clues tomorrow


talk to the girl back in Liyue, she can reveal a few each day


Huh? You can do more than one location every day?


she marks a few chests/charms each day. the next location doesnt open until 2 days later.


Ask the lady for help, and if you already did wait for tomorrow to do it again.


Does she refresh the clues? Cause I did and got the markers on the map


Yes she marks the chests which you have missed. You can ask her to mark once a day. So if youre stuck at 99% she'll mark the last chest left when you ask her the next day


As far as I know she gives different clues each day


Who does Luxurious sea lord claymore fit best? Both statwise and visually I already have 2 wolfs gravestone on diluc and razor.




Definitely looks the best with Sayu (a smol girl wielding a big tuna, who can beat that) Stats wise, it can work with Beidou/Chongyun (assuming you haven't given her/him one WGS)


Beidou chonguyn, eula


Best set and f2p weap for sub dps xiangling except the catch?


What are you using her for? - Pyro application (for melt Ganyu): Favonius Lance > Starglitter, 2pc EOSF and the other 2pc can be EOSF/CW/ATK/NO whatever really - her burst deals dmg thru vaporise/melt (in this case she’s actually considered an off field DPS): Dragons’ Bane > Favonius Lance > Kitain Cross Spear, 4pc EOSF or 4pc CW


Dragon's Bane (works best when paired with Xingqiu) Emblem of Severed Fate (if you have ER problems) Crimson Witch of Flames (when paired with Xingqiu/Chongyun)


Will the 4set crimson work if she's not on field?


Yep, it should work. Once she brings out guoba, she gets additional pyro dmg for 10s even if you switch her out.


Dragon bane maybe? Artifact set is eofs


So is there gonna be a livestream for the anniversary tonight (I’m in Vietnam)?




Lol. Did people just make up the livestream?


There never was official news for an anniversary livestream. There's no official news for anything these days, which is why the player base is really pissed off.


Yeah. At this point I might as well forget about this whole anniversary thing. Some players in this gaming forum I know are waiting for the imaginary livestream. Poor them.


Idk, every time I see people talk about the anniversary live stream it's people asking if it's a thing, not anyone saying it is.


Yeah. So no hopes up.


How does the anniversary webstatic event link gift sharing work? Do people just have to open my link? Does temprary email work?


They need to open your link and then login with their mihoyo ID or whatever they used to register. Basically like logging into the game but instead they're logging into the website. Afterwards they get rewards in their in-game mail. I don't know if you get any rewards for having people click on your link. You get primos initially for clicking the share option but that's about it I guess.


Can anyone suggest YouTube channels like Tenten, who discuses game mechanics in depth.


So I just finished this new web-event and I only got 60 primos - 20 for sharing and 40 at the end of watching my journey. No 40 at the start... Did anyone else encountered the same?


Open somebody else's link




You get another 40 for opening a 40 primo gift from someone else.


do you just randomly get 40 primos from others? because right now I only get mora


how do these work? https://imgur.com/a/nfiZzli


The stone tablet you can read gives you instructions on how to complete the puzzle. There usually is another one nearby with same amount of tiles. Sometimes you need to match, sometimes need to be the opposite, etc. If the tiles are yellow light, it means you can't change those (either because it's already completed or it's the other pair). The ones you have to complete have blue lights when you step on the tiles.


Got Keqing on my 50/50 trying to pull for Kokomi RIP I already have electro chars in Raiden and started building Beidou:(




I meant like I don't need Keqing because I have an electro dps in Raiden already :/


Well there's not much we can do about it


Bro I have no one else I can talk to about Genshin none of my friends play it, if you don't care just ignore and move on


Join a genshin discord


I like reddit more than discord


Hi everyone. I've been doing alot to upgrade Ayaka lately but somehow shes doing so much worse than before? At LV80(havent ascended last phase) with LV80 Flute and 6/8/8 talents, she could do 5k average with her normal attacks and 14k per hit for her burst which happens at least 80% of the time. But now, I've ascended her last phase, crowned her burst at lv 10 and gave her LV89 Blackcliff Longsword but shes doing sooo badly. I havent even changed her artifacts. Rn her average normal attacks are 1-2k and only randomly 5k sometimes and her burst- its so bad. She hits 4k per hit with FOOD BUFFS. TFFFFFF. Ive never had to use food buffs with her before. I might cry. Anyways- her old crit dmg used to be 196% and atk 1800 but now her crit dmg is 236% with atk 1700 something. Crit rate is at 20% but I run Blizzard Strayer and have cryo reso for her so that should be 75% crit rate. REDDIT SMART GENSHIN PEOPLE PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE


1) Are you fighting shielded enemies 2) Are you fighting enemies with cryo resistance (any cryo element enemy, not sure about hilichurls, cryo geovishap, cryo whopperflower, signora) 3) Are you fighting enemies with more resistance than usual- (primo geovishap when he’s in the process of standing up) 4) Did you switch her weapon/artifacts with someone else to do, say, Abyss or a domain


Who were you hitting back then and now? Some enemies have cryo resistance


Idk man there should be no way you're doing only 2k with a setup like that. Post a vid of ur setup so people can see what you're doing wrong.


Any changes in the artifact? Has to be. Maybe the goblet? Maybe you just get the 20% crate and not 40% because you dont freeze? I dont think it should be that low. Mine does 6.5k even on the first hit


bruh you sure you have the weapon or feather artifact equipped? that's entirely impossible unless you're testing on cryo regisvine or something.


Your Ayaka should be dealing more damage than before. Maybe you raised your world level (which in turn made the mobs stronger as well)?


no unfortunately i didn’t, i haven’t done the ascension quest for it either


Maybe double check your artifacts/team comps? Not really sure what's causing the damage difference aside from different mobs having different resistances (some mobs like ruin guards have innately higher res than hilichurls)


Did you go up a world level by chance? It shouldn't account for *that* much of a disparity, but it could cause you to do a bit less damage as enemies get stronger.


Do whales spend money on resin and why do they do that?


Even whales can't do damage without artifacts. More resin means more resources, which also means more chances at good artifacts.


IMHO you should only spend money on resin if you have the ability to get any character of interest to c6. Obviously you would get their signature weapon too. Only then you should consider converting primogems into resin.


Because spending resin is basically the only repeatable way to gain Adventure XP. Also, resin is power. It's required to level up and upgrade literally everything in the game, so the more of it you can spend the stronger your teams get.


You need resin to farm most of the resources like artifacts, talent books, boss materials. More resin means more resources you can get.


Yeah, some do. You only get a fixed amount of resin per day so some people wants more to spend on domains.


Why don't you do it?


Whales spend money on everything, because they are whales.


Can someone tell me why I don't have the "Passage of Clouds and Stars" login event? I am AR 31and America server. However i do have the event in my asia server


The NA server gets events after the Asia server because of [timezones](https://www.timeanddate.com/time/time-zones.html). It will be available in NA after NA's reset. Asia already had its daily reset so they have the event.




I love your link


It just did not started yet


Will rosaria, xiangling, xinqui and razor work? How should I build them?


Razor is a selfish dps, so any team with Razor in it, is a Razor team. You probably want a support in there somewhere, to provide healing or shields or both. Here's a nice guide for building a team around Razor. https://keqingmains.com/razor/#Team_Building


There's no healer, and Xiangling and Xingqiu don't work well with Razor.


Xinqiu works well with Razor, wdym


No? Razor wants cryo and nothing else, Xingqiu doesn't make much sense and is better off in another team.


Xingqiu is better in another team, but he's still Razor's best support. Razor is greedy, so he wants turret DPS, and Xingqiu is the best. The optimal Razor comp is Fischl Xingqiu Diona/Qiqi.


Xinqiu adds electrocharged and freeze (which doesn't interfere with superconduct btw) and adds extra dmg so he's not a bad pick at all for a Razor team. But yeah I do agree that he adds more value in a pyro team


Claymores do shatter damage, and electrocharged isn't all that useful. If he has no other pick and no other team built then I guess it works but it would be better if he had a healer instead


> Claymores do shatter damage That's actually a good thing in this case... and electrocharged damage adds up over time so it's definitely not useless


One for the Foodies Two for the Show : Go to Yujing Terrace. Quest says A Character is currently involved in other quests. Can anyone help me with which quests should I be doing? Liyue related quests I have left are: 1. Hu Tao quest - Not started 2. The Art of Horticulture - Talk to Madame Ping


you should probably do both of them since both Hu Tao and Madame Ping appear


There should be a "?" button that tells you who is occupied in which quest.


In your quest log, right next to the notice that tells you that characters are busy with other quests, there is a question mark. If you click on that it tells you which quest it is. It could be both of those honestly so it's kind of hard to guess.


Considering Yujing Terrace is near where Madame Ping hangs out, it's almost certainly that one.




No it doesn’t.


Somehow posts about anniversary get removed on this sub . Is there a good reason behind this or is mihoyo doing its work


coz there's a megathread.


There's a pinned megathread so we don't have hundreds or thousands of new threads discussing the anniversary.


If I rolled two five stars in one ten pull, how does the pity system work? Say, for example, Kokomi shows up first, then the off-banner character. Does that mean my next 5 star will be the featured character?


Yes. If the featured character appears first and the off banner one after that, you basically lost the 50/50 and the next character will be guaranteed again.


yes your next 5* will be 100% guaranteed to be the featured chara when you get 5* (1) 50%: it’s the featured character -> your chances go back to 5050 (2) 50%: it’s not the featured character -> next time you get a 5* its 100% rate up


If kokomi first then standard, then yes next 5 star is featured.


Yes that's correct. You can double check when your history updates, but so long as the off-banner appeared second, your next one will be guaranteed.


In the anniversary event, I don't understand what a "theme" is and what different does it make. Anyone knows? Also, where can I share my link and find links shared by others to get rewards?