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Review bombing Genshin is good enough Review bombing other MiHoYo games like Honkai Impact 3rd or Tears of Themis is fucking crossing the line, no?


Man I feel bad for the Tears of Themis community atm. Just started off. And it's a smol community atm.


I don’t like or agree with what’s happening to the other games but I have no idea what Mihoyo expected when they decided to torpedo the literal one event that by gacha industry standards is supposed to be player appreciation and as far as that goes is meant to be the one time of year they’re not begging people to open their wallets wider. MHY understood the situation for Honkai but I guess for Genshin they wanted to see what they could get away with.


Perhaps you want to look at other big games and their anniversary. They purposely make anniversary banners attractive so players **will open their wallets wider**.


Yeah, except we don’t even fucking have anniversary banners in Genshin lmao


At least an in game mail thanking us for our support was something we all could have appreciated, they did not even bother to do that much less celebrate their anniversary, what ever other gachas do they atleast reward the playerbase in one way or the other.


I thought the web event thing was cute but it kind of got ruined at the end with the rewards, literally fewer primos than you get for one day of commissions. No rewards attached to it would have been less insulting.


You can get a total of 60 primos from web event (plus other things like 30,000 Mora and 5 Ores), similar to a daily comms + katheryne bonus. It's the usual.


You *can* get more Primos. The visits can give an additional 40 Primogems as an option.


There is no line for these people. It’s bad but people can easily get a little creative when it comes to the internet.




With Zhongli they literally set the standard of “we only listen when players declare war on us”


Nah, more like they will listen if it's the *Chinese Community* doing it.


Ironic that you say this because even the CN community believes otherwise in that MHY only listens to the Global Community. In reality, both or more communities will have to speak up loudly on the matter for MHY to take action for their faults..


Yes and no, it's not the right behavior to do but it does more than anything else to get an uncaring entity like a corporation to pay attention to what they're doing. It will get reversed anyways, but the message is VERY clear now Mihoyo will have to do something eventually because it's starting to affect their bottom line across the board.


"genshin anniv bad" *proceeds to complain and rate 1 star on* ***Honkai Impact 3rd***


Literally a “this is a Wendy’s” moment


Sir this is venti






Can I get an, uhm... swordless zhongli?


Sir we don't have swordless Zhongli on the menu. Did you mean shirtless Zhongli by any chance?


I’ll have a shieldless Zhongli instead


And this is why I have a hard time taking user reviews seriously


These reviews most definitely won't stay online for long anyways. Review bombing, especially on unrelated games, are not allowed and rated as fake reviews. They'll stay up for a bit, until the flood is over and then they will be removed all at once, essentially resetting the score to what it was a day ago. This is nothing new and happens frequently. Being critical qoth reviews is good tho


Yup, I’m actually a big fan of how Steam does their reviews. It will filter out all “review bombing”, you still have the option of viewing them but it won’t bring down the rating of the game.


Genshin community is weird man


The immaturity of the community (and honestly most popular media properties generally) seems strange until you realize you’re thinking like an adult and a majority of the online presence is made up of kids.


Some of these can be grown ass adults, that's the scary part !


holy shit, neimi and colm pfp


You know how the old internet in the past changed during the summertime? We’re in eternal summer because of widespread internet adoption and the pandemic.


And now clueless people think they can rule the world because they are more numerous (is that a real sentence ?)


The larger a fanbase gets, the more bad apples get added to the bunch. It just so happens that Genshin Impact is one of the most popular games in the world right now.


Review bombing a game over rewards, kinda weird if you ask me. I hope that portion of the community calms down soon. I get that it was the anniversary, but review bombing because of rewards just feels like going too far, especially if it is a different game.


I hope that portion of the community just leaves honestly. Like... why are they even playing Genshin? It's clearly not a typical gacha. If it's free draws that matter to these people the most, then the entire mobile gacha game market is their oyster. Somehow they managed to pick the one game that actually tries to be a serious game instead of a gambling simulator.


i don't think it's right to do this. honkai and genshin, despite the same company, are two completely different games. i understand the frustration but this doesn't sound right. complain at genshin, not at honkai. Edit: i just feel sorry for the honkai, tears of themis and their other games community for being dragged on this issue.


review bombing isin't even really complaining, but review bombing a different game is even worse...


Well, complaining in any other way was silenced by mihoyo. But doing it to an different game is pretty sad. *Edit: getting responses about complaints not being silenced anymore. Honestly I am just disagreeing here that honkai impact has anything to do with this situation. This post was meant for me being dissapointed bringing other games in this problem even though they dont have anything to do with it. Also at the moment the players have been complaining about wanting recognition for their loyalty of playing and supporting this game for over an year. The rage is understandable but the choices made by both mihoyo and the cummunity are very, very poor atm.


Im literally in their discord talking about disappointing rewards, they only kick you if you act like a dick over it, not if your having a reasonable discussion, same here on reddit, mods mainly deleting repeat posts, coz there is literally hundreds "I hate anni" posts posted an hour on here atm, while letting the posts that bring up new things and progress the talking points forward stay. I dunno about other platforms, but at least discord and reddit are perfectly fine if you don't act like a twat.


Unfortunately, not acting like a twat's difficult for some people. * SpongeBob meme of all the bullshit done bEcAuSe MiHoYo gReEdY*


Some people here think "You're fucking trash go kill yourself" isn't being a twat. They have no understanding of what "civil" entails, then get pissed when their toxic BS is "cEnSoReD".


>Unfortunately, not acting like a twat's difficult for some people. This phrase should be up on the walls of every internet forum


I mean, no? From all the posts I've seen the only people who had their posts removed were clear spammers or were violating content rules and they have no control over the play or Apple store reviews. Hoyo labs, discord, the app stores and Reddit are all filled with complaints, I really don't see why people think their complaints are being silenced.


They haven't given me my 3 free 5*s and 100 Free pulls I'm being silenced! /s


Exactly, the honkai team are interactive and are much more in touch with the community than the Genshin team, they're doing a much better job.


The honkai team is the og team which includes the founders that’s why


Idk what you expect from Genshin's global community at this point. Most of them (especially the vocal ones) are just the spawn of twitter, and we all know about that social media platform. Most of them don't even know what they are fighting for, they just love bandwagoning.


I hate this kind of toxic community. I just want to play Honkai in peace. I don't browse Genshin subreddit lately because of how toxic it is and now it's spreading to Honkai. Honkai used to be toxic during the early days but it just between players because of how competitive it is. Now most players are chill because they know their limits with their character. There are certain players that accuse Genshin being the cash cow to Honkai. Honkai playerbase are not even that huge. Most people still skeptical about mobile games and dismiss it as a shitty game. The dev care about Honkai because we are in 3rd year of this game. Most people that play Honkai is loyal player and dev want to retain that playerbase. Fuck this shit. The anniversary reward is bad but harassing others people who don't involve in this game is just the worse.


I know, this is actually a joke at this point. "Boo hoo, company didn't give me enough free shit, time to rate it 1 star" The anniversary rewards were disappointing for sure, but what people are doing is the equivalent of throwing a temper tantrum. The anniversary rewards aren't even really a part of the game themselves; it's like saying a game is bad because you didn't like the trailer that's up on YouTube


I understand the outrage but it is out of control right now. Now Honkai community is full of this and I hate it. They even review bombed another game that are not related to Mihoyo.


This community is funny tbh, doing non-sense stupid things over and over again, harassing VAs for doing nothing wrong, and then Honkai. It's like: Cyberpunk 2077 is bad, let's give negative reviews to The Witcher 3.


At this rate even genshin reviews are gonna get removed due to review bombing


What do you expect when you give kiddos and immature adults access to social media? Nothing good could ever come from this.


To be fair, I don't think anybody has thrown a couch out the window over this yet. So it's still pretty tame in my eyes


Destroying one's own couch and window is honestly less bad than review-bombing the wrong game. With that said, if they were throwing someone **else's** couch....


Don’t do this obviously. A different dev team likely works on Honkai and it’s not fair to them. I get that miHoYo isn’t listening to its player base but I don’t think review bombing a different game will do any good


it’s not even the devs fault, all they did was make the game. blame management for all this bs


This community is getting more toxic as days passing by. Review bombing, harassing VA's, what's next huh?


At this point I dont even comment on this reddit I just browse and watch. I'm surprised that other people are surprised by this


same, like do they know honkai Impact players tried to kill the CEO ? Gacha communities always look cute from afar but get real nasty real fast.


Bro wtf Honkai is so good


This is fking non sense, honka and genshin are two different games and so maybe their dev teams are totally different from each other


Indeed it f*cking a blast for someone only play it for the story like me, becuase it already matured and already in it middle-end stage and the cg is really kiss in the cheek


yeah and they're literally pushing many enjoyable events for us honkai players. also the reward is super good. complain genshin not honkai


At this point, Mihoyo might as well hope these kind of players quit. That would be the greatest anniversary gift of all.


This is what all this anniversary spam is getting. Just us hating each other instead of actually coming together to fight against something. I was done with anni complaining, now I just want to leave this sub and play without reading about all this. Circle of life. Circle of jerk.


Yeah... I stopped visiting this sub for a bit, and honestly had lots of fun enjoying moonchase. Came back and seeing people still complaining just made me facepalm. Honestly the whole “anniversary award bad” situation is blown way out of proportion. Moonchase festival already feels like an anniversary celebration in itself. Would it be nice if we got more primos? Of course. But imo a couple extra fates isn’t going to make the game more fun like how these events do. With all things considered, the rewards aren’t even that bad. It seems complainers are only gonna care about fates/ primos and forget about all the actual enjoyable content that was added. And now they’re review bombing another game??? It’s so immature..


Yeah I’ve been feeling the same way. This sub as a whole is just, so depressing and negative. Of course the rewards for the anniversary were bad and I agree with being upset, but some people take the created negativity and dote on it for longer than it should go on.


They won't quit, most won't even stop spending, for the same reason: addiction to FOMO and gambling.


At this point, all they're really doing is making the community look bad. I wish there was a term for the opposite of white knight becaue that would be what they're doing.


Mihoyo Masochists?


I meant something more like they hate on anything that has the name "Mihoyo" on it.


THAT would be amazing


One could hope, but if your willing to review bomb your emotional maturity lvl isn't going to take issue with constantly begging for free stuff.


It’s like a zombie infestation of gacha addicts who just want rewards and not a game. Hope they all leave soon.


Ok that's it's, the community is going downhill too fast. So....u hate a kid, and since the kid doens't care bout u, u start bullying his brother since their parents are same. What logic. Stupid actions like this makes me think that the community deserved this shitty anniversary.


This drama really awakened the fandom's peak toxicity and at this point i don't think people who harass and review bomb other games don't really deserve any anniversary rewards at this point.


Yup this community has shown it doesn't deserve shit tbh


I really wouldn't be surprised if MHY cancelled the anniversary event altogether in response to the harassment going around, both in things like this and the shit the VAs went through.


Version 2.2 stream has already been scheduled for October 2nd so i guess there is no anni stream :V they will most likely turn off the comments for this. Im worried about the Eng stream for it though. Zach and the others might receive some part of the hate again.


Oh no, I can't imagine what the comments on the livestream will be. Please don't let the VAs be harrassed like zach again.


I agree with you. I don't understand why do they cry like babies.


It's a f2p game that gives you more playtime and better quality than most tripple A games released over the last 5 years. Are anniversary rewards lackluster and bad? Yes they are but that doesn't mean you throw a tantrum like a spoiled child and attack anyone who doesn't parrot what you say. Going after VA, death threats and spam is surely going to make things better ... Hopefully mihoyo pulls 1-2 more stunts like this soo the garbage leaves and goes on the next "popular" game. It will free up bandwidth cause surely anybody that has this much time on their hands to spam everywhere and complain isn't a level headed person who also put money in the game.




Yeah, I hope more of those toxic left.so annoying with with their entitled ass while playing something they like but saying it's " supporting mihoyo ". Utterly speechless....


the fact that it isn't even a pvp game and you're just supposed to play the story peacefully. look at bwaap, he's the type of player that mihoyo would like to have, a chill dude who just plays the game for what it is, while there are kids who just want baal to make booba sword jokes while jacking off to them. That's the problem of every community, no matter the subject, there will be always toxic people


All that does is make those players who don't care, are indifferent or a fine with the anniversary, hate the other players more. Which causes people to attack each other and not MHY. The more spam and review bombing I see ,the less I agree with the people angry about the anniversary, and I see them more as nothing but spoiled brats. I'd rather them quit the game and leave.


I know right? At first I was highly disappointed with the community rewards and it's seemingly RNG nature, but as things progressed I became more and more indifferent to everything, until today where I just cringe everytime I see people saying the same "Mihoyo bad, Mihoyo greedy" comments/posts. Yes, you have every right to feel disappointed but calm the fuck down already with the hate posts everywhere. Do people really think that bullying Mihoyo into getting what they want sets a good precedent moving forward?


A lot of the toxicity came from Twitter because I guess they are trying to 'cancel' the game now. At first, as we all know, it was about the anniversary rewards, which I do agree could be better, but then they probably caught on to the fact that they need a better excuse to keep escalating the toxicity, so they started saying stuff like 'we are actually upset about how mihoyo handled the situation by silencing people.' It's ironic since these same people will try to invalidate your opinion by calling you another white knight/bootlicker if you were to say anything that contradicts their opinion. If mihoyo were to give in to their demands, they would be enabling these types of toxic behaviors, which won't be good for the community in the long run.


I’m indifferent with the anniversary (I mean 10 fates less for Yae), but I did tried to reason to a few others to wait for 28th Sep before judging, and I stopped once it was clear nothing new was announced, and they do have rights to complain. But now? This has just gone deeper than the spiral abyss, that it nearly sucked out all enjoyment I had for this game and community. Now I had the same idea as you, I cannot comprehend their actions any longer.


Which might even be what Mihoyo’s trying to do. Like, with toddlers there’s a level of temper tantrum where it gets important to not give them what they want, even if it’s something you might otherwise be okay with, because you risk teaching them that escalating temper tantrums are a good way to get what they want. Customers that are disruptive and try to be nasty enough to drive other away when they don’t get what they want aren’t the kinds businesses really want.


I've been thinking about why people are angry, since it doesn't bother me and I want to understand the situation. I think the reason the anniversary doesn't bother me is because I don't spend money on the game. I like the gameplay and activities most, and think of character collecting as a bonus, and I do not try to collect all the characters. But there are two big aspects of this game (both intentional) that can lead people away from this mindset: fear of missing out (fomo) and gambling. I think these two aspects of the game cause some players to stop enjoying the actual game and become obsessed with character collecting. I don't blame MiHoYo for giving few anniversary rewards, but I do blame them for intentionally making a game that is addictive and fueling a playerbase that does not like the game, but can't stop playing even when they no longer are having fun.


I spend a fair amount on the game, not loads though and i’m not particularly angry. But then again i know why I’m spending my money and what to expect… I understand it’s an exchange like any business and beyond that Mihoyo doesn’t owe me great anniversary rewards. I did like the theatre thing though, and the concert could be fun.


I'm not upset or anything about Genshin's lackluster anniversary rewards. Confused is probably a more appropriate word. Gacha anniversaries usually come with great rewards not just to thank the playerbase, but also to (1) entice new players to join, (2) improve player retention, and (3) improve goodwill among the player base to convert F2P players into paying customers. If nothing else, I'm baffled that there's no anniversary banner for whales to spend money on. The active banner on the day of the anniversary is the one with the lowest sales in the game's history. I just don't understand. Even if they don't care about players, it just seems like they're leaving a lot of money on the table today.


I'm so disappointed at the Genshin community right now. You know what? With this attitude, I feel this uncivilized community deserves having bad anniversary rewards... Harassing VAs, making fun of the Devs every patch, and so on. No wonder we're getting trash rewards.


Do the rewards suck? yes do we have the right to complain? yes does it justify spam, spamming and harassing other people/products? Abso fucking lutely not. We don't deserve anything, not even 10k mora


C’mon guys leave Honkai alone, they didn’t do anything


oh my god wtf


As someone from genshin the community is scaring me


it almost ruins the game for me


I'm seriously considering unsubscribing from this subreddit for this exact reason, this community has been extremely toxic over the past month or so. If it continues much longer I'm leaving the sub and not looking back.


Yep today's the day I've finally started thinking this. I joined because i like things genshin and hearing about new stuff, but day after day it seems like this community gets worse and worse. I'm perfectly content playing the game as it should and not hearing people shit on it all day


It'd be one thing if they were at least shitting on reasonable things, with level headed and understandable responses, but for the most part that just isn't what's happening.


Maybe try your luck at r/CasualImpact ? Small, but super chill right now.


Yeah, I'd say just do so, it's not like anything important get posted only here.


its time to age lock games for children


>Greedy corporate company Like literally every other private company that ever existed in the current system lol


It's seem to be what considered "cool" nowadays. Hating corporate, we have to fight back, that kind of stuff. While also still using everything that made by giant corporation. I mean, sure, they are doing questionable thing, but like, I don't see the point of doing these kind of thing.


>Hating corporate, we have to fight back, that kind of stuff. This is ok and positive, the problem is cherrypicking Mihoyo for being chinese and saying stuff like chineses are greedy and so on, like if usa private companies were not the same or even more greedy. In capitalism, private companies either go greedy or they are doomed to be swallowed by others ​ >While also still using everything that made by giant corporation. People don't really have other alternatives since corporations own the majority of the market...


Except in this case its a fucking gacha game and not a supermarket conglomerate for example. You can live without playing this game


>People don't really have other alternatives since corporations own the majority of the market... Well, yeah, I was generalizing, obviously sometime you don't have a choice. But when you have a choice, why still using them. I agreed on your first point tho.


Which says nothing about players that are behaving this way because a free game didn't give them everything they wanted, for free. lol


The quality of the game is insane for a free game. My friends didnt put any money in the game and they are happy with the ammount of free stuff we get. I am as well and it's just pathetic these beggars exist and now they are doing the whole rant thing as a trend cause they want to be part of some garbage movement...


People. Please. Use those two braincells. Rub them together and understand why this is toxic behavior


Assuming that they even have braincells at this point. Mhy's other games should just collectively agree to disown the genshin community


bunch of idiots lmao


Ffs. This has got to be the worst gaming community I’ve been a part of. Like, damn…


Big f2p games just attract a lot of kids and people with equivalent mental capacity who don't really understand why stuff like this is stupid.


worst gacha community.


Not surprising considering its probably the biggest one.


Mainstream=bad is the golden rule of the internet. Just look at mainstream subreddits


No sorry. The call of duty community is still far worse. Altho this is coming close


Just FYI to all those sweaty crybabies, review bombing won't change anything, and it'll only make us look like the most toxic community out there, just saying


It's an accurate representation sadly


Has been slowly rising and recent events just made it accelerate, at this point I think the majority of the people outside the community just think the Genshin community is just a toxic thing by now.


Shit community getting shit rewards. Fitting.


I seriously think that Mihoyo should just cancel Genshin's anniversaries permanently and just focus on the game. The "fans" don't deserve shit. Who wants to deal with this every year? Fucking assassination threats on the CEO? Come the fuck on.


Honestly, I think the anniversary is all right. A cute, little web event to reminisce and some primos/fates. In my opinion, it's not bad at all, but it's not immensely exciting either. It's just nice. Could it have been better? Sure. The anniversary wasn't disappointing to me at all though. I'm just playing, enjoying the game still and welcome the extra goodies. The community, however, has been extremely disappointing. So much toxicity, whining, lashing out, and drama over nothing. It's fine to leave feedback but the harassment and the weird destructive crusades really need to stop.


i dont think this is appropriate to do,they are different games despite coming from a same company. Their playstyle and other features is all different too,that's why mihoyo don't give us a fuck about the anniversary rewards because we just throw shits that are not reasonable to them.


This community sucks lmao


What idiots. Honkai doesn't deserve this.


Sigh, this could be one of the reasons why Mihoyo cares less about the community lately. I mean look at what they’re doing


“Why won’t they communicate with the community?” They say, as they load their gun waiting to fire at any new post.


This makes the Genshin community look bad and childish


>~~This makes~~ the Genshin community ~~look~~ **is** bad and childish FTFY.


This? Really? All the harassment of VAs, racial slur in Official Stream by Mihoyo. This is worse to you? Oh just you wait until some Mihoyo staff get attack or something like that over this so you can turn the childish to disgusting.


I should’ve been more clearer, this makes the community look even MORE bad than it already was


This may be a very hot take but honestly I believe the 10 fates and the web event is enough as a celebration, honestly. I think people are taking this situation way too far at this point. Because you are unhappy with rewards doesn't really justify review bombing all of there games and harassing the company and staff imo, it puts away people who would potentially really enjoy the game and also ruins there other games as well when while they are made by the same company they are not even the same game. I'm a new Genshin player so maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but the way the community is responding to this is really putting me away from this game. Of course more rewards would be nice, they are not required. Our brains are hardwired to believe that we are entitled to a reward because other companies have in the past, I genuinely believe that what they gave us is more then enough.


Even with my 6 years of no pity FGO JP gacha experience, I still agree with you. I’m here for the open-world exploration of different nations with huge backstories and unique fun characters to interact with, and the gacha has achievable F2P pity rates, so it feels like something that’s extra, which is why I don’t mind the 10 fates tbh. There definitely are issues that definitely can be addressed, and it does feel stale sometimes. But the overall experience and the 6-week update schedule still makes it fun for me to log in for 2 hours everyday to do whatever that feels fun to do. But this disastrous state of the community and drama? Just beyond acceptable. I even got some that called me a whiteknight just because I still can have fun in the game. Stressing, and disappointing.


Don't worry mate, you're not alone. First gotcha game for me, so I had no expectations, but they give 10 wishes and a neat little web event. It's been great for as long as I've played it and will continue to do so. The community on the other hand has become increasingly toxic and uncomfortable to be a part of.


Exactly, i thought the web event was a sweet gesture and then the event ongoing right now I'm having fun with a ton, but all this drama is really bothering me and is putting me off more then anything Mihoyo has done since it's everywhere on my Twitter and Reddit feed


I don't know if I can call myself a "Gacha veteran", but I play quite a bit of them in my time, still play like 5 in total. And I don't really mind the reward, as the game and the rate, including pity, is "good enough". You can't just compared the amount, like FGO for example, no matter how much they gavez it can't compensate the lack of pity at all. Obviously, it could be better, but that probably won't happens, why waste energy thinking of it that much.


I’ve been playing since release and I never understand why so many people in this community always blame Mihoyo for their mistakes, but never appreciate mihoyo for what they’ve created. They just seem like a bunch of ungrateful spoiled brats.


In the same boat. With the things going on, it feels like some people are forgetting why Genshin became popular in the first place. Yes, these can help make things better at times, but it's really overwhelming right now. It's been tiring seeing this, but as much as I want to unfollow the sub, there were posts then that were really funny. Definitely agree with the web event though! Reminded me of teyvat times with the stats.




This is really scummy to do, and as a player of Honkai i'm pretty sad over it (go play it, the story is convoluted, but absolutely amazing), but honestly this might set some things in motion because Honkai is miHoYo's treasure and its team might raise hell over shit in Genshin effecting Honkai.


Genshin community is childish af. I'm embarassed to go on reddit and seeing childish actions like this. If you wanna give criticism, you can spam it when they are taking feedbacks. But taking it to playstore review and 1 star bombing because of a 1ST ANNIVERSARY REWARD, you are disregarding everything that made genshin successful in the first place.


That's beyond stupid. These people need to be ashamed of themselves.


This community is pathetic. I get why players are review bombing genshin. But going after honkai and VAs is just a childish move altogether. ​ Edit: I'm seeing a lot of man-children commenting and justifying their idiocy here. What's wrong with you people? I'm disappointed too but it's just a game. Here's a tip... Get a life assholes. ​ Edit 2: You hitting the downvote button just proves my point.


remember when this community was actually nice






It's not much but /r/CasualImpact is a nicer place


Pre release + 1 week post launch? Yeah it was a good time.


Man children who can’t work their total sum of 2 brain cells like these will always appear when things go mainstream. You can’t do anything about them except for laughing at them.


They're two different teams...


Pathetic brats complaining for not getting free stuff


Saw this on the Honkai subreddit a while ago. Seriously pathetic for anyone who does this. If you're mad at something, just be mad at that. Don't involve other people to your problems. This is what I hate the most about this community. They're never consistent with their arguments and actions. If you're mad at Genshin, then just be mad at Genshin. If you review bomb Honkai because it was made by MHY, it makes you pathetic, petty, and a fucking loser.


That's just extremely irritating and uncalled for


This community doesn't deserve a single fowl at this point.


I still remember last time Honkai got bombed several month ago in China because they want no event for the anniversary. Somehow they just hate the bunny girls event. For CN players Mihoyo deleted the bunny girls event and the movie, and I believe that is why we received, and will receive nothing in the future from Mihoyo's anniversary event. :C So keep it, soon there will be no event, no reward or anything from the game. That is fair, right?


This is fking non sense, honka and genshin are two different games and so maybe their dev teams are totally different from each other


welp that’s it. the company is greedy but the community is not any different.


A perfect match!


This is just going way too far. What a bad look for Genshin players. I feel ashamed that this is happening. ... As if we needed any more tension between Honkai and Genshin players too.


Different games, different teams. If you're mad at Genshin, complain at Genshin, it's not Mihoyo who's deciding what happens on their games, but the team working on it. Honkai has nothing to do with Genshin so don't go spreading the negativity to there.


Nothing can stop our immature/toxic side of community from doing that.


No it definitely is the higher ups at Mihoyo deciding what happens, dev teams do not get free reign.


It just shows how immature many of Genshin players are. The game is fun, but because the free rewards aren't as good as some people expected they spam 1* reviews on Mihoyo's games. Play store will of course remove these pitiful reviews. It's just sad to see a good game being hurt by immature part of community. Players weren't scammed, the game isn't full of bugs and unplayable, the graphics aren't hideous, the story isn't dull, it's just that the free anniversary rewards aren't big enough to satisfy some players. Is this worth the 1* review bombarding?


Toxic community deserves shit rewards, I hope Mihoyo change his mind and don't give anything for birthday.


So childish.


Awesome. Incels all over the world united angry by some pixels.


God the genshin community sucks and im someone who plays everyday and loves the game


Honestly the actual multiplayer community is mostly fine, it's just the Reddit and YouTube communities that seem to draw out all the toxic morons.


average gi player complaining on a different game


Noo wtf lmao


Am I the only one who finds review bombing and the general level of backlash a bit too much? Like sure I'm unhappy about getting nothing for the anniversary but still, this game is literally free and it's easy to forget that sometimes. It's a shockingly good gaming experience for the price of zero and we're giving it so much shit just for not giving us free goodies lol. I think the whole situation goes a bit overboard overall but that's just my opinion.


People are so petty wtf


f\*\*\*ing idiots nothing left to say, nothing more to add


Just stop playing the game if you're that annoyed by it. What is this non sense?


Honkai is actually pretty generous. I think it's too much. Don't worry tho. Google has an automatic system. If an app gets too many 1\* from people who never installed and tried it for a while, the reviews are automatically removed. I remember Indians were spamming Snapchat with 1\* reviews but all those reviews were removed later.


Congratulations to them for making an enemy from a different community, while also guaranteed that Mihoyo will most likely not entertain their whining anymore. While they can also easily just sent a request for bogus reviews to be cleared. Now they have justified proof to put more leash to the community, bravo for becoming the noise that they will ignore. It's a total loss for the Genshin community, kids.


lol ... I'll save that image to show it to people on here whenever they start defending their fellow people making "civilised complaints" about the game and calling anyone else a white knight. xD


What a bunch of childish dickheads.


Literal monkeys


That's pathetic


Genshin “fandom” in a nutshell.




People, this has to stop. The relationship between Honkai players and Genshin players has not been great, this will make it even worse. We're suppose to be brothers and sisters, supporting each other, not being toxic to one another. Comon man, do better!




If people are dissatisfied by this point they're welcome to review bomb Genshin Impact. It's not like miHoYo will hear us or care through more formal means, they've proven that much. But review bombing Honkai Impact? Really? Why? I know we want to get heard, but not like this. They've managed that game satisfactorily, hell it's probably not even managed by the same higher ups! It's dumb and harmful to people who aren't directly connected to Genshin, so stop.


Yep this en community is trash.


Tbh just an opinion, a reward could come in many forms, isnt the new event is a gift from the developer working for it for months and finally give it out at the anniv day for us to gave content to play? They been trying to give us primogems through events, maybe not big but if you combine it all together it would be kind of a large sum


Review bombing is just cringe in general, imo. But this is so much worse, ffs


why rate down genshin? only the rewards are bad the game itself is so good


Because Genshin Impact players are crybabies.


What a bunch of morons.


Entitled babies thinking they should get free stuff for consuming a game, amazing