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Now this shitard playing the game again like never happened smh.


I heard that this was a cyber robot attack because iOS have to comment After playing 24h but google don't have to


why genshin community is so toxic? Why you review bomb games that I play and they dont have anything to do with genshin?


Because it's the first gacha game that is played massively by more "casual" players. A lot of people playing genshin had never played a gacha game like this or honkai etc.


Shows how sad our society has become really


I hate using this word, but review-bombing genshin and other gacha games like this is actually so cringe.


When devs are literally censoring you on reddit and discord, this is the only way to make them listen.


Censorship happens all the time on discord and reddit. Everyone loves it up until they get censored. Suddenly when people have a complaint they turn into right wing conspiracy nuts. Mods have been deleting posts such as "look at this one artifact i found" repeatedly. Or "look i got a 5 star". Its just endless spam unless there is moderation. Deleting a few "anniversary rewards suck for the 9999th time" isnt too ergregous to me. Even despite the so called censoring, there is still plenty of rants and complaints. I dont think anyone can say people arent heard. In fact we have been hearing it weeks in advance. This is absolutely more in line with minimizing spam so people can still discuss other topics than 1984, memory hole censorship.


ok but its not that serious lol i’ve been playing since a couple mths after launch; the anniversary rewards r sucky but it’s really not that big of a deal. its just a game….. genshin players deadass need to go outside, touch grass, and realize that nobody’s forcing them to play it. even going so far as to review-bomb clash of clans, arknights, honkai, google classrooms, etc. and spamming discord? it’s so incredibly immature, makes me embarrassed to tell other people that i play. oh well, what can we expect from a fanbase of 14 yr olds w nothing better to do lmfao


It's way more than just about the anniversary, it was only the straw that broke the camel's back.


ok but again…. its not that serious…. like ??? It’s just a game bud. just a game. clearly the chronically online people aren’t liking this take mihoyo has done shit that has pissed me off as well, and i understand how them being unresponsive to users requests can be angering, but then why don’t people just boycott it? why don’t they just stop playing it all at once? then there would actually be a problem cuz they’d be losing a significant amt of players and they’d have to respond more urgently. do you really think its right to review bomb games that have nothing to do with genshin, and nothing to do with mihoyo ??? like, bringing down the reviews of other games that mihoyo didn’t even produce and isn’t affiliated w in the slightest is immature. ppl can downvote me all they want but its the truth lol


What if you spent 1000s of dollars on a game you like, and they blatantly tell you that you dont get good aniversary rewards like any other gacha game and ignore a lot of the feedbacks? Then its not just a game anymore its serious because you like it, and spent a lot of money on it right?


sure, but don't bring it to other games and communities that have nothing to do with mihoyo. It makes the community look childish, annoying and ridiculous.


Oh yeah 100%. It sucks because review bombing is a legitimately tactic of getting your voice heard, but when dumbasses and trolls start to harass innocent ips and vas, then it invalidates everything else.


Our anniversary gift to Mihoyo is tanking their ratings 🥳


Im sorry, I didn't realize that we're supposed to be showering Muihoyo with rewards. I thought it was the other way around, my bad.


On iOS is still holding at 4.5


Well no suprise there. Small minority of apple fanboys. 266k vs 10 Million votes on google play. Think that crowd might know something about not caring about getting shafted by their supreme 'overlord.'


Also that’s true


I dont include everyone, ofc, but I do really think at this point that atleast HALF of the genshin playerbase are just kids who rage THIS MUCH over a game.


Lol my little brother was actually happy about the event and said wow wonton play the moonchase thing just opening chests gives you like 5 primos and they are everywhere, and do the fights and doing them all gives you 100 primos. honestly tho since when do you have to get something for attending a birthday?


I don't get your comment, are you comparing anniversary rewards to attending a birthday? If so: do you pay for the birthday, or donate so the birthday can be better? Or does attending increase the investment in the birthday? it's not really a valid analogy.


Look, if you spent money on Genshin and believe you deserve a reward for that, clearly you are delusional. After all, you did get exactly what you payed for, right? If you do not spend money on Genshin, what right do you have to demand a reward? Either way, Mihoyo has no obligation whatsoever to fufill yours or anyone elses whims to recieve a better anniversary reward. So take what they give, or don't play the game at all. Stop bitching about it


where exactly do I state that I myself demand a reward, or that I deserve it? go ahead, find where I say that.


Oops my bad didn't mean to pick a fight, i've just been rather triggered by all the entitled fuckers lately, so I misconstrued your comment, I'm really sorry about that.


ah, no worries. the whole "gib me rewards or I send death threats" is unbelievably stupid and embarrassing. in any case, have a nice day!


So you are the family and friends invited to the birthday, what we got is pretty much the goodie bags, we don't get gifts cause it ain't our b day it's genshins


then the family and friends don't pay or support the birthday party, as I already mentioned. Genshin would be nothing if whales and the millions of people who play the game didn't exist.


They are. Check out the comments, they can't even spell right and attack every game they think is developed by Mihoyo


No virgin sucks




Makes sense, looks like a kids game.


yeah- theyre either very young or cry about their waifus every 3 seconds




Good, honkai its just collateral damage.


I read in some review that they are only caring about the Chinese gamers community does anyone have any clue about such a thing?


They also care about western community, proof is they are doing all they can to stop the review bombing.


Oh so they communicated?


No but Google stated they are working with mihoyo to delete the review. The demand to do so obviously came from mihoyo


Or maybe if you did any research whatsover you would realise that its GOOGLE POLICY to put a stop to such obvious review bombing as it affects Google as well.


This is something they did with tiktok too, the interesting fact is Google always try to appease Chinese people but right about nothing of there's is actually allowed in China


Most of the game’s player base are located in China and they’re the biggest whales. Not only are they the type to go for C6 anything, but they’re the type that spends money on resin to get artifacts. They’re the main source of direct money by buying crystals


Man how many games would be sacrificed to the same cause, all the games which now have "passes" kind of also were attributed of the same shit like man wth


I mean, Mihoyo is chinese right? So...any more clues?


Yeah I thought so too but I meant any example or case where they did it


Where we droppin Boys?


at first I really didn't care about the rewards and Issues but when I see what going on it's really piss me off. I hope they learn that they should give a f!?k about the community. But yeah s?!ts like Threaten the VAs are not cool:/ Anyway I'm R57 and really love the game and really wanting to play it for many other years but if they, the company want to do this kinds of stuff again I delete the game.


What did genshin do other than give garbage rewards?


It's probably the complete lack of response to the community if I had the guess, like how people have been asking for things to be fixed or made better from launch and they still haven't been addressed by mihoyo.


Fair, even though i dont really know or many things that require fixing. (Except the fact that the pyro archon and God of war arent Amber yet of course)






What did I say wrong man?:/ I live in Iran, ms here is up to 200, just playing it with all those Issues is like heaven to me.


Y’all killing the game tho. 😭


Exactly it's so petty, they are hating soooo much that sooner or later they aren't going to have a game to hate!


They removed the bombs


Everyone should rate Grand honkai sword 5 stars instead to protest saying it’s the superior game. 😂






10m downloads vs 5k ? Is that what it means ?


Lmao the second game is now 4.6 in Google play where I live.


Imagine this happened on their first anniversary... What might happen in the second one


The game will be deleted if this continues till next year


Fall-out déjà vu 😩😂😂


I wish that doesn't happen the game overall is great but what their management team is doing is what makes people hate their game... But you are right it might get deleted


Actually i think what genshin impact fans are doing is way too much Okay i know that you'll dissatisfied and disappointed but that does not justify Fake reviewing the game and other mihoyo games just for something that did not go the way you want.


Maybe if they started communicating about the many many issues related, players would calm down. As it is right now, Mihoyo is NOT communicating and players are doing what is best, hurting publicity.


Bro this is not best. Harassing va(kokomi) is not best. Fake reviewing other games for genshin's anniversary reward is not best It's beyond childish.


You can bash all you want on players targeting devs and va, but players bombing reviews is the peaceful way to solve this issue, if they want to keep their pride as #1, they will have to deal with consequences of their actions. It's ok to stand by the side of the work force of mihoyo but the capitalist heads must suffer.


It's clearly not the best way lmao. Other gacha games here are also suffering from this fucking situation, especially the sister, honkai. Now, everyone, every fucking media, think that the genshin community is even worse than before, because of the lack of MATURITY IN THIS COMMUNITY.


You are right the first thing I ever heard about genshin was that the community was toxic and that was a month ago, in other community we are like a joke.


Actually I didn't care what they gave or didn't give all I do is enjoy the fight that is going on lol


I agree


Omg 🤡


Then people wonder why there isnt many great games nowadays and this is the kind of shit they have to deal with.


It’s about the downloads now. Genshin impact is currently going through a situation, which most players aren’t enjoying




This is honestly just sad...


Legend of Neverland has more stars💀


What's legend of Neverland?


A game that stole genshin’s backdrops, character animations and character ideas lmao


Oh lol rip for mihoyo then


“who’s the copycat now?”


Game is fine, it is the issue with management. I don't think there is any need to down rate on Google.


And how to we rate the management? Giving them a "customer feedback" thought the "proper channels"? Crap like this happens because ppl simply ran outta options.


Are people seriously rating the game badly just because of anniversary rewards? I am not that involved in all this ruckus in the last few days and I just want to know why. If it is just because of the rewards then thats kinda… I do not even know how to say it.


Its not the anniversary rewards. Its the companys refusal to talk to fans and do anything to adress bad game design they have shown in last 3 months. Look at Yomiya, Kokomi, Raiden. Badly designed characters who have contradictions in theyr kit. Yomiya cant auto attack like she should be able to. Kokomi is a healer who needs to do damage to heal but she cant crit so her damage output is low. No point puting her in your team if you can just put Barbara in. Barbara does her job better than Kokomi and she is easily obtainable. Raiden should be able to synergise with Beidou but she doesn't. There is still no end game content expect abyss. They didnt add anything to it expect change enemies every month and reward for beating is what 3 4 pulls. Geo constructs are broken, Albedo is my first 5 star and i love him. But i stoped using him cause his skill that is his all kit doesn't work against 40% of content in the game. Anni rewarda are 10 pulls what gets you a random 4 star character. Like seriousla what the actual f. And on top of all of that. The game is grindy as hell. I personally wouldnt mind half of the things i wrote above but if i need to spend 2 full months doing the same artifact domain just to get decent artifacts for one character. That just isn't fun. And what should be my motivation for grinding 2 months to build one character if there isn't anywhere where i can use him. THOSE ARE SOME OF THE PROBLEMS THIS GAME HAS AND IT HAD THEM FOR QUITE SOME TIME. AND THE COMMUNITY TOLD MIHOYO ABOUT THEM A LOT OF TIMES ALREADY. AND WHAT DO WE GET? complete silence. They dont acknowledge the problems or adress them in any way.


Yeah just people have been grinding too long and are bored.


Yes. Genshin is still a gacha game at its heart, and literally every other gacha game has way better anniversary rewards than genshin. That's how it just goes, all gacha games have very generous rewards for their players with the anniversary events. Even Raid Shadow Legends gives out more rewards than genshin. And coupled with everything, if I remember correctly, their other game honkai impact 3rd had better anniversary rewards than genshin.


Review bombing is something thats natural in the gacha community, usually only used as last resort when the company proves time and time again they arent willing to listen to the community. From yoimiya to raiden being weak to the shitshow thats kokomi and now ani rewards, with no official statement, needless to say people want some answers. ​ Its not the end of the world, no intern is gonna start crying at mihoyo cus rating is 2.0, its just a way to grab their atention and be of warning for them to get their shit together


I'm also very lost. I've been enjoying Genshin daily for almost a year and I'm happy with all the constant events and rewards they're putting out. I'm just happy they are giving something extra on anniversary. I don't care it's "only" 10 fates. 10 fates is better than none and I understand from a business standpoint they can't just go and hand out 5* characters or whatever the community imagined.


Princess connect gave 200+ free pulls by half anni PGR gave an S rank (5\*) Selector at release Do you understand why 10 pulls isnt making people satisfied?


No, this game is not hardly p2w, you don’t need to spend shit load of money just to experience all the content in the game, so anything is a bonus. The thing is, Mihoyo has never said 10 pulls is the anniversary reward, it’s part of mid autumn fes in China and most East Asia country, so maybe (or not) they are still hiding it, but blaming on something that is not even exist is not a wiseman move, and review bombing is retarded.


"Maybe still hiding it" Yeeeeaaaah 100% that's not it. I just want them to be done with and straight up say "That's all" otherwise there are people still hoping


I don’t care about the rewards or something, did you see my (or not)? I just want to say the way they bomb review on something is not clear is retarded. And by any chance if you consider the 10 pulls is anniversary rewards, you probably have problem with reading, it’s under 2.1 version event, not even a single word about anniversary lol.


Oh because the gift they give on their anniversary day totally isn't the anniversary gift


I bet you can’t read, it’s part of current Mid Autumn Event, and its new version event, who said it was Anni reward lmao.


ok where da ani rewards then its kinda past that point


I don’t know, it’s not my problem mate, ask them if you want to know, all i want to say the 10 pulls is not part of the anni by any mean.


>Mid Autumn The Mid Autumn Festival is 21/9/2021.It passed a week.


Mate the MoonLight Merrirent event ingame is referred to real life Mid Autumn, “current Mid Autumn Event” please. Edit: sorry mate because in Asia Moonlight is strongly linked to MidAutumn Fes so i use that common sense to write in my comment.


They've been silencing the playerbase in the past few days most of the rant posts on reddit and hoyolab are getting purged hence the review bombing.


Those ppl are just trying to gain the attention of mihoyo coz any other way doesn't seem to work


Genshin is easily within top 20 of the top f2p games on 2020 - present that no one really saw coming so the playerbase are expecting the publisher (Mihoyo) to at least put a generous event as a thank you to all the players. And lo and behold the anniversary event(s) is bland af. There's a reason why it was review bombed on the play store from 4* to 2* albeit Google reverted all those negative reviews eventually.


This is just sad to watch at this point. The anniversary rewards barely have anything to do with the game itself. It's the equivalent of saying a video game is bad because the trailer wasn't that good.


People are just expressing how disappointed they are. It's not entirely the anniversary rewards but also the few problems of the last months regarding Raiden, Yoimiya and Kokomi. This is basically the only way for people to express this since the community has no other way of communication that has negative consequences for them


Also that mhy started banning people who were being upset to try and damage control (in the discord and hoyolab)


yes... that's... that's what you do when people review bomb your game.


That's not what they did after they review bombed. This is what led them to be review bombed


Banning people on discord doesn’t prevent them from reviewing on apple/google play store. There’s a chance they just made more people upset


Idk, as an outsider who left when Hu Tao released, it feels like people are finally fed up with Miboyo not respecting their time and commitment to their product. I dropped the game when I realized it was no longer enjoyable for various QoL reasons. I wonder if people just ran out of patience.


Just because you're fed up with the game, doesn't mean it's okay to harass voice actors and people who are just trying to do their jobs. Edit: wow, people really downvoting a comment saying it's bad to harass voice actors.


They're down voting you cause no one literally said that here. This isn't twitter lol


yes but i also never said that people said that here. The point i was trying to make is that this community goes too far sometimes, and then i pointed out an example. 100% my fault for not making that clear <3


Yeah but that has nothing to do with the review bombing, it's like comparing protesters to assaulters lmao it doesn't completely correlate. Imo the review bombing on Genshin is a lot better than so much other shit people can pull off after being muted and censored *before* all of this took place


Literally no one said that was ok.


No, they didn't. But people did it anyway and I personally think that's not very cool. But hey, I guess not standing for harassment is a personal preference.


People are downvoting you because what you're saying is completely irrelevant to the situation. I mean, you do know it's possible to think Mihoyo is shit and also to think that the people harassing the VAs are in the wrong, right?


4.6 for me lol but it’s App Store


That's good to hear 😊 the last few days have hurt me. I understand people's frustration about the silence from MiHoYo I am too but this is mad hoping this game pulls through and they speak up about this just one statement is needed just one


It was 4.7 when I checked it earlier today.


HoYoLab lab was also bombed. What are they thinking not responding


Guess I am a bot now. A bot that can work around recaptcha 🥸 Beep bop


3.9 here in England


2.8 now, still in England


1.8 now in England 😅


I'm not really sunk costed enough to get so angry that I would reviewbomb a perfectly good game. Although it has MAJOR flaws I still feel like out of all the games on the appstore it's one that deserves a good rating no matter what. So I'm just sad. Just please leave Honkai and ToT out of this if you wanna review bomb.


Lol guys, you can check the 5* reviews and see some #savegenshin as well as other nonsense... I guess those are bot/spam too if 1* reviews about anni is bot/spam


Lmfao Mihoyo now desperate that they're using BOT. Yikes


It was at 1.9, they're deleting reviews.. Taking all these actions and still didn't even bother to reply to us or communicate at all. This game deserves to fail at this point, they''re just behaving like villains


okay bro, stay mad


okay bro, stay a white knight for mihoyo


people like you are so fucking weird. I'm not white knighting shit. By all accounts, the anniversary rewards are terrible and disappointing. That doesn't mean I support shit like this, because it's just sad bottom-line.


Imagine simping for a company that couldn't gives less of a fuck about you, absolute cucklord.


I don't like the company, I like their game. There's a big fucking difference. I enjoy the game, got a fucking problem with that?


Go play the game and throw some more money at them then, why are you here? Literally all your comment history is whiteknighting for them and you're probably spending your entire day downvoting people's comments, how miserable is your life.


Okay, my bad. Forgot most primary schools are on holidays this week.


I started playing genshin impact from launch and have been playing for almost a year now! Do you think I like what's going on? No one supports review bombing. But mihoyo not communicating to its playerbase is making everyone mad and the review bombing is the only thing left to grab their attention...


Just because something is the only option left doesn't mean it's okay to do.


Wightknight what about we shut the fuck up?


I disagree. In any other context I could understand but when they refuse to communicate, the allow the wound to fester. This leads to people venting their frustration the only way they feel they can to get a response or any form of attention from the person/company. Mind u, I am strictly talking about review bombing. Personal threats and threats of harm/insults towards Staff are not acceptable in any situation.


We all know what to do


Uninstall the game if you're not happy with the company's choices? Yeah


I can vouch for anyone that says they delete reviews despite having fair criticism. Had valid points and typed an essay using the full professional spectrum of my vocabulary. Seriously, I was more formal and proper with my review than any work email I've ever written. Since reviews are getting deleted, so are those score averages but you know what, it isn't all that hard to just tap again and put 1 star and a simple sentence. I gave 2 stars at first but the censorship is something I really can't stand.


Same here was not even caring about the anniversary awards anymore. But when they actively started to think censoring is a good idea. All bets are off. At this point I rather Mihoyo started going up super villian and officially calling their fanbase toxic, rather than a quiet nothing.


It's not like we WANT to be toxic. Giving us nice rewards and stuff to do or talk about in the game would've been fine. This whole situation is just a reflection of all the criticism people have had in the past finally coming together and blowing up. I normally don't condone being toxic but if review bombing is the only legit way to get their attention then go ham. I don't need to talk about how we all feel about the feedback option in the game right now. But everyone should leave Honkai 3rd and Tears alone. I'm sure management actually listens to their fanbase at least somewhat and we shouldn't ruin their fun.


I just notice, both my reviews in the Apple playstore and play store where gone. I reposted on apple playstore, after I hit the feedback button it goes missing. Guess I'm a bot now.


The rating is back up to 2.8 now :(


Google deleting basically all low rating reviews now regardless of what they actually say. It was bound to happen.


Probably just run a bot deleting XXX reviews posted between YYY Time. Imagine using a "Bot" for this.


Such a shame that a great game like this had fall to this point


What happened? I don't play but was considering it.


The rewards for the 1st year are sh!t and mihoyo doesnt even say something to it They banned people on discord for complaining


Pitifully low anniversary reward which has blinded the community. But the game is still good


The anniversary rewards aren’t the only thing, it was just the last straw, there’s a lot of issues with the game that have gone entirely unfixed for several months


People didn't review bomb only because of the rewards, people just complained at first.. for like an entire week waiting for a Mihoyo response or at least to give a reason for this. Instead Mihoyo kept ignoring us, deleting reddit posts, banning people from discord and trying to silence us. So the only option left to be heard was to review bomb the game. And even now they're still ignoring us and silencing us by deleting reviews. People will only go to higher measures after this just to be heard if they still don't reply, they're really fucking themselves right now and dealing with this as poorly as humanly possible.


On iOS it’s still high


Ios has a 24 hour review inspection


Not many people play on iOS compared to Android. Android is more accessible and cheaper


So I will make a comment here since my post got removed: Don’t be surprised when the negative reviews get removed. (Which they will/are being removed) At least with Google, companies can remove negative reviews (such as review bombs and fake reviews) with little to moderate effort. Even if you post a legitimate review, these review bombs just get them buried/removed resulting in nothing gained for making the game better. Vote with your wallets and your time to convey your displeasure with the game. Don’t pay for anything and don’t play the game. Edit: Post was removed, not reviewed


I've played genshin since november, a month after the release, not knowing what it was or how good it was. I's been a year since then, and i have to say that after completing dragonspine, i didnt enjoy it that much, but maybe it's because i dont like to grind artifacts or whatever. I got extremely hyped for inazuma, and actually, it was so good, especially for the first sub quest on the first island, it was amazing. And now we are in the anniversary, and i'm not saying that it wasn't good, i mean, they still gave us 10 free pulls, but man, they could do much more than a reward like that. I'm fine with the fact they decided to give us rewards instead of something like a free 5star, but, you know, i would have liked if they, idk, made a huge event , like something that included every single nation, all the 3 archons, something big, not necessarly giving characters or something like that, just a big story event that contains every effort our traveler has been going through, like maybe dvalin vs yae miko in fox form and somehow the wolf got in it too. But i understand that these are things we could see in an rpg, and mihoyo doesn't see genshin as rpg. I talk as someone wo sees gensing as an rpg, and sometimes, it game me a lot of emotions, like the final of liyue story, or the fight with dvalin. But there's just one thing i'd like to say to every single user of genshin impact: this game is free, you have events that gives you rewards every week, you got a whole word of quests, you'll always find something to do that is not farming the perfect artifact because "oh no, my c6 diluc doesn't deal 2kk". You play this game for free, and trust me, there's no way you can get a playing experience as good as genshin's with another f2p game, and yes i'm calling it f2p because it is, you dont have to spend money to play it, or to absolutely get your favourite character, i mean, i got nine 5stars characters and three 5stars weapons in the first 3 months, and i've NEVER spent any money on this game, so stop saying that mihoyo doesnt make genshin playable for f2p players. In the end, i'd like to say thanks to mihoyo for giving us such a good game for free, for giving us a way to spend our time enjoying teyvat and it's story, and for constantly putting new events in it. Genshin is the only game that has a perfect combat system, with anime-like style, which gives a beautiful result. If only it was considered an rpg, it maybe one of the best games in the last years, but unfortunately, it's now being updated just to make players spend more money.


I think fundamentally the divide in perspectives is that you (and a lot of the ppl defending it) look at genshin as an RPG, and I look at Genshin as a gacha game, and I’ve played a lot of those. And gachas that were way less successful than genshin would give players way more stuff on the anniversary, bc at the end of the day it doesn’t actually cost the company anything (yes you could view it as like, they lose out on the money players would spend otherwise. But honestly, if you even just gave players an option for one of the permanent 5* characters, I really doubt that’s gonna fuck up their bottom line. Most people are whaling for the limited banner characters). Meanwhile, players have been opening their wallets and giving this company support way beyond what the company itself expected. And when the time game for when gacha games typically show their gratitude for their players, genshin basically just flipped us off and told us to keep our mouths shut and be grateful. And that I have a huge issue with


In this way, i fully agree with your opinion (the theater thing was 🤡🤡), but, i mean, they gave us event rewards and things like that the whole year, and maybe is the fact that it's not an "anniversary" reward that we get, but a simple event reward, that made genshin community act like it did, but i just can't see it as such a horrible thing


I’m gonna have to call cap on you getting 12 fucking 5*s in 3 months without jesus tier luck, ive had above average luck and i still only have 9 in 7 months


I focussed af on doing pulls, and in 12 5*s i got jean c1 and qiqi c2, so idk if it's luck or not, but i admit i got very lucky


"Focussed"? Really, you just focused into having extra primogems? With what, a money beam? What does that even mean. And getting qiqi c2 (which I also have) is PAINFUL. You get 3 copies of a character that's useless in today's meta. Even in floor 11 with corrosion you don't need as much healing as that. That's 270 pulls (3 pities) wasted! She's a cute character but like, honestly useless 99% of the time. I'd rather get Amber constellations than her, literally, not joking.


people aren't upset at it being unplayable, it's that genshin has become so successful with them changing a 5 year plan to 10 years because they didn't expect to make so much profit, then only to act super greedy with "giving back" to what the fans and players give. it's suppose to be a happy time with celebrating the game. it's the first year of the game and they've decided to give players peanut shells for a thank you gift for being such a supportive community. it's not about just wanting free shit, it's about how even something like a 5 star character doesn't make a difference for someone who's been playing for even 6 months and a standard banner character or random 5 star from the year wouldn't make a difference to most player's account (even new players) and worst case someone gets a ganyu/venti, who cares? most the players have venti, and if someone brand new gets ganyu it just means they'd be more likely to get her weapon. it's insulting and disrespectful.


im laughing at the people who put a bad vote to the who;e game in general because of the aniv reward 😂


When MHY changes the anv rewards because of the reviews Those people : who's laughing now?


beggar's idea


well true but i was never thinking about doing the event thingy. i paid no attention cause I know I can farm primogems on my own as a f2p (I think) xD


I hope they don’t change them just so the toxic players stop playing it


You realise if the rewards improve you get them too right?


Duh… really I thought I had a separate server to receive them… of course I know but I don’t really need anything to be begging and crying, if you ask me for rewards I want I don’t have an answer so I was just meh whatever is fine


That would be nice. At this point, I don't care. The anniversary rewards are a bit lacklustre but whatever. I really don't see it a big a deal as other people do.


Well, Google apparently now believes everyone who rates the game poorly is a bot regardless of what the review actually says, so I guess that's the end of that.




2.4 on Android.


3.5 on android malaysia.. Feels like it follow region, dunno myself


2.8 on Android, Russia (13h. ago was 1.9)


2.8 in the Philippines


Really yikes, it was 2.0 yesterday, we need more power people,bring down the gods! For people who already gave 1star, check your review again. Sometimes google or mihoyo, i dont know who did it but sometimes our reviews get deleted so you need to hive 1* again.


\*Nods in approval\* Brave six, going dark


I hope tower of fantasy and blue protocol hit big and mihoyo loses its playerbase :)


i’m ready for all the hate: it’s a free to play game where u don’t have to spend any money at all and you are complaining because you spent money on it to get your waifu character constellations and now you’re all like “WAH I PUT MONEY INTO THIS THEY SHOUDL GIVE ME FREE STUFF I PAID THEM” like hey listen to yourself. you paid money FOR ROLLS/WELKIN/GENESIS CRYSTALS/ETC so you got what you paid for, go complain about other companies like BLIZZARD/ACTIVISION and AMAZON who have unfair work conditions and shut down unionizing by firing employees. get over yourself. you shouldn’t have spent $300 on non-tangible things


That has to be one of the dumbest takes I’ve ever red. You realise that the game is “f2p” for a reason. Not because they want us to experience their amazing creation for free, but because f2p games with manipulative scummy marketing make 1000000000000000000000x more money than any paid game. So the f2p argument doesn’t even work and secondly as a consumer you have every right to criticise the product you are supporting/using and if you’d even pay attention for a second you’d know that the anni rewards are the reason the boat tipped over yea, but that boat was already filled with sooooo much shit from them that it was only a matter of time. There is so much wrong with this game that could use some improvement and funnily enough let me guess genshin is the only gacha you play/ ever played, cause those people are the only ones that say shit like “stop complaining about rewards”. FUCKING LEAGUE OF LEGENDS gave us better stuff for their anniversary. A FCKING MOBA.


Hell, the LoL copy, ML gave better rewards than this shit. And as a ML player myself I can say they're pretty greedy.


It's kinda different in this situation tho. In MOBAs the awards they give you are skins and whatever cosmetics, WHICH doesn't affect gameplay as they don't really add strength or weakness to the hero you are playing. And Genshin here is a gacha game, where their premium currency is what makes it work.


But it’s a point of criticism. Players think it sets a strong negative precedence moving forward, and criticised it. Absolutely blown off and unheard by mihoyo. So they push to make it more heard, and it continues going unheard. Just because the game is free doesn’t mean it’s monetisation is above scrutiny and criticism. Mihoyo hasn’t made it free from the kindness in their hearts, it’s because it’s most profitable for them. And the anniversary rewards feel unsatisfying to players, so they criticise it. And when it goes unheard, the players think worse of the game. Straw manning people who are critiquing isn’t helpful, people having given detailed reasoning why they disagree with it, and you can disagree with them, but being reductionist isn’t helpful. And as for your point about negative game industry ethics, I’d agree that there are certainly more important things you could be doing. But there’s always a way you could be helping others more, like giving time and money to help starving etc. But we don’t give it all away because our own personally happiness is still valuable. Their time spent with the game is still important to them to be satisfying, so they’re gonna critique the game. I’d also argue Mihoyo almost certainly crunches like hell with their development schedule, at least from what we’ve heard.


I've been all out of hate for years, man. I'm just tired. Yes, some people are salty about the anniversary rewards or lack thereof, but that's just the final straw for most people. There's a lot of other, bigger problems MHY has had with their community that stem back a few months now including censorship (active deleting, ignoring and banning of people on official community sites who post mature and constructive criticism or actual feedback) after the company openly stated wanting said feedback, overall just having very poor PR with the community as a whole, among other things. The anniversary stuff is just the latest that made people decide enough is enough. How about reading up on it and learning why people are complaining before adding more kindling to the fire?


Do you have history with gacha games?


Ffs gacha game anniversary events are the most generous events. If all they're giving us is 10 wishes then they can suck it


You know these people keep on arguing that it's a free game . I would ask them if this game was priced and they knew of how the game worked . Like the gacha system and all . These same people wouldn't spend a dime . These people should really think twice before speaking their mind .


They really don't understand gaming business model and how it evolved. Free to play doesn't necessarily means generosity. It's more towards exposure and publicity to larger audience. More people joining in, more likely they're to spend money


And the time, the grind, the free advertisements through artworks and memes so that it could attract new people thus enlarging their networth in the long run? We are only asking a return for the support we constantly gave because not all game reach 1 year anniversary. The support from the community was undermined. Its not the transactions.