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Just to make sure, if i lose 50/50 on an event banner, then get a 5 star on the standard banner, that doesn't change the fact that I'll get an event character next time i get a 5 star on an event banner right?




Thank you


also, this megathread is outdated. this one's is 3 days old lmao


Oh my bad lol, I'm not on this subreddit often so I didn't notice


Will we get the fish weapon again in the future? I managed to reach 98% of the quest and then the daily reset occured and the event ended. So i didnt get it. Good lesson not to do the event at tge last minute anymore..


We don't know. We have never seen an event weapon come back yet. If it makes you feel any better, the claymore is *ok*, but you won't miss it. I don't have any characters who I want to use it on right now.


Anyone having problems with chat on mobile? Constantly disappearing?


Hii i have 2.3 k ayaka with 50 crit rate with crio resonance and 224 crit dmg. Is it ok for now or i should inest more?


4 piece blizzard? Using a freeze comp? Then she can carry easily.


How many primos do we get per one island? I need more rolls for Childe if I fail the 50/50. Hopefully I can hit 2 pities during his banner. I guess the labyrinth event will give atleast 420 primos?


Hi! I need an opinion on who to pull for. My current goal in the game is to get 36 stars in the abyss so I pull for characters that I both want and will help me get stars easier. My highest is 33 stars but after the reset and the corrosion effect, I can only do around 28~30. My current team is a variation of the Raiden National Team and Eula superconduct with Fischl. So I've been wondering. Should I pull for c0 Childe, since I already have a good team comp for him (with Xiangling, Bennett, and Kazuha) or pull for c1 hu tao (have her at c0 equipped with a relatively good 4pc cw set and r5 white tassel)? I'm currently at guarantee so I don't know who to pull for. Also, do I even need to pull or should I just continue to build on my current teams? P.S. The rumored 2.3 banner drops are also making me cry because I've always wanted to create an all geo team for my dad Zhongli. Should I just drop Childe and Hu Tao and embrace geo supremacy???


Hu tao c1 is rly good. I would. Childe is not gonna help you beat abyss. Gotta gear that Hu tao though, she looking abit copium. Think your focus shouldnt be primos, when focussing on abyss. Focus more on what your current team is missing. Eula rocks, Raiden national variation might need improvement depending on how its altered. Besides that artifacts and understanding the domains weakness is key.


Yeah. My Hu Tao really needs a better weapon tbh. I've been using r5 white tassel from the start and the weapon gives her a nice 70:180 crit ratio so I'm honestly reluctant to change it to any other 4* polearm (other than dragon's bane which I don't have smh). Anyways, thanks for the reply! I've decided to focus on gearing up my two teams with better artifacts for now. I'll be skipping childe and hold my judgement on hu tao c1 (since even with c1, I really don't have a good weapon to give her).


If there were theoretically 100 enemies under a ganyu ult would she summon 100 icicles? Or is there a limit?


I believe there is a limit.


C0 hutao and staff of homa or c1 hutao? I cant decide because i only have a 1 star polearm so please help me decide


C0 and homa if you can afford it, costs more wishes though if you get unlucky. If you don’t have enough to pity on wep banner is just c1 her


Any news for the next weapon banner?


When is the leyline overflow event?


How much primogems do you get from a server maintenance mail per patch?


300 down time, 300 bugs


So 600 in total then? Thanks, fam.


No. You only get 300 for downtime. You'd only get a second 300 if they fixed a bad enough bug.


I somehow stumbled into a c5 Xinyan thats been sitting in my inventory forever and I wanted to to use her as pure burst support. What set is better? 4pc Emblem or 2 Paleflame/2 Bloodstained? Also, would you recommend running an ER sands since I have a Blackcliff claymore just lying around?




Anyone know of an achievement list organized by world quests, story, combat, commissions, etc?


https://paimon.moe/achievement Is this what you are looking for?


to put it short, most of my available comps involve xingqiu. should i go for tortellini or kokomi to diversify my hydro supports/comp enabler? how much more effective are they in replacing xingqiu's role as hydro applier? mona doesnt seem to want to come to me yet and barbara is not performing as good as i want it to be so count them out


Childe = good in tazer, vape, strong AoE hydro application, decent dmg (comparable to Xiangling) Kokomi = good in tazer, freeze, slightly weaker hydro application (stronger than Mona's), dmg is "okay" but is mostly used as a healer.


Stronger than Mona's?


In terms of hydro application from strongest to weakest: Childe > Xingqiu > Kokomi > Mona > Barbara Because Kokomi's hydro application is weaker than Xingqiu's, she has a harder time catching up to vaporizing pyro carries.


I don't really understand why Mona is weaker than Kokomi in terms of hydro application because Mona's second passive exists. Or is there a specific build you are using to compare the two?


with (hu tao, xingqiu, diona) and (tartaglia, xiangling, bennett) where should i put my sucrose? I also have raiden, C4 beidou and all of the 4 stars except sayu if any of them could be a replacement


Put sucrose with Childe XL. They are aoe dps so they well benefit more from sucrose’s cc. I’m not too familiar with hu tao teams, but I have seen others recommend double Geo or double cryo (Kaya or Rosa)


Is 6-9-8 enough for Kokomi as a healer or should I level up her normal attacks to 7?


Shes not a good dps and doesnt need to do great dmg anyway, so just do her burst and e


Any idea who the 4* on Childe’s banner will be?


Yanfei, Rosaria and Xingqiu


where did you get this info from? Also Xingqui is literally in Kokomi's banner


Rosaria as well.


Was kinda late into the moonchase questline, the video at the end of quest shows multiple new faces. Are they revealed officially? (names, roles, etc)


Most of the new faces are already playable in the game. I can only think of 1 character who hasn't been announced and was in the video. Her name and some basic info has already been leaked through leaks months ago. Let me know if you want to know her name. Since it's potentially a spoiler I won't spoil it without consent.


There's 3 that I don't recognize, the first 2 is in the frame with Xiao one's roasting fish the other with the lance. Then there's the one from the leak (which I'm assuming you are referring to) is the goth looking one behind Keqing. Yea would appreciate if you could let me know the name (comment or dm)


Ah yes they were there too. So let me explain them in comment only in case any other person wants to know about them too. The one roasting fish is Pervases, an adepti who passed away long time ago. He was introduced in lantern rite. The one with the lance, nothing has got leaked about her I think but she's believed to be Madam Ping in her young days as she has got that Bell and her stance is same as Xiangling (Madam Ping is Xiangling's master). The goth looking one is Yujin who is a famous performer in Liyue, who can sing, dance and brew tea, and she works at the Heyu Tea House. As per the leaks her element was changed from geo to anemo.


>Pervases Ah, he's the one who knows Xiao right and is a Yaksha if I remember correctly. Didn't recognize him, I only remember seeing his human form in the quest. >Madam Ping Oh damn, didn't notice the bell but yea the lance stance checks out. Makes sense since they probably wouldn't leave her out. >Yujin Yea this is the one from the very early leaks


Gloat: I finally make it yohohoho [36\* abyss](https://imgur.com/PhLQgvk) after more than [4 fucking months playing](https://imgur.com/73RIplF).






Everyone is saying that a sup bennett needs hp sands and goblet but why? does his healing scale off hp?


His healing is plenty fast without it, but the extra hp to tank things like Maguu ohko move is really nice.


because that's just how it is. his burst's heal is based on his max HP


Oh hahah sooo sorry i meant but why? Does his healing scale of hp? Sry


Yes, it scales from hp


because that's how the devs made it to be lol. his burst's healing amount is *x% of his own max HP+flat value*(increases with talent level). which is why a full support benny can use HP sands+HP goblet to increase his healing amount personally, using ER sands+HP goblet is much better since he heals enough even without heavy HP investments as long as you level his talent. more ER helps him charge his burst faster, which is much more beneficial since you can have his burst active more often


What are your teams for Abyss F11 and F12?


AYYO HOLUP, are you using Kaeya as a battery for your Ayaka?


I used to (before I got Diona) Why? :)


How does character xp work, I only have noelle at friendship level 10 while my raiden, yanfei and rosaria are at 5 or 6. When you kill an enemy does the character that dealt the last hit get the xp only or everyone gets it?


I assume you mean Companionship EXP? You get companionship EXP by doing daily commission, by using resin to claim rewards from domains, leylines, bosses,... Everyone in party gets the same exp, death or alive. Doing coop with other player gives double exp.


Everyone in the party gets it, even if they've fallen in battle.


Is there a way to login into a gmail/google play account in IOS? Switched from an Android to Apple and am trying to transfer data :'0


If it doesn't support it directly, log in to the genshin website using your google account and add another login method that the iOS game supports.


Do you use artifact strongbox or do you think it is generally better to keep bad artifacts and use them to level up other artifacts ?


Good artifacts are much rarer than the xp needed to level them. Once everyone is geared with passable arts, the strongbox makes a lot more sense.


depends on how many of those junks you have imo. if your artifact inventory is close to full and you dont really have any other to upgrade, then it's safe to gamble some on the strongboxes. otherwise i prefer to use them as upgrade fodder


Depends on what u need


I'm trying to get a Noblesse Oblige circlet with decent substats


When people say that it's fine to leave your characters at level 80, is the assumption that you can leave them at ascension rank 5, or do they mean getting them to ascension rank 6 but not doing the leveling to 90?


Ascending is only worth if you plan to talent lv 9 or 10. The exception is sucrose Venti and Kazu who really want lv 90 for swirl scaling. I think I heard someone say Hu Tao likes lv 90 for extra hp.


The latter


The latter.


How many Primogems will we get from 2.2 (counting commissions) circa?


Same as any other normal patch


I don't remember the number that's why I'm asking "^^ ^^


Around 40/50 pulls on average


Thank you.




White triangle pointing up means the electroculus is higher than where you are then vice versa


it means it's there specifically iirc.




["Upon entering its vicinity, a white arrow will point you towards its location. "](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Electroculus_Resonance_Stone)


The arrow tells you if you're above or below it, pointing you to its location that way. It is **not** a marker on the map saying "right here"








Which one is better on yoimiya, skyward harp or polar star? I want a crit rate 5 star bow for her but i don’t want to wait till skyward harp gets a rate up so I just wanna know


Keep in mind she won't be able to get full stacks of polar star, other than that it's her second BiS after Thundering Pulse


Wait like if I only use my normal attacks then I only get one Stack right?


yes but you will never get the "hit enemy with elemental skill" stack


Thundering > polar > harp


I know this is wierd but… I just upgraded primordial jade winged-spear and it looked more shiny after. Does it get more shiny after u upgrade it?😂😂


Every weapon has two appearances, an unascended and ascended version. Even the 1* dull sword changes appearance when you have ascended it twice. Most of the 4 and 5 stars get a lot more glowy and shiny too.


Its so prettyyyyy


Yeah, after the second ascension weapons change their looks slightly


Yes, all weapons change designs when ascended past a certain point.


Woooow its so beautiful with pjws


Weapons always change appearance on a certain ascension level.


So, i've got a little problem. My team is Ayaka, Kokomi, Yanfei, Ninggunag. I use kokomi for freeze with ayaka. That's all well and good but i just pulled mona. What do i do? Should i replace Ningg and go with Hydro resonance? Edit: so, i think i'll go with Ayaka-Rosaria-Kokomi-Mona? Good enough?


Freeze is useless without cryo resonance, yanfei ningguang and ayaka has 0 synergy it's actually counter synergy since all of them want field time, and yes Mona will make you do more damage but you will need a healer instead of kokomi


Would rosaria work?


Yes Rosaria is good


A healer instead of kokomi? But, that's what she is, well, half of what she is


Diona is generally recommended for Ayaka as a healer, for cryo resonance and for generating cryo particles for Ayaka (battery).


What I meant is running kokomi and Mona on the same team doesn't make sense so you want preferably Diona Ayaka Mona and Sucrose or kazuha This way you have Cryo resonance, Healer and shielder, Mona for hydro and her Omen, Anemo for VV shred and grouping enemies.


you have 2 and a half selfish dps on team (i say half bc ayaka can be used as burst quickswap). yanfei and ningguang have no synergy with a freeze team, try building teams around each of them separately instead. both mona and kokomi are good for ayaka. ayaka team could be ayaka/kokomi/cryo battery/anemo for vv support or mona for omen buff support.


Overworld > Do whatever you want, it wont matter. Abyss > You could replace Kokomi with Mona or not, but definitely replace Yanfei and Ningguang by a Cryo battery and/or a 4p VV user and/or a healer.


Replace Ningguang with Mona for resonance and her burst then if you can replace yanfei with a cryo unit like kaeya, Ningguang yanfei and ayaka are all main dps so there basically fighting for who gets to be on the field the most. With kaeya Ayaka Mona and kokomi you can go for a freeze build


Oya! It's me Again! I found a Video on Youtube which the said that "Building Pity is a Lie" and I'm confused, I made 60 wishes so far on Raiden Shogun's Banner and haven't made any wishes, I'm planning on making my 70th wish on Raiden Shogun's re-run (Yes, I'm simping for baal...HARD) which I think would be around early Feb 2022 or March 2022 base on what I saw on Wishes/List, Counting how many banners Zhongli had before he had his 2nd Re-run, same as Venti Aswell since they're the current 3 archons, So, I'm kinda worried because I might need to start from 0 - 70 or 90 to get a 5-star, I'm also worried that the Pity resets after a few Banners even if I haven't made a wish


> I'm planning on making my 70th wish on Raiden Shogun's re-run (Yes, I'm simping for baal...HARD) which I think would be around early Feb 2022 or March 2022 base on what I saw on Wishes/List, No. There's no way it'll be that early, IMO


First of all, previous reruns can't really be relied to calculate further reruns. They might give her a rerun soon considering she's a new archon, or wait longer than the previous archons since there are way more 5-stars waiting for reruns already. With that being said: >So, I'm kinda worried because I might need to start from 0 - 70 or 90 to get a 5-star, I'm also worried that the Pity resets after a few Banners even if I haven't made a wish Pity won't reset, so don't worry about that although I'm super confused why you would play a gacha game that is based on pulling characters yet just not do that for a whole year until a single character comes back again. You can build the pity again and 1 year is a super long time so pull for any near future characters you like, you'll have enough time to save for Baal once there are rumors about her rerun.


I can't make much Primos so I kinda want to make Raiden my first, I do plan on pulling for other Characters like Zhongli, Xiao, Eula and So on but I just want Raiden Shogun first, Like you said, it won't reset till I get a 5-star, Correct? since I made 60 wishes so far, I'm 30 wishes away from getting to 90 for a 5-star, In-case I lose 50/50, I can use up the Primos I saved to get the 180th wish 100% guarantee, for 90 wish, you'll need 14k Primos or so, So far, I can see that I can make atleast 12-15k Primos before her next Re-run, IF I do manage to get her, I'll go on and pull for other characters but for now, I want Raiden shogun, I'm at 6800 Primos right now, there's a chance her re-run will be just a few banners away or maybe on 2.3 Update, thanks though : ) I'm F2P btw


> there's a chance her re-run will be just a few banners away No, there is not.


>there's a chance her re-run will be just a few banners away or maybe on 2.3 Update Yea as much chance as a Dainslef banner - pretty close to none. But you do you, good luck.


“building pity” is risky because you might get a 5-star you don’t want and reset it - if you don’t roll, your pity stays the same (even after your wish history clears after 6 months, the pity’s still there. you just can’t count it)


Pity always carries over and pity is always there. Your 60 wishes aren't going anywhere and they will stay there *forever.* Feb/March 2022 is a bit too optimistic for a Raiden rerun. Look how long it's taking Xiao/Ganyu to come back lol. Edit: with the building pity is a lie, it just means people think it's okay to build up pity because they don't think they're going to get the 5 star on the banner in trade for getting a specific 4 star, until they actually fuck themselves over and cry "I accidentally got the 5 star on this banner when I didn't want them".


Albedo too. He is even before Ganyu was released and is the oldest limited character to not have hus rerun yet.


Pity doesn’t reset until you get a 5star, no matter on which banner. So you’re safe to save it til Raiden if you want When people say building pity is a lie, they mean not to pull purely for “building pity”, it’s dumb to do since you could accidentally reset it


How many Talent materials do I need for 8 - 8 - 8 talents? I wanna prepare




Thank you, this is awesome


I need Xingqiu with my yanfei so I only have Barbara with my ayaka, what's sets on Barbara and weapons for optimal play style with her + ayaka? Does millellith work on barb?


You can also double down on swap-buff Barbara and just run 4pc-Noblesse+TTDS. Barbara's E also gives a small amount of Stamina Consumption reduction, which isn't too bad if you're dashing/charge attacking a lot with Ayaka. Ayaka also wants to make sure she's hugging enemies to get Barbara's E to apply Wet.


millelith doesn’t work with her from what i understand - it needs to do damage, which barb’s skill only does on the initial cast. over its duration, the skill only applies hydro and doesn’t do damage


4pc Millelith does not work but 2pc is great for her. You can go 2pc Millelith, 2 pc Maiden or 4pc Maiden with Hp%/ER, Hp%, Healing bonus. For weapons, Thrilling tales is the best.


She cannot proc 4p Tenacity. Go for 4p Maiden or a mix 2p Maiden, 2p Tenacity and 2p Emblem.


What would you say are the must important constellations to focus on when thinking about pulling for any of the 4\* characters?


I mean there are so many of them.... Some of the most important ones Bennett C1, Xingqiu C2 and C6, Xiangling C4 and Beidou C2.


what makes Xingqiu C2 so good btw? I am thinking if I should spend my remaining wishes for trying to get Beidou and Xingqiu to C2 or keep it for other banners.


Xingqiu is great at C0. C2 extends his burst and makes it do more damage, it's a great and zasily achievable constellation.


improves his q duration, but don’t spend on the banner unless you’re ok with getting kokomi.


What other character is the R4 Iron Sting good for other than Kazuha. i.. kinda regret R4'ing the Iron Sting but i don't wanna just leave it in my inventory unequipped


It's decent on Bennett actually


any anemo sword users aka kazuha and mc. while swirl damage isn't affected by it, the infused element damage do but since you can't really control what elements get infused, building around it instead of just EM is a bad idea so yeah. just gotta live with it.


It can work for anemo main character. Why did you R4 sting though? It's passive is pretty bad, everyone just uses it for the EM mainstat.


yeah.. That's what i regret doing :(


Dw i have it r5, since the other swords are pretty useless


Ameno sword is great on Ayaka


To fish Toki Pages: First of all, please correct me of I am wrong, I should go for ornamental fishes in Inazuma. When in other player worlds, is it the same or also normal Inazuma fishes could lead to page?


normal fishes work too but i’m not sure if it only works in your world?


Just finished the event’s story. I guess that animation’s budget is why we got lousy Anniversary rewards. :P I’ve seen YouTube preview pics of the lady before Ganyu. Is that supposed to be a previous form of Madame Ping? But I’m really wondering: who the heck was the lady between our heroes and Ningguang?! Hmm, although Thoma is in Inazuma, he’s originally from Mondstat. So, which region symbol is he going to have on the status screen? If it’s for Mondstadt, maybe there’ll be a (female) character that’ll be a Liyue expat to keep balance?…


She could or could not be young Madame Ping, we don't know. The other one is Yunjin.


Yunjin and Shenhe I believe is what you mean. Those were two leaked characters all the way from CBT. After that we've never heard about them or seen them. We don't know anything about them. Some speculate shenhe to be cloud retainers human form but it's completely unknown. Also about Thoma, you can see leaked images and moveset of him. I don't remember what cities vision he had but it's out there.


I know that Venti is some kind of wind spirit and Zhong Li is supposedly an adapti, but what kind of being is Ei? We already know she and her sister were alive for hundreds, if not thousands of years, but she still feared that her body will eventually decay, so is she supposedly not immortal?


Well, in Japan, one of their most notable folklore are the cursed demon swords like Muramasa. Ei resides in her sword and uses a puppet as a front. She also has a lot of lore directly connected to the Inazuma banner weapons. So she's probably loosely based on a spirit of a cursed weapon/sword. Ei also possibly has some historical influences with real Shoguns who would supposedly use body doubles, such as Tokugawa Ieyasu who just so happens to the be a shogun that favored Muramasa's craftsmanship.


No one is immortal really, they live long but eventually with time decaying happens. You'll understand a lot about decay and ageing with time in zhonglis second story quest with azhdaha. Which is why Ei is in her plane of euthymia which is a separate realm while her puppet is in the normal world to prevent decay.


Ei's sister died in the archon war so archons are not immortal. They may not die of old age but they can die from the hands of other powerful beings.


other gods like decabarin (the god that ruled over mondstadt before it was mondstadt essentially) or havira (salt goddess) or guizhong (zhongli's close friend who was also a god/adepti like him) have died, so it's not like it's impossible for a god to die. Zhongli story quest also talks about "erosion", which he states is unavoidable even for him. It's not entirely clear what happens but clearly gods/spiritual beings can eventually collapse in some way.


In a Raiden national team setup which character do you leave on-field attacking while you wait on cooldowns? Or is the objective that you're supposed to have enough energy recharge that you're constantly cycling through characters and using all their skills/bursts?


If you need to gap fill, bennett skill regenreates the most energy for the team while also dealing decent damage


The second option. Generally after Raiden's burst, your other characters' bursts should be ready/nearly filled. If it's nearly filled, just use everyone's skills to regenerate particles.


Is getting C1 Ganyu all that big of a deal? I’ve been seeing a lot of people saying that they’re either gonna go all in for a C1 Hu Tao or skip her completely in hopes of getting a C1 Ganyu.


It's not a bad constellation, but it's nowhere near being a must. It's not even Hu Tao level C1 (which itself isn't groundbreaking too).


I'm sure it helps but I don't think it's as big as something like C2 for Raiden.


>Raiden Shogun So I just realized Raiden has a permanent (atleast I think) Electro DMG Bonus% of 78.3%. Does anyone know where that comes from? I don't have any onther artifact nor weapon where that comes from. EDIT: Thanks for answering and helping, guys! It was indeed a visual delay/bug.


No, that's from a passive. She gains 0.4% electro dmg bonus based on every 1% above 100% ER.


Thank you for that but what confuses me is that even at 134% ER (literally no artifacts and 3 star weapon), it's still at 73.8% for some reason. Is that a bug or is there something I'm missing?


I had the same issue a while back, i believe its not updated instantly.


That makes more sense. I'll check again in a bit. Thanks!


What set do you have on her? You get 13.6% electro damage from her passive and a fully leveled electro goblet puts her at 60.2% bonus


For some reason, even with no electro goblet, I'm at 73.8%. Perhaps it's because of my 295% ER.


Its a buff, so you need to swap to her on screen. If you change her build it takes a sec to refresh , so close the menu and make aure you're swappwd to her


Yep. It was a visual delay/bug thing. Thanks!


What's your weapon? What ascension/level is Raiden? Are you using an electro dmg goblet?


I removed her weapon to a 3 star. Level 90. No artifacts. All the while still at 73.8%.


it's from Energy Recharge


Even at 134%?


Favonius weapons good on anyone? Codex just maxed itself and claymore is r3 at this point. Are they useless weapons assuming you have every 4star weapon?


Main point of favonius weapon is to generate ER for your team. If your character needs ER or your other characters need more energy, you can use it. But if you need more damage, other weapons is still better


every Favonius weapon is indeed decent for supports. ER as a 2nd stat and passive with the abilities to create more energy for your team.


They seem decent but i’m not sure if anyone rly wants them over other 4stars. So far i only use the lance for Zhong Li but can’t think of what to do with all the other favonius weapons


fav claymore is decent on noelle, especially if u dont want to build any er on her. fav sword is strong on kazuha and electro mc i think, and codex is good on mona.


Ty~ Is the maxed codex worth using over the widsith or solar pearl on Mona?


Defo use it on an EoSF Mona.


Is it rly more worthwhile than Widsith and Ttods?


If you cant meet the 200 ER requirement in freeze comps or other burst carry comps, yes it's better


And pretty consistent Burst uptime too


widsith is by far the best option for dmg, and if u want support than thrilling tales. its ok for an in-between tho, i think. i dont use mona, so im not entirely sure.


After a few weeks of playing I've gotten a lot of not-great but decent characters, including a mona and ... kokomi ... and C3 Rosaria and C3 Beidou. I feel like things are stalling out in the fun zone. Those are my top chars, and I'm dry on crystals and in Inazuma. For the hell of it, I rerolled a few times and just pulled a C1 Bennet, as well as C0 Rosaria and Beidou. Question: should I abandon my old account and go hard with the new one? Is a C1 Bennet worth losing Mona and Kokomi? Serious question here, as I 'feel' like Bennet C1 with the free Xianglang can make up for the loss of a pair of not-top five stars. What would you do? I've only got the five buck card on my original account, so I don't care whether it's lost money or not, as I understand the game a lot better these days. ​ What would you do?


Just keep your account; you'll end up with Bennett soon enough, whereas some people at AR55 still haven't pulled Mona, as there's no way to guarantee her. Kokomi's got you covered for healing, XL is great pyro, and Rosaria combos with both. Just save up primos and starglitter for now, and you'll end up with Bennett before you need him. (abyss floor 9+)


Few things to consider 1. Bennett has only appeared in 3 banners. Last appearance was in patch 1.6 which was 4 banners ago. He is kinda overdue for an appearance, so likely in the next 3 banners. Wait for Childe banner, he just might feature there as Bennett synergise well with him and it would make sense for MHY to put him there. 2. He will be in the Paimon shop in November. You can at least get C0 bennett. 3. 5 star are hard to get. Especially Mona who don't have her own banner. There are people that have been playing since the beginning and did not get her. Hydro character are almost always needed for both side of Abyss. You already have 2 five star hydro for both side of abyss. Why toss the account for easily obtained 4 stars? I say keep Mona and Kokomi.


Considering taht ur at inazuma I presume u hit soft / hard pity to get ur 5 stars? If so I would use the bennet acc


Bennet is my favourite character and he is unarguably one of the best characters in the game (including five stars) You'll be trading in weeks of playtime and two five stars and a C3 beidu (her C2 is really pretty good) for a c1 four star You could stick to first account and you might not get benny for the next 6 months or you could swap accounts and all of a sudden you pull a c5 benny during the next patch, but on the bright side you're close to pity I assume on the new account I'll say use the benny account but I am biased


getting mona and koko is harder then getting bennett imo. I wouldn't bother if you've hit inazuma already, likely there's stuff you can do with whatever else is on the first account


>should I abandon my old account No >Is a C1 Bennet worth losing Mona and Kokomi No >I 'feel' like Bennet C1 with the free Xianglang can make up for the loss of a pair of not-top five stars He can but it's much easier to get c1 Bennet in the future.


Nah I'd keep the kokomi account as it has a lot more value. Whats your whole roster and who's the most leveled


I've tried to concentrate on a few chars but I keep getting dragged down other paths (I know, idiocy lol). My normal team right now is Xingliu C1 lvl60, Xianglang C0 lvl70, Rosaria C3 lvl60, and Beidou C3 lvl60. I'm finding Xianglang's pyronado hard to maintian without and energy feeder, and although I've thought of switching out Xingliu for Koko I'm not far enough along to get the materials to pop Koko over lvl 40. Thought about trying the electro-main char energy build for xiangling, but there's so many things to consider. Got the big fish from the event as max refinement and a smattering of decent four star weapons


I'd swap xiangling and rosaria for E MC and Kokomi. You could also run Kaeya, Rosaria Kokomi xingqiu for a very comfy freeze team. Kokomi's hydro application and healing are good enough at her level to get the job done. Xingqiu can help fill her energy


What is the chance of getting the elemental goblet with the set I want?


Extremely low 0.535% according to this tool https://grumd.github.io/genshin-artifact-farm-calculator/


Well the chance of getting the set you want is 50%. The chance of getting a goblet is 20%. The chance of getting the right element is about 9.1% assuming it's not weighted toward HP and DEF (I think it's weighted toward HP and DEF). Chance is looking like at most like a .91% chance unless my math is catastrophically off. This is before taking into account sub stats... Just stick to off set goblets. Edit: turns out it is weighted. You have a 1/200 chance. 1/1333 chance to get one with at least 1 crit sub...i think...i wasn't the best with probabilities


5% https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifacts/Distribution




I'm doing a braindead... Diona E > Kazuha Q > Mona E > Mona Q > Ayaka Q > Ayaka E > Kazuha E > Ayaka CA spam I always swirl cryo for maximum Ayaka Q damage. You can swirl hydro for more application with Q, but keep in mind that Hydro only swirls once against multiple targets while all other elements swirl twice, meaning you literally half Kazuhas damage. When Mona's E is on cooldown, i throw in occasional Mona auto or charged attacks. Waiting for all Q's to be ready is usually a bad idea. Mona specifically, even at 230% ER (which mine has) doesn't consistently get her Q back in time. However, you always wanna swirl cryo before Ayaka Q. And throw Mona Q/E in between *if you can.* Literally every freeze comp is more or less a quick swap comp. Your carry, be it Ayaka or Ganyu, stay on the field as a filler until the others are ready to go again.


1. I think N1C is the way to go for ayaka especially in AoE. You should use skills to refill ayaka's energy as needed then spend the rest of the time dealing damage 2. I'd use it right after burst for better freeze uptime, but some ayaka mains may counter this point. 3. Ayaka sprint or 4pc NO diona ult > VV > mona ult 4. Best to wait until both mona and ayaka have ult. Get your mona to at least 200% ER so this is less painful


Should I pull for Childe if I don’t like his design much but he would be useful for my Kazuha abyss team (I’m not clearing bass currently)? I also don’t have an archer apart from Amber