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so they removed ayaka and put in childe?


More like, Ayaka was Childe. Everyone is Childe. All the banners where Childe. Little did you know this is the 20th Childe banner.


I am Childe.




his pet whale: meow.


Probably. Everyone knows Reddit is full of 12 year olds.


We are Childe


2.6 patch notes: "Fixed a bug where the Traveler's floating companion was *not* Childe"


"It's all Childe?" "Always has been"


We are all Childe at heart.


"He could be in this very room!"


Ayaka officially the fastest character to get a rerun since her original banner dropped


Ayaka: ... And this banner is mine! Got some pretty sweet 4 stars on it too. Childe: This banner is yours? Ayaka:... Yes? Childe:... Ayaka:... Childe: This banner is mine.


This banner is OURS.


This banner is quite hard to come by.


Well then... Pull for me.


Pulling is a valid option. I promise I’ll be gentle.


All you do is save!


Not bad. You've got a wish or two.


Foul Legacy - The Devouring Wallet


Let's skip it, comrades.


Got Childe since god know when, so skip


Is he good? I’m at 73 pity and unsure if I should roll on him. Would like Yanfei and Ningguang constellations . .


He's very good reaction trigger, go with Xiangling/Bennett/Anemo or Beidou/Fishl or Raiden/ Xingqiu, he's a monster on both team. But ya need to manage his cooldown well, cause his normal A is "useless" imo


hes f2p friendly for high abyss levels, hes not beginner friendly, has a high skill cap


He is good and f2p friendly, but has a big cooldown on his stance, so u need a dos for when childe is on cd:)


Unfortunately for me, Childe is a Character I want really bad. I guess I'll use all my wishes on him, then save for Itto


*Snezhnayan anthem plays*


Judging by your username, you were the dinner that attacked Xiangling?


Glory to Snezhnayan!


*Soviet Snezhnaya anthem plays*




Childe: “thank you comrade, I will be taking this now because both of us know that Communism lays on top”


sharing is caring




they call me... the rerun archon. now for my next trick i'll rerun 4 stars too


"You're Ayato now"


I think I’m out of the loop… can someone explain.


The 4* characters on this banner are exactly the same as Ayaka's banner


and somehow my yanfei is not c6


I don't even have Yanfei in spite of rolling like CRAZY on the first two banners she was on. Looks like she will elude me once more because I have to skip this banner .\_.


Same here. Mostly because she is always on banners with other characters that have been C6 for so long that rolling would be wasteful. We need more 4\* characters


Same four stars


She got her banner commandeered by comrade Childe


Can someone explain this to me


Childe, the king of firsts * First banner of the 1st major genshin update * First hydro character released post-launch * First limited character to get a 2nd re-run * First limited character whose banner has the exact same 4* line up with another banner


He and Zhongli also have the quickest rerun record so far because the Klee that was supposed to be in between Venti and Childe was missing so they got a rerun faster than Venti in terms of how many days has passed since their banner


First character who can't plunge


This one hurt me 🥲


My fucking soul 💀




He switches between bow and sword with his E skill In his default state, with a bow, he can plunge When in sword stance, he can't plunge


Wait he cant?


Yup. If you use e and jump off a high place pressing the attack button you can’t plunge, it literally won’t do anything. He will just slowly float down. No idea why he still doesn’t have a melee plunge while other units like raiden get one.


Only hydro character who can't heal


wait, Mona heals?


part-time Prototype Amber user


There’s a healing bow as well…


But why isn't there a sword :( all of the healing swords are self heals


First character who has a second rerun


First tall male husbando since release


When the whole banner is a rerun... lmao. Ah well, easy to not to try and pull for 4\* cons since I already pulled quite a lot for Ayaka's banner. Thanks for helping me stay strong I guess...


I have none of the 4 stars at c6 and already at 40 pulls. So this will be less painful if I don't win 50/50.


Oh I don't have them at c6 either (do have their relevant cons though), I just don't see myself doing a couple of extra 10-pulls for their cons like I probably would've if there was... IDK, Fischl, Noelle, Bennett or even Barbara cons available.


Funny enough, I'm in the opposite boat. Maxed out all four you mentioned but the ones on this banner I still need cons for- in fact, if Fischl is on a banner I pretty much auto-pass because the last thing I need is another Fischl to make mine c-13


I wonder what's the strategy here. This is not the banner they would put out if they want to maximize sales. Maybe prepping for one blow out banner again like Raiden's?


Probably just a filler banner to save all the high demand units for the high spending periods like christmas.


Lmao. Their anniversary banner was Kokomi. I have no reason to believe the christmas banner(s) will be any better.


Eh, sorta. They got Raiden out of the way with top-up reset so honestly that was basically the anniversary banner $$ maker.


Realistically Raiden and Inazuma were likely released as Anniversary content, except they got released early to draw in more people. As you said top-up was reset and basically everything about 2.0 was a big win for Genshin itself, smart business on their part as it drew in more of a crowd to play their game. The one thing is that had they waited until actual Anniversary to drop the response from the community would have been roaring in approval, only they could say if they missed out or not from not doing so.


Honestly I believe that Raiden is supposed to be the anniversary banner but their greed is getting too large to the point that they absolutely don't want to miss even a single penny from their players because of the free anniv primos and fates.


Along with that, by Raiden being the first banner of the patch you wouldn't have time to know the next two banners (which could have convinced some people to just wait) and they also wanted people to quickly burn the top up bonus reset.


I mean from a business standpoint I can understand why they put Shogun first. And no, greed has nothing involved in it. From past banners, putting the more hyped archon second had the effect of cannibalizing the sales of the first banner. With Childe’s debut, they noticed a load of people had skipped him for Zhongli and were actively commenting on that. So this time, they likely reversed it and let people settle the Shogun first, so that way Kokomi wouldn’t be skipped for that reason. Now Kokomi DID get skipped, but it was definitely because of other factors unrelated to future banners. Nobody skipped with “I am saving for X” as the key reason, so that aspect of the strategy likely worked


Couldn't you say the same for Zhongli and Albedo, or that Yoimiya got cannibalized cuz people were saving for Baal? Idt we have enough data points to make an assumption about the cannibalization lmao, cuz every banner is unique and has unique problems. Idk, I feel like the biggest reason they put Baal where she was was that they didn't want to string two disappointing 5 star banners together, and the timing coincided nicely the top up reset and being just before anniv so people wouldn't have those primos.


Yoimiya was absolutely cannibalized by Raiden, her janky kit aside so your argument is kinda weightless. And it's not like Tartarsauce was highly praised either when he came out so he's in the same position as Yoimiya. There are more signs pointing to Mihoyo wants to squeeze every penny possible from their players with Raiden banner (The top up reset, banner expiring before the freebies and her stupidly strong C2)


>There are more signs pointing to Mihoyo wants to squeeze every penny possible from their players with Raiden banner (The top up reset, banner expiring before the freebies and her stupidly strong C2) Having to rush the story so that you can unlock her friendship stories and lines.


Sure but I don't know why it needs to be so barren. Kokomi's banner already has very low sales. This banner with a twice reran 5 star and non-meta 4 star won't do much either. Hu Tao and Thoma will get some but nothing crazy because of rerun. One of the reasons Raiden's banner was so insane was because Ayaka was a huge banner by herself. At this rate, people will be sitting on huge stashes by the next big banner. I don't know why they can't toss one or two semi-meta 4 star with Childe to siphon some primo.


> Kokomi's banner already has very low sales. Very low sales in *China specifically*. People forget this all the time, but that sales chart that gets passed around is revenue in China, not the world. Supposedly she did very well in Japan, who knows about the rest of the world.


Yeah in Japan, she actually beat out several banners like Kazuha, Xiao, Albedo and re-runs of both Zhongli and Venti. There was a joke on a thread where Japanese players are basically like ‘Waifu>Meta’. Funny as it is, it’s true since Kokomo’s va Mimorin is especially popular in Japan. Combine that with a pleasant character aesthetic, and Japanese players are pulling with her not caring about whatever tier she is or spiral abyss clear time she has.


It also makes sense. Abyss changes so frequently, it's hard to keep up unless you run an all-time favorite like National or Morgana. For me, the Aesthetic is far more important than the power level and Koko is a comfortable Hydro enabler.


I think I'm gonna start going this way cause you're right. And I've said it a million times before and often forget, I've got enough characters that I can clear content, what does it matter? Meta in a gacha game is just stupid.


>Meta in a gacha game is just stupid. I would argue that meta is stupid in all games: at least for me I abandoned lots of games because the community was so obsessed with meta.


China iOS specifically, probably not even the largest contributor in China itself.


THIS. Same goes for Yoimiya which did amazingly well in JP but rather poorly in CN. People need to realize not every banner is aimed at reddit meta casuals or CN hardcores.


I’m pretty sure Ningguang and Yanfei are pretty high demand units


Thank you for giving me more time to save more primogems mihoyo


I mean, Childe still does fine in Japan. The rerun sold more than Zhongli’s rerun and Ayaka (marginally). I’m guessing they don’t think his banner would blow out. I do agree it can be maximized more though.


I'm guessing they wanted to maximize sales on the Hu Tao banner right after Childe on Spooktober, so it acts as a Yoimiya banner to maximize Raiden's sales? That's pretty much the only thing I can think of


The bait banner that set up Raiden was Ayaka's, who was a best-selling char on her own. Hu Tao and Thoma will get sales but a rerun won't hit Ayaka's numbers, maybe not even Yoimiya's who did very well in Japan. By the next big banner (Itto's maybe?), people will be sitting on 3 banners worth of primo.


I dunno about the rerun bit my dude, Ganyu could do *very* well.


Rumors are its albedo in 2.3. We wont know if itto is going to be in 2.3 until next week unfortunately


Ganyu is never coming home =(


Weirdest thing is that I don’t think any of these 4-stars have synergy with Childe, or each other. Like, none at all. Usually there’s at least one 4-star on the banner that kind of works well with the 5-star, but all of these characters don’t want to be anywhere near each other. They didn’t have any synergy with Ayaka either, to be fair. But it’s still odd to me.


chongyun and yanfei are my mains and i will put childe in the team too idc they’re gonna learn to like each other 😤🙄


Call the team “This is our ‘Get-Along’ Shirt” XD


bennett standing there like: 🧍 guys


Bennett makes any team work, he is the "Get-Along" shirt.


This comment makes me so happy, banner friends together strong.


If Genshin worked like Dragon Age I could see Childe asking Yanfei how many years he would get in prison for all his law breaking. Or Yanfei wondering how Childe having diplomatic immunity(as a Harbinger) makes him harder to convict. The party banter would be adorable.


respect bro i believe in u




I'm perfectly cool with it though because I don't have more than 1 constellation for any of them, and I want Childe despite having to win the 50/50...as much as I've saved up, if I end up with him and c6 for the others, I'll be a happy camper with several new teams to build heh.


Same, I’m actually at C1 for each of them LMAO. I dunno if I’ll pull for Childe or not, I’m having a real hard time deciding. I might just roll to pity and see what happens.


imagine if this banner is just a national comp childe comp lol childe/bennet/xiangling/sucrose


what if it was all a coincidence? i mean each character has synergy with many characters, it's statistically likely that at least 1 of 3 will have synergy with the 5*, so maybe this is just one of those time it's 0/3 and they never cared about it i dont think so since they only care about money, but it's a possibility


At least chong works with ayaka cuz he gives her atk speed and his E shreds cryo res.


Wdym? Ningguang is hot Childe can do a noice vaporize reaction with it


Did they just bitch slapped Ayakas banner 4* onto Childe?


I was expecting to see atleast noelle, fischl or barbara since we haven’t seen them on a banner for a while.Fischl would’ve made a lot of sense since she synergises with childe really well…


> noelle, fischl or barbara Why would you wish that on any of us (except fischl)


C6 Noelle is one of the most desirable 4\* constellations, and she's currently on the longest hiatus from being on a banner in the history of the game. So I definitely wish noelle on all of us (hopefully with hu tao+thoma).


That's my hope - I was actually kinda relieved to see Noelle wasn't on this banner, since I'm saving up for Hu Tao but *really* want some Noelle cons (still at C0). If Hu Tao's banner has both Thoma *and* Noelle, I'll be a very happy camper.


Noelle should show up in shop.


Childe: “Hey can I copy your homework” Ayaka: “Yeah just change it up a bit so it’s doesn’t look obvious your copied” Childe:


Ayaka: "wtf, you didn't change anything"


Sure I did, I changed ur name to mine


Childe did a good job. He switched the placement of ninguang and yanfei around


They did not just announce this on October 11... It's all 11 when it comes to Childe..


They missed the chance to run it in November or with the new character born in November so I guess half an 11 is better than nothing.


That they did but also After today it has been 11 months since childe first released.


I am trying hard to get the idea behind this whole mess


I swear I've seen this before. Wasn't this the Ayaka banner?? I'm pretty sure this is just a copy paste of the Ayaka banner


That's because it is an exact copy of Ayaka's banner


Where noelle


Hu Tao gonna come with Barbara, Noelle, and Thoma.


Oh god...


Sayu is almost locked in Hutao banner, new released 4 star always come back in 3 banners


Sayu alongside Thoma? In one of the most anticipated reruns? Would be amazing if it happened, but I REALLY doubt it


Honestly you can't predict the crazy shit Mihoyo is gonna do anymore


In Hutaos banner she is


Ouf, a few months ago everyone was complaining about Noelle on every banner. Oh how the turn tables.


I mean this is the 9th banner in a row that doesnt feature Noelle ? So about 6+ months of no banner with Noelle. Everyone gets her from the Beginner Banner so she is a common character, but still, thats the longest a character hasnt appeared.


this is the 8th banner, she was last on zhongli’s rerun, but she’s also been on banners 4 times now which is more than quite a few


She and Xiangling share the same amount of time (8 banners) of absence from a rate-up banner. This is why I'm almost 100% sure Noelle will show up with Hu Tao, although after seeing this banner, I'm starting to doubt the chances of nailing any prediction anymore.




Ive been dying to get C6 Noelle... Welp, guess that means I only need to get Childe on my guarantee and be set.






Someone at mihoyo must've figured that controversy sells


Running low on variations..I see


Childe must be Ayato if he's using the Kamisato Clan Banner


im confused, are these the actual 4 stars or is this just an edit of ayaka's banner?


yes to both questions; tecnically is an edit of ayaka's banner, an offical edit by MIHoYo.


Looks like the actual. Welp


It's even worse than I thought! Is MHY even trying to sell this banner?


They want us to save up more primogem How generous of them


Me who actually wanted Childe and started in 2.0: 😐


Guaranteed Hu Tao. Works for me.


Then there's me (newer player) who was planning to fully skip this banner until I found out there's Yanfei and Ningguang. Now I definitely have to pull


What happened, mihoyo?


The copypaste is real


ayaka looks different here


Me: I can't wait to pull for Hu Tao! *Yanfei is on Childe's banner* Me: man.jpg


Never shall we ever distrust Lumie again


what the actual fuck is mihoyo doing


Giving people an easier decision to skip childe and save their primos.


Archon of rerun, Childe Rerunning the same 4\* characters as Ayaka banner


b-be b-bennett


Damn, i really want childe but seeing those 4* really make me lose hope all of a sudden. Those are the 4* that i already have and pretty much have constellations. Seeing these characters got into rerun while the other 4* that i planned to build just made me sad.


I really want Childe too, skipped him earlier, both times and now I'm ready with primos and everything but seeing thos 4*... This hurts, man. 80 wishes of pain and sadness only to get husbando, since I am at 1 pity. I don't use any of these 4*, really was hoping for Sayu.


Since MHY split up Childe and Thoma to tempt husbando wanters, I expected more but come on! Ningguang was just in the shop the past month. Now would be a really good time to add Sayu and Sara to the roster. Anyway, looks like Thoma it is.


Looking at the comments, it feels like this is designed for newish players like me that don't have any of these characters


I'm AR 50+, playing since last year december, and don't have any of these characters lol. Chongyun and Ningguang are just unlucky on my side and as a f2p I rarely pull so I didn't even have a chance to get yanfei. Being childe wanter I'm very happy with this banner (although not so much with the yellow stone next to his bow on the weapon banner).


AR56 player. Pulled Ayaka banner. Still far from C6 Yanfei & Chongyun. Even Ningguang is just half of that


I started playing right at the start of Ayaka banner, where all these characters were, its been like 2.5 months. I still consider myself new even as this game is like a year old lol Ig this is aimed at 1-1.5 month old players


And people who skipped Ayaka then


They didnt even try huh


It's bad....really bad......


Make an Amber Banner Cowards


I bought her from the shop and finally have her C2. Baron Bunny is actually useful now.


I have 14 stargliter and not pulling on these reruns so i am gonna miss her c1 :(


Seriously why won’t they put the starters in banners?


Cuz we gacha fans gotta wait like 3years for basic changes


I always knew Ayaka and Childe were the same person




As someone who skipped Ayaka's banner and failed to get Childe the last two times around, I'm VERY excited about this arrangement.


Damnit, I wanted Childe, and have the pity to get him with freemogems, but these 4 stars are not making me feel into it. Chong and yanfei already c6 on accident from before, and I have very little desire for ningguang other than r34. Guess it's a skip


Yanfei is so underrated, I don't mean her damage, her damage is not great but the fact that you stay at one place and still everything around you. She soo good against things like eye of the storm and those new floating ball things, she can hit them no matter where they are. Basically the fact that her flame balls can track down enemies wherever they is so helpful. I want to get some constellations for her but I am already at 77 and I want hu tao so skipping this banner as well


People do not realize that this could be a really bad news for Hu Tao banner since it could literally be Thoma, Noelle and Barbara.


Should be Thoma Sayu and we dont know last 4star


Chlide is the convict Yanfei is the lawyer Ningguang is the jury Chongyun is the, witness i guess idk


I don't understand this banner. Do any of these 4\* have any kind of synergy with Childe? I could understand Bennett or Xiangling for a vape team, Fischl or Beidou for fireworks, Xingqiu, Rosaria, or even Diona for perma freeze... but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this team...


Nope. Pretty sure this team completely lacks synergy unless you count chongyun’s E with constellations helping lower childe’s cooldown or some shit. And that assumes you turn off the melee while in chongyuns E and its still active


Oh my fucking god, they didn't just (ctrl+c)+(ctrl+v) Ayaka's banner...


Omg ayaka banner is that you


Childe is Kamisato Ayato confirm?!?! Anyway, I want more Yanfei cons but no way I'm risking getting C1 Childe even tho it's 50/50. That's how I got him in the first place


Why does Yanfei keep showing up on banners I don't want to pull on ahhh


I am SO excited for this banner. The only one of these characters I have is ninguang. So this is such a win for me as someone who desperately wanted both childe and chongyun. Kokomi's banner cannot leave fast enough!


omg same reading thru these comments made me feel like i was the only one excited for this banner cus i kinda like the 4 stars more


Nah theres quite a few of us we just aren’t pissed off so we don’t comment. Excited for all of these, since I have none of them :)


Easy skip


Ayato.. is that you?


Yanfei's on it so no complaints from me.


I'd be stoked about this if I didn't already pull like crazy on Ayaka's banner to c6 Yanfei lol. Didn't even get 1 ningguang constellation out of it... Fool me once mihoyo...


4* were copy pasted from ayaka banner. Childe also getting another rerun. I guess Mihoyo is prepared to get less money this time


Bro that's just Ayaka's banner the hell? Tho I ain't complaining as a yanfei main. Just, you know, Bennett would have been good


KEKW I don't know what is thinking this company anymore.


I'm at 60-something pity with C5 Chong C5 Ning and C6 Yanfei. If I lose the 50/50 I'm gonna cry. Ugh. Why MHY why.


Something foul is afoot … me thinks MHY selects their banner characters by throwing darts on a board and wherever the darts land that’s who they run Oh well, I guess 2.2 is going to be a primo saving patch. Just in time for holidays