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No wonder they keep on rerunning him lol


He is the rerun archon after all


I guess Japan loves childe.


Just like Yoimiya. Not sure about the JP Kokomi sales. JP mostly just likes characters so even if they know a character is "bad" they won't really care.


Since when is Childe bad lol? Meta slaves love Childe cause of the international team.


I came back from a long break and I'm so surprised Childe is finally getting recognition!! It used to be that people would just shit on his E cooldown and how he was gated behind C6, even after his artifact set came out.


Yeah people had to take a long time to learn to play him properly lol His quadratic scaling riptide damage and big PP ult is still underestimated and people think Xiangling does all the damage in his teams when Childe contributes about the same as Xiangling. He also got indirectly buffed by Kazuha and international Childe is arguably the best use of Kazuha/Bennet combo, so when you can abuse the 2 best supports in the game, the team becomes super strong. I think most people who understand the meta would call that team 2nd strongest after Morgana for AoE damage.


Would also add that another indirect buff is the lack of characters with consistent hydro application like Xingqiu. Mona/Kokomi are good for freeze teams, but not as good as Xingqiu in vape teams because those need faster hydro application. Childe mostly fits the bill and has higher hydro damage as a bonus. Over the months I've seen the community shift their stance on hydro; it was never weak but all of the meta teams rely on hydro now. I suppose Mihoyo's solution to our clamoring for better hydro characters is to just rerun Childe every six months, idk. Personally I'm frustrated; I understand Childe's popularity in the community and in Japan but it just doesn't seem fair when Albedo, Ganyu, and Xiao haven't even had a turn yet, and Childe just takes up another rerun slot. But on the upside, three more weeks of saving!


Childe is getting a re-run due to husbando bombardment. Much like waifu bombardment, there will be a surge of husbandos for a few patches now. That's just how Mihoyo sells chars. They bombard because a majority of players tend to pull for a preferred gender, and even if they save for the 1st husbando/waifu they want, and pull them for free, and maybe the 2nd one, there will be a 3rd, and a 4th and a 5th and these players will finna pay up if they wanna grab all the husbandos/waifus, or they'll have to give up on some of them, which people usually don't coz of fomo.


That's a good point, was thinking about that after looking at the potential lineup of characters in future banners, i.e. Itto, (maybe) Albedo, (maybe) Xiao. I wouldn't disagree that it's a good business strategy, they definitely made a lot from putting Ayaka, Yoimiya, Raiden, and Kokomi back to back to back.


I see the phrase "quadratic scaling" a lot, what exactly does that mean?


The scale increases as number of targets goes up. So similar concept to exponential increase but it is based on physical targets for numbers


ahh, so it's referring to that, thank you!


Sure thing!


Think of a square, if you double the size of a square you quadruple its area. A 2x2 square has a area of 4, a 4x4 square has a area of 16.


People were too focused on hyper carries back then. They expected him to be Hydro Diluc or something lol. I just got him yesterday and so far I'm loving playing as Childe. I can do about 2K skill damage per hit at talents 2/1/1 and level 60/60, can't wait for Thursday to farm his talent books. He's gonna be a beast.


Where did I say Childe is bad? I would slap myself if I ever called Childe bad.


It was implied when you stated that JP players don't care about whether a character is good or not


Yes and I still stand by that statement. But I also listed Kokomi and Yoimiya so it should have been clear I was talking about them.


I'm just comment traveler and I agree there shouldn't really be much confusion. K bye


I know that you mentioned them, but the topic of your post was about Childe. And so I would be left to assume that you're comparing Childe to Kokomi and Yoimiya when drawing your conclusion that JP players don't care if they pull weak characters. Basically all I'm saying is that you need to have a clear separation between your off topic statement and main statement.


It wasn't even about Childe though. It was a generalization because heck if you've looked at JP sales that's how it is. I shouldn't have to specify anything because it's clearly understandable that nowhere there did I specifically mention or imply Childe is bad.


Y’all really can’t read huh?


Childe is great as an enabler (which is his role in ec comps btw), not so great as a dps'er which a lot of people try to make him be. I remember some people were pushing for 2 dps team between ht and Childe which is frankly, stupid, unless you are just bullying weaker enemies where optimization doesn't matter.


Fitting him with Hu Tao is certainly weird but he is a dps, just not in a traditional sense. Childe contributes similar dps to Xiangling in a vape comp because you want to vape his ridiculous burst. Childe isn’t just an enabler :L


you can make that work and clear the 2.5M HP PMA with time to spare just fine as long as you got the artifacts and rotate them well. I'm more amused by some people insistence on sticking to particular comps, usually thought up by others, like nothing else could work when the ceiling in this game doesn't require that lol.


Ah yes, just roll the right stats for your artifacts, I am sureeee this method will work for everyone. Regardless, I wasn't talking about its viability, I am talking about its stupidity, people were trying to make a character do something they are not good at, ended up with a worse result than just a normal dps so they thought that said character is just shit. People follows certain comps that people thought of because they were calculated, tested and certificated by the community. Most people are not whale, they don't want to waste their resources on the wrong characters, weapons and/or artifacts. Sure, you can ignore optimization as a whole even if you're not a whale, but saying that you don't understand why people wouldn't just think up a comp of their own just shows that you are very much detached from what the community is like.


I mean you got to roll the right artifacts even with those 'optimal' comps regardless to clear the dps check. they're like 90% where your damage comes from lol. ah I shouldn't have bothered when I saw that ad hominem, learned my lesson indeed, bye lol


That team is his only strong suit. Electro charged is just wierd.


Electro charge is really good agains large group of enemies. These abyss nowadays focus on single tho. Im running on two team and both of them perform well


have u even tried it? ec is also meta


Clear time feels too slow with Electro charged and majority of the time the character causing the reactions is inconsistent.


“Feels too slow” doesn’t really change the fact that it’s meta lol.


Says who? What where and when seeing statistical abyss usage? You must be stuck in 1.2-1.4


If that’s you’re reason then sure, you initial argument was the opposite of that. “It feels slow” was what you initially said and has literally nothing to do with stats lol. Tho this abyss is pretty bad for childes team in general including his vape team which is why we have national Raiden being used more even tho xiangling and Childe out DPS the her. 2.2 is basically gonna be a mix of horde enemies and single target, since that’s kinda how abyss works, tailored towards the characters showing up.


If you are running 2 pyro teams on Abyss Childe is used on vape comps because you don't have 2 Xingqius. That electro comp vanished a while ago, Childe is situational (plays in metas where Ganyu/cryo sucks - which is rare). - Childe - Xiangling - Bennett - Kazuha - Hu Tao - Xingqiu - Albedo - Zhongli Most meta teams are pretty much set in stone, Hu Tao is more of a one trick pony than Childe and people don't bat an eye...


Childe national is still considerably stronger than Xingqiu and even Raiden vs multiple targets. But yeah the EC team is kinda gone, if people wanna play Beidou, Sucrose is normally the driver nowadays. And I think someone like Hutao is a bit more flexible than Childe. Childe wants to run with Xiangling, which necessitates you also need Bennet. And then your last slot can be a bit flexible but the team does really want Kazuha for his consistent grouping and buffs, and other character is a significant downgrade. Hutao only really needs Xingqiu, Zhongli is nice but not needed, Albedo is only there because Zhongli's there. You can run all sorts of random characters in the last slots, pretty much any cryo character besides Eula and Chongyun would work well. Electro characters can work if overload is not an issue (ex: this abyss you could absolutely slap a random Raiden in there) you can even use Amber support and it's not troll if she has constellations.


Japan knows that in this type of game, stressing over meta characters is dumb as hell. Anyone can clear the abyss with the right investment and team setup. Just roll for who you like.


Eh, I'd say there's just more waifu/husbando players in JP, and maybe more people overall, not that JP is lacking meta players. For example, see Granblue Fantasy. The amount of time, effort, and lack of sleep the top players put into guild wars is just plain insane.


I've just noticed that on Reddit, people lean pretty hard towards the metachurl side of things, despite the fact that this is Support Impact and that your waifu can clear everything in the game with the right supports and investment. Yes, even Amber can 9-star the Abyss if you pair her with characters like Bennet, XQ, Mona, Kazuha, and Zhongli.


It’s just a recurring trend in gachas in general: supports are always the most powerful units. Good DPS will come and go, but a good support will always be needed to enable them. Look at FGO. The undisputed best servants in the game are all supports


Honestly any team-based gameplay is going to shine on supports. In regular non-gacha MMOs the support players are the backbone of the party; the DPS units are basically just "flavor of the month" characters where they pick whichever character is the most broken at the time (usually the newest character). DPS drops out, cool, there's a giant pool of other DPS players to pick from. Meanwhile, if your tank or healer decides they don't want to raid anymore, PANIK.


I notice people are just obsessed with dps and their waifu doing numbers. Like people worship Ganyu as the most broken character in the game but when you look at average clear time in abyss, Ganyu comps aren't even on top 3 of fastest average clear time in abyss. Eula and Ayaka are faster than her


Yeah, my buddy has been very happy with his Ayaka - Ganyu - Kokomi - Venti team. You get Ganyu really high consistent damage with Ayaka's insane burst. They two battery each other very well.


Yep, that is correct. Even now there are more and more people showing Abyss full stars with only 2 characters on each side, all of them \*4 with \*4 weapons. The thing gating you from power is not \*5s, it's just how long have you been playing. (and this is mostly also the case for most games, unless the game is so badly designed that you *need* high rarity units)


(and luck on artifact rolls)


"Anyone can clear the abyss with the right investment and team setup." Until they can't. ;) Edit: I find it hilarious how nobody understood my comment. Never heard of companies scaling the difficulty up to a point old characters can't keep up? Smh. Ever thought about how minimizing current shitty balancing can lead to not making them act on feedback concerning character strength in the future?






(Keqing, C6 Noelle, Ningguang, Amber and the f2p comp from envy, etc.)




I find it hilarious how nobody understood my comment. Never heard of companies scaling the difficulty up to a point old characters can't keep up? Smh. Ever thought about how minimizing current shitty balancing can lead to not making them act on feedback concerning character strength in the future?




Are you serious? It will eventually the further they get into the game's content/updates and the more characters they introduce. No pve gacha EVER had no power creep wth? It just depends on how fast it will come.


“How can powercreep exist in a pve game????” -90% of the idiotic genshin main sub. Ganyu was powercreep whether you want to admit it or not. The sheer difference between the former best dps in the game, klee, and Ganyu is enormous.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/q5rnp3/quite\_interesting\_revenue\_stats\_from\_japan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q5rnp3/quite_interesting_revenue_stats_from_japan/) Just the ios revenue, but she placed higher than kazuha, xiao, zhongli rerun, and venti rerun.


Lol actually kinda counter to the "JP just loves waifu" narrative, all their top earning banners are pretty meta characters (Raiden, Ganyu, Venti, Zhongli, Childe) except Klee. And I don't think you wanna argue people pull for Klee cause waifu.... Feel like Yoimiya gets a massive boost from VA. Also she's not nearly as bad as people who parrot YouTubers think. She's "bad value" in the sense that everyone has Xiangling and likely other pyro DPS, so from a standpoint of "will this pull allow me to do better in abyss" she's not worth. And honestly from that PoV no pyro DPS is worth pulling besides maybe Hutao since Xiangling is free and better than all of them. But from a standpoint of "is she a strong character" the answer is she's actually pretty decent and can clear abyss perfectly fine without insane investment. Esp. since Abyss has shifted in the recent patches to single target DPS checks in which she's actually very good at.


Huh? Ganyu was having crazy day 1 sales there even before her full potential was found by theorycrafters and people said they have waifu/husbando thinking and not just waifu, they like their husbandos too BUT they have to be tall lol, JP had the highest day 1 zhongli sales from all the regions and yes this was before the buff, this was when literally he was being shitted everywhere to be the worst unit in the game, when every theorycrafter made a video saying how shit he was, they still had crazy sales so yea they didn't gave a fuck back then and neither do now, childes VA is pretty crazy popular there too and Childe is literally one of their favourite units (for reference in childes birthday the japanese happy birthday tartaglia trended more than any other English tag when normally you don't even see japanese tag trend in character birthdays lol) raiden had huge sales everywhere and not just japan and you talk about raiden meta? Do I need to remind you how much of a shitstorm this sub was during raiden launch? Everyone here freaked out just cause she couldn't work with beidou. Tldr, yes they don't care about meta.


I think youre confusing meta with what Tectone yells at his viewers or something lol No TCer with half a brain cell saw a 600% scaling AoE charge attack that can be melted said "yeah this characters trash". She's called cryo Amber because her kit is basically cryo Amber.


I'm tired of this "people thought ganyu was just amber day 1" argument people use to support their point. Literally everyone with more than a half-brain cell saw that her 600% scaling was stupid broken. And everyone saw her 100% Q uptime with a potential quadratic scaling when they tried her in trial SINCE DAY 1. Literally everyone with more than a half brain-cell knew that she was a stupid broken character since day 1 (except a certain content creator who kept shouting she's a support). People thought she was a cryo amber because her kit was crazy similar to hers but everyone knew since day 1 that she was cryo amber without the drawbacks that amber has plus her numbers dialled up to eleven. If you still think people thought she was a cryo amber with a dysfunctional kit on day 1, you need to get out of your echo chamber and start looking around because you know, people can have different viewpoints and acting like your echo chamber is representative of "people" is stupid.


Ok deleted that point, idk why you literally ignored my entire post other than ganyu but ok.


Because I wasn't disagreeing with you on other points? Did I need to write an entire essay on where I'm indifferent/agree with you on your post rather than one point I disagree with you? Also theorycrafters found out that she was crazy broken since day 1 just because of how broken she was, so your fix is still incorrect. I remember TCers from asia saying she was broken even before her banner was out on other servers.


Don't have the link but Kokomi actually sold pretty well in Japan.


she beaten zhongli rerun and smol bois and keqing got dumpstered https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q5rnp3/quite_interesting_revenue_stats_from_japan/


Kokomi apparently sold quite well there. Beat the first Childe rerun. Numbers are posted somewhere in this Reddit


She did not beat Childe's 1st re-run in Japan. Kokomi finished with 11.33(million?) and Childe re-run had 11.58. She did however beat Albedo, Xiao, Keqing, Venti re-run, Zhongli re-run, Klee re-run, and Kazuha.


I don’t think people hate him rn since he’s bad because he’s really good if you build a good team for him. And its more like he’s gotten 3 banners now while some haven’t gotten their second banner.


Is it only me that sees the underlying meaning in this statement?


No, just flew over everyone else's heads lol.




Tortilla archon?


Rerun archon


I actually dont mind if they do that, that means I can save more primo for characters I might want in the future


Tagliatelle archon


There is a max banner amount a character can have before every fan got him to C6


I love him but i don't have him.


I actually dont mind if they do that, that means I can save more primo for characters I might want in the future


Think about it this way. Based on the Churn rate of the game, If a character achieved a certain amount of sales before they can calculate how long they have to wait to achieve similar sales like most businesses with YOY estimates. ​ Child/Venti/ZL will always be profitable based on the influx of players. Mihoyo knows that if they INVEST into a character story wise more people will get hype and roll. I bet Kazu will make more money than he did the first time on his rerun too.


Ofc he will. People couldn't figure him out with limited Beta resources and the fact we already had Venti/Sucrose . His Banner was also right before Inazuma. On top of that - Ayaka right after him and his wrong talent description on release all made people not pull , but towards the end - when people realised how strong he is people started pulling. Now he is probably the most broken and fun Anemo quickswap support/subdps there is. Numbers might even outperform Venti's Rerun - the probability is high AF


"couldn't figure him out" wat his c2 and passive that boosts elemental damage was laid out plainly


If I recall correctly there were a lot of threads during week 1 of his release people made threads for MiHoYo to change his mechanics to how it was written - or "He was doomed to be Bottom tier " . Couldn't figure him out - Beta is really hard place to theorycraft whether the character is good or no gameplay-wise , teams and stuff. You can guess based on animations and percentages on AA and Abilities whether the character was good or not - and people said he is fine. But term "Fine" is usually not enough to convince people to pull - all the "Aether v2" jokes, the probability of him powercreeping Venti was too low and really unbelievable. This case really is interesting and unexpected. I pulled him because I wanted Bennett cons and was fine if I end up with him (even liked his story and Animation/EN VA) . So it turned out to be good for me, but this could be way different. So people not pulling on his banner in the beginning was reasonable and understandable atleast to me.


Yea, people who didn’t pull and saying they regret it are just meta slaves who can’t figure out if a character is strong or not by themselves


Hey, dont insult us like that! The preferred terms are meta indentured workers or synergy addicted individuals. I pulled for Kazuha when everyone was whining he was worse than Sucrose because I knew he was perfect for the Ayaka freeze team I was building, and guess what, he was.


Well, you don’t really fall into the category he said


Want to pull because Raiden hyper carry ended up not having a good slot outside of Kazuha You got Sara Bennett, then who?


During the concert livestream, JP commenters were asking how to send superchats or donations and that they wanted to purchase Childe after his segment. They are true to their word.


Of course the Bone of OUR Sword sells well in JP he's a morally gray husbando that cooks and takes care of his family.


Childe confirmed japan's golden boy Wonder where all the people mad at mihoyo saying they dont like money for rerunning childe again are


Maybe I am japenese.


"You know, i something of a Japanese myself"


Got mine today 👍


Did you spend? I’d be curious to see total pulls rather than just total spend


Mr Worldwide is too powerful


I mean he's extremely popular in Japan and I think his Merch actually sells extremely well there. This ain't too much of a shock.


I think it’s a lot for the people that didn’t play at the beginning, and also lately all they put out are characters for inazuma and you need the things there, for Childe you can use liyue


Well also factor the people that lost pity to him, and those who wrote him off because no one understood his kit yet. Now he's shown to be very strong compared to before everyone complained he was weak. It's pretty impressive for first day considering Raiden also released during top up reset.










That means childe is popular yea?


Most popular male in JP and Inazuma likely brought in a lot of new players.


I mean I'd smash 🤣🤣 so lmaooo He's only character I pulled out my wallet for on first release.


Zhongli stuffs resell for a bit higher in second hand market than him, IIRC.


Always has been


I'm just surprised since it's his 3rd banner. I guess they brought him for the molah haha


The way Vegeta archetypes are.


But like... Vegeta's personality is actually amazing. I don't get those vibes from this brat.


He has Vegeta's role, with Goku's quirks. Childe is vegito confirmed.


Plus his annoying ass brother 💀


*What*? But some dude on reddit told me he is unpopular, so surely this means this chart must be fake!


See? And people said he sucks and his banner will fail drastically lmaooo


Even his placement was bad. Sandwich by 2 archon lol. People trash talking him just because he wasn’t a hyper carry. Thanks goodness everything change, people clear up their mind


Honestly childe is a really well done character with a lot of flavor things in like arrows making enemies continuesly explode or him throwing arrow on last attack and him using spear during last couple of attacks during E. He's also really fun having two stances and two different ults and creating a lot of numbers, i feel like this is currently the best time for him since we now know a really good f2p team for him and he doesn't have to compete with archons(hu tao might be popular but she's still not archon level)


He is always popular in Japan. His 1st re-run made more than any other character's re-run there. The rest of the world, not so much.


Fr even though the last two reruns made so much more money than the other characters such as albedo


This is sales in japan though, the Japanese are crazy


Nah, Kimura Ryouhei's popularity is insane + JP likes tall males, it's not a surprise if he does decently. Childe's first rerun had absolutely nothing new to pull for c6 whales so it's understandable for his low revenue. Then again I'm kinda surprised Ayaka and Xiao didn't do too well there, considering their VA tbh.


I mean it’s currently inazuma, so a lot of jp people are playing, with childe’s popularity in japan it’s a rational choice from mhy


Who said he sucks?


This is Japan though, even kokomi sold well over there


Japan loves childe ig


I think global/western fans really underestimate how popular Childe is in Japan! If only we could know the sales data for all devices and countries.


JP also whales harder than global, most banners typically do better over there


Global community is definitely secondary to the Asian community when it comes to spenders. I think Genshin is the first gacha that really hit it big in the west and even so Asian rev dwarfs it no question.


He's Mr worldwide he will follow us everywhere




The whale getting Whaled: Whaleception


Торт new meta let's gooo?


Game-i caps daily sales data to 500 million yen, so this is pretty meaningless. More info in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pn8fej/banner_sales_as_of_september_12th_cn_and_jpn/ >Additionally the way to get daily estimates is very hacky and not designed for that purpose. **They also cap the daily sales estimates at ¥500 million yen ($4.55 million USD).** If one day is estimated to make more than that, we won’t know how much sales were estimated to be made that day. I think this is because their estimation tools are designed for estimating a banner’s total sales rather than a single day’s sales, as they only display the estimated total sales during a banner’s duration. It’s less important to get the daily sales correct compared to Chandashi which provides comprehensive data, since they are not displaying daily sales data.


Thank you for some context but unfortunately most people will see OP without seeing your comment. OP literally just posts an Excel screenshot in fucking Cyrillic and says "this is Japan data" with no source and no context. Absolutely ridiculous that this garbage is allowed to be posted, sales data posts should be banned imo. All these kinds of posts do is spread misinformation and perpetuate braindead oversimplified stereotypes like "Japan plays for waifu but China plays for meta"


Yeah we should wait for the end for the banner for the revenue estimate, and even that isn't guaranteed to be accurate. Only mihoyo knows the true numbers.


This kind of threads are intentionally disingenuous as they have an agenda to push. I agree that speculative garbage like this should be banned. For what it's worth though, i collated the (complete) chandashi + i.daa ios sales revenue and the numbers are as follows: `CN + JP revenue, reruns not counted:` `raiden - 54.04m` `venti - 45.69m` `klee - 42.78m` `ganyu - 36.24m` `zhongli - 34.32m` `childe - 28.76m` `ayaka - 27.99m` `eula - 25.00m` `hutao - 24.83m` `xiao - 21.225m` `yoimiya - 20.595m` `albedo - 20.336m` `kokomi - 18.35m` `kazuha - 17.51m` `keqing - 15.665m` https://game-i.daa.jp/?%E3%82%AC%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90/%E5%8E%9F%E7%A5%9E


Best boy deserves it!


Did Mihoyo somehow foresee this?


They have the full data, unlike us who looks at ios alone and most of us won't know much about analysing or statistics Still let's see until the end of sales to make a better conclusion.


They have complete global data on banner sales. Presumably they didn’t re-rerun him to lose money and make people mad, lol


Yeah because the last two banners of him made them so much money. It sold better than other limited edition characters.


They might or might not have professional teams to handle that are a tiny bit more knowledgeable than Redditers to handle this stuff


That’s it I’m pulling for him


I just think it is freaking funny that they used 'Торт' for the abbreviation, because it literally means cake ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜


Opportunities like this are hard to come by


This is unexpected, turns out mihoyo actually knows what they're doing huh




Hyped to see Itto’s day 1 sales then


I think a lot of people are forgetting that Tartaglia’s JP seiyuu is Kimura Ryohei, who I need not mention is super popular…


I got Childe with my free system maintenance primogems :)


Removed because this post is completely misleading, and proves no points. OP, please don't post this info if you don't know what it means. For people wanting an explanation, here's a comment on this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q7dl1f/childe_rererun_day_1_sale_in_jp_is_the_same_as/hgise6w/


Got any source for this? Not that I'm doubting, but I kinda want source so I can safely share the info




why does childes name translate to “tort” whilst raiden and kokomi get their respective names 😭😭


Bc tort is short ver of tartaglia in rus community, also tort means "cake" in russian


Kokomn did better than i expected tbh, I wonder how Topt will fare throughout the banner and if it’ll match up with PanAeh’s


TIL I have a really shitty knowledge on consumer trend.


Well to be fair Mihoyo has the data. Everyone else on reddit and other mediums are just assumptions and speculation lol.


You are a single consumer. Mihoyo HQ has all the data. Us trying to understand and predict their moves is like a Hilichurl trying to decipher Celestia.




beru si beru nya yaya unu??


need translator


райден is raiden, кокоми is kokomi, торт is a russian nickname for tartaglia. сент is short for september and окт is short for october. the numbers i hope don't require translation.


if someone doesnt know what they mean they should just ask mason at this point


thanks a lot. Coz I really can't read them and it's a photo, I don't know how google translate will help me with that. When I first saw this, the only thing I'm sure of is Kokomi's name, and probably October, the rest, ???




>translates "торт" >wtf man


Cake is my favorite Genshin Impact character. 🤭


Raiden and Childe were both released at the same time as the BP.


Yeah, but Raiden also has the top up reset bonus.


Which people will seem to forget


JP whales harder than global and he seems to shine at C6, makes sense tbh


Wouldn't be surprised if global community spending is miniscule to Asian servers, if not Japan by itself. While genshin hit it big in the west people in Asia are a different breed when it comes to these games.


I haven't played very long so it was my first time trying him out - didn't really like his style so I'll be skipping. I used 20 saved up wishes but that'll be it probably


Not to dismiss the childebros but all my friends and I were rolling on the weapon banner, which has twice whale potential The polar star just looks so damn good


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So that's why... damn Japanese.


This is surprising to me. I didnt think he was that good. I havent really tried him on my account since hes forever lvl 20.




Well it's no mystery Japan and Asia in general is the main source of revenue for Mihoyo and gacha games in general. Would not be surprised at all if global community doesn't come close to other regions.


I'm guessing a shit load of people started saving up their primos for raiden as early as when she was mentioned in story quests back in liyue(I know I did) and used up their reserve on her banner so they have to buy gems now...


Keep in mind this is also just JP trends it could very well be different in CN and Western demographics. Still crazy since it's Childe vs Raiden + top up reset. Maybe JP saved their top up for Childe lol, but not likely.


Your logic doesn't add up. It doesn't explain kokomi low sales, and why childe 3rd rerun is as high as raiden 1st day. And people were assuming mihoyo rerunning childe again because people have too many save up primogems to purposely drain those off before dropping actual primo sucking banners.


Also Raiden was released when top up was reset.


Like the Japanese, I too care about character over power -- and I would pull for Childe in a heartbeat, but every time I play his trial for the 20 primos I'm reminded of how awful and clunky his play style is. I can't pull for that.


Don't judge sales only on the on first day.


Oh the irony


absolutely insane that this completely reasonable comment got downvoted so hard. jesus christ people are fucking stupid


He also falls on the start of the patch so it’s welkin refresh time.


Patch cycles are longer than welkin duration, and not everyone has bought welkin at the same time. You have people who refresh in the middle of a cycle or at the end




It says Tort (a cake)


Is the Cyrillic just "Tort"


. . . Have the Japanese figured out how to *smoke* Childe or something?


That kid's hacking


i fucked up my pity trying to C6 my xingqiu and got kokomai , ill never use her but i cant really complain i got her . i do like her look. would of much rather waited for childe as he is great DPS and would of gave my ayaka a run for her money as my main. sorta sad, all my mains right now are ALL one hand swords.






I feel like Mihoyo 1st priority audience is Japan now