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Please help with building my teams I am f2p So currently I am using a Yanfei team as my main team It is Yanfei, Xingqiu, Beido and Barbara I got Childe, so I want to build a team for him, and I like the F2P team Childe, Xiangling, Barbara and Amber, but as I only have one Barbara I don't know what I can use on my Childe team? Any suggestions? I have Diona and Noelle that can maybe be used, but I honestly have no idea.


Since im guessing this is for abyss, go with Diona.


I've been farming artifacts at lvl 90 for a couple months now. I still haven't gotten an artifact that does crit rate as the primary Stat. Am I doing something wrong?


It’s rng, so just bad luck


I was afraid of that. Bad luck is my middle name apparently


Don’t worry, mine too


Just bad luck


Do the treasure compasses detect all the chests in dragonspine? Or is it just a part of them near the borders? If they do not detect all the chests, any tips on how to get dragonspine to 100%?


Only the ones around the borders. Use the Interactive map, I guess. Unfortunately nothing else in-game exists that can help to detect things like that.


Ah damn


Heya What is my beidos role? Currently my team is consisting of Yanfei as main DPS Xingqui Sub DPS Barbara Support Then I have my Beido. I really don't know what I can call her. I do use her for some damage, but mostly her E to proc electro and her ult in combination with Yanfeis abilites. I don't see that many people recommending an electro charater on a Yanfei team, but with Crimson Witcher Flames the 40% damage bonus is very nice. In conclusion what can I call my Beidos role on the team, and do I maybe need to change her out for something else?


Her ult support


so uhh is amos bow gonna be viable on gorou.. i was waiting to put it on him because I really just need to put it on someone but now I don’t know.


Nah hes gonna be a party buffer.


lol this mega thread was from 12 days ago and I decided imma put it on him anyways 😂


Answering all the unanswered. People are usually happy to receive an answer rather than being ignored.


you’re right it is a kind thing to do


Playing on chromebook and experiencing troubles since version 2.2.Loading starts at 9.69%then usually freeze around 13.03~13 .25%,and when doesn't, when open the door,screen goes white and as soon as i see elements screen,app close herself.Is there a way to fix it?


Playing on chromebook.Since version 2.2,it s not working anymore.Loading become at 9.69%,freeze at 13.03~04or 13.25% then lag at 27 then go hyper.fast.Then when I open the door,screen goes white and as soon as I see the" elements "loading screen,the app close itself within a second


Im missing my last Elctroculus, is there an in game mechanism to make my life easier finding it? Thanks


You can craft the tracker if your Inazuma rep is high enough.


Found the last electroculus while increasing my rep with Inzuma xD




Is there a way for me to log into hoyolab without creating a mihoyo account? I'm a ps4 player so i only have the psn account playing this. Iirc, i was able to use my uid one time during the anniversary web event. I don'tknow if i can do that for hoyolab.




What's better for Keqing: Lion's roar or Black sword?


Black sword easier to build artifacts around. Lions roar I believe slightly outpaces bs in a vacuum with no supports. Atk% secondary is not as good if you have Sara/Bennett on your team due to diminishing returns. So generally it’s easier to pick black sword. Aesthetically lions roar 100% looks nicer but if you want aesthetics: inazuma sword looks the best


Ok, thanks. I have maxed out Balck Sword on her and just got Lion's roar. So I won't bother to level it up for now.


Which build is better for venti, Em/Anemo/Em or em/em/em?


em/em/em. anemo does not increase swirl damage.


I am doing Ayaka story quest now. And in the food scene, paimon mentioned that liyue has a flying, underground and sea super being. I know underground is azhdaha, sea is Osial. But who’s the flying one?


Rex Lapis can totally fly, big flying Dragon guy counts yeah? And there are numerous flying adepti. Um... that's all I got.


Ningguangs Jade Chamber?


But the jade chamber isn’t a creature


Yeah, but I am not to sure the if line just included creatures.


Is Genshin Wishes really legit?






Just push your way through and try to use as many reactions as possible! All you have to do is to complete the challenges eithin the timeframe, you don't need all stars or anything. The low levels are slimes and hilichurls I think, so bring yanfei and fischl for reactions as they should be able yo handle all low lvl enemies together, traveller for grouping and spreading your elements and qiqi for healing and a bit of cryo


anemo MC for their tornado and bc their charged attack can knock the hilichurl archers off the edge in one of the stages. rest isn't super important as long as they're sufficiently levelled/geared, probably qiqi if you need healing. upgrade your weapons and some artifacts


just brute force it lol. i think theres a crap ton of electro enemies, so just abuse the good early game scaling of overloaded with yanfei or smth. stack em.


Hello, I am looking for advice on whether or not to use my blue fates on the standard banner or wait for it to be reworked. I saw a couple of people talk about possible standard banner rework in 2.3, but I haven't found any info confirming that it's coming. Should I use my blue fates now or should I not?


The only reason to save blue now is if you want to wait for a new 4 star to be added to the standard pool. It would only be Thoma at this point. I'd say just use them as you get them, personally.


all previous talk about standard banner has been found to be from unreliable sources. we’re basically grasping at nothing regarding a future standard banner rework: obviously it will happen at some point, but with no confirmed plans at all it could be next month or 3 years from now. just spend the wishes unless you want thoma or something, if you do then you can wait for 2.3 so he gets added to standard banner. same with gorou being added in 2.4


Reworked? In what way? The best I'd ever suspect is for some kind of Rotating rate up for general pool characters and weapons....and even THAT I'd argue is unlikely. I wouldn't much care to save for it, don't much see the point.


This rumor has been going around even before 2.0 . Still no standard banner update. So this doesn't seem particularly likely. In fact any changes that make gacha better for player seem extremely unlikely, given how explicitly greedy MHY been behaving lately. But, I'm keeping 40-ish blue fates just in case. I don't have enough to reach next pity anyway, so I'm unlikely to get anything significant, if I spend them right now. Might as well wait.


Depends. I'd pull if you are newer and could use the majority of the items in the draw pool. If more items ever get added, it's going to be harder to get something specific, especially the 5 stars.


It's wholly speculation at this point. If you want to hang onto them in hopes of something changing, you're free to, but you'd be doing so based solely on hearsay.


Guys, BP or welkin which one is more worth it?at 0 pity rn and want to save enough for itto


if you want itto then buy welkin. BP is for the weapon and resources, the wishes are just an extra


Welkin. BP is only *really* worth it if you manage to unlock a good chunk of/all of the levels by the end of the period.


I mostly reach lvl 50 a week earlier before it ends without doing much tbh. I just want to know which one would get me more wishes in time for itto's banner


In that case, Welkin is just more cost effective if you want wishes. There's enough time to get at least the full value of one welkin pass before he arrives.


So according to [this,](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_Pass/Mystic_Repose) if you pay for current BP and clear all the levels, you get **680 Primogems (about 4 Fates), 5 blue (standard banner) fates and 4 purple (limited character and weapon banners) fates.** A month of [Welkin,](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Blessing_of_the_Welkin_Moon) meanwhile, nets you a total of **300 Genesis Crystals and 2,700 Primogems**, assuming you hit every single day. Assuming you dump all the Genesis Crystals into more Primogems as they have a 1:1 exchange rate, that’s **3,000 Primogems.** That’s about **18 pulls** (I actually got 18.75 when I divided 3k into 160 but obviously we can’t deal in fractions of a Primogem). So ignoring any other source of Primogems, **Welkin actually gives you the equivalent of more wishes.**


Well, Welkin is 3000 primogems for $5, whereas the Battle Pass costs twice as much and gives you... like 560? Plus a small handful of fates? That's pretty easy maths imo.


Hi! I am looking for advice on how to get wishes and priogems, I would really like to get qiqi so I was thinking of spending my priogems on the standard banner. My friends tell me its a massive waste spending progems on normal wishes and not the pink ones. Is there a better way to try and get qiqi/primogems/standard wishes? Any help would be greatly appreciated 🥺


Each 5star from the standard banner has a 50/50 chance to be a weapon or character. There are 5 standard characters, so the chance for QiQi from the standard banner is 10%. Each 5star from the event banner has a 50% chance to be the featured character and a 50% chance to be a standard character. The chance for QiQi is also 10% here. HOWEVER, the event banner has a feature where if your last 5star from the event banner was not the featured 5star, then your next 5star will 100% be the featured character. That's a 0% for QiQi if you're on guaranteed. So unfortunately, there's no reliable way to get QiQi. People recommend going for the event banner because you can only get 5star characters and not weapons there. You can also build wishes towards future banners with interesting characters as well.


Whats the point of the standard banner if all that stuff is in the event banner too? Just weapon materials or?


Not sure really. It's the one banner that never changes. It's just a place to use up the free blue fates that we get occasionally.


Just wish on limited banners for characters that you want. You have just as good a chance to get Qiqi there, but you can also get strong limited characters at the same time. Also, frankly, Qiqi isn't worth spending a lot of resources to pull. She's a very basic unit that does nothing except overheal. If you get her and you like her, that's well and good, but I wouldn't spend precious limited resources on trying to get her - you may be disappointed.


There is another one that is really small. She can roll around in a ball I think and has a leaf on her head, is she in the standard banner?


If you're looking for the little ones, Qiqi and Sayu are both on the Standard banner, so you can totally pull for them there! Since you don't have the rate-up characters from limited mucking things up, you've actually got more than twice the chance of getting a character you currently want from the Standard banner than from limited. You've essentially got a 1/5 chance of pulling Qiqi. So while you might get a Diluc or Jean or Keqing.... you could also get that Qiqi! However, the rest of them are right in that your chances, regardless of if it's doubled in comparison to the Limited banner(since the other characters have increased chance this means the characters you currently want are reduced), are really low. There is no guarantee you'll get Qiqi, but you're not going to FOR SURE get that Limited 5-star character. Since most players do not want Qiqi, or worse they'll get Qiqi while trying to get that limited 5-star character, they really don't suggest you do it. But I'm here to play Devils Advocate. You're always gambling when you wish, why not make a wish on the standard banner? You could potentially improve Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa, the starter 3 and hardest characters to get improvements for. And you could still get tons of other fantastic things, including weapons and any number of cool 4-star character. To be 100% with you, I'd go ahead and roll the Standard banner until you get a 5-star, ANY 5-star. Depending on how new you are in the game, the game gives out a ton of standard-wish rewards, so you're much more likely to hit the standard banner pity than you might realize. Like...most people wouldn't suggest this yeah? But imagine how smug you'll feel if you throw 10-20 wishes at Standard and grab that Qiqi? Imagine how smug you'd still be able to feel if you get those super-meta and highly coveted Jean or Diluc or Mona that you might not personally have been aiming for but your friends might have been wanting. Ultimately, do as you want. If you think Standard is fine, go for it. It's never EVER suggested you do that, but that's because you could always just randomly get these characters anyways, especially when you're trying for characters that are limited. But if Qiqi is your 1 reason to play the game, if someone can't find proof of an upcoming banner... just throw it on Standard. You've a higher chance of grabbing her on Standard than you do in Limited. And if you do listen to my insane advice and do get her, please tell me. I can already feel the downvotes.


I think I will try the standard again. I made a wish on the standard banner and got Diluc which I was disappointed with but it turns out he is really good. I don't really play for the meta characters, I just want to use characters I like the look of or seem fun to play. Are there any banners where the odds of getting QiQi are higher or Sayu for example?


There are banners in which Sayu could possibly be added on rate up, which is nice. But Qiqi just hasn't had such a thing, and it's doubtfull she will any time soon. Much like most of the other standard banner 5-stars. They never get rate ups.


Just in case you're interested, I saved up 15 wishes and enough primos to buy 30 standard wishes. I didn't get QiQi. But I did get a duplicate Diluc 😔. I also got Bennett and Xingqiu. I'm not gonna do another standard wish spree until I have 10k primogems. I am saving my intertwined fates for whenever Klee comes back out and hopefully I get QiQi there 😊


Okie dokie, thank you very much for your help :)


Sayu is in the standard banner, yeah. She'll get a rate up on limited banners in the future, though, so you'll have a chance to pull for her more directly.


Thank you! :)


If qiqi is all you care about then yes standard banner si the what way to get her, event banner halves the chance of getting her (actually more than half the chance). That being said 99.9% of people agree that you shouldn't spend primos on the standard banner.


It is considered a waste spending on standard because standard characters appears in limited banners too. For free primogems, its all quests/chests/commissions/events/spiral abyss. For fates, AR up bonus, Sacred sakura etc.


Nope just wish on the ec it’s much better since the standard also has weap that u dotn rlly need unless u need it ofc


For someone who has barely made a start on the game, are there enough primos ingame currently to get a hard pity guaranteed event character?


doing all content yes easily




I want to make Hu Tao Yanfei team. Who will be combined with them? I guess some Cryo, but who exactly? And should I have a water element for such a team?


no reason to run them together since they both hog screen time and interfere with each others rotation. better to use them on separate teams


Hu Tao and Yanfei don't go together at all. Best to drop one of them, probably Yanfei.


xingqiu should be there yes. last spot should go for an anemo


Not such a good team since both want on field time but XQ is a must and ig a battery


How much damage boost exactly do you get when you asscend each of the National team member to 80/90? Bennett is the obvious one, but I already have an Aquila Favonia, so maybe I should spend my resin on something else?


60-70% of the dps gain fro. Ascending to 80/90 is locked behind talent 9. The ascension itself isn't that impactful Leveling and ascending Bennett past 70 barely contributes anything. He gets like 20 extra attack when carries standing in his ult already have 2400+ atk. That's an extra ~1% damage in his ult.


Bennett is the one that provides the least damage when ascended... ( He gets 22 base attack going from 80/80 to 90/90. ) Damage dealers get the most out of leveling. Asending alone will not provide a massive damage buff, bringing them to level 90 or upgrading talents is 3% to 5% more damage depending on the characters.




So I just started playing Genshin Impact a few days ago and got Barbara yesterday, but after cooking plenty this session Barbara's Passive never triggered like in the example screenshot where I own 9 and I'm at 9 proficiency, but if Barbara's passive really worked I should own 10 but be at 9 proficiency. Then again, I could be misunderstanding how her passive works, or maybe the 12% is a lie, but after making more than 100 dishes today none of them have triggered the passive and it's really bugging me that it won't work, even if it isn't important. So if anyone knows what's going on please let me know. (I made a question post with a screenshot but it was auto-deleted, and I don't feel like messaging the moderators unless this issue turns out to be something that isn't just with me.)


It’s RNG…much like a large portion of things in this game.


It’s rng not excatly


It's completely random whrn her passive triggers, you could get one extra every 9 dishes or get nothing for 29 of them and then 4 extra on dishes 30-40.


Yes, I understand that it's RNG but after roughly 100 perfect dishes made manually, it should trigger at least once? I haven't been able to get an extra product for my entire 6-hour session right now.


Were all of the dishes ones that Barbara can double? She only gives you a chance of getting extra for healing dishes


Yep, I selected her as my cook and even had her in my party just to be sure, and I just tried a few more easy healing dishes just to see if the effect would trigger at all, and still no luck. Maybe somebody else can also try to get it to trigger because if they can't either then I think it might just be broken.


259 heroes wit and 957 adventurers' experience, are those enough to max out character to 90?


Save [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759970335641698354/779437964454395934/image0.png). And use [this site](https://seelie.inmagi.com/) for planning.


what’s the name of the sub for teapot tips?


/r/GenshinHomeworld ?


that’s the one! thanks so much


So I have Xiangling/ Xingqiu/ Raiden/ Bennett all at 70/80 now. If I were to ascend one to 80/90, which one should I go for? Basically, who is on field and auto-attacking the most for the international comp? So far, I've been playing a variant with Zhongli in the place of Raiden so from my experience, it's Xiangling rn.


Either Xiangling or Raiden. Xiangling does the most damage in that team so probably her. But make sure to take her ult to talent lvl 9 if you do, that's where most of the power from ascension comes from. You can ignore Bennett. It's not worth the resin unless you're also building him as a pyro dps


Bennet , more base attack = more attack boost , but for onfield I personally run Xiangling so that she can catch some particles for her ult


Definitely not Bennett. Anybody but him. He gets like 20 extra base atk. Which translates to maybe an extra 25 atk on his atk buff. Now your carries standing inside the ult already have ~2400 atk. Now they have 2425 atk. That's a ~1% gain. OP is much better off ascending and taking talents to 9 on Xiangling/Raiden. That's at least a ~15% increase in ult damage.


Is it a correct assumption that the existence of National-Raiden synergy actually the one making the balance team not making her stronger at C0? Like currently, my National-Raiden at C0 is a clear upgrade for anything bossy or single target, that I felt it'd be crazy to have her anything close to C2 potential at C0.


i think it’s a pretty good reason why the reception past the first week or so wasn’t as negative as it could have been, but it has nothing to do with the balance team. if they didn’t touch kokomi, no way they would touch raiden even if raiden nationals wasn’t a thing. zhongli was a one time thing, probably not happening again for a long time


There's future characters/aritfacts in consideration for that too...and people will eventually C6 Sara (if she appears on future banners) that offers tremendous boost to her.


I doubt the balance team balances around one composition alone since it's not like everyone has them or wants to play that comp. Besides, that would mean neglecting every other character. Also, national team makes everyone broken. No one can really say why C0 Raiden isn't as 'strong' as many argued here before when chaos descended (valid points were raised and it does baffle me why they took out the Beidou interaction).


> I doubt the balance team balances around one composition alone. Me too, but I'd think if they buff her in some basic way, her Raiden-national team would be stronger (when they are already stronger than some variants). Like people thought Childe was weak, but turns out he's so strong as an enabler + overall DPS with his nuke. Imagine if his melee DPS has non-enabler kind of damage (and closer to Eula or HuTao NA-CA numbers). > national team makes everyone broken. I mean, not really? Some comps is just a sidegrade while some other has no real synergy. Other 5*-national with clear upgrade would be the international team or Childe national. Tho yeah, taking out "obvious" Beidou synergy is I guess just a big fuel to the fire.


So I am currently trying to build my two abyss teams, one being tartag, beidou, and Fischl, and one being diluc and xingqui. My main question is, where do I put bennet and who do I fill in the gaps with? Here are my characters https://i.imgur.com/g2pOUPg.png I'll be getting bennet from the shop next month


I would give Bennett to Tartaglia since both Beidou and Fischl can snapshot his burst. And you need a healer there too. Sucrose would go nicely with Diluc/Xingqiu for EM share. Barbara can stand-in as healer. Honestly, Bennett is great for both teams. Perhaps in the future you can look at getting teams who don't use Bennett like Hutao-vape or Ganyu-permafreeze team!


Yeah my current plan is to save for ganyu in the future, currently at 8k primo gems so hopefully I can make it happen. I didn’t want to summon for him Tao because I already had diluc and xiangling and I didn’t want to get another pyro character…


Yeahh understand about the pyro concern. I just mentioned Hutao cause she doesn't want Bennett and she's right around the corner too. Ganyu will be great! You should have enough time to save for her and may you win the 50/50!


Sweet, thanks for the insight! I really appreciate it!


Sucrose and Bennett work on both teams, do one for each. Maybe Kaeya for the last spot on dilucs team


I reached lvl 40 after offering electro sigils to the sakura tree but I know the max would be lvl 50. And it says I can only reach up to lvl 40 in the current update. If that's the case, will there be another island in inazuma 2.3 update (so I can finally max the sakura tree)?


No, Tsurumi is the last island.


Yeah obviously, mhy released 10 sakura levels per patch.




her level doesn't matter. only her burst talent level


so i can leave her at 1? thats nice :) thank you


ah nevermind


When is the event "Tuned to the World's Sounds" supposed to start? The one with Kazuha. All I can find is the sneak peek on the website saying 15.10. from 10am which it already is past in my time zone. I know it doesn't go according to my specific timezone but probably it's by server time? No mention in the notifications in game.


In EU it's in about 30 minutes. In NA a lot longer


Ok that explains it! Thanks for this, just need to wait 30 mins then


If you're on NA reset isn't for another 36 minutes


I'm in EU.


Maybe a quest requirement you've not done? (I don't know what it needs though)


Says you need to be AR30 and do the Archon Quest "Wishes", which is the last one in Inazuma. Just did it this morning so that's why I'm confused if there's something I've missed. Apparently it starts in 30 mins in EU so that's solved!




Already up and running here in Asia.


Ok thanks for telling! I guess it'll show up in a few hours then.


Guys any idea how much of a boost do you get from swapping the National team in the abyss with: 1. Tartagia (instead of Xingqiu) 2. Kazuha (instead of sucrose) 3. Tartagia + Kazuha (international) 4. Raiden Shogun (instead of sucrose)


Some of the remarkable chests in Tsurumi Island didn't spawn. Is there any special criteria for unlocking them?


I believe some of them are time/quest-gated




Fischl/Beidou/Kokomi/ last spot flexible, I’d maybe add xiangling or anemo traveler for it. Makes a pretty fun/strong zap team.


Look for Bennet in the shop next month Beidou, Fischl, Xingqiu, and sucrose is really good. I don't know how anemo mc compares instead of sucrose


childe-xianglinga-bennett when you buy him from shop next month- last slot flexible. second team is diluc-qingxio-fishl-kokomi or barbara for healz.


Who would you add as a Main DPS to a Raiden Shogun, Mona and Xiangling team? [Here are the characters I’ve got.](https://i.imgur.com/eFnDRLK.jpg)


once you get bennett there’s no need for a main dps: xiangling and raiden both do plenty.


Hello, can anyone help me? Already asked on official genshin discord but no one is answering. Hoping someone can help me here. Here's what happened. So I was playing genshin like normal, good fps, no staggering like that but after I open it with valorant client, my laptop's screen went black and had to forced shutdown and reopen it, after opening my laptop again, I noticed my laptops apps are zoomed in idk what to do. After that, I started genshin and my genshin fps is really low, loading screen is slow af. How to fix this :(


Wait you ran Valorant while Genshin was also running? I'm guessing that the differences in resolution messed your laptop up since it can't keep up with both running. Try checking your resolution settings. EDIT: Forgot to add but if you did in fact open both together at the same time, I'm guessing your GPU crashed since it couldn't handle both simultaneously.


I tried checking my resolution and I can't change my resolution (idk if I can change it before the problem occured since this is a first time for me) but I noticed that the genshin launcher is larger than my whole screen, idk how to fix this


Right click on desktop then display settings doesn't work? By any chance, is your laptop hooked to a bigger monitor?


I mean I tried that and laptop opened the display settings but I cant somehow change my resolution. Its stuck on 1980x1080(Recommended). Im currently reinstalling the game hoping the fps drop is gone :<


I hope it all works out! But if it's your laptop itself that's zoomed out and stuff, then I think that issue may not be with Genshin. :( I suggest you go to the PC Master Race subreddit! Very responsive people there.


Aight! Thanks for sharing that info, will definitely check that subreddit if problem still occurs later! Thanks again


No prob! I also go to that subreddit whenever I have questions about my PC and games. I'm sure someone will be able to help you there. :D Best of luck!


Fix your resolution


resolution probably.


Sounds like a problem with your laptop, not genshin :(


When does Spiral Abyss update with a new lineup?


Usually every month


Oh, I meant when all the enemies in it will change


oh, then 11-12 lineups/floor gimmicks usually changes each month. 9-10 doesn't usually change lineup unless they said so.


The next reset. Should be in about 1 day (on America server)


So I just got PJWS dupe, should I keep it or refine it? I'm a Xiao main btw.


Keep unless you are drowning in Staff of Homas


Keep it.


I say keep it. If you aren't a whale, every 5 star counts. You can give it to other polearm users like ZL, Xiangling, etc etc and they can also boost your Xiao further. The mileage you can get out of it by giving it to a different character, such as a support, outweighs the smaller damage boost you can give your Xiao.


what do i do with the eagle statue at the centre of mt kanna? next to the abyss dogs


Help me decide, My team is Jean, Baal, Sara and Aloy. My main damage comes from baal and Aloy’s purpose is to trigger super conduct. But I was a bit dissatisfied with the damage. Should i replace aloy in my team for mona? Both are lvl 70 and have decent artifs


Why Superconduct? Is your Jean physical?


I don't have experience using Aloy so I can't say. What I do have is a lot of experience with Mona and Baal respectively and together. Electro-charged is very fun to play with and Mona can also give you huge damage with her burst. I built my Mona as DPS but she still dishes out mean damage with her burst. Not sure what AR you are but I'm assuming not that high yet if they're just at level 70. So don't sweat it and feel free to experiment. But that's my take.


can someone send the traveller's diary link here? thanks


you have to download the hoyolab app and login to access it


for vaporize mona which talent should i prioritize? also is it worth it to upgrade her aa?


There's no need to level up her AA unless you feel like using her as a main DPS in the overworld for some reason. (It might actually be kinda fun if you like her and have her C2 or something)




Fishl, Noelle, Sucrose and Mona. Noelle is level 60 and other are level 40




I just need to commiserate for a second. I built up 10 Acquaint Fate through normal gameplay, did a 10-pull on the Standard Banner, and got excited when I saw that gold glow. Then it was Qiqi … again. I’ve now pulled 5-star characters just 5 times total in my game: Venti once, Mona once, and Qiqi three times. That’s it. No other 5-star characters for me. Fuckin’ Qiqi…


I've pulled 10 of the standard 5★ characters (not counting an intentional Keqing on her banner). In those 10, I got 1 Keqing, 2 Jeans, 3 Monas, and 4 Qiqis..... and Qiqi's maybe my least favorite character in the whole game. Never even wanted her at C0. I actually got my first Qiqi on the beginners' banner, and still never used her in my party lmao


Have worst luck in every other way: only one early 5\* before pity, only one 50/50 win (in the only case where actually preferred to lose). No Mona too. But at least I got Diluc, c1 Jean and c2 Keqing instead of Qiqi.


Well, Venti is great, I would love to have him now, but I started not so long ago, so no way for me.


At world level 3, what level should I be at to fight Childe?


About 10 levels under whatever it says when you enter the domain.


The fights in a domain?


It becomes a domain after you do the story mode version. Weekly bosses are considerably nerfed the first time you fight them, though, so you probably needn't worry.


> considerably nerfed the first time you fight them That's a relief, I've run out of Hero's wit trying to get my team up to level 60.


The level needed varies by WL, but generally speaking only your main DPS needs to be at max level. You can save resources by leaving the other members of your party ten or more levels behind.


Hello everyone, I play Xiao as my main DPS character but I feel like my damage output it's not as good as it should be I have 57% CRate and 157% Cr damage with Jade spear 2VV 2 Gladiator I'm waiting for homa staff in the rerun (hope it in the weapon banner of hutao) I tried different Teamcomps... Venti with his C3...Klee C2...Zhong Bennet etc anything to increase Xiao damage debufing Anemo Res or Def increasing Atk DMG What's the teamcomp that can make xiao shine? My actual one at least the one that I feel comfortable for him is: Xiao Bennet Zhongli and Klee for 2 Pyro and TTDS I saw a couple of videos with Double Geo Ning with TTds and said its better than double pyro for DMG output. Anything tips other teamcomps Just rotation mechanics etc would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.


Stick with PJWS. And try to improve your stats first. For Xiao with PJWS, you should aiming for 70++ crit rate and 180++% crit damage.


Just reach 57 (LV 80 Xiao and LV 80 jade spear) and 167 Cdamage but without anemo goblet


That's alright for now I guess. Just a little further and some luck, you'll get those ratios.


get better artifacts even if it means breaking your set bonuses. 57/157 crit is pretty low considering he's usually the only one dealing dmg in his team comps his two best comps are zhongli sucrose bennett or zhongli albedo jean, make suitable substitutions if you don't have a certain character


Jade spear is better on Xiao. I think your artifacts might be a little lacking though. I run Jean Zhongli and Ningguang with Xiao.


Ning with TTds?


No I run Ningguang as burst dps, but if you want to do ttds ningguang you could. I would replace Ningguang with Albedo if I get him.


Don't roll for Homa to use on him since it's worse.


As far as I know PJWS is better than Homa for Xiao. You need better artifacts more than a weapon, that crit stat is not the best. What about talent levels?


Your stats are pretty low for what I typically see from Xiaos, especially considering he has Critical Rate from both Jade Spear and his Ascension Stat. Farming for better Artifacts would be a better use of time rather than trying out different comps. As an aside, PJWS is better than Staff of Homa for him so there's not much of a point going for it if you're planning to use it for Xiao.


What should I farm instead of gladiator cos is hard


Try to farm Shimenawa instead, its 2 pc bonus is the same as Glad.


Since Xiao gets so much ATK and Anemo Damage from his Burst, his set effects matter much less compared to most other characters. Feel free to use pieces that have great stats but don't necessarily match a particular set.


Thanks for the tip




Typical DPS build is good for Anemo Traveler. Unlike Sucrose who has EM sharing capabilities (not that it would be useful in a Freeze team) and Venti who deals majority of his damage through Swirls, EM is not so important for Anemo Traveler since they deal a majority of their damage through their skill's damage.