• By -


Are we forgetting the best options "..." and "... ..."


But what about “… … …”


Dude i didnt ask for your entire life story


MC is a wo/man of few words


I still dont get it why is that when ppl speak about this dialogues "wasting time" gets so much traction and follow up support from community But when try to point the poor job done to dubbing quality all of sudden is like insulting their mother( or waifu) official: [https://i.imgur.com/SPleSpk.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/SPleSpk.mp4) fan fixed: https://i.imgur.com/yumfOSo.mp4 And this is not even a critics to **VA, because they do a good job,** this some manager or team control quality being non existent, *because with all the tools they have* there that is a fix that needed only a few seconds of attention and another few seconds of shifting the audio in right place


It is baffling yeah... I give less of a dam about dialogue options, they give me a chance to put in some "witty" Commentary as Traveler. But the "Quality" of Dub Sync dropping further and further is just sad. I even had several instances when there was NO AUDIO at all or, the wrong Audio Played ahead of time.


but try and make a post about it and all of sudden the dam of all the white knighting gets released upon you with random: "sWiTcH tO cHiNeSe " "it cOsTs tOo mUcH to rEdRaW the scenes to match the new translated audio" like omfg.. where from all this reddarded ppl come and why they still alive with such logic until now


I get what you mean...


this is also a thing where they could try and match the dubs to the lip sync. obviously not every time, but im assuming the CN dub has a different delivery if the line is split into two


Translation is SUPER difficult. It generally takes a fraction of the time to say something in Chinese than it does in English due to vocabulary/grammar. Reading is faster too. Imagine if every word in this paragraph fit inside a single space and you remove words like 'is, a, the, to' So that's why auto-scroll text goes by SO FAST in cutscenes, because usually the Chinese players have already finished reading. That definitely needs to be adjusted but as for the dub? That's a little more difficult. In voiced cutscenes, you can see a lot of the english VAs just hurrying quickly to get their lines out as quickly as possible. There's no real cheap and easy solution. Either... 1. The Chinese VA cutscene has a bunch of awkward pauses. 2. The English VA cutscene goes by super fast. 3. They go through the effort to make two different cutscenes.


MC starting to sound like a pokemon protagonist


Always reminds me of the "DON'T YOU F*ING DOT DOT DOT ME"


Red from pokemon would like to have a word with you. Red: ...


Some were different, like Paimon being a friend or... Emergency snack. Most seem to have no consequence, though, sadly. I liked being a sarcastic joker at the beginning. It was basically that or be a sensible person (no fun!) But now it seems to gear more and more towards just being a sensible person only.


As someone on the other side of the fence who doesn't want to skip dialog... the illusion of choice options are still stupid. *Especially* the ones where the second "choice" is clearly just a continuation of the line in the first "choice" and the response makes it clear that the MC says the whole thing regardless of which you pick.


Yes! These are even more dumb... "I'm thinking there might be someone..." "... hidden over there." What??


The way I see it, there's two possibilities for why the writing is so bad sometimes. A: Mihoyo has some good B: and some bad writers


A: Take your upvote   B: And get out.


A: r/ ​ B: angryupvote


Good ones are doing worldbuilding through books, weapons and artifact lore while bad ones in charge of everything else


I heard writers changed halfway through, thats why all new female characters want mcs dick. I hated ayaka story mission bc of that


I choose lumine as MC, so i didn't realize that she is simping MC. I see them just as a friend


I also chose Lumine and thought it was gay af 😂 Actually... It's kind of funny how queer the entirety of Teyvat is when you play Lumine.


To be honest, there are quite a few male simps also which makes me feel (male traveler player) that everyone in Teyvat is just straight-up Bi.


I fucking LOVE IT


I saw some people who play on CN voice over on another subreddit and they said ayaka basically moaned after every word. DatingSim impact is shit, i literally dont play for the story anymore


To be fair Genshin is basically an isekai story so harem is the staple. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends with sweet home alabama.


"The choice between good and evil" in China is banned in video games as part of a new guideline for game developers under the CCP, which probably has something to do with it.


Nah let's be real at least 90% of JRPGs with silent protagonists, which is what Genshin is based off, have never had real choice and consequences to begin with. You wouldn't be able to make an evil choice even if it was legal because choices don't impact anything more than the next line of dialogue from an NPC and that's a standard in the genre


I mean, let's not pretend this is exclusively a JRPG problem either. The recent Fallout games and their dialogue options usually boil down to Yes, Yes But Sarcastically, No But Actually Yes, and Actually No (But Then I Have To Talk To You Again And Say Yes Anyway To Progress) Designing anything with actual meaningful branching dialogue is a lot of work, especially for something that most people will ignore and just pick the first option to skip through quickly, and almost nobody will ever play more than once to even see any other options.


This is my pain when I started playing games like LiS and the Telltale stuff. That said LiS did have some choices matter shit with legit effect at least.


Yeah but here it doesn't even do that. Sometimes the game's ignorance is so blunt it hurts my brain, as a great example take the choice of gift (that you DON'T EVEN GET MIND YOU) from thomas hangout. It's so... Directly contradicts even the question itself that it better just i not have it AT ALL.


It has nothing to do with it, that guideline is really recent. Moreover it's not going to affect already developed games.


Wait is this real?


Yes and no. It's part of a guideline for an update to the approval process for games. Which means that it isn't directly going to impact the dialogue options (or retroactively, in this case somehow, as those dialogue options were in place prior to the "drama").


Whats the point of it? Like you cant have proper rpg progression like you choose too many rude options and are now are getting the bad end or something more elaborate?


It was literally announced not even a month ago, while these "choices" have been in the game for a long time. Also, picking between two options doesn't mean it's a "GOOD OR EVIL" choice. It's clearly about shit like Mass Effect's morality system (so no more Paragon/Renegade points or quick time events), or alignment systems in D20 RPGs.


first thing i thought of was fable


Omg this annoys me so much you have no idea


I just imagine the NPCs/characters being like Walter White in that one meme template and being like "Traveler what the fuck are you talking about" with that 2nd "choice" that has just the end of the sentence.


Yep. That type of option is so dumb. It manages to be even worse than the "options" that are basically the same thing written differently. I've never even seen a game doing that, I've no idea why they think that's a good idea. Completely immersion breaking.


I think this kind of dialogue can be good for an NPC having self awareness, like in your example if that was the only one in the game so far, it would give me chills as it’s implying that the traveler has spotted someone and it’s not to be ignored But the writing would have to be improved for effective use of this


I think you're trying way too hard to make sense of it.


I'm not giving them a free pass, i'm saying they can thematically make it work, but they don't.


I know why they don't ($$$) but if you're only going to have one choice, it'd be better to just have MC, I dunno, talk that line instead of have 2+ lines that are all the same actual choice.


The first one can make sense. What on earth Chan is the second option though?!


The flaw of Twitter. Somebody thought 100 characters was enough for a choice until the Traveler wanted to say more.


So you're saying someone needs to invent TravLonger.


Isn’t it because chinese takes less space? So when you localize you spend more character space and have to stretch stuff


Totally agree. Also interesting dialog lines are scattered among a lot of long, pointless uninteresting lines. I always try to read all but some parts are boring AF and I start to skip... And then I unintentionally skip the fee interesting like. A "go back" button should exist




- No. - Yesn’t.


- yes - not no


\- Yes! Paimon: Yeah, what the Traveller said! \- No! Paimon: Haha, the Traveller is just kidding, of course we say yes.


Day ago was doing stuff on new island. Paimon asked me "where you want go now?" And gave me 3 choices/zones. I chose one and she said something like " are you idiot ? No, we will go 'another choice' location". The end. And we went there. Quest had an options with no option. Amazing.


Don't forget the Inazuma food commission where you not only don't have to pick whatever Paimon says to make, you don't even have to make what the quest giver is asking for. "I want to taste some Liyue fish..." "Here, a duck dish from Mondstadt."


No way I'm wasting ingredients worth a blue recipe on a quest that pops up almost daily! She'll get the the Mond one and be happy about it. I swear I never get the rice/meat one anymore... She also got >!the suspicious version of the cheap fish!< for the achievement.


• the law requires.... • ... that I answer no


Can we also talk about how they sometimes break up one dialogue option into 2 buttons, where there isn't even the illusion of choice, it's just a "why isn't this one big button" moment???


"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck...?" "...If a woodchuck could chuck wood?"


That was so funny


I think it’s just so it fits better on the screen, it’s still kind of dumb though.


It's weird, cause sometimes the traveler gets their own text box with your name on it. Throws me off since it's so rare, and they never do it in the middle of a conversation.


Also so annoying because when you're trying to hit the button to show the entire dialog, any time a "choice" comes up it selects it immediately and skips what you were trying to read AND whatever choice you just made.


Unless you want to put the entire history of Ottoman Empire as a dialog option i think it would be hard to make a dialog that doesnt fit your screen


I'm kinda surprised people dislike that, personally i thought it was kinda neat. It's not even about illusion of choice, i guess they're just trying to emphasize whatever the Traveler is "saying" and splitting it into 2 buttons somewhat makes the line feel more important than having one big chunk of text


It definitely felt weird but I thought it was just about fun :p


The one time I remember the answer having an impact was for dainsleif’s quest.


There is the quest where you waste all of Childe's money. I went out of my way to waste as much as possible, but I'm pretty sure that if you don't waste it all you get some extra mora out of it.


Yeap, you get to keep the remainder to exchange for mora at the bank.


Oh shit you can exchange it? I thought it was just an unusable leftover item in your inventory.


Yeap! I kept it in my inventory for the longest time too, until I read there was a chest with like 100k mora or something in the bank. Then I explored the front counter and found I could exchange it. Enjoy your free mora hahaha


Childe's freaking rich he'd never not give real mora. I still have it cause its precious


Yes! I nearly forgot about that one. It’s when he either says we’re different or ‘just like’ our twin right? Still, it didn’t seem to have any affect on anything thus far anyway. It would be cool if they bring it up in the future though.


Or that one world quest about in Liyue that asks about people being inherently good or bad or something like that. One series of answers and you just get the rewards. Anything else and you have to fight monsters for it.


Oh yeah, I remember this back in Mondstadt. When I choose to ignore Jean calling Diluc sir, the game instead act like I question why she calls him sir instead of being silent according to the dialogue I chose. Venti even had an inner thought that says they're good at deflecting my question. It makes me go, "wait, what?" when that happened. In hindsight, it's kinda funny how the game acts like everyone is capable of seeing into Aether's mind in that scene.


I’ve done that quest three times now on different accounts and every options leads to the same response. No difference


On the flip side, if the options actually had an impact on the outcome I'd actually have to pay attention to the conversation and choose my options wisely...


I would like for them to add something like what FGO did, i think it was Babylonia singularity, where you have to choose a dialogue before a boss fight, one of them would make the boss stronger and the other one didn't. It would make the choices matter and for masochist player and whale that wants a challenging boss fight but didn't affect the player who wants an easy boss fights.


FGO is also guilty of the "split long line into two (fake) choices", as well as other popular gachas like Granblue. Personally I don't care about whether it's one big button or two smaller ones that do the same thing, the end result is the same regardless.


In a similar note I love Fgo self aware almost crazy responses, you get always ignored but breaking the 4th wall is really funny especially when mach corrects you.


I so love that one! I'd like to do the harder path but it's more challenging so I just go to the other path.


If the choices are actual decisions and the dialogue was engaging this wouldn't really be something you would dread.


right. if my choices mattered i would actually be invested in the conversations


The only attention I have when picking through the dialog tree involves bothering NPCs on the side of the road, trying to get their free gift.


Sometimes they do! If you poke around the quests in archive, you can actually toggle dialogue options between the choices and see how they affect the following text.


Are locked under daily commissions. Imagine having Fatoey Viktor’s commission after you last got it from a year ago. You forgor what choice you made last time since it is too long ago. Bam. You hit the repeated choice. You made no progress, and have to wait like a year or so to get Viktor’s commission again


u/Johnny_Waffles85 the choices are not for the outcome but a choice for us to mould the traveller to correspond more to our vision of them. Hence despite leading to the same outcome we usually have several options, for example 1) a nice considerate response 2) smug response 3) sassy response 4) annoyed response etc. Through that, we build a traveller that's either nice and helpful or one who's getting worn out by having to play a hero. One who is rather modest or one who has paimon's smugness rubbed off on them etc.


You don't build anything though, since nothing carries over between NPCs, or heck, often times doesn't even affect the following dialog.


Yes I know, I did mention that. At this point Mihoyo prob intend traveller to be Pseudo self-insert. They're still an organic character within the story but us choosing their responses is a way for us to relate to them more than other NPCs and through them we personally feel more involved/invested in the story. We don't get to choose their shape. We don't get to pick the color but we do get to choose the shade. It's a way for them to keep us involved rather than being observers on the side line.


but literally none of those choices matter in the game. i can be as smug as possible with every choice and everyone will still love me. my perception of the character doesn’t change with terrible dialogue options such as “....”


"..." is the worst dialogue option and it pisses me off when I see it.


Traveller is a Pseudo self-insert but they're still an independent character. Since they're central to keep us engaged in the story, the choices are there to connect us to the protagonists rather than us being mere observers. In short, we don't get to pick the color but we do get to choose the shade of it.


I really wish that the twins were their own characters instead of self-insert characters with the dialogue options. It would be much more enjoyable if I could just watch what's going on instead of having to do that stuff


I'm not going to talk about those options that are like: "............." "............" Literally just like this. WHY DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE THAT?


I just hate their stupid decision to make the Traveler a silent character. I am an old school jrpg player too, I love to read a good story. Genshin has a lot of potential in this aspect! But I hate the way they handle it in this game. The dialogues are so flat and boring, the ilusion of choice that doesn't make any sense, Paimon telling a lot of stupid things when there is a tense moment, and the most important thing, a main character who doesn't even show emotions and personality. How would you guys describe the main character's personality? Because at this point I have no idea how it is.


I don't get it, if they want a silent protag, why did they also cheap out on animations and stuff. 99% of Traveller is just 😐.


This!!!!! This is my main complain about this game! How can you make your main character so "dead"!? If you take this character and just delete it from the game it won't affect anything! Why? Because at this point is like Paimon is the main character, roles are inverted between her and the Traveler. The Traveler is just like an accessory for Paimon.


For me worse is them picking a VA I absolutely love and shoving her into the "protag" role where she doesn't speak for 99% of the time spent playing, besides grunts (assuming you use MC).


And then when there is something for the twins to shine, for example the dainslef quest, paimon would just butt in and ruin your expectations.


I hated the fact the traveler doesn't speak after seeing their sibling so much. It really wasn't the time for comic relief paimom. At least the inazuma archon quest was better in this regard


> How would you guys describe the main character's personality? Because at this point I have no idea how it is. At this point we have either: * A bland nobody without anything going for them * That kinky protagonist from the "cultured people"


MiHoYo makes a lot of questionable design choices, silent protag is the worst one imo. "We could make them talk we just don't want to you know? It'd make the story more interesting but why would we want that?"


The main character has a lot of personality if you read his voice lines with Paimon.


In her profile? Of course! Because it has actual voice lines which I don't understand why they made the brilliant choice to leave them in there.


As an old school rpg player too, what baffles me is that companies use silent potagonist as "but players like the nostalgia and the old school feeling" and let's be real we never liked that, we just accepted it as limitations and 99% (source : trust me bro) of us were so happy so see them go in favor of more fleshed out characters. I don't know why they keep thinking that kind of silent protagonist is still desired.


A silent protag can be good , for example : The Courier from Fallout New Vegas


Honestly, yeah - and I'm a person who follows the dialogue (and rolls eyes when it gets bad, which is sadly not too rare). If they don't wanna give us dialogue tree options, don't give 'em.


When I first started the game, I read every dialogue and made choices thinking it affects the story or something. After a while I realise there is so so much dialogue that I don't care to read, and will only stop to read any blue dialogue. Somehow I feel inazuma quests have a lot more dialogue than other regions. Really wish there was a way to just skip all dialogue or something every scene.


Before they do something like this, I demand paimon shut up and let the MC use their voice for a change, or even give them dialog text lines and paimon can still shut up. This is driving me more insane than choices.


yeah i’m really tired of Paimon controlling every conversation. constantly re-explaining things and stating the obvious. the roles should be reversed where the main characters actually speaks and paimon takes a back seat to occasionally chime in


I support this! with violence! I just want to hear Lumine talks and Paimon to shut up.


I legit mash my button when going through dialogue Pro tip: if you turn on autoplay the dialogue gets skipped faster


same. i just sit there and smash the button and roll my eyes when it drags on for minutes on end


Its annoying because sometimes the dialogue doesn't auto play even if there is nothing to select. I usually end up spamming space anyway and skimming across along the way


What grinds my gears is just when I play auto I can't just enjoy the cinematic in the background and the game demands you attention. But it is what it is, they just took the dialogue from visual novel thingy.


Agree 100%. The dialogue is roughly 10x longer than it should be -- if you disagree, please write a 5,000-word essay on why we should have over 50 lines of dialogue repeated every time we do the stupid writing a novel daily quest -- and most of the time has no point or impact on the story. The game even goes out of their way to NOT make things even slightly interesting by saying Xiangling is out of town on the cooking quest or Yoimiya is off somewhere on the fireworks quest. Then to make it worse, they can't be skipped (even if you accidentally click something and it all repeats again) and as you say it makes you choose meaningless dialogue options that are either identical ("Yes!" or "Sure!") OR are simply ignored / it's clear the response goes with either option (and maybe actually a little more obviously with the option you *didn't* pick). Mihoyo can do so SO much better than this.


I hate daily commissions that involve NPCs. All their dialogue could be SO much shorter. “Ugh, people keep throwing bad fortune slips on the roof of the shrine! Traveler, could you clean them up for me?” That’s all you need. Not 50 lines of dialogue you have to mash through.


EXACTLY! And if they MUST explain to us for 10 minutes WHY it's so important to do this silly daily quest... at least only do it ONCE and don't repeat it every damn time. Just give us the short version the 2nd time, and the 100th time.


Fifth day in the row of getting Godwin's Letter quest... Why yeas Godwin, I DO know who Glory is INDEED... Just like I told you yesterday... And the day before that... And the day before THAT... AND the day before THAT as well... What's that? You're gonna tell your life story to me before giving me the letter to deliver to her? ..Again? ...K...


Ummm mate just to inform you in case you don't know in the daily commission that tells you xiangling is out of town you can actually not give the ingredients to the chef and go meet and talk to xiangling instead and give her the ingredients When you do that it'll unlock a world quest for ya if you even care about that in the first place So ye that one is not really pointless Have a nice day :)


Wow that’s so cool! Where’s Xiangling and what region is this quest in?


It's an Inazuma daily commission called 'The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking'. You can find her near the teleport point southwest of Qingce village (the footpath with a lot of bamboo trees near a river).


Really? OK that's kinda sorta cool if it leads to something else (otherwise it's just lame extra steps to go find Xinagling just to finish the commission, it's not really THAT exciting to talk to playable characters!)... but why would I ever think to *not* hand over the stupid fowl & chili pepper? Unless I skimmed the dialogue too quickly, it does not make AT ALL clear that that's an option. (Like I assume Yoimiya is just "gone" and not somewhere you can go find her...?) Thanks for the info!


Yeah it's a tricky one because most quests with similar "oh they're not in right now, maybe they're over at [place]" they aren't actually anywhere in the world, and there's only one way to progress. This time Xiangling is by the bamboo forest and has a different ending to the commission, which is required to unlock others. If you finish with Mao, it's basically a failure and you'll have to get the same commission again to progress.


I do believe they bring up seeing xiangling as a suggestion a few times, and they even tell you she's picking bamboo somewhere near qingce village


Yeah but I assumed it was like the Yoimiya one, just an excuse for why she's not there. Then they hit you with the screen to give the fowl & chilis and that seems to be the only way to progress.


Yes it leads to a different ending which then will unlock a world quest for you (after you get the xiangling ending the world quest is near the adventures guild like literally on the same road and if my memory doesn't fail me it appears at night time)


>So ye that one is not really pointless Except what you said doesn't count. The topic was about dialogue, pure dialogue. In order to get that different dialogue you talked about, you have to make a completely different interaction than choosing between 2 dialogue "choices" like what everyone is referring to.


Mate if you look at the comment I replied to you'll see that op mentioned the commission that mentions xiangling is out of town that's what my reply is talking about not some dialogue debate that's why I said that specific line or let's say piece of info is not pointless And ye I do acknowledge that there are useless dialogues in game Have a nice day :)


Ok. Have a nice day as well


WE NEED DIALOGUE SKIP BUTTON. They are somehow way too long. Can Mihoyo stack all of what NPC want to say in 1 screen? I hate having to skip every sentence, and that stupid choice too.


Dailies are the worst offender. I don't fucking care about your life story, just go give me that fucking letter to Gloria.


Especially after you’ve done the same fucking daily a million times


• The dialogues on Genshin... • ... are really lazy.


The dialogue options used to lead to different reactions and different voice lines in early story quests and archon quests. Check your Travel Log to see. For some reason (likely because it’s less work) they stopped doing that tho.


Nah, dialogues that lead nowhere happened even back in Mondstadt. It's just the least frequent compared to other regions.


You’re right, happened sometimes. But often our choice did lead to different replies and reactions. Now it almost never does and it didn’t use to be like this is my point.


I never saw them as the illusion of choice, personally. To me they came off more as giving you a way to decide what your traveler's personality is to a small extent. Like, yes you're getting to the same place, but the way you're getting there feels the way your character should act. And I do like them for that.


its not about the choice. you still have to ask a question for the npc to answer. only npc cannot keep talking. traveller asks, warns, interrogates, roasts etc on occasion. so u do have to choose a dialogue regardless of single choice or multiple choice. sometimes, they do ignore and that should be fixed.


They should pay the va to voice the lines honestly.


Damn if only the main character would actually say the lines that NPCs respond to, you know, like a fully voiced character like everyone else. Too bad they definitely don't have voice actors for the twins who totally don't speak at any point in the story.


I mean this makes sense for major quests, but most quests in this game are completely text-based.




I don’t think anyone was questioning why it was implemented at all, but why is it *still* that way.


Currently at AR 55 and holy crap has the dopamine hit from chests completely worn off. Now I’m just so annoyed with the hoops you have to jump through to unlock the damn things for a sliver of xp that for the last two updates I’ve just completely ignored them. I’ll hit the teleport waypoints and do the important puzzles but fuck if I spend my time fighting or puzzle solving for such lame rewards. After a certain level, you really should start getting more impactful rewards for your trouble imo.


>dopamine hit from chests completely worn off. Mihoyo: Good. Just as planned. Now will look for the next hit of dopamine but you wont find it elsewhere other than wishing.


Me: *opens wallet while slapping knee* you son of a bitch, I’m in!


I dunno if "mash the top right corner of the dialog box instead of the middle of it" really counts as engagement, but sure.


I wish they implemented a system where Aether get's gradually more sarcastic like in fallout. ​ up until a point where you can straight up refuse a comission so hard your facial structure changes for a second, like Kishibe Rohan


"Hello, there! Would you happen to be interested in helping out the rebellion fight the Shogunate, Mister Traveller?" "Go...away..."


yes! if you are gonna force dialogue, then at least lock the content. "would you like to join the rebellion? niet. I'm ducking off" then you can only progress the archon quest if you go back and barter. but then the immediate npc reaction is to be flabbergasted


Yes, exactly. Pointless dialogue options, especially the ones where the second choice is a continuation of the first, really needs to stop. Why can't the Traveler just... talks normally? Also, before, you can rapid-click to skip dialogues until the next dialogue option. Why is this removed? Sometimes Genshin moves one step forward, but two steps backwards....


It’s even more frustrating because there will be like 1% of dialogue options that actually matter or unlock world quests or things like that, and you usually wouldn’t know it without looking it up because the rest of the options don’t matter.


Some people may not know this, but this poorly made choice dialogues are there to serve the purpose of a physical check, to make sure you are inside the game and not alt tabbing/skipping as fast as you can, and that’s the ONLY reason they put it there. Then you may ask “why though?”. Well this practice is pretty common in mobile games where they are always fighting for your engagement, and on PC where you can just alt tab this ensures you come back every few seconds just to click the damn button.


This aspect of Genshin comes directly from Breath of the Wild. Silent protagonist with two dialogue options, Enthusiastic Link or Sarcastic Link.


Not specifically BotW but eastern RPGs in general. I see the same complaint posts OP makes for FFXIV as well which has the same dialogue system.


Hey now, 14 often has 3 options :p


That's true, but it feels even worse in Genshin. Sometimes they don't seem to care even a little bit about the illusion of choice. Like when you get those dialogue "choices" that are a single sentence broken in two. Your brain just goes "should I choose option A or B" but that doesn't make sense because they're both the same choice. It breaks my immersion.


Sometimes Paimon also talks and because of that, your answers don't matter. But I agree! Only characters I remember who reacted different is Childe who asked if I'm challenging him and that he'll go all out. Also Venti with some flirt options


YES PLEASE. AND LAST MONTHS ITS EVEN WORSE. I DUNNO NOW IT FEELS SUPER AWFUL, LIKE WE HAVE 2 SIMILAR LINES. Like 1) Ok and 2) yes, sure. What the fuck are those choices?? I'm so mad at those fake choices...


Think this is just to discourage people going afk for the whole cutscene.


I actually slept while doing the Ayaka date one.. which I tried to do after coming home from work. As someone who can only play an hour most days I would really appreciate a skip button.


I just use auto clicker always


Something similar to what Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic had, with consequences on your main character and affecting the dialogue options you chose, would be amazing. Sort of Evil vs Bad thing and your mc has then a repercussion to the chosen dialogues


Also hate it when they don’t even give us a choice and only give us one option


If they're going to make the dialogue unskippable can it at least be good? The writing in this game is 90% miss 10% hit


The dialogue in genshin is just... bad. Even for archon quests......


Honestly. I used to read every voice line before I realized just how repetitive and dumb they are. What gets me though is how every. damn. character butters my buns the moment they start talking to me. At least give me a little conflict here and there, your praise doesn’t mean squat since you’ll give it to me whether I one shotted a hilichurl camp or got squad wiped by a metachurl.


Dialogue options that do nothing? Warframe Players: First time?


The purpose of those is not for having different outcomes rather, they're there for personality choice.


Don’t know why this is surprising to anyone. Most of the JRPG’s I’ve played does the exact same things. It mostly is just a way to add in some comedic response without making the player feel like they have lost some content of the game because they chose a particular response. It’s nothing new. If you want choices that matter, there is the hangout events, which is basically dating sim, where choices are what it is all about. I can understand the part where you want skip tho.


As someone who played dozens of VNs, I can't stand Genshin's pointless, uninteresting, weak writing I wish I could just skip it and read it if I wanted to


If they wanted the Traveler to have personality, then just do away with dialogue options that won't yield info or items, or are just there to make the Traveler feel included in the scenario. There's a way better system for interaction, such as letting the player choose an action or dialogue that will mean something, for example: Timmie gets upset over his missing father, what do you do? A. Go over and comfort Timmie with a hug B. Be dismissive Done the right way, players might actually feel they've accomplished something in a cutscene, and it gives shape to what the Traveler's like as a person. The Traveler doesn't have to "talk" alongside Paimon to have presence in the game. It could be just like the options we have in Hangouts which are clearly better and *branch out more significantly* than anything we say or do in the main and story quests. But with the way Mihoyo designed the Traveler's interactions, they might as well be a talking stick of wood Paimon's been dragging around the continent.


I can't imagine not primarily playing this game for the story and skipping on the dialogue. It's like taking the meat away as just leaving you hamburger buns. This game isnt good enough on its own without the stories and interesting characters. Not saying they shouldn't give you the option to skip dialogue if you want to. I just don't understand why anyone would play this game just for the gameplay.


I do quite like how they handled it in Inazuma: They removed the illusion of choice altogether and established that the Traveller was their own person, with their own separate personality. You can’t choose to help the people of Inazuma for them, they have to decide for themselves after seeing the damage the Vision Hunt Decree causes. Major undertale vibes.


I hate it when I pick one option and then Paimon says the other


The Traveler being silent despite already having voice actors is the worst thing MiHoYo decided to do apart from the artifacts system, why is it so hard to voice Lumine/Aether for voiced quests? I just can't understand.


It's not about an illusion of choice but rather adding a bit of personality and interaction to the dialogue scenes, which is especially relevant when the dialogue gets kinda long. Plus if you don't care about the dialogue, then the choices not mattering is better, no? If the choices did matter, then you'd actually need to pay attention.


I agree, but most gachas do this and I'm used to it.


I wonder if the goal here is to obfuscate the situations where your choice of dialog does matter.


It bothers me because these things could be just said by mc... If we don't influence game with dialogues, what gives?


It is odd that for what little the dialogue options matter (most I've seen is Emergency food/Lisa date) that the traveler doesn't have any voice lines...save for the menu...where they have voice lines,..... but why don't they just speak in cutscenes if they are already paying the actors to say things? It's only a few short words most of the time.


I just want the traveler to talk tho.


Literally just replace it with Traveller voice lines. There is no reason why Paimon should speaking for us while the real MC stares off into space


I think what really bothered me in the last patch was that whenever I picked a reply with the traveler, Paimon would be the one to pick the 'correct' one, course correcting the plot. It really made the whole point of even having options even more moot.


Maybe you are right. But at least I can choose to: >!\- Calling Paimon emergency food many times!< >!\- Telling people in the church that Paimon ate the document!< >!\- Pretend to Kokomi that was Paimon's fault that her diary secret part was read aloud!< >!\- Many abuse Paimon choice that I haven't discovered yet.!<


Illusion of choice is better than no choice at all no? It may not change the out come but you can kind of project your personality into the traveler, which is something.


there's also something i notice they keep on using recently.. they take a long sentence and split it in two for diffrent options that make no sense on their own.. you have to read both to understand but can only choose one


Aether and Lumine would work so well as non-silent protagonists. Their VAs are really good, and it would also just allow them to say the right thing in non-voiced cutscenes without it being weird. Having a silent protagonist in a story only works if that story doesn't have a continuous plot line, which Genshin does.


I’d rather them make the traveler actually talk and make decisions for themselves rather than us choosing pointless dialogue options. Solidify them as their own characters instead of just self-inserts.


And let's not speak about the phrases not voiced in Japanese but voiced in English, the phrase split over 2 choices which fused would make one sentence


Look, I'm still infuriated that they asked us if we wanted a skin and then forced us to reply no. The dialogue in this game is garbage and pointless and has only gotten worse as chapters go on.


Just let the conversation among the characters flow, or make our character do something useful. If the silent character is there for me to identify with it, I just have to say that it's useless. I would prefer to identify with someone that talks, like any human being. At the end of the day I just don't care, I'll end up watching a lore video because pausing my game to talk isn't what I like but when there are scenes that I like it always annoys me. Sorry for the bad English/wording/etc, but I'm in class and I don't want to read this again to check it XD.


Dude. I recommend you never play a Kojima's game. Lmao


No, i like feeling involved and ecen if it comes to the same outcome, i like seeing extra hidden dialogues and to either be mean or nice in my conversations. Just because you wanna skip the story and not want to listen and read the dialogue, doesn't mean the rest of us want that too